beanqueenwrites · 10 months
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Don’t mind me-! Just- writing another BKDK 🥹!!
“A Backwards Isekai”
Where a samurai with amazing swordsmanship and blazing power from the Edo period, reincarnated into the modern world.
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beanqueenwrites · 1 year
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beanqueenwrites · 1 year
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Izuku caught sleeping in Katsukis bed~
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beanqueenwrites · 1 year
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Mihoyo needs to add a short haired skin for us to equip on this beautiful man-child 😭😭
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beanqueenwrites · 1 year
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Related to a fic I’m working on!! 😋
BKDK of course 😉😉
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beanqueenwrites · 1 year
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“All I can think about is master diluc~” 😮‍💨👌
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beanqueenwrites · 2 years
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Tighnari looking fine as always 😌
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beanqueenwrites · 2 years
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So… I had this idea.
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And, to be completely honest, I was craving for my hand to draw something “creepy” again because it’s been MONTHS since I’ve indulged myself.
Devilman crybaby was just the perfect candadate for this to be acceptable 😍.
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Miki makimura and Akira Fudo helped me release my artistic urge 🥺🥺🥺
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beanqueenwrites · 2 years
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A… future BKDK story I’d like to write out 😉.
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beanqueenwrites · 2 years
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Yes Izuku, I do.
From “Ace of Spades” on wattpad and Ao3!
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beanqueenwrites · 2 years
Etc = End of Thinking Capacity
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beanqueenwrites · 2 years
Very angst BKDK: short fic.
The One Thing We Never Were
Izuku finally claims his second only victory sparring against Katsukis, a proud smile on his face as he sees Katsuki simply breathing on the floor in heavy pants, wiping the sweat off his face before his arm flops over. Izuku is grinning to himself, pumping his fist before he’s flexing his gloved hand to find that it wasn’t straining, just sore from all the punches he threw and took on it. He goes towards Katsuki to share his accomplishments, standing a few feet away from him with a little hop to his step. Katsuki looks his way at the movement at the corner of his eye but quickly goes to look up towards the ceiling of the gym in seeing Izuku approach him with a groan.
“I did it! I finally have full control of all of the users quirks.” Izuku says excitedly, fists at his sides as they shake up and down in happiness with a tired smile on his face. Katsuki tuts at the remark as if he had found it funny before he’s getting back up on his feet but says nothing more. Izukus posture falters a little as his eyes follow katsukis movements, realizing that the laugh that came from him had a hidden insult or disbelief.
“What?” He asks tentatively, red eyes snapping at him at his voice. “I-I know I took a lot of your time today for all this, but I am grateful for it! It’s because of you I mastered One For All and the rest of its quirks!” Izuku goes to compliment, thinking that maybe Katsukis loss of the battle, even though it was more like training, was taken personally.
Katsuki sneers tho as he finally stands, leaning back as he sways, cooking his head to the side as he pokets his hands in the blue gym pants.
“Yea, you’d be nothing if I weren’t here training your ass off from that quirk since the one who gave it to you can’t do it himself.” He says and izukus smile is completely gone, disappeared as his hands drop to his sides as he looks down. But, he doesn’t clench a fist or furrow his brows, he simply goes slack at the words that came from Katsukis mouth. So foul and filled with I’ll intentions.
“Just because you’ve finally learned how your damn quirk works, doesn’t mean you’ll be above me in any way. Just know, no quirk or a hundred, I’ll make sure you’ll never get to first place.” Katsuki adds and Izuku breaths a small huff through his nose as he looks at him, standing tall and confident.
“Where’s this coming from, kacchan?” Izuku asks. “We were just training… It didn’t mean anything except for me to get better at controlling my quirk.” Izuku gestures behind him to the middle of the large gym. Katsuki decides then to cross his arms to nod with a lick to his teeth.
“I’m telling you what I always do; that I will be at the top.”
