mandarinaenjoyer 2 months
Thou art not forgotten, though the passing of my beloved feline hath left a gaping chasm in mine heart. Furthermore, the trials and tribulations of schooling doth assail me, filling mine days with a melancholy that knows no bounds (I'm failing school and my cat died).
I shall return anon, revitalized and resplendent, with a plethora of trivial musings to regale thee.
To all who read these lines, receive hugs and kisses from me to thee.
(i'm failing school and my cat has died)
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mandarinaenjoyer 3 months
Could we consider Jesus a good candidate for an "always an angel never a god" edit? The og actually, kinda (bc we're agnostic and religion enjoyers in this house).
Like, ok man, you can turn water into wine, make 153 fish not break a net, spread love and peace and do other stuff... but can you create a human from dirt? Didn't think so!!!!
Ykwim? It's angsty.
If there's one please tell me
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mandarinaenjoyer 3 months
Just drank some coffee couple minutes ago and I'm gonna try to predict whether my ADHD will make it make me anxious, sleepy or just not sleepy. I say anxious.
Hi, it's been half an hour and I'm spiraling.
Ok it is anxious for sure omg my hands are shaking and my lungs are having fun making it hard to breathe 馃槤!!!
I love ADHD and trying not to fall asleep in class 馃グ
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mandarinaenjoyer 3 months
Finished Hilda a couple hours ago, and oh boy!!!!!
My inner kid has been healed, but my now teenager has been absolutely destroyed, murdered, returned from death, killed again, blessed and dehydrated from all the tears shed.
Love it.
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mandarinaenjoyer 3 months
Pinkie Pie would absolutely not die first, nor would she be oblivious in front of the OBVIOUSLY decrepit horrible creatures some AU's have.
She's manic, she's a creature beyond what our stupid minds can comprehend, and she's here to slay.
Don't kill her the first i love her please pleaseeeee
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mandarinaenjoyer 3 months
How do people even keep up with diaries? Like, it's impossible something important is happening to you every day.
I've been floating like an amoeba for a week now, with nothing remarkable happening except possibly the hours of existential dread my brain has forced me to experience and the slow but steady insanity that is conquering my mind.
Apart from that, what do I say? Dear diary, today I slept a lot. Yipie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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mandarinaenjoyer 3 months
I so want my brain to be liquated.
Oh yes, make it go from gelly to drinkable and let people take a sip.
It will taste like bitter candy.
My brain is so useless rn, it feels empty, ahhhh!
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mandarinaenjoyer 3 months
Oh, to be a tangerine
Enjoying the sunlight, surrounded by my sisters who bloomed, more or less, with me.
Then being picked, recollected, with some of the others, and put on a box with care.
Then I see no light, no sky, no clouds full of rain to help our thirst, no branches of our mother who cared for us, no hands of the men who put us in this box, just a dark-pitched room that moves.
And finally, light again! This time cold and strange. All full of unknown human faces and alien skies that seem to reach a limit. My skies never did. We are placed on a corner, near the oranges and apples.
And all, just to wait until a caring hand reaches, and holds me tight, debating on whether I'm rightful to be chosen or other of my sisters is. When I'm inside the translucent bag, hugging some others, I see the sunlight far away, the real one.
When I'm pulled out by a new hand, I can see my sun again. This hand is no longer caring, its pulse strange and changing, its palm small and soft.
And there I am. Being torn apart by the inexpert hands of a new little man. Its mother smiling with love, its eyes sparkling with curiosity.
I now am both skin and meat, separated. I am now just skin, broken, pieced apart, left to dry on a window sill.
Enjoying the sunlight.
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mandarinaenjoyer 3 months
Ok I think having a password or a pact with someone so they know you're in a time loop is cool and practical, but like, imagine you're cloned and the other you is absolutely evil and you need help to defeat it, or a zombie apocalypse starts in your backyard, or you are now a superhero and are absolutely scared for your life because your superpowers are weird af and need a friend to comfort you so bad omg please bestie believe me!!!
Like, make a safe word that means "what I'm about to say is completely true and you must believe me and trust me blindly rn because I'm losing my mind"; and you can use it before saying all of the above, and gives more room for other emergencies that may occur.
My bestie and I have "GAZPACHO".
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mandarinaenjoyer 3 months
Hi omg
Honestly, I think imana use this as a diary of sorts, who knows.
Prolly I'll forget about it in a month but who cares.
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