jedimasterbailey · 14 days
Chapter 6 of “Luminara and Barriss” is now up! 💚💙 The much needed Post Brain Invaders scene we were ROBBED of. Hope you enjoy!
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rancidjuno · 8 months
8,9, 12,13,14, 32, 37, 41, and 48 for the Kenduli ask game! 💚💙
tysm for the ask again!!! Any excuse to talk about these losers hehe – if anyone wants to play bailey’s ask game I’ll link it at the bottom <3
8.) Obi-Wan’s favourite thing about Luminara.
Probably her compassion, insomuch that most people who don’t know her wouldn’t immediately recognise it. She’s canonically accused of being uncaring by Anakin—a lot of people don’t like her because they perceive her as callous in my experience—but I have found the opposite to be true, and I think Obi-Wan would see that too. She goes to great lengths to protect people, too great lengths he would sometimes argue, but it comes from a place of care and selflessness.
Also, she just kind of funny? She’s clever and quick and can make him laugh in a way few can.
9.) Luminara’s favourite thing about Obi-Wan.
Patience. She watched him raise Skywalker and has endless admiration for him because of it—Luminara would not have survived with Anakin as her padawan. He stays very calm under almost every circumstance—even when she’s got a mind controlling worm on her face, but his joking was more to calm her than to cause stress—and it’s something she tries to emulate.
12.) Have they ever been caught in a compromising situation by either their Padawans, Clones, or fellow Jedi?
Oh, god, yes. Master Qui-Gon used to tease them about lack of subtly all the time, Quinlan inviting himself in for threesomes, Anakin rushing into the room without warning, poor Barriss at the wrong place at the wrong time. Luminara finds it hideously embarrassing each time, she’s got a rep to maintain after all, but Obi-Wan mostly finds it funny. Except for when it was Barriss. No one was laughing after that incident, Barriss was scarred for life and has had nothing but stilted conversations with Obi-Wan ever since.
13.) Luminara’s favourite physical feature on Obi-Wan.
I think she’d quite like the beard, but that’s a newer development. His hair in general then I guess, it’s a shade you would never find on Mirial so she sees it as unique and pretty. Also his massive dick, probably.
14.) Obi-Wan’s favourite physical feature on Luminara.
I think her eyes, which is super cliché, but she has very pretty and expressive eyes. She’s very good at keeping a neutral façade so it’s hard to tell what she’s thinking most of the time, but the second he makes eye contact it’s a dead giveaway. I hc that she practices makeup on him sometimes and he does it on her in return, he likes to give her orange eyeshadow and winged liner to make the colour really stand out. He’s gotten so good at that whenever there’s a formal event she makes him do her makeup for her.
32.) If Order 66 never happened, what would their futures look like?
I think Luminara would be pretty focussed on Barriss if Order 66 never happened because she still would have bombed the temple, something like rehabilitation and desperate attempts to prevent execution. This would probably be deemed dangerous attachment by the council and put a dent in her future as a member. Don’t get me wrong, Luminara’s as Jedi as they come, but that would put some distance between the Order—though Obi-Wan would be with her every step of the way.
Anakin would probably leave, Ahsoka already gone, so there would be very little keeping Luminara and Obi-Wan there too without the war. I think they’d allow themselves a relationship whether they left or not. If they left they’d probably leave Coruscant altogether for somewhere cooler, maybe Stewjon (I’d say Mirial but Obi-Wan doesn’t deserve another desert lmao). Maybe get a cat. Be Luke and Leia’s kooky aunt and uncle.
37.) Share your Kenduli headcanon.
They’re both bisexual. Maybe that’s me projecting but I mean it’s basically canon when it comes to Obi-Wan and Luminara looks like she’s kissed girls idk what to tell you.
41.) Describe what Kenduli fanfic you’d love to read.
I’d love to read ANY kenduli fanfic, that’s the truth—I’ll take any content because it’s so sparse. I have a few stories I’ll probably write at some point though if no one else does: non Jedi au because it’s fun to see everyone’s ideas about what they’d be up to if they weren’t Jedi, any post order 66 au (I’m writing one rn it’s horrifically angsty but I live for that) and anything with Barriss, Ahsoka and Anakin too.
48.) Obi-Wan’s favourite memory of Luminara and Luminara’s favourite memory of Obi-Wan.
