Ikameshi (Japan)
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  - medium squids or small squids (more works to do with small squids)
-1 cup glutinous rice
-2 cup dashi (katsuo+kombu) 
-2 tbsp soy sauce
-2 tbsp mirin
-1 tbsp sake
for the sauce:
-2-3 cup dashi (katsuo+kombu)
-4 tbsp soy sauce
-4 tbsp mirin
-2 tbsp sake
-1 tbsp sugar
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  1. Clean the rice until water are transparent and let soak in water for 30 minutes.
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  2. Then prepare the squids. Remove the head. Remove eyes and beak from the head. Cut the beginning of the tentacles.
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  3. Clean up well the body and remove the cartilage. Wash well the head and body of the squid. 
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4. Chop fine the beginning of the tentacles and reserve dem until the next step is done.
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5. In a pan bring to a boil the soy sauce, mirin and sake.
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  6. Add the dashi stock and the tentacles, and bring to a boil again. Remove the pan out of the fire and let cool a few minutes.
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7. Remove water from the rice and drain well. 
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  8. Then add the sauce to the rice and let soak for 30 minutes.
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9. After dat, you can stuff the squids with rice. ( Don't stuff too much, appr. 70% cause the rice get bigger when its cooking). Replace the head and fasten with tootpick.
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  10. Repeat the operation with all the squids and reserve dem.
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11. In a pan, add the dashi stock with mirin, sake and soysauce. Add also a tablespoon of sugar and bring to a boil.
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12. Put all the squid in the pan and simmer gently for 30 minutes. Turn the squids and remove foam from time to time.
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13. Cover with an aluminium sheet.
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14. The ikameshi are ready when the rice is cooking and the squid are brown.
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15. Then you can turn the fire to the maximum for a few minutes haffi reduce the sauce. And you can turn and turn the squid in the sticky sauce, and serve!
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16. You can eat your ikameshi with a few spring onions and with a cold glass of beer fi sure!!
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Misoshiru (Japan)
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-1 liter dashi stock (katsuo and kombu)
-Mushroom ( shiitake, jews ear and black trumpet )
-Miso paste (shiromiso)
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  1. First let soak the dried mushroom in water for more dan an hour.
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  2. 1 hour later, you can cut the tofu.
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3. Chop also the mushrooms.
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4. Add water in a pan, appr. 1 liter. Then add the katsuodashi and kombudashi. 
5. Bring to a boil
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  6. Add the tofu, the mushroom and the vegetables, let cook for 10 minutes.
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7. Put the miso paste in a bowl.
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8. Laddle with the stock.
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  9. Mix well the miso with the stock.
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  10. Add the miso to the soup and mix well.
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  11. Serve immediately and taste this typical traditional japanese soup :) 
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Yukhoe (Korea)
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-200g beef steak or filet
-1/2 nashi or small pear
-6-8 lettuce leaves
-lemon juice
-1 eggyolk
- 1 1/2 tbsp sugar
- 1 tbsp sesame oil
- 1 1/4 tsp soy sauce
- 2 smashed garlic cloves
- 1/2 tsp pepper
- 1 1/4 tsp sesame seed
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1. In a bowl prepare the sauce, add the garlic, pepper, sesame seed and sugar.
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2. Add the sesame oil and soy sauce and mix well.
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3. Sauce is ready. Then you can prepare the meat.
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4. Chop several time the beef until you have a very small parts.
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  5. Then mix the meat with the sesame sauce.
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6. Slice thinly the pear and pour a few lemon juice on it.
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  7. Dispose the lettuce leaves in a plate.
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8. Add the sliced pear on the leaves.
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9. Then add the meat mixture on the plate and put the eggyolk on it. And enjoy this typical raw korean menu! 
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Kitfo (Ethiopia)
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-200g beefsteak or filet
-1 small onion
-2 garlic cloves chopped
-ground ginger
-lemon juice
-Nitir kebe *see recipe below
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1. First, prepare the nitir kebe, a clarify spiced butter. Mix all this ingredients together and let marinade for a few minutes and then passe the liquid to a strainer.
