wondertrevficrecs · 6 years
WonderTrev, sharing a bed?
“How do you take up so much space?” Steve grumbled halfheartedly as Diana threw a leg over one of his to better stretch out.
“The bed is so comfortable, I’m simply using it as much as I can,” she answered, nuzzling closer to him.
“I think you’re laying more on me than the bed.”
“Well, I’m using you as much as I can too before we get sent off on separate missions again.” She pressed a kiss to his collarbone.
“Can’t complain about that,” he decided, trailing his hand down her spine, relishing the feel of bare skin against his fingertips. He had a feeling they weren’t going to get much sleep tonight but the bed would definitely be getting well used.
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wondertrevficrecs · 6 years
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Gal Gadot and Chris Pine on set
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wondertrevficrecs · 6 years
Hello! I was wondering if you do fic searches or if you know where to go for wondertrev fic searches. Thanks- CR
(2) Hi I’m looking for a wondertrev story and I’m not sure if you do that…but I’m going to chance it!😺 I don’t remember a lot but in it the gods|goddesses are among the mortals, Hades and Aphrodite work in a bar, Poseidon owns a seafood restaurant, Zeus donates a lot of art to the Louvre. They all want Diana and Steve to be together and have been working on how to bring Steve back from the dead. Diana and Steve go on a road trip and are heading to see Diana’s Mother. Please help me… it’s driving me nuts. Thanks for your help-CR
Hi! Once upon a time, I did do fic searches. My activity in this fandom (and in fandoms, generally) has been very…. sparse lately, though. This blog has turned into more of an archive than anything else unfortunately. 
Can anyone help @carey-roza?
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wondertrevficrecs · 6 years
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Wondertrev Secret Santa present ❄️ ❄️ ❄️  ↳ for @stevetrevwhore
Happy Holidays, Celine!
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wondertrevficrecs · 6 years
everlasting cold
Summary: The first snowfall of the winter never bodes well for Diana’s sleep.
Pairing: WonderTrev (Canon-Compliant Angst) || Rating: All Ages
Note: For Day Twenty-Seven of 31 Days of Ficmas: prompt “ice” - also tagging @sequencefairy and @goingtothetardis – sorry for throwing angst at y’all
Diana woke with a shout stuck in her throat. Her hand immediately shot to the other side of the bed - empty, as always - and she squeezed her eyes shut against the darkness. It did nothing to erase the nightmare images from her mind.
Winter was always the worst, especially right after the first snowfall. Her mind inevitably took her back to those magical moment where happiness had been as tangible as the gentle snowflakes, as tangible as Steve Trevor right in front of her, teaching her how to dance.
The memory was one she treasured greatly but so often it was twisted into something else while she slept.
(Snowflakes turned to licks of flame and their moment of peace turned to the horrors of war.)
(She watched him dance in the snow and then die in the flames.)
Diana shivered and pulled the blankets up to her throat, even though she knew that the extra layers would do nothing to thaw the icy void in the middle of her chest.
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wondertrevficrecs · 7 years
What it’s Like
A Diana Prince x Steve Trevor ficlet written for Day 3 of Fic Advent. When I saw the prompt “snow” this little everyone lives AU was all I could think about.
They’re dancing very close (or, swaying, as she’d called it once, all those years ago) when the first fat flakes of snow begin to fall around them.
Diana doesn’t notice at first. Her head rests lightly on Steve’s broad chest as they move together to the music coming from the speakeasy behind them, her arms around his broad shoulders and his hands splayed gently at the small of her back.
Eventually, though, the flakes begin to fall in greater numbers. It isn’t long before Steve and Diana find themselves in the middle of New York City’s first proper snowfall of the year.
Which feels fitting, somehow, given that it’s just struck midnight and tonight is New Year’s Eve.
Diana pulls back from him when at last she realizes what’s happening. He cannot seem to stop the smile that spreads across his face at the sight of her, clearly so happy and so delighted by this development.
“Snow,” she says, awestruck. She looks skyward, beaming. 
“Yup,” Steve agrees, feeling his smile grow even wider. “It’s snow.”
Does she remember the last time they danced together in the snow like this? He does, of course. It’s never far from his thoughts, that night they spent together in Veld. Not even after all these years with her by his side.
She shifts her arms up a little, until her fingertips are winding their way through the hair at the nape of his neck. 
“It’s like this, Steve,” she murmurs softly. “Isn’t it.”
His eyes go wide at the memory of the questions she’d asked him when they danced together all those years ago.  And at the lame, completely improvised answers he’d given her by way of response.
