holymiiilk-blog · 7 years
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I want to post the recipe but really I just want to go make another pie so... brb 
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holymiiilk-blog · 7 years
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Simple summer supper -  butterleaf lettuces with radishes, cucumbers, and sungold tomatoes, and couscous wtih sungolds and yellow summer squash! Simple ingredients and flavors coming together to make something really tasty and wholesome. 
For the salad: I quartered the radishes and cucumbers, and halved the tomatoes. I made a dressing of rice vinegar, lemon juice, and olive oil. I added the tom-cuc-raddish situation into the dish with the dressing and mixed it with my hand, and salted and peppered it to taste. Then, in a separate dish I drained the dressing from mixture of veggies into the lettuces (just the juices) so I could properly dress the lettuce. I hardly used ANY dressing at all, which is part of what made this salad so refreshing and light. After I dressed the lettuces, I plated them with the crunchy veggies. 
For the sauce: I heated olive oil in a pan and added some freshly sliced garlic. I simmered that for a while while I chopped the other veggies. I quartered up some yellow summer squash (but you could use any veg) and added it to the garlic and cooked it, and after a while I added in a handful of whole sungolds and simmered it all down with some salt, pepper, and a tiny dash of chili oil. At the very end I squeezed in some lemon and cranked the heat for a sec, then turned off the heat completely so I could focus on the couscous.
For the couscous: soooo easy! 3/4 cup water to 1/2 cup couscous. Bring the water to a boil and add the couscous. Cover and bring back to a boil. Then turn off the heat and let it rest, covered, for 7 to 10 minutes (or until it’s the right texture for you). My couscous was done but there was a little extra water left (seriously the tiniest amount) so I cranked the heat on that and stirred it to evaporate some of the water. I added the delicious oily sauce from the squash to the couscous and mixed that in, and peppered it, and then plated it and spooned the squash and tomatoes over the top! 
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holymiiilk-blog · 7 years
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Cappuccino, whole milk!
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holymiiilk-blog · 7 years
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holymiiilk-blog · 7 years
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Gluten Free (almost vegan) Pancake! 
1/2 can chickpeas, 1/4 cup peanut butter, honey, dash salt, cinnamon, 1 egg, 1/8 tsp baking powder, 1/8 tsp baking soda, 1/4 cup oats - blend until smooth! Cook in a skillet with coconut oil. Makes 1 BIG pancake! I added vegan whipped cream, honey, cinnamon, and frozen blueberries! This recipe would be great with peanut butter and bananas, or chocolate chips if you’re feeling crazy. You could also replace the egg with tofu - haven’t tried this yet but a friend made a vegan dutch baby using tofu, and it was damn good! 
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holymiiilk-blog · 7 years
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Vegan Whipped Cream!!!! (I’m screaming!)
so - I actually made this on accident. I was trying to make chocolate mousse with chickpea brine... and I basically messed that up. BUT - I made this first so that is what matters here. 
One thing that freaks me out about the idea of going vegan is not having “real tasting” desserts. Even though all desserts are real desserts. And just like simple pleasures like whipped cream. 
The good news is this vegan whipped cream is totally easy, delish, and affordable! 
I blended the brine from one can of chickpeas until it was fluffy, added in vanilla, cinnamon, some powdered sugar, and the tinnnnniest amount of melted coconut oil.... that’s it peeps. 
It tasted really good, and the texture was fucking close to the real deal. So I would say this is something I would eat, if I was vegan. Try it!
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holymiiilk-blog · 7 years
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GLuTen-fReE, VeGaN PeAnuT BUtTeR bAnaNa muFfiN ToPs
I just tried this recipe and it is a total win! Grain free, dairy free, egg free - very tasty and the perfect texture. The main ingredient is chickpeas and banana. You could honestly spice up this recipe with anything you like. Chocolate chips, blueberries, whatevs! Sugars are naturally occurring in the ingredients, so no need to stress about having more than one of these little sweeties! Enjoy! 
½ cup oats - ¾ tsp baking powder - ¼ tsp salt - 1/8 tsp baking soda - 1 medium banana - 1 can white beans, drained - ¼ cup peanut butter - 1 big drizzle honey - pinch cinnamon - drizzle coconut oil
mix all ingredients in a blender or food processor and bake for 16 minutes at 350 degrees F! Muffin tins or mini cake pans work best! 
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holymiiilk-blog · 7 years
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I’ve been away form my computer for a whole week, at a lovely dance retreat in Battle Lake, Minnesota with Dance Barn Collective, so I haven't been able to post because I’ve been so happily relaxing by the lake, dancing, and performing. I want to touch a little on what my skin care/beauty/health routine was like on this dance-cation (as I called it).
There wasn’t a lot to my routine. In fact, I showered less, and looked in the mirror less. I feel like just those two simple things, married with being focused on creativity and friends, helped me look and feel better. I wasn’t obsessing over tiny blemishes and making them worse by trying to cover them up or touch them. I think I drank (a little) less coffee, and had less dairy for that week. I ate lots of veggies and only some bread and sweets.
I exercised a lot every day - which is a huge component of feeling good in body and mind. And spent time in nature instead of trapped inside or surrounded by loud vehicles and trash. I think the most important part of finding happiness in body, mind, and sprit, is balance. Balance in diet and routine, balance in relationships and tasks.
So now I am back, feeling inspired and ready to create and dance, & work and relax. A lot of people I know are eating vegan recently, and I’ve been considering jumping on board. Recently, separate from my vegan friends, I’ve started to feel really sad, and almost guilty when I eat meat, and some dairy products. Mostly meat. I don’t cook it at home, and I barely eat it when I’m out - usually when I am being mindless.
