Also reblog if you still are / still feel like a weird kid
Neil my dude, after showing my mother season one of Good Omens and my dad seeing a bit of it I mentioned you also wrote Coraline and either my mom or dad (don't remember which one said it) said you must have been a weird kid.
Could you please confirm or deny whether or not you were a Weird Kid™?
I was a weird kid.
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I started writing this but I'm stuck as Mike Faist's leg in a chair so maybe someone will be able to use it:
Jack was always trying to impress Les (not that he needed to try so hard). But he doesn't do it because "younger sells more papes" anymore. He does it because he thinks by getting on with Les, he could get closer to Davey.
However, one day (idk, maybe during the strike maybe after) he gets in a fight with Davey about it and Davey just goes: "He's *my* brother not yours!"
(Probably because Davey is really insecure about how he's not like Les at all and he struggles to be the big brother figure he wants to be (even though Les loves him and all the unsaid sappy sibling stuf))
give me Javey prompts
(fluff or angst only pls)
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lavendermerry-go-round ¡ 15 days
Neurodivergent people of Tumblr!
Does anyone else look for new ways of stimming from time to time?
As in, sometimes I see someone do something that I recognise as (probably/possibly) stimming and once I'm alone, I try doing the movement/sound/whatever to see if it feels good and get really excited when it actually does?
((I'm a non-diagnosed, maybe autistic and even more maybe ADHD person with little chance of getting diagnosed because of the state of healthcare where I live and I was wondering if this is me trying to "fake" the neurodivergency/appropriate stims or if this is a general thing that happens to others too))
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lavendermerry-go-round ¡ 15 days
Yes please.
As a moderately mature person, I can see a ship, acknowledge that I do not like it in silence, and move on to the many many ships that I do like. It's not that hard people.
Like, guys, who gives a shit what people ship?!
Like, as long as it’s not, like, glorifying incest, pedophilia, sexual assault, any forms of abuse (ie emotional, physical, financial, mental, etc.),or actually toxic relationships, whether in the source material or not, then, and I’ll say it again
Just let people enjoy themselves and their fandoms please
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lavendermerry-go-round ¡ 1 month
Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly🙏
It's a lot healthier to go for a daily walk than to sign up for a gym membership you won't be using because you hate that kind of exercise. It's a lot healthier to eat a frozen meal than to skip a meal because you were too tired to cook something healthy. It's a lot healthier to take a quick shower than to procrastinate an elaborate routine for days. Don't aim so high that you won't be hitting anything!
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lavendermerry-go-round ¡ 1 month
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lavendermerry-go-round ¡ 2 months
You know the scenario where Mobius finds Thor in hope that he will help him save Loki from the tree.
And Thor obviously asks “Who are you to him? Why do you care?”
And Mobius is so desperate that he just tells the truth “I am in love with him” and begs Thor for help on his knees.
And Thor feels so bad for a poor guy, because surely Loki enchanted or seduced him to have such a power over the man. That’s the only reasonable explanation why this Mobius would practically worship his brother. Right?
Thor helps anyways, but he is trying to prepare Mobius for the heartbreak, because all this affection that he thinks he feels towards Loki is just a cruel manipulative illusion, that would vanish once Loki achieves his goal and gets out of the tree.
And it leaves Thor absolutely speechless when they finally find Loki.
Because the first thing his brother does, when he sees them, is rushes to Mobius and clings to him for dear life, sobbing into his neck and muttering in broken voice that “I am so sorry” and “you found me, Mobius” and “I missed you so much”.
And it is definitely not an illusion, because Loki seems to worship Mobius even more.
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lavendermerry-go-round ¡ 2 months
“this ship is not canon” babe, they’re fictional characters. they’re not real. they’re literally dolls we play with. we don’t care about whether or not these fictional characters’ love story is canon in this piece of media that is also entirely based on fiction. I mean, sure, canon would be lovely, but it’s a bonus. it’s not necessary. what we care about is the fun of talking about these 2 idiots being in love.
we don’t give a fuck if they didn’t kiss in “canon”. they had raw sex in thousands of fics about them though. and I’d say that’s more than enough to make people who ship them happily ship them even harder. happy shipping!
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lavendermerry-go-round ¡ 4 months
Depends on what kind of extreme.
For example, when I'm really upset, I mostly go for English. It's easier to express myself.
When I'm angry I want to do it in Hungarian (my first language) because yelling and swearing and all that stuff is just more satisfying in Hungarian somehow.
But also, sometimes, regardless of the situation I start with one and somehow the words don't come in that one so I switch for one word. Then another phrase. And then I just give up and switch completely.
Plus there's the factor of whether I'm alone, monologuing like some Shakespeare character or if the other person speaks both languages. If the other person doesn't speak one, I keep to the one they know even if it's a struggle
actually i do kinda wonder,
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lavendermerry-go-round ¡ 4 months
I've never gotten tired of following them along and watching their journey. But this art is too beautiful (and tear-jerking) not to reblog
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one piece saved my life man
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lavendermerry-go-round ¡ 5 months
As if I hadn't liked him enough. Alexa, play Starry, the musical. I want to make myself cry for the millionth time
“Many people seem to think it foolish, even superstitious, to believe that the world could still change for the better. And it is true that in winter it is sometimes so bitingly cold that one is tempted to say, ‘What do I care if there is a summer; its warmth is no help to me now.’ Yes, evil often seems to surpass good. But then, in spite of us, and without our permission, there comes at last an end to the bitter frosts. One morning the wind turns, and there is a thaw. And so I must still have hope.”
