flowerbinniee · 1 year
leap of faith - aaron hotchner
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title: leap of faith
summary: sometimes, all you need to find true happiness is to take a leap of faith.
pairing: aaron hotchner x f!reader
word count: 1668
warning(s): mention of haley and underage drinking
a/n: so the idea of this story came from the amazingly talented @greg-montgomery's scenario here. all credit for this idea goes to them. if you want some really good hotch fics, please go check them out! i thought it was so cute and just had to write it. hope you guys enjoy!
This is not how I pictured my Tuesday morning at the office going, you think to yourself as Penelope crosses out yet another name from her lists of your potential suitors. With the help of JJ and Emily, she had managed to compile thirty-two names, and more than half of them have already been scrapped. Before today, you had refused every time they had brought up the idea of setting you up on a blind date. That was before you realized that the feelings you held for your boss, Aaron, were far from friendly. You knew that nothing would come of what you were feeling, so you came to Penelope’s office and told her that you would agree to one date.
“What about this one?” Penelope asks as she swipes to the next picture. This guy was not bad-looking, by any means. He looked young, had hazel that glittered with mischief, and there was a boy-next-door charm to him. Something about him seemed so familiar, though. You couldn’t quite place it. “His name is Thomas, he’s twenty-seven, and he works in the Cyber Response department.”
“He looks like a younger version of Hotch,” Emily remarks from her place to your right.
Penelope tilts her head and seems to consider this. “Huh. Now that you point it out, I can’t unsee it.” She looks at you. “What do you think, Y/N?”
Truthfully, you could see the tiniest bit of a resemblance between the two of them, but you know that this man would never compare to Aaron—Hotch. But you know that nothing will happen between you and Hotch. So, you see this as the perfect opportunity to start moving on. “He’s cute,” you tell Penelope. “I’ll give him a chance.”
Letting out a giddy squeal, she scribbles down his number and hands it to you. You text him as soon you leave Penelope’s office, introducing yourself, telling him that your friend from the office had told you about him, and asking him if he wanted to go out sometime.
Sure. Thomas writes back after a few minutes, Does Friday at eight sound good to you? There is a new Mediterranean place a few blocks away from my office I want to take you to.
It’s a date! I love Mediterranean food. :)
Friday comes faster than you expect it to. You’d made sure to bring a change of clothes and a bag of your favorite makeup to save you the half-hour drive back to your apartment to get ready. The dress you’re wearing is a little red number, courtesy of Emily, with a slit up your both your thighs and tiny straps holding it to your body. The first time you tried it on, you didn’t think your body would fill the dress out as well as hers did, but it fit like a glove. You felt confident in the dress; you felt sexy. It was the motivation you needed to not back out of the date.
You’re touching up your lipstick when a voice brings out of your thoughts. “I thought you left hours ago.”
It’s Aaron. “Hotch.”
He tilts his head, and the cute little frown he wears when he’s confused appears. “What are you still doing here? You should be at home getting some rest.”
“I have a date tonight, and I didn’t want to drive the thirty minutes home to get ready when the restaurant is only a couple of blocks away,” you explain, and he nods. “If I’m being honest, I don’t know how I let the girls talk me into going. I mean, I trust them with my life, but…” You laugh quietly to yourself.
“They just want to see you have fun and not focus on work all the time. We all deserve time to ourselves every now and again.” A small smile of his own comes over his face, and it makes your heart stutter in your chest. “At least that’s what Penelope told me before she tried to set me up on a date of my own.”
Your quiet laugh turns into incessant giggles. “Oh, I would’ve loved to see how that went.”
He shakes his head fondly. “Penelope meant well, but the woman and I didn’t click. Plus, I think it was too soon after my divorce from Haley. I wasn’t ready to let myself date again.”
You nod. “I understand that.” You stand from your chair and smooth out your dress with your palms, looking up at your boss. “Do I look okay?”
“You look beautiful, Y/N.” Aaron tells you, but there’s something in his expression as he says it. You don’t know what to call it.
“Thank you.”
“I should let you get to your date. Have a good night, Y/N.” He turns and makes his way back to his office.
You are on your way out of the bullpen when—and you don’t know what compels you to do it, either—you look back at Hotch. The blinds to office are pulled open, but you notice a shift in his posture. His shoulders are drawn tight like a cord that’s about to snap, the expression void of the playfulness that was there not even two minutes ago.
You dig your phone out of your purse and text your date. Hey, Thomas! It’s Y/N. I’m sorry that this is so last minute, but something came up at the office. I don’t think I’ll be able to make it tonight. You walk up the stairs to Hotch’s office and knock on the door. “Y/N?” He asks when he opens the door. “Did you forget something?”
