spideytoo · 1 year
Closed Starter for: @ohthegwensgs
Location: Rooftop in Manhattan
Time: 7:47 PM
Miles couldn’t remember the last time that he had swung with this much urgency across the city, though he had to imagine that it had probably involved the pursuit of a rampaging supervillain causing millions of dollars in property damage, and that his stress and anxiety levels had been at an all time high. But this? This was pure excitement, unbridled elation at the thought that he would get to see her again. Okay, so there was admittedly a little bit of anxiety too, but wasn’t that a natural thing to feel when it came to reuniting with a friend that you hadn’t seen in quite awhile? Maybe, but what about the fluttering in the pit of his stomach? Suddenly he found himself coming to a stop atop one of New York’s many buildings, feeling a bit unsure of himself. Maybe today wasn’t the best day for this. Maybe he would be better off to take some time to mentally prepare himself before having this reunion. He was already taking a few steps towards the edge of the roof to leap off and swing back towards Brooklyn, when he heard the sound of a pair of feet landing upon the rooftop and felt a familiar buzzing sensation in his head.
It was too late to turn back now.
Taking a deep, bracing breath, Miles spun around and found himself facing just who he had expected. “Gwen!” His legs automatically carried him forward to close the gap between them whilst he removed his mask from his face, and while there was certainly still a fluttering in his belly, he almost automatically relaxed and fell into a feeling of comfort as he entered her presence. “We uh, we gotta stop bumping into each other in different universes like this! People are gonna start to talk.” He joked lightly though he inwardly cringed at himself a bit and sighed before adding. “It’s really, really good to see you, Gwen.”
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spideytoo · 1 year
If there was one thing that Miles was sure of, it was that after spending the past several nights in failed pursuit of Brooklyn’s mysterious master thief rather than sleeping, there was no way that he would make it through the day ahead of him, a day that was full of art history lectures, without getting some coffee in him ASAP. He had no doubt that were he to remove his mask from his face, his eyes would have heavy bags beneath them; which incidentally, was exactly why he'd decided to wear his costume into the cafe to begin with. After walking up to the counter, placing his order, and collecting his drink, all while doing his best to ignore the strange looks from the barista, Miles drifted to the back of the shop automatically, intent on finding a table far removed from the gaze of others where he could hopefully consume his drink before he ended up passing out right there in the middle of the coffee shop. To his surprise, however, he found that the table he’d intended on taking refuge at was already occupied; and he couldn’t help but think that it’s present occupant had likely sought it out for similar reasons to his own. He hadn’t even realized that he’d been staring until the man spoke to him, snapping him out of his trance. “Huh? Oh. Uh, no I didn’t…I mean I wasn’t….Sorry.” Miles said quickly, immediately feeling bad for how he'd stared at the man. “I wasn’t actually afraid, though. I was just…I came back here because… well, honestly, because I didn’t want anyone staring at me. I guess you probably know the feeling.” He added with a slight chuckle at the irony, whilst he took a seat at one of the neighbouring tables to where the man was sitting. “I’m Spider-Man, by the way. Well, I'm one of them.”
💥 𝐤𝐮𝐫𝐭 𝐱 open
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kurt was used to staring. he had learned to deal with it from a very young age; he was able to shrug off the judgemental stares, ignore the way people shuffled away from his direction, the quiet comments fell onto deaf ears. he had a love/hate relationship with winter time. long sleeves and pants made it easier to hide as much blue as possible while out in crowded places-- such as the coffee shop he was currently hanging around. he had found a quiet table towards the back. as he turned back, his shining yellow eyes caught the gaze of another person standing nearby.  ❝ 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝘀𝗶𝘁 𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲, 𝗯𝗲 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗮𝗳𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗱, ❞ he spoke, reaching for the coffee on the table in front of him,  ❝ 𝙞 𝙙𝙤 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙗𝙞𝙩𝙚... 𝙢𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚. ❞ 
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spideytoo · 1 year
« chance perdomo, 20, he/him, film » ∙∙ loading case file for miles morales. known aliases, if any: spider-man. current location: new york, new york. current occupation: art major at nyu. he has been known to be creative and rebellious, so proceed with caution. their current alliance: undecided.
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Alright, let's do this one last time. I've seriously lost track of how many times I've said that at this point but anyways...
My name is Miles Morales. I was bitten by a radioactive spider, and for the past six years I've been the one and only Spider-Man....
Well okay...Kind of. Actually, it's a little bit complicated...