“You say it like your trying to make sure I’ll never be able to have a chance-“
“Oh, you’ve had a damn chance!” Katsuki interrupts with a laugh. “You’ve had a chance. You were born with a hellish dream stuck in that damn skull of yours that would’ve never came true if it weren’t for that damn quirk you have!” Katsuki mocks and Izuku feels anger bubble up inside him at the implication of Katsukis words. About how he, a quirkless little boy, wanted to be a hero because they were the coolest thing to be and now Katsuki is practically shitting on him for the absurdity of such a though.
“You wanted to be a hero too.” Izuku states firmly, stating the facts and Katsuki nods as he leans forewords with his arms still crossed.
“Yea!” Katsuki says like it was an obvious thing. “But I wasn’t delusional enough to think that I would be able to make it without a quirk. I knew my future and that’s to be at the top because I had the power to do it, no excuses. I’ve had my whole life, deku— my whole life. And I’d be damned if you were the one to mess that up.” Katsuki shouts with enthusiasm as he throws his arms up in the air before pointing at the greenette standing a few feet away. Izuku is the one to scout, looking at the man like he was being hysterical, cocked brow with a questioning sneer pulling at his lip.
“So, what? The years when I was quirkless we’re just supposed to mean nothing to me? As if those 14 years of my life— dreaming of being a hero just like you— don’t count? Are you being serious right now?!” Izuku shouts, confused and upset about all that’s going down. Katsuki doesn’t seem like he’s having much fun, but he was definetly wanting to prove a point. What exacly it was, was a mystery Izuku didn’t want to find out.
“Because you got a fucking quirk, you numbskull!! Do you know how lucky you are?! The chances of the one person in the whole world, part of the 20% that doesn’t have a quirk that, even then, is a wannabe-fucking-hero gets to meet the number one of Japan.” A pause. “I was able to see my fucking future because I knew I could achieve it. But yours was a dream and because of it, it would be impossible for you to make it come true. It’s called a dream for a reason, you were just in the right place at the right time to make it close to possible.” Katsukis ranted out, panting from the earlier exercise.
Izuku seems he’s close to bursting in anger and sadness from those words, because he knows it isn’t how it is. He doesn’t know Izukus life, he didn’t live to be quirkless and in instances like these, Izuku wished he did. Even for just a day would satisfy him, push the guilt away and tell Katsuki “yea. That’s what it feels like, but are you going to give up?” It’s selfish and extremely immoral of him for wishing such things, but he’s only human, no matter how unique he was in comparison to the world of quirks. But, all he can do now, is laugh. Shoulders shaking as his lips wobble into a looped smile and chin raised high to hide his oncoming tears.
“You know, you’re an amazing partner when it comes to hero work, whether it’s training or your beating my ass to the ground when sparring. But even then, anything I do— anyone does!— you just find a WAY to- to make sure no one reaches your level of supremacy.” Izuku wipes his eyes with a watered laugh.
“And you know what? I finally get to have the freedom to tell you that you’re a real bad friend, kacchan. I just-“ he laughs again with absurdity as he looks to the side as if someone were there before turning back. “I just don’t think I’m going to be able to keep up with you anymore. Not like this.” He shakes his head as he looks at the blond, who looks like he’s about to just about ready to go for another session of sparring. He looks menacing with that look, so open and expressive, but not in the least bit guilty for Izukus words. Not like he had hoped for.
“Oh, so now we’re going to play the blame game eh? Is this what it’s come to, deku? Really? Are you accusing me for the shit life that you had because you were damn jealous of what others had? That’s a real low blow for the next ‘symbol of peace’ ain’t it!” Katsuki mocked, yelling as he finished.
“It’s not- I’m not jelous.”
“Well, then, you sure are a fucking hypocrite for telling me off for the shit you assume I did to you when I didn’t lay a fucking finger on you all these years, and then go off and say all of the things that I’m supposed to be. You have no right to come to me, spew shit and accusing me for it, and then go cry yourself to sleep because that’s the one thing that never really changed, didnt it?” Katsuki yells, echoing through the gym.
“You always tried to one up me but this is low, even for you deku.” He laughs with forced effort because even though he doesn’t care, the tension in the room just keeps rising. But like hell he’s going to stop.
