devondeal · 6 hours
if i speak...
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devondeal · 1 day
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Thinking about the star war home of the most beat-you-over-the-head color/lighting symbolism in fiction and about how the Inquisitor trainee uniform they have Barriss in looks dark grey/black in most of the shots thanks to Fortress Inquisitorius's eerie green lighting/the harsh red lighting in the training ring, but when under neutral lighting you can see it's actually in shades of blue.
And I just gotta say that is some PEAK "you're not evil the way they're trying to force you to be/convince you you are" star war visual symbolism bullshit right there.
And while I'm at it—
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Even post-initiation when she's in full Inquisitor gear and kneeling to Vader, looking hopeless and empty inside, framed in shadow—
The light from outside is shining directly down on her. It still reaches her, even now.
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devondeal · 2 days
So last night I finished reading Rise of the Red Blade for TotE Vibes Research purposes and the two Inquisitor characters in it really illustrate exactly why I think Barriss is going to survive and escape them.
Because the thing is that there are two kinds of Inquisitors! The ones who volunteered, and the ones who...didn’t. Iskat (RotRB’s focus character) perfectly exemplifies the first type: she had some traumatizing experiences at a young age, fell through a number of institutional cracks in the Order, had a really terrible master (meet me in the pit, Sember Vey), everyone was too busy to give her the follow-up they would under normal circumstances, Palpatine had an agent actively gathering information about her and pushing her to become Worse—she was a pre-selected candidate who was offered the choice to come quietly when Order 66 hit, and she took it. By that point all of her issues and doubts had been exacerbated to the point where it wasn’t hard for her to make herself hate the Jedi, and then she rationalized her way through any indication that her freedom was a lie and doubled her way down right into hell.
By contrast: Tualon, Iskat’s crechemate situationship guy. He had some issues but was not someone on Palpatine’s radar; Iskat left him to die in Order 66 and he survived getting shot by darksiding out about her betrayal. Because of that he was taken alive and they did some shit to him. When Iskat runs into him at the Inquisitor HQ after he’s freshly-inducted he can barely remember why he hates her, or anything else from before he was taken. He woke up in the room where you fight Trilla and they fully shattered him and glued a semblance of a person back together out of the wreckage, just COMPLETELY Winter Soldiered the guy, and the only way he had to cope with it is to lean into a weird codependent situationship with Iskat.
And that distinction’s always been there with the Inquisitors; you have the true believers who ended up hating the Jedi or wanted to go on a power trip (or had the kind of revenge plan only a 12 year old could come up with and then stick to for a decade, in one case) and didn’t need any additional coercion to volunteer, and you have the ones that they broke. In the former group you’ve got the Grand Inquisitor, Reva/Third, Lyn/Fourth*, Fifth, and Iskat/Thirteenth. For the most part they’re certified freaks, but they came by it naturally. (Reva’s a different flavor.) In the latter, you’ve got Trilla/Second, Seventh, Masana/Ninth, Tualon, and probably most of the others. They all got disassembled and reassembled without much care given to the process and are all Coping with it badly in different ways, whether by deciding it’s Empowering, Actually (Trilla & Seventh) or by becoming completely jaded about everything (Masana & Tualon).
(*We obviously don’t know a lot about Fourth yet, but the fact that she shows up to recruit Barriss while rocking yellow dark side eyes before ROTS is even over tells me she’s definitely a volunteer.)
All this is to say: The Grand Inquisitor is making a colossal mistake with Barriss from the drop, and it’s why I think she’s going to win their battle of wits and escape. Because he is treating her like she is an Iskat and she could not be any farther from it.
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He sends Lyn to get her to come quietly! They actively withhold information from her about what happened to the Jedi and what her expected role in it is! That’s not how they recruit the ones they think will be a problem; if that were the case she would have been stunned out of hand and woken up on a rack.
Instead, he’s giving her special attention,, he’s training her—he doesn’t think they need to break her. She’s just got a few...pesky hang-ups from her time as a Jedi that need ironing out**. He’s projecting on her; he doesn’t just want an empty shell holding a lightsaber—he wants Barriss Offee, loyally kneeling at his side, fully believing in their mission. She’s his favorite.
