imanarteest-blog · 11 months
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EVIL (2019-) ↳ Kristen and Fenna in “S is for Silence”
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imanarteest-blog · 2 years
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imanarteest-blog · 2 years
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imanarteest-blog · 2 years
Oh my god. I love this
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The Order of The Avengers (Part 1) - (2021)
A couple of months ago, I asked my followers what kind of Avengers fan art they wanted to see from me and they voted at 81% for the “Medieval / Heroic Fantasy AU” option. Here’s the result, I hope you’ll enjoy it! ♥ A big thank you to @vegetamochi who came up with the title. (Nb: this is an art project, there’s no fic to go with it)
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imanarteest-blog · 2 years
I absolutely love this
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SuperCorp Date Night
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imanarteest-blog · 3 years
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“It’s you… Kara Danvers is Supergirl.”
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imanarteest-blog · 3 years
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Some of my most recent drawings. 
The drawing of Melissa Benoist, Katie McGrath, and Chyler Leigh was my most challenging drawing yet. I fell in love with Supergirl over the summer, as grad school and work has always kept me too busy to watch tv. I binged all 5 seasons in a matter of weeks. I love how the actresses all stand up for social issues that need voices, especially those that personally hit close to home with me such as mental health, bipolar disorder, and LGBTQ+ issues. @thecwsupergirl has done an incredible job on the show and I really look forward to its last season. My dream is to one day present the 3 actresses with this drawing and tell them how wonderful I think they are. 
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imanarteest-blog · 7 years
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In honor of the new trailer for The Last Jedi... some of my Star Wars drawings
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imanarteest-blog · 7 years
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One of my drawings of Lana Parrilla
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imanarteest-blog · 7 years
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Latest drawing of Eva LaRue... this is my favorite drawing so far of her!
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imanarteest-blog · 7 years
A One Shot of a Reflection back on Mara and Leia’s “Relationship”
* This is a one shot of Leia and Mara, set during the book Vector Prime by R.A. Salvatore. This is set while Mara is fighting the mysterious disease that the Yuuzhan Vong passed to her. This moment is set when Mara wakes up from the disease attacking her womb I don't own the exchange between Leia and Mara about the disease. I don't own the characters or Star Wars universe, etc.*
Leia left Jaina on the bridge of the Jade Sabre to wake Mara up. They would be pulling into Coruscant’s traffic lanes before long. Leia told Jaina it would only be polite to let Mara give her permission to land, but Leia secretly wanted to check on Mara. Mara’s condition weakened the woman as her body and the Force battled the alien disease within her.
Leia sighed to herself as she approached the door to Mara’s room. Their friendship was complicated. Mara was her sister-in-law, but she was also Jaina’s Jedi master. Leia often found herself jealous of Mara’s connection to her daughter, but she reprimanded herself for feeling envious of her daughter’s relationship with Mara.
None of their family or friends understood how deep Leia’s relationship with Mara ran. They were friends, family, and a part of something greater in the galaxy: the Force. However, their friendship ran deeper. There was a time before Luke and Mara married when Leia was closer to Mara than was wise. Leia loved Han deeply to her core. They have been through so much, so it was hard not to succumb to a love like theirs. However, she shared something different with Mara. Mara understood how difficult and straining it was to be a strong woman in a galaxy like theirs. Leia gave up her life to fight for the rebellion, often finding herself in sticky, dangerous situations. Darth Vader tortured her, and yet she did not break. Mara understood. Mara was used by Emperor Palpatine to further his own agenda. She gave up her life to use her Force abilities to follow orders from the Emperor. Leia knew Han loved her, but he could not understand Leia the way Mara could.
This deeper understanding blossomed into something neither of them expected. There was a time after the twins were born where Leia grew comfortable around Mara. They shared experiences with each other, and their friendship blossomed into a relationship neither expected and neither could openly share.
It started with a drink on Mara’s original ship, Jade’s Fire. It turned into stories shared, tears shed, and a hug. Before either woman anticipated the next move, they were kissing and sharing something more with the other. After that evening spent together, the two separated ways without speaking of it. Often, during times of hardship, they found comfort with each other. After Luke married Mara, Leia’s bond with Mara continued. Luke was caught up in himself, solely focused on the Jedi Academy. Mara was a strong, independent woman, but it took time for Luke to understand Mara’s boundaries. The two women often found themselves repeating that first night in Jade’s Fire.
