togaschako · 12 hours
You may have recently seen a post like this, stating that Sanrio supports Israel and operates 18 stores there.
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This post is full of OLD AND OUTDATED INFORMATION AND MISINFORMATION some of which comes from a 2011 article from when the stores were just opened in Isreal. Like with pretty much every other country outside of Japan, Sanrio no longer operates stores in Israel and hasn't for YEARS, to the point that Israelies have even made several past petitions for the stores to come back (none of which have worked) and have stated that Sanrio stuff is not widely found there.
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The part about "Hello Kitty Land Tokyo" staying open admist the pandemic is ALSO false, as 1) Japan pretty much closed every and all theme parks immediately admist the pandemic and 2) the theme park isn't even called Hello Kitty Land Tokyo, it's called SANRIO PUROLAND.
Here's a tiktok from user anjeezyalmighty breaking down the original boycott post's outdated and misinfo as well:
TLDR; I'm not telling you to boycott Sanrio or not boycott them but please know that the post going around is NOT an official Sanrio statement nor would they ever make an official statement usually because Sanrio never does when it comes to anything like this. The post is also full of old info and straight up bullshit, and Sanrio no longer operates stores in Israel nor have they for years. Please be careful in sharing boycott posts without prior knowledge on their validity as there are in fact, people who will try to throw random companies under the bus to lower morale and get people to stop boycotting altogether. Thanks.
If anyone has more info please let me or others in the community know.
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togaschako · 12 hours
lists of companies/products to stop buying from
Coca Cola
Mountain Dew
Spotify [don't buy Spotify premium]
Burger King
Baskin Robbins
Google [don't buy YouTube premium]
will keep updating.
use https://boycott.thewitness.news/browse/1 if you're not sure if a brand is on the boycott list or want to know why a certain product is on the list
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togaschako · 12 hours
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togaschako · 12 hours
Boycott Israel Cheat Sheet: Cosmetics, Health and Personal Care
When I began this blog, it was my intention to keep it strictly focused on the art of Palestine, and not to use it as a sounding block for pro-Palestinian politics. This is not to say the two things are unrelated – to the contrary, the art coming out of Palestine and from those living in exile is often explicitly political, and in all cases is shaped by the ongoing occupation of Palestine. My feeling was, and largely still remains, that this is a place for contemplation rather than debate. In light of the latest assault on Gaza, however, I have been doing a lot of talking with friends about BDS. What started as a conversation bemoaning the affiliation of MAC cosmetics with Zionist causes rapidly turned into a project; I spent the better part of a day compiling a list of cosmetics, health and personal care brands to avoid if you’re boycotting Israel, along with alternative products to use.
The process was abysmal. Surely, I have taken care never to underestimate US corporate ties with Israel, but even so, the explicit connections and the vast scope of products involved is frankly demoralizing.  That said, the boycott of Israeli goods is a vital step towards liberation for Palestine, and if you are interested in learning more, visit the BDS website and consult the list below.
A note about the scope and content: I focused on health and beauty items because they are the items I use most in my daily life, and because my friends – who seem disproportionately to be incredibly beautiful and well-groomed femmes – wanted to know about the products they are using. To do an exhaustive list is impossible at this juncture, though I hope to make lists focused on different sales arenas in the future. Topically, it bears repeating that Palestine is a feminist issue – we as women and/or feminist advocates should remember this as we make choices about the kind of products we buy for our bodies.
The list is after the cut, please share widely! 
Keep reading
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togaschako · 4 days
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If you feel this way, here are some Gofundmes you can donate to
Abu Shammalah Family (€953/100,000)
Moment Alostaz family (€7,539/70,000)
Youssef family (€9,395/50,000)
Renad & Her Family (£9,696/25,000)
Alia's Family (€7,870/30,000)
Mohamed Hamad and his family (£3,872/50,000)
Safaa and her family (€9,757/20,000)
Maliha Family (€23,446/32,000)
Mahmoud Abu Hamam (CAD $5,348/10,000)
Eman Abuhayya Family (AUD $40,455/85,684)
Ezzideen & his Family (€26,314/75,000)
Ahmed's family (€4,658/70,000)
Let's do our part to help the people of Gaza!!!!
