franchesse · 8 years
i feel stupid for feeling break down after read some lines on GAME, yes, you could say, that I’ve been lost, I can’t tell which is reality and game. Omg, I feel my insecurities take a lead of my brain for awhile, because someone told me, that because of me a fight happened, a bigger fight happened;;
you know, my favorite author said:
“Insecurities scream louder than confidence.”
So, true. I won’t deny even a bit.
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franchesse · 8 years
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it’s time for me to stop
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franchesse · 8 years
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I don’t get paid enough to deal with ghosts
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franchesse · 8 years
Zen's Wedding
Zen: You don't understand my struggles as an artist.
Jumin: What could you possibly be struggling with?
Zen: At the moment? The fact that I will have to sing at my own wedding because no one else is good enough.
[P/S Babe.... I know you so full of yourself, but this...?]
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franchesse · 8 years
[English practice] Here, Lies The Problem...
by self-proclaimed fanfiction author: Kisiki Nagome/Seena
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Someone share image below on my facebook wall. 
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My eyes focus to the sentences on center, be like:
"OMFG YES, SO TRUE!! Someone hit me hard. FANFIC IS FREE STUFF, should I just stop writing?" Haha, I’m nearly stop writing tho, but I can’t and I will not stop writing just because of that meme. Well, nothing  could stop me to write fanfiction!
Sure, money is something  REALLY important for living, buy references (comics, movie, pen, new pc, etc), etc.  But I don't know what should I do, if I stop writing (again). I've been lost for 2 years. I've lost into different path, like dubbing, singing, drawing, mixing, crocheting and exams, and you know what? I feel like an empty shell. I always wonder: IF ONLY, I DIDN'T STOP FROM WRITING SINCE TWO YEARS AGO, maybe, I will see a lot improvment on my diction, grammar, having more review on each chapter, have a lot of friends, etc. WHY AM I SO MOODY?? I hate myself. And you know, get a living by writing--especially  here--is really difficult. It's easier for you to get extra-bucks from drawing (making merchandise, doujin, or open art commission), singing and mixing (you can open mixing commission or at least you can easily get noticed by people by your voice, everyone like listening to music), crocheting (you could sell your product), dubbing is something else, but it’s easier to get  noticed by people through your voice. Well, NOT EVERYONE LIKE READIng, it’s the first problem, I guess. That's why, it's kinda hard... for author to shine brighter than artist, singer, dubber, mixer, etc. I know, every talent (or should I call it job?) need a lot of practices. It's not a simple thing to be made. The problem number two is I can't see people who are better than me. I gave myself pressure to handle, just like I gave bread to new-baby born, something that they couldn’t handle.
When I join ffn community, there are a lot of people who started before me. But heck yeah, I dont give a sht about them, I just feel happy to be able published my first fanfiction, no hard feeling, no pressure, I'm really having fun. But later, I feel more pressured and start to compare my works with another. When I can't handle it anymore, I leave to community and start something new, the easier to do and easier to become popular which could give me extra money. Drawing, dubbing, singing, mixing, crocheting, etc. Did I feel better after run away? No, instead, I feel more pressured, I can't do everything well. Why everyone else is so talented? Why I can't do something like them?  I've practice, a lot! More than I did when I still on fanfiction community too, but, Aahh... that time, youth.
I hate myself. My friend told me that I'm a VERY NEGATIVE PERSON, every truth is a lie for me. I can't deny. WHY AM I WRITING MY PROBLEM HERE? I SHOULD HAVE  WRITE ABOUT "HERE, THE PROBLEM LIES" of Fanfiction author edition. Uh, sorry gurls, you have to read story of my life ;u; well, hope there's moral lesson for you to take, haha!  Let's get started: Here, the problem lies..... based on 2nd picture above, enjoy! 1. WE DON'T GET PAID eey, this is so truee. I told you, already, that fanfiction author is 80% free. Why 80? Because 10% is writing their original story and get published--like real published into physicly book--and get some royalty, 5% get paid from competition held by some publisher offline, and the last 5% is doing writing commission. Writing commssion is something new. Back then around 2014 or less, there is published fanfiction book, like the RPF was the character, etc. From there, come some black comment saying like: Fanfiction shouldnt be sell like that, it's against law, because we use another people character without permission, blahblah. 