Eventually, their bond with each other came to a halt. Mara became involved with her husband’s academy while Leia found herself playing diplomat again. An imaginary boundary rose between the two women. It was difficult for them to share thing with each other. Luke was never far from his wife. Leia had three children to raise, three Jedi children. They found they had less in common as time went on. However, Leia’s feelings for Mara manifested itself again when Mara became infected with this alien disease, a disease that has so far killed every individual who has had it. Mara’s use of the Force to battle the disease was nothing, but extraordinary. It was a show of how strong Mara was, but she refused help from everyone, including Luke. She was determined to fight it alone. The wall she built around herself hurt Leia tremendously, but she wanted to support her friend, her sister-in-law.
Leia shook the thoughts from her head. It was over. They both had responsibilities that kept them busy. She felt envious, then selfish for wishing she could be close to Mara again like her daughter currently was. Leia took a moment to close her eyes and let the thoughts flow away from her. She had no need for them.
Leia knocked on the door. She heard sniffling coming from the other room.
“Mara?” Leia called out. When there was no answer, Leia slowly opened the door. Mara was sitting on the bed, her back to the door. Her shoulders were hunched over, but there was no doubt to Leia what Mara had been doing before she came in. Leia moved across the room and sat next to Mara on the bed, hesitantly draping her arm around Mara’s shoulders. She was relieved when Mara did not shrug her arm off.
“What’s wrong?” Leia inquired. Mara took a deep breath, sat up straight, and forced a smile on her face.
“Nothing,” Mara answered. Leia knew Mara was lying, and she gave Mara her “I know you’re lying” face she often gives her children. Mara sighed and relented.
“I had a dream. When I woke up, I was being silly,” Mara shared.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Leia offered. Mara shrugged, but remained silent. Leia waited, but Mara did not provide any more information. Leia sighed inwardly, but understood Mara either did not want to share or was not ready to share.
“Jaina is ready to bring the ship in. I can do it if you prefer to rest more,” Leia offered. Mara gave her a small smile, but shook her head.
“It’s ok. I can do it,” Mara replied. She stood up, taking a few steps to the door before the dizziness overtook her. She swayed on her feet before Leia rushed over, holding Mara under her arm for support. Leia helped Mara back over to the bed.
“I just stood up too quickly,” Mara tried to explain. Leia did not believe her. She helped Mara back down on the bed.
“No. It’s the disease, isn’t it?” Leia inquired. Leia watched Mara’s face, watching Mara’s eyes fill with tears. However, Mara fought the tears before glancing away.
“It attacked while I was resting,” Mara replied softly. Leia’s heart wrenched for her sister-in-law. She wanted more than anything to help Mara in some way.
“Was there something different this time?” Leia asked. Mara had shared with them the attacks often attacked her when she rested, but there was something different about this time that upset Mara. Instead of answering, Mara looked away.
“You have to tell me,” Leia said sternly. She did not mean for it to come out the way she said, but Mara’s reaction inwardly upset her. Mara looked at her incredulously. Of course, Mara did not have to tell her anything. Nothing she could tell Leia would help her at all. Leia knew this, but she wanted so badly to help her friend.
“I’m sorry. You don’t have to tell me anything,” Leia admitted in defeat. She leaned forward and kissed Mara on the cheek, hoping she could express how she felt in that small gesture. Leia stood up and offered Mara her hand so they could join Jaina on the bridge. Instead, Mara took Leia’s offered hand and pulled Leia back down onto the bed next to her. This action surprised Leia. Leia searched Mara’s face for something, anything. Mara’s flaming red hair set her bright green eyes off, allowing Leia to easily fall in them as she watched an internal struggle appear in Mara’s eyes. The struggle instantly disappeared, tears taking its place. As a lone tear drop fell down Mara’s cheek, Mara leaned over and returned Leia’s kiss. Their lips met, hesitantly at first. The kiss deepened with a need neither knew they had.
The moment lasted until they had to withdraw to breathe. They rested their foreheads against each other’s. Leia watched Mara as Mara’s eyes were closed. Leia slowly drew Mara’s hands in her own. This subtle movement caught Mara’s attention. A few more tear drops fell from her eyes.
“The disease attacked my womb,” Mara whispered. Mara’s eyes stared into Leia’s brown eyes as Leia processed the information. If the disease attacked Mara’s womb, she may not be able to have kids. Leia knew how Mara wanted children of her own one day. There was a time, 15 years ago, where Leia accused Mara of trying to hurt or kidnap her newborn twins. Knowing Mara now, Leia understood there were some boundaries even mercenary Mara would not cross. Leia has seen how Mara looked at her children as they grew up. Mara wants a child of her own.