-300g salted butter
-1/4 tsp ground cardamom
-1/4 tsp ground fenugreek
-1/4 tsp ground cumin
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2. Prepare the rest of the ingredients and reserve in a bowl; chopped garlic and onion, ground ginger and mitmita.
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  3. Chop the beef several times until you have a fine meat.
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  4. Then add the meat to the ingredients and mix well.
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5. Salt, pepper and lemon juice fi taste.
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6. Then add the nitir kebe to the mixture.
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  7. Serve in a bowl and taste this ethiopian steak tartare with cottage cheese and injera. enjoy! 
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Hitsumabushi (Japan)
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1 Roasted eel / Unagi kabayaki
4dl hot water
8g kombudashi
3g katsuodashi
1 tbsp sake
few drops of soy sauce
1/3 tsp salt
2 tbsp mirin
1 tbsp sake
2 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp honey
sichuan pepper (ground)
spring onions
nori flakes
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1. Make the dashi stock; add water in a small pan with the both dashi, kombu and katsuo.bring to a boil and stir well.
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2. Add the sake, the salt and a few drops of soy sauce. Bring again to a boil.
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3. Let cool the dashi stock and reserve it in a teapot. Keep it warm til the service.
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4. Prepare the unagi sauce; bring gently to a boil the sake and mirin haffi remove the alcool.
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  5. Then add the soy sauce and the honey. Stir well.
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6. Bring to a boil and reserve the sauce aside.
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7. Heat the eel in the oven on each side. Brush the eel with sake several times to keep it tender.
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8. Cut the eel in a 2cm part and reserve it.
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9. In a large bowl put the fresh steamed rice and put the unagi sauce on the rice.
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  10. Then put the sliced eel on the rice.
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  11. Now, prepare the three different portion. Put in a small bowl a part of rice with sauce and the roasted eel.
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12. In the FIRST bowl, add ground sichuan pepper on it.
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13. In the SECOND bowl, add the spring onions, nori flakes and wasabi.
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14. In the THIRD bowl, add the spring onions, nori flakes and wasabi and laddle with the hot dashi stock.
15. Ready, you can eat 3 different way the taste the unagi in one menu. Itadakimasu!!
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Katsudon (Japan)
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1 pork loin , 1-2cm thick
1/4 egg + water
bread crumbs (panko)
50ml water
1/5 tbsp katsuodashi
1 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp mirin
1 tbsp sugar
1 big onion
1 egg
mitsuba or parsley or spring onions
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1. Cut along the fat and pound the pork to mek it tender.
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2. Salt and pepper.
3. Prepare 3 bowl, one with flour, the second with 1/4 egg + few water and the third with panko. 
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3. Deep the pork in the flour, then in the egg mixture and finally in the panko.
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4. Heat the oil inna large pan to 180+C.
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5. Fry the tonkatsu until golden browl.
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6. Set aside on a paper towel.
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7. Cut the tonkatsu in a 1-2cm pieces and reserve it.
8. Prepare the sauce. Add in a pan the water, the dashi, soy sauce, mirin and sugar. stir well and add the onions.
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9. Bring to a boil and cook until onions tender.
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  10. In a small bowl, beat the egg.
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11. Add the cutted tonkatsu on the sauce.
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12. Add the beaten egg on the tonkatsu and sprinkle mitsuba on it. Cover and cook for a 20-30 seconds.
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13. Prepare a bowl with fresh steamed rice.
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14. Serve the tonkatsu on the bowl of rice. Enjoy this flavour balanced of sweetness and saltiness! 
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Chamchi Kimchi Jjigae (Korea)
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250g kimchi
100g canned tuna
100g tofu
350ml chicken stock
1tbsp sesame oil
4 garlic cloves
50-100g scallions
1tbsp chili powder
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1. Cut the kimchi in 3-4cm pieces. Cut the scallions and the tofu inna small pieces.
2. Chop the garlic cloves into small pieces.
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3. Add sesame oil inna large pan and cook the kimchi a few minutes.
