moon-rapunzel · 2 years
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fog is for hiding and rain is for jumping in puddles!!
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moon-rapunzel · 2 years
Charles Young
Don’t even ask how I came up with him because I don’t know. 
He is in Ravenclaw. Most of his friends are in Ravenclaw too. 
Friends with Colin Creevey, Janae Han (who I’ll talk about in another post), and Juliette Mill (who I’ll talk about too) and quite a few others and I will explain why. Same year as Colin Creevey. 
Seer. He can see the future and it really takes a toll on him. It’s not 100% in his control, sometimes he’ll see something randomly and might have a hard time differentiating if it’s real or not. It’s really draining for him, sometimes there are a few days in a month where he can barely get himself to open his eyes and it gets worse as he gets older. He hair starts graying in his teen years too. People have tried bribing him to get a vision out of him but he’s really firm that he won’t do them for anyone for their sake and his. 
His mother had him pretty early and his father left them before she found out she was going to have him and hence he took her last name and lived with her for most of his life. They did get back in touch with his father who didn’t put much of an effort to be a father to Charles and so his visits became less and less frequent. But his mother dies when Charles is nine and so his custody is given to his father. 
His father is a cold stern man who has a big role at the ministry. Many people avoided him at school because of this because they didn’t want him to rat them out and they were worried he was a snitch. His father was very busy. Charles would send him a letter every week telling him about things but his father would only reply once every few months and it would be a very dry reply. Charles stayed at Hogwarts for all of his holidays other than Summer holidays. 
Even his Holidays weren’t that great. His father was boring, he never really seemed to need fun. So Charles was left to his own devices. He got really creative with his time, usually sneaking out to go to a library then spending countless hours reading and learning. 
In his fourth year an alliance is formed between a lot of fourth years in all of the houses. They form a committee type of thing where they all sort of hang out and help each other. The relevant ones that I’m going to talk more about are Mira Pathak, Lily Moon, Janae Han, Francis Lee, Aarush Gandhi and there’s probably more but my memory is failing me right now.
He and Colin share a kiss in their sixth year a few months before the Battle of Hogwarts. And Charles has a really hard time when Colin dies. But he does eventually find someone and adopt 3 children. 
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moon-rapunzel · 2 years
Laureia and Lily Moon
They’re sisters. Age difference is three years. So when Lily starts her 1st year Laureia is in her 4th. They’re in different houses. Lily is in Slytherin (close to being in Ravenclaw) and Laureia is in Ravenclaw (the hat did consider Hufflepuff though). This isn’t too big of a problem though Lily had hoped to be in Ravenclaw with her sister. 
Their mother passed away when Laureia was nine, so Lily doesn’t remember much of their mother. Sometimes this really upsets her so she and Laureia will talk about their mother. And if it’s the summer or holidays then they’ll explore their home for their mother’s things or will talk about their mother with their dad for long hours. 
They’re both pretty similar in nature. Both are pretty calm and serene people and get really passive aggressive when they’re mad. 
Their father remarried later after many years when Lily was about 12 in her second year. Laureia is happy for him but Lily takes longer to accept it. This made their father really happy and they gained a step-brother, Luke Jacobson. Who’s about a year older than Lily. They get close because of their similar age and because Luke feels similar about his mother’s marriage except he’s quieter about how he feels. 
Both Laureia and Lily aren’t exactly popular but they’re not disliked. The people Lily hangs out with gives her a bit of a reputation and Laureia is liked because she does really well in classes and is known to be really helpful and kind. Lily hangs out with a lot of the ‘weird kids’ like Luna Lovegood and Mira Pathak (who I’ll talk more about in another post at some point). 
They both do live on to have a good life. 
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moon-rapunzel · 2 years
Alania Mehta
I want to start talking about my OCs so I guess this is the start.
Her idea actually came from a very small scene in the Goblet of Fire and so I came up with a name for her and all. 
She’s a Gryffindor but was really close to being in Hufflepuff. She has two siblings, an older brother who’s name is still a confusion to me right now because I’m indecisive and a younger sister, Himani. 
She’s close friends with the Weasley twins and her bestfriend is Lee Jordan. Her and Angelina are also really close, but I’ll talk more about them in a bit. And I’ll talk about another OC who she’s pretty close with. 
She grew up a few streets away from Lee Jordan’s home, and their parents were friends from work and they also went to the same elementary school. They grew up pretty close with a small rivalry in school and sports. 
