justsomeitgirl · 6 years
with all the stuff going around rn about dan thats using the term gay i just want to make it abundantly clear that any time I reblog something where someone has called dan gay, i am taking the term in the context of meaning not straight.
i will not ever in any way try to ignore dans clear desire to leave his sexuality unlabeled/undefined
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justsomeitgirl · 6 years
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justsomeitgirl · 6 years
phil: bro i bet i could fit the entire world in my hands
dan: bro it’s not possible
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dan: B R O
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justsomeitgirl · 6 years
Your tags really shook me because that’s so true. Dan and phil don’t have to think about not having someone in a year because they just know. Like, they don’t have any doubts about their love
buying hamilton tickets a year in advance? compiling a mince pie codex for next christmas? planning their futures and knowing that their current home won’t be their forever home? everything they do is together and they don’t have any plans to change that fact. dan and phil know without a doubt that they will spend the rest of their lives together and not to be a demon but wow that’s love.
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justsomeitgirl · 7 years
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I think about love on a scale from 1 to 10. Most of us find a 6 or 7, and that’s why we have divorce. It’s the truth. We settle for that 6 or 7. But I like to think Kevin is Chiron’s 10. He’s found that and he realizes that there’s no reason to settle for a 6 or a 7 because, “I know this person is my 10. Whether or not this person believes I’m his 10, I’m going to devote my life to this person entirely.” That’s why the line where he says, “You’re the only man that’s ever touched me,” for me, was the most amazing, most beautiful thing I’ve seen in cinema, period. Because that’s what we strive for as people, to find that one person because they’re there. If Kevin doesn’t feel that they should be together, Chiron is just going to die a miserable person because that’s his person and he won’t settle for anything else. But I like to think they’re together, walking in Central Park hand-in-hand when they’re 90 years old. - Trevante Rhodes
Moonlight (2016, dir. Barry Jenkins)
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justsomeitgirl · 7 years
Gostaria que você escrevesse um paralelo entre Olicity e Klamille, acho que há semelhanças, pois tenho lido (nos faces do Brasil) comentários que tanto Felicity quanto Camile são ruins para os personagens principais das duas séries, porque fazem com que eles sejam mais humanos. Você concorda com isto?? Como?? Por quê elas são ruins para as séries?? Abraços querida. (Mari - BR)
Translation:I would like you to write a parallel between Olicity and Klamille, I thinkthere are some similarities, because I have been reading comments about howboth Felicity and Camille are bad for the main characters of each show, becausethey humanize them. Do you agree with that? How? Why are they bad for theshows? Hugs darling.
Ihaven’t been as invested in Arrow as I used to be, hence why I don’t reallywrite about it anymore. I suppose there are in fact similarities between thetwo female characters: they are the male lead’s main love interests; they helpthe men they love find their inner light; and they both get a great deal ofhate. You asked if I agree with the fact that both Camille and Felicity are badfor their shows: well, no, I don’t. I think that couldn’t be further from thetruth. But then again, my opinion has to do with my understanding of the showand the characters themselves, particularly Klaus Mikaelson and Oliver Queen.
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Commonground can also be found between those two, because they are both on a herojourney and they both started off thinking they didn’t deserve love and afraidto see the goodness in them. The women they love have played a huge role inletting them know they were worth it, in showing them the light within by believingin them even in the worst of times, in guiding them towards it when theycouldn’t see it themselves. I can’t see how that could ever be bad for thecharacters or the show when the endgame is for both of them to finally embracethat light and become heroes by doing so.
I’llbe honest with you about the hate. When it comes to Felicity Smoak, 99% of it isn’t even relatedto the character but to a ship that was dead before it even began and was neverthe actual endgame of the show. People hate Felicity because Oliver Queen iswith her and not their fave. The same goes to Camille O’Connell: people hateher because Klaus’s love for her poses a threat to their headcanon fantasy thatis probably never going to happen. However, I refuse to try and analyze thathate or even justify it. It’s wrong, and it’s stupid, and I won’t even dignifythat sort of behavior by making it rational. Ship all you want, just don’t hatecharacters/actors because you can’t have it your way.
Still, your ask gives me the opportunity to share my two cents regarding the character of Klaus Mikaelson and his villain to hero journey, because in the end your question is about whether humanizing the main character, who used to be a villain, isultimately good for the show, regardless of who contributes to that process. If you would like to read the meta I wrote on that subject, here it is.