2014-2016, I still believe on 'writing fanfiction cant make money' and 'fanfiction author is a job for having fun only' 'WE DONT GET PAID' but... lately, someone post about writing commission, it's around fanficiton and orginal character fiction they sell. Now, it's not only art commission but also writing commission? I don’t get it. But, I guess, we (fanfiction author) could make money from writing, now. 2. REAL LIFE EXIST OF COURSE, WE DO!! You know, uni is starting since Monday 2 Weeks ago (I take short semester, soo saad ;; u ;;), and right after it started my time to write is lesser and lesser until, I don't have time to write a draft on my PC like I did on holiday. The assignments, organization, friends, house-chores, ANIME (this past week, I've finished Owari no Seraph 2 seasons and Tokyo Ghoul haha XD), etc, already killing me for a day! Wish me luck for MONDAY AND TUESDAY! I have mid-term and quiz _(:"3|/)_ 3. DIFFERING EDUCATION LEVELS I'm not sure, what's the real mean of this one. But, I guess, since fanfiction author age range is around 13-20something. So, if you are 13 and want to write something lemon (yeah, kid these days) you should learn and think like 18 y.o. But, if you are 20something and want to write about child!chara, you should think like them. I think about another meaning of this sub-title; like, me, I'm study economic but I want to write about medical, I should look for reference and study another subject to fill the hole on my story.__. 4. ENGLISH AS ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE AF, it's TOTALLY ME! I start writing in English since last year, the first time, I'm in love with wattpad. I love it because their application is simply to download and read offline. I love the animanga fanficiton, there are a lot of talented author! Right after that, I start to write in english, my first story written in english ever is Share (original fiction), the second one is Marriage Proposal (tumblr), and then I.F (wattpad//it's chara x reader, wattpad influence), and the last is Strawberry Shortcake (wattpad/also chara x reader). After I read fanfic on wattpad, I start to write everything (my bio, tumblr post, tweet) in English. I feel cool, LOL /NO. Every time I check my first english written story, I always feel ashamed bc my grammar is soooo mess, it still now, but I guess it's better hehe. But, I’m still not confident with my conversation english--whether it's speaking or writing reply. I always left, the chat (mostly on twitter) because I'm scared my nazi's grammar is being judged orz. Hopefully, my english got better day by day with practice, please tell me where am I wrong if you see any, okay? 5. LACK OF RESPONSE i hate to admit this, but it's the 2nd BIG problem of fanfiction author. For me, I don’t mind of not getting paid, but, please give me some response, what's on your thought when you read my story. You could give me comment every line I really appreciated, so, I can improve myself. THANKS A LOT
6. Procrastinate
I don’t know what should I write about procrastinate, bc I’m procrastinating now. :p
Guess, it was all for today edition! I have something else to published but, uhm, let me see later. Thank you for reading through this line. Please give me some feedback if you can :) I really appreciate it!
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franchesse · 8 years
[unarchived] WRITING “compilation” MEME
credit for colorful post-it background @ GoGirl Magazine
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Sesuai judul, post kali ini akan membahas tentang  Writing “Compilation” Meme versi saya dari tahun 2012-2016 (tapi ga ada 2015, karena emang sepanjang tahun itu ga nulis lol). Bukan mau sombong, karena saya juga gatau apa yang harus disombongin dari ini, tujuan awal bikin post ini juga sebenarnya saya sedih dan sakit hati sendiri baca writing meme orang lain (yang kebetulan lewat diberanda fb), deskripsinya bagus banget dan diksinya dewa, put it short, this person is getting better each year, sementara saya...
Sebenernya lewat post ini saya sedang berusaha mencari jati diri dan pembenaran pribadi bahwa sepanjang saya nulis-nulis, ada lah perkembangannya meskipun sedikit, huehehe. Langsung aja, cara kerja post ini (?) jadi saya membaginya kedalam 4 sektor besar yaitu: deskripsi cerita, deskripsi makanan, percakapan, dan ending dari fanfiction setiap tahunnya. Judul yang saya ambil untuk post kali ini adalah:
Aku Cuma Mau Bilang [Eyeshield 21: Ikkyu x Mamori] 2012:
Ini fanfiction pertama yang saya tulis fufufu
Sweet Dreams and Future [KagePro: Shintaro x Momo] 2013 :
Oneshot yang paling banyak reviewnya
Time Loop [KagePro: Shintaro x Ayano] 2014:
Fanfic terakhir yang saya buat sebelum hiatus panjang dan ga ada review sama sekali
Tired [Haikyuu: Kuuro x Kenma] 2016:
Fanfiction yang paling baru
Ini potongan-potongan pilihannya, selamat menilai :)
1. Deskripsi Cerita
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Kalo saya pribadi lebih suka deskripsi 2012 dan 2016, lalu diurutan ketiga 2013 & 2014 seimbang.
Sebagai pembaca, saya suka yang simple dan jelas seandaikan tidak ada diksi khusus yang ditonjolkan didalamnya, cocok kan sama 2012?
Untuk 2016…. Karena ada analogi yang membuat si deskripsinya terkesan “wah” ini saya juga bikinnya sejam ada orz.
2013 ke 2014 setipe. Nyaris tidak ada kelebihan baik dari segi kesederhanaan bahasa juga diksi/analogi yang digunakan.
Overall, saya merasa cukup berkembang dalam penulisan deskripsi :”D Menurut kalian gimana? (CLICK)
2. Deskripsi Makanan
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Saya akui saya emang paling lemah dan males RISET padahal itu termasuk kegiatan krusial dalam bidang tulis-nulis sama seperti baca karya orang lain. Dari ketiga fanfic yang mengandung unsur makanan ini, keliatan jelas kalo apa yang ditulis sebenarnya sekedar hiasan aja dengan minimnya deskripsi rasa-rupa-tekstur dan segala macam yang seharusnya bisa dijabarkan lebih luas dari suatu benda. Terutama makanan, darisana kan kita bisa tahu orang seperti apa karakter kita sebenarnya.
 Bantu saya beri ide bagaimana harusnya menggambarkan makanan!
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Ini potongan dari “PAST” (2013) kenapa saya masukkan sebagai trivia disini? karena saya yakin tulisan ini bosenin tanpa jeda :”D dan yang kedua…..