I like to imagine that, whenever she could, Luminara was always over at Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon’s apartment and they’d spend long evening just talking on the balcony and looking over the city. Obi-Wan remembers these evenings particularly fondly because Luminara was never that carefree again.
There are lots of memories from their childhood that Luminara treasures—sneaking around and getting into trouble, him stealing her favourite dessert from the mess for her, building their lightsabers together—but her absolute favourite memory is later on as Masters watching how hard he worked to make Barriss like him. He cooks meals with her in mind if he knows she’s going to be around, offers to help with her form or research, sends her articles he thinks she might find interesting. He’s like an awkward stepdad trying to relate to his teenage stepdaughter and it’s not going well but just trying is a very quick way to Luminara’s heart.
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bh-52 · 1 year
Obi-Wan with his wife and daughter.
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bluedeedeedoop · 8 months
3, 12, 14, 22, 25, 37, 43, and 47 for the Kenduli ask game 😎
YIPPEEEE!! never thought i'd end up shipping these two but then again at some point i never thought i'd be gay so hERE WE ARE 3.) Who’s the most obvious about their feelings? fuCKING obi-wan, that man can't hide his feelings for sHIT. like damn at least lumi can keep some composure, all this women has to do is look in this man's direction and he's practically falling over..... straight people smh.... /J/J/J/J (WE LOVE THE EMOTIONAL SUPPORT HETEROS) 12.) Have they ever been caught in a compromising situation by either their Padawans, Clones, or fellow Jedi? Oh poor poor barriss... yes... it has happened. Barriss wanted to evaporate and die because she walked into her Master's quarters only to find something that'll make her unable to look at both jedi for about a week. 14.) Obi-Wan’s favorite physical feature on Luminara. okay no one yell at me but here me out; boobies need i explain more 22.) What do they think of each other’s Padawans? I FEEL LIKE OBI WAN WOULD WANNA LIKE TRYY AND GET A CLOSER FATHER DAUGHTER LIKE RELATIONSHIP WITH BARRISS! But like barriss will be weary as SHIT cuz shes like what the hell are you doing with my master.... YK??? Luminara is just amused by the way anakin is at this point not even going to lie
25.) How would Obi-Wan bond with Barriss?
Bro is trying so hard, literally trying to have tea with her and everything.. (the tea he saves for luminara at his quarters) but the whole time barriss is just like "............" like she doesnt DISLIKE HIM shes just extremely weary 37.) Share your Kenduli headcanon. When they were younger, it was ALWAYS obi wan getting luminara out of trouble, which is something that neither anakin nor barriss would have ever guessed, i can literally see their facial expressions rn: Anakin: fucking laughing his ass off Barriss: Jaw dropped horrified 43.) What does Luminara think about Obi-Wan’s past relationship with Satine and Ventress being flirty with Obi-Wan? Girl feels bad about what happened with Satine, she didn't bother making a move anytime soon after that happened, but Obi wan still wanted her <3 as for ventress, she's fucking pissed man 47.) What does Luminara mean by “strategic planning?” oHohOhohOO- they fucked. thats. thats it.
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devondeal · 8 months
1, 2, 7, 15, 16, 43, 47, 49, 51 for Kenduli ask game please and thank you 😘
I'd like to once again thank you for introducing me to Kenduli because my god they are hot together and I didn't expect it to be this fun to answer but this was truly a surprise joy for me 🥰
1.) How did they each fall in love?
Obi Wan always had a crush on Luminara since he was a young lad in the same creche as her but he was always too shy to say something. He assumed she didn't feel the same since she was probably too "cool" for him.
Luminara also had a crush on Obi Wan since the beginning and she tried all the flirting however Obi Wan was too oblivious to pick up on it. She probably would have straight up told him but I think that probably got stunted when (and what I'm about to say is my headcanon) she lost her Master. The death of Master Katri probably was so consuming she just didn't have the energy to think of romance anymore.
This in turn would reinforce Obi Wan's belief that she didn't feel the same for him and being a good caring person and Jedi, he put his feelings aside to comfort her as a friend.
Unfortunately by the time Luminara was able to heal and felt comfortable enough again to tell him how she felt, that's when Obi Wan met Satine so she assumed he only cared for her platonically or whatever interest she may have sensed earlier in him, he moved on and she was too late.
2.) Who would confess first and how?
Luminara would confess first and I feel like it happened at some point during The Approaching Storm just given the chemistry and events of the book. I mean they promised to take care of the other's Padawan so they clearly had some intense interactions between the lines and scenes.