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justsomeitgirl · 7 years
Klaus Mikaelson: From Villain to Hero
There’s something I’ve been meaning to address for a long time regarding Klaus Mikaelson and this post is me finally getting around to do it. For a while now I’ve seen quite some people complain about the “new Klaus”. Apparently, they don’t like that he is now allowing himself to feel something and to express those emotions through, and this will not come out as a tremendous shock, tears. They don’t like soft, sentimental and emotional Klaus Mikaelson. They would rather have the ruthless, manipulative and emotionally shut-down character he was back when he was the actual villain on TVD.
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Now, I don’t usually like to comment on other people’s opinions. I’m all in favor of free speech and staying in your lane. However, I am completely appalled every single time I run across this sort of complaints, and I felt the need to explain to you just why it bothers me so much.
First of all, there’s the logistical side of the question. People who wish for Klaus to go back to the monster he was when we first saw him on TVD forget that he is not on that show anymore. Furthermore, they also seem to overlook that he is now the main character on a show called The Originals, which focuses on the character development of not only Klaus Mikaelson, but also his family members. Let me explain to you why this is important. On TVD, Klaus Mikaelson was introduced as an antagonist, meaning he was a bad guy trying to ruin the lives of the already preexistent main characters of that show. He served the purpose of a villain, and his character was oriented to that same purpose. You weren’t supposed to like Klaus; you might fancy him and find him cute and witty, but you weren’t supposed to root for him and wish he could have an amazing life and become a better person. And then someone had the brilliant idea of unveiling what lurked behind the villain construction of the character, and The Originals was born. Klaus Mikaelson went from a supporting character designed to make you root for the Mystic Falls gang to the lead of a TV show focused on hope and redemption. This is a fundamental shift in the dynamic of the shows which necessarily carries a fundamental shift in the character itself.
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As interesting and captivating as a villain might be, at the end of the day you still want them dead, or at least defeated. It does not bode well for any TV show if the audience is rooting for everyone else but the actual main character, and in order for the audience to root for any character, they have to earn their love and sympathy. Klaus Mikaelson wasn’t going to do that by staying the same vicious murderer who was willing to take down whoever it took just to make himself more powerful, so the writers decided to find something else inside him that could humanize him, make him more relatable. Because whether or not you claim to love villains and shows centered on them, in the end you will always want them to find happiness and peace. It’s only natural that you want the best for someone you love, even if they used to be a villain.
In order to humanize Klaus Mikaelson, a different story started to be told, both in the past and present time. Whatever flashbacks we got, they were from a time when Niklaus was still innocent and pure: human. In present time, that is the journey he is on: to become human again, although metaphorically. That journey takes time and has a lot of setbacks, but the final destination is one the audience, who has fallen in love with the man under the beast, can look forward to. And that final destination is him embracing his inner light and becoming a hero.
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Now that we’ve dealt with the logistical aspects of Klaus Mikaelson no longer being an antagonist but a protagonist on his own show, let’s get down to Klaus Mikaelson, the character. It is true that from the moment we met him we knew he has done some terrible things, but we have also always known something else about him: that he will do anything to protect the people he loves. That very personality trait is how the writers managed to turn him from a villain to a hero in the makings. Klaus’s motivation is solely to look out for his loved ones, even if he initially didn’t exactly do it the right way. Now tell me, would it make any sense for someone like that to never want to grow and evolve, when it is his reckless and cruel behavior that distances himself from those people he tries so hard to protect? Are we expected to believe that after a millennium of Elijah fighting for his redemption, of Rebekah constantly giving him second and third and fourth chances, of Kol seeking his approval, Klaus Mikaelson still wouldn’t have learnt from his mistakes and made some kind of progress? Not only does that not feel remotely right to me, it would be disrespectful towards the audience. You don’t enjoy a TV show or root for characters because you want them to stay exactly the same forever and ever and not develop the least bit. You want growth, you want progress, you want a payoff to the story being told. The payoff in Klaus Mikaelson’s story is exactly him slowly learning to do the right thing for the ones he cares about, not continuing to rip off people’s heads and hearts out for no reason or the wrong reason.
