thewrightway87 · 9 years
Is Brand Loyalty dead?
Do people have a "Stockholm Syndrome" when it comes to brand loyalty?
I am sitting here trying to work out why people don't more often follow the age old adage of "let your feet do the talking" or "take your money elsewhere" especially when it comes to bad customer service.
The thought process happened because my younger sister (one of the babies of the family) is going through the process of getting her first loan, for a car.  Now a few facts - she's the Accountant in the family (literally) she's worked full time for nearly a year now and she is super organised when it comes to process (clearly a good thing when you are a Tax specialist Accountant).
So as part of growing up she needed and wanted a car - a second hand one - but still one where she needed a bit of a hand up from the banks to make happen.
Now here where the story goes sour - a large bank (who will remain nameless), who makes billions of dollars in profit each year - and where she has been a customer since birth (more than 20 years) - was the choice for said loan.  Now back to being very process driven all her checks and balances all in order, the pre-approval all done and successful, only to stumble upon actually finding the car.  I'm not sure if it's the ineptitude of the employee or a terribly poor business process but either way - three days in and ZERO Customer Service... has me asking the exact question of why not just go elsewhere.
I'm sure people will tell me - "oh it's just too hard...." - codswallop! A competitor to the bank is less than 20 metres from the branch - has no fees, and eager to get new customers (and therefore treats them that way).  And if you so choose (or get backed into that corner) tweet the company - I guarantee the potential of their bad customer service getting out to thousands of people, they'll definitely fix it quick smart (or deserve to be left).
I see the same with my job, people are willing to be 'abused' and have promises broken and generally left feeling dissatisfied. Yet, they go back to the same vendor?! 
Is it even acceptable for less than compelling customer service? Think about it - in a perfect world would you be happy to be just another number on their piece of paper. Who cares if you aren't being pleased..... 
Well my answer is YOU SHOULD! Your time, your patience and ultimately your money (because let's face it time is money) is at stake.  As a consumer you are entitled to being treated like a human being.
My call to action is - don't just be content with the status quo, don't get sucked in to thinking it's your fault you didn't get the service when promised or the product that works.
Do you agree that sometimes brand loyalty doesn't pay off? Tell me your horror or great customer service stories (feel free to name/shame).
K xo
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thewrightway87 · 9 years
iPhone 6 Gorgeous...but Underwhelming!
Even as I typed the title, I cringed.... hmm can I say that the iPhone 6 is underwhelming....? Is it an acceptable description. Oh no will the fan-boys hate me? Well I think it's the right one (for me anyway).  And here's why...
This is an old -repost of mine from another site. Yep I'm just that lazy.
First before I go and dis on a brand I've been using for the good part of 10 years now, who the hell am I?
I am just your average Female Gen-Y'er (or so my census data would tell you), in my mid 20s (well technically late 20s but I'm not ready to accept that fate yet).  Unlike a lot of my Australian demographic, I work in the IT industry, more specifically in Software. I live and work in Australia but have been lucky enough to see lots of the world. I'm a geek when it comes to research and finding out what devices I should/can/will be using. Oh and I have opinions... lots of opinions and thoughts on things I know.
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So back to a little thing the rest of the world seems to be calling the "greatest phone Apple has ever launched".... settled to the fate that I would buy another iPhone (after lots of bad experiences with the 5s in the last few months) I pre-ordered the iPhone 6 (Gold, 64GB).  Because quite frankly what girl doesn't want more gold in her life?!
I've now been using it for the good part of a month, and I've come in and out of the Apple news cycle where every Mainstream, and Tech podcast and blog just talks about Apple's announcement.  I've read and listened to lots of them.  But my initial sentiment (from the first moment of unboxing) remains... it's beautiful, like insanely beautiful - but.... underwhelming! (Ha there I said it).  Now I could go on about why this is, but I think as Leo Laporte often muses in his TWiT podcast it may just come down to the fact that I don't like the constraints of the OS.  Now I said I've been using the brand for the last 10 or so years - from iPod Classic, countless Shuffles, every iPhone since the 4 (usually the week they are released), iTunes (am I the only person who still uses this?!) and even a Mac Air user.  With that as full disclosure I clearly like the Apple products.  They are brilliantly designed - almost a joy to use... well until recently, and now as a premium brand I think I may have out grown their controlling, demanding and sometimes down right annoying attitude.  Just like one outgrows their high school crush, Apple is becoming a little too clingy for my liking.