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4. Add the chicken broth and bring to a boil.
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  5. Add the tuna and tofu and cook for 5 minutes.
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6. Add the scallions. Cover the pan and bring to a boil one more time. then, cook the soup 5 minutes more.
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7. Add the chili and the fresh garlic. Salt fi taste.
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8. And you can serve this typical kimchi soup!
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Crosnes with garlic butter (Japan)
INGREDIENTS: 500g-1kg crosnes
1 tbsp vegetable oil
4 garlic cloves
20g butter
2-3 chinese cabbage leaves
pepper parsley
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1.Gently brush the crosnes, haffi remove any dirts. Place crosnes in a towel with salt; rub between your hands and rinse.
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2. Add the chinese cabbage in water and bring to a boil.
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3. Add a steamer basket on it and put the crosnes in the basket. Cover and simmer for 5-8 minutes.
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4. Heat the oil and add the garlic finely chopped.
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5. Add the crosnes and salt / pepper fi taste.
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6.Add the butter and cook for 2-3 minutes until crosnes tender.
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7. Add the chopped parsley and stir well.
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8. Cook for another minutes haffi mix all the flavour.
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  9.Then you can serve the crosnes on a bowl of fresh steamed rice. 
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Green curry paste (Thailand)
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- 10 garlic cloves
- 10 kaffir lime leaves / combava
- 2 large lemongrass
- piece of ginger (2inch)
- 1 small pieces of turmeric
- 5 large pieces of galangal (2inch each)
- 5 shallots
- 10 green peppers
- fresh coriander
- 1tsp of glutamate
- 1tsp of salt
- 1tsp of ground cumin
- 1tsp of ground pepper
- 1tbsp of ground coriander seed
- 2 tsp of shrimp paste
- spirulina seaweed
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1. Be organized. prepare and chop all the ingredients.
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2. Start by pounding the garlic in a mortar.
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3. Then add the galangal.
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4. Add the lemongrass and pound well.
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5. Add ginger and turmeric and pound more.
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6. Add the shallots, pulverize all of this together.
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7. Add salt, glutamate, fresh coriander and kaffir lime leaves. Pound it well.
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8. Add ground cumin, ground coriander seed and ground pepper. Pound more.
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9. Add the green chiles and pound one more time.
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10. Add shrimp paste and spirulina...mix well.
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12. And your green curry paste is ready....haffi cook with few vegetable oil and coconut cream. yummy!
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Bún măng gà (Vietnam)
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-chicken broth
-4 yellow onions
-2 shallot
-1 chunk ginger
-1/4 cup of canola oil
-rock sugar
-2 tsp of mushroom seasoning salt
-black pepper
- Bún / rice noodle
-1 whole chicken
-dried bamboo shoots
-bean sprout
-red bird chiles
-green onions
-fish sauce
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1. Let soak the dried bamboo shoots for a night in a bowl of water.
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2. Then cook bun in boiling water until al dente (3 to 4 minutes), drained, and flushed with cold water.
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3. Fry 3 onions and shallots in canola oil, stir well fi prevent the onions from burning. When dem golden brown, set aside in a bowl.
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4. In a large pan add 4-5 liter of water, the sliced ginger, fried onions and shallot and the whole chicken. Bring to a boil. Cook for 10-12 minutes.
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5. Remove the chicken and make several diagonal incisions throughout the flesh.
6. Place the chicken back to the broth.
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7. Add the whole onion, mushroom seasoning salt and sugar rock ( 8-10 chunks ) to the broth. Simmer for 30 minutes more until the whole onion is soft and tender.
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8. Sprinkle ground black pepper fi taste and add a few chicken stock powder.
9. After 30 minutes of cooking, salt fi taste. And cook for anoda 10 minutes.
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10. Remove the chicken and shred the meat. Reserve into a bowl.
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11. Replace bones and skin to the stock and cook for 1-2 hours.
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12. Then remove the bamboo shoot out the water  and cook them in a pan with a quart of the broth. Cook until tender ( appr. 1-2 hours )
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13. Slice the bamboo shoots when dem ready.
