tokoyamiaddiction · 2 years
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tokoyamiaddiction · 2 years
whatever dynamic this is
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tokoyamiaddiction · 2 years
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are we going to get this
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tokoyamiaddiction · 2 years
The blade of daybreak | Tokoyami
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Genre: angst
Paring: Tokoyami x reader
!Can be viewed platonically or romantically!
Warning(s): hints of dead reader, reader is dead, sad dark shadow💔, sad tokoyami, ultimately sad reader
Side note: it's 3 in the morning. It's 3 in the morning. I need to do suhoor and sleep I'm tired. Enjoy y'all, I'm not really proud of this, but I enjoyed writing it. It wasn't as sad as I wanted it to be tbh.
Song recs: This is A life- son lux OR fireworks -Mitski
Posted on: 26/ April/ 2022
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Tokoyami grabbed the apple from the small, brown basket sitting in the corner of the kitchen counter. He inspected the apple, watching the light reflect onto its red surface. He rubbed the dozeness out of his eyes as he grabbed a kitchen knife and plate.
He placed the apple on the plate and began peeling away it's skin, the knife swiftly peeling off its coating as Tokoyami slowly twisted the red fruit against its sharp edge, relying on his muscle memory to do most of the job for him.
He nodded off a few times, but jolted back awake before he could cut himself. It was too late for this.
Dark shadow emitted from the bird-headed boy's back, it's shodowy figure peering over Tokoyami's shoulder and scanning the display with its yellow, glowing eyes.
Not a few seconds passed, and what seemed to be whimpers sounded from the being, a single tear collecting in it's eyes. Tokoyami's red pupils trailed behind him, watching dark shadows timid form shrink in despair.
"(Y/n) liked apples." Dark shadow stated, it's body slightly shaking while it silently wept. Dark shodow would always cry when it was reminded of them, Tokoyami would've been annoyed if he didn't feel the same way Dark shadow did. Dark shadow simply confronted what Tokoyami didn't want to remember.
Tokoyami looked back at the apple and resumed his duty. Working in a painfully slow pace. Normally, Tokoyami would swiftly finish skinning the apple in a matter of mere seconds, he was experienced in this field, he'd done it numerous times. (Y/n) used to call his love for apples exaggerating yet admirable all the same.
They used to laugh when he voiced his devotion of love for the fruit, yet listened attentively to his words, their eyes locked on him and forbidding themselves from looking elsewhere.
Now he was acting like Dark shadow.
"I miss them." Dark shadow squeaked, it's form still sniffling and chocking back the tears it couldn't let out. He sympathised with the projectile of his quirk. He knew how it felt. Dark shadow was a part of him after all. No. Dark shadow was him. In a way. Tokoyami believed so. The shadowy creature was not only a fragment of his abyssal quirk, but also a fragment of himself, a projectile of he's hidden self. He's fears, he's worries, he's burdens.
He hated that they were now a part of that branch. That they were now one of his many hidden burdens that he kept chained, deep down in his cave of unwanted guilt. But no matter how hard he attempted to compress and push those pesky feelings away, they always find a way to resurface into his plane of sight.
And the burden that associated with you, the one he tried to lock away, found its way out of the dungeon with the help of his own quirk. The projectile of his quirk.
"I know. I miss them too." He let his grip loosen around the knife, before completely letting go on the equipments in his hands and turning to his silhouetty companion. Staring at its shriveled form, his hand reached to tenderly caress the side of its head. Dark shadow leaned into Tokoyami's touch, searching for any solace it could find.
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tokoyamiaddiction · 2 years
Raw meat | Tokoyami
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Genre: crack
Pairing: Tokoyami x reader
Warning(s): -
!can be viewed platonically or romantically!
Side note: I don't even know what in the world this is
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You and Tokoyami sat silently on a bench, the lushes green trees surrounded the two of you while you basked in comfortable silence. A cat ran it's body across your leg, it's meows filling the air. The two of you glanced down at the small creature.
"hello little guy." You smiled, brushing your finger through its fur. "Are you hungry?" It meowed again. You hummed and reached into your bag. Tokoyami peered at you curiously, he didn't remember you packing any food before leaving. You pulled out a, considerably large IKEA box, which made Tokoyami even more intrigued.
