I hate it when you wake me up early
Telling me it's past 7:30, but not really
The sun still hasn't risen
Yet up to this day I never listened 
I hate it when you stop me from using my phone
I simply don't get it, for it is something I own
I'd rather talk with my friends and peers online
I can manage myself and I will be fine
I hate it when you don't allow me to go
Parties with friends, the feeling I won't know
You will never give me your trust
For you see me as if I'm small as dust
There are things that I hate about you
Yet those are incomparable to the things you do
So let me scream to the world how much I love you
Here are some of the hundred things I love about you
I love your tight hugs and kisses
You both are just the sweetest
You wipe my tears in times of despair
You're the only person who truly cares
I love the smell of the food you cook
You make the best dishes, I've been hooked
You take good care of me when I am sick
Whenever I need you, you come quick
I love the lullabies you sing to make me sleep
Those are memories I will keep
Your voice is music to my ears
It magically drives away my fears
I will forever treasure our days in the sun 
Thank you for being my rock, my one 
For the love that you gave, the warmth in your glow 
But now it's time for me to let you go.
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The Dream Man
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The Unseen Fury
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Words Left Unspoken
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Gratitude in Verse: Ode to My Love
I appreciate you more than words can say You light up my life in every way Your smile is like sunshine Your touch is divine I'm grateful for you every single day Your kindness and love never cease You bring me such joy and peace I cherish our time together It just keeps getting better With you, my love will never decrease You're the one that I adore I couldn't ask for anything more Your laughter is music to my ears You banish all my fears I'm so grateful that you I adore In your arms, I feel so complete Our love is true, not just a fleet I appreciate you, my dear You're the one I hold near Forever and always, our love will beat So here's to you, my love so true I'm grateful for all that you do You're my rock, my guiding light I'll love you day and night I appreciate you, through and through
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Image courtesy of Benjamin Garza
Guiding Star, Hidden Scars: The Plight of the Eldest Daughter
The candle burning bright, ignites a fiery flame,
But as it burns at both ends, it's never quite the same.
The passion once so vibrant, now flickers under strain,
A reminder that even the strongest can feel the pain.
From tender years, she was taught to lead,
To guide her siblings, and fill their need,
But who guides the guide when they lose their way?
As she tallies her responsibilities, in a never-ending fray.
When she falters or stumbles, the sound is loud, 
The disappointment in the eyes of the crowd.
She’s meant to be flawless, a standard so high, 
Yet she’s human, imperfect, and sometimes she cries.
In the quest for perfection, she lost herself, 
Her dreams on hold, her passions on the shelf. 
She carries the weight of expectations high,
A role unchosen, under the watchful sky.
She longed to be seen, not just for her role, 
But for the person within, her own soul.
Yet who sees the sacrifice? The pain?
The sleepless night? The anxiety's heavy chain?
But for every struggle faced, a lesson learned, a strength gained,
And through the pain of growth, a pearl of wisdom is attained.
As she tries to begin again, to fill this gaping hole.
She seeks the light of dawn to mend her weary soul.
A piece of her youth is traded, for every victory she feels, 
But she ties up her hair and smiles like it's no big deal.
With pages turned and lessons learned, she now walks just fine,
She pens her soul in verses bold, in crafted and straight lines.
So lift your head dear one, and like her carry-on,  
For you are strong, courageous, and full of brawn.  
And though the weight may seem too much to bear,  
Know that you are capable and that you will get there.
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#hyperpoetry #metaphor #dreams #destiny #river #waves
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Inspired by the Song of J.R.A
By chance ( You and I )
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The Story of a Man and a Boy
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Image courtesy of [ eudaimonia. ]
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Image courtesy of [ Bon La Blanc ]
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Triumphing over Rejection
In the realm of dreams where courage reigns supreme, Lies the path where fear's hold becomes a distant theme. Though rejection's sting may leave its mark, Regret's shadow looms even darker, leaving a lasting spark.
Within the shadow of rejection's sting, Resides a pain that time's gentle touch can bring. But deeper still, a sorrow silently cries, In the paths untaken, where regret never dies.
Opportunities lost, dreams left behind, Whispers of what could have been, echo in the mind. The ache of unfulfilled ventures, left unexplored, Leaves the heart heavy, its true desires ignored.
So dare to chase what sets your soul ablaze, For in the pursuit, your heart's true joy lays. Embrace the journey, let doubts fade away, For in the face of fear, true strength holds sway.
In the face of challenges, push yourself through, Walk on, don't falter in the dark's view. Accepting and rising from the trial, In hope and strength, you'll prevail with a smile.
So don't let fear hold you back, Try and continue the track. On the path to success and glory, Rejection is just a fleeting story.
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Hidden Charmed
In the classroom, the heart start to race, A hidden love, a secret embrace, He watches her eyes, But rejection, makes him cry,
In her appearance, his heart find place, He doesn't want to confess, Putting in hiding place,
Dreaming things what he'll do, Thinking ways, how he pursues, Manifesting that he had a chance, But she loves another lad.
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The Whispers of the Peculiar River
Rivers are dreamers, but dreaming breaks their hearts, Yet among the streams, they feel peculiar, Because even during the ceaseless race,  They were able to swim out of their��small waves. Persistently longing for the heaps of salty water, No matter how long and how far, it doesn’t matter. Because according to the Peculiar River, The sea is the only route to satisfy its hunger. As the river dreams of something huge,  It continuously longs for a hiatus, Even when the cold breeze overwrites its gentle deluge, They oblige themselves to stand the unwanted torture. Thriving despite criticism makes them funny, And so, some rivers doubt, am I merely like a wadi? But there was an ocean waiting in agony, Little does the river know that it’s just facing the wrong destiny. Denying the vast wonders of the vagrant water, They yank it away, believing its voyage is the wrong pattern. Drawn back by the force, dreams have vanished forever, As the embrace of the estuary welcomes the missing river. The river has done everything while its adventure lasted, But it went to bawl out until it emptied its pent, Remarkably proud of what it had and did, Yet doubting itself again and again.
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Ember of Memories
From the glow of the fire, we see our past Our shadows will flicker, the memories will cast We’re tempted to let it all ignite And to watch it burn in the dead of night But the flames do not erase, they only scorch Leaving us scars on what we’ve torched Ashes remains, like a ghostly trace That reminds us of the time, a relentless pace We could set ablaze to the past we made And watch them vanish in a burning haze But among the fire, the truths are learned The lessons from the past we’ll forever earned
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