alltheimaginationofme ¡ 3 years
Jeeeeez 🥲
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— you’re going to break his heart. (s.b.)
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alltheimaginationofme ¡ 3 years
I feel like I’m in too deep in shadow and bone. I can’t read the books. Please. I’m not strong enough
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alltheimaginationofme ¡ 3 years
Desperate Dream
Drew McIntyre 
Be realistic.
Tags:  @blondekel77 @calwitch @chanelxberlinstark @briqueenofthenorth @fioportella @wrestlingfae @whocares006 @dancefaeirie @ramsaypants @alibob687 @lunarchaosqueen @keepyourdreamsalive @meremaidqueen @demonqueen29 @colbynatorsforlife
I’m back baby!... Kinda....
I turned in the bed again, waiting for an alarm I knew would come too soon. I felt the sick feeling of hollow rise in my chest, the crispy sheets felt too clean. Too cold. I open my eyes to the disgustingly bland room, who knows what hotel at this point. They all look the same. I turn to my phone, just as empty of notifications as I am of the will to rise and get the day started. The past few months would do that to anyone.
“God he drives me crazy.” I smile at Sasha. She winks and continues to scroll on her phone as Drew enters catering. While I was not the hottest star on the roster (being looks or with the audience) I always managed to keep a warm temperature around the Scottsman.
He walks with the kind of swagger you would expect from the current champion, despite him not currently having anything decorative adorning his waist. His usually unkept hair had been tied back as he picked an apple from the pile on the food table. At this point I felt myself heat in the cheeks, it would not look good to have someone like me staring at a man so openly. A married man. I frowned and picked at my now cool pasta in front of me.
Sasha leant across and caught my eye “You know… People are saying it’s not going well.” I raised an eyebrow at her. “Drew, I mean… He hasn’t gone back to Scotland, in maybe, months?” I blanked at this information. I had noticed Drew was around a lot more, I just guessed they were gearing up to finally give him a title and he needed to prove commitment. The company had always been a bit archaic like that. “Probably warming up for the title Sash, he’s getting awfully close.” I pulled the corner of my mouth down. It wasn’t like Sasha to encourage a friend into doing something bad; she was the voice of reason.
She leant back and said “I know, but...” she flipped up her phone and went back to scrolling “Management told everyone they’re free to proceed however they need to, Heyman said he’s stayed voluntarily. The call for Drew as next champ was made months ago.” Now this was new. Sasha herself was in contention for the
Raw title, it would make sense that she had this knowledge… But the idea that Drew would go months without going home hinted at something else. Superstars always went home when they could. I did occasionally, but I had no one to go back to. Didn’t sting to be away when no one noticed you were gone. I was snapped out of my musing by the rather handsome man. “Is this seat taken, ladies?” Sasha shook her head and gestured to the chair and I smiled at him, feeling heat rise in my cheeks again.
He sat fluidly and brought tonight’s matchlist in front of him, I hadn’t even seen him holding it. “Uh, hey Drew- do you know what-” I began nervously and he cut me off without even looking up “Four” I smiled tightly and looked back down. “I better get going” I rose and went to take the pasta to the bin. “God luck!” I turned to see Drew had looked up from the sheet and was smiling widely at me.
How did he know my name?
I rolled to one side of the bed and back again. The idea that soon I wouldn’t have anything but memories made me sad, so sad. But what could I expect? It was nothing more than I deserved.
Drew’s shoulder brushed mine in the small booth, we were both laughing at Bayley dragging a terrified Kevin Owens towards the dance floor. He leant back in his place while I went to grab a drink from the centre of the table. As I turned back to check where I was sitting I noticed where Drew’s eyes were. I sat back, coincidently my back was now near Drew’s outstretched arm over the booth.
I felt this sudden urge to lean into Drew, and the room got hotter. I heard him clear his throat. “You’ve been doing well lass, makin waves.” I turned to him as he spoke and raised my brows. While it was true, I was slowly making my way up the ranks, it was a shock that Drew paid any attention to it. We weren’t in the same groups of friends, it wasn’t common that people ventured past their immediate friends. “Well, I could say the same to you Mr Number One!” I smiled back to him, happy that my work had been recognised. He shook his head and smiled. My heart could’ve stopped right there and then.
I smiled at the mirror across from the bed, lost in the memory of the night. Remembered being so struck by his smile, the way his eyes crinkled and the blue hues in his irises seemed to jump. I could understand how so many of his fans had fallen for him so quickly. I had been all too keen to throw myself at his feet.
His tongue was hot and heavy against my throat, licking a trail from the base all the way to my ear. I couldn’t help but squirm, it felt so wrong to have such an exposed part of me clear with his mark. If someone walked past they could see the wet mess I had too quickly become at the short work Drew had made of me. His hands wound my waist and I found myself trembling, the sheer power of the man. Trying to get my own back, I snaked my hand into his hair and pulled sharply- in turn pulling him from my neck. Drew growled and pushed his hips into me, pushing me against the wall further. “Drew, room!” I managed to gasp at him, and we soon both fell through the door.
“Are you sure ya don’t wanna continue in the hall? I could take you right there, how many men would be jealous?” I hummed under his praise, really anything that came from his mouth I was here for. The door slammed shut and his ripped at my clothes, I was getting annoyed at how they clung to me. He grunted and one of the buttons on my shirt pinged across the room. We moved to the bed and he licked down my neck, biting at the base and pushing his hips into mine.
I gasped his name to the ceiling; my prayer was heard when Drew took the rest of his clothing off. I kissed his cheeks and his beard burned under my lips. I knew this was a lust fuelled night, but I would take the adoration and these moments to fuel the idea of an us later. He chuckled and his hands found my hips, pulling me to him before moving me further up the bed.
I scrambled backwards and stilled as arms landed either side of my head. I found his eyes and kept contact, winding my legs open and around his midsection. I wasn’t sure how long this would go, before he realised the mistake, before he became sober- before my head found it’s way back to being on top of my shoulders. I couldn’t stop now, not knowing full well I could have felt him.
We both stopped and he lowered his head slightly, lips brushing mine. “Are ya sure?” He whispered to me I nodded and again refused to blink, scared to break whatever this was. I was already too wet, too worked up from the idea. He slid in far too easily and I moaned at how filthy it was. “This all for me?” I nodded again and licked at his neck. I suppose I could at least act like just having his hands on me was enough to fuel orgasms later on. After a few strokes, I could hear myself along him and Drew was grunting. I couldn’t have this over so soon.
My hand snaked between us, I needed to hear him, needed him to use me. I needed to make this impossible to forget. He grinned at me, thinking I was going for my clit. I smirked back. “Ah fuck, yer fucking-” his neck strained as I used my index and middle finger around his cock to squeeze him as he pulled out. He strained and stuttered into me a few times and I felt him pulse. I began to rub my clit and used the moisture from his cock to assist me. Drew was whispering things in my ear that I couldn’t hear. He’s fucking me, this is really happening, Drew is splitting me open. I couldn’t hear anything past my thought. I panicked and arched off the bed, cumming so hard it might have actually been leaking from me. Drew was moaning and began to protest when I pushed him off of me. I turned on my knees, spread my legs and wagged at him.
“Fuck, that’s how I like it baby.”
I bit my lip as he slipped in again, and I knew from the tempo he wasn’t going to last for too long. I snuck my hand down again to squeeze him and he grunted, thoroughly shoving me through the bed as he came inside me. I squeezed around him and sighed.
I had been stupid. So unbelievably stupid that night. And the many nights that followed. Each time Drew knocked, I had been on my knees waiting for him. Work had been no different for us, no real interaction… But Jesus. After school curriculum would take all night learning how to make each other sing.
That didn’t stop the worst part. It was easy to ignore the guilt and feelings of pure loathing when we were in the act. But the nights where we wouldn’t be together, the nights I would go home, he had press… Or he went home… I didn’t eat, or maybe I ate too much… Or was it that I drunk too much? I couldn’t remember the last time we had been separated. My life outside work was being drained by a man that wouldn’t look twice at work.
Sasha had been the one to spot it. I no longer looked when Drew entered the room, I knew the head would be between my legs later that night. She only looked at me and dragged me to a closet in the stadium we were in that night. “Look, I don’t know and I don’t need to know. You need to get your head in the game. Whatever has happened or is happening, you need to stop this. I don’t remember the last time we hung, the last time you were at the PC...” She shrugged and looked away. “People are talking. Of course I’m defending you, but please know that this is not worth it.” I looked at her, for the first time. I nodded… “I’m sorry Sash.” I chocked the words out and she hugged me, letting my cry into her shoulder.
Where did I think this was going? That we would just start skipping through work holding hands? So I asked. I spoke, I asked him what we were doing. It was hopeless, he gave me a demonstration that ended the conversation before it even started.
It was getting closer, there was more talk backstage. Drew was going to take the championship and run the company for the red brand. I was happy for him but… I had a decision to make. I think I had already made it when I never actually had a conversation about what we were doing. There was still a ring on his finger at press. As it loomed closer, his wife came over to see it happen live. I couldn’t believe it when I saw her. Not that she shouldn’t be there, she had every right. It was me that didn’t deserve to be there. I looked at her, so beautiful with brown locks and a glow around her that a happy wife always has.
I didn’t sleep for two nights after.
I wasn’t sure how I could live with myself, for being so selfish. For believing rumours about someone’s marriage. Never going to the source.
Be realistic, be realistic. It was never going to happen, it was nothing more than sex when his wife wasn’t there. Be realistic.
Hunter was not overly against my leaving. I gave him reasons like not being on TV and taking spots for others that deserved it more. I knew he saw through it. But he at least respected me enough to pretend to believe it. Be realistic I whisper…
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alltheimaginationofme ¡ 3 years
Three Flavours Cornetto Trilogy
Hot Fuzz, Shaun of the Dead, The World’s End
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It’s a truth universally acknowledged that Simon Pegg and Nick Frost are national treasures if you’re British. Edgar Wright is quickly becoming a favourite of mine, with Scott Pilgrim, Ant-Man and Attack the Block also in his repertoire. (Honestly, if you haven’t seen any of these please at least check them out)  
I understand that these films may have alienated you because of a certain humour… But please go with it. If any of this trilogy are available in a UK household, you will certainly get the traditional “Ooh, yeah go on, put that on”. The funniest thing about it, they don’t seem to be limited to a gender or age. I know this trilogy will be near enough at the top of my list to show my kids when they come of age.