Karena saya ingin menunjukkan sisi weeb/weaboo (you name it) di zaman dahulu, huehehe. ya gitu deh, tadinya mau bikin umpatan dalam bahasa jepang tapi jadinya malah kek gitu dan sekarang saya baru sadar dan menerima ke-alay-an saya pada waktunya.
Ahh…. Yang mau berpendapat soal ini, silakan kemari :”3
3. Percakapan
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Rasanya saya paling berkembang dibagian percakpaan ya :”D urutan kesukaan saya dari 2016 turun sampai ke 2012 karena terasa lebih ngalir, tidak kaku dan bahasanya juga sudah makin lancer dengan penakan yang digambarkan dengan lumayan baik.
Kirimkan kritik dan saran kalian sampai sejauh ini, bagaimana?
4. Ending
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Beneran deh, waktu saya pertama kenal sama tulisan romansa (yang lagi-lagi karena teenlit) saya selalu dicekoki dengan cerita-cerita yang berakhir bahagia.  Dan karena saya orangnya, suka yang beda, maka lahirlah pemikiran polos nan lugu untuk menuliskan semua kisah romansa itu endingnya harus sedih (2012).
Begitu masuk 2013, saya bertambah pengetahuan (?) tentang cliffhanger alias cerita yang menggantung. Sedih terus ngegantung? Oke banget kan buat nguyek-nguyek hati pembaca, wah gila, keren banget tuh kalo bisa kaya gitu. Maka dimulailah petualangan membuat tulisan yang ‘menyentuh’ dari berbagai sisi sampai dengan 2014, dimana intensitas saya dalam menulis berkurang hingga akhirnya writer block.
Masuk 2016, saya makin belajar banyak tentang berbagai macam ending dan effort apa yang dibutuhkan untuk nguyek hati pembaca lewat bacaan yang lebih berkualtas (metropop, haha). Jadi  ya, saya senang banget sama ending yang saya post disini, sewaktu nulispun saya masukkan perasaan terdalam haha, semoga sampai ke pembaca!
singkatnya,  dibagian ending, menurut saya lumayan berkembang. Kata kamu?
Sudah bersedia membaca sampai akhir, saya paham kalo nanti hanya segelintir orang yang baca baris ini //pesimis
Senang rasanya bisa berbagi.... beneran deh, ini bukan ajang pamer “eh gue udah improve lho” dan segala macamnya, sama sekali bukan. Post ini tujuannya, ya dari saya untuk saya (?) melempar umpan untuk dikomentari oleh pembaca demi perkembangan tulisan saya selanjutnya. Makasih yang tak terhingga dari saya buat kalian yang sudah mau kirimi saya pesan lewat diatas atau kesini <3<3<3
Kisiki Nagome/Sena.
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franchesse · 8 years
check this out later, keep the link first <3<3
Setsuna Drive (English Cover)【JubyPhonic】セツナドライブ
imma Setsuna Drive u crazy gurl
ayyyyy lmao
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franchesse · 8 years
Re-blog on holiday. I only have short time to play with PC, so here goes the translyrics I like. I got addicted to this song, since I listened to Miyu/Soramin’s cover (bless her moe voice and riza’s Kami-skill mix!). I add this song and the translyric into my cover project list. I’ll do my best!
I have either good and bad news. First, the bad news is my headphone was broken, idk, something happened to the cable :(  so, I think about upgrade my headphone (the good news), haven’t decided which one I should buy and when to buy it. 
That’s all for my singing/cover project, hehe
Jailbreak (Datsugoku)- English Singable Lyrics
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Original Song: Jailbreak/ Datsugoku (脱狱)
Song/Lyrics: Neru Illustration/Video: Sidu Original video:  www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm28751658
Both born behind darkened city walls, cast away Stenches and smoke filled-streets crawling up to the gates The colours of the grassy plains? Still not known to this date.   “Even though we’ve always stayed here waiting for help Only the tyranny grows in power and wealth” And that was what you said with a smile   People weeping low, and Gunshots piercing cold, but Staying alive is what matters most   Mixed with breaths of white You told me in a whispering voice- “Time to run.”   Back then we would dream about What children always dreamt Thinking that outside this cage exists- They must be somewhere Love and warmth meant for us   Finally flew across The windows shut and latched But we’ve lost count of how Many dreams like this we’ve had   Long long ago, stored away in this memory of mine You proudly showed me a picture scratched up with lines That silly drawing of your design Product of a child’s mind   But now I’m lured forward by your wave in the light Froze in my steps, staring as it comes into sight The plane from back then, taking flight.   Sirens from afar, and Cops lined up in arms, all Signalling to fire at where you are   Through the rotting rooftop Gaps between the walls– I see you Fly across   Back then we would talk about What grown-ups never dared Saying we’ll one day escape the cage To look down at this Trash-like town from above   Rust-coated pedals Pressed down with all your might As you break away from Reality, holding tight   Warning lights turn on, all From an unknown cause- Alarms are flashing red and wouldn’t stop   With no look of fright, you Still kept on rising up in height With a smile   Engine’s overheating but No matter what becomes Of this body that has taken flight, It stepped out into The greatness of this blue sky   “To perish in the flames If that’s the end I’ll face I’ll still gladly believe it’s A worthy price to pay.”