Her dad dies when she is about 13 years old and she’s devastated. But eventually she does grow to accept it and learn to be okay with it but it was really hard for her, it’s also at a similar time when (in my headcanon, I’ll make a seperate post for it) Lee’s grandfather dies. So that does add a bump to their friendship because they both have a really hard time with it. But it does in the end strengthen their friendship. 
Lee and Alania used to have a really chaotic friendship and it was a pretty rough and tough type of thing. But the losses they both had really made them more serious and their friendship took a gentler route and they got really close emotionally because their friendship used to rely on jokes and fun, which they both can’t make much for a while. 
She is also transgender MTF, she comes out at 14 about it because it was affecting her mental state to a more serious level because of all the changes that were happening with puberty. The first person she comes out to is Professor McGonagall because she was really confused about it and didn’t know much about transgender people. She’s also the one to suggest the name Alania.
This is kind of hard for her mother to get around to, she’s already having a hard time with her husband’s death, her eldest son granduating and all of that. She does come around after a few months but it is hard for her. Her older brother (who is about 18 during this) didn’t understand exactly and needed more of an explanation but overall he was supportive and helps with her physical transition because he works in the medical field and studied to be a healer. Her younger sister’s about 10 at the time and she doesn’t care too much and is mainly just happy to have a sister. 
Most of her friends are guys because she used to share a dorm with them pre-transition. Which is why she’s close with the Weasley Twins. But she does switch to the girls dorm which is when her and Angelina start becoming closer as friends. They know each other but never really talked much but when this happens she really starts to help Alania. The other girls in the dorm are sort of wary of Alania at first and Angelina’s the one to sort of put her foot in and support Alania. The other girls do come around after a while. 
As her and Angelina get closer, Alania finds herself having a bit of a crush on her. Nothing too big but it’s just there. So the yule ball goes interestingly. In my headcanon she goes with George as friends, because the person they wanted to go with is going with someone else, nevertheless they have a fun time. Her crush is obviously one-sided and she does get over it. 
She is friends with the Patil twins. Mainly because it’s nice to have a somewhat allyship with the other Indian students and two, they all need help with putting on Saris. 
She does eventually find someone for her near the end of her 6th year, a girl named Laureia Moon in her year. I’ll talk more about their relationship in another post. 
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moon-rapunzel · 2 years
So it’s agreed that Remus is a chocolate lover, like to the point people are jealous of the chocolate.
Peter Pettigrew was the reason for it. During their school years Peter would always offer him some that his mother had sent him. He always had a bar on him because he knew Remus would ask, to a point he didn’t even need to ask, Peter just knew. So after the first wizarding war, while Remus believed Sirius was responsible and Peter was dead he ate chocolate as a way to remember Peter and his time with him. When he gives Harry the chocolate in Poa ifor him it’s feels like Uncle Peter’s memory giving Harry chocolate. After the events of figuring out Sirius is innocent and Peter was the traitor he is unable to eat chocolate the way he used to. Everytime he eats it or sees it around he’s reminded about everything. 
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moon-rapunzel · 2 years
Every single Weasley has had a bowl-cut. Even Ginny. No, I will not elaborate. 