You shake your head. “No. My date cancelled on me.”
He frowns. “I’m sorry.”
You shrug your shoulders. “It’s fine, it was only a date. I don’t think it would’ve worked out anyway.” You look past his shoulder into his office. “What are you still doing here?”
He lifts a file folder into your line of sight. “Paperwork for our most recent case. I wanted to start on it before we’re called on a new one.”
“Do I mind if I join you?”
He purses his lips in confusion. “Of course I don’t mind, but all I’d be doing is paperwork. You’d have more fun watching paint dry.”
“Well, since my night is now free, all I’d be doing is taking a shower and having a hot date with my couch and a bottle of wine.” You smile at your boss. “Besides, I wouldn’t be watching. I’d be helping.”
Hotch shakes his head. “You don’t have to do that—”
“Hotch, I mean this with every ounce of respect and admiration I have for you, which is a lot, but please just shut up and let me help you.” He lets out a laugh in surprise. “I know that I don’t have to help, but I want to. Please let me.”
He steps to the side to let you come into his office, and you take a seat on his couch. “So, what can I do, boss?”
He smiles at his place from behind his desk. “Will you read me my notes from the file next to you? I’d like to put them in the report.”
You nod. “Sure thing.” You pick up the file to your left and flip it open, Hotch’s notes scribbled onto post-it notes stuck to the paper. “You ready?”
“No way,” you exclaim through your fit laughter. “No way that happened!”
The table in front of you is littered with takeout boxes. You and Aaron sit next to each other on the small couch, your knees grazing. Aaron’s half-empty container of beef Lo Mein sits in his lap while you hold your nearly full container of veggie fried rice.
“Well, it did,” Aaron’s smile stretches from ear to ear. “I’m sure there’s still evidence of it lurking somewhere on the internet.”
“I just… I have a hard time believing that Supervisory Special Agent Aaron Hotchner, Unit Chief of the FBI Behavioral Analysis, jumped off the roof of a two-story house into a pool.” You spoon more of your rice into your mouth.  “It’s so out of character for you.”
“In my defense, I was sixteen and thought I was invincible. I may also have been drunk.”
“Huh. Aaron the troublemaker? Never would have pegged you that way.”
He tries to hide his smile under a bite of his Lo Mein. “There are a lot of things about me that will surprise you.”
You raise an eyebrow. “I’ve always loved a good mystery.”
Aaron tilts his head. “You know, now that I think about it, I never found out if that punch had been spiked or not.”
This causes you to dissolve into giggles.
“So, Y/N,” Emily asks as she walks through the bullpen the next morning with Penelope and JJ in tow, “how did it go last night?”
Penelope bumps her shoulder into yours. “Yeah. I want to know everything!”
Morgan looks up at the three of you from his desk, and Spencer does the same from his own. “What happened last night?”
“I was supposed to go on a date last, but it got cancelled last minute,” you tell them and then look between Penelope and Emily. “So, there’s nothing to tell.”
“That sucks,” JJ laments. You shrug and tell her that you weren’t really worried about it. There’s a lull in the conversation until you spot Aaron walking past the bullpen to his office.
You smile. “Morning, Aaron!”
He turns to you and returns your smile. “Morning, Y/N.”
Penelope, Emily, JJ, and Derek all turn to you once Aaron is out of earshot. “Aaron?” JJ asks, a tone of pleasant surprise coloring her voice.
You shrug nonchalantly, a small smile coming to your lips. “I’m solving a mystery,” you tell them before making your way to your desk.
The four of them share looks of bewilderment before Spencer speaks up. “You guys didn’t know? I could see it from a mile away.”
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flowerbinniee · 1 year
tell me how you feel about me on anon!
🌞 - i really like your blog! 🌙 - you’re really cute!  ✨ - i love seeing you on my dash! ☄️ - we don’t talk, but i wish we did! ❄️ - you’re my best friend! 🌸 - you’re really sweet! 💫 - you’re super talented! ⭐️ - you have a nice aesthetic!  🌹 - i have a crush on you! 💐 - i wish i could take care of you when you’re sad! 💥 - you seem a little bit intimidating! 🔥 - you need to stop being so hard on yourself! 🍂 - i don’t like you very much! 🌈 - i think i really like you… 
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flowerbinniee · 1 year
e's welcome sleepover
hi, my friends!
so, i thought that i would host a sleepover for my new blog to welcome myself back into the community. the sleepover will start today (5/20) and go until wednesday (5/24). if you do not want to be spammed by the even, block the hashtag #eswelcome sleepover.
here are some events that i have planned for the event:
✈️: drabble/blurb requests (character list here and prompts here, here, here, and here. or send in your own!)
