infiltratored · 3 years
i may make a legitimate promo... probably not... but here’s my multimuse blog ! it’s very fire emblem right now LMAO but i promise, shepard is also there  &  i’ll likely be adding more mass effect characters in the future !
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infiltratored · 3 years
will i ever be active ?  stay tuned to find out ! anyway, i might just bite the bullet  &  make a multimuse  …  i’ve been playing the newest f.ire e.mblem game again  &  i’m very tempted to write dimitri but the fandom scares me so WE’LL SEE !
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infiltratored · 4 years
it’s not quite done   (  i still need to finish the tags  &  make sure i didn’t miss anything else  )   BUT here’s a link to my bigby blog if you want to become mutuals there haha jk  ………  unless ? 👀
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infiltratored · 4 years
it's not quite done   (  i still need to finish the tags  &  make sure i didn’t miss anything else  )   BUT here’s a link to my bigby blog if you want to become mutuals there haha jk  .........  unless ? 👀
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infiltratored · 4 years
yeah i've been playing twau again  &  i had a dream about it so i guess that means i should make a blog for bigby after all ! plus i kind of want to be the most obnoxious bigby ever. i play by canon very loosely  &  by that i mean i pick  &  choose what i want to use, thank you,
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infiltratored · 4 years
SUCH A JOKER - ESQUE RESPONSE,   the edge of Shepard’s lower lip quirks, smiling in spite of himself. He crosses his arms, awkwardly, over his armor - plate and shifts his weight from one leg, to the other.    ❛  Hey. For you, maybe.  ❜    He felt guilty, guilty for dying, as if it were his fault. How must Joker feel, the burden of guilt   —   two years of guilt   —   weighing upon his shoulders; Shepard hadn’t asked, and Joker hadn’t divulged. He likely never will, but Shepard will not pry.   I don’t blame you,   said once at the helm of the Normandy, and that is enough, lest they both become embarrassed by the sentimentality. The Alliance had taught Shepard how to fire a weapon, Joker how to pilot a starship: it hadn’t taught either how to manage emotions, certainly not the emotions of   whatever the hell   situation Shepard and the entirety of the   (  mostly past  )   Normandy Crew are in   —   the destruction of the SSV Normandy, the commander becoming Lazarus with a Cerberus affiliation.    ❛  I’m sure the Council liked those two years without mention of the Reapers.  ❜    An awful quip, but joking about your own death is probably allowed. Insensitive, but allowed. He observes the stars and galaxies before him, and he is stoic.    ❛  A lot of people would’ve preferred I stayed gone.  ❜    Said without sorrow, without rancor   —   his affiliation with Cerberus had upset many, after all; he’d died a hero, and was resurrected a villain.    ❛  Me working with Cerberus is a tough pill to swallow.  ❜    Even Shepard cannot comprehend it, but he has to do it.                                                                                                 RE.    —    @choralsung​.
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infiltratored · 4 years
okay but listen if u ever wanna start multiple threads with me don’t even ask because there’s a 900% chance i'ma cry and be hella happy that u even like interacting with me that much and probably tell u to tag me in as many threads as u want whenever u want always
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infiltratored · 4 years
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infiltratored · 4 years
i've considered writing bigby since twau released like  ...  a million years ago but i’d be the most obnoxious bigby ever because   1. i don’t ship bigby/snow  &  therefore i also don’t care about the comics   &  2. i’d be heavily canon divergent  &  wouldn’t really want to interact with the fandom  (  but it’s basically dead anyhow SO  )
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infiltratored · 4 years
i think i’ve finished revamping everything   . . .   so click the  ♡  if you’d like to plot !  &  if you’re a multimuse, feel free to reply with which muse you’d prefer to write, if you want, but we can always sort it out through ims !
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infiltratored · 4 years
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♚ | 11/100 Pictures of Mark Vanderloo
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infiltratored · 4 years
shepard is interesting because honestly, had the circumstances not been the way that they were, he probably would have never been a leader. he demonstrates leader-like skills, evidently, he’s not incompetent. but he’s traumatized heavily even before the events of mass effect. mindoir, akuze. udina even says “is that someone we want protecting the galaxy?” and honestly !  he’s not completely wrong !
shepard is dedicated to military service, but it’s really all that he knows; he enlisted at eighteen because he had nothing else. while he didn’t know exactly what he was going to do with his life, having been only sixteen at the time of the mindoir raid, he knew that he wanted to go to college on earth. born on earth but he was raised from infancy in space, but he didn’t exactly plan to stay there. he just wanted a normal life—on earth. but he could follow orders. he demonstrated competency in high stress situations, and therefore he had the qualities of not only a soldier, but of a leader. so he became a soldier at the urging of the alliance, because what else was an orphan to do. he had no money. his plans of going to college—to earth, even—were effectively destroyed. at least becoming a soldier, protecting the people, gave him something of a purpose in life. he survived akuze on dumb luck alone, and then he soldiered on in the name of his fallen unit. he’s never been a soldier on his own accord. it’s never been about himself. he just so happened to have the qualities of a soldier, and who was he to deny the people that. and with the power and authority that a soldier possesses, he could prevent another mindoir tragedy from happening.  but at least his military service was mostly normal. he could handle it. akuze was rough, but “it happens” he was told. he had nightmares, and he still has nightmares, but “it happens.” he could handle it, mostly, or he could at least repress it. after the beacon incident, shepard began to spiral. he didn’t—and still doesn’t— understand why it had to be him. he’s somewhat inspired by mordin’s “it had to be me, someone else might have gotten it wrong,” but it’s very much a “it had to be me, someone else might have gotten it wrong, i guess. but probably not. someone else probably would have done it better, but you know. i guess this is my life now.” but he wouldn’t trade his position for the world. he could handle it. he could handle it. it’s a burden no one should have to bear—at least he prevented it from happening to someone else. if you ever hear just a long, drawn out “fuck” after a mission, mind your own business !  he’ll never tell you how he really feels, anyhow. if you ask if he wants to be in this situation, he’ll answer, his teeth grit, with a resounding “yes.”
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infiltratored · 4 years
the third game doesn’t do an awful job at portraying the ptsd shepard would have from the previous two games, but i wish it’d expanded upon it a bit more. because can you imagine experiencing death  &  coming back from it ?  you experienced everything about death  &  you remember it.
Keep reading
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infiltratored · 4 years
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Right behind you, Commander.
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infiltratored · 4 years
going to be revamping this blog very soon   (  tomorrow, maybe tonight but classes hit my energy level hard today  )   because i’ve been thinking about mass effect lately  &  i miss it so much even if the remaster got pushed to 2021
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infiltratored · 4 years
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well this is not finished
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infiltratored · 4 years
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Mass Effect Numbers Meme / One Commander [1/1]
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