forthelovelywoman-blog · 6 years
My Apologies For The Absence
Hello, lovelies...
It’s been such a long time since I last posted and I am so so sorry about that. Life, lately, has been beyond crazy. I’ve had to really reevaluate my choices and just my attitude in general. And because of that, it’s caused my mind to be constantly preoccupied. I’ve tried several times in the past week or so to come up with a new post, but I felt that if I couldn’t solely focus my heart and mind on the content I would post then it was better I didn’t post anything at all. However, I am back and feeling better than ever so I promise new content will be coming soon! If you have any questions or would like to suggest some different things to post about then shoot me a message! I’d love to hear your feedback and your ideas. 
Also, HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY! I hope that you’re spending it with loved ones watching the fireworks and eating hotdogs. Just don't forget to thank those who served our great country and shaped us into what we are today. They deserve all the recognition. Do you know someone who fought for our country? If so, give them a hug or send them a text telling them how much you appreciate all they’re done for this country. 
Keep your chin up, darling
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forthelovelywoman-blog · 6 years
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Hello, lovelies!
I have never done one of these before, and I know youtubers usually do them, but who cares! 
My bag is just like the one above, only it’s in burgundy instead of black. I got it on sale for $20 at Kohls around Christmas last year and it’s one of the best purchases I’ve made. I adore it!
There is a small zipper pocket on the inside that I usually keep a pen, chapstick, and some hand lotion/sanitizer. There are also two small pockets on the opposite side that I leave for my sunglasses and phone. 
Other than that, the inside is pretty spacious. I usually put a notebook in there. Currently I have a black, lined moleskin notebook which I love so much. I also have my Kindle Paper White so I have something to read if I’m ever bored. My wallet is in there, which I got from TJMaxx. 
The only other item that I really have in there is this cute makeup pouch that has things like: a nail file, earbuds, lipstick, bobby pins/hair ties, mints, and bandaids. I also include feminine products sometimes. 
On the outside of the bag, on the back, there is a zipper pocket. I usually don’t put anything in here but sometimes I’ll throw my phone in there if I need to. It’s 
That’s mainly the only things I have in there. Sometimes I’ll carry my water bottle or an umbrella but that’s it. Although, I do find that I have a lot of crumpled up receipts when I clean my bag out every week. There’s plenty of space in it and it’s really cute. Burgundy was a great choice for me personally because a majority of my wardrobe compliments that color really well. If I was given the choice to recommend this product or not, I totally would! 
If you have a favorite bag you like to take around with you send me pictures as I am a handbag fanatic. I used to own SO many before I got this one. I’d love to know what my readers carry around with them. 
Keep your chin up, darling
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forthelovelywoman-blog · 6 years
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forthelovelywoman-blog · 6 years
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Blogging is not my main source of income. Actually, this blog doesn’t generate me any income; it’s more of a hobby. I actually have a few jobs this summer as my goal is to make as much money as possible before school starts. So, let’s begin with the job that I’ve had longest.
I told myself that I would NEVER work in the food industry. I didn’t want to see how any of the food I ate was made. Well, it seems as though that didn't last long. I began working at Panera Bread last December (’17) and it’s been a rollercoaster. When I came home for the summer, I transferred to the Panera closer to my home rather than my school. Needless to say, there were a lot of changes. It works like this, Panera has many different positions that you can work. They teach you a few different jobs so they can rotate you when things either get busy or they need an extra hand. It’s a very good system as it ensures that you won't be doing the exact same job every single shift. There is some variety to it. I specifically work as the dining room attendant. I mainly stock everything, make sure the drinks are filled, clean off tables, and bring back dishes. It’s pretty monotonous when the place isn’t busy but when it’s lunch or dinner time, things get crazy. I am running around like a mad woman. Overall, it’s a lot of work but they are very strict about cleanliness and a lot of precautions are taken to ensure that the food is made accurately. I would recommend this job to anyone who wants to work in a good atmosphere that cares about their staff as much as their customers. 