What is it like?
I…. have no idea.
Because he hadn���t known, then, what it was like to share a lifetime of breakfasts and newspapers with the person you loved. How could he have possibly known?
But he knows now, of course.  And if he’s not much mistaken, he thinks she might know too. 
“Yeah,” he murmurs back to her.  He pulls her close, and presses a gentle kiss to her temple. “I think… I think it’s just like this.”
The crowded streets, the noise of the city –  all of it fades into the background as they dance together under the snow and stars.
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wondertrevficrecs · 7 years
Last Moments
Rating: Teen Pairing: Steve x Diana (Wondertrev)  Find it: AO3 Summary: Steve thinks about what could have been. Tags: Canon compliant character death, last moments/thoughts Words: 244 Author’s Notes: Um, so… As you might guess, I just (re)watched Wonder Woman, and I had many Feelings™ and therefore things needed to be written down. I’m gonna go ahead and blame @jeeno2 for some of this, because it’s fun to blame her for many of the ‘fun’ things running around my head. ;) This might be the only thing I ever write for this fandom, but I hope you enjoy it. Thanks to Jeeno for her willingness to look it over before posting.
The plane climbs ever higher in the night sky, and Steve’s heart pounds loudly in his chest.
Well, he suspects it’s loud. The roar of the engines drowns out all sound, save for the thoughts clamoring around in his head, and for that, he’s glad.
Higher and higher it climbs, and he looks out the window at the factory below. Somewhere down there Diana wages a battle with Ares – he still can’t believe it – and his friends, his comrades in arms, fight for their lives against the Germans.
And yet…
In these final moments, as he pulls out his pistol and readies it to shoot, he allows his thoughts to drift.
To dream.
Of the things that could have been when there is no war to fight.
A lazy summer morning, the heat of her naked body pressed against his, his arm wrapped around her torso, his hand on her breast. The scent of coffee drifts through the open window from a cafe down the street, and the paperboy calling out the latest news.
Later, she smiles at him across the table, soft and happy, and when she reaches for the cream, her gown falls open, revealing her curves. He stares, he can’t help it, and she laughs. ‘It’s a good thing I’m above average,’ she says.
The coffee sits on the table, forgotten and cold.
Closing his eyes, finding strength in his love for her, he remembers her smile…
And pulls the trigger.
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wondertrevficrecs · 7 years
more time
relationship: diana prince x steve trevor word count: 1.1k rating: general warnings: none summary: More time is all they need, for a life, for a family, for a future together. tagging: @madelyne-pryor @celestecuckoos @girlygirlbishop @niightwngs
Diana can’t quite comprehend this feeling when Steve kisses her forehead and the cries of her daughter resonate in the bedroom. This was never planned, a child, the two of them weren’t even married yet. They’d been too engulfed in the victory of ending the war and getting Diana acquainted with this world. But the surprise is welcomed with open arms and cries of joys.
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wondertrevficrecs · 7 years
wondertrev fic rec
okay this is a small list since the movie just came out 5 days ago but here are some really well written and Good (bc trust me i’ve read some bad ones!) wondertrev fics
what we do: missing scene from diana and steve’s time in london. 1k words, rated G.
later on the road is gonna break your world in two: steve coming back to the world after a hundred years. 3k words, rated G.
turn the page (maybe you’ll find a brand new ending): zeus brings steve back. 6k words, rated T. 
who has not repaid his debt: after the war, diana visits steve’s mom. angst. 2k words, rated T.
some and now none (of you): steve visits diana in her dreams. angsty as hell. 2.5k words, rated T.
snapshots: expansion on the missing scene in veld, really really good characterization of diana and steve. 3.5k words, rated M.
world and time enough: zeus bringing steve back + theres a kid. 7k words, rated M.
coffee replay: bakery au! steve owns a bakery and a mysterious woman visits him one day. 3k words, not rated, wip.
variations on the word sleep: 5 times diana and steve sleep together and 1 time they sleep together. 2k words, rated T, wip.
send me an angel (so i can be a human again): steve comes back. 4k words, rated M, wip.
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wondertrevficrecs · 7 years
have you read a road paved in gold on ao3? the new update broke my heart :///
You know, I read the first chapter when it was initially published but must not have subscribed to it because I didn’t get the notification that it updated. I just fixed that little oversight now.