See, I'm not actually from around here, and I'm not talking about New York, I'm talking about this universe. I don't actually know what Earth this is, but the Earth I'm from is 1610, and really, it's not all that different from here in most ways, but there is one pretty big difference, and that difference is what I was talking about earlier; there, I'm the one and only Spider-Man.
Again, kind of.
Because before I was bitten by a radioactive spider, there was another Spider-Man who protected New York. And just like here, the first man to put on the mask was named Peter Parker; unlike here though, Peter Parker actually seemed to have his life together. Like, imagine if Peter Parker looked and acted more like Johnny Storm and that's pretty much exactly what he was like. He was cool, he had good fashion sense, he-
I'm getting off track here...
Anyways, the Peter of my world, that's 1610 in case you'd forgotten, he died trying to stop The Kingpin from starting up this thing called a Super Collider, which would have totally and completely destroyed the multiverse probably. But before he died, Peter asked me to make sure that Kingpin's Collider was destroyed.
And that's when I became the one and only Spider-Man of Earth 1610!
Kind of?
Okay so here's the thing: When Kingpin used his collider, he ripped open a hole in the multiverse, and that hole brought several other Spider-People to my world. But that kind of worked out, because I was definitely not ready to be stopping Kingpin all by myself, and it was only because of them teaching me what it means to be Spider-Man, that I was able to do this:
And with their help, I was able to stop the Collider, defeat Kingpin, send them all back home, and finally become the one and only Spider-Man!
Well, until I ended up here, that is. I'm still trying to figure out how the heck that even happened.
It kinda seems like I somehow ended up switching places with the Miles Morales of this universe, who, just like me, is Spider-Man; unlike me though, he's only been Spider-Man for about a year, and he's not the only one in this universe. I've gotta admit, it's been a little bit weird getting used to being in the shoes of a different Miles Morales, and not really being able to tell anyone about it, but I'm doing the best that I can with it. The silver lining, if you can call it that, is that this isn't the first time I've been to a different dimension. So at least I'm not going into this totally blind? I've had some experience with the multiverse, which I guess is a lot more than pretty much anyone else can say.
Anyways, that's my story. Confused? Yeah... me too.
Tldr Version: My Miles Morales is the Miles from the Spider-Verse movies, who has been the Spider-Man of his dimension (Earth 1610) ever since the events of the first movie, which happened 6 years ago in his timeline. A few months ago though, he found himself in a different universe from his own, having somehow switched places with the Miles Morales of Earth 394, whose story and canon is derived from the Insomniac games Marvel's Spider-Man and Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales. He has no idea why this has happened, but with no clear way of getting home, all he can do is try to make the best of this incredibly weird situation.
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spideytoo · 1 year
What’s your favorite thing about being spider-man?
Aw man, that's a hard question. There are a lot of great parts about being Spider-Man. I mean yeah there are also a lot of crappy parts about being Spider-Man too, but that doesn't change the fact that there are so many things about it that are amazing. But the best part, I would have to say, is the last swing of the night, when the city is quiet, and you know you've done good and you've given help to people who otherwise might not have got it, and you can feel the wind as you whip through the air and you've got a nice bass heavy beat playing in your ear. And for just a moment, you can just enjoy the fact that you have these powers without having to worry about the responsibility that comes with them. And then inevitably a siren blares, and it's back to business again. But moments like that, for sure. That's the best part of being Spider-Man.
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spideytoo · 1 year
what do you think of the other spidey?
First of all, let's be real here, I'm the other Spidey, alright? It's his dimension, and he's the OG, so...yeah, I'm the other Spidey. As for what I think of him? I mean what can I say? The dude is great. I've been doing this Spider-Man thing for six years now and I still learn something new from him every single time that we work together. And he doesn't swing around in sweatpants, so that's...also a plus. Well, he doesn't yet, at least. @parkerlucked
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spideytoo · 1 year
do you miss home?
I mean...yeah? I do. Definitely. It’s..I don’t know, it’s weird right? Being in an alternate reality that looks and sounds and, Hell, even tastes the same as home, but isn’t? It’s...It's hard to process sometimes. And there isn’t exactly a tell-all book on the subject that you can just pick up that tells you how to deal with it. Like, how are you supposed to compartmentalize that these people who are just like the people you love back home, aren’t actually the same people? Like they are, but...but they're not? How are you supposed to feel about that? I don’t know. I don’t have the answer. I can only tell you that I love them just the same as I would if they were my own, but that doesn’t stop me from missing the ones I left behind. And even though this place is pretty much exactly the same as home in basically every way, it's still not home.
