VI - the nighttrain part I
Hi! Been a bit busy lately but here is the next chapter of my stardew fanfic :D This time I added a bit more drama and tension for our adventurers. Hope you’ll like it!
Only a few mornings back Daya stood on the perron with Elliott. Now, she was leaving the valley with Sebastian on her side. It being well into autumn the days were short and nights long. So they waited for their train to arrive under the stars. To Daya it felt so fitting. The autumn sun that made her husbands hair glow fiery red, and now the moons soft light on Sebastians dark hair. The men and their characters could not have been more different from each other, and still each had been important parts of her life in their own way. While Sebastian leaned against a pillar and texted with Sam, Daya texted Elliott. “I miss you.” Almost immediately she gets a heart emoji back. “And I you dear. Can’t wait to come home, this hotelroom feels empty without you.” Daya smiles but her heart sinks when she thinks about the task ahead. She didn’t want to worry Elliott so just never mentioned her plans to help Sebastian in saving Abigail. And with keeping him in the dark, it felt like she was doing something wrong. It would have been so much different if he were home... “The train is here, Dy.” 
And indeed, as she looks up a modern looking train silently glides over the tracks towards them. Its colors are peculiar, turquoise windows and a purple body, the exact combination of a piece of iridium. When it stops, a low hissing sound from its engine make it sound like a living breathing creature. “So this monster is going to take us where we need to be?” Sebastian looks at the vehicle with apprehension. He mentioned his preference for his motorcycle multiple times, even though they where both set on following Rasmodius instructions to the letter. When the purple doors open to show a cozy coupé, Sebastian gently pushes Daya inside and follows her closely. The interior of the train is completely different from the exterior. Retro cubicles with gold and wood finish, dark red velvet chairs and blood red wallpaper give the train a classical look. Wall sconces and ornaments on every wall add to the mysterious atmosphere as does the faint smell of cinnamon. “Madam, Sir.” An employee in a spotless purple uniform with golden trimming takes them to their places. When they are seated the man gives Sebastian a golden key with a tag. “This is for the sleep cabin, we are here if you need anything. We hope you’ll have a pleasant journey!” After that the man disappears into another coupe. Sebastian whistles between his teeth. “Rasmodius didn’t spare any expense.” “Its important to him we succeed.” “True, and the rest of our journey will probably be less comfortable.” Daya nodds and picks up her phone again to text with Elliott. When Sebastian notices he scoffs. Daya tenses immediately and looks him straight in the eye. “What is it?” “I don’t suppose you told your husband about this adventure of ours?” “No.” Daya admits, blushing. Sebastian scoffs harder now. “Do you think he wouldn’t approve?” “I can make my own choices, its not that. Though you made sure it would be hard for him to trust you, didn’t you Sebastian?” “What is that supposed to mean?” Sebastian mumbles, his face pointed towards the window instead of her. “I meant what happened in the bar..” thinking back on what happened in the bar the night before the wedding still makes Sebastian cringe. It was a beautiful autumn night, and a lot of the villagers gathered in the saloon to cheer to the engaged couple. Sebastian happened to be in town to hang out with Sam and visit his mother. At first he was set on staying inside, moping and playing videogames with Sam and a couple of beers . It sounded like the perfect way to forget. But he didn’t forget, and the more hours past the more angry he got at everything that happened between him and Daya. And that anger redirected itself towards Elliott as always. He still though if the handsome poet hadn’t shown up he would be in her life. They would be getting married. “Hey, if you feel that way. Why don’t you tell her? Maybe she feels the same?” Sam said. Sam was sweet and supportive as always, and slightly slurring after three beers. Sebastian decided he would do just that. Tell her. Which he did, in front of everyone in the saloon. In the middle of Elliotts ode to his love he walked up to her and started to tell her everything he didn’t say before. The alcohol gave him the courage but the words where his. How sorry he was, and how much he loved her. All she did was sit there, frozen. Elliott stopped talking, everybody did. And then, well, he picked a fight. It wasn’t pretty, and it ended fairly quick. Elliott trew him off and when sebastian tried to lunge at him again Daya smashed a beerglass on the counter so hard that it made the whole of the valley shudder. 
 “You already up your mind that night.” He said, when his mind moved back to the train and the present, and turned to look at her. How furious she was that night. But now a sadness showed in her eyes. “I did.” She nodded, tears glistening in her eyes. “Then why are you crying?” “Because I loved you. I did, so so much. But you didn’t open up to me, and I couldn’t deal with your silence anymore... I was just never really sure how you felt about me.” Sebastian stayed silent but nodded. He wanted to touch her hand, but wasn’t sure that was appropriate. So he just listened. “And I waited for you to do the right thing for so long. Even after we broke up and you left for Zuzu. I was sad for weeks... But eventually I picked up the pieces, and focused on the farm. I healed for a year and that was when I connected with Elliott.” A smile glistened through her tears. “He was very passionate about his writing, and as soon as we became closer he started showing that same passion for me. We connected in a way you and I never did Sebastian, I can say that even though I missed your company.” 
