jayzheartstudio · 4 years
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Sometimes you feel a strong voice inside of you. Hear it out!
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jayzheartstudio · 4 years
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Sometimes you feel a strong voice inside of you. Hear it out!
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jayzheartstudio · 4 years
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Sometimes you feel a strong voice inside of you. Hear it out!
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jayzheartstudio · 4 years
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Love this tree 🌲 and the greens around it ❤️🌻
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jayzheartstudio · 4 years
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Hello ☀️🌷 - 🌻 Sunflower
You’re pretty 🤣
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jayzheartstudio · 4 years
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An attempt at fast painting 🖼
Intertwined trees symbolising growing old together. It’s another recreational painting for a friend, wishing her a lovely wedded life ❤️❤️
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jayzheartstudio · 4 years
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An attempt at fast painting 🖼
Intertwined trees symbolising growing old together. It’s another recreational painting for a friend, wishing her a lovely wedded life ❤️❤️
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jayzheartstudio · 4 years
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jayzheartstudio · 4 years
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Pushpanjali! Guru Purnima 2020! Surprise greetings and respect saying thanks to my Bharatnatyam dance teacher. Online classes are fun but we’re hoping to restart classroom training soon.
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jayzheartstudio · 4 years
Hello 👋 It’s been a good weekend here in Manchester apart from few hours of 🌧 yesterday night.
Today I thought that I can blog about my travel experience on train between Manchester - Sheffield in England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 and my travel observations as this could be something to read back on how life used to be and how it shapes up from here and also it could be useful for people who might be looking for tips to travel.
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First thing on the list is to know that a face mask 😷 is a must to travel. So keep some handy in your travel bag. Also please don’t forget to take a pocket hand sanitizer. It has been very useful for my Partner and I.
Next thing to be sure about how you want to travel. In my case I travelled from Manchester to Sheffield with my Partner after 3 - 3.5 months of strict lockdown. I was quite hesitant to travel to be honest but we had to travel at some point to get some of my Partner’s things from Sheffield. Yes, my partner lives or I should say that he used to live in Sheffield but he has been stuck in Manchester with me after Covid situation and lockdown restrictions. So yes, we had a look on the EMR app for train timings and we booked anytime return tickets. If you are planning to travel on a Coach let’s say National Express, make sure you read all instructions on their website.
I should mention that the services don’t run as usual. My advice would be that you don’t aim to travel on a train or bus that might be the last service of the day unless you really have to or if you have a place to stay in case you miss the last train.
The seats are quite well distanced marked where to sit and where not. If you see in the photo below there’s a label on top of the seat marked “ok ✅ “, which means you can sit here and the seat next to me is marked “❌”, which means you can’t sit here. Hence why I started reading a 📖 book so I am occupied and also learning to embrace that this might be the norm for few more months or years.
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At Sheffield in the trams and station you can sit together if you’re travelling together. So before you take a seat make sure that you read what’s mentioned on the 📝 note.
Overall travel as been quite easy between Manchester to Sheffield and vice versa, in spite of social distancing, using face masks and hand sanitizers.
I must appreciate the fact that co-travellers are also mindful most of the time. Something that I noticed while returning back from Sheffield is that trains 🚆 become a bit packed so even if there’s a note that one must not sit here, people have to take those seats. Probably this situation has been noticed already and the train companies might have a solution for this.
Let me finish with this beautiful quote by Shakespeare so we remember that there’s always hope for a better tomorrow and a better future.
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jayzheartstudio · 4 years
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Recreation of a Mexican Painting for a friend’s Birthday!
During this critical Covid situation, I couldn’t go out to buy a Birthday card for a friend. So I decided to make one. I made this painting after a long time from painting and it pretty much gave me the urge to go back into my painting hobby. My partner made a cute envelope ✉️ from A4 papers for it (which I really didn’t know that you could do) and we posted it from a near by postbox. Oh yeah! We purchased stamps from The Co-Op.
When it’s a recreational piece of someone else’s work, I try to make some enhancements to it that make it my version of the painting. Of course the originals are always a masterpiece and recreating it only means that someone else is travelling that moment the original Artist had. You learn a lot during the process, when you recreate a recreation, it becomes flawless at some point. I’m on that journey where I find recreational Art to be a pathway to understand more about Art, someone’s state of mind and scope for evolutionary work around it. What do you think about this Guitar with wings? It’s an apt painting for Birthdays, is what I felt while painting 🖼 this 🎸
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jayzheartstudio · 4 years
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Recreation of a Mexican Painting for a friend’s Birthday!
During this critical Covid situation, I couldn’t go out to buy a Birthday card for a friend. So I decided to make one. I made this painting after a long time from painting and it pretty much gave me the urge to go back into my painting hobby. My partner made a cute envelope ✉️ from A4 papers for it (which I really didn’t know that you could do) and we posted it from a near by postbox. Oh yeah! We purchased stamps from The Co-Op.
