wehrleining · 3 years
Sometimes, I act like Tony Stark is my actual dad
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wehrleining · 3 years
Sisko is the BEST
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they get it man, they get it
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wehrleining · 3 years
Happy pride month to those who are scared
Happy pride month to those who are proud
Happy pride month to those who are out
Happy pride month to those who are closeted
Happy pride month if you’re trying to figure yourself out
Happy pride month if you’ve known for years
Happy pride month to those who it’s their first
Happy pride month to those who have celebrated for years
Happy pride month to those who are afraid to celebrate
Happy pride month to those who will scream it from the rooftops
Happy pride month to you.
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wehrleining · 3 years
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tony + remembering little things about the people he cares about
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wehrleining · 3 years
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I need everyone to see this
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wehrleining · 3 years
Me: *thinks that Tony Stark might actually survive endgame*
Doctor Strange:
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wehrleining · 3 years
All those weird things that happened today made us confront the dilemma between the actor versus the character. And you guys should not feel bad for loving Bucky Barnes. He’s a character, created a loooong time ago. So, since most of you continue to write these amazing stories about Bucky and I know it’s hard to avoid Sebastian’s image from him, I’d like to remember that Rod Reis, one of the creators of “Winter Soldier” comics (2018), confirmed that his way to draw Bucky was inspired by Jared Padalecki! So if you guys need, for now, new forms to imagine this character, you can look for fanarts or manips of Jared as Bucky/Winter Soldier
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Jared Padalecki as The Winter Soldier and Jensen Ackles as Captain America. My contribution to this month’s Spn art challenge and the theme “Poster Movie Crossover”.
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wehrleining · 3 years
When In 1945
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31442600/chapters/77768405
(on AO3 there is also a version without (y/n) besides this one, I used a name instead)
Relationships: Bucky x Reader
Rating: Teen
Words: 15k
Warnings: swearing i guess?
Summary:  What would you do if you had a chance to prevent the darkest days of your loved one? Would you just sit by, or would you do everything in your power to protect them? And if so, for what price? (Y/n) will have to ask herself these questions sooner or later when the hunt after the missing time-stone catapults her into the 1940s, where she meets her not-quite-yet-fiancé, a certain Sargent James Barnes.
It all started with an incredulous question.
“What do you mean, he lost the time-stone?”
“ I didn’t lose it. It was stolen.”
Doctor Stephen Strange glared at (Y/n) indignantly. She stared back, unimpressed.
Strange ran a hand through his slightly greying hair, frustration clearly visible in his face. And was there a little bit of embarrassment?
“Usually, I keep it on my person or in a safe location at all times, but just this once, I might have, err, placed it on my nightstand before I took a shower.”
Tony snickered, Natasha raised a perfectly sculpted eyebrow, Wanda tilted her head, and Steve tried to stay professional, as always. The group was sitting around a big table in one of the conference rooms at the Avengers Tower. It had been a pretty calm morning until suddenly orange sparks had appeared in the lounge room, startling Tony and Steve. Strange had stepped out of the portal with a slightly frantic expression, stating he needed their help. Frowning, Steve had ordered everyone to the briefing room, much to (Y/n)’s displeasure. She had enjoyed one of the rare calm days, with no upcoming missions immensely.
Well, as immensely as she could without her fiancé by her side. She sighed internally. Bucky was on a mission with Clint, Sam and Vision for almost two weeks now. She missed him. She craved his smiles, his warm hugs and kisses. And god, she missed snuggling up to him in bed. It felt much colder without her six-foot, build like a brick shit house, wonderfully smelling, personal furnace. Her hand fiddled with her engagement ring he had presented her a month ago, with the most heartfelt and sweet proposals she has ever heard. A small, dreamy smile stretched on her lips.
“-sure it was them?”
Steve’s voice pulled (Y/n) out of her thoughts. Right. Focus on the new potential mission. A lost infinity-stone should be taken seriously, after all. Plus, it might distract her a bit from longing thoughts.
