af-ckinggod · 9 months
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I like shipping Cody with just about everyone so here’s some Mal and Cody
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af-ckinggod · 9 months
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af-ckinggod · 9 months
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Fanart of a lovely one shot made by RunningRapids on AO3
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af-ckinggod · 10 months
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This took 8 hours.
I have this concept in my head that Scott unwillingly became the parental figure to the Kites (because he has parental issues) specifically Bek and Tubbo because yes.
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af-ckinggod · 10 months
More concept art of ideas from my head.
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Kalluto and Gon but as a duo!
I thought of two different concepts for them.
Number one, Kalluto was the one who left instead of Killua and took his place in the story.
And number two, Kalluto comes searching for Killua on Whale Island after the Chimera Ant Arc. When they met Kalluto and Gon became friends and something something Kalluto and Gon decide they want to travel together but first Kalluto goes and does the hunter exam where he meets someone that can help with Gon’s nen situation and they start traveling the world together with some new outfits.
Small notes about their designs, they each are wearing a piece of fabric that matched one another, Kalluto let Gon cut his hair while he helps style and care for his. Also Aunt Mito helped them pick out their outfits.
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af-ckinggod · 11 months
I made another character design based on fanfiction…
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It’s unfinished and hasn’t been updated in awhile but I still love it dearly.
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Here’s and eye closeup
Also take some art of Kurama and Naruto
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af-ckinggod · 11 months
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Shark Mer Forever and Confused Human Philza
Philza was totally just spending time with Missa, Tallullah and Chayanne at the beach when he was suddenly pulled underwater by an immediately smitten Forever
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af-ckinggod · 11 months
Here take some concept art for another fic I like.
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It’s called ‘But with my head up in the clouds (I can see so much ground)’ by SpicySourSoup on AO3 and there is only two chapters so far but I’m really excited for some more. The premise of the fic is that Tommy got thrown into Empires SMP Season 2 by Pearl.
A few notes about my design
His coat is made by Katherine from the shreds of Wilbur’s old trench coat, also the fur because he’s very cold
He wears his ‘Your Tubbo’ compass as well as a little bit packet of Ghostbur’s ‘Blue’
His bandana made from Tubbo’s shirt is on his arm
The axe on his back was a gift from Eddie
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af-ckinggod · 11 months
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I really like a fic I’m reading called ‘Somewhere to Heal’ by DearlyDevoid on AO3 so take my design of him, I love him dearly.
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af-ckinggod · 11 months
I needed something to do/draw and I was never fully fond of Naruto character designs so I decided to redesign Team Seven (minus Kakashi) as well draw them all together.
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Naruto, I still kept some orange because it’s a key part of his character and the color looks good on him. I gave him pointy ears because I felt like giving him some more inhumane features considering he is both a child of a jinchuriki and a jinchuriki himself.
Also him with Kurama Eyes and a concept of their eye colors mixed
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Next is Sakura, I really like her Shippuden design so I took most of my inspiration from there, also gave her more mesh armor because armor.
There wasn’t much to change about Sakura’s design because she’s one of my favorites design.
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And finally, Sasuke.
I despise his design, his hair confuses the shit out of me, so I changed it and rather purposefully made it look a bit more like Itachi solely for angst purposes, you know the scene where Hunter (The Owl House) looks in the mirror and sees Belos, I’m imagining something like that but with Sasuke and Itachi.
In terms of his outfit I honestly just did random stuff that looked cool.
Also in terms of the masks I just thought it’d be funny to have them match Kakashi in that way. Also take this little chart I made of their estimated heights.
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Naruto: 4’ 10”
Sasuke: 5’ 5”
Sakura: 5’ 4”
I also redrew the Team Photo
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Little bits of info
- Sasuke is trying to get away from them
- Naruto is doing bunny ears on Sakura
- Sakura has to lean down to be on Naruto’s level
- Kakashi is doing his best to ignore his students
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af-ckinggod · 11 months
This is an incredibly random thing I thought of and I decided to write it.
Philza was raised in a loving home, love was prominent in his home as a key part of the Craft Family.
But when his father grew sick with a lethal illness Philza grew scared and fearful, and when he saw the way his mother reacted he grew confused.
His mother did not look at his father mournful as if she was already picking out flowers for his coffin, she did not burst into tears when he failed to get up from his bed but instead climbed in with him and invited Philza to curl in her arms.
Whenever he would ask why she was not scared like he was she would smile and told him that she would tell him why when his father got better.
And when he did, when his skin glowed a health tone and his eyes regained that spark of life, Philza asked again.
She smiled at him and invited him to lie with his head in her lap, she curled her fingers through his hair as she told her how she stayed so confident in his father’s health even when he could do nothing but moan in pain.
“It’s because I love your father,” she began twirling his hair into tiny plaits as they watched his father care for the horses, “And love conquers all,” she looked down at him with a warm smile, “Even Death.”
And as he grew older he lived taking that phrase to heart, as long as he had love he would live.
But now…
Now he watched as Death — a being who went by Missa sometimes and Kristen others — a being he was in the middle of marrying — fought against Love himself.
And as Philza watched Love fight with Death he found himself silently praying that Love wouldn’t conquer Death, that they could fight him off until Love gave up and fled the underworld.
But as his blue eyes caught Love’s ruby ones he realize that it would not happen, because Love always conquers Death.