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franchesse · 8 years
[Fanfiction] 30 Days OTP Challenge
Kembali lagi bersama Kisiki Nagome/Sena dengan tag [Fanfiction] favoritnya, haha. :D
Kali ini saya hadir dengan post untuk entry Day 1 & Day 2 dari prompt #30DaysOTPChallenge ini. Awalnya saya coba komitmen untuk nulis 1 hari 1 prompt, meski ga langsung publish ya, tapi setelah sekolah masuk ya.... 4 hari baru kelar 1 cerita, parah emang. Tapi, saya akan berusaha nulis sampai akhir kok! Ini adalah gambaran OTP yang akan saya tulis, buat yang Fill In The Blank, boleh banget diisi sama OTP kalian, akan coba saya buat sesuai promptnya nanti hehe.
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Maaf curhatnya kepanjangan, langsung aja linknya, silakan cek dan RnR semoga suka ya <3
DAY 1: Holding Hands [SasuHina, Naruto]
FFn: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12025434/1/Sweet-Admiration
Ao3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/7346305
DAY 2: Cuddle Somewhere [KuroKen, Haikyuu]
FFn: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12025448/1/Tired
Ao3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/7357954
Keseluruhannya bakal diupload dalam satu buku disini
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franchesse · 8 years
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Ethereal Japanese Oil Paintings of Women Enraptured by Nature
Japanese artist Miho Hirano composes stunning delicate oil paintings with an enchanting sensibility, which is connected to nature. Hiram’s ethereal subjects are submerged with the blossoming beauty of nature in every stroke. They’re connected to a range of beautiful flowers and dainty creatures.
Keep reading
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franchesse · 8 years
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FINALLY, I publish new story. After hiatus for year, I’m back from Alice’s Underground (haha). Thanks to Mom Nel, her event (Miragen+) boost my mood to write again. Tbh, this is old story, I have write it last year on my phone memo but I’m stuck in the middle of writing, and my phone was borrowed by bro and the draft lost :(
I start to re-write the story last week but just finished edit this morning. If you don’t mind please listen to this song and this while reading the story. Please ENJOY with all your heart <3 :D
P.S I made 2 version with: reader inside (wattpad) and canon chara inside (FFn/Ao3).
Wattpad: http://my.w.tt/UiNb/YykNw4Feku
FFn: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12006021/1/IF (check after 2-3 hours haha)
Ao3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/7242361
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franchesse · 8 years
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source: google
Hola, amigos!
  New faces today, since I'm kinda off from real life (re: no busy;  I can handle my work). I changed my name into franchesse because sudden I love chesse and france at the same time, and made a simple nick name for those two,
franchesse (LOL).
  No, I'm not into Italian’s ship. It's just because a new book, currently I read, named Il Tiramisu by dyLunaly. Just like, the name of food she write and it's italian convo that I like a lot. It sounds sexy, I admit it.
  By the way about book. Since 2016, I made reading list on my phone memo. There are some books,  I've read since January to May, but sadly, several weeks ago, I just realized that it's gone. I guess, I push delete button of memo in setting menu, and voila, it's gone.
So, now I need to re-write and try to remember what I read before.
  Here some list of books that I remember from my--gone--reading list. You're going on the right track if you are looking for good novel, but non-fiction? Dont ask me...
Some of them are written in Indonesia and no english version,  sorry. Here you go:
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  more detail
1. Girls & Tech (Ollie, Bentang Pustaka).
This book it's the only non-fiction book on my reading list, I guess. It is about girls who attracted to technology, it's about the author. She's geek and she write about how great you (girls) if you know and take a part in tech as well on this era.
Because, technology or being in IT department not only for dude.
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2. No Game No Life (a lite novel, Yuu Kamiya, Shiningrose)
Do you know No Game No Life anime? Yeah, it's the light novel version. I haven't watch about the anime and I found this book in a book fair for 10k rupiah (cheapest than any book store!) and read it. I should admit, that this book is better than two other lite novel I've ever read.
Oh and this book is about Shiro and Sora (hikkikomori)  hikikomori who make up the identity of Blank, an undefeated group of gamers. One day, they are challenged by the god of games to chess and are victorious. As a result, the god summons them to Disboard, a reality which revolves around games. Intent on maintaining their reputation as the undefeated gamers, Sora and Shiro plan to conquer the sixteen ruling species and to usurp the god of games.
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3. Oh the Place You'll Go (Dr. Seuss)
You know what? I know this guy name because of my favorite Indonesian author named him on her book. I read the ebook version and I could say that, Dr. Seuss isn't children-story author. He's more into mature-story author because of his deepness on words and story line.
Oh the Place You'll GO tell us about, wherever you go, there always be a goal and some point to learn. Don't look back, just walk forward then you'll found what you're looking.
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4. Fifty Shades of Grey (E.L James)
I CAN'T BELIVE THE AUTHOR IS FEMALE. Oh god, this is the most-long-and erotic fiction that I've ever read. The author write something that I think that never existed plot, besides in fanfiction. BDSM. Go read it at your own risk if you're not 18+, please be careful.
This book is about Grey the bilionare and Anna a journalist. She first met with Grey in his office and they're suddenly fall in love with each other, but for Grey he didn't want to admit her as his girlfriend, instead he called her as submissive to his domination. Check this link for more  clear idea of this book 
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5. Lovasket (Luna Torashyungu, Gramedia Pustaka Utama)
I know the author first before I read his book. Yes, Luna Torashyungu is a dude (lol). I found this book at Baltos, the cheap book seller for 10k rupiah. It's a long time book and kinda best seller, and found the first book of this series made me, "Oh yeah, I'm lucky."