A new job that I got, solely for the summer, was at Bath & Body Works. Instead of being a cashier, I go in around 6pm once a month and help them stock for their clearance events and new products. It usually runs until about 1am , but I make good money. I’m sure if you have a B&BW near you you could probably go in and talk to them about it. It’s pretty much just once a month, but from my experience they pay very well. Also, you get to see some of the new products before anyone else and you get an idea of what to look for when you come in for the event. 
Babysitting is one that I just recently started doing this summer. The lady who does my hair offered me a babysitting gig every week to watch her son. It’s a bit of extra cash in my pocket each week. Besides, we get to swim, play games, and eat food. Sounds like fun, right? If you’re thinking of babysitting just please make sure that your cellphone is on only in case of emergencies. Being distracted by your phone can be disastrous if the children you’re babysitting for get in trouble. 
So, you’ve gotten a look into the jobs that I have for this summer. They’re not perfect, and I don't always like them, but if I’m making money then I’m happy. I’d love to hear about what jobs you guys have this summer, or in general. So feel free to let me know! 
Keep your chin up, darling 
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forthelovelywoman-blog · 6 years
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I can honest and truly say that I am not a patient person. It’s something I am working on and trying to get better at. Patience is key in life. Whether it’s waiting in line at the grocery store or waiting to get married, you have to be patient. God has really been working patience into my life a lot lately. It’s one of the hardest things to have to work on. I am a go-getter, someone who wants to just go after what I want. However, I’ve realized that is not always the best way. Jumping into something without thinking about it will ultimately lead to failure. 
I’m a 20-year-old female who has been dreaming of her wedding day for most of her life. Like most of us women, our wedding day is one that we plan from the day we first understand what it is. It’s every little girl dream to wear a white dress, walk down the aisle, and have that magical day. Such dreams make it SO difficult to wait. 
Romans 8:25 says, “But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience”
What I personally gain from this verse is that if we can’t see what we are hoping for then we just have to be patient. God works on his own time. What has helped me be patient is constant prayer. And I do not pray for what I want, but rather for what the Lord wants. I’m not going to lie, it is very difficult to not ask for everything I want. And when it gets rough, I journal. A couple days ago, I posted about how journaling has helped me. And if you haven't seen that post yet and want to read about it, I’ll be sure to link it at the bottom of this post. 
Anyway, I know that patience sucks. No one understands more than me. I have struggled with it all my life. But whenever you having a hard time being patient, take a moment to pray, journal, color, or anything that keeps your mind preoccupied. I promise you that it helps. And if you really aren’t seeing any change, ask God to teach you patience. It will be difficult, you’ll want to give up, and you may yell some angry things into your pillow, but it will make you that much better. 
Here are a few more verses dealing with patience.
1 Corinthians 13:4
Philippians 4:6
Romans 12:12
I certainly hope that they help you in whatever you are going through. And if you need to talk, my inbox is always open.
Here’s the link to my Journaling post: https://forthelovelywoman.tumblr.com/post/175011851879/hello-all-today-i-would-like-to-share-with-you
Keep your chin up, darling
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forthelovelywoman-blog · 6 years
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The past few days have been a true self reflection time for me. I discovered what I needed and how I wanted to achieve that. Below I have divulged my personal daily routine for self care. If you find yourself in the same boat I was, the I hope this will help you too.
1. Read My Bible
This is something I continuously put off doing, even though I knew I needed to do it. After talking to a close friend and mentor of mine, I realized just how important this was. Spending time in God’s Word, and learning to seek him and grow in my faith was something I couldn’t just toss aside anymore. What I began doing was reading one chapter a day and journaling about it. For me, I decided to start in the New Testament, more specifically Matthew. I found that once I journaled my thoughts and questions down, I was slowly able to start understanding more.
2. Gratitude
Each day I decided to write down three things that I’m grateful for. I added this to whatever I journaled from my Bible time so that I had it all in one place. This really helped me start my day with a positive mindset.