Here’s the link to A Road Paved in Gold if you would like to read it too. Here’s the author’s summary:
In Steve’s memory, the seconds, and minutes, and the hours of that day blurred into one endless moment of aching uncertainty and bone-chilling fear, but if his calculations were correct, his watch stopped ticking at the exact moment when his plane had gone up in flames.
Steve Trevor was never meant to die in the sky above Belgium for the reasons much bigger than he could ever imagine. Therefore, he didn't. However, surviving came with a price he didn't ask for. The price that Diana had to pay, as well.
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wondertrevficrecs · 7 years
omg have you read the beauty you keep beneath (I want to see it all) by reflectionslie on ao3 ? soBBING
I have.  :*(
Not for the faint of heart – but it’s so lovely. Here is the link.  
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wondertrevficrecs · 7 years
Any au fics where Steve becomes a green lantern in modern times and meets Diana again??? If not, could I request one? Somewhere?
I have not seen a fic like this, but the premise is fascinating!
Does anyone know of a fic that fits this description (or: would anyone be up for writing one?)
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wondertrevficrecs · 7 years
i’ll scratch yours
Pairing:  Diana/Steve Trevor For:  @georgiagirlagain Prompt:  from [this list], nervous flyer and random seatmate au
“Are you going to be alright?”  the man beside her asked, his hand coming over to hover over hers, before he dropped it back in his lap.  
Diana gulped down air and nodded. “I just have a little problem with the take off, I’ll be fine once we’re in the air.”  
“What’s your name?” he asked. “I’m Steve.  And if it’s alright with you, and if it would help, I’d like to hold your hand through this take-off.”  
“Diana…” she managed through clenched teeth.  She reached over to grab his hand.  
And Steve spoke soothingly all through the take-off.  Once they were leveled in the air, she dropped his hand and thanked him.  
“Don’t mention it,” he replied.  “Just remember all the things I said to you, because you’re going to have to repeat them back to me when we land.”  He winked and Diana couldn’t help but laugh.  
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wondertrevficrecs · 7 years
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International Affairs: Part 1 • College Rivals AU (Set)(Series)
Oxford University is host to one of the most competitive international fellowship programs for undergraduate students in the world. Awardees spend the second semester of their junior year studying and learning about other cultures in Oxford’s hallowed halls. 
This year, the campus is abuzz because there is an actual princess in their midst. Diana, Princess of Themyscira — a reclusive, matriarchial nation in the distant Mediterranian — has never been away from home before. The linguistics and classics major is determined to learn everything she can about the cultures and societies of the modern day, while also paying tribute to the classics that underpin Western democracy. More often than not, Diana can be found at the library. Students across campus know they can come to her there for study groups or just to unload their stress.
In the classroom, Diana’s outspoken optimism for the future of international peace is a sore spot for Steve Trevor. As a cadet at the American Air Force Academy, the international relations and economics major thinks platitudes are the last thing that will stop him from having to go to war. He has no doubt Diana will be a brilliant, inspirational leader, but he can’t help but push back on her naive convictions. She finds it exasperating to be lectured by someone who spends most of his time at the pub.
Their intersecting interests mean they have essentially the same course load — and the sparing matches they have in class become the stuff of campus legend. As frustrated as they get with each other, the real galling thing for both of them is that they always huff off knowing the other has made valid points. Not that they’d ever admit it to each other.
Requested by Anonymous(es)! Hope this lives up to your excellent prompt:  COLLEGE CLASSROOM RIVALS TURNED LOVERS AU OMG OMG OMG OMGGGGG Stay tuned for part 2 ;)
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wondertrevficrecs · 7 years
are you still taking fic reccs?
I am! I’ve been out of town a lot the past few weeks so have not been very good at updating the blog recently but yes -- please do send me recs if you have them. :)
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wondertrevficrecs · 7 years
An Excerpt from “Variations on the Word Sleep”
In before midnight! Here’s an excerpt from Chapter 6 of Variations on the Word Sleep, because I couldn’t finish (ha) on time. 1,600 words of unbeta’d Veld smut under the cut. Starts in medias res.
wondertrevweek day 5: porn without plot
Keep reading
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wondertrevficrecs · 7 years
Hi! I need help finding this fic i read a while back. After steve's death, diana goes on with her life but she also gains an ability to create an alternate reality in her mind (just like when ares showed her the meadow) where steve is alive and they live in a beach house with their daughter. The story switches back and forth between this alternate reality and the real world. It's beautiful and painful as hell. Thanks!
I believe you’re thinking of under glass air by duchamp. Such a gorgeous, bittersweet story (and one of my favorites).  
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