indigokye · 5 years
People try to use "it's just a phase" to mean "this is not the real you"
But even when you look at a half moon, you're still seeing the real moon. And it doesn't mean the other half isnt there. It's still a part of you, and always will be. Just one that's getting highlighted right now.
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Life is a series of phases, and there’s nothing wrong with that.
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indigokye · 5 years
love the way your robot’s eyes change from placid blue to angry red at the exact moment it decides to murder you; incredibly considerate of the designers to add the extra leds and connect them to the homicide output of the emotion chip.
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indigokye · 5 years
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indigokye · 5 years
Dragon Prince has set the bar so high for me in terms of design, plot, romance, and representation. Like... idk how I'm gonna find another show that compares once its over.
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indigokye · 5 years
What if he could have saved her, but instead chose to wait there till she died JUST to collect her last breath? I mean... all we have is HIS account of what happened, and we all know that mf ain't to be trusted
So Viren just.....stored Sarai's last breath....in a jar....for years...
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indigokye · 5 years
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My bad... Amaya says "She thinks I'm cute"
Theres more after that but idk what it was. If anyone else understands ASL, feel free to put what it is.
There was a scene where Amaya introduces Janai (and Janai is all like "Were not friends... shes my prisoner")
Now. I'm not great at ASL, but did Amaya not sign "She thinks shes cute" as a response !??!?
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indigokye · 5 years
There was a scene where Amaya introduces Janai (and Janai is all like "Were not friends... shes my prisoner")
Now. I'm not great at ASL, but did Amaya not sign "She thinks shes cute" as a response !??!?
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indigokye · 5 years
Felix spoilers
If people in universe start theorizing that Felix could be Chat Noir, I'm gonna scream.
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indigokye · 5 years
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ok but let’s admit chloe rejecting hawkmoth from akumatizing her is some major character development
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indigokye · 5 years
So in the late 90's-early 00's I was a kid in the conservative south. Every so often, our bus driver would yell "ATTITUDE CHECK!" and all the kids had to reply in unison "PRAISE THE LORD!"
And if thats not a weird, cult version of Vibe Checking eachother, I dont know what is
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indigokye · 5 years
So Legend Quest....
I'm usually REALLY positive about where writers take the show but I'm super bummed that "season 2" of Las Leyendas is like a retelling of the story. They reintroduce characters and act like they've never seen them (i.e. The wolf guarding the Iggdrasil tree) and everything looks so different.
Plus, so many plot lines were just doxxed. Wheres the explanation of that mystery woman? Or the relationship Teo and Maricella had developed?
Again, I never usually complain and I'm not upset. I'm just confused. Why redo it when the original was SO. FRIKIN. GOOD.
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indigokye · 5 years
Steam: Youre about to check this violent game out are you over 18?
Me: (remembers i laughed very hard at “reeses penis butter cups”) man i dont know let me in
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indigokye · 5 years
lmao excuse my language but reese’s penis butter cups lol 
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indigokye · 5 years
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I’ve been seeing a lot of anti-Nazi ones, which is great, but I felt like we needed one to show our support for the Jewish community.  
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indigokye · 5 years
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indigokye · 5 years
"Yikes" truly is the right word for it....
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twilight mutuals how we feelin about this Yikes! magazine i found from 2012
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indigokye · 5 years
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“Why on earth Gabriel was wearing a beekeeping hat in Party Crasher? Can his butterflies bite, sting or something?”
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