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Praying for my baby girl in surgery right now. (at Johnson Regional Medical Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4xRGN3HtmH/?igshid=1v4nnqeywglql
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Praying for my baby girl in surgery right now. (at Johnson Regional Medical Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4xOINnnOYY/?igshid=18rp5abl0dit1
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This time last week I was visiting one of the places Ruth helped create and loved...The Cove. She wanted it to be a place for people to go to for rest and to connect with the Lord. It is a special, special place. I’ve been missing it ever since we left and doing a lot of thinking about my life. Am I making a difference the way she did? Are others drawing closer to the Lord because of my life. It’s always been my heart’s desire but not always been the reality. My desire now is to simply finish strong. However many years I have left, I pray they will be for Him and His purposes. @bgea https://www.instagram.com/p/B4DP45Enssz/?igshid=6bwmnax6iajh
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Can’t wait! November 1st! #giftsforlife #darlenesdoterra #christmas #health #essentialoils #doterra (at Franklin, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3pFdWZHmM1/?igshid=kikzuct4vxd0
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Marianne Williamson says in her book, The Law Of Divine Compensation, “Something has the power to hurt us to the extent to which we believe in its power.” I experienced this the other day. I was shocked by someone’s actions. Offended. Hurt. Angry. But instead of reacting as I would have as the old Darlene, I chose not to give them any power over me and my emotional health but to respond in my power and do nothing. That’s right. I did nothing. I didn’t let them know how upset they made me by doing what they did which was so wrong. It was a powerful moment. I showed myself that I have grown. This time I was not controlled by another’s unloving actions; I was controlled by THE higher power and what a peace that gave me. You can’t make me respond poorly. I have a choice. “As a child of God I can’t be victimized!” I give it up because my God will be my Defender. #notavictim #forgiveness #peace #godislove #healing https://www.instagram.com/p/B3Ho41lHQKG/?igshid=1ds9jwqqq2k2d
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Change your beliefs and change your life. Look for the good in every person and every situation and that is what you will find. #bekind #believethebest #bethechange #healinghands https://www.instagram.com/p/B2j3XjYnWf7/?igshid=1dzijsinp86t3
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TOGETHER Convention 2019 comes to a close. What a week!!! What a journey this business is...a journey of learning and growing and becoming my best self in order to be the light God created me to be. So thankful that I was given the opportunity to link arms with dōTERRA in changing the world one💧one 👩🏼‍🔧 one 🏡 at a time. #bethelight #bekindtogether #bekind #onedrop #bethechange #changetheworld #healthyalternatives #health #healing #together (at Salt Lake City, Utah) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2ZITg3HgcL/?igshid=17xsahn15a4in
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Over one-third of our five million touch receptors are centered in our hands. Dr. Dolores Krieger, professor of nursing at NYU, has found in her studies on the act of laying-on-of-hands that both the toucher and the one being touched receives physiological benefit. How would you like to lower your spouse’s blood pressure, aid in the regenerative process of someone ill, protect your child from negative relationships, add years to your own life? All of these were findings in studies on the incredible power to bless found in meaningful touch. I love old photographs. This is one of my favorites because my Papa is holding my Daddy in his big strong hands. Papa’s hands are one of the things I remember most about him. They were big, but they were also hard-working, protective, gentle, comforting, loving, always there for me with a meaningful touch. I knew I was loved and adored. Give the blessing of touch to someone today! Be generous with your hugs. Show someone they matter, that they are not alone. Change a life. #bekindtogether #darlenesdoterra #touch #healing #healinghands #hands #hugs #bethechange https://www.instagram.com/p/B2EhB5cnx39/?igshid=15wji3vwa2vw8
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Mother Nature has nothing on me! When she brings on her seasonal threats, I pull out the big guns...my essential oils for respiratory and immune support💜🍃 No one has time for that! #darlenesdoterra #doterra #naturalalternatives #mothernaturesucks #relief https://www.instagram.com/p/B1823yWnE-q/?igshid=1husfbatevgaj