For a bit of clarification
Forever is basically the God of Love and basically Love incarnate
Death is both Missa and Kristen, I decided they were the same person in this and sometimes went by Missa and sometimes Kristen (wow gender-fluid king/queen)
I have no clue where my thoughts come from.
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af-ckinggod · 1 year
I had a random idea at three am after seeing posts about Brunim and Forever.
Brunim somehow (idk how) ends up on the island and ofc he and Forever meet up and Forevers very excited his partner is back and now he no longer needed to bother Phil constantly pretending he was him, but he finds himself missing Phil.
As he and Brunim were cuddling he imagined that Phil was right there with them, preferably between them, maybe his and Forever’s faces would be marked up with Brunim’s lipstick, or Brunim and Phil’s with Forever’s, or maybe both, he could imagine it now, Phil’s face peppered with red hued lipstick. Phil would be lying on his stomach with those big void like wings wrapped around him and Brunim, maybe they would have some of his feathers mixed into their hair or made into jewelry. And knowing Brunim and his vampirey habits Phil’s neck would probably have many puncture marks from his teeth, probably some full on bite marks from Forever himself.
Any other person would have pushed those thoughts away, ignored them because they had what they wanted in the first place, no need to be selfish.
But maybe Forever deserved to be a little selfish, maybe he wanted to be a little selfish.
He brings it up to Brunim, tells him of his feelings and says he wants Phil too. Surprisingly Brunim agrees, what Forever did not know but probably should have guessed was that Brunim had been keeping an eye of Phil since he arrived at the island. The vampire watched as he cared for his son and granddaughter, watched as he interacted with Richarlyson and saw the way he was so sweet to a boy that wasn’t even his to care for.
Brunim decided he wanted him too.
I have no clue where my mind went, the darkish/possesiveish behavior was inspired by a drawing I saw on Twitter and thought what if I threw Philza in the mix.
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The post in question
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af-ckinggod · 1 year
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af-ckinggod · 1 year
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I made an impulsive design for their fic called “TommyInnit's Services for Villains, Vigilantes, and Various Other Vagabonds”
A few notes about my design
In the DreamSMP Prime’s symbol is a cross hence the necklace (he needed to keep up the bit) and I just gave him prayer beads cause I thought it looked cool.
He also has long hair because I can’t resist giving characters long hair for the life of me, I’ve decided that the little braids are from Michael as well.
The ring was a gift from either Quackity or Purpled in reference to Quackity promising to keep people from him so the ring is like a claim or something, like this dude is under the protection of the King of Clubs type beat
Also he has piercings because I think he deserves to have them. I was debating on giving him gages because in Buddhism having stretched ears was a sign of wisdom and compassion and I just thought I would be neat.
Anyways hope you like it @/scorpionoesit
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af-ckinggod · 1 year
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I colored it :>
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Here is my fanart of @rhapsoddity ‘s sona
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af-ckinggod · 1 year
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Here is my fanart of @rhapsoddity ‘s sona
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af-ckinggod · 1 year
I don’t hate any of them either, their characters are very interesting, but Jimmy deserved the world and I’m that upset no one gives him it!
I imagine that they start to realize their errors when they see the hermits interacting with Jimmy (like they still joke around with him but they see the way Tango still hugs and is very affectionate and assuring to Jimmy and Grian still ruffles his hair and kills mobs that dare threaten his little brother (my own headcanon))
Incoming rant about my precious darling, Sheriff Jimmy Solidarity. (Disclaimer: I am talking about the characters and the plot only! All my live goes out for all the creators of Empires. It’s just the actions of the characters that I have a problem with.)
Watch the newest episode, was planning on making posts out of it, and instead I just died of grief
Jimmy is all alone in tumble town. No one else lives with him. Everyone his ever met has been cruel or indifferent to him in some way. Everyone has laughed at him. He just wants basic human kindness, and he’ll take it from anyone. He built vacation houses and begged for his neighboring rulers to spend some time in them because of his crushing loneliness. He found an strange, old man in a cave underneath his town and immediately wants to be best friends.
When he asks for respect, many interpret it as demanding the kind of authoritative respect, like he’s supreme leader of everyone in Empires or something. But no. At this point, he’s pleading for even a shred of basic respect. He just wants someone, anyone, to treat him like a person. To treat him with an ounce of dignity.
Everyone, including Jimmy sometimes, acts like what he’s asking for is some huge, impossible feat. But in reality, all someone has to do is say hello, have a normal conversation with him, behave like a normal person, respect some boundaries, and then don’t act like doing these bare necessities are some great luxury that they are so kindly gifting to the unworthy Jimmy. Don’t threaten to take away this shred of kindness if he does one thing you don’t like.
fWhip is especially guilty of this. He was nice to Jimmy for awhile, then fWhip got his feelings hurt and then treated Jimmy like trash. Then, this goblin has the audacity to say on stream that he’ll be nice again if Jimmy just apologizes. That, my esteemed followers, is called manipulation and abuse. No, fWhip, you can’t just treat Jimmy like a tool that is no longer useful to you. You should treat him like a person, because he is one.
Sorry that this rant got so long, I just have many feelings about my baby boy Jimmy. I promise I’m not actually mad at anyone, especially not the creators or anything. I just have emotionally attached myself to the character of Sheriff Jimmy, and if I could wrap him up in blankets and give him little forehead kisses and never let anyone or anything hurt him again, I would.
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