inbetweenavengers · 6 years
This is so cuteeeeeeeeee
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Just Like Dad - Daddy Daze (Bucky)
By: ProMarvelFanGirl
Pairing: daddy!Bucky x Reader
A/n:  I am taking requests! For our favorite super soldier dads!  Take a look at the master list and feel free to request something 
Just a reminder ALL of my tag list are OPEN send asks only
Bucky was standing in the locker room of the gym his hands supporting his weight on the sink.  He studied himself in the mirror with a large frown.  He lifts his metal hand to run it through his singed hair.
During training he had been sparring against Tony, Bucky was sure that Tony still wasn’t over what happened in the events of what the media called “The Civil War”.  He couldn’t blame him, after being married and having a kid, he couldn’t imagine losing you both.  Still it had been years, and though Tony said he forgave him, he still was aiming his thrusters at Bucky’s head.
Tony had apologized profusely of course, swearing up and down he didn’t mean to even release the burst of energy that blew off half of Bucky’s long hair.  Bucky grabbed his phone from his duffel bag that sat on the bench behind him.  He sends you a quick text explaining what happened and that he will be home a bit late.
Do you really have to get your haircut?  It will grow back you know.
Doll this is not funny.  I will be home after.
After taking a quick picture he sent it to you.  He packed up his things and then grabbed at the hair tie on his wrist.  After trying and failing several times to pull his hair back, he resigned himself to just walking out to his car.
He could hear the snickers from Steve, Sam, Nat, and Tony, as he walked passed them.  Shooting a glare at all of them, he headed out the door.  Just as he was about to leave he turned and addressed Tony. “Stark, expect a call from my wife.  She’s pretty pissed you shot at my head.”
Tony’s eyes went wide and he gulped, “Why’d he have to tell her?!  Guess me and Pepper could use a vacation, better lay low for a while.”
James had been playing with his toys in the living room when his father walked through the door. “Dad!”
Bucky didn’t remove the hat off his head as he bent down to pick his son up. He gave James a tight hug and carried him into the kitchen where you were fixing dinner.
“Hey angel”  At the sound of his voice you put the lid back on the pasta sauce and turn toward him with an eager smile.  You move toward him quickly and try to take the hat off of his head.  He did his best to dodge you while James laughed at the antics his parents were getting up to.
“Buck stay still so I can take that stupid hat off.  I just wanna see your new haircut!”  Bucky dodge you one more time laughing both of you not realizing the pout that was taking over your son’s face.
When Bucky dodges you once more you huff and look at your son, taking in his pouting face. “What’s the matter baby?”
“Dad got his haircut!  I was growing mine out so I could do it like him!”  You reach your arms out and Bucky hands James off to you.
“Baby dad had to get a haircut, Tony shot off some of his hair.  I’m sure he will grow it back very quick so you two will match again.”  James seemed to think on this for a moment before he nodded.
“Dad let me and Ma see your hair.”  You smirk down at your son and wait for Bucky to take off his hat.  Knowing he couldn’t deny the two of you he uses his metal arm to pull off his hat squeezing his eyes closed, waiting for your reaction.
“Oh. My. Lord. Hubba Hubba.  You look amazing Buck.”  Bucky opened his eyes, shooting you a boyish grin.  Not that he needed to know but he could grow an awful mustache and still look handsome.
“It isn’t too short is it?”
“No way you look handsome.”  You practically had hearts in your eyes as you looked at him.  You hear a shuffling beside you and look to your son.
“Yes baby?”
“I wanna get my haircut like dad so I can be handsome too.”  You pick up James and cuddle him close before nodding your head.
Permanent Tags: OPEN
@firewolfkelly @after-avenging-hours @inbetweenavengers @ssweet-empowerment @its-daydreamer23 @crazy-little-thing-called-buck @trinityjadec @avengersbabe13 @bywonater @breezy1415 @lostinspace33 @tinaferraldo @toastmaster94 @lostinthoughtsandfeelings @daily-cup-of-writing
Bucky Tags: OPEN
@becausebands @anythingandeverythingmarvel
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inbetweenavengers · 6 years
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When you said we are going to open Wakanda for the rest of the world, this is not what I imagined. What did you imagine? The Olympics. Maybe even a Starbucks. 
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inbetweenavengers · 6 years
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Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)
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inbetweenavengers · 6 years
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inbetweenavengers · 6 years
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inbetweenavengers · 6 years
Say You Love Me 2.0 [Prologue]
Chapter index
Synopsis: Have you ever thought you were born in the wrong family? If you had the opportunity, would you change your last name and erase your whole life, so you could build a new one? The only thing that Kara Rogers has wanted throughout her seventeen years of life has been to live a normal life, far from the problems that seem to go after her family. But few months before graduating high school, Kara realizes she has to stop fantasizing about running away to some other life and start figuring out the one she has. But how to do it when she is completely and madly in love with her father’s best friend?
A/N: I’m guessing no one was expecting this, huh? Maybe @adarkcloud, because I’ve been annoying her like forever (thank you so much for your help, love!). Well, I’ve been wanting to rewrite this story since the day I first posted a chapter. I really like the idea and I definitely think I can do it better than the first time. So, here’s another try. I’m not going to delete the other version but if you haven’t read it, I’d prefer you just read this one, so I can maybe surprise you? Anyway, I hope you like it and enjoy it. Feedback is always welcomed.