So below are my Top 3s (The Great, the not so great, or down right disappointing) points on the iPhone 6 (the 4.7 inch version) - it may help you decide whether to invest or not....
The Great!
1. Photos that ooze greatness! The camera is second to none (that I've tried/seen) in a phone! The quality of the pictures in both high and low light situations are amazing! If you don't believe me check out the pic below snapped without any thought or messing with any settings.
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2. That design.... oh yes! oh yes! It may to the average (yes I do mean average or maybe I mean anti-Apple) Android user look like the HTC, or the Samsung but... there's no point arguing with these non-discerning, design ill advised people! Just don't bother.  But for everyone else, putting this phone in your hand you will note the cool but real feel of the steel back, the curved edges and rounded glass.  The size is a break from tradition but one that's been executed to perfection. And before I have my Meg Ryan (When Harry Met Sally... anyone, anyone?) moment just do yourself a favour and go and feel one.
3. The screen real estate is pretty great - although this one can be rightly-so poo-poo'ed by the aforementioned Android lovers.  I was a reluctant convert to the larger screen size but oh it's nice. Especially for online content - not so much the apps *yet.
The Not So-Great...(and somewhat disappointing)!
Snooze... what snooze!? I love sleep, no denying it - I love the stuff! And so this is why I set two alarms the first, my gently wake me out slumber, and the second my "if you got to this alarm CRAP you are now late" alarms.  Now I know that I can snooze 5 times on the first until I reach the second alarm. WELL I COULD! Until the Stupid stupid stupid (yep that's three times stupid for anyone keeping count) placement of the iPhone 6 lock button! I may possibly be the only person experiencing this and I do suspect user error here... but - it's not working for me!
The new "Reachability" - it's not even a freaking word! And this is just stupid... if you need to use it to reach the top of your screen, stop being so ugghh and move your hand or novel concept (I know use both on that phablet sized phone you bought). Okay this may be a little on the ranting side but seriously Apple what were you thinking?
For my final act... I could have gone with a number of things... the lack of extended battery life... the "apple hair-gate saga" (Google it), or even "bend-gate" (side bar: are media just running out of things to call things, or have they lost all creativity), the numerous random reboots... instead I'm going with the one that's in my face (and technically not iPhone 6s fault). My bookmarks are all placeholder images... every single one of my bookmarks on my homepage look like the below image.  Before anyone tries to advise - yes I know that I could individually go into each one and then reload the page and it would give me back my pretty pictures. But I ask WHY? Why should I have to..... (rather than doing just that, I'm going to pout and stamp my foot)!
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Overall, I stand by the comment that I'm genuinely underwhelmed by the new phone, despite it's good looks and charms it hasn't won me over.  Maybe it's time for an Android adventure?And with that I'm out. Off to go and book in an appointment with the Genius Bar (my home button is sticking).  
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thewrightway87 · 9 years
My (supposed) Addiction...
Hi my name is Kaite and I... I disagree ... I don't believe I have a problem!
Apparently admitting you have a problem is the first step. Well no! N.. O... I do not have a problem. Specifically I'm alluding to my penchant for buying tights (or crops as Lulu calls them, or running pants)... 24 is a very normal number of tights to own.
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Okay let's lay it out. Plain... and Simply...
After a recent conversation with my PT about how he rarely sees me in the same outfit - despite seeing me 3-4 times a week it got me to thinking and counting the number I own. 
Sidebar: I had (in my defense) just gotten back from a trip to LA and the shopping there... :) ah need I say more??
Turns out 24 tights or as my PT would tell you nearly $3000 in some printed lycra is ludicrous! 
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I however think... (insert gallant music) - I am on a QUEST! A quest to find the perfect pair of pants for gym/running/exercise/netball and even general activities.  And as the chosen one it is my duty...nay right to have as many tights as it takes to find said perfect pair.  
So let me share some of my experiences when it comes to these tights, and what I've learned.  For ease of evaluation I've narrowed down to three key elements: Material (specifically are they see-through), Fit (they definitely need to stay up), and Style... uh just because!  