When it comes down to it, each of the films are a masterpiece. I don’t think a lot of people actually know they’re linked. Same actors, same writers and directors. And while they films are mostly comedic, they do deal with an aspect of horror in such a believable way… This could happen to us at any time, we’re about this far away from falling down each hole at a time. Respectively, we have Zombies in SOTD, Cults in HF and Aliens in TWE. All mostly mainstream, and mostly done time and time again.
I think something that hits so hard with me, is that all the characters created are so… We know them. I have a Sergeant Nicholas at work, a childhood friend turned out to be a Gary King; and aren’t we all really just Shauns? What I’m trying to say, is these films and characters hit a lot closer to home and are easier to relate to than Tony Stark. The world building, including props and costume are all excellently done to really help with this idea that if you turned around- you’d see them down the street. Admittedly, the older films (Shaun in particular) can be dated by the clothes, but that’s about it. I cannot be convinced that Hot Fuzz is in any way dated, because if anyone gets the… Honour, to visit a rural, countryside, slightly out-of-bounds village- that movie is literally what it is like. They all dress like that, talk like that and act like that- just (hopefully) minus the cult and murder.
I would like to say it frustrates me that these films are not in everyone’s pantheon of comedic movies; but I genuinely feel sorry for you. It makes me want to put an arm around you and give you a cornetto. I would happily sit and explain and talk through every section of each film. I cannot state enough how much these jokes and running gags will always make me laugh. It’s the little running gags, the cornetto dropped into each film, the character relationships, the fact every actor is used in every film in completely different roles, the fence gag! Yes they are small things, but when you notice they just… Give that warm fuzzy feeling that will always make me come back for more.
Rating: God Tier
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alltheimaginationofme ¡ 3 years
I’ve been away for a little too long, and well, with COVID... I’m starting to realise that I miss writing and miss trying to share things with people. I’m gonna try to update a little more often, I’m thinking of more Imagines, some reviews and maybe some pics/gifs from films
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alltheimaginationofme ¡ 5 years
Maybe Baby- Seth Rollins
Little tiny fluff if you squint of Seth, slowly getting back on the writing horse. Please be gentle, out of date Christmas fic is needed. Tags: @blondekel77 @calwitch @chanelxberlinstark @briqueenofthenorth @fioportella @wrestlingfae @whocares006 @dancefaeirie @ramsaypants @alibob687 @lunarchaosqueen @keepyourdreamsalive @meremaidqueen @demonqueen29 @colbynatorsforlife -–--------———_________________-----------------_________________ I was always lonely at Christmas time. It never changed and to be honest, it didn’t bother me. Can’t miss what you never had. I was actually upset to find out we were pre-taping before the holidays. WWE was notorious for working all year round, and it was one of the bigger attractions- doing what I love 24/7. So when we were taping, it was safe to say I was slightly miserable to know I was going back to an empty home. Sasha was wondering around backstage when she found me moping in catering. We had a few moves to go over and I wanted to tweak a sequence slightly. The taping was, whilst a debut for me, would be a heel turn for Sasha. Whom was frustrated with the lack of attention yet saw others being given opportunities and pushing past her. It made sense, it worked- we just needed the heel turn properly to get a reaction. I was excited for her. She’s a Boss either way she goes and TV has been missing her recently. Having only been just moved up from NXT I already knew some of the women. It just meant bigger stars in my eyes for those I hadn’t met yet. One of the many perks of being close with Sasha was her friendship with Seth. I had quite the crush on him, and being in NXT hadn’t helped- he was their golden boy. It just made him a bigger character and I was determined to meet him more than most. Sasha has caught on and I think she took pity on me, she came to speak to me more often than most and did it in view of Rollins as well. I was normally a proud person, but I could indulge a little on this pity party- especially when it worked. This is how I found him sitting at our table in catering when Sasha had called him over. I was blushing and following Sasha's lead, choosing to not say much- more I said more I could look stupid in front of Seth. But something in me couldn't fight the spot that had come across my mind. When I voiced it, I was scared of the backlash from Sasha. She just stared at me. Seth whistled "Sash, that's a damn good spot if I've ever heard one" I blushed under both of their gazes and Sasha laughed "Why didn't you say anything sooner?" We grinned, tonight was going to be epic. ------—-----——��—————------—-----————————--———————— The match had been good so far, the crowd was behind both of us- my debut had gone with a pop from the crowd. We had even managed a 'fight forever' chant. I knew, we both knew, for this to work... The crowd had to buy the match, and the next part. As I rolled from Sasha's arm drag we gave the nod to the ref. He looked at his watch and nodded back. I went with one of my signature knees, connecting to the side of Sasha's face. Unfortunately we both tumbled out of the ring. I shook my head and got slowly to my knees, waiting until the fog cleared. The chair to the back helped clear it very quickly. I screamed in pain as the bell rang, rolling away from Sasha. I didn't get far however, and I took a chair to my side this time. It took my breath away promptly. Sasha was screaming at me, at the crowd and at herself. She began to set it up. She pulled the ladder from under the ring and began putting tables together. She climbed the ladder with the Mic and began spouting nonsense about her being overlooked. When it turned to me, I bolted up the opposite side of the ladder. I was met with Sasha's fist. Then came the double knees from the top of the ladder. The crowd screamed as I went through the announce table. Sasha squeezed my fingers twice and I squeezed back once. I'm ok. When I was wheeled backstage, I stood from the apparatus and rubbed my shoulders. It had gone well enough, doesn't mean it didn't hurt though. Sasha hugged me with tears in her eyes, everything had gone better than expected. We stole the show, the crowd brought it- and Vince was more than happy. Apparently a certain Kingslayer had told him the spot was my idea. Vince passed his congratulations onto me. I smiled back at Sasha, her enthusiasm was infectious. The shoulder I was currently rubbing was beginning to stiffen and I winced when Sasha turned from me. Obviously I had landed awkwardly, which upset me. If people looked hard enough, they awkwardly found problems with what we did. Either you didn't convince people or you botched the move. I looked to the nearest monitor, commentators shouting over a replay of my body falling from the ladder and acting as a cushion. I spotted where my shoulder had hit, and it just looked like a bad bump. Relief washed over me. I hadn't noticed Seth watching from the corner. He approached and went to hug me in congratulations. Obviously I shielded my shoulder from him. His lips pursed. "You need to get that checked." I looked down at my feet. "I'll be fine, it'll be fine over Christmas. I'm not doing anything." Seth was now fully frowning. "You're not with anyone?" I blushed and began to fidget under his stare. I spluttered for a couple of seconds before settling on just shaking my head. Seth looked for a little longer, and pulled the nearest medic to us. He began talking about my shoulder and gesturing, I sat still and watched- I was shocked that he had paid me so much attention. I blushed harder when he accompanied me to the medical facility, even Sasha gave me a thumbs up when he wasn't looking. He stood by my fully functioning shoulder and we even brushed hands a few times. A few people gave him a questioning look as we walked by. He even stayed while the medic wrapped me up. "You don't need to feel responsible for me Seth, you've no idea how much I appreciate it... But I don't want your other half worried." I murmured it to him once they had set my shoulder, the medic had run through the healing and care process, saying a week and a half max. He shook his head again, and said nothing. I looked at the floor again and frowned. I didn’t want to cause any problems for anyone- part of the reason I hadn’t mentioned my injury to the medics. Seth brushed the back of his hand along my arm and I blushed to look up at him under my lashes. He smiled crookedly at me, before placing his hand on my lower back- supporting me to leave the office. We walked in silence until we reached the car park. Due to the sling my arm was in, Seth opened every door for me and even carried one of my bags. I had insisted to wheeling my suitcase... I wasn’t completely useless. It was when we got to my rental that caused problems. I hadn’t driven with anyone... How was I getting to the airport? I sighed and Seth smiled slightly, before chucking both our bags in the boot. “Seth! Really now, don’t you have somewhere to be?” I exclaimed to him and he shrugged before getting in the drivers seat. “Look.... Y/N. I know it’s sudden but... it’d be rude to not let me at least get you to the airport.” He spoke quietly and looked away. He’s nervous. I smiled to myself, and feeling a bit of confidence, I asked “If that’s the least, I’d love to see your most?” His fire was lit again and he responded "Baby you have no idea" ---____-----_____-----_____-----_____------______-----______-----_____ How on Earth I found myself inviting Seth Rollins round my house on Christmas Eve I have no idea. He had stayed with me all the way home (only living a drive away) and had helped me back home. If he was shocked by the lack of decorations in my house, he didn't mention it. I did smile slightly when I found him at my door on Christmas Eve, with a miniature tree in his arms and a bottle of wine. I smiled at him and welcomed him in, hoping he wasn't noticing that I was shaking. Preparing all day for one person would make me slightly nervous. Taking a mediora off the top of a ladder, sure! Making dinner for two? Now you're pushing it. "I hope you've been resting that arm, I know better than anyone that being injured sucks- and you just got the debut that every star dreams of." He smiled that crooked smirk and it just flushed me with heat. "I know, I know, nurse Rollins... But I can't just sit down on my rear knowing I'd have company..." I trailed off as we walked into my dining room, wondering if the table setting was a little too much. It had a tablecloth in deep red, adorned with golden setting mats, and golden candles down the middle. I was never really fond of glitter and jazz, but even I had to admit it looked pretty in its own way. Seth had gone quiet. I panicked. "I, I mean. It's to say thank you, you know? A lot of people wouldn't do what you did, and I, I appreciate it. I know it's not the best.... And you've probably got better places to be but.... I just...Thank you." It all flew from my mouth before I had a chance to filter it, and hearing it out loud made me sound so pathetic! I singed and rubbed my face, squeezing my eyes shut. I felt a hand wrap around my wrist, and Seth pulled me to him. He hugged me and kissed the top of my head. "If it makes you feel better baby, you're the only person who's ever done something like this for me..." He sighed and pulled away so he could look me in the eyes. "I've been following you for a while now, and you're amazing. To take care of everyone else first, and the passion you have... When you finally came up, I couldn't wait to meet you. And then you took those knees from the ladder..." He shook his head and raised his eyes to the sky. "God I've got such a crush on you." I laughed and said "Right back at you Rollins" He leant towards me and whispered "The tree isn't mistletoe, and if I'm going too fast slap me... But Merry Christmas..." His lips brushed mine and I leant into him, reaching further. Maybe I didn't have to spend Christmas alone.