This is about basket, as the title said. About a girl name Vira who joined the popoular highschool in Bandung, she also the captain of their Basketball team. One day, her father was forced to quit his job because of (tuduhan) corruption. Vira moved to the lowest school in Bandung and quit playing basket ball. There she met with Niken, president of student council in SMA 31.As student council, she want to help some extraculicullar for being banned by school becaus of lower budget that school has.
Especially, she want to help the basket ball team. She tried to persuade Vira--who known as MVP in her last school--to train basket ball team and help them from banned.
So, that’s  first bach of my reading list, will update this as soon as possible. Currently writing on some short story and a novella as well. Wish me luck :D
P.S FiNALLYYYY TUMblr be cooperative with me, ureshiii ;;o;; after 3 x edit this post
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franchesse · 9 years
Hola, sekarang coba nulis pake Indonesia dulu coretuntukmelihatcoretseberapacoretanehnyacoretsayainicoret. Berdasarkan link ini: http://japanesestation.com/inilah-pengantinmempelai-ideal-pilihan-para-otaku-di-jepang/ SAYA MENANG BANYAK HAHAY! Waifu 2D kesukaan ada diantara lima besar dari sepuluh pemenang lainnya: 1. Koizumi Hanayo (*nyawer nasi*) 2. Toujo Nozomi 4. Yazawa Nico ❤️❤️❤️ Terus, 2D hasubando ada: 3. Kurusu Syo 10. Akashi Seijuuro ❤️❤️ Yang paling demen ini sih, 3D waifunya: 4. Mimori Suzuko 7. Nanjo Yoshino ❤️❤️ *JENGJENG* terakhir ada hasubando 3D, cuma satu--haha: 5. Hiroshi Kamiya ❤️ Sekian, share bebas dalam bahasa Indonesia. Ditunggu post lainnya yaa
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franchesse · 9 years
Hola, this post is about Humbert Humbert’s song, Onaji Hanashi!
I knew this song from my friend, we have a project together to duet on an event, he choose this song because it have the qualification for our theme (acoustic). It’s embrassing when I first listened, because the lyrics to obvious about relationship–the boy ask the girl about what is she doing and she answered with she doing something for the boy etc. Being the overact me, I start to dislike his choose.
But, we end up not to sing this song because the instrumental isn’t full guitar play, haha. After this, I set Onaji Hanashi on playlist, play-replay-replay, and soon I LIKE THIS SONG BECAUSE OF IT’S CUTENESS, I can’t stop sing it!
I’ve been blind by my intrepretation about the translation of this song. I believe in my japanese insting and made a conclusion, this song is about a long distance relationship that’s not stable (?). But, when I googled it isn’t, haha. This song sure about relationship and maybe a long distance but…..it’s more like even if they’re apart they have faith in each other to managed their relationship.
Just like me,
with Tsukishima Kei
So, this onaji hanashi is about faith.
Me and Tsukki, we’re on different place and dimmension, but we do have faith on each other. We will always share the same story.
Doko ini iru no? (Where are you?)
Kimi no soba ni iru yo (I’m here beside you)
Nani wo miteru no? (What are you looking at?)
Kimi no koto miteru yo (I’m looking at you)…”
If you can playing guitar or maybe looking for this song chord, I’ll give you for free *wink* I got this simple chord from: https://play.riffstation.com/results?q=%22Humbert+Humbert%22 (it has video too, please check them out!)
Vers.1 : A D Bm G Em F#
Vers.2 : D A Bm G F#m E7
Vers.3 : D A Bm G
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franchesse · 9 years
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[Original Fic–Onaji Hanashi is my inspiration, please kindly to check this song!]
•All the time we share the same story•
No light were on. This room I’ve been leaving for several days because dozen of task theacer’s gave me for this past week. I’m still strugling to used to this kind of schedule as Nursery college, especially the scholarship one. Far from their country, family and the one they love.
“I’m home…” I said quitely, of course there will be no answer, I live alone afterall. I walked to the table that my PC were sat on, left my bag across the room and started to turn on the machine and connect it through internet. Skype icon clicked by me. There, Monogatari808 appeared on the screen asked for video call.
I can’t help but smiled at the screen as my PC’s camera turn it small flash and this named face show. It was he, and he is my boyfriend from my home town country smiled gently at me. His “Hi,” made my heart’s went crazy.
It’s just a simple greeting he always did whenever we’re have a chat like this. But today it feels so different, is it just me who overacted over simple thing or what? I dunno.
“Hi,” I greet him back, “How have you been?”
“I’ve been fine since you were here in front of me, darling. How about you?”
“Cheesy…” I chuckled, “I’m fine if you asked my condition.”
“I got it, you’re home sick aren’t you?”
“Maybe… I want to meet you soon, here it’s a bit lonely and the task didn’t help at all.”
“You should bare with it, dear. It’s your dream and I know you can make it,” he smiled again, more gentle than the last one. The more I saw his figure through this small screen, I feel hollow. How can I survive here without him nor my family and friends in someone’s country? What’s so good about dream if it made you distance with people that you love? Now, the sudden realization hit me. About my parents that against my will to take this scholarship, about my friends who said that I should stay but I refuse to heard because of stuborness. I start to regret…
I want to go home.
