I forgave you
when I shouldn't have.
And now you've ghosted me.
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I never expected that we would reconnect. Maybe I should have kept things the way they were. You hurt me so much. Why do I still want to talk with you?
And I remember the good times. I try to hang onto them. Maybe they're better kept in the past.
How can I balance the hate and the love? So many people helped me get to where I am today. Am I destroying all of those bridges while trying to mend this incredibly damaged bridge I once had with you?
My mind is going back and forth, up and down. Why do you even want to talk to me? We ruined each other's lives. Or at least I thought we did.
Make it make sense. Please.
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“For time's all it takes For me to heal the break.”
-Tall Trees, Lost in the Trees
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Awkward Regrets.
I think back to how things were. I was so awkward.
You were so awkward.
I didn’t know how you felt about me. And I still don’t know. I may never know.
But I miss you. And I have regrets.
What if I said different things? Did different things? Was more open about how I felt?
Would things be different now? Would I have made different choices?
I don’t know. I will never know.
But I miss you. And I have regrets.
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Nothing I've ever done right Happened on the safe side It's the other way I'm missing everyone I know now
Clone - Metric
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You still haunt me.
I haven't seen you in years.
And you still haunt me.
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I dream of you as if you were him, but I know that you’re not.
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Salute Your Solution - The Raconteurs
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“I need the fix of a little tenderness” -Tenderness, Parquet Courts
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If All I Thought Were True, Attack in Black
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I miss how things used to be. Only some parts of it. Well, one main part. You’re the main part.
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“You're everyone I never had.”
Metric, Love You Back
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A year ago I couldn’t stop thinking about you But we had hardly spoken to each other. 
Now I still can’t stop thinking about you And we’ve hardly gone more than a week without speaking all year.
But now I’m not there
And I really wish I was. 
How things have changed But not all that much.  
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We never made it past friendship
but I miss you as if we did.  
Maybe we did.
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And I miss you like I miss you And that's a fact So come on back
Chad VanGaalen - I Miss You Like I Miss You
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Too many times.
Do I do this to myself? Fall for bad decisions        but good conversations. Witty banter. Humour.            Please humour me            and tell me what this is. Who are we? If anything. I’m at my wit’s end.            And the end is lonely. Banter only works with two.                                       Too many times have I fallen for people like you.
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Dazed and confused.
Why do I keep dreaming of you? Is that what happens when I’m back in this place? Walking by places we used to spend time at. Seeing people we used to encounter together.
But those dreams aren’t enough to make me forget what you did to me.
They just leave me feeling confused.
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