I’m going to try out some vegan and vegetarian recipes, and see how it fits into my current lifestyle and try to get a sense if it will be hard to employ it completely. Stay tuned!
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holymiiilk-blog · 7 years
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I looooove overnight oats! So easy and so delish. The best thing is that you can prep a few at a time and then have them all week in different combinations. This one is oats, chia seeds, coconut milk (or any diary alternative you like OR yogurt!) cinnamon, chia seed, flax meal, coconut sugar (tiny bit), peanut butter (I like a lot), honey, and coconut oil...stir it up so all the ingredients are wet. Chill overnight and take it on the go. I like to add a banana and a splash more of coconut milk! Filling, healthy, and honestly so pretty. 
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holymiiilk-blog · 7 years
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Avocado bagel - nuff said
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holymiiilk-blog · 7 years
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KOMBUCHA! I mentioned recently that I am trying to incorporate kombucha into my weekly routine. Not every day so far but I had it twice this week. I tried two flavors from Health-Ade and really liked both. I didn’t get anything super extreme from the flavor, pleasant and refreshing. I felt like this power greens edition really jumpstarted my digestion. Other things I like are that it uses all organic ingredients. 
I’ve tried some other kombucha brands that I also have liked... so far I haven’t noticed anything significantly different about this brand compared to other brands. I bought this at Whole Foods for $3.99, pretty much the same price as a coffee or tea almost anywhere nowadays - an easy, healthy alternative to that second latte. Kombucha can add diversity to your micro-biome because it is naturally fermented (containing healthy bacteria AND yeast!) Can help with candida overgrowth, mental clarity, and mood stability. 
I think mood stability is really a side-affect of a HEALTHY GUT (overall)... so if you’re incorporating healthy bacterias from kombucha, or any other fermented foods, and eating for the wellbeing of your gut, you’ll be more balanced overall. Hooray to that! 
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holymiiilk-blog · 7 years
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Today I broke all of my new food rules I was trying to follow until the end of august. OH WELL! Happy to indulge and tomorrow is a new beginning... er... something. It's ALWAYS okay to indulge as long as you can get back on track where you left off. So what, you had ice cream??? And you freakin liked it and it made you happy and fed your SOUL!! Because you're a regular person who knows what's good we get it. Now hop back on the wagon and cook up some greens and a smoothie and call it a night! You got this :)
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holymiiilk-blog · 7 years
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I was vying for a healthy snack, so I whipped up this pb&j smoothie. I LOVE peanut butter, so I snacked on that while I was creating the smoothie. Coconut milk, peanut butter, flax meal, honey, cinnamon, chia seeds, salt, coconut oil, frozen blueberries, frozen strawberries, pomegranate juice (just a splash). Topped with frozen strawbs, peanutbutter swirl, and chia seeds. YES to the color and YES to the flavor.
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holymiiilk-blog · 7 years
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yo probiotics - how you doin? 
I was recently, despite my own wishes, given a friendly reminder by my own body that I can never, ever slack off on maintaining my micro-biome, or the health of the bacteria living on and in me. After a year of bad health and many (wayyyy too many) antibiotics, I really fucked up my gut. And for another year after that, I tried to get back on track. I would get really dedicated to eating for my health and taking supplements and then feel really good....which would make me believe that I was totally heathy and totally fine so then I would slack off and my health would start to turn so basically it was this cycle, instead of harmony. 
I am ready for harmony. I am ready to work to maintain my health, and not just expect that health is the baseline. Today I ate kimchi and sauerkraut as a dose of probiotics, and had avocado with chili sesame oil. Not pictured are the corn tortillas I fried up and those were SO good. 
I am also starting to incorporate apple cider vinegar, and (albeit tedious) coconut oil pulling into my routine. I already take fish oil, vitamins C & D, the occasional dose of activated charcoal, the occasional dose of psyllium husks (dietary fiber supplement), and the occasional hair-skin-and-nails supplement, in case you were wondering. 
I’m planning to incorporate kombucha regularly, and rotate in other probiotic (fermented) foods like yogurt into my routine. It’s important to rotate, or incorporate a variety of probiotic foods into your diet to offer the micro-biome lots of different (good) bacterias...... I also read that adopting and living with a dog can improve the diversity of your micro-biome...temmmmptinggggg!
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holymiiilk-blog · 7 years
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Another $30 haul from the food bazaar. Kale, pineapple, bananas, apples, grapefruit, almonds, parsley, eggs, dates, and a little plant baby...cute. 
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holymiiilk-blog · 7 years
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Homemade protein bars! I was inspired to try making my own bars after I tried something called the Perfect Bar. It was well.... perfect. And their cute story about their dad blending up different health foods to make them the perfect snack as kids made me think - “I can do that.” So I tried it - and it was pretty much a success. The hardest part was getting the blender to like... you know... blend it. I used oats, peanut butter, Bob’s Red Mill hemp protein powder, coconut oil, coconut flakes, chia seed, flax meal, salt, pepitas, almonds.... literally anything that looked good in that moment. And really it works best if you put the ingredients into the blender in the right order so like softer stuff first and add in the nuts and stuff later. Press the mixture into a loaf pan and top with crunchy stuff - like more almonds and pepitas, and keep it in the fridge or feezer until firm. Then you can just cut one when you need a quick snack ~ yeah! 
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holymiiilk-blog · 7 years
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Freakin’ purple smoothie monster over here - blueberries, strawberries (frozen), nut milk or coconut milk, freaking...cauliflower, coconut oil or butter, hemp protein powder if you want, chia seed, honey and cinnamon always... topped with crushed almonds, blueberries, coconut flakes, flax meal, cinnamon, and more honey! Delish! 
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