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So this intentionally being kind each day is a challenge. I mean, I think I am basically a kind person by nature, but do I DO kind things EVERY day? I think the answer is some version of “no” because I don’t go throughout my days seeking ways to be kind. I tend to go through my days trying to NOT be unkind maybe. Big difference. But yesterday I did choose to not respond in a way I might have in the past. Which is a beginning. I was in the parking lot of a local shop and saw a frazzled, angry, yelling mom dragging her two small children to the car causing one of them to fall and skin his knees. Broke my heart instantly. I wanted to run over and pick him up. The mom just yelled at him to get up. I wanted to yell at her that that was no way to treat her precious children. And I must admit I was a bit angry with myself for not doing so at first. I let the mom get in her car without a lecture from me. But maybe that was God’s Spirit leading me to not react so much. To take a breath. To think. So instead of ranting at the mom I prayed for her to be more patient and to appreciate her sweet imperfect children and for the children to see her love in the midst of her imperfect actions. So maybe that was a kind action on my part. Prayer instead of condemnation. I think the world could use more of that. #bekindtogether #darlenesdoterra #bekind #kids #moms #prayerchangesthings #compassion #think https://www.instagram.com/p/B169mHQHDWA/?igshid=1uo7dvmwusocc
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I always love a new month! It’s like January 1st all over again with the new beginning it offers us to start over, try again, and do better💜 And September’s theme in my devotional goes right along with our 15 Days Of Kindness Challenge...”showing forbearance to one another in love.” Be kind!#bekindtogether #darlenesdoterra #bekind #freshstart #resolutions https://www.instagram.com/p/B13rCAzng09/?igshid=e2elbfs6uc1b
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Have you heard about @thekindnessguy? I posted just the other day how “kind” keeps popping up everywhere. And here it is again. I started watching Leon’s show on Netflix...The Kindness Diaries and then found out he will be the speaker at our convention next month😃 So cool. Join the revolution. Be kind. You never know who you meet on your journey who needs a kind word, a kind smile, a hug. #bethedifference #darlenesdoterra #bekind #thekindnessguy #youmatter #changetheworld (at Arkansas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1rHh60HyVi/?igshid=amrz0ts7jvya
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What comprises your ...? What is it that has you doubting God’s goodness and power in your life? What is difficult and scary right now? What seems impossible to get past? Habakkuk trusted that God was bigger than his ... He chose to rejoice despite the seemingly impossible ... The Bible tells us God inhabits the praises of His people, that there is fullness of joy in His presence, and when the presence of God manifests, all of the ... has to flee! It’s a supernatural thing. We give our ... to God, and He gives us joy💜🍃 #darlenesdoterra #joy #praise #trust #supernatural https://www.instagram.com/p/B1i_IzeH2K4/?igshid=7hrpf2qt7j97
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We are having an amazing sale through the 23rd on everything your family needs to have a healthy school year. Check out my Facebook page for all the products that are 25% off💜🍃 An oil a day keeps the...you know😉 #darlenesdoterra #healthy #doterraessentialoils #doterra #school #naturalalternatives #save #mosttestedmosttrusted #cptg https://www.instagram.com/p/B1W3wxnnd2W/?igshid=1mj13zevc3r40
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A few classics: In His Steps, Mere Christianity, The Screwtape Letters, The Bible💜🍃 what are your favorites? who is speaking into your life? #books #character #influence #friendshipquotes https://www.instagram.com/p/B1WKLCkH5JM/?igshid=13nxy3usvdygf
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Sunrise in the Smokies💜 So worth getting up at 5am for the 45+ minute drive up the dark North Carolina mountain road! Drove by the house of the author (who happens to be family) of Escape to Witch Mountain...think he based it on this windy passage😬 #darlenesdoterra #travel #disney #smokies #sunrise #joy #essentialoils #needcoffee (at Nantahala National Forest) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1OpIeBni10/?igshid=ogi4ei5tdex
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This word. Kind. It keeps popping up everywhere I turn. God gave this message to us for a reason. Could it be the answer to everything? #bekind #love #darlenesdoterra #bethechange #onedropatatime #purpose https://www.instagram.com/p/B0TeQIIHJnY/?igshid=jgl10pnitwdh
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