But first a little about me, you can probably see from the pics, I'm a fit Aussie size 12 (8 in US and who knows in the UK), with curves (groan I hate that word and the over use of it) and after 25+ years of being in every sport known to man - I have muscles, especially my legs and lots of squats means... a butt too! :)
Nike (Pro) Material: The pro material is tops - although a little see-through in some designs. (4/5) Fit: Meh (2.5/5) Style: (4/5) definitely some great ones here. Comments: So Nike still have some great design choices in their prints (especially if you don't shop in Australia) and the material feels amazing but not always the greatest fit on me.
Black Milk Gym Material: AH----Mazing! (5/5)  Fit: Brilliant, this little local company spends a lot of time testing and designing for comfort and fit around the hips (because let's admit - I have them in good supply)! (5/5)
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Style: In the beginning the style was different, THEY HAVE POCKETS!!! But now waiting on more colours/designs (they keep releasing new ones) - (4/5) Comments: Wow, wow, wow! I can't speak highly enough about these ones! They are by far my go to tights, and they are Aussie made!!  They even designed them in the early days to NOT BE SEE THROUGH!! Win!
Athleta (by The GAP) Material: Different types of material but mostly they are more designed for the cooler climates (AKA not Australia) - (4/5) Fit: Yeah I'll give this a nod. (4/5) Style: Colours... Designs.... style in good supply here! (5/5)! Comments: A new find for me on my recent trip to the US and I bought two pairs!
I Can I Will Material: Feels great, but horribly see through. (2/5) Fit: More of the form fitting variety but they go alright, make my butt look good ;) (4/5) Style: I bought them because they were different, and Swedish - come on we all know the Swedish are cool! (4/5) not for the faint hearted here, not if you want to blend in. Comments: I can't wear these without layering two pairs! 
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Lululemon Comments: There are literally hundreds of blogs/posts on Lulu tights and nothing I can say here will be new, so I'd say go read those. 
Lorna Jane Comments: I don't currently own any Lorna tights (mostly because I find it tough to swallow at the 100+ price tag) But the Australian version of Lulu are making a go at it in USA.  
Others worth noting Abi and Joseph, Anthropologie, Spanx - yes I said Spanx, worth trying for plain black form fitting and not see through tights (just a little boring). :)  Abi and Joseph are a new comer (well to me at least) but proving great so far! :)
By far Black Milk come out winners in my book! But feel free to start your own Quest, I'm not finished on this quest yet.... :)
Note: No noble steed was needed for the Quest.
Until next time. 
K xo
POST SCRIPT - this one ended up longer than expected! Sorry!
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thewrightway87 · 9 years
Sometimes you just have to enjoy the little things. Like this little one enjoying an warm Aussie summer day by frolicking through he sprinkler!
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thewrightway87 · 9 years
Harder than it seems...
Happy Monday - *smiles sheepishly* (knowing the last post was on Friday...dun dun dunnn!)
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I am not making an excuse... I swear I'm not... but dude this posting every day thing is a lot (like a lot a lot) harder than it seems. 
So it turns out I missed a few in my little self experiment. Not even with good reason - except that I was out and busy with life. 
LAME-o! (I know even enunciated in my best pouting teenager voice) - probably showing my age in that statement. Do people even say Lame anymore?
So other than using this "nothing" post as a filler... (yeah because that's how I roll)... I've decided that some of the things I should post about aren't necessarily things that are well formed thoughts yet... so until they formulate the posts about "Why my Body Hates me..." and "Sometimes Calories in vs Calories Out just isn't enough".  Those two are coming soon to a blog near you (hint: it's this one) 
Other than all being about the Exercise and Body, a few more "Just Me" posts are also in order. So whilst I plot and draft away on those... please forgive me for the #Random or maybe just lazy posts.
FINE! Don't forgive me... I don't care. 
Until then, stay healthy and happy!
K xo
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thewrightway87 · 9 years
To wear or not to wear!
2015 the year of the wearable. 
Today is another tech focused post, but this time talking about wearables more specifically fitness trackers.  The small little devices often with flashing lights have become the must have for everyone from the Avid Fitness Fanatic (who wants to know everything from their sleep to their resting heart rate at every second of the day - you all know one) through to the average person who just wants to track their steps (and perhaps compete against friends).
I have tried lots of these little things, but none do what I want.
