moonie-scape · 2 years
The Brothers thoughts on an MC who is an artist pt.2
“Could you draw this character from *insert book title here* ??”
Mans is an art appreciator 100%
Will take you to several Devildom art museums and galleries to view local artists works.
You show him the drawings you did of him and he’s SO happy.
He’s so honored and won’t stop smiling the rest of the day.
Will get you the occasional fancy pen or pencil but he once gave you a leather bound sketchbook with a note at the beginning.
“I know it isn’t much considering you have a plethora of sketchbooks already but I thought you might like this one. ❤️”
“ MC? Why are you crying?? pLEASE DONT CRY-“
Obviously, you were very touched.
“Can you draw me?” “Hey hey MC you know who you should draw? ~me~” “Draw me like one of your French girls”
Please draw him he won’t stop until you do.
I hc that Asmo writes with those cute glitter gel pens and I think he starts letting you use them as well.
Y’all leave each other little doodles or notes around the House of Lamentation and RAD.
Is super interested in everything that you draw.
If your into makeup, he would want to see how you do yours and if not, would want you to do his and be creative on his face.
He thinks that your super inspirational and will do makeup looks based off of some things that you draw.
Face paint!!!
At first, he’s pretty neutral about it.
He hasn’t ever been the artistic type :/
Beel does like looking at your sketchbooks if you let him though.
He finds it interesting to see the world through the eyes of another and even though it isn’t really his thing, he still appreciates skill when he sees it.
If you ask to draw him, he’ll happily oblige.
Picnic dates where you two eat and draw or paint in the devildom.
Will pack you lunch and leave sticky notes with food doodles and messages in it.
He just really likes anything you do idk he’s a simp.
Doesn’t really care that much tbh
He’s like “Oh cool you draw”
That being said, he’ll watch you from time to time sketch while laying next to you.
Though he very nonchalant about it, he very much appreciates the little doodles you leave for him around the house.
Belphie has a box that contains every little doodle you made for him.
He once asked you to paint the view from your window in the human realm.
He keeps it right next to his bed, imagining what it would be like to lay in bed with you in the human realm.
A/N AYO SORRY FOR BEING GONE FOR SO LONG! I didn’t mean to keep everyone waiting for ages. Here’s the long overdue pt.2. 
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moonie-scape · 3 years
The brothers thoughts on an MC who is an artist
Is initially uninterested but when he sees that you’ve left your sketchbook open on the dining room table, his curiosity gets the best of him as he thumbs through the pages.
Will approach you the next day, returning the sketchbook and asking what’s inside. (Acting oblivious and trying not to make it obvious that he looked through it.)
When asked if you can draw him, he’s a little hesitant but eventually gives in. Mans got a weak spot for MC.
Will allow you in his office when he’s working so that you have a quiet place to draw.
If you ask him to put music on, he’ll get up and blast Mozart.
“What you asked me to put music on?”
Keeps all the little doodles you give to him in his desk drawer and looks at them whenever he feels stressed or tired.
Of course his human is talented!
Definitely attempts to profit off of said talent.
Once he realizes how much your art means to you however, he stops and will simply admire every piece.
Mammon likes to watch you draw. He finds it really soothing for some reason.
At one point, you offered him a pen and paper and he started to doodle mindlessly.
The two of you now have little drawing dates in your room. He’s not the best but he really enjoys spending time with you.
Is the one to SPOIL MC with art supplies.
Like those markers? Bam you got them. Can’t stop eyeing that one watercolor set? They’re sitting on your bed by the end of the day.
Overall, is really happy to bond and create art with his favorite human.
Levi is so so impressed with everything you create!
He’s got a few sketchbooks lying around in his room that are pretty full.
Excited to have someone to show fanart to!
Is probably the most honored and appreciative when MC gives him any art.
It could literally be like a smiley face and he would be all “No way you’re giving this to a yucky otaku like me!! I’m very grateful!”
Sir chill please
100% supports and gives good feedback on your work.
Drawing dates!!! He plays music or maybe a podcast and you two just draw whatever comes to mind.