😑: fmk
👨🏻‍💼: cast my mutuals
🏃🏻‍♂️: blog shoutout and compliments
tagging some friends to celebrate:
@perfectparker @writingwithbee @cosmicvibecheck @anime-parker @mairights @starkxroger @peterdarlingg @heavenlyholland @cumholland @farfrombarnes @yourstrulyamour @peterprkr @peterplanet @petersshirts @peterscurl @parkersbliss @parkersvibes @parkerpeter24 @parkerxpeter @cunaeparker @hollandroos @waitimcomingtoo @heyhihellowhatsup0 @mask-of-anubis @moonbeambucky @yackers @house-of-secrets @incorrectsibunaquotes @selfcarecap @euphoric-holland @euphoriaparker @worldoftom @quackeroos @spideybrie @sovereignparker @hopesbarnes @chaoticpete @gyllenhaalstories @honeymunson @blissfulparker @userholland @tomsrebeleyebrow @tommysparker @greynovmbers
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flowerbinniee · 1 year
e's welcome sleepover
hi, my friends!
so, i thought that i would host a sleepover for my new blog to welcome myself back into the community. the sleepover will start today (5/20) and go until wednesday (5/24). if you do not want to be spammed by the even, block the hashtag #eswelcome sleepover.
here are some events that i have planned for the event:
✈️: drabble/blurb requests (character list here and prompts here, here, here, and here. or send in your own!)
😑: fmk
👨🏻‍💼: cast my mutuals
🏃🏻‍♂️: blog shoutout and compliments
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flowerbinniee · 1 year
look it sounded like a good idea at the time
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hi, my loves!
since i created this account this account with my university email and i graduate yesterday, i have to delete my account.
so, if you want to follow me to my new account, it’s @/beardedhotchh
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flowerbinniee · 1 year
e's welcome sleepover
hi, my friends!
so, i thought that i would host a sleepover for my new blog to welcome myself back into the community. the sleepover will start today (5/20) and go until wednesday (5/24). if you do not want to be spammed by the even, block the hashtag #eswelcome sleepover.
here are some events that i have planned for the event:
✈️: drabble/blurb requests (character list here and prompts here, here, here, and here. or send in your own!)
😑: fmk
👨🏻‍💼: cast my mutuals
🏃🏻‍♂️: blog shoutout and compliments
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flowerbinniee · 1 year
tagging some friends for help: @perfectparker @writingwithbee @cosmicvibecheck @anime-parker @mairights @starkxroger @peterdarlingg @heavenlyholland @cumholland @farfrombarnes @yourstrulyamour @peteprker @peeterparkr @peterplanet @petersshirts @peterscurl @parkersbliss @parkersvibes @parkerpeter24 @parkerxpeterr @cunaeparker @hollandroos @waitimcomingtoo @heyhihellowhatsup0 @hey-its-grey @mask-of-anubis @moonbeambucky @yackers @house-of-secrets @incorrectsibunaquotes @selfcarecap @euphoric-holland @euphoriaparker @worldoftom @quackeroos @spideybrie @sovereignparker @hopesbarnes @chaoticpete @gyllenhaalstories @honeymunson @blissfulparker @userholland @tomsrebeleyebrow @tommysparker
hi, my loves!
since i created this account this account with my university email and i graduate yesterday, i have to delete my account.
so, if you want to follow me to my new account, it’s @/beardedhotchh
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flowerbinniee · 1 year
hi, my loves!
since i created this account this account with my university email and i graduate yesterday, i have to delete my account.
so, if you want to follow me to my new account, it’s @beardedhotchh
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flowerbinniee · 1 year
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flowerbinniee · 1 year
i heard your voice for the first time you left. i broke down into tears. it hurts so much, and i don’t know how to fix this gaping hole i feel in my chest.
i love you, my dearest star. the world feels so dark without your light.
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flowerbinniee · 1 year
little star
i have been by your side, little star, these past four years
you have always amazed me with your talent, your passion, your kindness, the love you have for others
you shine so brightly in the dark night sky, brightest amongst all others
your light guided me through my toughest times
little star, your love saved me
and now i only wish that my love had saved you
from the darkness this world brings
little star, you loved us with all your might
telling us to never give up on our dreams
where are you now?
i feel cold without you
your warmth is no longer there to comfort me
i need you now more than ever, little star
but i cannot find you
i understand why you went up to join the other stars in that big night sky
i just wish that had gotten time to say goodbye
rest easy, little star, and know that you will always be loved in your place among the night sky
you always watched over us
now, it is our turn to watch over you
we will make sure that you are remembered
and that your light will shine as bright as it did when you were by our side
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flowerbinniee · 1 year
hello, my lovely friends.