When it’s a recreational piece of someone else’s work, I try to make some enhancements to it that make it my version of the painting. Of course the originals are always a masterpiece and recreating it only means that someone else is travelling that moment the original Artist had. You learn a lot during the process, when you recreate a recreation, it becomes flawless at some point. I’m on that journey where I find recreational Art to be a pathway to understand more about Art, someone’s state of mind and scope for evolutionary work around it. What do you think about this Guitar with wings? It’s an apt painting for Birthdays, is what I felt while painting 🖼 this 🎸
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jayzheartstudio · 4 years
🦋 Welcome 🦋
I’m Jayanthi. My parents call me Jayu and friends call me Jay. You can choose either nicknames. I was born in India and settled in the UK. I love to write ✍🏽, dance 💃 , and paint 🎨. I usually juggle between picking my favourite hobby. I find myself quite indecisive given options. My personality wants to explore and experiment and experience all sort of activities. Yes! I’m like a baby that wants to do everything that’s put in front of it. I’m still curious and excited when it comes to new hobbies, travelling, food and so on. Here, in this blog, I would like to share interesting events of my life, places that I’ve visited, books that I’ve read, problems that I’ve encountered and how to handle it, etc. Basically there is no structure to this blog and hence it is called Life 365. Come and join me for good reads about my life and events.
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jayzheartstudio · 4 years
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Everyday is a new beginning! A bad day that comes to an end makes way for a new beginning. What a beautiful motivational quote by Shakespeare for the play Macbeth! My partner Andrew and I have watched Macbeth by The Globe Theatre on YouTube. If you have not watched it yet, please do so.
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jayzheartstudio · 4 years
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Tianwen 1 Mission to Mars via NASA https://ift.tt/32RKcHG
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jayzheartstudio · 4 years
7 Things to Know about the Perseverance Mars Rover
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We’re set to launch the Mars 2020 Perseverance rover mission from Cape Canaveral, Florida, on July 30. The rover is loaded with scientific instruments and advanced technology, making it the largest, heaviest and most sophisticated vehicle ever sent to the Red Planet.
What is Perseverance’s mission and what will it do on Mars? Here are seven things to know:
1. Perseverance draws on the NASA – and scientific – spirit of overcoming challenges
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Not only does it have to launch during a pandemic and land on a treacherous planet, it has to carry out its science goals:
Searching for signs of past microbial life
Mapping out the planet’s geology and climate
Collecting rock and other samples for future return to Earth
Paving the way for human exploration
We chose the name Perseverance from among the 28,000 essays submitted during the “Name the Rover” contest. Because of the coronavirus pandemic, the months leading up to the launch in particular have required creative problem solving, teamwork and determination.
2. Perseverance builds on the lessons from other Mars rovers
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In 1997, our first Mars rover – Sojourner – showed that a robot could rove on the Red Planet. Spirit and Opportunity, which both landed in 2004, found evidence that Mars once had water before becoming a frozen desert.
Curiosity found evidence that Mars’ Gale Crater was home to a lake billions of years ago and that there was an environment that may have sustained microbial life. Perseverance aims to answer the age-old question – are there any signs that life once existed on Mars?
3. Perseverance will land in a place with high potential to find signs of ancient life
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The rover will land in Jezero Crater, a 28-mile wide basin north of the Martian equator. A space rock hit the surface long ago, creating the large hole. Between 3 and 4 billion years ago, a river flowed into a body of water in Jezero the size of Lake Tahoe.
4. Perseverance will also collect important data about Mars’ geology and climate
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Mars orbiters have collected images and other data about Jezero Crater from about 200 miles above, but finding signs of past life will need much closer inspection. A rover like Perseverance can look for those signs that may be related to ancient life and analyze the context in which they were found to see if the origins were biological.
5. Perseverance is the first leg of a round trip to Mars
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This is the first rover to bring a sample-gathering system to Mars that will package promising samples of rocks and other materials for future return to Earth. NASA and ESA are working on the Mars Sample Return campaign, so we can analyze the rocks and sediment with tools too large and complex to send to space.
6. Perseverance will pave the way for human exploration of the Red Planet
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Two packages – one that helps the rover autonomously avoid hazards during landing (TRN) and another that gathers crucial data during the trip through Mars’ atmosphere (MEDLI2) – will help future human missions land safely and with larger payloads on other worlds.
There are two instruments that will specifically help astronauts on the Red Planet. One (MEDA) will provide key information about the planet’s weather, climate and dust activity, while a technology demonstration (MOXIE) aims to extract oxygen from Mars’ mostly carbon-dioxide atmosphere.
7. You get to ride along
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Perseverance and other parts of the Mars 2020 spacecraft feature 23 cameras, which is more than any other interplanetary mission in history. Raw images from the camera are set to be released on the mission website.
There are also three silicon chips with the names of nearly 11 million people who signed up to send their names to Mars.
And you can continue to follow the mission on Twitter and Facebook. 
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space: http://nasa.tumblr.com
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jayzheartstudio · 4 years
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This beautiful card is what my Fiancé Andrew gifted me from our trip to Stratford-upon-Avon after visiting The Royal Shakespeare Company for a play called “The Boy In The Dress”. Looking back, we are grateful that we were able to travel last year 😊 The photo collage with the card is taken at London Primrose Park Sunset view point. One can agree that Andrew is a very good photographer.
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