To be fair... I'm not sure what exactly that is.
I've tested and tried the Basis, FitBit One, FitBit Flex, Polar Loop, although not a fitness band per say the Pebble, the gym specific MyZone watch, Jawbone Up and finally the JayBird Reign.  So other than a lot of money spend on such devices in the pursuit of "the ONE" I have learnt a few things about what works and doesn't work for me.  
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The positives first... knowing the level of activity you achieved for the day can (and I use that word loosely) force you to do more if you haven't done enough.  Saying that sometimes it's just plain wrong - I'll explain more later. 
The ability not to have to have my phone with the band to exercise and sync later is pretty much standard across the board and this helps with not having to think about it.  Whilst some of the bands have been less bulky they often (at the moment) forgo giving any or little information to the wearer without the use of the phone.
They can tell you completely random facts about your day or sleep quality and other than musing (I do love data so I'm a bit odd) like I sometimes do you may never ever need to know this level of information.
The one thing I really like, and FitBit have captured this side of it exceptionally well - is the gamification of tracking steps/activity.  Our company has taken this to a new level recently announcing company team challenges all revolving around the steps taken in a day, and the brilliant thing is - this brings out the competitive nature in people you never knew existed.
The other side of the coin is definitely a lot heavier....  if we start with the idea that when you haven't done enough exercise it can tell you.  This can be demotivating (although it's primary purpose is the reverse).  You get home from work after a long 8 hours at a customer site in front of a computer, your little device tells you "Walk 108 minutes" or something just as "motivating".  
The worst is the look, not one of these devices has been a "good looking" wearable.  Who really wants to wear a green band with flashing lights, or a black "looks like I'm being tracked by a prison" band. And to add to that - most sports (of which I play a few) won't allow them to be worn, so I end up resorting to putting the tracker in my bra.
But and Big MASSIVE BUT HERE.... if you do say weights or other similar activities as your form of exercise, guess what? Your device probably won't track the output of exercise. Despite a lot of claims to the contrary.  Even if you enter the exercise type and activity it often won't count towards the overall daily goal.  
They also aren't cheap and just forget about any band that tracks your heart rate.  TOTAL WASTE OF MONEY - in my humble opinion.  The quickest of anecdotes here.  I have been a user of JayBird earphones for a few years = I love them!  So when they said we are bringing out a new device that tells you when your best time to exercise vs rest is - I was notably excited.  A few postponed release date, and even a nonstarter in my country still didn't dampen my hopes.  So on my latest trip to the US I went to three different BestBuys to find this JayBird Reign - and I did.  Woo I was like a kid in a candy store.  I've been wearing the device for nearly a month and the "Go Zone" test has worked maybe 3 times out of 20... those three times - apparently I don't have a pulse (none)... zero, nada, zip! But the software can't deal with that so no pulse, but still go off and do 400 points of activity for the day. If these watch based HR monitors do end up working - it's only if you are sitting down doing nothing and not moving - which was the case for the Basis.
There's a lot of other interesting things about these devices and yet my interest to them and this post is fading. So that'll do.
I guess the universe is even today - I posted glowingly about the Surface and how you should splurge on one.... now I cannot stress enough - DO NOT invest in a fitness device yet. I think with the release of Apple's Watch the game will be stepped up once again and maybe then (fingers crossed) there will be one worth investing in.
If you must ignore me (by all means feel free) and get one my recommendation would be the FitBit Charge or Flex, they have their flaws but are good all rounders. 
Enjoy your fitness goals and tracking them.
K xo
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thewrightway87 · 9 years
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Just because I missed a day of posting on my February Bloguary doesn't mean I'm going to throw it all in.  So yesterday's post is on the Surface (below) and Today's is still to come.
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thewrightway87 · 9 years
I'm giving up on Laptops!
Because I hate them, but I still need them... and yet the hatred runs deep!  But that was until I tried the Microsoft Surface Pro 3...
So for anyone who doesn't know me - I have worked in the IT industry (specifically software vendors) for nearly 12 years now, whilst that certainly doesn't make me an expert on anything hardware related - it does make me a very, very good user of devices and generally end up pushing things past their limits.
I've owned and used many notebooks / laptops over the years by nature of my job and study and have had some real gems (the Mac Air at number one), and some real duds (far too many to list).  But late last week I decided I was giving up on them. 