(**That “mercy only breeds defeat” line isn’t just a generic darksidism; I’m pretty sure he’s directly critiquing how Barriss got caught because she showed mercy to Asajj Ventress.)
And surely that's something he can turn her into, right? Because she hates the Jedi, right? She attacked them, she outsmarted them, obviously she’d be down for wanting to wipe them out! He was there when she confessed and, like pretty much everyone else in the room save for Ahsoka, he didn’t hear a single word that she said—just what he wanted her to be saying. He’s got a deeply incorrect idea of her, and that idea is “she’s just like me for real.”
And he’s wrong, because the Inquisitorius is everything she feared the Jedi Order was becoming—literally, an army fighting for the dark side—and the Empire is everything she knew the Republic was becoming. She might be prone to despairing, it might in some hypothetical be possible to get her into the same resigned despair trap as Anakin, but she would never actually want to serve the Empire, and they don't think they'll have to try hard to convince her to.
She loves the Jedi, she loved being a Jedi, she wanted to save them. She wants to be one again more than anything even though right now she thinks she doesn’t deserve it, thinks that she’s already too broken to reclaim what she was. But I think being surrounded by actual fallen Jedi and being told over and over again that she’s like them is, in the end, going to be what reminds her that she never stopped being a Jedi in the first place.
And as long as she can make sure her captors don't realize that's true until it's too late, she'll be home free.
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devondeal · 3 days
Um... um.... WELP 😳 this activated things in me
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devondeal · 4 days
Thank you for another ask my friend 🥰 the emoji game was just too cute to pass up on!
Link to the original ask questions linked down below if y’all wanna play!
🌸- Best compliment you’ve ever received
When I was a teacher, I always loved hearing parents/guardians and students tell me that I meant a lot to them, that I was their favorite teacher, or that I made some sort positive impact in a kid’s no matter how small. To this day I still have former students who follow me on social who will reach out to me and that’s just beyond special. It’s the one time I can feel like a real life Jedi Master.
Nowadays anytime I get a comment on my writing, it’s just pure serotonin and it motivates me to keep going ☺️ Writing is one of my few escapes from boring reality so to have people like what I have to say, it’s everything 💕
🎤- Is there a song you know all the lyrics to?
Yes, basically the entire Hazbin Hotel album 😄
🧸- Favorite place to nap?
In bed with my @devondeal spooning me 🥰
Link to original ask game questions!
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devondeal · 6 days
6, 12, 14, and 21 for the Star Wars Violence Ask Game!
Thank you wifey! 💙💚 I'm gonna enjoy these
6. Opinion on canon and/or fanon use of the secret child trope? Discuss
I don't mind it. The secret child can be a good trope if the context is right for it. I mean Star Wars is centered on secret child trope pretty much. Where I'm not so into it is the Korkie headcanon that he is Obi Wan and Satine's son. It's a bit too crackhead for me and also it's not my ship so I'm biased against it.
12. Name a common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing.
Anything about Rey tbh. I may not be a big sequels person but anytime the fandom tries reduce her to an overpowered female Luke and say she's unoriginal I roll my eyes.
Like they are nothing alike. Luke got to live comfortably taken care of by his aunt and uncle. He never had to scavage scraps just to be able to eat. And before anyone comes for me, I'm NOT ripping on Luke. He had what anyone should have.
What I'm saying is Rey didn't get to have guardians or a comfortable house or regularly even be able eat. She was abandoned and did what she had to to survive. As for the overpowered thing like she's able to fly ships or fight back, like come on. I repeat, she. was. a. scavanger. She got to know ship parts and as for fighting, she's had to fight dickheads like Teedo and probably worse to keep food, homes, etc. After rewatching TFA, i notice she learns from OBSERVATION. She mimics what others do around. This is a survival skill she had her whole life.
Of course Luke is going to take a little more time to learn things. He was never put in that situation where it was do or die (as any child shouldn't). Rey was and however fast she was at learning a skill is a result of basic survival instincts.
She and Luke ENTIRELY different characters and to say she's a female version of him cuz she's from a desert????? Reductive and a big lack in media literacy tbh.
14. What's the most egregious example of fridging in canon?
God which one? 😅 Fridging is probably one of Star Wars biggest crimes. Leia is the first that comes to mind because she died to redeem her piece of shit son that she did not deserve.