3. Work Out
This isn't necessarily DAILY because sometimes it’s difficult to get to the gym every single day, but I usually try to do some kind of exercise each day. Whether that be going for a walk, doing some small exercises before bed, or even going window shopping at the mall. I try to do whatever is going to keep me active for a decent period of time. This is a great way to clear your mind of any negative thoughts.
4. Take Time Off Social Media
This is a big one for me. I do run this blog so I can’t afford to take a whole day off of social media but at least an hour every day I try to refrain from checking social media. Notice how I said “try”, because sometimes I fail. It is very hard to break that habit of checking Instagram or Facebook when you’re bored. But if you have true intentions of cutting back, and you really try, then sooner or later it won't be as much of a habit.
5. Spend Time Talking To/Hanging Out With A Friend
Sometimes all you need is a bit of time talking to your best friend. I know that, for me, after talking with my mentor and close friend Ashley I feel a whole lot better. I can get anything off my chest and even just catching up and can help you feel better. So I try to message or hang out with a friend each day. Even if it’s just going out for coffee or having a quick phone call. It makes me feel good.
6. Read Daily Affirmations
When I wake up in the morning I try to look at myself in the mirror and say one daily affirmation. I change it up each day. I wrote out a bunch of different affirmations and hung them on the wall so all I have to do is look at one. It helps build my self confidence and start my day with more positivity.
This is how my day usually ends up going. I didn't include eating, going to work/school, etc. because those are guarantees. This post mainly shows you what I do on a daily basis that helps me feel good about myself. My hope is that you try out all, or at least one, of these points each day. You may start to feel a bit more positive and happy. If you do, please let me know as I would love to hear about your journey to practicing self care.
Keep your chin up, darling
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forthelovelywoman-blog · 6 years
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Hello, all. Today I would like to share with you something that was laid on my heart recently. 
I have realized that journaling is something necessary for my daily life. It is something I can do to divulge any and every thing that is on my mind. I have a habit of bottling up my feelings, emotions, and thoughts to the point where I have anxiety attacks. My mentor, and close friend, recently suggested that I start journaling everything that has been laid on my heart or mind and I couldn’t have been more grateful for that. I have always wanted to journal, but I could never figure out what to write about or even stay on a consistent schedule. It wasn’t until I hit a point in my life that I NEEDED help that I was able to journal. It’s relaxing and helps me exert all of that pent of anger, frustrated, sadness, etc. in a healthy way. 
So, I know this post isn’t super long but I wanted to share that with you. And I wanted to suggest journaling as being a part of your daily routine. It doesn’t have to be super long excerpts, but rather anything and everything that you've got going on and need to release. My personal journal entries are very much like prayers. I write them to God and it’s like a conversation I have with him. Afterwards I spend a bit of time in prayer before I move on to the next part of my day. 
It’s very simple and, for me, it’s self care. There are no rules, minimum or maximum lengths for entry, special things you have to do, nothing. It’s simply you, a pen, and paper. 
I hope that if you are feeling anxious, overwhelmed, frustrated, or the like, and need an outlet that you will resort to journaling. It’s not for everyone but maybe it will help you or someone you know. 
Keep your chin up, darling
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forthelovelywoman-blog · 6 years
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Netflix has taken the world by storm. Being a college student, I don't have the access to cable TV while I’m at school. That’s why Netflix is super handy. I have compiled a list of my top five favorite TV shows Netflix has aired. If there are some I haven't mentioned that you may like, send me a message and I’ll check them out!
1. New Girl
By far, this is my favorite show right now. Zooey Deschanel is the main character and she couldn’t have done a better job. I blew through all 7 seasons really quickly and was saddened that it ended. It’s the number one show I recommend. 
2. The Office
This is one of the most popular shows on Netflix right now. I finished it a few months ago and just recently started my second watch through of it. There’s 9 seasons so it is sure to keep you occupied for awhile. 
3. Lost 
I am only halfway through this but so far it’s been really good! It’s very easy to get attached to some of the characters so it’s something to invest your time in. There are also 6 seasons so it’ll take you a bit to get through it. 