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Sometimes, the best thing you can do is not think, not wonder, not imagine, not obsess. Just breathe and have faith that everything will work for the best. But as I blinked several times, trying to get used to the dim yellow light that hung from above the fifthly cell where I was locked, I knew that things were never going back to how they used to be.
A sharp, throbbing pain was placed in my left leg and when I tried to sit up, I felt like if someone was trying to rip my leg off. I bit the inside of my cheeks so I wouldn’t scream while I tried no to shed any tear. I pressed my face on the grimy floor, knowing I wouldn’t able to stand up by myself.
I had never felt that kind of pain, the kind that didn’t let you think. I didn’t consider myself a weak girl. When I was only five years old, I stepped on a sea urchin and the doctor had to pull out thirty-five quills. I didn’t even cry a bit. Although I think it wasn’t so much because it didn’t hurt –because it hurt like hell–, but because of the person who was right next to me.
I closed my eyes tightly as the face of that person projected into the darkness of my mind, suddenly feeling an uncontrollable desire to burst into tears.
“Kara, are you okay?”
My heart sank when I heard Lucas’s voice. I raised my head and titled it slightly, meeting him in the cell next to mine. I didn’t remember exactly what had happened. I only knew I was in the living room watching a movie with him when someone broke into the residence.
“I’m—“ I stopped talking when I followed Lucas’s look and saw an iron stick piercing the lower part of my left leg. My stomach cringed, bringing a retching.
“Look at me,” he said. “Kara, look at me.”
I turned my head and looked at Lucas, who had squatted down with his hands holding the grey bars of the cell and was looking at me with concern.
“I’m so sorry,” I blurted out, almost voicelessly. He didn’t deserve any of this. He was going to hate me when he found out who I really was and realize I was the reason why his life was in danger.
I heard the door of the room open. Lucas tried to get up, but I stopped him by placing one of my hands over his.
“Whatever they do, don’t do anything stupid,” I warned him. “I’m going to be okay. Do not worry about me.”
I felt awful for lying him, but I knew he had nothing to do with whatever was happening. Lucas was just a normal boy, with a normal life and with a normal family. Why would someone want to kidnap him?
The door of my cell was opened by a tall, pale man, who took me by my hair and dragged me out as I screamed in pain and Lucas tried to reach me out with his hand. I tried to stop him by grabbing his wrists but he was stronger than me.
“Stupid, stupid girl,” the man said with a funny accent. He grasped me by the collar of my t-shirt and lifted me without difficulty as I shrieked. Tears fell down my cheeks. I was in so much pain. “You shouldn’t have told your father where you are.”
I frowned, confused. I hadn’t told my father where I was. Not only I had no way of doing it, but I hadn’t talked with him in a long, long time.
“I didn’t tell him anything,” I replied. If my father was around, I had to buy some time. I wasn’t ready to die that night, let alone let Lucas die.
“Do you think I’m stupid?” The man grunted as he shook me, forcing me to look at him. I saw a gun in his other hand and a lump formed in my throat. I had grown up surrounded by weapons, although I had never taken one, or had one aimed at me.
“Leave her alone!” Lucas yelled as he tried to open the door of his cell. I closed my eyes tightly. He shouldn’t be standing out that way, not when he was dispensable in a situation like that.
“So noble,” the man scoffed, laughing wickedly as he dropped me. I moaned in pain when I hit the ground. My leg hurt so much I was sure I’d pass out eventually.
The man went to Lucas’s cell, opened the door and took him out of there at gunpoint. I found myself praying for the first time in my life, although I wasn’t sure what I was doing could be called praying.
Please don’t do anything stupid. Please don’t do anything stupid.
“Lucas Thompson, the boy who thinks he can win Kara’s Roger heart.” Lucas didn’t hide his surprise when he heard my last name. I don’t think he related it to my father, but it wasn’t the name I was using in school. “She’s a little liar, don’t you know? She’s not who she says she is.”
“What do you want?” I grunted in pain, making myself hear. I didn’t want that man spilling all my secrets to Lucas. It wasn’t his place. I should be the one to tell him the truth, to let him know me and my family were the responsible ones for that situation. “Let him go, please. I’m the one you need,” I implored.
“I really, really hate heroes.”
I couldn’t even react before the man raised the gun towards Lucas and pulled the trigger. A heartbreaking scream escaped my throat as Lucas dead body fell in front of me.
The metal door broke, causing a big noise. The man grabbed me again, forcing me to look away from Lucas’s dead body, and put an arm around my neck, pressing the gun against my temple. My eyes met my father’s blue eyes, who watched me with a mixture of terror, worry and guilt.
My father was about to take a step forward when a hand grabbed his shoulder. There he was, his protector and best friend, James Buchanan ‘Bucky’ Barnes. Once glance at him and my heart pounded.
“You son of a bitch,” my father hissed. “Let her go, she has nothing to do with this.”