But then again, Anakin's turn to the dark side is also due to fridging with his mother and his wife. Especially with Padme since there's an old version where she actually gets to live a little bit longer with the Rebellion and tried to kill Anakin.
I may not be a big Satine person, but that's fridging too to give Obi Wan angst and more Maul animosity.
I'm still going to say Leia in the sequels though as the most egregious. Because it was so out of nowhere (yes I'm aware that Carrie's death was probably the reason but I don't care. There are better ways to kill off/write out a character than fridging). Her death served no purpose other than Kyle Ron no accountability. Like what in "Jesus died for our sins" is this bullshit? Why must Star Wars' most iconic woman have to go out for a man that did nothing but hurt and betray her? It's insulting tbh.
Edit: Luminara's death was fucking awful too. Like ain't no reason to have it be so horrific. Sigh... can Star Wars like not hate women for once.
21. Best canon example of a healthy relationship in Star Wars
Romantically that is a tough one. Honestly I'm coming up short with this one. Can't say Han and Leia cuz we only see their rocky start and end and nothing in between.
Maybe Kanan and Hera but their relationship kinda got ruined for me when suddenly at the end, he wasnt aware if Hera felt the same about him??? I just thought they were basically married and I'm supposed to be believe they haven't even had that conversation by THAT point in time??? Plus the ghost baby thing creeped me the fuck out. Can Star Wars please stop with the out of nowhere pregnancies please?
So yeah canon romances, nothing comes to mind. In fact Star Wars is kind of built on toxic romance.
The crackhead in me wants to say Owen and Beru 🤣
Ooo! Wait I found my answer! Cal and Merrin from the Jedi games! They are perfect 🥺 Idk what the next game will have in store for them but so far, the way they empower and comfort each other. They accept and love each other's differences. And just adorable all around. Sweet ginger boy with spicy witch lady 👌
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devondeal · 6 days
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Looking back I remembered this drawing I did after the wrong jedi episode premiered and how I felt broken because of what happened.
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devondeal · 7 days
Ooo really good analysis on the CW vs prequels Anakin! And big agree about Leia and Grogu. I get why you couldnt answer that one. Tbh I really didnt know how you would answer that one cuz you typically fully enjoy anything you like 🤣
The Luminara answer 🤣👏 and "i volunteer my services" same girl
Heyyy babe 😘 for the Choose Violence ask game: 1, 2, 9, 15, 16, 17
Link to original Star Wars Violence Questions linked below!
1.) Give me a compelling argument for why your fav would never top or bottom.
Luminara Unduli would never be a bottom because she definitely that bitch who is ALWAYS in charge. With all the bullshit she has to put up with in both the canon and in the fanon, that woman would have all the pent up feeling to go on all night or go full blown domantrix on whoever that lucky bottom would be (I would personally volunteer my services). No matter where she is and what she’s doing, Luminara gets shit done and that is that. Via osmosis, Barriss Offee is most likely a top too since her mother has taught her how to be a bad bitch like her 💙💚
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2.) What character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because of how the fandom acts about them?
Grogu. Like he’s literally just a baby but my God judging from all the mass excessive merchandising you would think that at one point in time Grogu was the only Star Wars character that existed and that’s not necessarily his fault by the annoying group of people who literally only watched Mando just for Grogu and Grogu only. There are so many people out there who will never watch a Star Wars movie or anything else that isn’t Mando just because Grogu isn’t in it and again it’s insane because again he’s just a literal baby. If the show was exclusively about him, it would have been a boring show. If I wanted to look at something cute, I can just go look at puppies or some shit. I don’t need to watch a show for that.
9.) You’re mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like…
I honestly don’t have an answer for this sorry 🤣
15.) Opinion of Anakin’s characterization (I.e the broification of Anakin Skywalker).
