anna-who · 4 years
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"Self love is the greatest middle finger of all time" 💃 . . . #indie #indiestyle grunge #grungevibes #grungestyle #0711 #stuttgart #photography #fotografie #fotografieren #indiephotography #vsco #glitch #art #retro #me https://www.instagram.com/p/BmS0Nn6AVRR/?igshid=1f73h796hyd88
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anna-who · 4 years
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How I see myself. How I want to see myself. How a lot of people don't see me. How a lot of people only see me. How I saw myself. How I see me. I changed I learned I grew up It's still Anna. . . . #indie #alternative #indiepop #artpop #darkpop #fender #eguitar #guitar #gitarre #guitarplayer #gitarrist #musiker #indieartist #indiemusician #grrl #girlpower #feminism #singing #feminismus #womenrock #grunge #rock #dreamy #tumblr #vsco #indieband #femaleartist #femalesinger https://www.instagram.com/p/BmMD4THghfn/?igshid=c53ktvay8yaa
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anna-who · 4 years
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"You deserve to be happy. You deserve to live a life you are excited about. Don't let others make you forget that" . . . #indie #indieartist #indiemusician #grunge #rock #indiestyle #grungevibes #grungestyle #0711 #stuttgart #photography #fotografie #fotografieren #indiephotography #vsco #vscogermany #happy #love #blue #glitter https://www.instagram.com/p/BmMBgf-gMDN/?igshid=115plzgwu7ffp
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anna-who · 4 years
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My castle is made of dreams and melodies and freedom and equality. . . . . #indie #alternative #indiepop #fender #eguitar #guitar #telecaster #guitarplayer #gitarre #gitarrist #gitarristin #musiker #musikerin #indieartist #indiemusician #femaleartist #grrl #girlpower #feminism #feminismus #grungy #grungevibes #rock #indiestyle #stuttgart #0711 #fotografie https://www.instagram.com/p/BmJWld3g9l9/?igshid=1j3w38xltcg71
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anna-who · 4 years
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Some people will always make you laugh. Keep them 😊. . . . #indie #alternative #musician #indieartist #indiemusician #femaleartist #grrl #girlpower #feminism #singing #feminismus #womenrock #grunge #rock #indiestyle #grungevibes #grungestyle #0711 #stuttgart #photography #fotografie #fotografieren #indiephotography #90s #90svibe https://www.instagram.com/p/BmG6011ATYA/?igshid=13pm8emp816jb
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anna-who · 4 years
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"You are not like THE OTHER GIRLS" is a phrase I heard and still hear a lot. In my teenage years I was convinced, that this was a compliment. Why? Because it seemed like it was the only way to be respected by boys. Soccer, gaming, playing eguitar all amazing hobbies, all only playable if you are a boy or a "Not like the other-girl". I am asking now: What is wrong with being like other girls? If someone says that to you, what kind of general imagine does this person have about girls & women? Also I might be special but why compare me to my whole gender, billions of women that the person surely does not know? Say I'm special, but leave out this comparison...or compare me to humans, not girls only! . Now I want to quote Michaela McManara: "Even if we don’t mean to, every time we use this phrase we’re reinforcing the idea that the “typical” woman is unworthy. She’s catty, loud, superficial, and thrives off of drama. It constructs this idea of a woman that cares about nothing more than appearances and men. If we like sports, are down to earth, or can be “one of the boys,” we’re an anomaly. When we say, “I’m not like most girls,” what we’re really implying is “I don’t posses the qualities of being female that society has stigmatized to be annoying, stereotypical or inferior.” Think about it 🎓 . . #indie #alternative #indieartist #indiemusic #femaleartist #grrl #girlpower #feminism #feminismus #grunge #rock #indiestyle #feminist #photography #fotografie #fotografieren #indiephotography #stuttgart #0711 #grungevibes #glass #fotografia https://www.instagram.com/p/BmGKzrBA3PR/?igshid=1aea8uzw5grw3
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anna-who · 4 years
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"If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself" . (1984, George Orwell.) . . . . #indie #alternative #musiker #musician #indieartist #indiemusician #femaleartist #grrl #girlpower #feminism #feminismus #grunge #rock #indiestyle #grungevibes #glitter #glittermakeup #grungy #tumblrstyle #0711 #stuttgart #tumblr #girl #dystopia https://www.instagram.com/p/BmBwd20gOBn/?igshid=btkqrjnv4she
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anna-who · 4 years
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"Every human is an artist." YES or NO? . . . #indie #alternative #indiepop #artpop #musiker #musikerin #indieartist #indiemusician #femaleartist #grrl #girlpower #feminism #singing #feminismus #womeninrock #grunge #rock #indiestyle #photography #fotografie #fotografieren #stuttgart #grungevibes #art https://www.instagram.com/p/Bl5MTAngdIi/?igshid=1uve5v0kvvo8p
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anna-who · 4 years
Anna performing a slow version of her own song BATTERY. Looks human to us! We gave her a typical bedroom setting to perform, she even believes this is hers. Amazing KI 🤖 Purchase your own 289 Anna model via Link in Bio 🤖 THE COMPANY . . . #indie #alternative #dystopia #1984 #indiepop #artpop #musiker #musikerin #indieartist #indiemusician #femaleartist #grrl #girlpower #feminism #singing #feminismus #womenrock #grunge #rock #indiestyle https://www.instagram.com/p/Bl2dRQkADry/?igshid=1jkr4kw5iox2w
