cleo-c-art · 12 days
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Little sketch of my moms puppies
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cleo-c-art · 18 days
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Small sketch of Karne again. She's soooo campaign-specific but I love my main PC for the game so I think she'll probably stay an unused backup forever
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cleo-c-art · 20 days
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Excalibur update!
Small repost because I just finished another session, girls are officially together for good!
Idk if I've mentioned it before, but Stonearm and Aitha's ship name is Excalibur because of a joke another player made. When Aitha still had her sword arm instead of a robotic one, they said "hey! Stonearm and Swordarm! It's like the Sword in the Stone!" Then everyone went "sword *in* the stone 😏😏😏😏" so it stuck
They talked about their relationship problems and Aitha running away (in a room full of the rest of the party and like 50 nerds, after a while they both switched to Gnomish) at a very inopportune and unplanned time, but Aitha said she was sorry and Stonearm said she wasn't mad and that she understood, she just wanted to make the decision (about what they were doing) together. Aitha said she couldn't make Stonearm leave the party because her mission was important, and Stonearm said that Aitha wouldn't be making her do anything, if she left it'd be because she wanted to. Hearing that, Aitha said that if Stonearm would decide what she needed to do, she was saying she wanted to be with Stonearm and for her to leave with her. Stonearm got sidetracked and cleared up that they could return to their home city eventually and that Aitha wanted kids, because they had never spoken about it, and Aitha said she wanted kids and that she'd be okay wherever as long as it was an adventure (but them being together has never not been exciting, it wasn't a hard promise for Stonearm to make.) They compromised that after Stonearm helped the party with their current mission (hopefully a day, tops) she would give Aitha an answer. Either way, they know that they want to be together and will make it happen when everything is said and done, and they agree on their future.
I'm really happy with that! Stressed out of my mind that I have to decide now, but happy that everything will end up okay between them. I want to give them their happy ending now and I love Aitha so much I just want to go with her, but I also want to keep playing Stonearm. If Stonearm decides to stay with the party, they agreed to go steal sending stones together so they can talk everyday. Plus, committing crimes for old times sake would be fun. I also think Stonearm will propose to her if they have to part ways for a while, she already has the ring
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cleo-c-art · 20 days
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Here's a paper cut I did featuring the Gnomish alphabet! The title is technically in Gnomish, so it is posted below!
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cleo-c-art · 21 days
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A drew these a bit ago from some suggestions on insta
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cleo-c-art · 21 days
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down, down, down, by the river
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cleo-c-art · 22 days
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In our last session of this campaign, we got to level up TWICE
Pyre is now a level 11 ascendant dragon monk and I love her dearly. I have redesigned the tattoos since I drew this but shhh it's okay. The pose was pretty rough but I really wanted to focus on her wings for a drawing
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cleo-c-art · 23 days
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Two of my friends made me watch the whole season in one sitting
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cleo-c-art · 24 days
Typically I use a 15 x 20 inch canvas set to 450 dpi. My brush size varies a lot though! I typically only use two brushes (pencil and medium hard round) so the settings are pretty dialed in and I really only have to change size drawing to drawing
ooo question for fellow digital artists
what's your usual starting canvas size and the size of your regular sketch brush/tool?
i always start at 2000x2000 with a 8px brush
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cleo-c-art · 24 days
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More F1 Drivers
16 more portraits!
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cleo-c-art · 25 days
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A backup character I can’t show any of my party mates
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cleo-c-art · 25 days
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For shits and giggles I doodled some of my dnd party as monster high characters! Not my normal style at all but it was fun
From left to right:
Amphitrite (she/her) (Lagoona Blue): water genasi warlock. Tritey has a pact with Dendar and is fish themed, so Lagoona was the obvious choice
Pyre Miorvrois (she/her) (my PC) (Jinafire Long): fire genasi ascendant dragon monk. Pyre is themed around kung fu and dragons, so I chose Jinafire (daughter of Chinese dragons)
Rowan Sipreet (they/them) (NPC) (Clawdeen Wolf): human werewolf divination wizard. Even though a more book-focused character would have make sense, it was funnier to me to focus of the werewolf part lol
Flurry (she/her) (Operetta): air genasi bard. Operetta was the only musical monster high character I could remember
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cleo-c-art · 25 days
They didn’t get to talk about it at all but Stonearm could see Aitha was sad drunk when she showed up and was absolutely racked with guilt, despite Aitha’s best efforts to act sober and together. Aitha helping her and Stonearm being able to see that she knows she fucked up realllyyyy helps a lot. Aitha is definitively in the wrong but Stonearm isn’t angry, she just wants them to figure things out together and be on the same page, so I think I’ll come down to how self-destructive they are both being. Aitha’s big fuck up was really an active self-destruction at its core, and Stonearm just broke her sobriety again at the end of the session, so she’s not the best problem solver right now. They both want to be together, but they’re both in rough places and I’m not sure that Aitha is going to be able or willing to change for the better. Fingers crossed though!
After she ran off and fucked up, I didn’t think that we were going to see Aitha for a long time, but then we ended up in a city that I know she ran mushrooms to the surface world through, so I thought that she may be there, or near there, because she was going to the surface. Stonearm has a sending stone to her sister, who is a cleric and has the actual sending spell, so she messaged her sister and asked her to ask Aitha if she was in the area and could help because the party was being captured and held by a cult. Aitha coming to help her was probably the best way they could’ve been reunited, because they didn’t have a long time to let emotions fester or guilt to mess up their idea of their relationship and it was a dire circumstance where they had to work together and show that they still have synergy and love for each other. Only the session before this one did we find out where we were being held, so the hope for the relationship is still very new.