I mean a mission that forces them to spend prolonged time together sleeping right next to each other? That's prime romantic potential right there. So I feel like in one of the moments their Padawans were both preoccupied with something, they'd get to talking in the infamous tent and Luminara would let it slip that she had a crush on him growing up.
Obi Wan would be so shocked at this and in turn reveal he also had a crush on her. And the interaction would go something like this and it would all be spoken a little heatedly given their surprise how long they've had to hold back:
Obi Wan: "Well why didn't you tell me?! All those years, I thought you only saw me as a friend!"
Luminara: "And I thought you only saw me as a friend!"
(Suddenly both realize how close their faces have gotten)
Luminara: "We are good friends, aren't we?..."
Obi Wan: "Yes... very good friends..."
(They both start furiously making out)
7.) What's a typical date night for them?
I feel like Obi Wan would always have flowers and a "hello there" to start their dates and they're both all dressed up to go somewhere fancy like a restaurant with a private booth or the theatre which usually ends in one of their rooms in the Temple.
In the more casual version they'd probably stay in and cook together just enjoying each other's company while they can.
15.) How would they express their affection for each other?
They both ADORE using cute titles for each other like "darling," "dear," "love," etc.
Obi Wan is THE gentleman and will always open the door, pull up a chair, all that stuff for his lady. He would also be big on words of affirmation and always reminding her how amazing she is because he knows she needs to hear it.
Luminara would give Obi Wan gifts and souvenirs from her missions. She definitely would give him something significant to Mirialan culture that is some kind of sign of love and commitment. Food is also a love language for her so she def would feed him much like Barriss would for Ahsoka.
16.) How would they comfort each other?
With Obi Wan, like I said he would try to use words to validate her but he also knows that sometimes there are no words so he would just check on her and take care of her, makes sure she's eating, etc. until she's ready to talk about it. Luminara suffers in silence for the most part so lots of holding her for sure.
Luminara would be his safe space for him to cry and express his feelings. She'd just listen and hold him. She'd struggle to not go out there and beat the crap out of whoever caused this. But she'd know that he needs to just spill what he's feeling without feeling judged so she'd let him feel it all.
43.) What does Luminara think of Obi Wan's past relationship with Satine and Ventress being flirty with him?
With Satine, Luminara for the most part just feels really hurt that she missed her chance with Obi Wan. She understands why Obi Wan would still care about Satine years later but also is frustrated because she knows it was not a healthy relationship for Obi Wan. Luminara does still feel bits of jealousy come up and just does not like her.
And if Luminara doesnt like Satine, she FUCKING HATES Ventress's flirtiness with Obi Wan 🤣 nothing gets her straight to big mad faster than the thought of that bog witch throwing her skirt at Obi Wan.
47.) What does Luminara mean by "strategic planning?"
49.) Describe their reunion as Force ghosts
Oh this one is gonna give all the feels 😭 They both would immediately start crying upon seeing each other and Obi Wan would say that he's waited so long to come back to her while Luminara tells him she watched over him the whole time ❤️
51.) Favorite Kenduli moment from either a show or a book?
Onscreen of course I have to mention the "strategic planning," basically the entire Legacy of Terror despite Obi Wan's questionable choices of negotiation 🤣 I do love how worried he got when seeing her holo of her getting captured like the man banged on the table in fear for her 🥺
Also The Approaching Storm is basically the Kenduli bible. But I flipped through some pages for examples and it will explain my headcanons above are the way they are:
This was Luminara encouraging Obi Wan that he is capable of training Anakin
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Just Obi Wan being both a feminist and probably blushing furiously too
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The man watched her sleep this whole damn paragraph and, get this, "aroused" him
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This was toward the end when the main conflict is resolved and Luminara wants to chill with Obi Wan for some "small pleasures".... yeah that's one way to put it
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Every year, the Joydev Kenduli Mela brings together a vibrant tapestry of culture, music, and spirituality in the heart of Birbhum, West Bengal. This year too, this centuries-old tradition promises to enthrall visitors with its lively atmosphere and rich history. The Kenduli Mela 2024 is set to enchant attendees on the 14th of January. Here’s why you should mark your calendar and feel the magic of Joydev Kenduli Mela firsthand.
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sangbadpratidin · 4 months
Anubrata Mondal image used in banner of Jaydeb Kenduli Mela, Birbhum
Trinamool leader Anubrata Mandal, jailed for over a year, remains a prominent figure in Birbhum's Jayadeva Mela. Despite legal issues, his image adorns the fair, sparking discussions in local political circles.