I want to share the warm feel with people I love.
I want to meet him, for REAL. Not with this shitty skype thingy.
The water that I hold back behind my eyes start to flow along with his voice and story about his day this past week when we can’t met. I sniffled tried to hold the tears but of course if failed. He realized it and stop his story, his face made a worried looked.
“Are you okay?” His first question.
I didn’t answer still trying to hold the tears. My mind is full of sad thing and regret ‘cause my heart hurts. I want to go home… I want to said sorry to my parents and friends about my stupidtidy. And the most, I didn’t want him to saw me at this state, crying over my decission like a child.
“I-I’m sorry…” I said, “I want to sleep, you don’t mind right if I offline now?”
“I do mind, if you don’t tell what’s wrong with you,” he answered firmly.
“I’m sleepy,” I lied of course. I’m not sleepy at all, what I wanted was chat with him all night long, revenge for this week we haven’t met each other. But I didn’t want this tears poured in front of him, I want him to knew me as big girl not a child as he used to know when we’re still at the same state. I want him to smile more often than worried like this!
“Stop acting like you don’t have a boyfriend.”
I looked at him shocked of his words. He never said something so like that before. I’ve lied about my puffy eyes and wet checks a lot of time to him, but never in any time he said something like I didn’t have him as my boyfriend. He always so caring 'till the point I’m worried about himself being too kind to me.
“Am… I?” I questioned to myself, but it seems he heard it.
“Yes, you are. I know you lied every time you cried when we’re still on the same state. I forgave you back then, but not today when we’re away from each other. We need trust more than anything.
…and if you don’t tell me what’s bothering you like this, I feel useless as your boyfriend. Most, you don’t trust me.”
“I am sorry…” said me. “I don’t want to be here anymore, I don’t have motivation left to continue this dream anymore.”
It’s a minutes paused before he chuckled. “Sorry…so you’re really home sick?”
I nodded.
“Why are you home sick?”
“I miss everything that I leave, my family, friends especially you…”
“If you were go back here, what will you get?”
“They’re presence?”
“And what will you loose?”
I stopped before answered it. “….my dream? Is it really your goal?”
“What goal do you mean, darla?” He laughed. “I just want to remind you to something that precious to you. 'If you don’t give up I don’t know what will you through and get but if you do give up, I can say that you will have nothing,’ hehe.”
“Don’t use that quotes to me 'because I know everything,’” I grinned at him.
“No, no, you can’t beat me, Seena dear. Because 'the one who can beat me is me.’”
“Urgh–shut this impersonate conversation up-nanodayo.”
“You’re the one who didn’t stop-ssu yo.”
“FINE, I’ll stop and so did the convo, 'kay?” I puffed my checks, tease him.
“Mmh, okay….. I’ll be offline first than good-”
“NO!! Don’t leave meeeeeeeeh, please!!!”
Again, that guy laughed full of victory. “If you insist then, let’s have an all night convo, shall we?”
Hola and sorry I didn’t post fanfic like what I said at the last post haha. I’ve write Neji half way but feel don’t want to continue it sooooo no fanfic until my mood come back.
Also, sorry if I write typo or grammatical errors.
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franchesse · 9 years
Propose Scenario
I try to write story in english, a fic about NaruHina. I got this idea from twitter post earlier! Hope this story is understandable despite of grammatical error, etc.
Dedicate to everyone who join #NulisRandom2015 Day 2, sorry for my late because I’ve been busy with test two days ago.
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The blonde lock, seen walks from the crowd of his fans. Use his kagebunshin to replace him stand in the crowd and fulfill what his fans needed, an autograph and photo. Troublesome, he thought.
It’s been three years since the war ended, Konohagakure is on their best state with Kakashi Hatake as the Hokage and him as a hero. Also, been a year after he save this world from stupid-Toneri guy from moon who want revenge for his clan to Rikudo Sennin world, etc. That event also bring his memory about the only girl who always by his side thinking about him, protect him and most important thing is love him fully.
His hand scratch  the blonde lock of him out of frustration. He thinking of something so easy but ended with him kick helpless can on the street, frustrate. He want to give this girl a special present, but he didn’t think any idea of it. One, he didn’t know what’s on girls mind, what are they like, something sweet? Cute? Rare? Or what?? He never have been in any relationship before so this kind of thing never ever cross on his mind. Two, he can’t do anything except training, doing mission, make an instant and eating ramen. So, he will never give her something handmade like she did, hand made scraf really out of option.
“Hhh… I never used to this, what does she like? I really stupid, have a thought that I already know her and such just because of that dream.”
“Naruto, what are you doing?”
Naruto snapped his head to back and saw Sakura standing with eyebrow raised, looking confused at him. Suddenly, her pinkinette lock dancing back and forth as he shake her body with so much strenght on it.
“Sakura! You are a fairy-god-mother!!!!”
“Wh-what did you say, huh? Stupid Naruto, stop it! You make me dizzy!!”
“Oh fairy-god-mother, please help mee!!!”
“Oi, I said, stop it!” Sakura punch Naruto hard on the cheek, make him stop shake her body and also fly several feet from ground before landing with a loud thud.
“It’s hurt you know,” Sakura huft while giving him a glare. “What do you want and what with that sudden attack?”
“I need your help.”
