bnhaideabullshit · 4 years
Kirishima with royal Todorokis
You wake up one day and find yourself on a medieval setting. You are soon brought to the presence of the Royals, and identified as their long lost child and heir to the throne because of your unique hair color, a trait that runs only on the Royal family. The problem is: your hair is dyed, and you have until your roots start to show to find a way home or be executed for lying.
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bnhaideabullshit · 4 years
Valid point. This is a man who believes in his soul that he was meant to be a wild wild pussycat
Aizawas goggle things are designed like that so villains can't tell where he's looking, but sunglasses would basically do the same thing and there wouldn't be little bars for him to peer between
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bnhaideabullshit · 4 years
Aizawas goggle things are designed like that so villains can't tell where he's looking, but sunglasses would basically do the same thing and there wouldn't be little bars for him to peer between
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bnhaideabullshit · 5 years
I wanna watch the new season, but I can't bring myself to do it. I watched almost every episode with Buddy last year, but he passed away on my birthday in February. Watching season 4 without him just feels wrong.
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bnhaideabullshit · 5 years
Bakugou is bi, but questions being demisexual. It confuses him a lot, so he doesn't think about it often. He's just decided to "go with my own fucking flow".
He is also trans. Why? Well, why not.
KIRISHIMA IS GAY! He doesn't care who knows, he used to, but since he came out he just loves embracing it.
Mina is chaotically pansexual. She has too many options and she loves it!
Sero is less chaotically pansexual. He has a strong preference for girls, but he overall doesn't mind. He is questioning being poly, and definitely likes the idea of more than one partner! But, he's never had more than one so he doesn't know.
He's also non binary! He doesn't mind what pronouns people use for him, and since he's not out to everyone, mostly goes by he/him. He looks so damn pretty in skirts.
Mina has 2 dads, Kami has 2 mum's. Both sets of parents are both very supportive.
Kiri's mum is very supportive of him and all his friends. His dad does his best, but doesn't understand much about the community.
Sero isn't out to his mum yet. He knows she will accept him, but doesn't know how to bring it up. She seems to know that he's not straight or gay, but that's it.
Bakugou took a long time to come out to his family. When he did, it took some more explaining to his parents. They thought he was joking at first, but when they realised he wasn't they both did their best. They got him a binder and do what they can to help him. They still mess up, but they are doing their best to learn.
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bnhaideabullshit · 5 years
Bakusquad 3rd Year Headcanons!!!
Bakugou has an undercut and tongue piercing. He has collections of tattoo ideas in a folder on his phone for when he's old enough.
Kirishima is way taller than Bakugou and will rub it in his face. He also has a tongue piercing, but he got it because he accidentally pierced his own tongue with his shark teeth.
Sero gets excessively stressed about tests because he didn't do so great second year. He does his best to take care of himself, but doesn't bother doing things like shaving or cutting his hair. His friends intervene when he walks into class with bags under his eyes from studying and hair so messy that he looks like the spitting image of Aizawa.
Kaminari walks into random 1st year classes just to say hi to the teachers. He takes selfies with them and messes around with the 1st years. He also made a horrible costume design change that lasted 2 weeks before being ditched. No one let's him forget.
Mina has no understanding of banking. She gets her allowance and then panics when she has only a few dollars after a week. She can't help it, she loves bath bombs.
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bnhaideabullshit · 5 years
Random Headcanons
Kirishima has soft skin when he isn't using his quirk and it can get irritated easily.
Bakugou doesn't use any cold water when he showers unless it's an extreme circumstance. If it's not scalding, then what's the fucking point.
Todoroki has multiple stashes of sweets hidden in his dorm and in the common rooms. Midoriya tries to keep track of them all, but whenever he thinks he's found all of them, he finds another.
Todoroki also has a secret collection of stuffed animals because he loves them.
Kaminari has a 'get out of chores free' card, which is him saying he can't do a certain task because it's got too much water involved. He now permanently has the chore of vacuuming.
Tokoyami listens to all the gossip. All of it. He knows what that girl from general studies did on the weekend. He knows. And when they cross him, he will strike.
Kirishima knows everyone in the school by the end of the year, greets them all by name and wishes them happy birthday. Everyone loves him.
Someone dyed Shinsou's hair while he was sleeping once just to prove how much of an Aizawa spawn he was.
That person may or may not have been Kaminari. He may or may not have been paid by Todoroki.
Momo snorts when she laughs. She gets really embarrassed and tries not to. It is a blessing when you are able to make her topple over in laughter, to the point where she can't help herself.
Jirou writes songs, sometimes at 3am that are just shitposts about classmates and villain attacks.
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bnhaideabullshit · 5 years
*the sequel*
Kaminari: *holding Iida's glasses* you know man, you actually look much better without your glasses!
Iida: *fed up and annoyed* yes, thank you Kaminari. So do you.
Kaminari: can you see without your glasses? *takes them off Iida’s face*
Iida: yes but not particularly well and-
Kirishima: really!? How many fingers am I holding up?
Iida: 2 and coul-
Ashido: can I try them on? *puts them on* WOAH YOUR EYES ARE SO WEIRD!!!
Iida: *groans*
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bnhaideabullshit · 5 years
Can Hagakure do hero work on her period?? Or is that invisible too?