Daya stares past Sebastian, at the scenery thats moving past the window. Afraid to look him in the eyes. “And right now, I just don’t want him to worry, thats all...Elliott’s bookdeal is important to him, and I want this tour to go well instead of him worrying over me wrestling shadowbrutes.” “I get that.” When Daya refuses to look at him Sebastian decides to stare out the window as well. They sit in silence for another hour when Daya asks for the keys. “I want to go to bed.” “Sure.” He puts the key in her hands but holds on to them. “Am I allowed to join you later? Or do you want me to sleep here?” Daya looks at the small bench and prays the cabin is spacious. “Sure, I won’t force you to sleep on the floor or this uncomfortably small bench.” “Thanks, I appreciate that. I won’t be late, just need to process this day a bit.” Daya nodds. “Take your time, I’ll leave the door open.” 
The corridor with the sleeping cabins is long and small. On Daya’s left the rooms and her right windows that now show the vague outlines of the mountains, shrouded by the night. “Found it.” She turns the key of the cabin and then texted Sebastian the location before she closed the door behind her, leaving the lock off. She takes in the room and curses. Its as she feared. The room is as cozy and romantic as the rest of the train, and one big matras stuffed in between two wall closets. There even is a fairy rose positioned on the bedspread. Her favorite flower. There is a little space between bed and door to walk and on both sides of the door a small rack for shoes. Above the door the luggage space, and thats it. Daya quickly stores her bag and takes of her shoes and clothes to get into her sleeping t shirt and leggings. 
After that she seats herself on the bed, leaving the curtains open and a bedlight on. She picks up the fairy rose and smiles. The blue variation is her favorite, and even in de dim lamplight its extraordinary aray of blue tintes shine through. It takes her back to the time she would visit her Grandpa’s farm in autumn. There would be fields filled with them, and she was allowed to pick one to keep in a vase in her bedroom during her stay. She always picked a blue one. Gently Daya puts the flower in the open closet space behind her head. Her phone is lying besides it, and shows a new message. Its from Elliott “Traveling gave me new inspiration. I’m thinking of a story inspired by a train. There is an idea for a chapter in the link under this message. I can’t wait to talk through concepts again from the comfort of our home. Missing you, mind and body.” Daya smiles softly, and let’s her feelings for Elliott wash over her as she reads the chapter he send. She falls asleep with the memory of his face and the low rumbling sound of the train engine, dreaming of the day of their reunion.
Meanwhile, a few coupes back, Sebastians night is less peaceful. He’s a nightowl, used to writing and programming till deep in the night, fueled by caffeine and sushi. It pushed his sleeping schedule to an, as his mother would call it, ungodly 3 am. That combined with the excitement of this journey made him sit on the train bench with a restless mind. His eyes wander off to the mountains outside. It started to snow, and ice crystals would get pressed onto the glass before melting and forming tears on the window. Sebastians mind is wavering between rescuing Abigail and a deeply uncomfortable set of feelings towards Daya. He knows she is the most skilled swordswoman in the whole valley, and if anyone could help him succeed its her. But he felt frustration when he saw her again after years apart. Living in Elliott’s cabin, content with harvesting snails and living in the shadow of the writer. He knew her as a fierce warrior that would stay in the mine till late and defeat monster after monster, gaining the respect of the adventurers guild and the rest of the valley. She used to approach Sebastian with a similar attitude, passionate about their relationship and doing whatever it took to remove the obstacles in their path. It still feels like a stab to the heart to realize he couldn’t keep that flame awake. All she needed was for him to open up, and let go of that shroud of anger he used to shield him. But he couldn’t see it, and it drifted them apart. He moved to Zuzu city and only kept contact with Abigail and Sam, while Daya got closer to Elliott every day. Elliott wasn’t particularly brave or outspoken, but his love for Daya was unquestionable and it made her bloom in ways Sebastian could not achieve. Staring at the pattern of melting snow he clenches his wrist and pushes it against the cold glass. As it hits him harder than ever before he mutters “I’m still in love with her.�� “Sir?” The employee with the purple costume is back, a notebook in hand. Sebastians bewildered look doesnt scare him off in the least, and set on giving travelers the best experience possible he repeats his question. “Would you like something to drink sir?” Sebastian eyes the cart behind him, filled with bottles and glasses. It would be nice to turn of his thoughts for a bit.. but he shakes his head “No thank you.” Alcohol wouldn’t help him, he learned that the hard way. He just had to be brave. Brave in rescuing Abigail, and brave in allowing himself to have feelings for both her and Daya. He had to allow them to exist untill they faded. His feelings for Daya where eventually going to fade he reassured himself. Sebastian sights and checks his phone for the time. 1.30 pm. 
