wordsithink · 3 years
آپ کے جا نے سے کوئی فرق نھئ پڑھنا
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wordsithink · 3 years
I think I just want to die.Die.Die.Die.Die.Die.Die.
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wordsithink · 3 years
Why am I me?why am i this being?Take me away from here? I'm powerless, useless, unneeded if I dont serve a purpose. I've stopped feeling. I only like hurting
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wordsithink · 3 years
Can you stop? Can you stop appearing in my dreams. intruding my thoughts, like they belong to you. I implore you to let me have the serene peace that I once had, before encountering you
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wordsithink · 3 years
Dear You,I hope wherever you are, you're enough for yourself, enough to shoulder the lonliness, enough to know that it's ok to have contrasting thoughts to people around you, enough to have this astonishingly recipient mind. It's ok, it's enough if you have yourself even if you crave to be understood and are starved to be listened to. Embrace yourself but grow, grow because you need you the most. You're the deep rooted dry soil and you're the bloosimming flowers that'll sprout for the effort you put in. It's ok, so augment and pile up and grow so big that you'll only need you. You're here only for yourself.Its ok if the only person you save is you, Its ok.I love you. Even if they dont understand, I'll always understand you. ITS OK.*HUGS*.Just focus on you. You're the most important thing for you. Stop this cycle of self hatred because I'll always love you, even the imperfections, even those anxious thoughts, even that fat that you hate, even this mind, even this body. God has so intricately constructed you. ITS OK.I LOVE YOU ALOT.YOURE THE BEST PERSON .ALL YOU NEED T OK DO IS PUT YOURSELF OUT THERE;just to grow, let free of the shackles that bind your being.
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wordsithink · 4 years
New begginings
I often feel like I am a moth. The way it is drawn to light,I always to seem to find myself drawn towards new chances,new beginnings.Trying to shed my old skins,my old selves in order to forget the dirt of what I once used to be.Forget all the tainted imperfections that my old self had and then become a wholly new person.One who isnt anxious,depressed or messed up.So I say goodbye to you ,dear person.
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wordsithink · 4 years
The damage is done,I think
Stangnancy in it's best form
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wordsithink · 4 years
Love I think
I remember people but there was something. Something about you that gravitated me towards you. I don't know,why I decided to take a chance. You were just a stranger.an ok one. But, I remember those worn out eyes,like you hadn't slept for days.Aloof,as if all you were doing was marching forward,off in the future,but there I stood,invisible to you. I remember me encountering you outside,before an exam hall and you non-chalantly walking as if nothing really mattered .while I was a nervous wreck,you stood uncaring.Mere strangers who's path had yet to cross. I remember you entering your class,earphones in your ears,like you were done with this world.That this was the last place you ever wanted to be at. I remember you sitting beside your friend, urging you to study but you being you ,just stood there,staring at your phone. And I just sat trying to cram facts but all that effort wasted.Too distracted by you.
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wordsithink · 4 years
I'll arrive
After breaking myself but by bit
But I'll arive
I'll always be scared ,too scared of taking chances
That I'll never try
And save myself and never get hurt and lose in comfort bot knowing what I could have been.
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wordsithink · 4 years
And today I feel like I'm content,really,but it's a sad tragedy,I'm actually not.I just make myself believe I am because I'm afraid.Afraid that I'll start wanting you.
I'm already intoxicated by you
But I'm not certain if it's you or is it the feeling?
The feeling that someone in this vastness,this cold lively torrent wants to get to know me.
The me and you
The me that is an anxious heart,pushing people away,afraid of getting hurt on the process,afraid of taking chances.
The me that doesn't believe it's enough to live.the me that believe you have to be worth something to live.
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wordsithink · 4 years
I remember you,remember the way you make me suffer unknowingly.
You're scent still lingers on my skin,in the deepest corners of my thoughts.
You're everywhere dear,I can't escape you.
Alluring eyes,smiling cries,captivating lies,all of them make me want to give my shattered heart to you.
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