4. Gilmore Girls
I am only a few episodes from the end of this show and I’m sad that it’ll be over. Over the course of 7 seasons you learn to love the characters and relate to them on several different levels. Definitely one I’d recommend. 
5. Riverdale
This show has a lot of hype and I think it’s worth it. I really like the casting and how aesthetic the cinematography is. It might be cliche in some ways, but I think it’s really fun to watch. 
Some other contenders for this list were:
Bob’s Burgers (the only reason it wasn’t on here was because it’s not on Netflix anymore...sadly)
Gossip Girl (it’s nothing super special but I like the drama)
Criminal Mind (I love crime shows and this one is my favorite)
Let me know if you’ve seen any of these shows and whether you liked them or not. I always want any suggestions you've got! 
Keep your chin up, darling
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forthelovelywoman-blog · 6 years
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I don’t know about you but about a month into summer I start to get really restless. After sleeping in every day, binge watching all the tv shows on Netflix, and eating way more than I should I am at a loss for what to do next. If I don't do anything it’s almost like I’m wasting summer. So, it took me awhile, but I was finally able to come up with a list of several things you can do this summer to help keep you busy (in a fun way).
1. Go to the zoo
Chances are, any zoo near you is free. You only have to pay for parking or some kind of transportation to get you there. My boyfriend, Sean and I actually took a day trip to the zoo last week. I’m a huge panda fan so we made sure to go there first. The only thing you’ll have to really pay for when you’re there is food and/or souvenirs.
2. Go to the beach/lake
Beaches and lakes are also free, except for parking or if you’re staying in a hotel. Day trips, however, are super fun if you’re close enough. You can work on your tan (or for me, your burn), walk the boardwalk, go swimming, and eat some great food. Bringing friends along is also super fun and can make the time even better.
3. Photoshoots
Bringing along a few friends, a camera, and some props can turn any place into the perfect spot for a photoshoot. You’ll have a great time and some new summer-y photos to share.
4. Have a picnic
Going to a park, or even your backyard, can ensure a lot of fun for a picnic. Just be sure to bring a blanket to lay down on. You don't want those pesky ants getting all over your food.
5. Make ice cream sandwiches
This is something my mom showed my brother and I when we were younger. I’ll put the link below to my post giving you the instructions.
6. Go to the mall
This is an easy one. Just taking a trip to the mall to get some cute summer clothes, window shop, or even sit and talk can completely fill up a day, or an afternoon.
7. Movie night
Finding a good movie, grabbing some friends, and hitting up the local theatre can be a fun time. If you’re looking to save some money then holding up in your own home with a bag of popcorn and a dollar box of candy from the Dollar Tree can be just as fun.
8. Get a gym membership
I got my first gym membership a couple weeks ago and it’s been really nice. Going to the gym doesn’t mean you have to go hard on the machines. You can go just to walk on the treadmill, or my favorite, the elliptical. I usually go for 30 minutes to an hour and afterwards I feel very refreshed. Tired, but refreshed. It can also be a great way to de-stress, believe it or not.
So, that’s only a few different things that you can do this summer if you’re starting to feel bored. I can remember when my brother and I were younger, any time we told my dad we were bored during summer he would have us pick up twenty rocks outside and put them in a bucket. It was weird but after awhile it became like a game. My brother and I would see who could pick up their twenty rocks first. I can say that we didn't tell my dad we were bored very much after that.
I hope that this post gave you at least one idea for something you can do alone, or even with friends. Let me know if you have any more ideas because I’d love to hear them. I’m always up for more things to do this summer. Until then, have a wonderful summer!
Keep your chin up, darling
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forthelovelywoman-blog · 6 years
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Dad’s are great. And they deserve more than just one day out of the year to be celebrated. Even so, getting your father, or your father figure, a gift that can truly express how much you care about them means a lot. I’ve done some digging and discovered the many different types of gifts you can get your father this Father’s Day. As always, if you have any that I don’t mention that you want to contribute please let me know! I’d love to add them to this list. But, without further ado, let’s get into it.