As his eyes move from the window to his phone he notices a glimpse of a shadow by the door but when he looks again its gone. It could have been the shadow of the man with the cart, but he wasn’t sure. “Yes, time for bed. I’m starting to hallucinate.” He mutters, and gets up to find the sleep cabin.
All the coupes Sebastian passes on his way are empty. The other passengers retired to their sleeping cabins, and he tries to find his own with Daya’s text as his guide. “Number 230, okay, that should be the next corridor.” As he moves into the corridor something immediately feels off. He notices movement in the back of the wagon, but can’t make up if there is someone standing in the shadows or if it looks like that because of the movement of the train itself. Cabin 230 is in the middle of the wagon and the door is slightly opened. “Daya?” Silence. He pushes the door open and feels something crush beneath his boot. As he bents over to pick it up and hold it to the light it seems to be a fairy rose, only its petals aren’t any of the usual colors. Instead of its vibrant blue or purple the flowers are black as coal. A sense of dread fills him when he touches the rosebuds. Its a feeling he remembers from some of Rasmodius relics, magic.. He walks back into the corridor, all the way to the end. There is no one there... when he returns to the cabin he locks the door behind him. Then he notices Daya’s, lying still on one side of the matras. “Daya, are you okay?”
He moves onto the matras and turns her around, positioning her head on his lap. When she stays silent he slides one hand into her neck to support her head and holds the other in front of her mouth. The soft pulsating motion of her heart is noticeable in the veins in her neck and her breath is warm on his fingertips. “Yes, dear.” She murmurs in a sleepy voice and wraps her arms around his body, burrowing her face into his lap. “Oh thank Yoba.” Sebastian whispers with shaking breath. He strokes her head gently. She tightens her grip around him in her sleep, unaware of the tenderness in Sebastians voice. Unaware she his touching him instead of her husband. “Well, your grip is still firm as ever.” He jokes, looking down on the sleeping woman. Its tempting to let her sleep like this, but apart from all the moral reasons not to, he also realizes he can’t get any sleep this way. Especially with all his clothes still on. So he softly wriggles her arms loose to take of his jacket and his shoes. His jeans he quickly switches for his sweatpants and climbs back into the bed. In the meantime Daya is still talking in her sleep. When he lays next to her she is murmuring about shadows. She reaches out to him with her hand and touches his chest right above the neckline of his t-shirt, resting her fingers there. “Saw one on the station today. A friend from the shadows. Linus...” That didn’t make any sense, why would Linus follow them? “Don’t worry about him now.” He whispered, as much to Daya as to himself, because the dark rose is still on his mind. “I think he is in the cabin with the blue ones, Elliott.” She then continued her riddle. In the back of his mind Sebastian had hoped she knew it was him when she held him close, and would have wispered his name but he pushes back that though and tries to go to sleep instead.
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- V -  The mines
“So, lets check with the dwarf first.” Sebastian carefully parks his motor cycle and takes his bag and sword. Daya waits for him, staring into the moutain lake while practicing her Dwarvish. Under the surface of the water carps gather, intrigued by the sounds she makes. “Ready!” She turns around to follow Sebastian. As they venture into the mine a sudden gust of wind blows into the entrance, followed by a trail of dry leaves that whirl into the entrance hall like they are a forest spirit come to life. The sudden push makes Sebastian bump into Daya and as she turns around to look whats happening she is very aware of his presence. Knowing him as well as she does even the smell of his jacket has something so familiar. “Did you miss me that much?” She jokes to try and break the awkwardness between them. “Immensely.” He answers, trying his best to sound as sarcastic as possible but both their hearts are beating faster.