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14. Then prepare the garnishes. Add the sliced chili pepper with fish sauce...
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15. Add noodle into the bowls, top each bowl with sliced bamboo shoots and chicken.
16. Ladle about 2 cups broth into each bowl, distributing the hot liquid evenly to warm all the ingredients. Serve immediately with the garnishes.
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17. Enjoy this typical chicken soup!
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Yellow curry paste (Thailand)
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- 10 garlic cloves
- 10 kaffir lime leaves / combava
- 3 lemongrass
- piece of ginger (2inch)
- 4 small pieces of turmeric
- 4 large pieces of galangal (2inch each)
- 5 shallots
- 4 red chilli peppers
- 1tsp of glutamate
- 1tsp of salt
- 1tsp of ground cumin
- 1tsp of ground pepper
- 1tbsp of ground coriander seed
- 1 tsp of shrimp paste
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1. Be organized. prepare and chop all the ingredients.
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2. Start by pounding the garlic in a mortar.
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3. Then add the lemongrass.
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4. Add the shallot and pound well.
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5. Add galangal and pound well.
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6. Add the ginger and the turmeric, pulverize all of this together.
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7. Add salt, glutamate, ground cumin, ground coriander seed and pepper. Pound more.
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8. Add the kaffir lime leaves and pound it well.
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9. Add the red chili pepper and pound it more.
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10. Add tomatoes puree...
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  11. ...and shrimp paste.
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12. And your yellow curry paste is ready....haffi cook with few vegetable oil and coconut cream. yummy!
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Stuffed capon with fried potatoes (France)
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-1 capon leg
-500g potatoes cubes
-3dl of chicken stock
-2dl of white wine
-2 large onions
-7 shiitake
-100g Foie gras
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1. First, remove bones from the capon leg.
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2. Stuff the capon with 2 chopped shiitake and with the foie gras. Close the leg with string or toothpick.
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3. Add butter to a friying pan and add onions and stuffed capon. Salt and pepper each side fi taste.
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4. Color the capon a few minutes.
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5. Add white wine fi deglaze.
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6. Add the chicken stock and let cook covered for 40 minutes.
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7. Prepare the side dish with potatoes.chopped parsley and shiitake.
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8. In a frying pan, roast potatoes. Add salt and pepper fi taste.
9. Then when the capon is ready, you can serve with the potatoes/mushrooms
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10. Enjoy it!
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French King cake / Galette des Rois (France)
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-2 puff pastry discs d=30cm
-150g almond powder
-75g sugar
-1 egg
-50g soft butter
-1 egg yolk for the gilt
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  1. Add soft butter to the powder (almond and sugar)
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2. Add one egg and mix well.
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3. Add the mixture on the first pastry disc.
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4. Put beaten yellow yolk around the disc.
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  5. Close the cake with the second pastry disc and stick well the edge with a fork.
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6. Add more yellow yolk on the cake for the gilt.
7. Put the King cake in the preheated oven (210°C) for 30 minutes.
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8. Then...tell mi who will be the king?
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Salted Tatin pie with sweet pepper (Europe)
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-500g of sweet pepper
-1 puff pastry ø28cm
-100g grated cheese
-2 garlic cloves
-4 shallots
-1/2 tbsp butter
-1 tbsp white wine
-1 tbsp sugar
-salt and pepper
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1. Prepare the ingredients; chop fine garlic and shallot and chop sweet pepper in a large piece (5mm to 1cm)
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2. In a large pan, bring to the boil wine with the sugar haffi mek a nice caramel
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3. Add the butter, chopped garlic and shallot and stir well.
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4. Add the sweet pepper. Salt and pepper fi taste.
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5. Cover the pan and let cook for 3 minutes.
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6. Remove the cover and let cook for 2 minutes more. Until the liquid become syrupy.
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7. Fill a cake tin with the mixture.
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8. Add the grated cheese.
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9. Cover with the puff pastry.
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10. In the preheated oven ( 220°C) cook the pie for 20 minutes in the middle of the oven.
