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“People like to tell you that marriage is hard. What they don’t like to tell you is that marriage is also spending a lot of time pretending you don’t hear each other poop. It’s becoming familiar with someone else’s morning breath and the particular odor of their dirty socks and the sound they make when they’re absentmindedly chewing food. Loudly. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” —read more on my blog (link in bio). This month my husband and I are celebrating seven years of marriage. Seven! In honor of this momentous occasion I’m sharing the thrilling marital advice I gave my little brother when he got married last year. Also, yes I wore cowgirl boots at my wedding. I’m from Texas. That’s just what you do. Pretty sure when Davy Crockett lay dying in the Alamo he used his final breath to say “y’all better wear boots to weddings, birthday parties, funerals, and job interviews or I’m fixin’ ta haunt you.” Also also, I’ve always known I was pigeon-toed but I never realized how badly until I took these bridal photos. Also also also, I just realized I’ve been spelling pigeon wrong my whole life and no one told me 😱#writerfail #marriage #marriageadvice #sevenyearanniversary #romance #truelove #highschoolsweethearts https://www.instagram.com/p/B-cygbog2Uu/?igshid=14pkdor2pzekg
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Do you remember the first novel you ever read? The first book that really impacted you? The one that made you seek out adventure and fantasy? I consumed a lot of books as a child. My mom read fairy tales to us before bed and I dabbled in everything from unicorn tales to animal detective books. It wasn’t until I turned twelve and found myself browsing a new section of Barnes & Noble that my true love affair with books began. I still have my original copy of Wolf Brother (are you noticing a theme here?) after fifteen years. Unfortunately twelve year old me thought dust jackets were lame and that the more worn a book was, the more loved it was. Pages are bent and there’s stains from all manner of food and drink that I mindlessly swallowed the many times I reread this story. This was the book that truly brought my dream of writing to life. This was the book that filled my heart with longing to run with wolves. I owe @michelle.paver a great deal for being the first author to craft a story so enthralling that I forgot myself for those brief hours I spent with my nose between pages. (Technically the first big book I read to myself was Harry Potter but I actually thought it was boring 🙊. It wasn’t until I realized how much my big brother liked it that I decided to try it again. He was always the reason I decided something was cool or not.) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9pSR0tAPpi/?igshid=pabtz9xh9ide
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“You write a book (or plan to). What’s next? You create an Instagram account. Every author needs an online presence in this day and age. “Easy,” you think. “I’ll take a few pictures, type up a few words, and voila. Success and a great audience will fall in my lap. After all, I’m charming and fascinating and people will be interested just because I’m being myself and myself is cool.” OK, maybe you didn’t start with that much confidence. I know I didn’t. The point still stands, a lot of us begin thinking that the key to success is authenticity. It’s the big buzzword right now. People want more authenticity. They aren’t seeking fake people with fake lifestyles who take fake pictures. They want the grit. Or at least, they think they do. The struggle with social media is that people think they want authentic. What they really want is 20% authenticity and 80% glamour. They want you to write something genius on every post and take eye-catching photos with professional level quality. And they want that to be real. They want that to be you.” Excerpt from my latest blog post, “I’m Trying to Sell You Something.” Visit my bio for the link to the full post. #socialmediamarketing #marketingforauthors #indieauthors #socialmediamarketforcreatives #authenticity https://www.instagram.com/p/B9ZwuATAJ8_/?igshid=122eenszqbrw0
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What do you think defines you as a person? . Last year these boots finally met their end. After a decade of wear, the soles were developing holes, the zippers broke, they were generally falling apart. I wore these boots on my first day of college at 16 years old. I wore these boots to my engagement party. I wore them in dusty New Mexico parking lots and on muddy Oregon trails and on gravel roads in Wyoming. Slipping them on was like slipping on my confidence. When I realized I had to toss them, I felt I was tossing away a part of myself. Why? They’re just shoes. Just cheap shoes I bought online with my first debit card. I think it’s because, over the years, I let the items I wore, the objects I carried around in boxes and bags, define me. I became worn in boots and tangled necklaces I don’t actually wear and art that has hung on walls in six different states. These were the things people would see when they saw me, thus these were me. And the pictures of my many adventures are me. As are the useless stories I have to tell about bears and wildfires in Montana. Funny that I wake up most days believing I care nothing for the opinions of others, yet here I am shaping so much of my world around perceptions that are not my own. What do you think defines you as a person? Some days I think it’s my words, my craft. Some days, I think it’s you who defines me. I don’t know how to feel about that. #definitionoftheself https://www.instagram.com/p/B8KBBTggSdy/?igshid=13adl8q2h5nyg