You opened the box, revealing a chunk of raw meat sitting lonesomely in the container. Tokoyami choked back a gasp, and silently gawked at you whilst you threw the raw meat on the floor, the cat munching through it with significant difficulty.
"lucky for you, I always carry meat with me." You pleasantly spoke as Tokoyami stared at you in sheer disbelief. You glanced at Tokoyami and blinked at his soul-drained expression.
"Um, why do you carry raw meat around with you?" He asked.
"why not?" You answered nonchalantly.
"it's raw meat." He retorted.
"well you never know when you could need it."
"need it? It's raw. meat."
"and you're a raw chicken, yet you don't see me complaining, now, do you?"
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tokoyamiaddiction · 2 years
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did someone already do this
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tokoyamiaddiction · 2 years
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Don’t worry guys, I fixed it 👩🏻‍⚕️
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tokoyamiaddiction · 2 years
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+ bonus for all my endeavor haters :)
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tokoyamiaddiction · 2 years
I don’t wanna hear anyone call this man hot ever again
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tokoyamiaddiction · 2 years
And so they wept | Tokoyami
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Genre: angst
Pairing: Tokoyami x reader
GN! Reader
!can be viewed platonically or romantically!
Warning(s): hints of dead reader, hints of mentally damaged reader
Side note: I don't really like this but ho ho
Not proof read
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"Where am I?" His thoughts were loud in this dark place. Tokoyami stood in the middle of... nowhere he recognized, the place was dark and empty, nothing to be seen. He looked around him, searching for anything that could guide him out of the place, but there was no sign of any other beings around.
He wondered about for a few minutes, hoping that he'll soon stumble upon any sort of exit.
His eyes landed on a blurry form in the distance and he stilled in response. He felt relief wash over him as he stared at the vague figure.
"Hello...?" He called, his voice echoing into the unknown. The mysterious being showed no sign of motion. Tokoyami's brows knitted, growing suspicious of the still figure.
Nonetheless, he needed to find a way out of here.
He cautiously walked towards the person, and as he drew nearer he started to make out their distinct features, which seemed oddly familiar. The person finally turned around, revealing their frightful and confused expression.
He froze.
His pupils dilated.
and so did the persons.
"This is a dream." He admitted, utter shock written all across his feathery face.
"Tokoyami..." (y/n) whispered with a raspy voice. Their trembling iresis trailed across his body, from his bird-head to his bare feet.
They started walking towards him, a slow, hesitant walk, one slow step after another, before bolting into a frantic run. Their face coated with anguish and desperation. Their hand reached out to him, their brows pulling closer together, emphasizing on their glistening eyes.
Tokoyami was still stunned in place, his beak agape. Was this real? Is this real?
"Tokoyami!!" They cried, their hands fully outstretched towards him.
"(y/n)...?" He finally found his voice.
(Y/n) Leaped his way, wrapping their arms tightly around him, gripping his clothes with their trembling hands.
Tokoyami paused for a moment before his mind started functioning again. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around their shaken body.
(Y/n)'s breath quivered into his shoulder, then their eyes began pooling with tears.
"Tokoyami...! I'm sorry! I didn't want this! I swear! I don't want this! I don't want to leave you! I was so focused on the past that I didn't- I didn't- I lost sight of everything else! THERE IS STILL SO MUCH- I DIDN'T EVEN GET TO TELL YOU GOODBYE!! I'M SO SORRY!!" They wailed loudly in his shoulder, their uncontrollable tears damping his outfit. He had never seen them in such a state, he had never seen this fragile side of them before.
The way they were holding on to him so desperately, the way they were crying and pleading to him, too terrified to let go, afraid that he might vanish without a trace.
It felt so vulnerable.
Like a child begging for their mother to stay on the first day of kindergarten.
They were like a child.
A hopeless, lost child.
At that, Tokoyami felt his own facade crumbling apart. The increasing pressure pent up in his little box was finally too much, and it wasn't long until the box burst, the little trinkets that was kept in there scattering across the floor.
And he would let it, he wasn't scared of what happened after. The watchful eyes of society weren't locked on him anymore, not in a very long while. He pushed his face to the side of their nape, the lump in his throat growing larger by the moment.
"Please don't let this be a dream... please...!" He whispered through gritted teeth. His feathers shined and reflected in the dark space resulting from his tears slipping across them.