They walk past the entrance and the elevator, into a room on the right where the dwarf usually hangs out. A heap of stolen goods and a closed chest, stand in one corner of the room. The dwarf, a small creature clothed in a brown cloak, walks around and looks up as he hears the duo approach. His face is hidden in the shadows of his cloak but his glowing orange eyes greet them. When he recognizes Daya and Sebastian he blinks slowly, like a cat, then he starts talking in Dwarvish at a quick pace.“What does he say?” Sebastian asks Daya. “My Dwarvish isnt that good.” She listened carefully and translates for him. “He says it was the monsters of the shadows that took your girlfriend.” “She is not my girlf- Daya lifts her hand in a sign that he should keep quite. The Dwarvish dialect is very low, not as much spoken out loud as well mumbled. She needs to listen and translate. “The shadows live in the lower parts of the mine. They took Abigail creating a tear in the veil of time in the lava levels, deep below.” When the Dwarf pauses Daya takes that time to ask questions. At a slower pace she imitates the roling and mumbling sounds of the dwarf. His orange eyes are fixed on her moving lips as he tries to puzzle together her words. “Where did they create the tear my friend?” 
“By the lava lake I think. After I saw her being taken, I followed at a safe distance. I lost track of them and by the time I was near the lake I could feel a sense of dread. Then I saw a crack in the wall at the back of the room, at the lava rivers edge. I tried to walk as fast as I could, but it closed when I came close.” Daya nodds in understanding. “Thank you.” She replies in Dwarvish, and takes a bright red stone out of her pocket. When the Dwarf sees the stone his yellow irises widen. He shakes his head. “I can’t take this generous gift. You gave me two already this week. That is more than I can accept in good concious.” Daya nodds understanding and puts the ruby away. “Go rescue your girlfriend.” The dwarf says to Sebastian, who nodss awkwardly, not sure what to make of the sounds the dwarf makes. 
Walking back to the entrance of the mine they discuss what to do next. Daya believes figuring out how to find the tear in the veil of time is step one, and for Sebastian the only way of gaining that knowledge is asking Rasmodius for it. As soon as the wizards name leaves his lips a puf of purple smoke and sparkles fill the dark hall, when it settles the warlock is standing next to them. “Yes?” “How did you-” “You have me on speed dial remember?” Sebastians puzzled look tells Daya he clearly does not remember. “Okay, I lied. I’ve been keeping an eye on you.” Apart from his regular set of eyes, the vague outline of a third one in briefly visible on Rasmodius hat. It has a golden outline that looks like its embroidered into the hat’s fabric. Sebastian opens his mouth in protest but the wizard’s response is quicker. “I’m sorry, I know this is slightly violating your trust, but its important that Abigail is escorted home safely.” The urgency in his voice is noticeable. “I promised her mother I would keep her safe, an old oath of sorts. Never mind the details. I’ll help from afar, where I can. But I’ll do it via text from now on.” Another puff of purple and a black phone appears in his hand. “I can’t use my magic beyond the valley, so don’t worry. It will be text only.” He waves the cell in front of Sebastians face. Sebastian nodds. “Fine.”  “Do you know how to find another portal through the veil the dwarfs was talking about?” Daya asks. “Yes, but you wil have to go through a lot of rituals and preparations to create such a hole into the shadowworld. Not to mention it can be extremely risky. The quickest way to do this is to go through an existing portal thats stable.” “Where do we find one?”  Sebastian then asks. “In Zuzu city.” “But that will take us another day, who knows what the shadow brutes will do to Abby in the meantime!” Rasmodius shakes his head and puts a hand on Sebastians shoulder. “They won’t...” as he searches for words the wizards eyes dart across the walls of the minehall.
“I’ve seen this happen before, when I was younger. The shadow brutes want nothing more than a physical appearance. Being a shadow isn’t exactly practicle I guess.” Daya sees the wizard’s mind trail of, no doubt imagening what picking up a cup of tea must be like for a shadow, before he continues his story. “In order to have a physical appearance one of the most vital things to have is blood. With one drop of human blood they can create a concoction to give them a solid body. They wouldn’t risk war by harming her more than extracting that one drop. But they will be able to harm us when they are able to come out of the shadows like humans.” Daya feels a chill coming down her spine hearing this. Her response is to touch the iridium blade on her back, the feel of the metal on her skin fills her with a calm confidence.  “Fortunately.” The wizard continues. “Making a potion as potent as this takes time, time during which they need to keep their victim close. The drop of blood is the final addition and has to be fresh, so you’ll have time to get to her.” Sebastian nodds, determination glowing in his eyes. “Now, you’ll take the 11 pm train to ZuZu, it will go directly where you need to be. Take this.” He puts a little golden pendant on a chain in Sebastians hand. “Ask for the Gamemaster and say that Rasmodius sends you. As proof you”ll have this token. Yoba’s blessing to you.” A puf of smoke, and the wizard disappeared again.
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-IV- the beach
The next morning Daya is slightly nervous. She feels exited to practice her sword fighting. At the same time Sebastians sneers and assumptions bounce around in the back of her head. 
