kitchentricks-blog · 5 years
Why ME time is important?
Why ME time is important? #motherhood #mom #metime #wellbeing #wellness #kid
Whenever I think of ME word now, I feel I don’t get it enough. Being a full-time mom has just taken away this privilege from me. Initially, I thought its just a phase and this ME word is too hyped I will not need it but as the time has passed I have understood the importance of it. I can tell you this is neither a hyped word nor an underserving word. We as a mom or any individual need this space.
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kitchentricks-blog · 5 years
Belly fat, melt it like ice cream!
Belly fat, melt it like ice cream! #weightloss #bellyfat #stomatchfat
Belly fat is tough to go and sometimes makes us feel that it will never go. I have a body who gains most on my belly. After my pregnancy, it was too tough for me to move with a heavy body and belly which was making me so much uncomfortable. I decided to get my belly on track and lose my belly fat. Few tips which helped me in making this happen, I would like to share with you all:
I stopped taking…
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kitchentricks-blog · 6 years
Teenage problems
Teenage problems #teenage #puberty #teenageproblems #life
Teenage is the most critical growth phase, as parents, we need to focus more on our kids in order to understand them. They face real concerns, between 11 and 18 years of age, on a daily basis as this is the most awkward growth stage of their lives. During this time, teens are exposed to some overwhelming external and internal struggles. They go through and are expected to cope with hormonal…
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kitchentricks-blog · 6 years
Talking about puberty?
Puberty: The first step. Talking about Puberty? #menstruationcycle #puberty, #teenage #periods #howtogetready
When I got my first period I was knowing nothing about it and was so scared to see the blood. Yes, normally parents miss to tell their daughters and get them ready for it. My parents were missing this knowledge and because of this, they missed to get me ready for the very important phase of my life.
Every single parent had gone through this phase during their puberty and they know how does it…
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kitchentricks-blog · 6 years
Why plan for the second kid?
Why plan for the second kid? #family #familyplanning #kids #life #secondkid #toddler
There are many reasons why we are not planning for a second kid, at the same time we are having some reasons to plan for a second kid too.
I have been raising my son alone with some help from my husband, of course, I understand how difficult is it to raise a toddler and what all a parent goes through but believe me the joy of raising a happy and healthy kid is unmatched with anything else in this…
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kitchentricks-blog · 6 years
Having a single child but why?
#single #singlechild #siblings #family #life #allaboutme
Have you ever thought of having the second child? Nowadays whoever I meet or the majority of us plan for a single child with some excuses for not having the second one. I got a chance to study some of the cases and understand what makes them take this decision and their reasoning behind it.
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  Nuclear family. No support or very little support from the family. As we are moving…
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kitchentricks-blog · 6 years
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Mind and positive thoughts your mind is a powerful thing. when you fill it with positive thoughts, your life will start to change. #mental #mentalwellness #getback
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kitchentricks-blog · 6 years
Career after child
Career after child #motherhood #postpregnancy #pregnancy #work #career #getherback
I always thought I will get back to my work once my baby was born. Yes, I thought but now my baby is almost two years and I am still thinking. Leaving my good technical career of about eleven years was not easy but I have to do it as my child wanted me more. Most of us think this way and leave our work.
I am getting all the support which a partner can provide but still, I am not getting the…
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kitchentricks-blog · 6 years
My baby is a Fussy Eater!
My baby is a Fussy Eater! #eating #fussyeater #food #toddler #babyunderone #health #lifewithkid #mom #nomobile
As a mom, I am very worried about what my son is eating as he often rejects almost all the good and beneficial health food. His eating habits make me tired as I keep running after him with the bowl. Is this the right way to feed him or let me put it in a simple form ‘is the way I am feeding him is right?’. The answer is straight ‘No’.
Instead of running after your kid and forcing them to eat,…
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kitchentricks-blog · 6 years
Staircase: Weight loss help!
#staircase #weightloss #fit #fitness #life #healthiswealth
I try not to use the elevator, at least when I am alone. Initially, I started this practice as I never wanted to wait for the lift but slowly it converted to a good exercise form. Now if I take an elevator or lift I feel so awkward. I want to be fit and strong and this is the easiest way I can do my workout on any day. It too helps me in many other ways and I list them below:
Climbing the stairs…
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kitchentricks-blog · 6 years
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#health #motivationalquotes #life #wellbeing #workouts
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kitchentricks-blog · 6 years
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Mental wellness #life #happiness #mentalwellness #wellness It is only in sorrow bad weather masters us; in joy we face the storm and defy it. By Amelia Barr
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kitchentricks-blog · 6 years
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Wellness motivation #wellness #fitness #motivationalquotes #healthy #sweat You see sweat. I see a sexy glow.
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kitchentricks-blog · 6 years
Food and weight loss
#Food #weightloss #pregnancy #postpregnancy #wellness #wellnesslife #health #whattoeat
As the saying goes “abs are built in the kitchen.” So get ready to be in shape with some changes to your eating habits.
Eat food rich in protein:
Eating more protein can reduce appetite, cut cravings and increase the number of calories you burn because protein requires energy to metabolize, a high-protein diet can increase calories burned by 80–100 calories per day. Protein is also by far the…
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kitchentricks-blog · 6 years
Mood Swings During Pregnancy
#moodswing #pregnancy #postpregnancy #howtomanage
If you are pregnant, you probably have had some experience with mood swings. You are not alone. mood swings during pregnancy are common. You may be excited about being pregnant, but you can also be stressed or overwhelmed. You may have constant worries that may contribute to your mood swings.
Questions such as:
Will I be a good mother?
How am I going to manage financially?
Will my baby be healthy?
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kitchentricks-blog · 6 years
Your health and a special need kid.
Your health and a special need kid. #exercise #health #autism #specialkid #parents
I know some families who are having special need kids and being very close to them make me feel little worried about their health both physical and mental. Whenever I raise this concern to them they make me shut saying they have much more important work to do then their health. But recently I meet a lady in her late 50’s during my morning run and started talking during the conversation I got to…
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kitchentricks-blog · 6 years
Weight loss- A commoner way to think!
Weight loss- A commoner way to think! #weightloss #health #wellbeing #fitishealthy #fitisstrong
Not being a celebrity and having limited access to everything can’t come in between you and your health. There are so many ways to we can work so that our body became strong and healthy. I understand that we commoners are busy with our daily life so much that we don’t have time for our health but if we take out 30 mins from our daily busy life and we will be much more happy and healthy.
What we…
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