How did I get to this point? 
It started normally - at work, in a meeting, presenting software all the standard jazz of being in Presales for a software vendor.  My HP Elitebook - chugging along as usual... suddenly typing and all power is gone... all that remained was a sporadically flashing light (on the power button), a few attempts to reboot the machine and finally it's on and............... ON FIRE!!!!!   
(Ok, sometimes I can be prone to the hyperbole).  So it was smoking (not hilarious nor funny at the time), or as HP support has labelled it a "thermal incident". Long story short on that side, after a lot of frustrations to do with size, performance (or lack there of), and clearly some manufacturing issues I was needless to say angry and ready to throw it under a bus.  
So they say don't get angry, get even.  I suppose as a consumer it's more like - well take your damn business elsewhere because the time wasted on trying to get something like a laptop fixed/working and not a hassle in life is just too hard.
Cue entry of the shining light (halo style - angels singing) - Microsoft Surface Pro 3, which I am sitting typing on now (and truth be told enjoying every minute of it).
From a techy standpoint I went with the 256GB, i7 version of the Surface, with keyboard and arc mouse. 
It's not the prettiest machine I've owned (yes throwback to the Mac Air), but it's lightweight, functional and powerful all in one.  Why hasn't the likes of Dell, HP and other traditional devices picked up on this?  
As for use... this little beast has all the functionality needed with the exception of enough ports - namely missing a USB, and going with the trend of a mini port for any external screen/projector.  The keyboard annoyingly is at an extra cost, as is the mouse - but in my opinion worth it for both.  
I am on a laptop generally for the good part of 14 hours a day (and I push it) - give or take.  Work means that everything from Administrative Services, SQL Databases, Server version Software, to instant messaging are a must and lots and lots of processing power is needed, but without forgoing the traditional MS Office tools.  My personal use can extend from digital design, to video processing and of course my online shopping (addiction/habit), but I'm not a laptop person for Social Media (frankly the apps for mobile devices are better).
There are quirks to the machine, as with any machine. The battery, I had high hopes for this but it's not as good as I had hoped, still not bad and running at around I still can't quite figure out why some applications such as Chrome sometimes just have a heart attack with the hybrid functionality of going from touch to mouse to keyboard.
And don't tell me that IE is the answer to that.... it's a horrible horrible way to browse and interact with the web. (MS Please fix this with Windows 10)!
All in all however it's been quite refreshing...surprising and definitely has me telling anyone who'll listen how good an experience it's been.  But I didn't want to like it... and I think that's the best bit, in the world of choosing a device because of brand 'snobbery' or more politely because of brand loyalty the MS Surface Pro 3 has broken my own personal trend down that path.
Don't get me wrong, I am not giving up on my Apple love, or my just utterly, beautiful Mac Air, but it has taken a backseat for the time being.  But my opinion on traditional laptops being a thing of the past has not changed!
My suggestion is if you are in the market for school, study or a work device - whilst it's a high starting price point - don't discount the MS Surface as just another gimmick by Microsoft trying to make some money - it's a great work horse, powerful and sleek device.
As always, enjoy and take care.
 K xo
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thewrightway87 · 9 years
Does owning 24 pairs of running tights make me an addict....?
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thewrightway87 · 9 years
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I'm far too sore and tired to post properly tonight - did my first boxing class tonight. So a photo post it is - why do product people still find using Aussie things as product names alluring? This was one from a recent US trip, also saw The use of Wallaby, wombat and even koala on different products. And now bed! K xo
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thewrightway87 · 9 years
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10 posts! Woo.
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thewrightway87 · 9 years
Things seem brighter on Monday Morning
Happy Monday to you, happy Monday to you.... Happy Monday dear...... Today was all about small achievements and recognising them. After a horror week with work last week, including my laptop catching on fire (true story - more to follow in my Surface update maybe tomorrow) this week is definitely looking on up. I received my new work laptop replacement from the Sydney team, I had a great demo and meeting and was able to clear a lot of things out of my inbox. And that was all before lunch. On the non-work front today was the first day of our German volume program a new weights program and today's testing wasn't nearly as bad as I had imagined. Plus the awesome people who make up the place make a pretty big difference. I also stepped on the scales and my curvy (explicit) a word is down a few kilos. A run with Fletcher and Twin Sister #1 and all of it comes to just the one answer - life was and is pretty good today. Part of this pledge to blog each day is to not only capture some thoughts down and not keep them bottled up. But to also seize the moment and remember that it may seem tough sometimes but that it is important to be present in life and not just let it drift on by. Those are my Monday happy thoughts. Hope yours is going just as swell! Lots of Love. K xo
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thewrightway87 · 9 years
Blogruary! (28 days of posts).