This is a very loaded question because I don’t really swing either way with this topic (as in I don’t love or hate it). Like on the one hand, I like how in the CW show they made Anakin more with it and mature when the situation calls for it which makes sense considering he has Ahsoka to consider and he has to be a good role model for her. I also appreciate how in the show Anakin isn’t just bitching about Obi-Wan or obsessing over Padme all the time or being pissy with his other Jedi colleagues. I love seeing Anakin actually being a model Jedi and actually showing that he truly does love and respect Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, etc. However Anakin is seen as more sensitive in the movies and doesn’t always respond with such rage all the time like he does in CW show. Like bro Anakin’s anger goes from 0-1,000 in seconds to the point where he’s just destroying gadgets, kicking Clovis ass, etc. So in short, in some ways I personally think they did a good job expanding on Anakin’s character in the CW however there is no denying there is a huge distinction between Matt Lanter Anakin and Hayden Anakin. They most likely went the bro route because toxic masculinity is in.
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16.) Best written female character in Star Wars.
Leia hands down. Her character is one of the very few Star Wars characters that is consistent and true in every single project we see with her in it. And like I’ve never met a Leia hater in my whole life and if I did I would question that person’s character because Leia is a badass that holds everything together when no one else will or when people leave her. She honestly deserves her own show.
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17.) What event is Anakin’s point of no return in his fall to the Dark Side?
Shmi’s death. Had that never happened Anakin probably would not have taken those visions of Padme dying in childbirth or Palpatine’s bullshit stories seriously. It was only because Anakin lost his mother that he was insistent on keeping his wife and children safe at all costs because he did not want to endure that kind of pain ever again.
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Original Ask Game Questions
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devondeal · 8 days
Thanks wifey 🥰
🐰 What do you think says the most abt a person?
In terms of moral character, I think how someone treats customer service workers.
But also the entertainment they like. Someone's favorite movies and tv shows says a lot about what someone needs in terms of comfort and other more subtle things.
🍪 If you were a cookie, what kind would you be?
M&M cookies. Sometimes a little too much but I know how to hit the spot when it counts
🙃 What's a weird fact you know?
Here's three because I can:
1. If a tornado isn't moving, yes it is... toward you.
2. Pressure points on your body can help with pain kinda like buttons. The one between the forefinger and the thumb helps with headaches, period cramps, and other tension.
3. This Star Trek symbol 🖖 is actually from a Jewish practice in which the cohen (priest) raises both hands like that and blesses the congregation. No one is supposed to look but a young Leonard Nimoy did and that's where he got the idea for the iconic Vulcan greeting.
Being of a Jewish background myself, that's all I can see when I see Star Trek fans doing the greeting and I love it. Vulcans are very Jewish coded and it's thanks to Nimoy's influence.
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devondeal · 8 days
I can listen to you talk abt this over and over again because our lady deserves so much better 💚 im sick of the horrible shit ppl wish on her in comment sections like I already avoid them cuz i just cant. Meanwhile Anakin wouldnt be caught dead apologizing like this to Ahsoka the way Lumi does in Cloak of Darkness. Also your tag 🤣👏 im on the same page there and will copy
💚 for the unpopular option ask game!
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HELLO THERE!!!! I am so happy you appeared in my inbox because you are a delight and I hope you reblog the game so I can sneak into your inbox in return 👀 You have a mighty need because you know EXACTLY who I’m gonna be talking about 😁
Link to the original ask questions below!
💚- What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
My girl Luminara gets slandered/mischaracterized on the tone deaf belief that she doesn’t have a heart. I can’t bear to look at any comments section on YT, Tik Tok, etc that pertains to either Luminara or Barriss because everyone and their meemaw got something awful to say about my girl. They claim that she “doesn’t care about Barriss and abandoned her when the weapons factory collapsed” (she straight up said she does care for Barriss and no she did not abandon the girls) or that she’s “the worst Jedi ever” (there is literally no proof to back this claim) that she deserved her death” (how awful to wish a Holocaust like death in anyone but okay) etc even though those of us with critical thinking know damn well that between the books (both legends and canon) and what we’ve seen in the Clone Wars series that these idiots (most likely sexist ones I may add) couldn’t be further from the truth. I’ve made plenty of rants and posts on defending Luminara so I won’t get into it here but until the day I die I will defend the good that is Luminara “Mominara” Unduli and if anyone objects to that, they can take their sorry ass opinion somewhere else because I could care less and I’m tired of it.