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alltheimaginationofme ¡ 5 years
He looks so good ☺️
Ringside News | Wrestling News & WWE News, Rumors & Spoilers
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Photos Of The Rock & Roman Reigns Shooting Fast & Furious Spin-Off
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alltheimaginationofme ¡ 5 years
Hey, spend a lot of time here, to read your stories and I wonder I've you would take this request. Seth/Reader Normally, the reader works backstage, but she gets involved in a fight with a female wrestler, which ended in a scheduled fight at a payperview. Seth is willing to train the reader and it all turnes into something smutty-fluffy whatever kind of hot thing.
😁😁it means a lot to hear that my friend! I’ve been a bit busy with job switching and life etc, I am actually trying to finish a little Seth from Christmas on my phone- but I like the idea you’ve got here, might have to see where it leads me 😉
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alltheimaginationofme ¡ 6 years
I ♥️ Brushes with Balor!!! Finn and the reader are my favorite and twice this week I’ve chose rereading it over getting enough sleep before work😍😍😍
❤️ thank you for the support!!! Make sure you look after yourself though! Let me know which part of BWB is your favourite?😁
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alltheimaginationofme ¡ 6 years
Roman Reigns is a warrior. An absolute fighter is every sense of the word. He’s beaten it before, and he can do it again.
He can, he will.
Believe that.
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alltheimaginationofme ¡ 6 years
The brushes with balor series is so good. I know Finn is supposed to be the soulmate but man I want Seth to the winner and be with the the reader. Keep on going!!
Thank you so much😭stuff like this keeps me going ❣️
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alltheimaginationofme ¡ 6 years
Brushes With Balor- Part 14
Shit hits the F(inn)an
I’m sorry it’s late, but please forgive me with the bad pun that I called this chapter:) 
Tags:  @briqueenofthenorth @blondekel77 @calwitch @chanelxberlinstark @fioportella @wrestlingfae @whocares006 @dancefaeirie @ramsaypants @alibob687  @lunarchaosqueen  @keepyourdreamsalive  @meremaidqueen @demonqueen29 
I was always uncomfortable in darkness. If I didn’t fall asleep quick enough then my mind would conjure up images and monsters and men taking me from my bed. My parents didn’t care for it, and I later learnt  an active imagination wasn’t wanted in a child with them.
Still, I wasn’t a stranger to being in the dark.
I was floating in the darkness, that much I could tell. It was peaceful, nothing could hurt me here- that’s what I kept telling myself. Nothing could hurt me here, but something still felt off about it. I didn’t  want to move, and when I tried to move- I couldn’t. I was panicking now, why was I here? What else was here with me? I could only come up with a name:
  Karl was tired. The events of the past days had been a drain on him physically, and he hated to think how Luke was doing- the big man had done more than him! The torture of Orton had been fun, fun that Karl hadn’t had in years. Honestly? It made him a little sick that he enjoyed it so much. He swore he wouldn’t go back to that life, but there he was, jumping to attention as soon as he got the opportunity.
The Club hadn’t been seen together in a day or so, Luke and Karl needed rest… But Finn… No one knew for sure where the good brother was. He IS a good man, Finn just got in his own head and told himself things that weren’t true. Karl knew he wouldn’t be too far though, after they told Stephanie what had happened…The cat was out the bag, the Demon King had a mate that had been taken hostage. Stephanie had been a picture of fury when she had first been told.
She calmed slightly by the fact everyone was okay. Everyone apart from Y/N. She gave them the day and a half rest they were currently on, and Finn had disappeared after that.
Finn would be near, because Y/N was in a hospital near here.
Y/N had been a ghost while Karl worked to try and heal her, she hadn’t stirred at all. The wound had been so deep, and the old magic had been used. Karl did what he could but it still left her without a lot of blood and a deep cut in her neck. When they dropped her at the hospital it had been odd. Finn looked like he wanted to stay with her, Seth volunteered and Dean followed suit. Finn… Just let them go with her.
Karl rubbed his face and climbed out of bed to pull a new shirt on, he had a bond between mates to fix.
  It smelt of hospital, god I hate hospitals. They smell like clean death. I only ever came to hospitals when someone was dying, no other reason.
I felt groggy, and my hand slowly came to my head- my eyes opened even slower. The room was faintly lit and judging by the light from outside it was late afternoon. My neck was throbbing with pain, as if I had been screaming for two weeks straight, or how I would imagine landing on your neck from a failed backflip would feel. My hand gently teased around my neck, and I started to differentiate- only a part of my neck was in actual pain. Before I could probe any further a hand came to mine to stop it. “Easy there darlin’ you took a rough time. Been out about a day an a half.” I looked into the cool blue eyes of Dean Ambrose and raised my eyebrows. Dean chuckled.
“Seth wanted to look after you… But after what happened I thought he would need some looking after too. You’re one tough lady.” I teared up at his words, the memories came back in full force- Seth, frozen in pain. Dean had been dragged off with Orton and Roman had followed suit, Karl and-
I had been shot. IN THE NECK.
My eyes widened an I shot up in bed, the panicked bleeping from the monitors attached to me was a representative of how I felt right now. My hands reached up and felt the bandage again and I tried to speak, both of which were absolutely excruciating. Dean shook his head and sat forward, removing my hands from my throat and laying me down again. “We make a deal. Don’t pull that shit again sugar, I won’t inject you with morphine and send you back under- and you get to see Seth, deal?” I frowned at him but nodded anyway and he backed off, releasing my hands but staying within distance.
“-only had chocolate sorry Deano.” Seth walked into the room and stopped short when he saw me awake and tearful. He threw the vending machine snacks at Ambrose and lunged at me, kissing my hair and pulling me close and I buried my head into his chest. Dean coughed and Seth gave me a small amount of distance, but still kept his arms around me. I reached for his face and framed it with my hands, and began to stroke his hair and his beard. I only noticed that he was crying too when his beard became wet. I made a noise in the back of my throat and pulled him close and tucked him under my chin- it hurt like hell, but I would do anything to make sure he was okay.
Dean was grumbling now and coming towards us, pulling Seth far enough for me to not be putting strain on my neck. I tilted my head at Seth and he smiled sadly back at me, I nodded my head forward- trying to say tell me everything. Seth smiled again “I’m so glad you’re okay.” I leaned forward and pinched his cheek. He sighed now “I think you remember everything up until… You got shot right?” I nodded and Seth started to look uncomfortable.
Dean sat forward and grumbled before speaking “Me and Rome burst through the door afta beatin Orton bloody, hear a bang an- Whadya know? We’re behind that crazy dude.” Dean gets surprisingly animated when he talks, moving his hands but never making eye contact for too long. “So Rome gives him a smack an he stumbles forward past you an all- man the field thing Seth was in wasn’t even there anymore! He says some shit to The Club boys and next thin I knew Finn is beating him bloody an not stopping.” Dean winced and looked and me and Seth “Jon Moxley kinda not stopping.” Seth cringed and nodded, I sort of knew that Dean had a rough time before coming to WWE, crazy, blood filled fights. Dean continued “Gallows and Anderson pull him off and he jus sat there man. Didn’t come back until Anderson walked over to ya, and boy’s got some funky magic man.”
Seth nodded along with this part “He healed most of your neck and gave what he took from you to the kidnapper guy. You still needed blood and had a deep gash but you know, not bleedin out on the floor.” With that Dean leaned back and exhaled deeply, as if talking for that long had taken a lot of effort on his part.
Seth looked at me and breathed in before he spoke quietly “Y/N, Finn didn’t use any of his magic. In theory he could’ve helped a lot more than he did.” Seth now avoided my eyes “He’s your mate… But sweetheart, we’ve not seen him for a day and a bit.” I nodded and tears came to my eyes. Of course. Finn wouldn’t want me. Look at the trouble I’ve caused him and his friends, and we hardly know each other. I suppose having a mate would only be an inconvenience to him. I tried to wipe the tears falling from my eyes, but they flowed too quickly for me to stop now. I nodded, and the thoughts continued with the tears. A sob raked its way from my chest, and I went to reach for my neck again- everything was hurting.
I watched Seth lean forward with concern, but not before Dean gently pushed me back onto the bed. He had managed to push the medicine button without me realising, and the tiredness was apparently more morphine kicking in to send me to sleep. I looked at Dean, and felt confusion, he inclined his head slightly.
“Sleep well.”
  Dean eased away from Y/N and picked the vending machine food back up, looking at Rollins and giving him time before Dean grilled him. Seth stayed sat on the bed and stared at her a little more before sighing, Dean took his chance to speak “You know it’s not right, right? Getting between mates will only end in tears. You can’t mess with fate brother.” Dean took a bite out of the chocolate flavoured snack and looked at Seth’s back. He could understand where Seth was coming from in this topic, but fate was fate. You couldn’t change something predetermined, Andras may be an ass of a demon half the time, but it was something that was solemnly followed. No one questioned something as fixed as mates are. There is nothing anyone can do to stop them, like magnets, they always come back together.
Seth turned to Dean “He’s not here Ambrose, they haven’t sealed the deal.” Seth looked hopeful and it made Dean’s chest hurt. Seth continued “He’s not here, he didn’t do anything for her… And, I’ve told you what she’s like! She KNOWS about stuff now, she knows about the mark Balor put on her!” Seth smiled “She ain’t gonna stand for that.” Dean said nothing in reply, apparently there was no telling him. Dean knew better, Andras was older than Seth and his Seelie magic.
He is young. Optimistic. He will learn, but it will be painful- all we can do is watch. Dean could only nod with Andras, Seth took that as Dean’s answer. “Ya can’t change fate.” Dean muttered to himself.
  I decided that floating in the dark was better than being on the ground. I was less panicky about it considering last time. The ground meant real life, where Seth was hurt and I had been shot.
Where Finn didn’t want me.
It was where you got a glimpse of having everything together, only for it to all fall apart. I had no idea what was going to happen next. I would have to go back to work, Stephanie would need answers if I even still had a job at this point. I had to work under Stacey again, and be around superstars and act like everything was normal. It wasn’t. We had supernatural beings all around us, and any of them could kill us.
No, not us. Humans. I am no longer one of the ‘us’. I don’t know what any of it means yet, but I’m not completely human any longer.
Floating in darkness definitely seemed less complicated than all of that.
So I floated away, feeling my entire body relax in the motion. It was therapeutic, as long as I didn’t have to wake up again. I pretended that I didn’t have to wake up. Waking up was being on the ground, in real life… And I could enjoy this floating better life for a little longer if I wanted to. I didn’t want to have to deal with soulmates that didn’t want me, a best friend who would keep getting hurt because of me and a boss who hated my guts.