She takes the sword from its hiding place, feeling the power of the irridium brimming with promise. “I’m back.” She wispers to the weapon as if its a long lost friend. And all the battles she fought go through her mind.
When Sebastian arrives he looks like he walked straight out of an action movie. Wearing his black hoody and a belt on his back that has an insane amount of zippers and supports the sword he aquired. This dark mood that accompanies him always, does add to the ominous vibe he gives of. But she is not going to let that distract her now, in fact it might come in handy when they find Abigails kidnappers. “Lets go.” She commands, without a formal greeting. Sebastian huffs and follows her onto the beach. They warm up and practice basic movement. As Daya moves Sebastian follows closely. “You know I have been practicing quite a lot myself.” He pants. “I wanted to accompany Abigail into the mine sometimes, so I got myself a yeti tooth and started practicing.” “Alright, lets see.” Daya jumps into fighting position and immediately sets in a vertical slash. Sebastian just manages to parry and as he regains balance pushes back. The sound of the metal clashing sends the seabirds on the beach flying in panic. Sebastian is slender and nimble but Daya’s stamina wins. So after a quick match, that maybe lasts four minutes she sends his yeti tooth flying, almost decapitating a nearby seagull as it lands in the sand.
Willy sticks his head out of his cabin as he hears sounds coming from the beach. He squints at the shore to see Daya and Sebastian running arround parrying each others attacks, and it makes him smile. He’s seen sterns squabling and squeeling over a snail in similar fashion, and when Daya flings Sebastians sword out of his hands he claps softly.“Fiery lass it is, fiery lass.” He mumbles and sticks his head back into the window to get the shop ready for opening hours. 
“I think this will have to do, we have to get going right?” Sebastian nodds and picks up his sword. “Let me get my bag.” Daya wispers. It feels strange to leave the safety of the cabin behind. And she has to look around and make sure she isnt forgetting anything in order for her to be able to leave this behind. Willy has agreed on taking care of the animals and the greenhouse but its still hard to leave. She picks up the prepacked bag and swings it over her shoulder. Knowing she wont be able to let go as long as she wanders around in the cabin, Daya turns around and closes the door behind her quickly without looking back. She lets out a sigh and tries to let the tension exit her body by relaxing her shoulder muscles.
 When the knot in her stomach won’t leave she breathes in and out, and as the soft autumn air fills her lungs she hears her husbands voice leading her back to her first day in the cabin. The same anxiety washed over her then she remembers. Elliotts face is filled with happiness though, all he could think of was their future together. He took her head in his hands and kissed her face. “You’ll be fine Daya, always. We are together now.” As he reassures her of this she thinks back on all the times she had to survive alone. Elliott searches her face, and as he picks up on her worries he adds. “And even if you ever find yourself making a decision on your own, you will be fine still. You are strong and you will survive.” As the memory fades Daya feels calmer. She is ready to go. 
Following the shore to the road she sees Willy emptying his crabpots, she waves at him and he sticks his thumbs into the air in response. “I’ll keep watch, you go help your friend!” He shouts. Daya smiles, knowing Willy is taking care of everything feels reassuring. And seeing Sebastian and his motorcycle waiting by the road is a familiar and comforting view as well. Even though she finds it hard to admit, she missed him, somber attitude and all. 
“You ready?” “Yes, where to first?” Sebastian pulls out his phone, showing the email the dwarf send to him. It reads: purple haired girl taken by the shadows. Taken through the veil. “Sounds mysterious. Mines first I take?” Sebastian nodds. 
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- III - The tower
*Hi! I hope you guys like the story so far. I’m thinking up each chapter as I go, and mainly use this as a way to improve my writing skills while typing about the things I could see happening in Stardew. If you have any feedback or suggestions for the storyline feel free to message me. Enjoy!*
“Here, this is for the journey.” Daya puts a small package into Elliotts hands. “Its your lunch, and a book for the road.” The brown wrapping is held together with a string which has a duck feather attached to it. Elliotts face lights up instantly when he notices it. “My favorite.” He wispers. “Thank you dear.” He softly plants a kiss on her forehead. “I’ll let you know when I get to Zuzu city, okay?” She nodds and smiles. Her eyes wander off to the tunnel leading the tracks farther into the mountains. Way down in the south, lies the big city where Elliotts booktour will take place. Zuzu city, a modern place with skyscrapers and highways. Daya saw its skyline once before when she went on a roadtrip with Robins son Sebastian. Thinking back on that memory is filling Daya with unease. 