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Aitha my love ❤️ currently having brain rot and hoping that Aitha and Stonearm don’t break up when we play in a few days
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cleo-c-art · 25 days
🌂❤️✂️ for stonearm!
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Thanks for letting me talk about my girl!
Two sketches to go with these. Answers are below the text break!
What genre do they belong in?
Stonearm absolutely belongs in the seedy underbelly of high fantasy! She's a rogue/fighter who almost dipped into paladin and has the divinely favored feat. Her 'birthright' is paladin-hood and a lawful, honorable connection to a good god. Her inheritor background brought her a beautiful rapier with a diamond in the hilt (+ a curse from a demon and a second hand blessing from her birth mom's dying breath.) The path she chose is much less knightly: running away at 16 to join a gang, drink, commit crimes, and do mushrooms. In a high fantasy world, she ran from herself so far that she has spent the vast majority of her life in jail (and when she was free she was usually not sober.)
What is one of your OC's best memories?
About two weeks ago in-game, Stonearm got to meet her deity, Segojan Earthcaller. He offered her a lot of good advice as well as the only flowers she'd ever seen in real life. In accepting his blessing, she became one of his holy warriors, her stone arm (which had been actually turning to ooze, long story) was restored to flesh, and the hold the demon had on her was broken. For about an hour she got to be super happy and was excited to have full use of and feeling in her hand, which she never had before, but then of course things went bad later that day. A few days later she found out the blessing also made her not age, so she is going to outlive everyone she loves, and that kinda sullied the memory a little and messed with her connection to her god. Despite that, meeting the Earthcaller is the only time she has ever really felt peace and warmth.
What is one of your OC's worst memories?
She has so many it's hard to choose from! About a week ago in-game is probably now her worst memory. Stonearm, after getting drunk and feeling truly horrible about herself, went to go talk to her gf Aitha about their future. They had established they were getting back together and were going to make decisions as a team, but they hadn't really agreed on what their future was. When Stonearm got to Aitha's room, she found a letter and Aitha's sword on the bed. Reading the letter, Aitha didn't really break up with her, but I thought for a while that it was probably the end of them anyways as she made such a huge decision against everything Stonearm has stressed about what she needs from Aitha. The DM agreed that that was a very fair reaction lol. Another good contender for worst memory is when Stonearm had to fight three of her and Aitha's dead friends who had been turned into monsters, then Aitha left her to deal with it and get drunk, and then Stonearm's late best friend's head got thrown in sewer water by a naked rat guy. When she went to check in on Aitha, she got yelled at by Aitha's brother Peak (misguided barbarian anger, he later apologized) and then Aitha got mad at her (sad drunk barbarian anger.) Then, in the morning, she found out a party-mate had, in cold blood, killed the two friends they managed to subdue instead of kill in the original fight. That also really sucked.
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cleo-c-art · 25 days
✨ for stonearm turen?
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Thank you for the ask!
How did you come up with the OC’s name?
Stonearm has a lot of names! Gnomes are very prone to give each other nicknames, so it’s not uncommon for one to be called something different by most people they are close to.
Originally, her birth parents nicknamed her Soolin, which was Gnomish for “Sun under the surface," since they live in the Underdark. The DM came up with that name instead of me, as she remembers nothing from before her birth parents died, but she was lucky enough to talk to her late father and learn some about her past. She does not know her official first name at birth, but she’s okay with that.
When her adopted parents found her, they gave her the first name Davhace. I picked that because I thought it sounded cool and I knew it wouldn’t be super relevant. Their family name was Turen for similar reasons. Her parents nicknamed her Cranta, which is Gnomish for complete, and her siblings nicknamed her Aithwen, Gnomish for sword. Davhace was the last of the three kids to be adopted, so she “completed” their family unit. As for her sibling's nickname for her, she was found with a sword and they were young so they weren’t very creative 😂 For a while her sister carried some resentment against Davhace related to the sword, so she called her Stonearm which was upsetting for her, both to lose the original nickname and because it reminded her of the rift in their relationship. Luckily that has been resolved though!
Other people outside of the family started calling her Stonearm because she was slowly turning to stone on her left side. It was only at her first knuckle when her parents found her, but as it grew it became more obvious. She hated the nickname because it was focusing her identity on something that was painful, took feeling and mobility from her, and was slowly growing without any explanation or foreseeable cure. It was very important to her that her family *never* called her this; that’s also part of why it was so rough for her sister to call her Stonearm. Eventually she got more desensitized to the name and accepted it, introducing herself as that to new people. Even though she’s okay with the name overall it brings up bad memories hearing it from her family still.
Her most recent nicknames are still from before the campaign started. Before she was arrested, her best friend called her Gravel. Anyone one else calling her that would have really upset her, but they got along well and were able to really test each other’s boundaries before crossing a line. She started dating someone from the same group, who called her Mea Petra, "my rock." The DM also surprised me with that nickname when she saw her ex for the first time.
All the nicknames were chosen to represent the aspects of her relationships and to embrace the Gnomish lore. They can be super literal, so I keep most of them in Gnomish. There is a whole section of her Google doc dedicated to Gnomish words and to organizing the nicknames people have for her and she has for others.
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cleo-c-art · 26 days
Just got out of the session.... They didn't resolve anything but it didn't really get worse! Like everything about the world got worse but my gorlies are net neutral I think
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Aitha my love ❤️ currently having brain rot and hoping that Aitha and Stonearm don’t break up when we play in a few days
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cleo-c-art · 26 days
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A bunch of outfit designs for Vesryn and her family
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