“You can’t give up now, Mara. You’re one of the strongest people I know. It is extraordinary that you’re able to defeat it this long using the Force,” Leia sincerely told Mara.
“Maybe, but I can’t have kids. I don’t want to pass this on to them. I can’t let it hurt my child,” Mara replied. She closed her eyes again, some more tears escaping underneath her lashes. Leia could feel Mara slightly shaking, fighting to stay in control. Leia leaned forward, kissing Mara softly. When they pulled apart, Leia pulled Mara into a tight hug.
“You’ll defeat it. You will have a beautiful child someday soon. You’ll have everything you deserve,” Leia softly told her. Mara gave Leia a squeeze.
“Mom? Aunt Mara? Are you coming? We’re getting ready to land!” Jaina yelled from the bridge. Mara pulled back, wiping her eyes with her hands. She composed herself before standing up, pulling Leia up with her. They shared a small smile before walking out the door, holding hands until the last possible moment out the door.
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imanarteest-blog · 7 years
Her talk is incredible to listen to
Eva dishes on Heartbreak, Forgiveness and Growth for Bahai Teachings
Eva dishes on Heartbreak, Forgiveness and Growth for Bahai Teachings
People come into our lives for a reason bringing something we must learn and we are led to those who help us most grow, if we let them and we help them in return, well I don’t know if I believe that’s true, but I know I’m Who I am today because I knew you thank you. You may not know that song I may have just sung, it unrecognizably apologize but it is a song from the Broadway show wicked and it’s…
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imanarteest-blog · 7 years
People come into our lives for a reason bringing something we must learn and we are led to those who help us most grow, if we let them and we help them in return, well I don’t know if I believe that’s true, but I know I’m Who I am today because I knew you thank you.  
You may not know that song I may have just sung, it unrecognizably apologize but it is a song from the Broadway show wicked and it’s sung as a duet between the good witch and the bad witch Elphaba because in this telling of the story the lines between good and bad are quite blurred and the rules are sometimes quite reversed and what I love about this song is that it’s about how we seemingly make these predestined soul contracts with people who come into and affect our lives by being a catalyst or a motivation for our change and our spiritual growth because not everyone is meant to stay in our lives and the heartbreak from their leaving can end up being the ultimate opportunity for transformational healing if we choose it and sort of a personality upgrade and also the acquiring of spiritual attributes that are born out of fighting our way back from emotional rock bottom.
Now we all know that there are two sides and two perspectives to every story and at some point or another we’re gonna end up being the bad guy in someone else’s story and I’m an adventurer to say that most people don’t set out to be the bad guy nor do they perceive themselves to be the bad guy so the spiritual attributes of empathy and forgiveness are key now the long the short of my story is that three years ago my eight-year run as an actress on CSI Miami, ended and not long after my marriage.
Now I feel like heartbreak has a universality to it because everyone has or will go through it or experience it in one way or another and for me it was an aching crippling grief and that panic induced regret for the things that I did do or I didn’t do her I should have done and it left me feeling like a gutted shell of myself somebody I didn’t even recognize anymore.
And I wish I could say that I saw it coming but I would have had to be open and aware for that and I wasn’t so I allowed myself to willingly wallow in all of those you know go to feelings of blame and victimization and rage and shame and obsession and regret and remorse and unforgiveness. Any of those sound familiar anyone just guessing I’m not alone and that of course followed by what seemed like months in the same sweats and like countless pints of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream, none of which made me feel any better but I do think it was important for me to allow myself to feel all of those feelings because to selectively feel is to selectively love and to selectively feel is to selectively forgive.