Sebastian, her relationship with him could be called complicated. After they broke up he moved to the city taking with him one bag of clothes, his laptop and his motor cycle. She still though of him now and then and wondered how he was doing, but never felt comfortable enough to reach out. With the way things ended that was probably for the best, she though. The sound of the approaching train suddenly echoes through the tunnel and brings Daya back to the present. “I love you, stay safe.” Elliott says and cuddles her. His long red hair tickles her face. “Love you too, return to me in winter.” She wispers into his hair. “I will.” 
Daya waits till the train leaves to continues its journey through the mountain pass. When the last wagon has disappeared into the tunnel she turns around and starts walking back. Something moves her to take a different road than usual. Instead of walking home via the mountain road she takes the detour trough Cindersap forest.
The air in the woods is crisp, and dead leaves roll over the forest floor around her. A vague sound in the distance catches her attention. Mysterious music that can only come from one place. The wizards tower. There was a time when she ran a lot of errands for the wizard and his practices in the dark art, but ever since she moved in with Elliott her life shifted from the forest to the shore. Paying her old friend a visit couldn’t hurt though. She follows the sound, and suddenly sees the blue roof of Rasmodius home towering over the trees in front of her. 
The door to the building is closed, so she knocks. “Hello?” The wizard is always close to the tower and as expected the door slowly opens, creaking in its hinges. A sweet smell of herbs and incense wafts out of the hallway to greet Daya and the old door mysteriously closes behind her, though no one is standing near it. “Welcome.” Says the wizard, in his deep, calm voice. He is sitting in a purple chair next to the cauldron. From the big black kettle green fumes circle towards the ceiling. “Hi Rasmodius. I went for a walk in the forest and thought I’d stop by.” “Ah, is that so?” He says, his voice seemingly insinuating something different to be the case. “Yes.” Daya replied. “Tea?” “Yes please.” On the coffee table stands a bronze teapot filled with fragrant leaves. Its fresh, as if company was expected. Rasmodius pours two cups and hands one to his guest. The second cup stays on the table untouched. Daya’s eyes follow the intricate carvings on the table that show the cycle of the moon and its many forms. She sips from her tea as Rasmodius talks to her. “I was hoping you would stop by today.” He says, his eyes fixated on the cup in front of him. “I have a guest that was hoping to see you, so I might have used a bit of magic to lure you here.” He presses his fingers together and stands up. At the same moment there is a sudden movement at the fireplace, as a dark figure steps out of its shadow. Daya almost drops the tea cup in her lap. But manages to catch it on time so only a small amount of its content spills over her finger. “Damn it!” She growls, and puts her burned fingers into her mouth. Dark sweater and hair he disappeared into the wizards gloomy interior but when he turns towards her its unmistakable “Seb?”Daya’s cheeks immediately turn red as she realizes she is still using his petname. In an attempt to rectify her mistake she coughs and adds an unsure “astian.. sebastian, hi.” Rasmodius stands up awkwardly and points Sebastian to the chair he first sat in. “I’ll leave you two to catch up.” He mutters and pats Sebastian on his back. Then flicks his fingers and disappears into thin air. “Oh!” Daya’s eyes widen but this time she holds her teacup in a firm grip as not to spill more tea in surprise. “I hate it when he does that, it catches me off guard every time.” Sebastian smiles slowly. His eyes are fixed on the teacup the wizard left for him, an impenetrable expression in his eyes. 
She didnt miss this part of him, the silent stares and her guessing whats going on inside. “How, eh.. how are you Sebastian?” “Could be better.” He smiles wryly and picks up the cup in front of him. “You?” “I am very happy.” She thinks of her life with Elliott and instantly a smile appears. “Happy to hear that. Say Daya, I’m sorry to barge back into your life like this, but do you still have your sword?” At the word sword she has to put down her cup because her fingers start to tingle. She can feel the heft of the purple blade in her hands even though its not there. Sebastian looks at her moving fingers and frowns barely noticeable. “Yes, I still have it.” She wispers, her thoughts miles away from the tower.  “Could I borrow it?”  “Why?”  For the first time in the conversation he looks straight at her. His light brown eyes catch her off guard and she repressed the impuls to tell him he can take the weapon as long as he leaves now. His eyes leave her face to search the room. When he is sure no one is lurking in the shadows of the furniture around them he leans towards her to plead his case. “Its for Abigail. She got abducted from the mines on one of her adventures. I didn’t know untill I got a weird email that seemed to be encrypted. After I send it to Rasmodius he figured out it was send by the dwarf in the mines, warning me she was taken. This was only this morning. I came back from Zuzu as fast as I could.” “Are the two of you..” Sebastians eyebrows raise. “Friends, good friends.” Daya nodds. “Just so I know how delicate the situation is.” “Okay, will you help?” “Eh I want to but I’m not sure I can.” She can see his eyes darken while she struggles to find the right words.