Continuar lendo
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wehrleining · 3 years
Queen of Disaster
(incomplete) miniseries masterlist
a series based upon the misadventures of Bucky Barnes and the queen of disaster herself y/n. (featuring the avengers and other characters from the mcu)
a/n: because the first part did so well I’ll be making QOD into a mini series consisting of one shots, blurbs, and pieces that build upon Bucky’s relationship with the reader! thank you for supporting this story and here’s to more chaos! ♡
the start
queen of disaster: the beginning
ice cream: bucky hates going on missions with you almost as much as he hates to see you cry
safe: being an avenger is scary, but bucky is there to help you through it
whipped: bucky helps soothe your fever, and sam doesn’t hesitate to point out his fellow teammate’s soft spot for you
old enemies: bucky, with peter’s help, makes sure your ex-boyfriend knows not to mess with you ever again
someone better: bucky likes you, but is it possible that you already like someone else?
punching bag: accidents happen, but this accident eats bucky alive
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wehrleining · 3 years
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I was on Youtube searching for Bucky videos to a fancam and when I stopped to check the download bar, it spitted me some TRUTHS.
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wehrleining · 3 years
no thoughts just sam sending bucky screenshots of his obituary from 1945 and telling him “you’re dead to me” every time they disagree
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wehrleining · 3 years
that's me but I was simping for Alexander Siddig omg
I used to be a typical brown girl and simp for Zayn Malik, now I just simp for a man who read The Hobbit in 1937 when it first came out. I’d say it’s a glow up.
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wehrleining · 3 years
Bucky dating a black reader
Requested? No
Warnings?: Light racism talk , H*dra , W#lk*r 🙄 , TFATWS SPOILERS, mostly fluff??
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“Doll is this ok? “Bucky it’s just shampoo calm dow-” “I just don’t want to hurt you.”
He understands the times now so he is really protective
If anyone says anything I mean ANYTHING bad about you its game over
“I’ll be right back love” “BUCKY NO COME BACK STOP”
If a guy is flirting with you he needs to run as soon as possible
Bucky will have his hand on the small of your back and give the guy a death glare and will have his sleeves up a bit to show his vibranium arm
He makes sure they know you’re his
“Doll do you want me your boyfriend to grab you a drink my beautiful amazing girl?”
As soon as they said W*lk*r was the new captain america he was angry but when you said “Baby it’s just the way is, it sucks but we deal with it” he was furious
He was going to give the shield to Sam no matter what because he knows no one should have to deal with that
When Sam realized Bucky liked you he would tease him
“So you like chocolate now” “Sam.”
He thinks your bonnets are amazing and will buy you a million if you asked
“Should I get this one or this one?” “Get both” “Bucky you are going to waste all of your money!” “Whatever it takes to make you happy”
He might like your nails more
“Get Blue, wait no! i Get black. Wait ge-“ “Bucky I just got my nails done”
Your parents would definitely not like him at first (you know why) but they would quickly warm up to him
Bucky would definitely help your parents out while they cook
Bucky hasn’t really had a good meal because of H*dra so he is definitely blown away by your families cooking
But when he watches you cook for the first time he’s definitely confused
“Back in my day half of these seasonings weren’t even a thing” “Okay Grandpa”
He loves you no matter how dark your skin is or how aggravated you get when you do your hair
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wehrleining · 3 years
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wehrleining · 3 years
Bucky: Okay Morgan, there are 206 bones in the body, but! I’m gonna teach you how to dislocate someone’s body in 230 ways—
Sam: Dude. She’s a kid.
Bucky: Oh yeah! You’re right.
*turns around for a few seconds before turning back with puppets over his hands*
Bucky, in somewhat a Kermit the frog’s voice: Hi kids! We’re going to show you how to dislocate someone’s body! Let’s start with the Clavicle region. Do you know where that is?
Sam: oh my god.
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wehrleining · 3 years
all the alternative nicknames sam started using when told he couldn't use bucky:
becky with the metal arm
the buckanator
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wehrleining · 3 years
Me during the day: ughhh i want to sleep so baddd take me homeee i’m so tiredd
Me when i’m supposed to fall asleep: i’m going to read 538484829 fanfics because i can’t sleep !!!!!!1!1
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