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Original Ask Questions
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devondeal · 8 days
These answers be on fucking point 👏👏 I felt them in my bones. Especially on Dooku and Mace
Hello, friend. 🖤🤍📖💀 for the ask game, please. 🙏
Hello there friend 💙💚 Thank you for the ask and thank you for choosing some questions that really make me think 🤔 let’s do this!
Link to the original ask questions below if y’all wanna play along which please do because I love to snoop 👀
🖤- Which character is not as morally good as everyone seems to think?
Dooku and yes I know he’s a Sith Lord and not considered a hero by any means but since the Tales of the Jedi episodes (which I love btw don’t @ me there) but I feel that fandom kinda looks at him like they do with Anakin. That even though Dooku and Anakin have done HORRIBLE INEXCUSABLE crimes that killed so many people and betrayed their loved ones that just because they “had their reasons” then that makes them worthy of sympathy when in reality that shouldn’t be the case. Dooku didn’t do what he did for the greater good or to serve others; he did what he did to serve himself and what he wanted. Dooku knew what the Empire was going to be (I.e. an all human regime that oppress alien races) and yet still went along with it thinking he could rule that regime himself one day. I don’t care that he was hurt by losing Qui-Gon or Obi-Wan; he still hurt and betrayed them regardless. If you ever read the Master and Apprentice book by Claudia Gray, you would come to find out Qui-Gon was 1.) terrified of Dooku because of his very dark actions 2.) Overlooked him for his first Padawan (Aveross I think his name was?) and 3.) Fixated on his own interests over being a proper teacher for Qui-Gon. In short, Dooku is a pretentious self serving privileged man of status and power and that’s that. The moral compass he has is whatever benefits him.
🤍-Which character is not as morally bad as everyone else seems to think?
Mace. Windu. For fucks sake y’all he is NOT a bad man! Had it not been for Anakin’s choices, he would have ended the Clone Wars once and for all and brought peace to the galaxy avenging every single soul who have lost their lives or sacrificed so much in the war that never needed to happen. Anyone who has read the Legends Shatterpoint novel or pay attention to Mace’s actions/words in the Clone Wars show and in the movies can see that Mace is a very admirable Jedi that anyone should look up to. His fighting style is all about using the Dark Side against those who use it which means this man has had to master his own demons for sake of doing good. That is a very rare quality even amongst the Jedi. He stays true to himself and Jedi philosophy within reason despite others trying to sway him. He also raised Depa who we all know is a wonderful woman who went on to teach Kanan who was a great Jedi. So yes, Mace was more than deserving of his rank and if he was such a bad man who come no one in his lineage ever turned to the Dark Side or left the Order? Clearly he was doing something right. And don’t even go down the tone deaf “he was mean to Anakin” route because Mace was always understanding, trusting, and respectful of Anakin, he was just trying to save Anakin from himself. We love and respect Mace Windu in this house 💜
📖-If you had to remove one book from the series, which would you choose?
The Ahsoka book for sure, sorry to those who like it but it’s not for me and that’s okay since not all books are gonna be everyone’s taste. As a Barrissoka stan I can’t stand whatshernuts constantly being up Ahsoka’s ass and causing her problems. Ahsoka was doing just fine on her own trying to survive after very traumatic events, losing everything she knew, and learning to survive in a galaxy that wants you dead for who you are until of course the stupid ass village needed saving. The book could have had a much better plot. The only parts of the book I liked where when Ahsoka was alone in her thoughts processing and trying to decide her next move. We could have had a very healing story much like Obi-Wan did in his show but nope. Furthermore, I’ve got beef with E.K Johnson for many reasons, the major one being that she’s a very ignorant person that tries to be the “white savior” so… yeah not fond of her work, her views of these characters we love so much, or the story she made for Ahsoka.
💀-If you had to choose one major character to die, who would you choose?
Palpatine of course because without out him the entire galaxy would be spared from mass genocide, destruction, pain, suffering, and pure evil. All of our favorite characters would have a much happier ending 😭 we also wouldn’t have dickheads like Tarkin rising to any position of power.
Link to original unpopular opinion asks
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devondeal · 8 days
~ 💖 ASK GAME 💖 ~
📷 What’s set as your phone’s lockscreen?
🍫 Cheese or chocolate?
✨ Do you have any nicknames?
🎵 Last song you listened to?
✏️ Have you ever written fanfiction?