 “You see, the prismatic shard I used to forge the sword in Calico, its infused with my energy. Even linked to my energy I had to find a way to learn how to handle it. Its almost like handling an animal, learning its body language and finding a way to work together. Its a bond that I’m not sure will be translated well to another.” She though back of an instant where Elliot picked up the sword. Holding it alone almost made him sprain his own wrists. The disbalance between him and the iridium made it uncontrollable. As soon as she took it in her own hands the purple metal calmed. Sebastian wouldn’t be able to handle the sword and without Daya’s link to it the weapon would turn into a crude waraxe with no regard for the person who yielded it. “Have you considered the adventurers guild? For their members they have some fine weapons, I’m sure a lava katana would do the job just fine.” Sebastian stands up, looking down on her with irritation written al over his face. “You know the galaxy sword is way more powerful than that. I expected a bit more from the women who fought serpents and shadow brutes alike. But I should have know, your feathers and fruit loving poet has made you soft.” Daya shoots up, almost matching Sebastian in height. “Listen to me very carefully.” She hisses. “No one took my bravery away. I chose love over a life of danger, but I can still fight. And if you want us to find Abigail you should try to work with me instead of pissing me off.” “Us?” “Yes us, we’ll get you a weapon and I”ll have your back for Abigails sake. But keep the attitude to yourself please.” His eyes darken but at the same time there is that slow smile again. “I’m sorry, your help is more than welcome.” “Thank you.” 
They set up a practice for the next morning, and as they both leave the wizard tower and walk into a different direction they are both wondering about the adventure thats ahead of them. 
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-II- The Greenhouse (ElliottxOC)
The greenhouse is located in the forest behind the cabin. Its in a small clearing, half a circle of oaks surrounding it. Stepping into the building is almost like entering another world. The bleak autumn day and its cool breath is pushed away by warm thick air. Elliott takes Daya’s coat and puts it over the small shipping bin that is next to the door. Daya smiles and picks up the basket for harvesting the fruit. The wicker creaks softly as she sets it on her hip and walks towards the trees.
The greenhouse is like a paradise, warm and inviting, with a whole world of trees, flowers and fruits in it. Its Daya’s favorite place on their land. As she first walks the path towards the bushes Elliott follows her with his eyes. He loves seeing her happy, more than anything. And this place makes her smile. Its one of the reasons he bought a small butterfly hutch to put in the greenhouse. Elliott hid it behind a water barrel in the far back of the building, and now waits for the cocoons to open and for Daya to find the first butterflies. “Elliot!” She calls. He jogs after her, a wooden ladder under his arm that is used for plucking the pomegranates. He half in half expects her to stand over a butterfly seated on a tree but instead she is holding a shiny purple pomegranate in her hand. 
“This one is huge, and so shiny! Lets have it for breakfast before we start plucking the rest.” “Excellent choice.” Elliott murmurs. He sets himself in front of a tree and Daya joins him. She breaks the fruit in half with a bit of prying and gives a part to her husband. “Did you know there was a culture who considered this the food of the dead?” Daya shakes her head. She looks at the tiny ruby colored seeds. The light in the greenhouse goes straight through it as she plucks one out. It is a warm, vibrant color reminding her of warmth and life rather than death. “Its one of my favorite stories. It stated that everyone who ate these seeds would have to return to the underworld. Its how the god of the underworld made sure his wife returned to him after she stayed on earth with her mother for a while.” “Trusting type, this god.” Elliott smirks. “I’m not sure if I can blame him, missing your partner for so long must be though. Imagining its anything like my relationship with you.” Daya blushes and looks away. 
“No honestly.” Elliott softly turns her face bach towards his. “If this meant you would always return to me, wherver you go. I would give the world to have that certainty.” “You have that certainty.” She wispers and softly touches the pedant around his neck. He pulls her close again for a kiss. Elliott smells of sand and tastes like fruit. The familiarity of his scent comforts Daya. She leans into the kiss. After a while he pulls her head back softly so their lips part again. “Please don’t doubt my love for you Daya. My inspiration comes from the world around us too.” “I know Ell. Its just that your first novel was about us, and I expected  there would be a parallel with our life again.” He shakes his head sofly. “When I wrote my first book I was wondering if I would ever have you in my life as much as I do now. I was thinking about you constantly and I wanted nothing more than to impress you. Now I have you here. So I don’t have to dive into my work to imagine our story, I’m living it.”