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Winter has a way of making me feel like I’m frozen in time. All of my momentum keeps running down the path but I cannot see where the effort has an impact. Major #BookRevision feels. https://www.instagram.com/p/B71XNfWgEfw/?igshid=jwqzi0208hn2
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Eleven years ago today a cute boy asked me to be his girlfriend, even though we lived 1,500 miles away. The rest is history. If you like a good love story and you’re interested in hearing how it inspired my preferences when it comes to romance tropes, hop on over to my blog (link in my bio). #romance #loveatfirstsight #anniversary #truelove #romanceauthor #amwriting #amblogging https://www.instagram.com/p/B7tvIs3A1Qr/?igshid=1cyyk915cnrmn
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We’ve all heard of writer’s block, but have you ever had reader’s block? I started reading #aurorarising in September and still haven’t finished it, not because it’s a bad read but because I just can’t get myself to pick it back up. Oddly enough, this usually happens with books I’m really enjoying. So why is it hard to finish a book? For me, I think it’s because I like happy endings and every once in while I get nervous that the ending won’t go well. I also think it’s hard to let a good story go sometimes, so if I never finish it, it’s never over. Do you struggle to finish perfectly good books? What gets you in the mood to read? Lately I just can’t get into a book. #amreading #readersblock #writersblock #yafiction https://www.instagram.com/p/B7jUDCtADSr/?igshid=8xldsbz8xo0f
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I’ve been quiet on the revision front because honestly, it’s not going well. No, actually, it’s just not going. I’m supposed to be on chapter 11 right now and I’ve only just finished 5. And I’m not even happy with it. At least I know it’s not getting done because I’m just avoiding it. I’m busy. I’m really freaking busy! Way busier than I imagined I would be in the new year. I almost announced a publishing date for #moonshine at the beginning of the year and I am so relieved I chose to wait. I’m beginning to feel nervous that I won’t be finished when I thought I would be. Last year, I was really frustrated by my lack of writing time. This year, I’m choosing to go with the flow. I just had a baby! And though it has warped time for me, the rest of the world is still moving at the same pace. Right now I have to get my work done while wearing a baby wrapped to my chest but soon these days will be gone and I would rather spend my time enjoying them and be less successful than miss out on them. How is your WIP going? Where are you at in your process? How do you feel about your progress? https://www.instagram.com/p/B7WQ3JHAZDI/?igshid=1j5jjgauxa4dy
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Once upon a time I would be outside on a night like tonight. I spent many nights staring up at that moon, asking for answers to questions I hadn’t quite put into words. The moon has always been a great source of inspiration for me. I started writing #huntersmoon knowing that she would play a role. On nights like tonight she is a guiding light. And in the darkness, even when she’s gone from sight, you know she’s up there watching over you. #fullmoonfeels #wolfmoon #happyfullmoon #inspiration #indieauthor #amresearching #amwritingbook2 https://www.instagram.com/p/B7KluyjA5sj/?igshid=avl3847soqnk
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The Hunter’s Moon. It was under this moon that I began my journey into motherhood. It was under this moon that I fulfilled my lifelong dream and published my first novel. Even before I knew the title of my book, Hunter’s Moon, I had the date for its publication picked. In my heart I must have known how special that day would be to me, how transformative. You might not be the exact person you want to be right now, you might not have all the accomplishments that you want under your belt, but take time to remember the moments that you moved in that direction. My mother gifted me this handcrafted silver image so I never forget the strength and perseverance I had when that moon was high overhead. What a beautiful gift it is. #huntersmoon #motherhood #transformation #journey #fullmoon #indieauthor https://www.instagram.com/p/B7EYUKIgWob/?igshid=1jro9hrs1s63l