11. Then turn out of the tin in a large plate.
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12. And its ready fi taste a new version of a salted Tatin pie. Serve lukewarm.
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Royal Pigeon roasted with garlic (France)
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-2 royal pigeon (appr. 2x 500g)
-50g butter
-2 entire fresh garlic, or 20 garlic cloves
-10cl chicken stock
-50g foie gras
-2 tbsp cognac
1. Preheat the oven thermostat 200°C.
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2. Remove the livers from the pigeons and reserve it with the foie gras.
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3. In a cookware (ok for oven) cook fast the pigeon until golden with the butter.
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4. Add the garlic cloves and add salt and pepper to the pigeons fi taste.
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5. Add a few chicken stock and put the cookware in oven for 20 minutes. Continue to water the pigeons regularly with the stock.
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6. Remove the pigeons out of the cookware and reserve dem.
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7. Remove with a slotted spoon half of the garlic and mash dem until you have a smooth purée.
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8. Put the cookware at high heat again and cook a few minute the foie gras and the pigeon livers. Deglaze with cognac. Remove dem and reserve dem.
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9. Add the garlic purée and stir well.
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10. Add the pigeons to the sauce and warm dem up.
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11. Serve the pigeon with entire cooked garlic cloves, liver and foie gras. Add the garlic sauce on dem. Serve with french fries or with season vegetables.
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Terrine of foie gras (France)
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-1 entire duck foie gras ( appr. 600g)
-1 tbsp white porto
-1 tbsp cognac
-1 tsp vinegar
-1 tsp sugar
-1 tsp fleur de sel
-1/2 tsp pepper
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1. Separate the two lobes of foie gras haffi denerved dem properly. Its important that the foie gras are in the ambiant temperature!
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2. Remove the blood vessels of foie gras.
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3. Let soak the denerved foie gras in a bowl of water with lot of ice cube and a tablespoon of salt haffi remove all the blood and clean up the foie gras.
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4. Dry the foie gras with a paper towel.
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5. In a large plate, add the marinade ingredients to the foie gras; salt, pepper, sugar, vinegar, white porto and cognac.
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6. Cover the plate with a plastic film and let marinate for a night in the fridge.
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7. After a night in the fridge, let the foie gras return to the ambiant temperature before to cook it, minimum 2 hours.
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8. Then cover your plate with a plastic film specially for the oven.
9. Cook in the preheated oven your plate for 25 minutes at 95°C.
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10. Then you can remove the plastic film.
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11. Then you can fill the terrine with a slotted spoon fi remove the duck fat and marinade.
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12. Put over each terrine a parchment paper for baking with a weight on it and reserve the terrine in a fridge until dem cold.
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13. Filter the rest of the marinade with a small colander to keep only the duck fat.
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14. Take the terrine out of the fridge, remove the paper and add a cover of duck fat on each terrine to preserve dem.
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15. Cover the terrine with a cover or with aluminium foil and let dem in the fridge for 4-5 days before dem ready fi eat.
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16. Voilà! you can slice the foie gras and savor it with fresh bread, toast or whatever you want! yum!
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Perch fillet with morels (Europe)
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-400-500g perch fillets
-20g dried morels
-1 cup of rice
-1 tsp white flour
-1dl white wine
-1/4l cream
-3 shallots
-2 garlic cloves
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1. Let soak dried morels into a large metal bowl with milk for 2 hours.
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2. Chop fine the shallots and garlic. Cut into a large piece the morels.
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3. Into a large pan, fry chopped shallot and garlic in the butter.
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4. Add the morels and stir it well.
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5. Add the flour and stir.
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6.Deglaze with the white wine.
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7.Add the fresh cream.
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8. Let cook for a few minutes and reserve the sauce.
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9. Cook the rice and prepare the perch fillets until the rice's cooking.
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10. Add salt and pepper fi taste the fillets.
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11. Then, fry the fillets in a large pan on the skin side first.
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12. Turn dem and cook for 2 minutes more.
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13. And when fillets ready, serve dem with the morels sauce and enjoy your land & sea meal!
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