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So to the people out there clamoring for the “old Klaus” back, I’ll let you in on a little secret: there is no “old Klaus” or “new Klaus”. There is only one Klaus Mikaelson, and he is an incredibly complex and layered character that is growing and developing, and it is beautiful to see. He will never completely cease being the guy who wanted power at any cost, but at the same time he was always someone with the potential to do good once he understood that caring for others and having faith in himself weren’t bad things. Whether he is tearing people to shreds or crying because he just can’t take it anymore, he is still Klaus Mikaelson. And those different and intertwined sides of him are what make him such a fabulous character.
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justsomeitgirl · 7 years
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It’s been 5 years since the fall of the Mikaelsons. We’ve managed to keep our monsters buried. Now we’ve got to make sure they stay there.
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justsomeitgirl · 7 years
Could you write a short meta about how Lucien and Aurora are the evil counterparts of Klaus and Camille ?
I have written a meta on Lucien a while ago where I draw a parallel between him and the Mikaelson family, not just Klaus, if you would like to take a look. Specifically about Lucien and Klaus’s dynamic, I wrote this:
“The problem with people who have a traumatic past and see themselves as monsters is that with time they learn to erect walls around them which turn them into cold, ruthless killers to hide how close to the breaking point they are. In that aspect, Klaus and Lucien are very similar. However, Klaus has always had people who love him and fight for him by his side, showing him it’s okay to be kind, to not give into the temptation of darkness, to be flawed and human. When the compulsion broke, Lucien was lost, vulnerable, and all alone. It was easier to embrace the darkness than to fight it because the wounds ran too deep, and I think that was, maybe more than when he was turned into a vampire, the moment he truly became a monster. He had to make a choice; either he became one, or he would have to live in utter agony for the rest of his days. He had no one to tell him it would get better, that they would help him get through it. So he chose the former.“
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I do believe that Klaus Mikaelson could have become Lucien Castle if he didn’t have his family and his loved ones to ground him and make him human, and therefore I can agree that Lucien somehow mirrors Klaus’s storyline, only as an evil counterpart.
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I don’t really see how Aurora could be Cami’s evil counterpart, though, because the only thing they have in common in my eyes is the love for Klaus Mikaelson, present or past. Camille O’Connell has a darkness in her, yes, and she has never quite learned to embrace it, but she still controls it better than Aurora ever did. I don’t see a way Cami could ever become Aurora. Not even in her darkest hours as a vampire did she become so obsessed and dangerous. And unlike Lucien, Aurora always had Tristan to look out for her, as Cami had the people who love her. And despite that, they both followed very different paths, because they are different people. If you meant evil counterpart as Cami’s own antagonist, sure. She was in a way a symbol of the worst the vampirism could bring and Cami had to defeat that kind of darkness, but they never really mirrored each other.
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justsomeitgirl · 7 years
I loved season 3 bc u really get to see how close the family could be!!! Like especially the small moments when Kol and Klaus actually hugged or when Elijah instantly defended Klaus when they were stuck in the dream thing or the moments between Freya and Kol-all of them!!! Is there any moment/moment(s) like this that you liked the most?
Anon 2: What are your favorite family moments on the show?
I fell in love with this show because of the Mikaelsons, so any family moment makes my heart beat a little faster. I love them, I love their bond and I love the dynamic of the family as a whole. There are a million scenes between the core trio, Klaus/Elijah/Rebekah, that I have absolutely loved and still go back to watch them throughout the three seasons. Don’t get me wrong, I love Kol or Freya just as much, but these three are my weak spot. Nevertheless, since you didn’t ask for a Klelijah, Klebekah or Relijah moment, I’ll tell you one of my favorite moments that gathers almost all members of the family: the Christmas party in 3x09.
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There was a lot about this that made me tremendously happy, but what I loved most of all was that for a moment, they forgot about their demons, their enemies and the threats on their family and just enjoyed each other’s company. All of them, including Hayley and Camille, because they too are part of the Mikaelsons. It was just about love and unity and it might have just seemed like a sweet, tender moment, but it was so much more than that. It was a glimpse at why this show even exists in the first place. This is all that matters: these characters, these relationships, this love amongst all of them.
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I really enjoyed how for a second the show focused on the core trio, because it started with the three of them. They love each other more than anything and yet they rarely have the time to be together, not fighting or turning against each other, just spending time together, because they love each other. Simple as that.