— Vincent Van Gogh
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lavendermerry-go-round ¡ 5 months
What would be the point in that, Mel? He's already a babygirl and you of all people know that
Okay but what if the Strawhats meet the revolutionary army again and Dragon is either not there or Luffy just straight up ignores him but we get a teary-grinny Sabo Luffy reunion, an ecstatic Ivankov-Luffy reunion, a soft Koala-Robin reunion and a bratty, sarcastic but still kinda sweet Sanji-Ivankov reunion.
Only for Zoro to walk up to Ivan-san with a "you're the weirdo who can change genders?"
"Yeah?" Ivan says, passive-agressively. In her defense, Zoro does look like the ultimate dudebro who won't understand what being an okama is all about.
"And from what I've heard, you can do it to other people too? Like, to the cook?"
(Sanji aggressively denying everything in the distance)
"Yes. And?"
"Turn me into a girl then."
And that's the story of how Zoro became a girl to show the world that the greatest swordsman can be a woman because strength has no gender.
What then? What?
oh my god I thought Zoro was gonna point at Sanji and tell Iva to make him a woman JFGHDJK
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lavendermerry-go-round ¡ 5 months
So when Sylvie wants something that's kinda selfish, it's "What's wrong with wanting something?"
But when Loki wants something kinda selfish, it's "I know it's hard, BUT..." But you can't have what you want so suck it up.
She has her priorities and that's alright but holy cow why gaslighting him? Why should Loki ignore their own feelings and wants like it's nothing when she can have all she wanted like it's the most evident thing in the nine realms?
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"Go write yours."
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lavendermerry-go-round ¡ 6 months
If this gets two hundred thousand notes before Christmas 2023, I'll commit one self care
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lavendermerry-go-round ¡ 6 months
You get it🥹
You know what I think is really going to hurt next week.
I know that 99.9% Lokius will not be canon. It is Disney +, it is the MCU, Loki has too many fans they won't let him be in a relationship with a man.
I have been through this many times before, Merthur, Destiel etc.
But the difference is: this feels real. This feels like it is not queerbaiting. This feels like their love for each other is profound, unconditional. For both of them their 1st priority is each other. The many touches, body language, heart to hearts, Loki fixing himself up before he goes to talk to Mobius. The "it's about what I wanted"..."Mobius should have a choice". The pure adoration they have for each other. Them saving each other without a second thought. There is absolutely nothing toxic in their relationship and it feels real. For the first time ever this feels like the writers are not playing with us.
Do I want this to happen?
Do I want my favourite chatacter since I am 15 to be loved as he has never been loved before, to be cherished, to be accepted just as he is, to be chosen without hesitation?
Of course i do.
Will this happen? No. It will not. Either he will suddenly end up with Sylvie, proving that he is not worthy of anybodies love only his own, or he will stay alone.
They could have given us a normal friendship between him and Mobius. Would people still ship them? Of course, that is what shipping is about. But they have given us the most dangerous thing, the very thing that could end up hurting us more than anything: hope.
Becouse I know deep in my head it won't happen, but they made it so real I cannot help but to hope that maybe this time they won't hurt us, maybe this time for the first time we can be happy for our favourite characters, just maybe this one time all of us queer people can feel like we have won.
Loki was right: hope is hard.
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lavendermerry-go-round ¡ 6 months
So the thing is... I see S2 Lokius and all I can think about is how similar it is to S1 Ineffable Husbands...
Nothing explicitly romantic. Nichts. Nada. Semmi. But it's so evident that they care about each other a ton. From Loki looking for Mobius like his life depended on it in the beginning, through Mobius being so dam worried about the time-slipping thing to Loki defending, then comforting Mobius. From Mobius risking his life for Loki, through Loki looking right at Mobius when he said "it's about who", to Mobius being literally the only one who noticed Loki's strange behaviour when he was maniacally trying to fix things... They. Care. So. Much.
And it is not queerbaiting if you only look at the show. It is a slowburn and that in itself would be amazing? Because especially after GO S2 and OFMD and many other shows, we know it can lead to an explicit, soul-shatteringly beautiful love story. We know it can be done naturally and unapologetically.
I am not delusional enough to believe that Disney will allow it and that, that is more heartbreaking than this season finale. Still, there's this infinitesimal shred of hope in me that it can get better because we've seen it before.
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lavendermerry-go-round ¡ 6 months
There has been an endless talk about how Sylki could or could not be canon but the conversation was always about Loki. "Loki could never this" "Loki has finally that"
But the thing is, at this point it does not matter whether Loki loves her or not. Because he definitely does in some way but what about Sylvie???
She is living her best life and she doesn't seem to be interested in any romantic stuff. At some point, maybe she will but for now she wants the mundane stuff she could never have. And that is awesome. Love that for her.
TL;DR: Loki could be romantically interested in Sylvie but Sylvie is definitely not interested in Loki!!
At this point if Loki ends up with Sylvie thats bad writing cause she seriously said you’re on you own
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