So I focused on my breathing, on the feeling of floating away… How easy it would be to never go back… How easy it could have been if that bullet hadn’t missed…
I couldn’t think like that again, I couldn’t go down that road again.
So instead I wondered about Ambrose. He was a confusing part of a puzzle that I had yet to figure out. He had only come around when Seth and Roman came to my rescue. He was always so silent, so quiet compared to in the ring. It was almost like Dean knew me, there was an ease of us getting along but I wasn’t sure how. He was determined to look after me even though he hadn’t known me for long. What had Seth said about him? He had a dark past for sure, you could smell that on Dean… Seth had said Dean was possessed by something, a demon. Maybe that’s why he found himself mixed up in all this so suddenly. Dean and his demon meets Balor the Demon King.
  Gallows’ eyes opened. He stretched and popped his neck, wincing when it cracked but stood from the bed nonetheless. His bare feet made no noise as he walked the short distance to the door, opening it for Karl who was just about to knock. Karl chuckled to himself and closed the door behind him.
Before Karl could even say anything Luke spoke first “There’s something else going on here. Can you smell it?” Karl shook his head and Luke continued “Someone’s been messing with us all recently… This Mason… He can’t be it. We’re all being pointed at each other. Someone had been blocking my thoughts… But I can’t figure out who.” Karl frowned “It seems we may be missin a Demon King more than we thought.” Luke nodded with this, Karl took a seat on the bed whilst Luke finished pulling clothes on. Although he hated seeing Finn in pain, he needed his Good Brother to pull it together now- there might be more pain for everyone down the road.
Karl stood “It’s got to be someone working within the company, they’ve gotta have access to our files…” He rubbed his chin and went through a list in his head, Luke tuned out knowing that Karl would voice potential threats to him. Luke grabbed painkillers from the nightstand, knowing their day would be full of checking people out- another headache on the way. He also reached under the pillow and pulled the slim knife from underneath it; a present both of The Club members had received from their King the night that Bullet Club had attacked. Luke knew from experience that Karl kept his lodged in his boot when out and under the mattress when he was in a room. Luke went with under the pillow and inside his belt while they were out.
Luke read Karl’s mind and sighed.
“I guess we gotta do that first, knowing him.”
  When I woke from the Dean/morphine induced nap something had snapped within me. Dean had tried to fight me at every turn, but I spoke and dared to raise my voice at one point. I wasn’t going to get any better by staying in bed. It would only drive me crazy; I only had a neck injury, other people needed the bed more than I did. Dean had forced me to stay at least one more day, but had compromised to me walking around the hospital and getting my own food. Seth had been a rare quiet at my side, not voicing an opinion for or against either of us.
The day had been rather uneventful, with Seth following along and Dean making sure I wasn’t getting into trouble. I had managed to get outside for two minutes before Dean tracked me down and led me back in, grumbling about the fact that my kidnapper hadn’t ACTUALLY died. I had shrugged at him, if someone wanted me dead they would have finished the job whilst I had been passed out.
It was late into the evening when he came.
Finn shuffled into the room with dark eyes and a blotchy face. I had noticed that he had been shoved into the room by Gallows and Anderson, who were sporting rumpled clothes. Finn hadn’t come willingly then.
Seth stood in front of me and squared off to him, and Finn hung his head low. “You put her under any stress” Seth looked back at me after the pause “And I’ll break your nose.” Finn nodded solemnly. Dean stood with one final look at me and grabbed Seth’s arm. They walked out of the room; interestingly enough, Dean hesitated at the door and nodded at the Irishman who quickly looked away.
I was sat on the edge of my bed and I turned to look at the setting sun out the window. Finn sat down beside me silently, if the bed hadn’t dipped I wouldn’t have known he was there. I had multiple conflicting emotions about this whole mess that I found myself in. I didn’t want to look at Finn, but part of me wanted to stare at him until I memorised his face. His body heat crossed the space between us, and even though he smelt like regular soap I still wanted to lean on him and absorb everything I could.
Finn sighed. “I’m guessin you know a lot more now.” He was stating facts, he knew I knew. So I surprised him by saying nothing. “I never meant for it to be this.” His whispered words were a low blow to me. This was not what was meant to happen, the slow looks and touches, the building of being around each other, we were hardly far from each other. He wanted none of that.
My eye twitched and I exploded.
Standing from the bed had been easy enough, the clenching of my fists at my sides left marks in my palms.
“Leave. If this is not what you wanted then you leave. You think that you didn’t want this? Imagine my shock when I’m told the one person at the centre of it all is your supposed soul mate and he wants nothing to do with you.”
Finn couldn’t meet my eyes, and I held my hand up when he went to speak. “IMAGINE having to learn everything in pieces. Learning from everyone else.”
My arms were shaking now, and from my vision I could have sworn the room shook as well. Finn raised his head, looking everywhere but me. I wanted to slap myself out of this craze I had myself in, I was shaking from head to toe. I turned away from him and sighed out of the window.
“Y/N. I know it’s the last thing you want to hear, but until you get better… I need you to calm down and I need to leave.”
I had never heard Finn speak to clearly. It also wasn’t a complete rejection of what I had said. It could be that he didn’t mean it the way I thought he did. Or he could want nothing to do with my face. I squeezed my eyes shut as the first tear began to fall. He would NOT see me like this over him. I felt him move next to me and he sighed, his hand came up to my waist and began to tug me towards him.
Seth burst through the door.
I shut my eyes and Finn moved away, Seth was panting. “Get the hell away from her.” Seth still managed to sound assertive but I raised my eyebrow at him. Finn shook his head and laughed humourlessly “It’s not me. It’s her…” He clenched his jaw and managed to grit out “My powers haven’t been with me for about a week now.” I took a step back from him.
What? He couldn’t do anything? He had no powers… that explained why he wasn’t more help at the kidnapping, but to even do as much as he has done… I frowned to myself and stepped until my back touched the window behind me. Seth shook his head “I don’t care man. You could’ve done more, you’re just bullshitting so you don’t look bad.” Seth was angry and had risen to his full height over Finn, who was still mostly relaxed.
“He’s telling the truth.” Dean hesitated in the doorway. “Finn, I think you should go. But I think you know where he is.” Finn nodded at Dean and went to leave the room. As he passed me, he placed a kiss on my cheek. Sad blue eyes looked into mine, and I felt my temperature rise at our contact. Finn turned and nodded to Dean once more before he was out of the room.
Seth exploded on Dean, hurling accusations at Finn about him not wanting to look like an ass for not helping. I stood and thought. Finn hadn’t LOOKED right for a couple days before the kidnapping. He had looked pained throughout the time of the kidnapping… Like he couldn’t face me, he couldn’t look at me…
The room hadn’t stopped shaking at the edges of my vision and Dean turned to me.
“Darlin’ you gotta slow that heart rate down.” He completely ignored Seth and moved slowly towards me. I frowned at him, I was completely calm. He was looking at me like I… As if I was about to explode. “If you can’t calm down, I’ll have to do it for ya.” I was taken aback by the threat in his voice. I shook my head and was about to ask him what the hell he was doing when he lifted his hand and started to shift before my eyes.
Dean started to vibrate before my eyes, and grew taller. His face became rounder and his eyes became bigger. He was shifting. I realised too late that I was going to be in a room with a demon when the light flashed from what was Dean’s palm.
Just before I closed my eyes, I could have sworn Dean’s head looked like an owl.
  Seth watched as Andras caught Y/n. The room has stopped shaking the second Andras raised his glowing hand to her. Seth sighed, knowing that Dean had been right all along was a pain in the ass. Andras stood in front of him and shivered back into Dean’s body, having placed Y/n back on the hospital bed.
“The magic smelt like Finn.” Seth poorly accused, and Dean shook his head. “Might’ve smelt like him, but definitely wasn’t. She’s his soulmate, she’ll smell like him.” Dean rubbed his forehead, feeling the headache coming after letting Andras out. Seth sighed and watched her peaceful face.
“There’s one more thing. She wasn’t entirely alone in that head of hers...”
Seth sighed. He knew Dean would be right again with this one. Stupid Seth, should’ve paid more attention in school.
Dean’s shaggy hair fell into his eyes and he reached to brush it back.
“Balor’s in there with her.”
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alltheimaginationofme ¡ 6 years
Hi I was wondering if you could do a second part to doc appointment with seth rollins
😅 I possibly could. I like leaving most of my fics open ended so I could go back and do more. It’s just the matter of time, but Colby’s second Doc Appointment could make an appearance😉
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alltheimaginationofme ¡ 6 years
Doc Appointment- Colby Lopez (Seth Rollins)
Requested: A therapist pursues Colby in the WWE.
Please let me know as always!
Tags:  @blondekel77 @calwitch @chanelxberlinstark @briqueenofthenorth@fioportella @wrestlingfae @whocares006 @dancefaeirie @ramsaypants@alibob687 @lunarchaosqueen @keepyourdreamsalive @meremaidqueen @demonqueen29 @artemislovesyouseth
 Being a therapist was rewarding in general, being a therapist in sports? Even more so. I started out a couple of years ago in WWE and I’ve been busy ever since. The company are always looking after their superstars with meticulous care, meaning my room is hardly ever empty. Just last week, I had Rawley in with a suspected strained shoulder and it turned out to be a slight overstretch- I sent him on his way with a massage. Most of the time it was ‘just in case’ and ‘worst case scenario’ it was always better to be over prepared rather than underprepared.
Unfortunately, when we watch matches we can tell- I can tell. When you’ve got experience in the industry you get to know the moves, and you get to know when they land wrong.
That’s how I ended up with Colby in my office again.
Seth Rollins is a top of the line performer week in, week out; but at some point his body will give in. I got to know Colby through his knee injury and the rehabilitation afterwards, it was a dark time for the man who was leading the wrestling world. The WWE Universe knew that Seth Rollins would be back for them, and Colby had been determined to make it so. I hadn’t thought of someone loving the fans as much as he does.
Through the few months that I got to know him, Colby was polite and professional. But after a while he breaks into this intoxicating person that has a gravitational pull, he’s always putting people at ease and making sure people around him are okay before himself. It had been a strange attitude in the therapy room to say the least. I guess that’s what drew me towards him, he stuck out from the crowd for all the right reasons- caring for other people aligned with what I believed in too.
The only bad thing about someone caring for everyone else…
People will use that to their advantage.