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Are you more likely to read a good story with mediocre writing or a boring/plot-hole-riddled/incomplete/cliche story that is beautifully written? I started a book a while ago that just really didn’t vibe with me but the language was so beautiful that I kept reading for much longer than I normally would have. Is there a book that you finished because you just loved the story, even if it was poorly written? Or maybe a book that you read anyway just because the writer had a good creative flow? #qotd #reading #language #goodstories https://www.instagram.com/p/B6_Zet0AYA_/?igshid=1pd1voudx0o2k
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Today is one of those days where the inspiration flows freely, not an ebbing creek or a trickle of an idea but a gushing river filled with spring snowmelt. Today is also one of those days where the babe will tolerate nothing but my arms, where the dog is sick and the laundry is overdue and there is more and more and more until my hands are too full to write words of fantasy and fulfill daydreams. I feel as though I am a cup poured into endlessly, overflowing with inspiration. Each drop slips from my rim with a sigh of grief, sluicing down my skin to disappear forever. So I take a few steps here, to stand beneath welcoming green limbs, and pray that these little offerings of inspiration will drip from my body and into the earth. I pray that my muse will become seed to the soil, returning to me in springtime as bright blossoms and plump berries and all manner of unruly green things. Maybe when the gentle breeze of changing seasons tickles evergreen trees they will whisper back to me all of the words I’ve dropped at their feet. #muse #inspiration #earthing #amdaydreaming #writerlife https://www.instagram.com/p/B6OqSCwAQXu/?igshid=s3mxxge3x9cj
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This is the most heated debate out there, but do you prefer e-books or hardcopy? I always really want to gift my favorite reads to people but I’m never sure if they will enjoy it as much as I did so I hesitate. I used to really hate e-books because I would much rather have my shelf full than my phone storage but I’m really coming around to them. Gifting e-books is much more low stakes. They’re not as expensive and I feel a little better if the person I get them to doesn’t read them. It’s nice to have a book with you anywhere you go. With that being said, I now get distracted at Costco because I’m reading when I should be grocery shopping 🙃 #ebooks #bookworm #thegreatdebate #holidaygifts https://www.instagram.com/p/B6L9idCApWY/?igshid=1k19k9blxd1zh
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Last night I dreamt I was looking out the window at the 4 acres of woods behind the house just as the sun was going down. I heard this bone chilling howl that was joined by several others. It made all the hair on the back of my neck stand up and I felt this primal instinct to run away. When I squinted through the darkness I could make out a pack of 10 or more wolves steadily trailing out of the forest and right towards our house. One of them saw me and jumped at the window, knocking the screen out and almost getting in. I grabbed my dogs and my baby and hurried to the kitchen while one by one the wolves jumped through my window and into my home. I often have dreams that seem to hold so much meaning but I’m never really sure what that meaning is. I woke up with a strange feeling that I just can’t shake this morning. I wonder what it means. Do you interpret your dreams? Are you a very vivid dreamer? I lucid dreams and have since I was a child. If I could, I would turn it off. Some nights it’s just too much. #dreams #wolves #luciddreaming https://www.instagram.com/p/B6BQ_UtgT46/?igshid=t6ynixk64f0p
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I can’t remember who recommended this book but I am very grateful. My little sister is the queen of dragons and she loves to read but she’s been consistently frustrated with female protagonist that just can’t hold their own. I’ve been looking for stories with brave characters to match my sister’s intensity and ferocity. This one should do it! #riseofthedragonmoon #amreading #yafiction #middlegradebooks https://www.instagram.com/p/B50TZ1nADrn/?igshid=1ojtm0a2hqfzv
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What every day activity makes you feel most inspired? When I’m feeling a bit of a block or chewing on new ideas, I walk. Usually I prefer to walk in the woods but even walking around the neighborhood helps get the gears in my head turning. I also find myself exploding with ideas when I’m doing the dishes or taking a shower. My mom actually has a waterproof whiteboard in her shower to write down her shower ideas and I think that’s brilliant! I wonder if there is something about distracting the part of your brain that thinks too hard with mundane and tasks that gets the creativity flowing. #creativity #writer #amwriting #inspiration #writersblock #nature #walking https://www.instagram.com/p/B5x-2GWAI-r/?igshid=qyz1tbaowk39
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If you’re an ebook reader, what device do you read on? The best/worst thing I ever did was download the kindle app on my phone. I’m glued to it constantly. At least I’m reading 🤷‍♀️? #reading #ebook #ebookdevices #kindle #huntersmoon #urbanfantasy #amreading https://www.instagram.com/p/B5vOvWDAcdw/?igshid=5rbek3bzi2d4
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