February is the month of blogging… well at least it will be for me.  Go on question me… and my commitment (I dare you)!
Great thing about this is it is my avenue to type and say things that get missed in the all too busy world of IT.  I don’t think anyone other than maybe myself and my a sister or two will read these (which I’m totally ok with).
So for the first blog of the month (actually year…. woo 2015 you are flying by).  Today we went to the beach (yep I’m ok with that start, although it may sound like a first line of a short story written in primary school, I’m sticking by it) - myself and Twin Sister #1 plus the man of the house our adorable ten month old Australian Shepherd (Fletcher).  
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This was after the fun and frivolity of the beach - one exhausted little pup!
The trip wasn’t entirely just for a Sunday frolic in the sand - instead the planned encounter was to meet one his sisters from the same breeder. Such a lovely day - not only is she adorable (of course I mean what Australian Shepherd wouldn’t be).  Her owners are just lovely also - so all in all this is what Weekend Bliss really is!
Fletcher other than being an unwavering delight to have around is as mentioned and Australian Shepherd.  He’s OCD (although some would say he may get that from me…. I however prefer to think of my self as calculated, precise, even organised…but not OCD).  His however extends to quirks such as lining up his toys - down the yard or on the deck in a straight evenly spaced line.  Or his little rituals - like finding all the socks he can an gathering them on my bed whilst I’m putting washing away.  
I do realise that I have in fact just written my first post on my dog, and all gushing and everything…. but to anyone who questions that I say meh!  I don’t have children (yet) but having a puppy is the same right? (Ok don’t shoot me I realise it’s not the same).  
Day 1 - Post 1…. let’s see how this count stacks up over the next 28 days.  I won’t promise exciting posts but I’ll definitely post.
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thewrightway87 · 10 years
Long road with injury!
(Part 2 - Black Magic Healing)
Quick recap on how we got here... Read the post before... Ok probably a little harsh! Six months of enduring pain, countless professionals' advice including one who told me it was in my head, "potentially".  
Side bar: I'm not totally adverse to being told I'm crazy or that in fact after so much pain for a time the neurons just kept that pain path open and firing - or something more medically sound (I am in IT shoot me)... But I did question and begrudge this particular diagnosis. 
Although I may have forgotten to mention that this didn't just happen due to a freak moment in time - it seems the tarsal coalition "may" have contributed - put simply there's a bone joined where there is supposed to be a joint/gap. Sooo... I'm a freak!
Anyhow we were back at the good doctor who decided that it was likely it was in fact a tendon tear - and he proposed trying PRP Injections as a first point of call. Keep in mind this was 7 months down the track of the initial injury.
My extensive reading both of cases here in Australia and abroad told me that this option was a little bit of "black magic" and the science behind it was more likened to logic at best (placebo at worst). So what was it - well it stood for Platelet Rich Plasma Injections - whereby blood was taken, centrifuged and then the plasma injected back into the injured tendon. So..... Yeah.... Then that extra blood is supposed to make the area swell and more plasma to that area - promote healing (as tendons don't typically have great blood flow).... TOTALLY LEGIT - I couldn't make that up - I'm just not that creative.
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Just realised how bizarre it looks when you take photos in the mirror, like the boot was worn on different feet... I assure you it was definitely always on my left. 
So I front up to a waiting room - not the type of well funded, or swanky one I'd become accustomed to (all this time with an injury I'd outlayed my fair share of money to them).  In fact to be brutally honest this was the moment I had the whole "what am I doing here" thought process. But 60minutes later - armed with one sexy moonboot and a quite swollen and sore foot (well no miracles here still sore). I feel like I had been ripped off!! Cheated! B@s&@*ds! Wait 4-6 weeks they said, wear the boot all the time, rest, and it may work! Black magic I tell you!!! 