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sikshapedia · 6 months
Revealing Prospects for Pharmacy Education: An Overview of Pharmacy Schools in Kolkata.
Kolkata, known for its rich cultural heritage and academic excellence, has also become a hub for pharmacy education in recent years. With a growing demand for healthcare professionals and the pharmaceutical industry on the rise, the city offers a plethora of opportunities for aspiring pharmacists. If you are considering pursuing a career in pharmacy, this blog will provide you with valuable insights into the best pharmacy colleges in Kolkata.
Pharmacy in Kolkata: A Growing Field
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List of Pharmacy Colleges in Kolkata
Here’s a comprehensive list of pharmacy colleges in Kolkata, both private and government institutions, that you should consider for your pharmacy education:
Private Pharmacy Colleges in Kolkata:
Institute of Pharmacy, Kalyani
Jadavpur University — Faculty of Pharmaceutical Technology
Narula Institute of Technology
Techno India University
Swami Vivekananda Institute of Science and Technology
Gupta College of Technological Sciences
NSHM Knowledge Campus
Bengal School of Technology
Institute of Engineering and Management
Government Pharmacy Colleges in Kolkata:
Kolkata Medical College
Jadavpur University — Faculty of Pharmaceutical Technology
West Bengal University of Health Sciences
Calcutta Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology and Allied Health Sciences
Top 10 Pharmacy Colleges in Kolkata
Now, let’s explore the top 10 pharmacy colleges in Kolkata, combining both government and private institutions that are known for their excellence in pharmacy education:
Jadavpur University — Faculty of Pharmaceutical Technology: A prestigious institution that offers a wide range of pharmacy programs.
Institute of Pharmacy, Kalyani: Known for its state-of-the-art facilities and experienced faculty.
Kolkata Medical College: A renowned government institution with a long history of producing skilled pharmacists.
Narula Institute of Technology: Offers innovative programs and a dynamic learning environment.
Techno India University: Known for its modern curriculum and industry connections.
Swami Vivekananda Institute of Science and Technology: Focuses on practical, hands-on training for its students.
Gupta College of Technological Sciences: Offers a comprehensive pharmacy curriculum.
NSHM Knowledge Campus: Known for its holistic approach to pharmacy education.
Bengal School of Technology: A private institution that emphasizes research and development in pharmacy.
Calcutta Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology and Allied Health Sciences: A government college that provides quality education in pharmacy.
B.Pharma Colleges in Kolkata: Your Path to a Rewarding Career
For those looking to start their journey in pharmacy, a Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharma) is the initial step. Kolkata offers various B.Pharma colleges, both public and private, that can shape your future in this field.
Top 10 Government Pharmacy Colleges in West Bengal
If you’re considering government pharmacy colleges in West Bengal, here are the top 10 institutions you should explore:
Jadavpur University — Faculty of Pharmaceutical Technology
Kolkata Medical College
Calcutta Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology and Allied Health Sciences
Institute of Pharmacy, Kalyani
Seacom Skills University
NSHM Knowledge Campus
Kalyani Government Engineering College
Raghunathganj College
Murarai Government College
Vivekananda College, Kenduli
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Pharmacy Colleges in Kolkata: Private Excellence
Private pharmacy colleges in Kolkata have been making significant strides in offering top-quality education and research opportunities. Some of the best private pharmacy colleges in the city include Institute of Pharmacy, Kalyani, Narula Institute of Technology, Techno India University, and many more. These institutions not only provide excellent academic programs but also focus on the holistic development of their students.
In conclusion, the field of pharmacy in Kolkata is flourishing, and aspiring pharmacists have a multitude of options to choose from. Whether you opt for a government institution or a private one, rest assured that Kolkata offers some of the best pharmacy colleges in the region. With the right education and training, you can embark on a rewarding and impactful career in the world of pharmacy.