1. Handmade Gifts
This is probably the most common of the gifts. I’m sure when you were young, you made your dad a cute card and a cut out heart with princess stickers on it. No? Just me? Well, okay then. Handmade gifts can be some of the most sincere of the gifts you can give because they truly come from the heart. They require the most time and effort to make.
2. Punny Gifts
If you’re unfamiliar with the term “punny” that is a made up word mixing “pun” and “funny” together. These gifts always crack me up. The most recent idea I’ve  come across, and a top contender in the gift I’ll get my dad this Father’s Day, is a mason jar filled up with cookies and it says “Dad, you’re a smart COOKIE”. It’s perfect because what dad doesn't like cookies and corny jokes? None that I’ve ever met. 
3. Store-bought Gifts
These are also among the most common of gifts. Now, I won't say that this is the easiest to get either. Sometimes finding the perfect gift in a store may seem impossible. My suggestion, if you ever feel like you can't find out what to get, is to find something practical that you KNOW your dad can use. We got my dad a pocket knife one year. It doesn't have to be expensive, but rather something he can use for a long time.
4. Expensive Gifts
Some people have the money to go all out on their Father’s Day gifts. That’s not bad at all, but not always necessary. From my experience, the amount of money you put into a gift shouldn’t be the focus. What matters most is that your heart is in it. 
5. Pre Picked Out Gifts
This is one that we often do when we aren't sure what to get my dad. Like this year, my dad decided to pick out something that he really needed and chose that to be his gift from us this year. Sure, the gift may not be a surprise, but at least it was exactly what he needed. 
Father’s Day is just around the corner (June 17, 2018). If you haven't gotten the dad in your life a gift yet then you've got just a bit of time left. I’d love to hear what you plan to get your dad so drop a message in the comments for me on Instagram. You guys may have thought of some that I haven’t! 
Gifts are wonderful, but don’t forget that it’s not just about what you buy or make your dad. Make sure to thank him for everything he’s done for you and tell him you love him. And for those who may not get to celebrate with their father this year, praying for him or even lighting a candle is a good way to honor him. 
Keep your chin up, darling
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forthelovelywoman-blog · 6 years
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Okay, so we all know that the only thing to satisfy you during the hot summer days is ice-cream. My mom taught my brother and I the best way to make homemade ice cream sandwiches and I promise you will not be disappointed.
Here are the ingredients you’ll need:
-hard chocolate chip cookies (We got ours from Walmart. Make sure that they are about the size of the palm of your hand.)
-the party ice cream cups (Can be chocolate/vanilla/both. We got our from Walmart. Your cookies should be about the same diameter as the ice cream cup.)
-sprinkles, chocolate chips, mini M&Ms, etc. (Any toppings will work, really.)
-a plate to put you creation on
-a freezer
Alright, so you have your ingredients. Now, we must put them all together.
-take two cookies out of the packaging and place on your plate
-roll the cup of ice cream in your hand a bit to soften it up so it comes out of the cup easier
-use a spoon to carefully put your ice-cream on one half of the cookie
-put the other hand of the cookie on top to create the ice cream sandwich
-squeeze the two cookie pieces together a bit till the ice-cream fills ups the sides
-roll or sprinkle the toppings on the ice cream part of your sandwich
-when you have finished decorating your ice cream sandwich pop it into the freezer (still on a plate or in a ziplock bag)
-wait one hour
-take our and enjoy!
It’s a pretty simple, and quick, treat to make! And I hope that you enjoy them as much as I do! Send me pictures of your creations as I would LOVE to see how they turned out!
Keep your chin up, darling
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forthelovelywoman-blog · 6 years
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Staying organized is very important. If you’re like me, a disorganized space equals a disorganized mind. But for me, I love to organize things. I get a lot of satisfaction from making things clean and pretty. Below are a few tips I’ve gained over the years that help me stay organized.