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moon-rapunzel · 2 years
Lee Jordan Headcanons
- Left-handed
- He’s really good at drawing, and this one time Fred asked Lee to draw him and Lee drew a dinosaur
- Mom friend (Backstory: The first time Angelina came into the twins and Lee’s dorm she made everyone clean it because it smelt awful then Lee developed a habit for it and soon his mom friendness developed)
- When he laughs he like tosses his head back and almost cackles and wheezes
- His love language is quality time
- He hates soggy cereal (much like me)
- With cream biscuits he eats the cream first then the biscuit because he prefers the biscuit and believes in ‘Eat your least favourite first and your favourite last’
- Good at Astronomy, and points out stars and constellations
- Would really like warheads
- Cries during sad romances and then he sees no one else crying so he hides it and asks why no one else is crying
- His and Angelina are really good friends, they did a lot of bonding over their idiotic boyfriends (they also have friendship bracelets)
- Would totally blast SOUR by Olivia Rodrigo and sing it at the top of his lungs with a lot of emotion while Fred sits in the corner re-thinking everything and scanning through everything he has ever done that may have hurt Lee (sometime Lee’d do it just to freak Fred out) 
- His handwriting is either chicken scratch or amazing, it just depends on his mood
- Real short. Like 5′4
- Appreciates dogs and cats equally and doesn’t take sides, if you ask he’ll say birds or just “Bleh”
- Loves candles and always has one burning in his dorm
- Says he doesn’t fear needles but would very much want a sticker afterwards
- Chugs literally everything he drinks, especially when the twins are around
- He literally cannot take horror movies seriously for the life of him because the whole time he’s wondering how they filmed it, how the actors didn’t laugh and how many bloopers there must’ve been
- He loves strawberries dipped in chocolate
- He loves cookies and cream ice cream with chopped up strawberries
- He accidently swears infront of kids a lot and that’s a big reason kids like him, because they find him cool
- He was bitten by a dog as a kid and used to be afraid of them 
- He has taped glowing stars on his ceiling
- He prefers reading out loud because he hates dead silence
- He’s very straight-forward and it catches people off guard a lot
- Would love M&Ms to the point his S/O is lowkey jealous
- Has a collection of different sock patterns/designs
- Has pierced ears
- Hates squash and eggplant
- Sleeps with a nightlight
- He and his S/O would carve their initials underneat desks in the library after discovering others and on the dorm bedposts
- Tried to make a tea party play with Scabbers and his tarantula
- He’s great with kids and once crouched down for half an hour because a toddler needed help walking so he let the toddler hold his finger and ruined his posture in the process
- Has a bunch of solid colour t-shirts and says he aspires to be a cartoon character
- Paints rocks and talks to them as if they’re his children. He has legit emotional attachment to them and names them
And that’s all that I can think of right now. 
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moon-rapunzel · 2 years
Remus Lupin would love Rubik’s cubes. Like I can just picture him always holding one and solving it. James and Sirius are convinced he’d doing it by magic even if he does it right infront of them because ‘that’s got to be magic!’ Peter used to have one and gave up on it but he pulls it out and tries to solve it by begging Remus to teach him his skills. Peter still has a hard time following Rubik’s cube instructions because Remus speaks in the R1 L1 language they use in tutorial videos. And Remus totally gave one to Harry at some point during Prisoner of Azkaban. Ron ends up being really good at solving Rubik’s cubes. 
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moon-rapunzel · 2 years
I feel like Katie and Alicia would be the type of couple to share earbuds since they both have similar music taste. They both prefer softer music that can be played in the background but the lyrics also have meaning.  
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moon-rapunzel · 2 years
Albus Potter had an emo phase. I don’t make the rules. 
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moon-rapunzel · 2 years
‘Judy’s Turn To Cry’ by Lesley Gore is Angelina *insert middle name* Johnson’s favourite fricking song. 
I had this thought on the bus listening to it, my best thoughts are thought on the bus. 
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moon-rapunzel · 2 years
I headcanon Lee Jordan’s middle name being Michael. So think about it, Lee Michael Jordan. In the future his kids totally flexed to their classmates and friends about it. 
(”You think you’re cool? My dad’s middle name is Michael and his last names Jordan. *insert the sunglasses cool emoji here*)
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moon-rapunzel · 2 years
Genderfluid Fred Weasley is just them loving their height one day then hating it the next.
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moon-rapunzel · 2 years
Lee: And it’s not fair that my own boyfriend keeps teasing me about my height!
Sirius: *nods in understanding*
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moon-rapunzel · 2 years
Okay, so I think Katie lived at an orchard because I think her family owned an orchard. So naturally I pictured Katie and Alicia going on apple picking dates together. So imagine this. 
- Alicia’s holding their basket and Katie’s holding the step-stool ladder thing (idk what it’s called)
- They talk about literally anything on these dates and this one time it started raining and they danced around in the rain (they got sick afterwards but it was totally worth it)
- Alicia does loud singing when they’re there because she loves the echo
- They both munch on apples, not caring about the stickiness because they’re having fun
And I just love them ugh
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moon-rapunzel · 2 years
Do you ever feel really proud of your fic but then reread it and then horribly cringe? Because I do and then have the urge to delete it.
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moon-rapunzel · 2 years
Okay, so in my mind Froggy from The Land of Stories and Remus Lupin from HP have undeniable parallels. (this might just be in my head but whatever) So imagine them having a conversation over tea. 
Do you think Remus would say yes to lily-pad tea? I think he would, but politely refuses the flies.
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