nilbog-astrology · 8 years
Things I like about the signs
aries: you stand up for what you believe in, you don’t take shit from anybody, you’re mentally and physically strong, and you know how to have a good time. all you have to do is look at someone and they’ll feel special, you treat people with respect, i really appreciate that. and you have really cute laughs too, it’s so contagious! you also have an amazing sense of humor. you’re not aggressive at all, you’re actually the biggest sweethearts ever. you’re not afraid to speak up when you need to, and you stick up for those that need it, especially the ones you love. you’re very open and if you’re mad about anything you definitely won’t hide it, you’re very straightforward. 
taurus: your eyes, you all somehow have super nice eyes no matter what the color. you’re passionate af, and you will fight for what you want. you’re super great people and conversations with you truly never get boring. you’re the kind of person i would want to have netflix marathons and pizza with. you listen but you don’t judge (only when you feel it’s necessary.) you’re very set on your opinions, and you stand by them no matter what people say, i admire that. you may be bossy sometimes but that’s just because you like when things are done right. you’re beautiful, inside and out. you never have trouble making decisions, because you know exactly what you want. 
gemini: you always know what to say to make people feel better, and you’re always so happy, it’s so cute. i really don’t know why you guys have such a bad rep? you’re one of the most loyal, trustworthy people i know. you’re super sweet and you care about people so much. you’re also so fun to be around, and going to parties with you is always a blast. you always have something to say so talking to you is never boring. you protect those you love no matter what. you’re extremely smart and talented. it is so easy to be your friend because you’re so sociable. you listen to people’s problems and you give the best advice anyone can ask for. 
cancer: you are a beautiful cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure. you are always there for people when they need you, you’re so sweet. but people underestimate you, you are not a baby that cries all the time, you are so strong, you just feel things a little more than others. you know so much about so many things. you hate arguing with anyone, you will always try to avoid any fighting. you always want people to feel comfortable around you, you enjoy seeing others happy. you like to offer advice to those who need it, and you’re so approachable. you are very honest and so forgiving (but you never forget.) you’re very hardworking and you treat everyone equally. 
leo: you’re all such cuties oh my god. you bring out the best in everyone and you care so much about people. you’re easily hurt because you give it your all, whether it be relationships or friendships, you’re extremely loyal and you don’t like it when people let you down. you make me laugh all the time, you’re all so funny. also you’re so hot?? and you know it?? amazing. i would trust you guys with all my secrets because i know you won’t go around telling anybody. you make every boring situation exciting, and that’s why people love being around you so much, you can easily be the life of the party. you are so talented, smart, and hardworking, you deserve the best.
virgo: gosh, i can talk to you guys for hours! you’re so so smart and you’re always thinking of new things to do. you encourage people to be the best they can be. you’re so loving and you care about people so much (even though you don’t really like to show it.) you’re all so easy to love because you’re such sweethearts. you make me so happy. you’re a very mentally strong person and you’re very hardworking. you always make me feel safe, and you’re extremely chill and cool people. you’re very sociable people and you hate being alone, so you probably have a fair amount of friends, you’re not hesitant to give people what they need, because you’re so generous.
libra: such peaceful people, you know how to make everyone feel comfortable around you, and you’re amazing flirts. you hate when people fight and you try your best to avoid it. you hate arguing with the people you love, and you treat everyone equally. you love to socialize and you’re very trustworthy. you can be so sensitive but it’s just because you care so much about others. you dress extremely well, and you know how to take care of yourself. you keep yourselves together and you know what you’re about, you’re also always ready to help if someone is in need, you’re very unpredictable so that makes being around you very fun, and there is always something to talk about with you.
scorpio: you’re very quiet at first but when people get to know you, you have a lot to say and it’s interesting too. you’re amazing, hilarious people. you’re passionate, fearless and independent. you know how to have fun, and everyone is just drawn to your inner and outer beauty. you are someone i can trust because you know how to keep secrets. i can talk to you about anything and you will be so accepting about whatever it is. you’re very chill people and have really great personalities. you are so important, your words can make people think (it’s a good thing!) and you always do everything in your power to make things right, you like it when things are fair. 
sagittarius: you’re so adventurous and open to everything, it’s amazing. you stand up for what you believe in and you hate when people aren’t treated fairly. you’re the kind of person i can call in the middle of the night and go get ice cream with, or go for a midnight drive. you give everyone and everything a chance. you’re very funny and very smart. you are very cheerful and likable. you give off nice vibes and you’re actually very gentle people. you always know how to make people feel better no matter what their situation may be. conversations with you are always long and interesting. you are very loyal and generous, and you have great debating skills. 
capricorn: even though i don’t know many of you, the ones i do know are amazing, hilarious people. you give off the chillest vibes and you’re very down to earth. you can be sensitive but you don’t like to show it, and you’re all gorgeous, oh my god. i can always turn to you guys for support, and you always motivate people to do amazing things. you can be so easy to approach, and you’re very reliable. you don’t let peoples rude comments get to you, you’re a total badass. you’re so strong, both physically and mentally, i love how you like to learn and share your knowledge. you don’t like to follow, you’re a leader. you’re so good at everything you try, you’re so inspiring. 
