laryy-sla · 3 months
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𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘐𝘧 - 𝙉𝙚𝙬𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙖 ⋆ 𝘗𝘛 𝘉𝘙 - 𝘈𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘴 𝘥𝘢 𝘋𝘦𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘥𝘢 (on Wattpad) 
O que acontece quando o amor encontra a magia? Nos filmes da saga 'Animais Fantásticos', o casal Newtina teve cenas românticas que fizeram o fandom pensar "e se Newt tivesse coragem de...", "e se Tina perguntasse..." ou "e se eles não tivessem sido interrompidos...". E se... What If...? Portanto, L2REMUS apresenta um compilado de cenas, desta vez completas, que satisfazem os fãs do casal! Agora, você pode mergulhar ainda mais fundo no mundo mágico de Newtina com cenas que vão fazer seu coração bater mais forte. Sinta a emoção de cada momento enquanto Newt e Tina lutam contra as forças das trevas e se apaixonam. Com este compilado, você pode finalmente ver as cenas que foram cortadas dos filmes originais e experimentar a história completa do casal. 🦎🧙‍♂️
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laryy-sla · 3 months
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𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘐𝘧 - 𝙉𝙚𝙬𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙖 ⋆ 𝘗𝘛 𝘉𝘙 - 𝘈𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘴 𝘥𝘢 𝘋𝘦𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘥𝘢 3 (on Wattpad) 
 O que acontece quando o amor encontra a magia? Nos filmes da saga 'Animais Fantásticos', o casal Newtina teve cenas românticas que fizeram o fandom pensar "e se Newt tivesse coragem de...", "e se Tina perguntasse..." ou "e se eles não tivessem sido interrompidos...". E se... What If...? Portanto, L2REMUS apresenta um compilado de cenas, desta vez completas, que satisfazem os fãs do casal! Agora, você pode mergulhar ainda mais fundo no mundo mágico de Newtina com cenas que vão fazer seu coração bater mais forte. Sinta a emoção de cada momento enquanto Newt e Tina lutam contra as forças das trevas e se apaixonam. Com este compilado, você pode finalmente ver as cenas que foram cortadas dos filmes originais e experimentar a história completa do casal. 🦎🧙‍♂️
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laryy-sla · 2 years
“It’s like fire in water... In dark water. And I’ve only ever seen that in...” “Salamanders.” <3
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laryy-sla · 2 years
nothing to see here!!
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laryy-sla · 3 years
this is the best thing I ever read
I Can’t Sleep - A Newtina Fanfic
Summary: Newt and Tina can only get a good night’s rest when they are in each-others’s presence
Warnings: Lot’s of cute fluff. Crimes of Grindelwald spoilers.
Word count: 1,500
A/N: First Newtina fanfic. I had a lot of fun writing it. Let me know your thoughts if you wish.
Unbeknownst to the both of them, Tina and Newt were wide awake, neither had a peaceful rest in days. Newt’s thoughts turned to the two-missing people from his life. Leta, although no longer a love interest, was still beloved even in death. His brother was beside himself and he didn’t know how to help. He also worried for Queenie, and Tina. He knew how important they were to each-other. And they were both his friends. Friends were rare for him, and now all of them were in danger. Tina felt guilt and desperation whenever she though of Queenie. All these thoughts coupled with the fact that Grindelwald was now at large deterred them from a healthy sleeping schedule.
Romance was at the back of their minds now, but it was still there, and it occasionally crept into their thoughts amid all the strife and horror, it was a small beacon on happiness and hope they could live for. But as of yet, it was a very small beacon, a beacon that had yet to be discussed.
“How did you sleep?” Tina asked Newt from her place at the counter, stirring her cocoa.
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laryy-sla · 3 years
Eu amo o fato de que os maiores newtina shipper são o Eddie e a Katherine
Eddie and Katherine at some point, probably-
Eddie: Newt is totally in love with Tina. She’s the love of his life.
Katherine: Right.
Eddie: They’re so in love. I can’t wait to see them getting together finally. He loves Tina so much. She’s all he can think about.
Katherine: I love how we already know that they’re gonna end up together, they truly love each other.
Eddie: Sorry, what was the question?
Interviewer: I said is it nice to be back in London
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