When the news of Colby’s leaked pictures got out I couldn’t believe my eyes. He had put his trust in their hands and they had thrown it away, leaking his pictures had thrown Seth Rollins for a spin.
I don’t think he wanted to admit it, but the next few times he appeared in my office was because he couldn’t face the audience- not because of an actual injury. He may have felt a twinge or so in and around his knee; but most performers do when they’ve been recently injured. I felt for him, and being around him so much automatically turned that into something more. He is a good looking guy, I can help him and he seeks me out.
There’s nothing wrong with that… Right?
Sure Colby was slightly younger than me (at our age a couple of years means very little) but it wouldn’t make much of a difference. I had been there consistently throughout his WWE career and so by now I was very much a shoulder for him to lean on.
Which is how I find myself backstage at Raw, congratulating him on the Intercontinental Championship win. Colby is shaking hands and giving hugs to his fellow superstars and people are congratulating him on a hard match done well. I wait patiently because I know he’ll go down the line and won’t skip me- he’s too kind. He stops in front of me “Well Doc, knee is holding up good and true. Might have to come see you before every big match now!” His smile is infectious, and I can’t help the grin back at him.
“I’ll keep it in mind that I’m your good luck charm, you might see me backstage more often if this is what I get. Congrats Colby.” I smile as I finish the sentence. I don’t technically have to be around backstage as I have my own office setup and I often don’t leave it- but for him I sure would. We’re stood smiling at each other for a long enough time that people would start to comment so I pull him in for a sweaty hug. “Maybe you should come see me more- and continue this winning streak.” I whisper into his ear before pulling away, a dark look crosses his face before other people are pulling him from me to applaud him.
I step back from the crowd, most people here know me but not well enough to go out of their way to talk to me. A few of my brown curls have escaped my bun whilst hugging Colby and I sigh before turning and making my way back to my office. It was worth a try, an attempt to get the playboy in bed. I turned the last corner before my office and rubbed my temple, a headache was brewing and would probably be sorted with some coffee.
It was while I was brewing said coffee that I heard his voice.
“I’m here now Doc, don’t you think I should get your attention?”
I close my eyes and smile. The months of planting seeds in his head, slight touches that lasted milliseconds too long, sweet words whispered into his ear, eyes finding each other when they shouldn’t. Finally my chase of Colby paid off.
I placed my mug back down on the side, coffee long forgotten about now. I turned to see him stood in front of the closed office door, the recently acquired title over his shoulder. I licked my lips slowly, he hadn’t even changed- I loved it when he was in his ring gear.
“Mr Rollins, maybe, when you drop that attitude- I’ll see to you.”
The abruptness of my tone surprised him, I can tell from the shoulder movement and the tiny raise of an eyebrow. I keep my face calm. He must understand what he’s getting himself into before we start anything. I’ll be the one in charge of what happens. I watched as his shoulders sagged slightly and he ducked his head, putting me above himself. The smile that graced my face told a thousand words. He was accepting my lead and I finally had the playboy where I wanted him.
“You understand what is going to happen? Nod if so.”
I wanted to be clear with him, there was no room for error. Colby nodded.
“We’ll take this slowly, more vanilla if you would. I’ll look after you, Colby.”
I wrapped my tongue around the ‘L’ in his name and he shuddered. I took slow steps towards him and watched his face, his eyes got stuck flickering between my face and my chest.
I came to a halt just out of arm’s reach for him and waited. He slowly lowered the title from his shoulder and I smiled again. He was learning already. I took the title from his hands and placed it gently on the small armchair beside us both. I turned back to him and placed my hands around his wrists, squeezing softly to make him keep his hands there.
My hands ran up his arms and across his shoulders, and I relished in the shiver that he had when I ghosted over a particular spot near his neck- something I would explore later. Colby’s head was still lowered, and I brought his chin up to meet my lips to his. Colby immediately tried to take control and quicken the pace and he whined when I pulled away from him. There was just one thing I needed him to understand first.
I pulled away from his lips but took his cheeks in my hands, making him look into my eyes;
“I’m not them Colby. I’m not going to hurt you… I’ll take care of you- promise.”
His eyes flickered between mine as if he was trying to see the lie somewhere. When he found none he nodded and bowed his head again to me. I surprised him by pulling his hand forward and under the waistband of my trousers.
The fact that the resident playboy was stood in front of me and willing to bend to me, and accepting that I was going to take care of him in every possible way was such a turn on. The fact that he was younger than me turned me on even more.
Colby stiffened when he felt the wetness between my folds, and he lent forward to press his head into my shoulder. I took pity on him and whispered into his ear, “It’s okay, you can touch.” He surprised me by biting into my shoulder and releasing it with a lick of his tongue before he had me bent over the armchair I had put his title on. It happened so quickly that I hadn’t noticed him pulling my trousers and panties down in one go.
He pressed his fingers into the heat between my legs and I moaned softly for him. One finger slipped in. Then two. It was almost pitiful how wet I was by the time he was done working me up. I was about to turn around and return the favour when his hand came down on my ass. I stiffened and hung my head before wiggling my hips back and sticking my ass out for more.
“Is that okay?” Colby’s soft voice broke through my lust and I stuck a thumb up at him.  He chuckled and nudged my feet further apart, leaning down to stroke me again- only this time his tongue joined his fingers. My head thrashed from side to side as he worked me closer to an orgasm.
“That’s it baby, cum for me once and I’ll be in you…” It seems like my plan of being more dominant faded out the window, as I moaned at pleasure from his words and his hands. I felt my legs start to shake as his tempo picked up, switching between flicking my clit and forcing his tongue in me with his fingers. When my moans weren’t filling the room I could hear his movements and the splashes from my juices.
I came hard and fast, squeezing his fingers and pushing back on his hand. I tried to muffle my moans with the chair. When I was finished Colby pulled away from me and I turned to see him smirking. My eyes narrowed and I lunged at him, pushing him against the wall next to my office door.
I dropped to my knees, pulling his ring gear with me. His cock sprung free and hung in the air before my face. I knew, if there was one thing I was good at, it was sucking people off. I smirked and took him all the way in my mouth. When he cursed I blinked up innocently at him, Colby’s eyes were wide staring down at me. He hit the back of my throat and I tried to hold off on chocking.
I pulled all the way off him and ran my tongue up the underside of his cock. I wrapped my hand around the base and gently bobbed my head at the top of his cock. Colby was panting by the time I came up for air.
“Need you.”
I smiled at the statement and looked at him through my lashes. He grabbed my arm and went to steer me over to the desk, but I side tracked him and sat him in the armchair. I sat in his lap and whispered into his ear:
“I make the rules.”
He moaned into my ear as I sunk down onto him, bouncing my hips straight away. Curses filled the air between us as my hips pounded down, the noise of smacking skin joining in the harmony. I closed my eyes and leant back, knowing that I was going to cum too soon. Colby didn’t look in much better condition, staring at our connection and gripping me hard enough to leave marks.
His face screwed up and he pushed twice more before spilling inside me. It had a chain reaction of causing my orgasm on top of him. Colby was panting against my chest, and had to pull out once I had finished. I shivered when I felt the mix of our juices flow out with him.
Colby’s arms were wrapped around my waist. I pulled his head up by the front of his hair and licked his bottom lip before kissing him. He was still panting slightly when he said:
“Same time tomorrow Doc?”
116 notes ¡ View notes
alltheimaginationofme ¡ 6 years
A Different Kind Of Glasgow Kiss- Drew McIntyre
Lil’ bit of Drew loving, not requested but oh so needed!
Tags: @blondekel77 @calwitch @chanelxberlinstark @briqueenofthenorth @fioportella @wrestlingfae @whocares006 @dancefaeirie @ramsaypants @alibob687 @lunarchaosqueen @keepyourdreamsalive @meremaidqueen @demonqueen29
P.S: Let me know how I did with it!
Dolph was a pain in the ass. He couldn’t ever keep his hands to himself or his nose out of other people’s business. Since his return, he’d been nothing but trouble for everyone backstage, but he apparently took a liking to me in particular. I think because I didn’t take his shit without giving some back made it a challenge to him.
But where I’m from, you don’t back down.
“Hey sweetness, wanna go for a drink? Or should I say shall we go for a tea break?” Dolph swung himself onto the nearest crate that I was folding clothes on and I rolled my eyes at his attempt at an English dig. Another annoying aspect of Dolph was his relentlessness. Now he KNEW he could get a rise out of me- he never stopped until he did. I collected the pile of clothes and ignored him, turning to another stack that needed my attention. “Comeon babygirl, you don’t need a big red bus- I’ll give you a tour of me for free.” He cackled at his own joke and I cringed, it only ever seemed to be London jokes with him. Dolph jumped from his crate and into the seat that I was going to put clothes in. “You can’t hold out on me forever, I know you. Maybe I should ask my Scottish friend for tips?” He wriggled his eyebrows at me and I sighed.
“Perhaps I should ask your Scottish babysitter to come pick you up, we all know you get annoying when you drink too much Mountain Dew” Dolph grinned in triumph at me and I frowned, I usually lasted longer than that against him. It was whenever he brought up the skulking Scotsman I always tried to end the conversation early. There was something about Drew that I couldn’t shake, he was like kryptonite to me. Obviously the large man was insanely attractive, but whenever he was around me I just seemed to freeze.
I grunted at Dolph’s grinning face “Get outta here Ziggler, some of us have work to do.” Dolph got right up in my space and murmured “And some of us wish that work was on a rather large and heavily accented man.” His face was close to mine, and the temptation to head-butt him was astounding. If I did that, I would lose my job and the game would be up- no doubt Dolph would make a public scene to further add to my discomfort. So I played him at his own game.
“Actually Dolph, I was rather hoping for someone smaller, blonde, shit eating grin… And definitely can’t tell the difference between Dorito orange and sunkissed tan.” I put my hand on his shoulder and pushed past him, laughing as he spluttered for a comeback.
Apparently, Dolph would get his revenge a week later in the form of a wardrobe malfunction. When I arrived to his call I was beyond shocked to learn it wasn’t Ziggler with the problem- it was his partner. My eyes widened when Drew held out his trunks to me and looked almost apologetic. I narrowed my eyes at the trunks, the split was too clean to be wear-and-tear. Dolph snickered in the corner and I sighed, of course he would cut the trunks. “No problem McIntyre, give me 10 minutes tops.” I took the clothing and turned from the room, not giving either man a chance to speak. Dolph would only anger me, and Drew would only make walking away more difficult.