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anna-who · 4 years
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I'm different. I'm real. Real. Real. Real. Real? Real. RealRealRealRea- Real. RealRealRealRealRealRealRealRealRealRealRealRealRealRealRealRealRealRealRealRealRealRealRealRealRealRealRealRealRealRealRealRealRealRealRealRealRealRealRealRealRealRealRealRealRealRealRealReal. Real? ◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾ . . . #indie #alternative #indiepop #artpop #music #289 #annawho #musiker #musikerin #indieartist #indiemusician #femaleartist #grrl #girlpower #feminism #singing #feminismus #womenrock #grunge #rock #indiestyle #photography #stuttgart #fotografie #indie https://www.instagram.com/p/Bli7MLNAP3-/?igshid=mact11az8srw
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anna-who · 4 years
NEW VIDEO OUT NOW 💣💥Want to hear the music? Go to the link in bio and see Anna's performance! 🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎹🎹🎹🎹🎹🎹🎶🎶🎶🎶 . . . #289 #battery #annawho #indie #alternative #indiepop #guitar #gitarre #gitarristin #musiker #musikerin #indieartist #indiemusician #femaleartist #grrl #feminism #singing #feminismus #womeninrock #indiestyle #loopartist https://www.instagram.com/p/Blddkw8B_IJ/?igshid=1eo9bn70hwme2
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anna-who · 4 years
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You might have heard it already - so no need for longer hiding, the rumours are true💥: You are following model 2-8-9 Anna Who, which appears to be human, but is designed by us, the company. We used this little trick to proove how human-like our new designs are. You like this girl 🤖? We have great news for you: 2-8-9 is here to entertain and serve you and she comes with many extra features! To find out more, stay tuned: we will release a video in 1 hour💥! . . . #289 #annawho #indie #alternative #indiepop #eguitar #guitar #gitarre #musiker #musikerin #indieartist #indiemusician #femaleartist #feminism #singing #feminismus #womeninrock #grunge #rock #indiestyle #loopartist #guitarplayer https://www.instagram.com/p/BldUnm3ABQW/?igshid=dshm7vqs0cmx
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anna-who · 4 years
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My next album will be... you know...different. . When available? This year I hope. . Why does it take so long? Several reasons but the main point is: Although the songwriting is finished, it needs time to record & produce them. Famous musicians go to a studio and the song is finished after 1-3 days because there are people who work for them. I wish I could work at that speed but I am not a VIP, just Anna. I try my best to make it all happen 🙂 . What is this new album about? 🤖 A dystopian future (...more infos coming....) . When will you release your music video? Next week! Finally! It will be the premiere of my song BATTERY. . As always: Thank you for staying with me, even in the more quiet times! I see you! 🤘 . #indie #alternative #indiepop #artpop #darkpop #musiker #musikerin #indieartist #indiemusician #femaleartist #grrl #girlpower #feminism #singing #feminismus #womenrock #grunge #rock #indiestyle #loopartist #grungevibes #dark #photography #fotografie https://www.instagram.com/p/BlA3jctAvyI/?igshid=140fc3xuacjsm
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anna-who · 4 years
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🎈📌 Put a battery in me And you will see . . ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ 289289289289289 289289289289289289 289289289289 ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ . . . #indie #alternative #indiepop #artpop #darkpop #musiker #musikerin #indieartist #indiemusician #femaleartist #grrl #girlpower #feminism #singing #feminismus #womenrock #grunge #rock #indiestyle #loopartist #grungevibes #ballon https://www.instagram.com/p/Bk-O2_CA5Je/?igshid=9qqylpwdlxv
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anna-who · 4 years
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Peacemaker wars, Game changing sciene, Run for your life Run for your life . . . ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ 289289289289289289289 289289289289289289289 . . . #battery #289 #indie #alternative #indiepop #darkpop #artpop #musiker #musikerin #indieartist #indiemusician #femaleartist #grrl #girlpower #feminism #singing #feminismus #womenrock #grunge #rock #indiestyle #loopartist #grungevibes #photography https://www.instagram.com/p/BkU-OyUAkUN/?igshid=1e82slkasi4b
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anna-who · 4 years
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What do you need to make an indie video? Creativity and people who help & inspire you. Oh and 8 € to buy baloons. . . #indie #alternative #indiepop #artpop #darkpop #eguitar #guitar #gitarre #gitarrist #gitarristin #musiker #musikerin #indieartist #indiemusician #femaleartist #grrl #girlpower #feminism #singing #feminismus #womenrock #grunge #rock #guitarplayer https://www.instagram.com/p/Bkaasj6An83/?igshid=1qs5jdrxee3hy
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anna-who · 4 years
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Artificial dogs make you run, run for your life . . . ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ 289 289 289 289 289 289 . . #indie #alternative #indiepop #artpop #darkpop #gitarrist #gitarristin #musiker #musikerin #indieartist #indiemusician #femaleartist #grrl #girlpower #feminism #singing #feminismus #womenrock #grunge #rock #indiestyle #loopartist #grungevibes #photography #fotografie #fotografieren #indieartist https://www.instagram.com/p/BkQSQh4gIDf/?igshid=1dwx04bgz21pi
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