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spideytoo · 1 year
The Truth Is My Shield
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spideytoo · 1 year
Closed Starter for: @stealthkisses
While patrols in Brooklyn were never exactly quiet, break-ins to nine different high security buildings in the span of three nights meant that the past few nights had been even more eventful than usual. The frustrating part for Miles was that whoever was responsible for the break-ins kept getting away, being no where to be found by the time that he arrived on scene. But not this time, because he was quite sure that he had figured out the pattern to these break-ins, meaning that he had a plan, and he was going to catch this thief red handed. Sure, it meant that he had to do a little breaking and entering himself, and yeah, he was going to have to stay put, quiet, and invisible until they showed their face, but it would all be worth it once he caught the criminal who had made him look foolish three nights in a row in his web, right?
After a few hours of staying silently hidden in the same corner of the dark jewelry store though, Miles' enthusiasm for his plan was admittedly starting to wear thin, as was his certainty that it was going to work. What if he had been wrong in figuring out this thief's pattern, and had wasted the entire night sitting around waiting for someone who was never going to show up; a night that he could have spent making sure that the rest of Brooklyn was safe, or Hell, even catching up on the school work for his summer classes that he was so behind on.
"Ugh Miles you're an idiot. What a stupid waste of time." He whispered to himself, before he began climbing back up the wall towards the vent he had used to enter the building so that he could make his exit. However as he reached to push the grate open so he could climb inside, the grate was pulled back inside the vent by someone else, and before he could react to the tingling sensation of his spider-sense and get out of the way, a pair of feet came crashing into his (still invisible) chest and drove him hard into the ground, with whoever the feet belonged to standing directly on top of him. His focus on maintaining his camouflage broke as he let out a groan, and the sight of his arm reappearing in his peripheral was enough to tell him that the person standing on top of him could now see him. "Well, this isn't exactly how I planned for this to go, but at least you showed up!" He said in a slightly strained voice, since the pair of feet were still standing directly on his chest and were making it a little bit difficult to breathe. As he glanced up at the face of the culprit responsible, he suddenly felt himself feeling a bit dazed by the sight before him. "Oh. Okay...sooo you're really not at all what I was expecting...like, at all." He admitted. "I was picturing my thief to be someone dirty, smelly, and ugly. You know, the yoozh for criminal types. But uh...kinda looks like I went o for 3 there." Yeah, that might just have been the understatement of the century.
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spideytoo · 1 year
"Mhm. Oh...yeah? That sounds.. real tough man...." Miles said absentmindedly, barely lifting his head from it's position of being bent low over the desk, the tip of his nose mere inches from the piece of paper upon which he was franticly working. It wasn't that Miles didn't care what Peter had to say; contrary, Peter was actually one of the only people that Miles really cared to listen to when he spoke. But considering that he only had twenty minutes left to finish this assignment and email it to his professor, and that he couldn't exactly afford to get a zero in a class that he was already having to retake in summer school because he'd flunked it during the last semester, he wasn't exactly in position where he could afford to let himself get distracted for anything.
With his tongue jutting out, he filled out the last little bit of shading the piece needed before he let out a yell of triumph as he held the piece of paper up. "Haha! Did it!" He proclaimed, before placing the paper back down upon the desk, and, after smoothing it out with his palm to make sure there weren't any noticeable creases in it, he took his phone from his pocket and snapped a picture of it. "Look out Professor Tate, a Miles Morales original is coming your way!" As he pushed the send button on his email, Miles let out a deep sigh of relief, before he glanced up at Peter looking thoroughly disheveled; not that such a look was particularly out of place for the veteran Spider-Man. "Hey man I'm sorry about that. What were you sayin'?" He asked. "Was it... that you think we should get out of here and get some much needed bad guy punching in?" He suggested with a grin. "Who knows? Maybe Jamie D's dad is a drug dealer or something! You never know!"
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“I am,” he said, “and I cannot stress this enough, not paid enough for this.” The stack of homework to grade was dizzyingly high, the bags under his eyes nearly as big. Could he have assigned less work? Yeah, maybe. But the kids were struggling with chapter 12. Could have have skipped patrol last night? He guessed, but he’d finally busted the bicycle theft gang on the Upper West.
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“And Jamie D called me a nerd today. Nice and loud. To the whole class. Really just went at it with his whole chest.” Peter groaned and slumped across the table, cradling his head in his arms. “I hate high school.”
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spideytoo · 1 year
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You're on your way.
Just keep going.
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