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Furthermore, Rebekah Mikaelson was back and I think everyone knows by now how much I love my precious badass fragile queen. It’s nice for once to have her give relationship advice to Klaus as if they were a perfectly normal brother and sister, because after everything they have been through, there is nothing they want more than to see each other happy.
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It was also Freya’s first Christmas with the family, which is absolutely sweet but also plays a huge part in her storyline. She finally feels like she belongs with these people.
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Finally, it’s incredibly important that Hayley was there, as family. She had been fighting Jackson over the Mikaelsons for a while, but in this moment they both finally embraced that she will always be one of them. She loves them and they love her, and they all protect each other. They are family.
Episode 3x09 was actually one of my all-time favorites, and a lot of it had to do with both the Mikaelson scenes and Klamille scenes. That’s what I love about this show, and that’s what I watch for.
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justsomeitgirl · 7 years
Cami's currently in hell, being eaten by the Devil's hellfire. One of the major antagonists, who are likely the Devil's servants, might get fun of Klaus by showing her.
If you’re talking about the way she appears on the trailer, I would be more inclined to believe it’s Klaus hallucinating on his own and without the influence of the Ghouls (someone pointed out I should correct the “sirens” reference here, and since I have no idea what or who these villains are I’ll take their word for it), because after all he has been imprisoned and tortured for five years; he’s bound to get a little craz(ier)y. In the future, however, I can totally see that happening. His love for Cami is his strength but also his weak spot, and his enemies could very well, as others have done before, manipulate that affection to weaken him.
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justsomeitgirl · 7 years
Do you think Cami is coming back? I feel like it's just a trick to get viewers back.
Coming back as in being resurrected? I highly doubt it. I wish I was as hopeful as some other lovely people in the fandom who do believe that’s a possibility, but I don’t think they would go to all the trouble of backing their lame decision of killing her if they were thinking of reversing it entirely in the first place. I’m confident she will make occasional appearances in hallucinations, dreams or even flashbacks, but it just seems really unlikely that they’ll actually bring her back from the dead. Don’t get me wrong, I would be over the moon if they did, I just don’t think they would.
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justsomeitgirl · 7 years
When Cami fall in love with klaus and realized she was in love with Klaus in your opinion?
Anon 2: When did you think Cami knew she was in love with Klaus?
It is hard to pinpoint the exact moment when someone falls in love with another person. Love is built on many little moments until one day, without even noticing how it happened, you realize that that person has changed your life and you can’t imagine yourself without them. It’s a journey with no start or finish.
I do, however, believe that you can’t love someone without knowing them. And because of that, I would have to say that the moment I believe Camille O’Connell really started to love Klaus in the full sense of the word was when he let her in and showed her a fraction of his past back in episode 1x09.
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You see, until then Klaus hid his true colors under charm and a cute accent, but she always knew there was more to him than that. It’s why she never gave up on him despite knowing all of the awful things he had done and was still doing. She believed there had to be something, some humanity left in him, but he wouldn’t let her in, and Cami could not love a person who didn’t even allow her to know them. So when Klaus showed her what had been done to him, he was meeting her halfway. It didn’t matter if it was just a small part of his past, it was something; it was proof that he was letting his guard down and letting her in. And in that moment, Camille O’Connell saw the Klaus Mikaelson she knew to be under that monster façade: someone with a good and pure heart who loved too deeply and had suffered too much. She could never be scared of him, because despite him only seeing a monster, she saw him as the most human he had ever been around her. Weak, vulnerable, and broken, but still beautiful. Still worth it.
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I don’t know if she realized then and there that she loved him, but she did fall in love with that man. The man only few people knew, the man behind the monster, the man who was so similar to her. Who fought an inner battle between darkness and light, who was desperately holding to any humanity left despite everything he had been through. And the man who was worth fighting for.
As to when Camille actually realized she had feelings for Klaus, I’m not sure, but I am tempted to say it was when he allowed her to say goodbye to her uncle and later saved her from him, in 1x19.
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When she was struggling with saying goodbye to yet another family member, he made it easier for her expecting nothing in return. He prevented her from doing something she might regret, gave her one last chance to say farewell and was by her side all along, understanding and comforting her when she needed it the most. And then suddenly, when she asked him to stay a little longer, it hit her. His support meant something more to her than a friend’s. It felt good to have him there because there was a connection between them that made some of the pain go away. Was she ready to admit it just yet? No, she wasn’t, and that’s why ultimately she wanted Marcel to be the one by her side. But she knew then something had changed inside her. Klaus Mikaelson had shaken her world and she couldn’t shake him.