“And what’s with this ‘help’ you want me to do?”
“Give me idea about what’s girl like as a gift…”
Sakura grin widely and look at Naruto with glimmering eyes. “A gift for girl eh?”
“Is it for Hinata?”
“Well, it’s public secret Naruto, that you and Hinata is in a relationship since we’re back from the mission one year ago.”
“I don’t know a thing about that…” Naruto admit, “actually I don’t know if we’re on relationship already, because I haven’t confess anything yet.”
“Stupid Naruto!! What did you do over this one year??! Didn’t you already know her feel for you and you also feel the same?! And why did you too have not been in a relationship since then?? Afterall, why didn’t confess to her YET?!” Sakura ready with her punch but Naruto try to stop it with his palm in front of the face.
“I-I know, I know, it’s my fault but until now, I’m still not sure about this, so I haven’t confess to her,” said Naruto, “besides, I don’t think I’m good enough for her, I mean… she have been love me for a long time, but I am…”
“You should not think too much about it, Naruto. Even you not noticed her for long time, she will understand it, no, she accepted it. She never pushed someone to do what she want, she’s girl like that…
..besides, if you feel guilty about not noticed her all this time, you can fix it.”
“Fix it, how?”
“Well, propose her.”
“Yeah, that’s every girl dream. Being proposed at beautiful place and in very romantic way, and~~”
From here, Sakura started her daydream and Naruto sweat dropped. So, he walks away after calling her name three times with no answer, thinking about him propose Hinata Hyuuga. How?
Day by day, night trough night passed and Naruto haven’t think about a good way to propose his beloved one. He can’t think about “romantic way” to propose someone. Once again, HE NEVER BEEN IN REALTIONSHIP BEFORE, so this kind of thing never ever cross his mind.
One day, after he back from his mission he met Ino who gigling and jump on every way while hugging a very big flowers on her hand. Because of her careless, she ended up bump with Naruto and they start fighting.
“Narutoo!!! What are you doing!!!!”
“HEY, it’s not my fault! You started it! Why you jumping and grinning like an idiot in public place like that?!”
“Who says, I can’t giggling and jumping like in public place, huh?!”
Naruto sighed as he try to start a normal conversation with her. “Hey Ino, is that bucket is from your house?”
“Oh here? Yeah it is,” she giggle again, “Sai gives me with a card, so this is special, I can say.”
“Why special only because it has card on it?”
“No, stupid. What make this special isn’t the card but what’s write on it, Sai want to meet me at hill by now, I think he’s gonna propose me there~ how romantic he is!”
“With flowers and card?”
“Yes, I guess. But I hope he have ring on him too, hohoho.”
“Why ring?”
“Because ring is like a tie between the people who already engaged. It same as symbol and more like announcement to everyone that 'this one’ already have someone on their side.”
Naruto nods.
“Anyway, what did you ask? Are you planning on propose Hinata? Finally…. I’ve been asking for this, why did you take long time to do this! You already in relationship about a year or maybe more but every time I asked Hinata, she always said that you have not confess yet.”
“Actually it’s the truth. I have not confess to her until now…”
“HUH?! Are you serious?! Oh damn you, Naruto. Confess already not propose her! We know you two are in love for long time so it’s not that hard to start relationship, right?!”
“Yeah… That was her, not me. I’ve only in love with her for, you said, a year. But she have been love me since I didn’t remember,” Naruto paused, take a deep breath. “She shouldn’t have to love and wait for me that long.”
“Stu-pid~ no one can’t choose with whom they fall in love with. And for her, wait for you this time is worth, even if you never noticed her or she have chance that you will love her back, you still have a best part of her heart, Naruto. That’s girl.”
Naruto shocked by Ino explanation. Never on his thought, girl can do it, even him too can ever do something like that…
Smile cross on his face, now he have no guilt or confused anymore about how he would propose her, because he know everything he do, Hinata will accept him. That’s Hinata Hyuga, his beloved one. “Thanks, Ino..”
“Naruto-kun? What’s wrong?” Hinata titled her head saw Naruto breath heavily and sweating in front of her gate.
“Hinata, please go out with me!”
“Eh?” Her face red, happy, shy and confused are plester on her tomato face.
“Please, follow me!” Suddenly Naruto pull Hinata’s hand running to the town.
“Na-Naruto-kun! Where are we going?!”
Naruto didn’t answer, he just keep running and drag Hinata with him. He pull her hand, make Hinata scream a little with sudden action. Naruto chuckles at Hinata without slow down his pace.
Finally, they arrive in front of Ichiraku Ramen’s shop. Confused Hinata didn’t say a word just look around the place. Naruto pull her hand and go inside, he says something to the uncle and sit down.
“Naruto-kun, why so sudden..?”
“Actually, I have something to tell you, Hinata.”
“Is it about mission?”
“No, this is not related to any mission, believe it!”
“Then, what do you want to say, Naruto-kun?”
“It is about lately gossip about us..”
“Gossip? Oh!” Hinata’s face got read, “I-I’m sorry about that, I also don’t want them to be mistaken about us, so I explain to them what happened but it still spread like that, I’m very sorry, Naruto-kun..”
“No-no–that’s not what I mean, Hinata. I mean I…”
“Yo- ramens are ready to serve!” The uncle put two bowls in front of them. “Dig in!”