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bnhaideabullshit · 5 years
Todoroki's right nipple is constantly hard pass it on
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bnhaideabullshit · 5 years
Denki: H-hewwo? Mistew Aizawa UwU
Aizawa: This is the 3rd time this week Kaminari S T O P! I T!
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bnhaideabullshit · 6 years
Thanks, I tried ^-^
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bnhaideabullshit · 6 years
I'm not a father...
//request by @audaciousanonj sorry if it's a bit hard to follow, I had to write it on my phone.
"Shut up Hizashi." I glared at the blonde idiot on the couch next to me as the other teachers laughed. The students were visiting their families for the weekend and would be back in the dorms in a few hours. Until they got back, us teachers decided to sit and talk. Disgusting really, especially since it turned out to be the others teasing me. Don't get me wrong, I have always been used to being teased; but over doing my job properly? That was just stupid.
"Oh come on Shouta! Just last week you sent Kaminari to the 'Naughty Corner' for punishment!" He smirked while others snickered.
"That's because they were acting childish. If my students act like immature toddlers, that's how they will be treated."
"You bought Uraraka a new phone, and upgraded her old one to a smart phone. WITH YOUR OWN MONEY!" I groaned, they were by making any valid points.
"Because it died and she couldn't afford a new one. She needs to be able to have contact with her parents, buying her one that will last is just common sense."
"You let Midoriya wake you up in the middle of the night, and you let him sleep with you." I glared at them all, this was tiring.
"He had a nightmare Nemuri. It was easier to let him stay than send him back. This is the last time I will say this, I am not a dad, I have never been a dad and I never will be. ESPECIALLY not towards my students. Living in the dorms won't change that." I stood and left just as students were returning. They waved to me while they brought in their bags and I nodded, going to organise some papers while I waited for dinner and curfew.
It was all regular and boring while I monitored my students. Dinner was katsudon, then they had free time until 10pm. I slept for a while before going to check who were in the dorms. Some of the boys were in their rooms, some were studying and some were playing video games in the common area. But my- THE girls weren't around. I checked Yaoyorozu's room, since that's where they usually gathered. I knew I was right when I heard giggling from inside.
I knocked and opened the door, seeing them all in a braid train. Of fucking course.
"Hello Mr Aizawa, did you need anything?" Yaoyorozu asked, having her hair braided by Ashido. I shook my head and raised a brow, they all looked nearly finished. Good.
"I'm just checking on where you all are." I was about to turn away when Ashido squealed and clapped.
"I just had the best idea!!! We should braid your hair Mr Aizawa!!!"
"Please Mr Aizawa?? It will be fun!!!" They all tried to persuade me and I refused...
Which is why I was confused to realise that I was sitting there with 6 of my students braiding my hair. They were chatting happily and having fun, so I allowed it to continue. I agreed to have my hair braided and that was it...
So how did I end up leaving that room with a full face of makeup and a flower crown??
I sent all the students to bed like that, the last one being Tsuyu. She told me I looked nice like that, making me roll my eyes as I tucked my last student in and pecked her forehead. I did that to a few of the students who were close with their families and frequently got homesick. I wanted to keep them as comfortable and safe at UA as possible, I still felt guilty about being incapable to protect them from villains. They were children with potential, sure, but they were still children and they had a long way to go before they could be pros.
I sighed and tidied up a few things that the teenagers had left out in common areas again, I'd lecture them tomorrow. I walked to my own room, seeing Hizashi smirking at me.
"Never gonna be their dad, huh?" The amusement was clear in his voice, causing me to glare at him.
"Oh shut up." I went to bed, not bothering with the makeup. I needed to shower in the morning anyway. I looked at my wall, decorated with drawings my students had drawn for me, varying in skill. Some, like Bakugou's, had great detail and precision. Others could pass as a 2 year olds drawing, like Kirishima's stick figure drawing of the class. I thought about it, before falling asleep...
Maybe I could be a dad...
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bnhaideabullshit · 6 years
Also this isn't one of the fanfic requests but I'd like you to consider it: 1-A lugging aizawa around like a sack of potatoes. Midoriya and Bakugou sling him over their shoulders. Uraraka floats him like a balloon. Tsuyu and Iida carry him bridal style. AIZAWA SHOUTA BEING CARRIED BY HIS STUDENTS
Yes!!! And gradually they feel like he's getting heavier in his sleeping bag and just. Cats, at least 10 of them. They just pop their heads out of the sleeping bag with an expecting look for them to continue
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bnhaideabullshit · 6 years
Please consider: Aizawa sending a whole bunch of forms home for the kids' parents to sign and hidden within each packet is a form that makes Aizawa legally their dad
Is this not canon??
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bnhaideabullshit · 6 years
I want to write some fanfics
You can send in requests but the rules are:
No nsfw
No incest or pedophilia (if it's something like All Might x Midoriya it will be written as platonic father son stuff)
Ask for at least 2 people, I will write almost any ship and I have a soft spot for rare pairs.
You can ask for a specific genre, otherwise I'll probably write angst
You can give prompts or ask for an AU, but just be clear about it.
No manga spoilers
Anything I write will most likely get posted to my Ao3 account, KirishiMAN.
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bnhaideabullshit · 6 years
Sero is Spiderman cousin pass it on
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