I sat at the sewing station about 3 minutes later and was beginning the repairs on the trunks when someone walked up behind me. It could honestly be anyone in this department, but when I felt someone leaning over my shoulder I bristled. “Repairs for Drew McIntyre.” I didn’t look up from my work and the person was still there when they spoke “Aye love, I came ta see how ya were doin”
I froze. Luckily I was sat down, or else that voice curling around me would’ve made my knees weak. Drew walked to the side of my work station, grabbed a chair from another and sat. He motioned with his hand and I shook myself out of the stupor and began to work again.
The work wasn’t actually difficult, I was just making sure I checked and rechecked everything in front of him- I didn’t want anyone complaining about my handiwork. Drew had sat and watched silently the entire time, and although he was trying his best to be quiet he still cut an imposing figure watching me work.
When I was finished, I held the trunks to him and avoided making eye contact with him. He grunted and stood, towering over me. I felt him hesitate and he took the trunks gently, our fingers stroking as he did so and I shivered. “Thank ya love” His deep timbre vibrated through my body and I nodded, almost closing my eyes at it. I didn’t see his grin as he walked away. I was too busy trying to remain calm after staring at his thighs for the past 5 minutes.
I managed to avoid Dolph for the rest of the night, meaning that I also avoided the Scotsman. It was a relief to be able to get work done without Ziggler bombarding me with cheesy lines, but it also meant that I wasn’t able to ogle Drew either. Clouds and silver linings I suppose.
I couldn’t get Drew’s soft voice out of my head. He spoke with such a harsh accent but made it sound almost melodious when it wrapped around words. The small interactions we had made my mouth water, the size and look of him made my thighs tighten. He had the look of a life ruiner in all the best ways about him.
I rounded the corner with armfuls of clothes and gear when I head Dolph’s laugh. I backed off into the corner and willed myself to not be seen by the irritating Ohioan. “Man, what more can I do for you? I’m annoying her in every way possible and dropping you in every conversation! Ya know she only reacts when I mention you anyway…”  Dolph faded into background noise as my face started to become redder. Dolph KNEW he was being an annoying kid! But he was doing it for a reason…
I left it for a while before I came out of my hiding place, walking with a purpose towards my destination- with a lot of questions about what I had just heard. Who the hell had he been talking to?
 I got my answer soon enough in the form of Ziggler. From what I had heard, the sweaty orange man had just lost his title and from the defeated sigh and slump into a chair he had lost something else as well. “You’re getting fake tan everywhere Ziggler.” Was my only comment to him. It was odd to see Dolph without his usual bravado about him, and I wanted to feel bad for the title loss but I just couldn’t bring myself to care. He rubbed his hands across his face and looked at me “He’ll kill me for this, but I just lost because of him.”
I raised an eyebrow at the pronoun game, and guessed he was talking about the Scottish Terminator. Dolph leaned forward and shook his hair out of his face. “He likes you. Like, LIKES you. He’s too much of a wimp to say anything.” He smiled sadly at me “I already know you like him too sweetness. I promise I’m not actually this much of an asshat…” He smiled into the distance and stood from the chair. He clapped me on the shoulder as he went past, I had long since stopped folding ring gear into the box. My eyes glazed over and I thought about what Ziggler had said- Drew actually liked me! Me! I smiled to myself, perhaps the awkward McIntyre was explanatory, but it made him adorable to watch me work.
I finished my work for the night with a smile on my face, partly because I was Ziggler free. Mostly because of the secret Dolph had told me, but I was slightly concerned that I hadn’t seen Drew. It was unusual backstage to have one tag partner away from the other in case they made a last minute change to story.
I had been heading out to the car park when I heard him.
“Hey love, ya fancy letting a Scottsman in yer ride?” Drew looked sheepish, his hands stuffed down his front pockets and a few strands of hair hung in his face. I smiled to him and gestured towards the car. He grinned and moved his case towards it. I finished loading up and got in the drivers’ seat, giving him time before I grilled him. I didn’t have time, as Drew had to fold himself into the car to even fit and I burst out laughing. Still chuckling, I reached over his lap and pulled the bar at the side of the chair to slide it backwards for him- Drew had tensed the entire time. I dared to look into his face and dark eyes met my gaze.
I lost my nerve at his look and slowly returned to my seat, starting the car and focusing on driving to the hotel. On the way there I saw Drew look over at me a few times and go to say something, only to purse his lips and look away again. I didn’t want to bring up what Dolph had said, but other than that we hadn’t really spoken before.
We pulled up in the parking lot of the hotel and Drew grabbed the bags from the car while I was checking in. Our rooms were on the same floor. It felt nice walking side by side with Drew, he had this air around him that nobody messed with- he was calm but radiated power. I snuck a peak up at him as we entered the elevator to see he was peeking down at me too. We both laughed and I burned red.
“Drew… What happened with Dolph?” I don’t know what prompted me to suddenly turn so serious, but it tumbled from my mouth before I could stop it. I felt him freeze next to me. He sighed and I ducked my head, wishing I hadn’t said anything to him.
“Ziggler and I… Never really got on. Tha locker room stuff was all we agreed on, and even then my opinion differed.” Drew tucked some hair behind his ears. “He wanted ta be more aggressive. I got tired of being such a bad guy. I still am a bad guy, jus aimed different.” He smiled sadly at me, and I had a feeling that he was giving me the polite version of what happened. I knew that some politics happened backstage, but I was never privy to knowing the details.
Drew’s hand reached out and smoothed my hair out of my face, his fingers lingered on my cheek and I took a breath in. “I kinda want different things now.” My breath stopped altogether at that. There’s no way I could be misreading things, so I went all in.
I had to go on my toes, and even then I wasn’t tall enough to reach his lips- luckily for me he lent down to me and we met halfway. Drew’s beard tickled my face and his lips were a soft contrast to the hair, caressing mine in a dance that saw me loose but I still ended up with his tongue in my mouth. Drew’s hands could completely cover half of my face, but he cradled my head and was so gentle like I was something he was scared to break. The doors opened and we broke the kiss for me to ask one question:
“Your room or mine?”
Drew smiled “Whicheva we get to first.” I grinned back at him and grabbed his hand. Yes I ran down the hall and he barely got past a speed walk with his legs, but I doubt anyone would laugh at us right now. My room appeared first and I thanked God when we came upon it, I was shoving the card in every direction at the lock for it to open while Drew kissed down my neck. “You’re not helping here” I was breathless, and not from the brief sprint.
When the door finally opened, Drew picked me up from behind and carried me into the room- somehow managing to drag the bags in after us. I was thrown on the bed and promptly began to undress. It seemed Drew liked the competition as he raced me to get down to nothing.
I stopped as Drew was taking his trousers off. The man was thicker than a tree and endless apparently. The situation dawned on me, I was about to get into bed with a guy that I had been crushing on for months.
Drew took me in his arms and wrapped himself around me. He kissed me softly and smiled down at me “This’ll only go as far as ya want it.” My own smile turned playful and I stepped closer to him “And how much do you want it Drew?” My smile soon disappeared as he took my hand and placed it over his boxers, onto his cock that did not disappoint. I licked my lips and kissed him. Drew took that as his confirmation and picked me up to put me on the bed.
“Ah, can’t wait to be inside ya” I noticed his accent got thicker the more turned on he was, and suddenly the accent that made me weak in the knees had me wetter than a cup of water. I pulled his face back down to me as he settled between my legs. His tongue explored my mouth and I rose from the bed to meet his hips. Drew started to trail his mouth down my neck and found a particular spot before grinding his hips down into me. The feeling of him made me rake my nails down his back, the moan he let out in reply vibrated through me.
His mouth had made its way down to my chest and his hands could cover the entirety of my small amount of boob to offer. Drew’s tongue circled a nipple whilst his hand massaged the other. I moaned up into his touch when he began to suck on one and my hands ran down to his last article of clothing- I tugged on the waistband.
Drew’s face moved back up to mine and he looked into my eyes. He seemed to be searching for something, and when I met his gaze the entire time he smiled. We rolled apart and stripped the last bits of clothes covering ourselves. My thong had just dropped to the floor when Drew’s arm wrapped around my waist again and dragged me onto the bed.
I landed underneath him and he settled between my legs again. “Ah would love to be slow…” As he spoke he dragged a finger through my folds and made me whimper. “I think we both need this.” He spoke with finality and I reached up to bite his lip. He kissed me with his full force and I felt myself get pushed back into the bed. The fact that he would be in me doing that soon was enough to make me lightheaded.
Drew rolled his hips and guided the tip of his cock in my folds, coating it before he found my entrance. I held my breath. With another roll that screamed experience he pushed inside me. I arched up and moaned in his ear, the feeling of being stretched yet perfectly full made me gasp. No one else had ever felt like this to me. I doubt there had ever been anyone as big as Drew was either. When he was fully in me he groaned and hung his head.
I became impatient underneath him and rocked my hips into his, Drew cursed and began to pump slowly. We both began to moan in tandem as he picked up his pace, our kissed became sloppy and open mouthed. Each time I came out for air his lips found mine to steal it again. Even with all of this going on, I still felt the need to tease.
“Go harder, I’m not going to break Drew.”
I whispered them into his ear and he growled, the look of passion gone from his face. His hands grasped my hips and turned me over onto my stomach. My face was stuffed into the mattress, and before I could say anything, Drew was pounding into me with renewed vigour. Each time he bottomed out my hips were pushed further into the bed, and I could’ve swore at one point I was bowed with the force he put into it.
It wasn’t a surprise that I didn’t last long with the enthusiasm he was putting in, but when I did come it was a shock. I screamed until my throat was sore and it went black behind my eyes. Drew was relentless, not stopping until I went lax on the bed. He stuttered after one thrust and grit out through his teeth “Where do ya want it”. I managed to lift my head and look over my shoulder to whisper “Inside” He grunted his approval and I dropped my head again, my hands gripping the sheets as he continued. I could hear him taking deep breaths now, trying to last longer.
Drew came with a shout and dug his teeth in my shoulder blade, slamming in with finality. I cried out at the feel of his bite and the come slowly spreading into me. Drew’s arms were shaking as he rolled to his side and began to cuddle me from behind. I felt exhausted. Before I could fully drift into sleep I thought would tease him once more. “I could get used to those kind of Glasgow kisses.” I felt him chuckle behind me.
“Aye love, I’ll wake ya up with one.”
289 notes ¡ View notes
alltheimaginationofme ¡ 6 years
Everything so far!