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- I - The foghorn (ElliottxOC fanfic)
The first thing Daya always senses is the cold. It pulls on her ankles as soon as she swings her feet out of bed and it moves around her softly moaning. A cool draft directly from the sea it is. It makes the floorboards of the hut creak and her body shiver. “Hmmmp.” A moan comes from the man besides her and a sleepy hand brushes her body. She turns around to look at him and smiles. His fiery hair forms a halo on his pillow. Underneath the long streaks she sees the contours of his face. If her hands weren’t so cold she would touch him, run her fingers along his jawline and kiss him. But she settles for a soft peck on his head. “I’m heading out to check the crabpots Ell.” She wispers. 
Outside the air is crisp. The rumbling sound of the waves faces her and the autumn forest has her back. The smell of salt and dead leaves fills the air and she smiles as she takes it in. Bucket with bait in one hand and a basket for the fish in the other she walks over the beach wading into the shallow waters. 
The first crabpot looks empty at first but at closer inspection seems to have a washed up cd stuck to its back. Daya puts the disc in her tunic and starts humming as she opens the next basket. Yes snails! Methodically she starts to pluck the creatures out of the pot. They tuck their heads into their shells shielding themselves from the cold wind and Daya’s prying fingers. Unaware of their fate they are as she is already picturing them being cooked and then ovenbaked with oil and garlic. Elliot will enjoy a pomegranate after dinner and they’ll both have some tea. Her mind wanders off to the time she spends with him, she wouldn’t miss it for the world. Maybe its time to make something special for him, like his favorite soup... “Good mornin’ Miss! How are we t’day?” Its Willy, walking along the pier, he waves at her. His fishing shop is nothing but a vague form in the morning mist. “Morning Willy, how are you today?” She smiles, genuinely happy to see the kind fisher. He is holding his fishing gear in one hand and a bag in the other. The wooden fishing pole seems to be attached to his body as she never sees him without it. “Mighty fine Daya. Its a perfect day for an early trip to the river in the forest. Misty, the world still in slumber. Perfect time for catching a trout. You want me to drop one by later today?” Daya nods. She plucks a runnaway snail from the side of her basket and puts him back inside. “You are too kind Willy, thank you.” He taps his baret and smiles after which he walks onto the path leading to town. 
After the haul of the crabpots is safely stored its time for a warm shower. As she renters the hut Elliot is sitting at his desk. Sleep still shrouds his face but he is already making notes for his novel. “Daya, love come here.” “ I smell of sand and seaweed Ell.” “Just the way I like it.” He reaches out and pulls his wife close. She giggles when he theatrically snifs her neck. “Awefull, this sea smell.” He groans and huggs her tighter. “Let me go!” She laughs and wriggles as he tickles and kisses her. In their struggle the seashell necklace that is the symbol of their marriage bumps into his eye. “Agh, so it will be. The gods of the sea want me to let go!” He cries out. They both laugh. Elliott then softly kisses her smiling lips, Daya leans into it softly. His warm body is tempting her to let the chores of the day wait for another hour in bed, but there is too much to do still. “We’ll have to work.” She wispers and slides of his lap. “True, true. Would you like to hear the synopsis for my next novel while you shower?” Daya nodds and lets her woolen vest fall onto the floor, followed by the rest of her clothing items. Elliott stares at her for a moment. The warmth in his green eyes is unmistakable. His instincts is to walk up to her and touch her, but he then realizes what he was about to do and starts reading. His ears and cheeks slightly more red than before. “Okay, so its a story about a man that is at sea. He left his family on the shore but writes to them often.” “Uhuh.”
Daya grabs a towel and opens the door behind the bed. This cabin, that used to be the tiniest house in the valley, was recently enriched with a sturdy wooden sauna. Elliott follows Daya into the room and sits on the wooden bench while she turns on the water in the shower cubicle next to it. The boiler make a low humming sound as it starts heating the water. Daya shrieks when she tests it with her hand and its still cold. Elliott smirks. “The story will follow his travels at sea.” He continues. “Untill he finds an island in the sea, far away from home.” Daya gets into the warmed up shower with a satisfied sigh. “The island has everything he could wish for. Its sunny and warm and there is a rich fauna and flora. There even is a woman there that fancies his interest.” Daya glares at him judgingly when a second woman is woven into the story, but Elliott continues without hesitation. “But he realized he missed the cold shore that was home to his love. So he rejects the love of another and leaves the sunny island to go home.” Daya’s judging glare makes place for a warmer smile as the story seems to go in the direction she thought best. Elliott walks upto the shower cubicle and kisses her nose. “I’m putting on my coat to check on the greenhouse. Are you coming too?” She nodds and turns of the water. “Oh and darling..” He adds while walking out of the bathroom. “Don’t read to much into my writing, its not always about us.” 
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