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justsomeitgirl · 7 years
What are your thoughts on the Cami and Klaus moment in the new promo for season 4?!?
I think it’s beautiful how after five years, Camille O’Connell is still the one who keeps Klaus going even as he suffers through endless days of constant torment. That is the definition of true, undying love and it’s a rare and exquisite thing.
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Cami has been Klaus’s refuge ever since they met. She was the one talking him out of stupid decisions, calming him down and making him think it through and choose to do better. She was the light at the end of the tunnel which made him want to walk towards it in the first place. She was one of his few links to humanity, his balance and the reason why he fought to embrace the goodness in him. And when she left him, he made a promise. He promised he wouldn’t let go, he promised he would do right by her and Hope just like she asked him to, he promised her to be the light when darkness surrounded him.
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Camille O’Connell became Klaus’s light. That’s why, when he is at his worst and in so much pain, it’s her name he screams. To calm him and remind him he is strong enough to get through it, just like she used to. She became part of him, the best part of him, because that was the way he found to always be with her. Five years, an eternity even, are not enough for Klaus to forget someone who became the embodiment of his own light, or for him to ever stop loving her. Camille lives through Klaus and Klaus lives because of her.
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justsomeitgirl · 7 years
now that the trailer is out what do you think, narducci said that every love story is a ghost story, this season is about ghost i think, and we saw camille, it's a hint?
I don’t mean to disappoint you but I’ve learnt not to trust in anything the writers say except what they actually write and happens on screen. People often post on social media without worrying too much about the meaning someone might infer from that post, but more often than that, writers and the overall crew and cast of a television show post stuff on social media to attract more viewers, because more viewers equals more money. That’s just the way things work. Is MN posting that exact quote on the same day as the promo comes out a coincidence? Hell not. Does it mean anything about the actual direction they will be following on the show? It can go either way, but probably not. Call it fan-bait, fan-service or whatever you want to call it, but that’s what they are doing. I personally don’t like those terms because they let out the wrong idea that pleasing fans is not what you’re supposed to do. It’s exactly what you’re supposed to do, because more fans equals more viewers and, like I said, more viewers equals more money. However, what MN is doing is not quite that. He is trying to lure back a great portion of his audience, whom he lost by killing off Cami, by feeding us a 3 second hallucination to make us want to watch the episode only for us to realize later on that it was just a one time thing and Cami is still dead. Am I falling for it? Hell yeah, but I’m not so blind as to not know exactly what I’m falling for.
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Some days ago, when answering this ask, I talked about how Klaus and Camille’s love is a soulmate connection that goes beyond time and space and how you only find a love like that once in a lifetime. That is what I believe in because that is what I watched develop between them over the course of three years, not because I believe a single word MN posts on Twitter. Do I have hope that Camille O’Connell is the one and only love of Klaus Mikaelson’s life? Yes, I do, and I firmly believe that’s the story they are telling, but not because of social media hints.
Note: If this answer seems a bit cold or rude to you, that was never my intention and I apologize. I realize I might have been a little too straightforward but that’s only because I’ve been misled into trusting writers’ off-screen hints way too many times and I always end up getting frustrated. I’m just trying to advise you not to make that mistake as well.
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justsomeitgirl · 7 years
why hope isn't on the trailer? she's so important and yet she isn't *angry emoji*... i just want to see her in action
I have to admit I might have been just a little too happy about Cami’s “return” to notice that, but you’re right. Maybe all of her scenes would spoil too much about her storyline? Maybe they just want to keep people guessing and get them curious enough to tune in and watch the premiere? Or maybe they just screwed up which wouldn’t be a first.
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justsomeitgirl · 7 years
in regard to your ... elijah vs hope meta about klaus (i loved it, btw), I just wanted to add that I am of the mind that elijah would expect nothing less of klaus to pick his daughter. in fact, he would likely even encourage him to do so; to choose hope over him. elijah would never place his own importance over that of hope, never in a million years.
Yes, you’re absolutely right. I think Elijah would have been the first to let Klaus know that he would want him to choose Hope over Elijah. All he ever cared about was the future of the Mikaelsons and Hope is that future; he would sacrifice himself for her without a second thought because she is the promise of redemption for the Mikaelsons. She is everything he has ever fought for.
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