If you were the type who wants to know the story start to finish skip this next paragraph.
So days turn into weeks and... Ahh heck I'll jump to the end - spoiler alert - 8 weeks in I am practically pain free! Yippee, doing a little dance right now!
If you skipped the last paragraph well... I'm sorry I can't talk to you anymore you aren't my sort of person.... But fatter a few days of wearing the sexy "moonee" I had grown to HATE it! Seriously total disdain. But enough about my personal dislike for the godforsaken heavy and uncomfortable extension of my left leg, only one question remained.  
Was it going to be fixed at the end of this?? (Just a little teaser for those who we shall not speak of)!
The next 8 weeks meant only arm exercises and limited cardio, my nightmare, no netball (nightmare times two) and rest/relaxation! Here I need to thank one person for my sanity - Matthew Ham, my PT! Now he's not new, I've been yelled at for years by him. But what is new is the fact he didn't give up and kept training me despite my sometimes waivering belief that I'd ever be better.  He did it as usual with the ability make me laugh about it either with the line "walk it off" or just generally paying me out... Hey if you can't laugh at yourself... Although being deep and meaningful isn't something I'm good at - I am very grateful to him for this commitment - although secretly sometimes I think he got more frustrated than I did. 
So after 8 weeks the boot finally came off, and the fun of Physio began, and again I seem to have had the good fortune or good planning to find one who does a good job, has a realistic approach and also laughs at me too. What is with these people!?  Credit where credit is due - Brandon Bunn - although he refuses to chat about running and when that'll be part of my weekly routine he is doing a pretty good job (I can't complain really I'm back loading legs, walking and riding). I'm almost healed and working on building back the muscle I lost after wearing my half-robocop outfit. But hell I'll deal with that as I'm freaking (almost always) pain free!
And folks that's my journey... It's been eye opening and I've found out things about myself and from this I have learned a few things... 
1 - some things that aren't proven with science (just yet) are worth a try. I am not trying to justify it in all cases and it won't always be the Hail Mary it was for me, but when it comes to the end of the line I say Why the hell bloody not?
2 - constant unrelenting pain is the worst it makes you crazy, it makes concentrating hard, work and sleep become impossible (I only once took something for it - also stupid), but I have a new found empathy for anyone who has to deal with it or live with it and sometimes it isn't obvious. People can do a good job of hiding it, I know a lot of the time I did - even kept playing netball right up til the moonboot went on. 
3 - people are generally pretty awesome - but don't give up when you find one who is not - the first surgeon who asked if I was pretending that it hurt so much and told me there was nothing wrong nearly had me believing it. But don't lose sight, there are those who keep trying to help!
4 - the most important lesson learned - NOTHING, I repeat nothing goes with a moonboot! It doesn't complement a single outfit I own, which is a feat in it's own right. And nor is it very flattering!
K xo
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thewrightway87 · 10 years
Long road with injury!
(Part 1 - The Search)
It didn't seem to matter that it had been nearly 8 months since I had actually done the injury the pain hadn't dulled and I was still no wiser as to what said injury was. 
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What the? This girl is crazy… How can you have an injury and not know what it is? Let’s take it back to the beginning of the long road.
In August (2013), I had decided to start training for a half marathon - tonnes of people do it - it can’t be that hard it’s only 21km and I could comfortably run 12. Well it wasn't hard to start with. I love running, and quickly getting into the groove I was feeling great! After a week of about 50km in a week, I was like heck I'm feeling so great I’ll do a spin class…. Big mistake #1. The next few weeks I was in immense pain. So much so that I tried getting out of bed and my foot wouldn't work.  
Rest. Ice. Repeat. 
For the next few weeks, no major (or minor for that matter) improvement. Then a trip to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and a lots of walking didn’t help. 
Now it was nearly two months in, I took advice to go and see a guru in massage, Pedro (with Health Place, Fortitude Valley). I think his words were along the lines of “I don’t want to even touch you much you’re in so much pain!” That lead to a wonderful podiatrist - Nick Sprenger. This dude seriously should be the poster child of not giving up! Lots of the actual recovery credit goes to him!
Long story short it wasn’t a smooth ride from there… Countless doctors’ visits, two surgeons, cortisone injection, acupuncture and a few other avenues. But it was getting to me, constant pain and it made most things unbearable. I was even starting to think that it may have been in my head.
