aro04-blog · 4 years
Let’s go out for a walk!” Darla suggests. “It’s cool out. There's no one around the streets. We haven’t seen each other in almost a month!” She just kept insisting, and I couldn’t say no to her. She always gets her way, one way or another. I couldn’t complain though, It really has been a month since I last saw her, but it feels like it’s been a year.
Tonight was a beautiful Saturday night. Many stars were out, the sky was dark, the temperature was perfect. It rained about two hours ago. You could still smell the scent rain leaves behind. The smell it makes when it lands on the cement.
To me, the smell was like the scent of a rose. You can hear noise the insects make at night. Crickets are out, making sounds. Cricket… Cricket… You can hear dogs barking at the cars that are passing by. You can hear the leaves rustling as the wind passed by. This night was amazing. Gorgeous some would say. This night was like a dream. Something I want to last forever.
We walked for an hour. Maybe more, maybe less, but it felt like forever to me.
Nothing really mattered to me right now, and I didn’t care about anything either. This is the moment we all forget about our problems, forget about the things that make you upset, This is the night you forget about everything that’s bringing you down. You focus on what’s happening at that exact moment. You focus on the positive things in your life. This is that type of night you just really, really, forget about everything.
Cars passed by, nothing suspicious really. There were people going home from work. We’ve been walking for over two hours. Nothing was stopping us. Everything we missed out on, we caught up on. There wasn’t anything left to tell so it was just us walking around the neighborhood. The temperature going down, making it chilly outside. It’s like, it was Darla and I, against the whole world. We’ve been best friends since diapers. Our moms knew each other for over ten years. We were practically sisters, and nothing could come between us.
We were by one of the main streets, and out of nowhere, Darla just started running. Sprinting. I was confused, as would other people. She hates being active, and if there’s anything she hates most, it’s running. My instant reaction was to run after her. I ran and ran but I still couldn’t catch up to her. My phone fell while running, it wasn’t important, or so I thought. The only important thing at this moment was the running. The damn running. I’m not fit for this stuff, I haven't been exercising at all. My back started hurting as I started to jog.
There was this sound that filled the night, something so terrifying. A noise that I’ve heard before back when I was still a little kid. A gunshot. We didn’t know where that sound came from. I stood still and looked around, I noticed that Darla had stopped running when it went off. I glanced at her and she was also looking around. Her face also showed a shocked emotion.
“Darla!” I called out.
She started to turn around, but as she was turning around, another gunshot went off. I screamed. The gun sounded so much closer than before and I still couldn't figure out where it was coming from.
What is going on, I thought to myself. Darla was just standing there, emotionless. She just looked at me with no emotion at all.
“Marissa” she whispered. “Phone...in...pocket.” Darla collapsed. What did I do? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I just stood there for a minute and then hit me. She was shot and it wasn’t an accident. Darla just got murdered, right in front of my eyes. I screamed for help. My voice echoed throughout the neighborhood. I screamed as I cried and didn't even think to call the cops. My best friend just got killed in front of me and I don't even know who it was.
All the crying was making me feel lightheaded and my head started to spin. Everything was going blurry and all I could see were black spots. It’s like when you stand up too fast. My whole body was shaking and I just remember everything going black.
I ended up waking up in the hospital that day. I remember my whole family being there and so were Darla’s parents. They stood there with tear stains on their faces. Their hearts were probably broken due to their daughter being dead. Many things were running through my head and I know things were going through their head too.
“I’m so sorry Mr. and Mrs. Garcia,” I started. “I didn’t think this would happen. We were being so careful. We shouldn’t have went on that walk, this is my fault.” By the time I was finished speaking, I noticed my parents had left the room. This was the time for me to apologize. But my apologizing wasn’t going to bring back their daughter. Nothing I could do would bring her back.
How could I have caused this? Why would I do something like this? I’m not a murderer. I didn’t mean to get her killed.
Her parents just stared at me nodding their heads before her father spoke up. “Sweetie, this is not your fault. This happens, and unfortunately, it happened to Darla. We both love you and this is not your fault.”
Though his words comforted me, I still felt guilty and felt horrible about it.
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aro04-blog · 4 years
december 27, 2019
why does she seem to do that ,
one doesn’t really know .
though it doesn’t harm her ,
it still affects me .
i dont really know how i feel about this ,
maybe i need to leave .
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