Finn Balor:
Brushes with Balor (Series) Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6   Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10 Part 11  Part 12 Part 13 Part 14
Da’s Little Girl (Fluff)
Roman Reigns:
Hide (Fluff with a hint of smut)
Drew McIntyre:
A Different Kind Of Glasgow Kiss (SMUT)
Seth Rollins (Colby Lopez):
Doc Appointment (SMUT) Colby
115 notes ¡ View notes
alltheimaginationofme ¡ 6 years
Brushes With Balor- Part 13
Let me know as always if you liked, thank everyone so much for coming on this journey!
Tags: @briqueenofthenorth @blondekel77 @calwitch @chanelxberlinstark @fioportella @wrestlingfae @whocares006 @dancefaeirie @ramsaypants @alibob687 @lunarchaosqueen @keepyourdreamsalive @meremaidqueen @demonqueen29 
Japan, circa 2014
The crowd away from home was more subdued, and Prince Devitt lived for it. The chance to make people squirm in their seats- do they applaud the crazy foreign man? The Prince would always hold some hearts here in this alien land. He rode in on the shoulders of Fale, towering over every possible opponent, and sure to be seen at every turn. Prince Devitt and the Demon King would bow to no man, woman or supernatural being. The fire burned in his veins, he owned this place, the tension in the air was his oxygen and the bated breaths made his heart pump.
Japan had been yet to learn of the Demon king, but they would. Soon. Was the promise from the king, they would unveil him and Japan would have their new ruler. The plans were in motion and were going to go without a hitch. The Bullet Club would have their supernatural side on full blast, and they would be revealed to the world. The NJPW scene wasn’t the biggest, but once they saw Balor, he would span over media. Balor would reach to the furthest corners of the world, and using Devitt’s body would only enhance it.
Gallows and Anderson were at his side, followed by Bad Luck Fale and Tama Tonga. The club was on their way to the ring, Young Bucks were soon to follow. Balor had been warning the Prince, the Young Bucks would soon turn. It would not matter. They are young, they will make mistakes. But the King and Prince will show them.
Devitt could only agree with Balor, anything for the King.
The match could only be described as how to burn the building down. Devitt had won but it was no easy contest, and this showed when he offered his hand to shake his opponent’s. Another foreign man wanting to make a name for himself. He will unfortunately disappear all too soon over here. Balor whispered into Devitt’s ear and he agreed. Sometimes people just didn’t make it. The audience showed their appreciation, and Devitt saw his opponent blow a kiss to someone in the crowd. He looked in curiosity to see another man clapping and smiling and Balor laughed Love will make you weak. What they didn’t see was the Young Bucks jump onto the ring, and run into Devitt’s opponent from behind. The ringing of the bell was what alerted him to the attack.
The Bucks were stomping and throwing everything they had at the man, but Devitt just froze. Balor was quiet. Devitt grabbed the nearest twin and yanked him away from the slaughter. The Bucks turned to him now. “He’s beaten, leave him.” Devitt’s voice sounded strange, even to his own ears when he spoke this. The twins looked at him like he had another head, the bell ringing had made him feel like he had grown one. “He challenged you, you beat him, we beat him. That’s how the Bullet Club works!” One of the twins was shouting at him now, and Devitt didn’t care to make a note of which it was. The other was slowly circling him now, and Balor noticed that a fight was about to occur. Balor also saw a lack of Gallows or Anderson at ringside, and judging by the bruises decorating the Young Bucks’ hands, Gallows and Anderson had already had their party. “So this is how it ends.” Was the only sentence from Prince Devitt, and he acknowledged the irony of the Prince and King being taken down by their followers. There is a poem for this I am sure, but please focus on the fight. Balor chastised his young body and Devitt shook his head.
The blow from behind had not been expected, and when Devitt turned, he saw Fale standing tall over him. Shit. Fale had been a key follower and reinforcement of Devitt’s reign, and this coup had clearly been building from the inside- judging by the anger in Fale’s eyes, he had been the first to turn. Devitt scrambled to the ropes in an attempt to either pull himself to his feet or roll from the ring, unfortunately, Fale gripped his ankle and pulled him back to the slaughter. Balor was ringing at the door and it wouldn’t be long until Devitt gave him full reign of his body.
Another body slammed down onto the mat.
Prince Devitt’s previous opponent was also going to be treated to the bruising kicks to the ribs apparently.
A scream entered the ring, and Tama Tonga came for the split blood. Devitt knew he would not be having help from the Tongan, there would be no man to ever fully win Tama over- he was only ever on the side that best suited him.
The ringing in Devitt’s ears grew louder and louder, the bell continued and the crowd was now screaming. The body that Devitt was in lashed its arm out, and fire shot from his fingers, catching onto the banners at the side of the ring. The Prince noticed but his assailants didn’t, the Prince also noticed that he was no longer in control. It seemed that Balor was not either, fight or flight had taken over. The body was acting of its own accord in an attempt to save itself. Devitt could only silently watch as the flames grew, and more energy shot from his body. There was a different bell now, a fire alarm. The crowd was dispersing, the blows lessened, and feet ran away.
Devitt struggled to move, the attack had been extensive. He was currently sporting broken ribs, a fractured arm and some form of head injury yet to be determined. He shut his eyes and wished to be in the room at the hotel, the smoke from the flames were reaching him now. I might be able to teleport, but you have to trust me. Balor spoke calmly but quickly, the sense of urgency in his voice unmistakeable; and Devitt had no other option but to allow the Demon King complete control of his body.
They vanished just as a support beam fell from above.
 Present Day
Something was keeping me awake. It could be the fear from the earlier conversation, it could be the fear that every single person I knew had been lying to me.
It could be the fear that I was nothing without this supernatural side. I was nothing before interacting with Finn, there was nothing special about me. I would die here and I would be forgettable again.
My cheek was red and sore to the touch from the conversation in the day, but as I saw street lamps light up I knew something was going to happen tonight- so I had to keep my injuries to the back of my mind. I had to concentrate, tonight is the night that it will happen.
A noise from the door in front of me grabbed my attention. I shifted in my chair, I wasn’t quite ready for my kidnapper to kill me yet, there were still things that I had to come to terms with. The door jiggled again, someone was messing with the lock. I looked around, panicking because I was tied to the chair this time. Nothing came to mind, and even if I did decide to move I’d fall over in the chair and have to die looking like an idiot.
When Seth burst through the door I think I actually peed my pants a little.
He was red in the face and his hair was unkempt, he was followed by Ambrose, Anderson, Gallows and Roman- Finn came in last and attempted to barricade the door. They all looked like they had been running from something. Seth smiled his crooked smile at me and began to run towards me, just as Finn screamed for him to stop.
A light flew from the floor. Straight into Seth. Seth screamed and froze.
I cried out from my chair and uselessly tugged at the restraints, Seth had a look of pure agony frozen on his face and my heart hurt to look. Dean shifted in the background with nervous energy, Roman was sniffing the air whilst Gallows, Anderson and Finn watched Seth. “Fucking do something!” I didn’t even realise my thoughts had been said aloud until everyone looked to me. Gallows turned to Anderson and muttered something, Finn hung in the background and wouldn’t even look at me. Dean shifted into my line of sight “Ya got anything to cut with?” His question shook me out of my rage and I shook my head.
Roman shook his head and his bun wiggled with it, he looked at the floor and kicked a stone across to where Seth was stood. A light came to the stone and I saw cracks form in it. My eyes widened in fear for Seth, who was still stuck in place.
You’re safe, he wants to make everyone suffer. You’re in a protected ring.
The voice from earlier came back into my panicked thoughts and squirmed in my chair, shifting it until I fell to my side. A coin fell from my pocket and rolled just past my head, where it was hit with light and frozen. Anderson stepped forward and scanned the floor “Obviously this was meant to hurt, the rock and coin have almost disintegrated straight away- Rollins is stuck.” He looked to me and spoke again “Think you can catch sweetness?” I nodded and he reached into his jacket, chucking me something small. It landed relatively near my hand, and I scooted closer until I could reach- a pocket knife.
I started working on my bonds, looking up to Seth every now and then to make sure no cracks had started to show. When I was free I jumped up and stood where the chair had been- dead centre.  I looked at the men in the room “What now?”. A distinct tattooed arm wrapped around Dean from behind and pulled him through a side door. Before he disappeared I could already see the shaking smile on his face as his possessor took over. Roman scowled and went after Dean, fur sprouting as he shouted “Orton!” to us. I was left with a frozen Seth and The Balor Club, their leader wouldn’t look at me.
This had nothing to do with me, I had no idea how any of this worked! I was just some tech girl who wasn’t anything special! I was angry crying now, rubbing furiously at the tears as they fell. Gallows and Anderson were talking softly with Finn and I saw Finn shake his head and step further back from them “I’m useless here.” Is all I could see from his lips.
I turned to look at Seth again and my heart hurt at his face, twisted in agony over me. I caused him this much pain. I went to reach for him, and was an inch away. Even that made me miserable, I couldn’t share his pain or take any away from him. I looked into his soft brown eyes and remembered the almost kiss we shared, before something blasted him into the wall. I retreated back into my safe circle. If I had just kept my head down we wouldn’t be in this mess, if I just worked harder and didn’t have a social life then everyone would be fine. I would be alone, but it would be better than this.
Seth had been frozen for too long now, and I couldn’t begin to imagine how painful it was. I began to walk further back from the scene, Seth frozen in place and The Balor Club assessing the situation, testing how far the circle went with whatever they could find.
An arm wrapped around my throat.
A strangled noise came from my mouth before he applied the pressure to silence me completely. “Hello boys” I could hear his smile behind my right ear, and although I could breathe- I wasn’t about to say anything to make him tighten his arm. We had everyone’s attention in the room, and Anderson spoke first “So you’re the one behind all this?” My kidnapper laughed and I could feel him nod. Finn stepped forward “Who even are you?” His voice was blank, and his face said nothing- I desperately wanted him to look at me and tell me it was going to be okay. I wanted some reassurance from someone, hell I’d even take it from Gallows!
“Oh sweetness, I don’t expect you to know me. I’m just here to play.”    
Finn’s face hardened “I don’t want to play. You clearly know who we are.”
He shuffled behind me “But where’s the fun? Prince Devitt was much more open to games.”