😏 Are you on discord?
 💛 Do you have any piercings?
🐰 What do you think says the most about a person?
🍪 If you were a cookie, what kind would you be?
🐶 Are you more of a dog person or a cat person?
🎧 Headphones or earbuds?
🌼 What’s the last thing you said out loud?
🙃 What’s a weird fact that you know?
🦉 Are you a morning person or a night owl?
🧸 Favorite place to nap?
🏳️‍🌈 Are you a member of the LGBTQIA+ community?
🦋 Describe yourself in three words.
👖 Jeans or sweatpants?
🥤 What’s your go-to Starbucks order?
🧡 A color you can’t stand?
💎 What’s your most prized possession?
☕ Coffee or tea?
🦖 Favorite extinct animal?
🌙 How long have you been on tumblr?
🌴 Desert island item?
🐸 Describe your aesthetic.
🔮 What’s your dream job?
💙 Relationship status?
🌿 Describe your favorite outfit.
🎤 Is there a song you know all the lyrics to?
🤎 What color is your hair?
💌 Do you talk to yourself?
💄 Do you wear makeup?
🌸 Best compliment you ever received?
💞 @ your favorite blog.
Reblogs are appreciated!
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devondeal · 8 days
Choose Violence Ask Game: Star Wars Edition
Feeling spicy today. Shoutout to @palfriendpatine66 and @sendpseuds for helping cause problems on purpose. Inspired by this game.
1. Give me a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
2. What character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
3. What’s the worst part of canon?
4. What’s the worst part of fanon?
5. Worst blorboficiation?
6. Opinion on canon and/or fanon use of the secret child trope? Discuss.
7. What is the weakest piece of canon writing?
8. There should be more of this type of fic/art…
9. You're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
10. What’s a ship you've unwillingly come around to?
11. What topic brings up the most rancid discourse?
12. Name a common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing.
13. Were the Jedi right or wrong to ban attachments? What constitutes an attachment?
14. What’s the most egregious example of fridging in canon?
15. Opinion on Anakin’s characterization discrepancies between Clone Wars and the prequels? [i.e., the broification of Anakin Skywalker]
16. Best written female character in Star Wars [it’s okay, you can say none]
17. What event is Anakin’s point of no return in his fall to the dark side?
18. Someone else has to play Obi-Wan, who do you cast?
19. Best canon example of good parenting in Star Wars
20. Could anyone have fixed Anakin?
21. Best canon example of a healthy relationship in Star Wars?
22. Why the actual fuck did Obi-Wan let Vader live on that unnamed moon and does that make him just as culpable for his atrocities?
23. Is it actually all Obi-Wan’s fault?
24. Fuck marry kill: Tarkin, Pre Viszla, Max Rebo
25. What’s your opinion on modern AUs? What makes a good one?
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devondeal · 8 days
Wonderful answers my love ❤️ you always have so much wonderful analysis and are so thoughtful in your answers. It's why I always want to know even if you're right there for me to ask in person, something abt the way you write it 😘
And big agree Obi Wan def a lady's man 🤣 your description of Star Wars and why it hasnt been hitting is perfect (the TBB one cracked me up)
Hello wifey, I got these for the unpopular opinion ask: 💖💕🏳️‍🌈
Hi baby! 🥰💙💚 I shall happily answer these asks for you!
Link to original ask game below if y’all wanna play along and if you reblog I’ll be snooping 👀
💖- what is your biggest unpopular opinion about the series?
So I’m just gonna say this about all of Star Wars in general specifically the newer stuff that’s been coming out lately as well as the future projects they’ve announced to us (minus the Tales of the Empire I’m genuinely excited for that because BARRISS 💙) but in my OPINION they’re focusing on all the wrong characters and spending too much time and money into mediocre storylines when there’s so much more they can be doing. Like the Ahsoka wasn’t really about Ahsoka herself and where they decided to take that show was very strange and weak. Andor head was boring as hell to me and there wasn’t much pay off in there for any of the characters. Bad Batch is only good when the episode isn’t about the Bad Batch themselves but about another character people actually like (I.e Ventress, Rex, etc.). Mando went off the rails in its third season because in my opinion Mando and Grogu’s story ended beautifully with that badass Luke Skywalker finale.
