horizovertically · 2 years
Sense of self worth
I put off work
for tomorrows that won't come.
I kill time
as i watch the days burn.
I brush my hair and
stare off the distance
dilating pupils
till it's a cloudy vision.
I put my price
on horcruxes that
give me a fleeting
sense of self worth.
I want to lose myself
in starry eyes that love me
instead I drown
in treacherous self pity.
I travel wonderlands
down the rabbit hole
and bet on folklores
as if they'd change my course.
I'm the dog at my door.
My barricades
don't let my virtues
meet their fate.
My restless feet
echo down the hall
in circles,
going nowhere at all.
9 notes · View notes
horizovertically · 2 years
Fluctuating entropies
With you, I'll never be sure.
Float in and out
like a ghost.
You could bring me stardust,
a stable home, real hardwood floor
and I'll still have one foot out the door.
Of all that we could be,
Instead we are -
Conversations hanging by a thread,
Self sabotage,
always in pursuit of something else.
Beyond the niceties,
and the thought of me
What do you see?
We're just tiny specks of dust
defying gravity.
Fluctuating entropies.
Save yourself,
you don't have to save me.
If I could steer the wheels of time,
I'd tell you -
'Spend your love,
only on the one's willing to receive'.
I'm really sorry,
it came to hunting castles
in the air
tossing copper coins,
till there's nothing
left to spare.
While it's all just a matter of time
without me, you'll be fine.
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horizovertically · 2 years
Something about love does not feel right with
Like it's just an envelope with no letter.
The bathroom tap leaks, the front door creaks,
there ain't no cash in the locker and you don't fix nothin'.
It's always me.
Your shifting gaze reminds me of him, the one I
never turned into. God forbid.
Something about love does not feel right with you.
Ridicule me with ' You ain't nothing like Aunt
Nikita's daughter '
'Always blue poetry, untimely temper , society's
wild mad woman, blindfolds of philosophy, you'll
die lonely.'
Something about love does not feel right with you
I don't like me, I don't like what you make me
In or around your company.
Trust is doubtful to you. I try but
something about love does not feel right with
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horizovertically · 2 years
Baby when you shatter
like shapeless tiny mica
like melted ice
water on the floor
Sad piano instrumentals
into 7 minor notes
and all the world can't justify
what it's like
to be your little broken heart.
You can't help it
you dissolve in your thoughts
all at once. You're everything and nothing.
All the crickets chirp and you can't let out
a word.
You make all these friends,
host all these parties
and love them
till you can't tolerate any of them
and you're tired of yourself
You're sick of love and life
and how you've to pick yourself up
every damn time.
And smile. I hate to smile.
I just want to scream and cry.
Fuck this grace. This sequined dress.
Stop doing the best i can and
just for once if i could
not be myself. Just anything else.
Maybe feel less.Know less. Care less. Think less.
And do more. whatever the hell i want.
Throw a tantrum. Run naked and never hit the
brakes. Jump out of my body into the ocean. And
keep on whining till I'm dead.
And not pretend that it's all okay.
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horizovertically · 2 years
Left my hometown yesterday.
Here in busy cities,
amongst the boulevardier
I'm too scared to be myself.
I know timing is everything
and nothing's so concrete.
As I was walking down the street,
Two lanes left
there's a corner cafe
with a sadistic sunset view.
It reminds me of our barbarous dalliance,
peeking through the horizons
always a half, never a whole.
How do i begin again
with stains of you?
How do i write my story
with nothing new?
Every billboard screams your name
highlight reels repeat your face
and smoke signals
patterned 'I hate you.'
You haunt me like the ghost
of my damnation
and I cut off your thought
amidst wishful conversations.
Cotton clouds and pollen
and a million little wishes
float across cerulean august skies.
I bury the skeletons of our calamitous crimes.
Our ashes are a witness to my eyes.
I stand there with tinted cheeks,
forlorn and love bound
as I brush off the dust
and watch it settle down.
I whisper to myself 'It's all over now'.
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