I was going crazy after all?!
Then a surgeon, who seemed to have a better head on him than the last, noted that he in fact thought it was a tendon tear. OK so I’m sure you are now thinking how did you not know the tendon was torn. MRIs, CT Scans and a ultra sound (to the wrong area) meant no one had seen it. And this wasn’t as you may think, my Achilles. It was in fact the lessor moaned about, almost neglected work horse - the tibialis anterior tendon. 
The search was complete - I had an answer… But how the heck did that help me????
(Next, Part 2 - Black Magic Healing)
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thewrightway87 · 10 years
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The Wright (or Wrong) Way turned 1 today! I know I now need to start posting more frequently... okay time to get my backside into gear!
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thewrightway87 · 11 years
Happiness can be surprising!
POST SCRIPT: I had planned for my next – long overdue post to be about the joys of travel and the experience in Vietnam, but I felt this one couldn't wait, so that one will have to.  So this post comes poignantly to you from sunny and happy Samoa.
It seems to be the moments that blindside you at 7pm on an idle Tuesday night that make you smile, and laugh uncontrollably… but to fully explain - let me paint the scene…
The last four weeks have been tough.
 Okay, that may be a slight understatement, each day started around sunrise and finished well after the sun had gone down, many of them topping out at about 20 hours of work; this last month had well and truly been a trying time.  Forget having a life you may think… well I couldn’t so not only was I doing this five days a week – the 4-5hour of sleep I could have been getting was curtailed by my need to help plan a Hens Party for a friend, buy, settle and paint my new house… oh and move across town into said new house.  You will note that I said those long hours were for five days a week, that’s because the weekends were more like 12 hours of work a day, nothing too extravagant.  Even though sometimes I think I can move mountains (clearly I can’t) – the house and painting wouldn’t have been possible without the help of my dutiful parents who drove 1200km to come and help with the settlement and move.
Like a flash of light, the searing type, the month flew by and I was sitting totally…
exhausted at 5:30pm on Tuesday afternoon and after an underwhelming conference – I simply couldn’t have predicted the night that was ahead… but wouldn’t give back the random and joyful time I had for anything… it went something like this… (insert mystical intro music here).
*As I haven’t checked with the involved parties I’ve changed their names and given nicknames to them.
After a teary come down from the very average day, feeling ill at the world and most of the people in it – one of the kindest people I know dragged me slightly unwillingly to drinks and dinner.  We started out unwinding with wine.  And then came what would be the ultimate decision – Teppanyaki.
I’ll admit to those who smile unwittingly at this I’ll let you know that it was my first time to this style of restaurant, so my almost groan of sure… let’s do that. Was quickly taken back.
We were seated with a couple, a score years our senior, but they were friendly so we kept to ourselves, talking, drinking wine… for about 5 minutes.
Our Teppanyaki chef was wonderful and HAPPY. Just delightful. Even now I’m smiling just thinking about it. So here's a picture to share.
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We began chatting with our new friends, from Perth, he was in the film industry and she in management and recruiting.  I have only great things to say about this couple, they were by far some of the most interesting, funny and quite clearly caring people I’ve come across. 
In print the laughter, and good times seem harder to convey.  One of those "you had to be there moments"... but it was great!
Although giving away the great, wonderful people who made my hard-slog month somehow worth it, here's a great one from the night.
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PS: I caught my chicken! ;)
(Perhaps the French and Espresso Martinis were of assistance to the endless laughter and odd little stories, but I think it was more to do with the people and our worlds smashed together by a simple dinner). 
And I can say all of this after only meeting these two once – and sharing a few hours of life.  But even now almost a week on I can only smile. 
Followed by a weekend Day Spa with a great friend and a trip to one of the happiest places on earth… why bloody hell not though, if you’ve been to Samoa you will know how wonderful it is!  But you know what?
 LIFE IS PRETTY DARN GOOD (today and hopefully tomorrow)!
The irony in this statement for me is that I’m not the ‘happy go lucky type’ and I typically am not the type to stop and think how good happiness is… but it just is right now.
So with all the hate and fighting in the world today, I just wanted to share a little happy story – that took me by surprise last Tuesday (and even after the sore head on Wednesday).
  Until next time (hopefully not too far away).
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