Now before everyone get all butthurt and all up in their feelings, remember that 1.) this is my own unpopular opinion I’m allowed to have and 2.) yes I’m aware I can pick and choose what to watch and not to watch and that if I don’t like a show I won’t watch it. What I’m saying is that the stories and characters I want to see more of don’t get produced which is why I’m so pumped for Tales of the Empire because we finally get a Barriss Offee story which has been left on read for the last decade and why I enjoyed Tales of the Jedi so much because we got more Dooku content and more good Ahsoka content.
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💕- What is an unpopular ship that you like?
Kenduli/Obinara (Luminara Unduli x Obi-Wan Kenobi) all day everyday and I will stan them until the day I die (sorry Satine fans no offense). Anyone who has read The Approaching Storm and paid attention to their interactions in Clone Wars could see these two have chemistry and are an absolute delight together. To me their relationship would have all the class of a pairing like Morticia and Gomez Addams from the Addams family with the sexiness of a James Bond and a Bond girl. Honestly what’s not to like? And no this is not an open invitation to bash them because this is MY unpopular opinion remember 😉 Read any of my fanfic and you’ll warm up to them I assure you!
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🏳️‍🌈- which character who is commonly headcanoned as queer doesn’t seem queer to you?
Obi-Wan Kenobi. And yea I’m aware that the recent Padawan book implied he may be bisexual but I’m sorry Obi-Wan has always come off to me as a total ladies man in both the shows/movies and in books. Like the women go nuts for him (I.e. Ventress, Satine, etc) and there are always women speaking to him when he’s just walking about in the Temple (I.e Luminara, Aayla) like who wouldn’t be into the mister “Hello There” man and I’m saying this as a GAY woman who feels she has a pretty good gaydar and I’m not getting anything from Obi-Wan sorry not sorry. He may be bisexual but at the end of the day, I feel he prefers the ladies.
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Link to original asks!
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devondeal · 8 days
She's beautiful 🥹💚 def gives all the inspo
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Teen padawan Luminara Unduli.
The backround is from Revenge of the Sith.
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devondeal · 8 days
❤️🧡💛💜 for unpopular asks game!
Hello wifey 🥰 thank you for the asks!! Gonna have fun with this one 😁
❤️ Which character do you think is egregiously mischaracterized by the fandom?
The Mirialan ladies Luminara Unduli and Barriss Offee one thousand percent. The way they have been demonized beyond reason is just so ridiculous and unfair to them.
I'm also going to say Ki Adi Mundi because I've seen takes that rip him to shreds for absolutely no reason. He barely has screen time and in the time we see him he's always polite and humorous. Yet the fandom thinks he's a "psycopath" for some reason though there's no where in Legends or Canon to back that.
🧡 What is a popular (serious) theory you disagree with?
That Barriss will kill Luminara in Tales of the Empire. Just nope, no matter how bad things can get, she would never.
💛 What is a popular ship you just can't get behind and why?
This will def be controversial but Anidala. The way I see it these were people who just weren't ready for that kind of commitment for each other. Which of course is the point of the prequels to me and they are intentionally not a great couple.
💜 Which character is way hotter than everyone else seems to think?
Asajj Ventress. Like everyone comments on the bald but she is a tall glass of water on hot day and can beat anyone's ass. But yeah especially in universe she gets a lot of insults to her looks and even if it's meant to throw her off and isnt serious, I feel like it has affected how fandom sees her appearance.
Though of course there are always Hot Ventress truthers out there (NOT the ones who only just realized it when she got hair and updated animation in Bad Batch)
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devondeal · 9 days
💕 and 💖 for the unpopular opinions ask game!!
Yay! Thanks for the ask @skygirlstars I love these games
💕 What is an unpopular ship you like
I'm gonna say Kenduli for this one. It's pretty obscure and wouldn't come to mind immediately but once you read The Approaching Storm, all their interactions in The Clone Wars just feel so charged.
💖 What is an unpopular opinion about the series you have
I love love love The Clone Wars but there plenty of episodes I would just never rewatch. The show was good at showing us more of the characters we loved but almost always stopped short when it came to truly acknowledging how the events going on affected them. Instead I feel like it wasted time on stories that went nowhere
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