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togaschako · 4 days
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This panel hurts me. Yes, it's part of Levi having abandonment issues, but it also suggests that Levi thinks he is forgettable, and that makes me so sad. He doesn't think of himself as someone who people will remember or put first despite him always putting others before himself.
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togaschako · 18 days
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From Gaza. There are no words for this.
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togaschako · 28 days
i don't think people really understand what's happening in gaza. with each passing day that sees more and more palestinians dead, it's becoming easier and easier for those in the west to perceive them as nothing more than a statistic. they might engage w the occasional palestine post, sure, but it's just as easy to scroll right past that moments later w no real outrage for the genocide retained.
it's vital to stay reminded that palestinians who are with us today won't be with us tomorrow. it's happening every second of every minute of every hour, and it's relentless. somewhere in gaza a little girl is losing her mother, a little boy is watching his siblings bleed to death, elderly people are infirm with starvation and illness, palestinian women and girls are being sexually assaulted and kept in cages, fathers are leaving tents to find food for their families and not coming back. this is all happening right now, and it's a direct result of the west's complacency. it's a direct result of their not seeing arabs as people worth saving.
it might be hard to compute as a westerner, but this is real. don't let your privilege blind you to your humanity.
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togaschako · 28 days
Tomura and Natsuo definitely got caught making out on the couch by Endeavor and Fuyumi. Fuyumi tried to let Endeavor and Natsuo sit down and talk about it while she drove Tomura home. When she got back, they were still staring at each other.
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togaschako · 1 month
bnha season 7 episode 1 guysssss
I just wanted to talk about the intro of that part of the season. Thats my interpretation.
(Disclaimer, I know a little bit of spoilers from manga but I haven't read it fully so beware)
So hear my out,
starts with Deku trying to reach into something and at the end of the intro he manages to reach it. His goal I guess. Shigaraki or whatever. Maybe it means that they will finish with season 7 and they are not going for season 8.
Then some scenes where sun rays touching class 1a's faces. Very poetic. Hopeful for the new day.
Like uh excuse me, Monoma and Shinzo on the same panel?! Love it, they are getting screen time.
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Hawks in the cell?! Murder of Twice catches him?
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Invisible Girl. Finally we get her on the big screen. Can't wait for her backstory
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Excuse me why Toga and Ochaco are like right next to each other. I don't like what it implies.
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Then we have Shoto next to Endevour. Toya next to Dabi. We love Todoroki family drama
And Bakugo on his solitude... But hey, he is on the top right?
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and then he smiles... right before Deku appears on the screen. Just saying...
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Then we see how each and every student from 1A runs with Midoryia and helps him go through the debris, obstacles. He is no longer alone, he lets them help him and fight on his side.
Also I like this moment because of Kaminari and Jirou. Come on people, we can't forget that Denki admitted that he has a crush on Jirou last season.
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Why they are standing together and why we can't see Aoyama... I can imagine why
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And right before Midoryia gets to Shigaraki, the last person to accompany him is Bakugo. Of course. He is not helping him. He is trying to reach up to him. Is it a subtle way of saying that he is not done trying to outdo, outrun him? Or he is trying to stop him?
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We see class 1A together. Deku is between the students. He is not trying to win by himself anymore. Bye bye vigilante era
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and he wins
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togaschako · 2 months
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this is why hawks' misison fails
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togaschako · 2 months
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The Beginning ✦
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togaschako · 2 months
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hero department kids
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togaschako · 3 months
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Game of Thrones AU
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togaschako · 6 months
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how many times does he have to teach you this lesson old man
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togaschako · 9 months
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togaschako · 9 months
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“My special one”
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