Baby boy just loves you so much.
Please draw him he’ll melt. 🥺
Hi it’s Moonie! I’m sorry for not posting for a while. I get burned out easily so I’ve decided to split these hcs into parts. Thank you for understanding and please like or repost if you enjoyed! <3
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moonie-scape · 3 years
What the brothers would sing during karaoke
A/N: I remember one of the chats in Obey Me where Levi asked who wanted to go to karaoke with him and everyone said no bc he sings like 10 songs in a row. It got me thinking what the brothers would sing during karaoke so here it is!
I think Lucifer would lean towards some sort of classic love song in French.
He just seems like the type to serenade and seduce his person of interest.
Of course, his brothers and MC didn’t even expect him to sing nonetheless sing a L O V E S O N G.
If Diavolo decided to tag along, he and Lucifer would sing a duet together. (Much to Lucifer’s chagrin.)
Over all, he’s very charming when performing even sauntering over to kiss the top of MC’s hand.
It would have to be Judas by Lady Gaga.
I can see him being really into it despite not having the best singing voice.
He’s feeling himself while on stage and getting everyone hyped up.
After a few drinks, he might sing Super Bass with Asmo.
Just having a great time.
You KNOW this man would be on some anime shit.
He WILL sing every single song from the TSL soundtracks.
Probably sings the most out of all the brothers and is having the time of his life.
Levi would drunkenly sing some vocaloid songs and do the dances that go with them.
7/10 very fun to be around until he’s on his fourth song and no one else has had the mic yet.
Will passionately sing Pictures of You and Lovesong while clutching his chest.
Has a great voice tho and everyone enjoys when he sings.
Satan would be into it. Singing with his eyes closed and lightly swaying as the music plays.
Originally, he didn’t expect to have such a good time but the night proved him otherwise.
If you’ve heard his character song, then you just KNOW his voice is fantastic.
I also love Miura Ayme-
Probably would do a Rihanna song like Love on The Brain or smthn.
Something that would show off his vocal range.
He gets drunk and horny easily though and will convince Mammon (also drunk) to sing Super Bass with him.
Sweet boy.
Beel definitely has stage fright so he asks Belphie if they could do something together.
A little nervous at first but when he holds Belphie’s hand, he feels better.
For some reason, I can see them singing Hayloft but not taking it seriously at all.
They’re voices are cracking and they can’t stop giggling like little kids.
The brothers would be full 😶
While Beel is just smiling, proud of his twin.
Hits those high notes though so I gotta give him credit.
Surprised at how good of a time he’s having.
Ends up asleep on Beel’s shoulder.
Thank you for reading! Please feel free to ask or request anything if you liked this. (Read the pinned post ofc!)
Bye bye!
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moonie-scape · 3 years
🌸Hi welcome!🌸
Please call me Moonie! I’m an avid fanfic reader and I thought I would start my own blog. Please note that I’m a little knew to writing m so I ask that you have patience with me! This is a multi fandom blog where I will accept requests and asks.
What I REFUSE to write (tw)❌
Dub con (r*pe)
Toxic relationships
Physical or emotional abuse
Any NSFW involving minors
Any romance fics/head cannons involving minors
What I AM okay with writing ✅
Platonic scenarios/head cannons
Romantic scenarios/head cannons
Literally anything else other than what I refuse to write
I’m not sure if I want to write NSFW content in the first place so please be patient with me. That being said, slightly suggestive content is fine. I will put trigger warnings for any NSFW or angst because I know some people are sensitive to that. Cursing is totally cool here just fyi.
When I post a master list, it will be added to as I write . In general, if there’s any spelling/grammar mistakes or you maybe just wanna give me feedback, feel free to send me an ask or dm me.
If you would like specific pronouns for a fic/head cannon, thats totally cool! Just specify when asking. If no pronouns or gender orientation is specified, then the fic/head cannon will be gender neutral.
This blog is a safe space for the LGBTQ+ community and POC. If you have any issue with that, don’t bother stopping by here as hate will not be tolerated.💕
🌸Thank you for visiting! 🌸
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