“Thanks, uncle!” Naruto said and start eating after saying “Itadakimasu,” and so Hinata.
After they finished eating, uncle put two glasses on the table. For Naruto it’s only a glass of mineral water but for Hinata there’s something different. There is an Ocha with cute straw on it. The straw have blue color and have a teddy bear above it.
“Huh?” Hinata take the teddy bear and surprise with a ring under it’s butt. “Ring?”
Naruto gulped his drink. “Yeah.. That’s ring, Hinata.”
“But why?”
“Because I want you to marry me.”
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WELPS. SUCH A RUSH END, NOT GOMEN ME. No edited because I’m too lazy and there’s a TV show I want to watch rn.
I’ve forget to write the disclaimer:
Characters © Masashi Kishimoto Plot © NIX
#NulisRandom2015 Day 2 (actually this should be Day 11 orz)
-NIX (hello again /whut)-
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franchesse · 9 years
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[#Day1 Menulis Random]
Jadii, ada acara yang diselenggarakan oleh-(maaf lupa namanya)-seseorang yang bekerja sama dengan @nulisbuku, dan sekalian refreshing dari kumpulan soal yang ulalala, ikutan nulis dulu deh ehe.
Judulnya “Name” artinya nama. Kenapa “name”? Karena belakangan ini, lagi keranjingan wattpad, ngederp disana bacain fanfiction, yeah, ga terlalu suka baca original story kalo bukan novel atau sesuatu yang pake kertas, karena ngerasa kaya seni ngebalikin halaman sama ngecek daftar isi sisa berapa chapter lagi jadi kaya hilang gitu (LOL).
Dan saking tekunnya baca fanfic, keinget kalo wattpad ada aplikasinya, download deh, lumayan bisa baca offline.
Pas udah download sebelum kita bisa baca cerita disana disuruh pilih antara bikin akun atau baca doang. Karena ga paham, asal pencet “create new account”, bikin lah akhirnya. Dan disinilah pengalaman ‘nama’ itu dimulai….
Pemilihan username.
Seperti yang nggak kalian ketahui, katakanlah penulis ini paling seneng bikin nama. Dari pertama kenal Cyber-World gitu, sampai sekarang usernamenya gunta-ganti mulu, saking krea–bosenan. Mikir tuh username yang bagus apa buat wattpad, yang jelas harus beda sama line/twitter/fb biar ga ada yang tau siapa saya disana, ceritanya pengen brand-new-season gitu~ *nyanyi*
Terus akhirnya ketemulah nama baru yang menurut aku sih, keren banget. Penyingkatan nama dari username lama (shina_meel), jadi sekitar 4-5 huruf gitu. Yang beda sih cuma tulisannya, kalo cara bacanya ga beda jauhlah…
Skip, ke bagian terpenting dari post ini, “name”.
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Buat yang belum tau juga, fanfic di wattpad terutama bagian animenya, jarang banget yang bahasa indonesia, atau kalo ada plot-linenya aneh ga menarik, beda sama yang di FFn, mungkin karena belum rame, entahlah.
Dan, rata-rata kalo kita nyari dengan hastag anime (judulnya atau apapun), biasanya yang muncul duluan adalah yang “anime/fandom x reader”, dan sebagaimana kebanyakan cerita dengan tema pembaca sebagai tokoh utama, penulis ff mempersilakan para pembaca untuk memberikan nama dan karakteristik tokohnya berdasarkan imajinasi mereka
Dan berakhirlah disepanjang perjalanan membaca cerita “x reader” ini menemukan:
(F/N) (L/N)
(H/C) (E/C)
Dan yang perlu kalian ketahui adalah saya ini pembaca super-straight. Apa yang ditulis ya itu aja yang dibaca:
Sebenernya sih kalo ngebaca ceritanya doang ga masalah, tapi pas giliran kita mau comment disana bingung juga. Bayangin deh, kita mau protes soalnya si-reader ga diperlakukan dengan baik sama pasangan terus kita mau ngomong gini “Ih kamu kok jahat banget sama (F/N)?!” ga logis, atau “Kenapa kamu buat AKU sedih terus……” aneh banget ga sih -_-
Atau yang bikin merusak suasana itu ketika ada cerita, pembaca dibikin mati, pasangannya nangis dikuburan manggil nama pembaca sambil sesugukkan,
Atau mungkin pas lagi making love session, cowoknya kehabisan napas buat manggil nama reader:
Atau pas si-reader pingsan, pasangannya panik terus sebagaimana orang panik dia manggilin nama dan tiap panggilan naik satu oktaf, iya kan?
“(F/N)! (F/N)! (F—–/N—–)!!!”
Yang lebih binggung ketika ga pake singkatan kalimat dan lagi ijab kabul, nikah.
“I’ll have (Nick Name/First name) (Surename/Last name) in sick…”
Tapi asyik sih, ceritanya bagus-bagus dan biasanya yang begini cukup memuaskan, meskipun ya kendalanya itu kalo mau comment susah nyebut si main charanya apa, ugh.
Name this, name that, and name everywhere….
(( kelamaan mikir bingung nulis apa lagi ))
Jadi selama kurang lebih sebulan dan masih mendep di wattpad bagian anime fanfiction, especially naruto, knb, haikyuu, aot fandom masih terus bertahan dengan “name” disana wahaha.
(2015/06/01) NIX
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