1. Make To-Do-Lists
This is the most important, in my opinion. If you create your list the night before, or even the week before, you’ll have everything you need to get done all in one place. It helps keep you on track and on time. One of my favorite things to do with my lists is decorate them with washi tape, colored pens, or even doodles. 
2. Get Cute Office Supplies
I love making things aesthetic so when I am in need of some new office supplies I try to find the cutest stuff I can. TJ-Maxx is a great place to get good quality office supplies for cheap. The goal is to try and get all of your stuff to match. That way, when you look at your desk you’ll feel more relaxed. 
3. Decorate
This is similar to the last one, but instead of office supplies try to pretty up your space with photos, maybe some plants, artwork, etc. Just be sure not to over-decorate to the point that your area is cluttered. 
4. Your Planner Is Your Life
This can be a physical planner or even on your smartphone. My recommendation is to have a physical planner. While it’s not as convenient as your smartphone, it’s a lot more fun to decorate. If you’re planning on going the online way, iPhones have a built in calendar you can use or Google also has a calendar app. Either way, always jot down every event, birthday, trip, etc. into it. That way everything you need is compiled into a singular place that you can easily refer back to later. 
5. Only Have What You NEED
This is a big one, and one I struggle with. My boyfriend will assure you that I have more notebooks than I know what to do with. The key is to cut back on things you’re not using to allow for only what is absolutely necessary. This also means that decluttering is super important. Throw out those expired coupons, old receipts, and scrap paper because they’re only making your space messy. 
There you have it! Five tips that I hope will help you in your future organizing endeavors. If you have any more ways that may help you then I’d love to hear them! In the mean time, happy organizing! 
Keep your chin up, darling 
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forthelovelywoman-blog · 6 years
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Who here has grasped at straws trying to find the quickest, most effective, summer workout to ensure that “bikini body”? The thing is, it’s not hard to find workouts that SAY they’ll get you results quick. From my own personal experience, I realized that quick doesn't necessarily mean effective.
I spent several hours searching through the most “fool-proof” workouts that would ensure I would get that summer beach body. However, a week into it I was tired out. My workout regime went something like this
-An hour at the gym a day, seven days a week
-A morning and night workout routine
-Extra workouts during the day
After seven days my body hurt and I didn't feel any better about myself than I had before I started. So, during the few days it took to recover, I was able to sit down and think. One thing that I recommend doing before you start working out is to list your goals and intentions. And I don’t mean “look like a model”, “have abs”, or “be as thin as (insert celebrity name here)”. Once I got done making my list, I came out with...
-Smile when I look in the mirror
-Feel good in the clothes I already have
-Not compare myself to others
None of my goals included me losing a certain amount of weight or fitting into a certain size pair of jeans. That’s because, for me, weight is just a number. I have refrained from stepping on a scale in several months because I know that once I do, I won’t be able to stop. I would rather be 250 pounds, but feel beautiful in my skin, than be 90 pounds and continue to think that I’m not thin enough.
No matter what you weigh, you’re beautiful. And you deserve to feel beautiful. So, when you’re thinking about starting to work out ask yourself what you plan to achieve. And, I’d love to hear what your fitness goals are so feel free to shoot me a message! Until then, good luck! 
Keep your chin up, darling! 
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forthelovelywoman-blog · 6 years
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I made an official Instagram page for this blog so that you could be notified when new posts go out and even cool updates on what’s going on in my life. If you’d like to learn a little bit more about the girl behind this blog then check it out! And once you’ve gotten there, feel free to send me a message so I can get to know you better! I hope to hear from you soon! 
Keep your chin up, darling. 
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forthelovelywoman-blog · 6 years
It’s Time For A Change
“Elegance is the only beauty that never fades” - Audrey Hepburn
Those are words I am learning to live by. If you’re like me, you have realized the superficiality of today’s world and are hoping for something different. Why don’t we go back to the age of class, elegance, and grace? Let’s bring back tea parties, proper manners, and fancy dresses.  
It’s up to us to bring the loveliness back to the world, one little black dress at a time. 
Keep your chin up, darling.
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