Finn tensed and Gallows put his hand on his shoulder. Finn smiled tightly “Prince Devitt ain’t about anymore. Ya got me instead. How about a deal for this game?” I was seriously contemplating killing Finn myself at this point, Seth was still frozen, my kidnapper had his arm wrapped completely around my neck and he wanted to play a game? To make a deal? Whilst I was seething with anger, apparently they had made their deal. My kidnapper whispered some words that I didn’t understand, and Seth unfroze with a scream. Gallows grabbed him from the circle and made sure he wouldn’t stumble back into it by accident.
My chest ached for him, to run and hug him- to make sure he was okay. To make sure he was angry with me. It was my fault this was all happening. Gallows spoke up now “Y/N, stop thinking like that.” I looked to him in shock, with wide eyes. The laugh came from behind me again “Mind reader, idiot.” He stage whispered in my ear and I tensed up against him. He yanked my head to the side and I felt him sniff my neck “She smells good fellas”. Finn tensed but shuffled behind Anderson,  taking Seth from Gallows- Seth looked like dead weight on his shoulders.
“It’s boring without them in your life isn’t it Y/N? Just so normal and PLAIN. You were nothing before you got messed about with these pricks and now look. I was someone before I messed with them, now I’m nothing. I feel like I know how you’ve felt.”
He cackled in my ear once more and I turned my head away from it, the sound horrifically smooth considering how crooked he was. Feel in your pocket. The knife, you moron.
I wanted to growl at the voice inside my head, but it was right. Inside my front pocket was the knife that had been thrown to me, how I managed to put it there was beyond me. As I reached for it, Gallows cocked his head at me- apparently he had heard what had been said in my head. He shook his head slowly to me, and I kept my fist tight around the pocket knife. Anderson looked past my head “How do you know us? You mentioned Prince Devitt- New Japan then.” My kidnapper loosened his grip around my neck and chuckled.
“Karl. You’ve lost weight.” He twitched against my back “Finn- Prince Devitt. You’re more muscular nowadays, but goodness me if that modelling stint didn’t give a guy wet dreams.”  He slurped his lips next to my ear, and made a kissing noise- I tried to wriggle away from him. “Now, now, now- where do you think you’re going?” He grabbed my arm and twisted, forcing me down onto my knees and producing a gun in seconds. I think I was past the point of shock.
Finn was my mate, he was also the Demon King, Gallows could read minds, I had been kidnapped- and my kidnapper had frozen Seth in magic.
A gun actually felt relatively normal in this situation.
“Well, since we’re not on first name terms, you can call me Mason.” The hand that had a hold of my arm moved to my shoulder and squeezed, I wanted to shrug him off but my arm was in pain and who knew what he was going to do next.
‘Mason’ fell quiet and waited. It was a clear power move, he had the answers and he had me- everything they came for was in his hand. But, in The BC’s favour was the fact this guy was batshit crazy. I knew from experience that he wouldn’t stay quiet for too long, eventually his erratic behaviour needed to expand and go somewhere. So it was all a matter of time. I looked to Gallows again in the meantime, attempting to catch his attention without being caught- his eyes flickered to me.
I have a voice inside my head telling me to do stuff. I still have the knife in my pocket. Give me a signal and I can stab his foot or something. By the wince on his face, I didn’t need to have shouted everything towards him, but he still nodded slightly.
The tension hung in the air, and I knew one side had to give in first. “Why are you doing this?” I guess it couldn’t have hurt for me to break the silence. Boy, was I wrong.
Using the butt of the gun, Mason smacked the back of my neck and jarred my head forwards. The three men in front of me tensed, and Finn looked murderous. “Ouch, dickwad.” I rubbed the back of my neck, and craned it up to look at the ceiling when he slammed the gun into my nose- of course it bled instantly. The boys were now protesting and stepping forward, before my eyes watered and I blinked. I sat forward and leant down, blood slipping to the floor and I pinched my nose- luckily it wasn’t broken, or not that I could tell. I got the hint that I was to not talk anymore.
“Since you won’t ask questions, I’ll have to answer hers. 4 years ago Balor- do you remember where you were?” He was gripping my shoulder tightly again, pressing his fingers in my skin deep. Finn shook his head, but his expression was guarded- he knew where he was but wanted Mason to say.
“Your last match in New Japan. Almost to the day it is… Your last match, and you burnt the building down after. There was only one casualty when there should have been two. You fucked up your Bullet Club for your Demon King and when they attacked you burnt the building down!” His voice rose until it was almost a screech at the end. Mason’s fingers suddenly left my shoulder and I flinched- expecting another attack. When I looked up he was pointing his gun at Finn.
“You should be dead. You need to be dead. Dead for what you did to him.” Finn caught onto something at that, recognition swept over his face.
“Tha was you, in the crowd.” His voice was lower and stable compared to Mason’s.  Mason started to nod, and I noticed tears had formed in his eyes. “There’s not a day where I don’t regret wha happened in that buildin” Finn spoke softer, as if he was trying to calm a wild animal. Mason shrieked with laughter:
“You don’t regret it! You live for moments like those! Your Demon KNEW what was happening, and so did you! You killed him! Murdered in cold blood because you couldn’t keep a lid on Club business!”
He was pacing behind me now, the floor vibrating with every step he took. I closed my eyes, it was about the time I stopped watching New Japan because I ended up working on the road with WWE. All I can remember was the Bullet Club turning on their leader Prince Devitt, it had been speculated that he was moving across to WWE after the next NJPW PPV. The building had a freak accident, the cameras had been cut just before the fire came out; but the fire had completely consumed the whole building. By the sounds of it, someone didn’t make it out as it had been reported. I shook my head, of course. Mason’s soulmate.
Gallows had been looking at me and following along in my head, and he leant to Finn and whisper in his ear. Finn looked at Mason. “Your mate.” Mason let go of me completely and paced around the small space we had.
“You see Balor? It doesn’t actually matter if I’m someone important. I am a nobody with nothing who reduced you to this. You fucking strut around like you own the place! LOOK AT WHAT YOU DO TO PEOPLE!” He screamed at Finn who flinched with his words, I guess no matter what you tell yourself, you’re guilty in some ways. By this time my nose had stopped bleeding, but Mason had bit his lip enough that blood and spittle were flying from his mouth.
“He was my fucking world. Is my world. Everything since that day has been about getting back at you. I’m a useless Seelie, but I did my research. I had time on my hands, so much time after he died. I lost direction, but I’ve planned this for the last four fucking years.”
Anderson laughed at him “Wasn’t that great of a plan since it didn’t work out!” Karl smiled at his observation and I closed my eyes, not while I’m still here and he still has a gun Karl. Mason laughed along with him, and slowly Karl’s laugh died off. Mason aimed the gun into the back of my head and nudged my head forward slightly.
“Such a waste, just like killing David was.”
I jerked to the side as he pulled the trigger, and the bullet went through my neck into the ground in front of me. I don’t think I even screamed. I heard the Club shout just as I faded into black.
What a shit rescue.
 Finn’s heart lurched as Y/N fell forward and blood began to pool underneath her. Mason looked down at where she had been with wide eyes- no one had expected that apparently. Finn roared and stepped to the front, intending to go to Mason and rip his spine from his body.
A door behind Mason opened, and Dean Ambrose stumbled in looking dishevelled and wild- spotting Mason he grinned. Mason was oblivious, instead choosing to grin at Finn and point at Y/N on the floor. Roman was next through the door, dragging a bloody Randy Orton behind him. Roman looked over to Seth being held up by Finn and promptly dropped Orton on the floor. The two Shield members started walking over to an oblivious Mason.
Finn was barely keeping himself contained, but knowing he didn’t have any Balor right now made him practically normal. He could smell her blood from where he was stood, and saw the unsteady rise and fall of her chest- but it wouldn’t be long until she bled out on the floor. Roman tapped Mason on the shoulder and he didn’t even turn, his smile spreading as he said “Someone smell wet dog?” Roman rolled his eyes and punched the back of Mason’s neck, making him stumble forward and into the space that was the deadly area. Nothing happened. Mason grinned, there hadn’t been anything stopping them the entire time!
Finn pounced on him.
They landed on the floor and rolled, Finn straddled his waist and punched through Mason’s weak blocks- and his face quickly became bloody. Mason was laughing and encouraging him.
“You was there the whole time Finn! Why couldn’t you save her? There was nothing stopping you!”
Mason laughed, even when Finn’s right hook took a tooth from his mouth. There was nothing left of Finn, he was just a feeling. Pure anger, rage unfiltered. Nothing else was in his head, and he was panting by the time Luke and Roman dragged him from what was left of Mason. Luke spoke but Finn was still focused on Mason. Karl stepped into view, past Mason and over to Y/N. Finn blinked multiple times before their voices came ringing through “-lost so much. It’s a stretch, I can probably take some of it- just not all of it. Get everyone to the cars and bring them round- need to make a quick route to the hospital.” Understanding dawned on Finn, Karl was going to try and take the wound from Y/N’s neck- but she had lost so much blood. The fight they had to even get here was draining on them all. Apparently Mason had set traps for all of them no matter which route they took.
Mason gurgled from the floor and lifted his head to once again grin at Finn.
“He can’t reverse it all bud. I made sure of that, my magic may be limited, but my research wasn’t.”
With the final jab he laid his head back down and coughed before chuckling to himself. Finn went lax in Luke and Roman’s arms, and they set him on the floor. Karl was touching Y/N’s neck gently, and the other hand was on her bare shoulder. Finn watched as some of the neck injury healed, the wound was still deep but the blood flowing from it was significantly lessened. Karl looked pale when he let go and stumbled to his feet, shuffling over to Mason’s body before kneeling next to him. Karl spoke just loud enough for Finn to hear him “I hope you never find your mate again for this. There’s a special place for people like you.”  Karl lunged forward and wrapped his hands around Mason’s neck, not chocking but so he could feel Mason’s neck under his fingers.
Finn stared as Mason’s neck started leaking blood, the wound opening itself on the side of his neck- but not deep enough to kill him. Karl stood from Mason and wiped himself off. “It probably won’t kill him because it’s his magic, but it will still suck.” Mason gurgled in reply and Karl came across to Finn, reaching for his bloody fists and Finn moved them away from him.
At that moment, Dean Ambrose burst through the door they had first come in. Finn hadn’t even noticed The Shield leave. Gallows and Anderson walked to Y/N and picked her up gingerly whilst Finn was offered a hand by the lunatic. Finn studied Ambrose and saw the twitching was still there, making Finn feel uncomfortable, but there was no owl head so he supposed Dean was as himself as he was going to get. Finn murmured his thanks and Dean replied “Of course, Demon King.” With a slight incline of his head they both turned to the door and out to the car.
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