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meteor752 · 4 years
Hi can Obi-Wan stop flirting with everything that moves, because I literally ship him with everyone and I don’t know what to do
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Urban Indians of our generation gave grown up glamourising the American iconic music festival of the sixties ,Woodstock as the symbol of freedom rebellion Bohemianism and art along with the rest of the world. However most are unaware that we have our own indigenous and spontaneous Woodstock that’s been around for a few centuries and is still going strong. It’s a music festival…
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jedimasterbailey · 1 month
At last the “Brain Invaders” chapter of my “Luminara and Barriss” fic is finally up 😅 Enjoy 💙💚
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rancidjuno · 1 year
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If I had this level of drawing ability when I was 12 my sketchbooks would have been full of Luminara x Obi-wan soft porn so I’m very thankful it’s taken years
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pawsimses · 7 years
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Tonight’s doodles of toying with art styles
And the AU where Luminara and Obi-Wan meet up post Order 66 and raise Luke together on the run
What do you mean it does not exist
Also I have no idea what the two are wearing but I figure they wouldn't traverse around in Jedi garb after the Emperor puts a bounty on their heads
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bluedeedeedoop · 8 months
Hello! For the Kenduli ask game:
17, 23, 26, 27, 28, 30
AYYE TY FOR THE ASKS!!! IM PROCRASTINATING ON CLASSWORK SO YIPPEE 17.) What would they gift each other for holidays like Life Day? Definitely something more luxurious would be given to Luminara from Obi Wan, even though she insists he doesn't have to go all out, but he just wants to spoil her <3 Luminara would definitely go with something more useful that he could use! 23.) If Obi-Wan were to propose, how would he do it and how would Luminara react? I wanna say knowing him, it would be pretty well thought out! very romantic hehe. Luminara would cry ofc, but she'd love every second <3 26.) Describe their perfect wedding if they were to have one. Probably their closest friends, their padawans and their partners, probably on some backwater world where nothing can interrupt their special day! 27.) Describe their ideal honeymoon if they had one.
Suggestive eyebrow wiggling
28.) Describe their home if they were able to live together.
I think luminara would want to keep it simple enough, Obi wan would agree obviously cuz its luMINARA- but i just think their styles in general would be more simplistic and somewhat modern, stilly pretty homey though! 30.) Whose more likely to get jealous if someone made a pass on their partner? LUMINARA. NOT EVEN LYING. (cough cough ventress cough cough) BUT YEAH THANKS FOR THE ASKS!!!
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devondeal · 12 days
💕 and 💖 for the unpopular opinions ask game!!
Yay! Thanks for the ask @skygirlstars I love these games
💕 What is an unpopular ship you like
I'm gonna say Kenduli for this one. It's pretty obscure and wouldn't come to mind immediately but once you read The Approaching Storm, all their interactions in The Clone Wars just feel so charged.
💖 What is an unpopular opinion about the series you have
I love love love The Clone Wars but there plenty of episodes I would just never rewatch. The show was good at showing us more of the characters we loved but almost always stopped short when it came to truly acknowledging how the events going on affected them. Instead I feel like it wasted time on stories that went nowhere
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bigwolfpup · 7 years
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Okay so @obi-kenobi-wan brought up this idea/AU thing, and I had to draw it as soon as she had told it to me and @askgrelf. 
Basically Obi-Wan and Luminara accidentally have a son, and he’s pretty much the light of their light, so they name him Lumière, a play on Luminara’s name and also the fact that he’s their light (”Little Light” actually becomes his nickname that is given to him by his parents). Lumière grows up and become a fine Jedi Knight, but there is a wormhole of sorts that he ends up going through in a mission. He is never found after the accident, and his parents are absolutely devastated that they have lost their Little Light.
Meanwhile, Lumière travels to a distant galaxy (Milky Way) and somehow ends up on Earth. He arrives in the French country side, roughly during the late 1790′s to early 1800′s (the time period for Beauty and the Best is really unclear and hard to pinpoint a specific time, but it is likely that it takes place roughly in this period of time). He is found and hired by a royal family to be a member of the castle’s working crew. He falls into the customs and traditions rather quickly, and he is quick to change his ways to accommodate those of the land and time period.
Lumière takes a liking to the young prince rather quickly, telling the boy that he reminds him of himself when he was younger. The prince grows up and his parents pass away at points in his childhood, and at this point when he has become rather bratty and selfish, Lumière has been with the castle crew for quite some time, and he has become good friends with everyone. His personality reflects that of his father’s; bold, a wonderful negotiator, and generally friendly to everyone.
Then pretty much the rest of the plot follows Beauty and the Beast, except occasionally Lumière’s flames burn blue like the color of his lightsaber when he is a candlestick. He always remembers his parents too, and he hopes that one day when he is human again, he will be able to travel back to his home and greet his parents with open arms.
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