i know that i have not been as active on here as i promised that i would be, but there is something that i want to say because it breaks my heart.
i have been a fan of ASTRO for about three years now; they were the first boy group that i got into apart from BTS. their bright concepts and their music helped me through some of the worst times of my life. today, while i was in class, i found out the devastating news that one of their members, moon bin, had passed away. moon bin was not my bias in ASTRO, but he meant so much to me. he never failed to make me smile or amaze me with his talent. i had to hold back tears when i found the post, and i'm trying to hold them back now. moon bin was precious to me, my fellow arohas, his family, his members, and his close friends. we will always remember him for the light that he brought into our lives and the love that he showed us.
please take this as a reminder to hug those you love close and make sure that they know you love them and are there for them.
i love you, my dear moon bin. rest well, and you will be missed greatly.
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flowerbinniee · 1 year
tagging some friends for help: @perfectparker @writingwithbee @cosmicvibecheck @anime-parker @mairights @sunflowerxbarnes @starkxroger @peterdarlingg @heavenlyholland @cumholland @farfrombarnes @yourstrulyamour @peteprker @peeterparkr @peterplanet @petersshirts @peterscurl @parkersbliss @parkersvibes @parkerpeter24 @parkerxpeterr @cunaeparker @hollandroos @waitimcomingtoo @heyhihellowhatsup0 @hey-its-grey @mask-of-anubis @moonbeambucky @yackers @house-of-secrets @incorrectsibunaquotes @selfcarecap @euphoric-holland @euphoriaparker @worldoftom @quackeroos @spideybrie @sovereignparker @hopesbarnes @chaoticpete @gyllenhaalstories @honeymunson @blissfulparker @userholland @tomsrebeleyebrow @tommysparker
hi, my loves!
i opened up my very own Etsy shop where you can commission fics from me, from 500 words to 5k words.
it would mean a lot of my lovely friends and followers would give it a look here!
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flowerbinniee · 1 year
hi, my loves!
i opened up my very own Etsy shop where you can commission fics from me, from 500 words to 5k words.
it would mean a lot of my lovely friends and followers would give it a look here!
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flowerbinniee · 1 year
Hey!! I have no idea if you're a Brit/Londoner or not but if you need any Britpicking or Londonpicking I suppose for Project London I'm happy to help (:
oh that would actually help me a lot nonnie! thank you!!
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flowerbinniee · 1 year
tagging some friends for help: @perfectparker @writingwithbee @cosmicvibecheck @anime-parker @mairights @sunflowerxbarnes @starkxroger @peterdarlingg @heavenlyholland @cumholland @farfrombarnes @yourstrulyamour @peteprker @peeterparkr @peterplanet @petersshirts @peterscurl @parkersbliss @parkersvibes @parkerpeter24 @parkerxpeterr @cunaeparker @hollandroos @waitimcomingtoo @heyhihellowhatsup0 @hey-its-grey @mask-of-anubis @moonbeambucky @yackers @house-of-secrets @incorrectsibunaquotes @selfcarecap @euphoric-holland @euphoriaparker @worldoftom @quackeroos @spideybrie @sovereignparker @hopesbarnes @chaoticpete @gyllenhaalstories @greynovember111 @honeymunson @blissfulparker @userholland @tomsrebeleyebrow @tommysparker
writing help: project london
so... it's been a while, yeah?
heh, sorry about that. but i will definitely try to be more active from now on as i try to get back into a writing routine and post more content.
with the topic of writing being mentioned, i would like to ask my lovely followers and moots on here to help me with something.
i have officially started on a big girl project that i am nicknaming Project London. and what project london is categorically a dark YA romantic suspense.
what project london is to me is a love letter to my favorite series of my childhood. realistically, project london is a darker, more mature retelling of the series House of Anubis.
all of that to say that i'm having some trouble with outlining this behemoth of a project. if anyone that comes across this post--moots, followers, or otherwise--that have ideas of scenes that they think should be included in this, please feel free to share.
love you all! until next time.
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flowerbinniee · 1 year
writing help: project london
so... it's been a while, yeah?
heh, sorry about that. but i will definitely try to be more active from now on as i try to get back into a writing routine and post more content.
with the topic of writing being mentioned, i would like to ask my lovely followers and moots on here to help me with something.
i have officially started on a big girl project that i am nicknaming Project London. and what project london is categorically a dark YA romantic suspense.
what project london is to me is a love letter to my favorite series of my childhood. realistically, project london is a darker, more mature retelling of the series House of Anubis.
all of that to say that i'm having some trouble with outlining this behemoth of a project. if anyone that comes across this post--moots, followers, or otherwise--that have ideas of scenes that they think should be included in this, please feel free to share.
love you all! until next time.
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