“It’s pathetic” he all but spits. “And desperate for a someone who got everything he ever wished for with a snap of a finger. I worked for this. I worked to get into this school and prepared for it my whole god damn life! I didn’t dream, I did! I worked from when I first got my fucking quirk all the way up to today so yea, it’s gonna piss me off that all of a sudden All Might little trainee decides to come to me to become number one hero. And I do my god damn best but you’re being fucking insufferable deku but, I gotta ask cuz this conversation is going fucking nowhere…” He laughs and point a finger at his, shaking it in the air a few times.
“When we’re we ever friends?”
Just pure angst.
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beanqueenwrites · 2 years
All might be flexin’
No, I’m serious.
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Is that why he sounds constipated in his buff form?
Also, doesn’t the kid look like Astro boy? 👀
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beanqueenwrites · 2 years
“Ace of spades” BKDK fantasy AU maps!
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When the lands were still new and civilization was dwindled.
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After the great separation, lands expanded and broke apart. Centuries pass before the population grows again.
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And then here’s the full map.
Rulers throughout The realm of Wonders! -Barbarian Empire: Emperor Masaru Bakugou and Empress Mitsuki Bakugou with king Katsuki Bakugou as the incoming ruler.  -Hearthstone Kingdom: King Enji Todoroki and Queen Rei Himura-Todoroki with their two sons and one bastard daughter, the oldest taking elad as eldest and future ruler Natsuo Todoroki.  -Creatorian Kingdom: Queen (first name) Yaoyorozu with her daughter Princess Momo Yaoyorozu. Temporary standing as regent when her mother fell ill.  -Rumerian Kingdom: (kind of like Lemillion) King Mirio Togata and Queen Nejire Hadou from the manifaston Kingdom. -Manifaston Kingdom:  Queen Nejire Hadou and King Mirio Togata from the Rumerion Kingdom. -Glamerian Dynasty: (kind of like Camies Glamour quirk) The Utsushimi Family
"Ace of Spades” on Ao3 <-- click
“Ace of Spades” on Wattpad <-- click
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beanqueenwrites · 2 years
I’ve discovered glow art 😌. It’s surprisingly therapeutic.
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beanqueenwrites · 2 years
Katsukis hero name is actually pretty interesting.
So, I noticed something a few days ago when reading a panel on the mha manga, specifically chapter 347 where Mirko come in the picture. Of course, she messes up the name, calling him ‘Dynamighty’ (which is actually kinda cute not gonna lie) and Katsuki goes to correct her.
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Great Explosion murder God: Dynamight.
A little difference, but it kinda changes how you read it and how you interpret the name.
Yes, he’s basically jumbling names that his ego feeds him into his hero name, while also spelling dynamite differently for his not-so-subtle admiration for All Might.
BUT! It’s not just a bunch of words, it’s a description (of how big his ego is really). And all because of those little dots —> :
Allow me to explain.
Let’s look at some mythology, from any culture, but let’s look at the gods. We can use a Japanese god.
Japanese god of war and fortune: Bishamonten
Japanese got of luck and longevity: Fukurokuju
First come the description of the god and then the gods name. You don’t just read it as one continuous thing. And that’s exacly what Katsuki did.
“Great Explosion Murder God: Dynamight” or in other words: “Japanese God of Explosion and Murder: Dynamight.”
Egotistic, but actually quite creative! To think Izuku was the one that wanted to have all Mights name in his hero name only to have Katsuki do it himself just gives light how much the dude loves the number one hero.
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beanqueenwrites · 2 years
BKDK Hybrid AU: “The veterans Bunny Boy”
Future fic: in writing
Concept: Reding Dyslexic Hybrids
Story: homeless bun Izu meets angry veteran Kat after dumpster diving for food.
Summary: In the 24 years of his life, Izuku has lived off food found in newly dumped trash, stale breads and baked goods that were given to them from behind a bake shop and sleeping in alleys and open and private spaces with others like them; homeless and hungry. Things change when a little girl gets friendly with him when she visits to the park and catches her heart when he suffers from what was supposed to be a simple cold.
Where Izuku is a homeless Hybrid with not a single chance in life and Katsuki is forced to recruit him into the family after his daughter begged him to do so.
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Here’s some art to go with it 😗
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