I also knew that if I allowed all of this mistrust and these negative feelings to rule me if this was the lens with which I viewed the world I wouldn’t be viewing the world as it is for all of its blessings and possibility and love and magic I would be viewing it as I was through this terribly stained glass, so when the going got tough I did what any rational person would do and I started praying like a maniac for the outcome that I wanted, but God was a tough parent and it was more like the universal law of tough love than the law of attraction and it took me a while to realize that life is not about having my immediate wishlist met because how would I change and grow and evolve and I came across this quote by the Dalai Lama that I would only lose if I lost the lesson okay so this was like a glimmer of hope I felt like okay I’m determined not to lose if I have to endure the seemingly endless heartbreak then by gum I’m gonna make transformational heartbreak, so I knew I was gonna have to instead of staying defensive I was going to need to get humble I was going to need to get vulnerable for this kind of work because heartbreak and the despair and the depression that come from it are not character flaws, they’re not weaknesses, the real weakness comes from the fear it’s the fear of looking at our suffering authentically and dealing with it wisely. So I knew I needed to take accountability and I was gonna have to start asking myself the tough important questions which were what is the meaning of this pain and what does it reveal to me and what steps did I need to take to start healing on a deeper level and when I started to open up instead of staying crouched in my, you know Ben and Jerry’s covered couch. I started being taught what to do next. Information and teachers started pouring into my life. That helped to guide me forward and baha'u'llah said “I have ordained for thy training every atom in existence and the essence of all created things” like for me I was like:
OMG the so we’re living in an earth that is like a human growth lab 101 because if I just started to listen with spiritual ears and be aware and observe I would be shown the way, and the way out of this pain there’s a fantastic photo that you may have seen circulating around the internet lately. I love this because to me it means that if our hands are full of what we think we need, and what we think is so important to us, then we don’t have hands-free for the greater gifts that God has waiting for us when we’re stripped away of these things that, yes they have real emotional value but they no longer serve our growth or our spiritual purpose. Then we have hands and arms free to receive the greater miracles that are born out of trials and tests. This is a shorter version by Abdul-Bahá. I will give you the longer version of this quote: “Tests are a means by which a soul is measured as to its fitness God knows its fitness before hand and also its unpreparedness but man with an ego would not believe himself unfit and less proof were given him otherwise. I love that and it is proven to him when he falls into tests and then the tests are continued until the soul realizes its own unfitness and then remorse and regret tend to root out the weakness. The same test comes again in greater degree until it is shown that a former weakness becomes a strength”.
I don’t know about you, but that scared me straight. I mean, literally. I was it was sanded like a divine attitude adjustment to me and I was determined to get to the bottom of my own character revision to try to avoid in any possible way the revisiting of these same kinds of tests, so it took a lot of work. I’m not gonna lie and commitment by through big epiphanies and beautiful breakthroughs and the sloughing off of layers and layers of self-limiting beliefs and patterns that I had that had been holding me back for so long and for so many years. I was able to truly connect to my spirit and to God again and the happy ending in the middle of my story is that through that connection to God and my spirit. I was also able to find authentic joy and peace, finally,and that in turn connected me to renewed passion. New purpose, new work, new love, and none of that would have been possible.
It couldn’t have even been possible if I hadn’t been stripped away of all the things I thought I needed now. Forgiveness played a pivotal role for me. I think that it’s easy to forget that forgiveness helps us sometimes more than it helps the people that we forgive.
A dear friend of mine used to always say unforgiveness is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die, and that’s so true. For me forgiveness was the key to freedom because it was the true letting go of the past, so that I could live in and appreciate the present without contamination and constantly consciously choosing a new way of being and a new way of thinking.
Was like Dee fuzzing for me. It was taking old feelings off of new events, so that I could enter into new relationships feeling worthy and with an illumined. So I’m gonna ask you to do a little exercise with me. Normally this is a meditation, but you can do it with your eyes opened. And it’s a forgiveness meditation, so ask your heart right now to bring to mind someone that you still have a hard time forgiving and imagine them here with you and see them as this person that you made a soul contract with not as the human that they are with all their foibles and flaws and imperfections. But try to see them through God’s eyes and say to them now in your mind. I forgive you for all the things that you’ve done consciously or unconsciously to hurt offend or harm me in any way and allow that to land and now I want you to say please forgive me for anything I’ve done in retaliation or otherwise to hurt or harm or offend you consciously or unconsciously and allow that to land and then the bigger one allow yourself forgiveness and empathy. Take a moment to forgive yourself for all the things you are ashamed of ways that you behave that you’re not proud of not being compassionate or empathic to yourself all the way is consciously or unconsciously we’re cruel to ourselves for all the anger or rage or blame. Forgive yourself. And now hug this person and thank them for the gifts and send them on their way a forgiveness. Is rarely linear there are many levels to it and many times we have to do this exercise again and again but it is truly a tool and a key to breaking your spirit free to shine again.
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imanarteest-blog · 7 years
Eva & Kaya at Burning Man. Video originally posted by Cindy Ambrehl in Instagram.
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imanarteest-blog · 7 years
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My latest drawing is a commissioned work for a friend. This features Kylo Ren and General Hux from the Star Wars universe.
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imanarteest-blog · 7 years
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My latest (and my favorite) drawing of Wonder Woman, portrayed by Gal Gadot. Done in graphite. 
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imanarteest-blog · 8 years
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Finished - Skywalker family
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