aquarius: you’re all so different, i have never met an aquarius that acts like any other aquarius, you’re all truly unique. like a sagittarius, you are very adventurous. you’re also very open minded and you will fight for equality. never get into a debate with an aquarius, they will not stop until they’ve won. you stand up to people when they treat others badly and you always try to make a difference. your good ideas will take you far, you know exactly what you want and you don’t let others control you. sometimes you can be “intimidating” but you’re so friendly and love to meet new people. you’re fearless and you love to give everything a try, talking to you is always great. 
pisces: the cutest babies ever! you have amazing music taste, and you’re chill all the time. you’re the kind of person i would want to talk to all night, and get high with. you can be so easy to talk to because you don’t judge others. you always have a great input on things, and i love talking to you about hopes and dreams. you’re selfless and would do anything for the people you love. you’re so much more than just an “airhead.” you’re intelligent, and loyal. you love when things are peaceful and serene, you observe others carefully. you’re very trustworthy and you return the kindness others give you. you’re very sympathetic and you have an attractive personality. 
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nilbog-astrology · 9 years
winged eyeliner: aries, cancer, virgo, libra, sagittarius, pisces
red lips: taurus, gemini, leo, scorpio, capricorn, aquarius
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nilbog-astrology · 9 years
the signs as biomes
aries: alpine
taurus: prairie
gemini: tundra
cancer: ocean
leo: savanna
virgo: taiga
libra: tropical rainforest
scorpio: desert
sagittarius: grassland
capricorn: chaparral
aquarius: arctic
pisces: coral reef
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nilbog-astrology · 9 years
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nilbog-astrology · 9 years
also good for twitter headers lol
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made some simple backgrounds for each sign, hope you enjoy :-)
this is part one, here is part two
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nilbog-astrology · 9 years
Hii! Haha um well i have a crush on this guy. He's a scorpio(m) and I'm a pisces (f) and well we used to talk all the time and i told him i liked him and he told me he liked me as well but now we don't talk as much and its kinda sad, any advice on what i should do? P.s i love your blog đź’•!
i love this pairing :-) anyways, scorpios r known to be unpredictable but maybe he’s just scared? maybe he doesn’t know how to deal with his emotions???? if he’s playing games with you he’s not worth ur time anyways. so don’t be sad over a boy lmao :+)
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nilbog-astrology · 9 years
My crush is a Taurus, and as an Aquarius girl i find it really hard to show him i like him(AND HE'S SLOW AF). HELP????
i’m weak, okay so he’s not going to make the first move, that’s all on u. make sure you joke a lot and make him laugh. you have to act quick too, if u think he likes u, bc the moment might pass with him. hope it helps and sorry for the late reply!! here’s more about taurus crushes 
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nilbog-astrology · 9 years
very first impression of *Rising signs*
Aries- Ambitious, and funny
Taurus- Shy, and dorky
Gemini-Talkative, and cool
Cancer-Sweet, but secretive
Leo- Stunning, and smiles bright
Virgo- Reserved, and quiet
Libra- Nice, and charming
Scorpio- Seductive, and sarcastic 
Sagittarius- Funny, and laid back
Capricorn- Chill, and in order
Aquarius- Weird, but organized 
Pisces- Innocent, and cute
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nilbog-astrology · 9 years
If you...
"If you want me, earn me.": Scorpio, Capricorn, Taurus, Gemini
"If you love me, show me.": Aries, Leo, Cancer, Virgo
"If you know me, trust me.": Aquarius, Libra, Pisces, Sagittarius
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nilbog-astrology · 9 years
the signs' texting styles
aries: short and to the point
taurus: uses as little words as possible
gemini: no uppercase letter, sends a bunch of short messages at a time
cancer: uses proper grammar and spells things right, long messages
leo: texts how they talk
virgo: abbreviations to the max, either really long or really short messages
libra: texts you all their thoughts in a vague way
scorpio: asks a lot of questions, says weird and out of nowhere things
sagittarius: just "!!!!!"
capricorn: rarely texts but gets really into it when they do
aquarius: doesn't own a phone
pisces: deep shit, spells things wrong doesn't care
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nilbog-astrology · 9 years
best sign pairings as color combos
aries + sagittarius: honey + amethyst
taurus + cancer: olive green + dark turquoise
gemini + aquarius: mustard + light blue
leo + libra: mocha + rose pink
virgo + capricorn: light grey + mint
pisces + scorpio: sea green + deep red
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nilbog-astrology · 9 years
grown woman
i can be bad if i want: scorpio, sagittarius, aquarius
i can say what i want: gemini, libra, pisces
i can live fast if i want: aries, leo, virgo
i can go slow all night long: taurus, cancer, capricorn
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nilbog-astrology · 9 years
hotline bling
you and me we just don't get along: aries, cancer, leo, virgo, capricorn, aquarius
you make me feel like i did you wrong: taurus, gemini, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, pisces
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nilbog-astrology · 9 years
the astrology queen
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nilbog-astrology · 9 years
the signs as biomes
aries: alpine
taurus: prairie
gemini: tundra
cancer: ocean
leo: savanna
virgo: taiga
libra: tropical rainforest
scorpio: desert
sagittarius: grassland
capricorn: chaparral
aquarius: arctic
pisces: coral reef
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nilbog-astrology · 9 years
hotline bling
you and me we just don't get along: aries, cancer, leo, virgo, capricorn, aquarius
you make me feel like i did you wrong: taurus, gemini, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, pisces
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nilbog-astrology · 9 years
mtl likely to enjoy sport
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