“Oh, I know she doesn’t, Captain. Your daughter was just a little help to get you here. But you came before I could tell you what I want.”
“And what do you want?” He asked. My father was about to lose patience. I could see it in his eyes and in his tensed jaw.
“Does it matter? You clearly don’t have it.”
After uttering those last words, he dropped me and ran towards one of the walls. “Cover your head, Kara!” I heard my father scream before the man could press a black switch. I did what he told me as an explosion happened at the end of the room.
“Go, go, go!” Bucky shouted. “I got her.”
I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders and when I opened my eyes, I saw Bucky’s blue eyes looking at me with a sad smile. “Hi, munchkin. Long time, no see.”
My chest swelled, leaving me out of breath for a few seconds, and then a sob escaped my body. Bucky moved closed to me, placed one of his hand on the back of my head and gently pushed it to his shoulder.
“It’s okay. It’s going to be okay.”
But how was it going to be okay? Lucas was dead, and there was no way I could return to the life I had built in San Diego.
I blamed my father. If he weren’t who he was, none of that would had happened. No matter how many miles I put between the two of us, no matter how many times I pretended to be someone else, Captain America always ended up appearing and destroying my life.
“I have to get the iron out of your leg, Kara,” Bucky told me in the calmest tone he could find. “This is going to hurt.”
I thought I had no more strength to scream or any more tears to cry, but when Bucky removed the iron stick from my leg, I felt like I was going to die. I screamed and cried in pain as my vision blurred and turned black.
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inbetweenavengers · 6 years
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Bucky in Infinity War (with short hair) - 2018
Speed paint. For the “I prefer Buck with short hair” crowd ^^ (Photoshop CS6)
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inbetweenavengers · 6 years
I think there’s no better story to star my favorites tag. I’ve been reading this for a while now and I freaking love it. I love the way the story it’s written, I love the characters and their relationship and, of course, I love Mr. Barnes.
This is amazing. If you wanna read all the parts, you can do it here. 
Not Interested (part 1)
By: ProMarvelFanGirl
CEO!Bucky x Reader
Modern AU
James “Bucky” Barnes gets whatever he wants.  Has his whole life.  But after meeting you, he hears ‘no’ for the first time in his life.  Can he change your mind or will he have to learn you can’t always get what you want?
A/n: this is just the first chapter I had to set it up a bit…it will give more interaction in the next chapter. Promise!
James Barnes, Bucky to his friends, always gets what he wants.  That’s a well documented fact.  He wants a building for his office, its his.  He wants to absorb a small company, it’s his without a fight.  What he wants he gets.  It’s been this way since he was a kid, his best friend, Steve has always been along for the ride.  James Barnes has an amazing life and he loves every minute of it.
Standing in the corner of the large banquet room, Bucky glances at his watch.  He had only been there an hour but it felt like four.  Steve had gone off with Natasha, the firm’s lawyer, minutes after the two men had arrived.  Steve was still denying his and Natasha’s relationship, much to Bucky’s delight.  He enjoyed poking fun at his best friend at every moment.  
He didn’t enjoy these stupid parties, but they were a necessary nuisance.   They allowed him to make deals, network and continue to grow his business.  Looking at his watch again he decides an hour has been long enough and he makes his way to the coat check room to grab his things.
Seguir leyendo
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inbetweenavengers · 6 years
Me, a human with no superpowers and can barely open a pickle jar by myself, to Thanos: If you even think about laying a hand on any of my precious babies I will destroy you
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inbetweenavengers · 6 years
i know we’re all excited about steve and bucky hugging it out in infinity war but bitch this fucking hug better last at least half of the movie’s runtime for all i’ve waited for these assholes to get their shit together. it’s been seven years since tfa, i deserve this. thanos better put his invasion plans on hold because i’m here to collect
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inbetweenavengers · 6 years
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inbetweenavengers · 6 years
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inbetweenavengers · 6 years
Am I back?
The last time I wrote on this blog, it was in February of last year. I remember that my life was very busy by then. I was in a job that absorbed me and I was studying something that ended up being a supreme boredom. I also remembered I said I’d be back soon. Ha. Guess you can’t really trust my word (which makes me feel awful, by the way). I don’t know, I guess I needed to rest. And although my life is as busy as before, a friend of mine, which I made through this amazing platform, made me remember how much fun I had in here. Shoutout to the amazing @firewolfkelly!
The truth is that I’ve never left. At least, not completely. I’ve always been in the shadows, reading (mostly @promarvelfangirl and @after-avenging-hours), seeing what you amazing people posted... But until now, I haven’t felt like really returning. I’m not sure what I’m going to do here, I might write again (btw, all my stories are horrendous, how did you let me write?). But above all, I want to keep reading all your incredible stories, seeing all your amazing posts and I don’t know, feeling like I’m home again.
So… Hello. I guess I’m back.
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inbetweenavengers · 7 years
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his eyes 😍and the rest of his face too but like his eyes 😭
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inbetweenavengers · 7 years
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Sebastian Stan photographed by Chris Pizzello (x)
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inbetweenavengers · 7 years
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inbetweenavengers · 7 years
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7K notes · View notes