This reminded him of a time when the two of them would joke around with each other, go to festivals with the rest of their classmates where (y/n) bored him with their teasing and sarcastic remarks. He hadn't appreciated those moments enough. He hadn't appreciated them enough. He wanted to go back. How did it lead up to this? Why did they have to die without him even being there by their side, reassure them as they took their last breath?
"I-I don't wanna d-die..." Their vocal cords trembled. Tokoyami sobbed harder at the agonizing sting that stabbed his heart.
He wished that he could stay like this forever.
Stuck in each other's embrace.
Gagging at their salty tears.
He didn't want to go back to cruel reality.
Who could've known that grieving was so painful?
Why was their passing the hardest one of all?
Was it because of the way they had to die? Or is it because of who they were?
Perhaps both.
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tokoyamiaddiction · 2 years
Barrier | Tokoyami
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Genre: fluff (?)
Paring: Tokoyami x reader
Warning(s): creepy old man staring.
!could be viewed platoninally or romantically!
Side note: I don't normally write female readers, but it's necessary for this fanfic.
Not proof read
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You shook the raven-headed boy's shoulder, your shimmering eyes fixed on the firework display in the sky. The pastel colors coating the sky reflected in your eyes, giving an even brighter sensation to your gleaming gaze. The rumbling caused by the explosion vibrated through your body. Explosion after explosion, colors after colors.
Tokoyami glanced at you, his gaze lingering on your awe-struck face, before tearing his red irises away and peering at the mesmerizing sight the crowd was gaping at. He watched as the fiery rocket launch into the air, a trail of red color trailing behind it and the sound of whisking echoing through the dark night, before it would combast and paint the heavens above.p
A small smile graced his beak. He wasn't one to smile, he rarely ever did so, but it would be a shame to hold back his grin in this enchanting sight. He chose to relish freely at this very moment, undoing the ties of indignity.
Soon, however, his eyes landed on a man standing a few inches away from them. The man was obviously skittish. He wore a hat on his head and had a mask on his face, not to mention his unusual shifting every few seconds. He had his head slightly turned in their direction, completely ignoring the fireworks. Tokoyami's brows furrowed, his discomfort only growing. He squinted his eyes at the man and realized that the sketchy figure was looking right past him, but in your direction instead.
While the two of you watched the fireworks in the sky, Tokoyami felt a shiver run down his spine. His feathers slightly ruffled as he rubbed his arms up and down, a discomforting feeling setting in the pits of his stomach. He looked away from the fireworks and scanned the crowded horde. Most people were just staring at the fireworks, and some had their phones out capturing the unforgettable scene.
Tokoyami slowly followed the man's eyes, his gaze guiding him to your chest. Was this man really staring at your chest this whole time?? His jaw tightened as he glared at the stranger. He stepped forward, blocking your view with his body. The man slowly peered to the side, trying to catch a glimpse of you, then looked up bitterly at Tokoyami, upset by whoever had interrupted his disgustingly-lustful thoughts.
The man started to sweat when he met Tokoyami's sneering face. He quickly looked away and at the floor.
"Hey, we should watch the fireworks elsewhere." The bird-headed boy turned to you. You looked down from the fireworks and to Tokoyami's uneasily serious face.
"Why? I think the view here is nice, do you not like it...?" You tilted your head.
"No no uhh... let's go somewhere with fewer people around..." He lightly pushed you through the mob, which you had allowed him to do with a confused expression. Once the two of you had found a place almost uninhabited by anyone, Tokoyami looked up, only to notice that the fireworks had already ended. Feeling guilty, he glanced at you, ready to apologize, but paused once he saw your concerned features.
"Were you bothered by the crowd? You could've just said that, I would've been fine with going to a quieter place. Next time, just tell me when you're uncomfortable." You grinned reassuringly at him. He rubbed his nape awkwardly. He wanted to tell you the real reason he dragged you away from that area but didn't desire to ruin your joyful mood.
"That's not quite it, but I appreciate your concern. I also apologize, you missed the rest of the firework show because of me." He muttered.
"Nahhh, it's alright. I got to see enough of it already. There is still so much to do anyway." You said. "Let's go get something to eat then meet the rest of the class in the main plaza of the festival, alright?"
"Yes, that sounds nice."
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