There are days and sometimes even weeks where I will get lost in life, or so to say. I will get caught up in work, the problems of people around me, the problems in the world, etc. And when I get caught up I slide back into my old ways of thinking and feeling. Becoming increasingly anxious, overthinking, panicking, stressing about very small things, which ultimately lead to a stagnate feeling. I’m here to remind you that it’s okay if you fall off course for a little. As long as you get back on the horse then everything will be okay. Having routines and rituals help get you back on track.
💙Start your day off with prayer/meditation
💙Exercise/yoga/move your body in some way
💙Have a plan for the day, even if you are just going to rest
💙Have some way to treat yourself at the end of the day
These are just a few things that help me. Please feel free to share with me how you get back to yourself😊
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Please reach out!
I have watched so many people in my life suffer from and sometimes even die from mental health issues. Its so heartbreaking and most people are suffering in silence. Its hard to open up about mental health problems still to this day because of stigmas, judgement, and lack of education. If you are suffering please reach out to someone you can trust. One of the reasons I started this blog is so people can feel as if they have someone to talk to and I’m always down to speak to you if you need someone to talk to. Please do not suffer in silence PLEASE. 
You can also call places like the Samaritans. They are a non profit organization that is dedicated to listening to and helping their callers no matter what the problem is. It is totally free and they are open 24/7 365 days. 
You are not alone in this. There people out there who would rather be a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on than have you drown in your problems, even if you are a complete stranger. If you need someone to talk to, PLEASE REACH OUT❤💖❤
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Letters to myself
Lately I have been diving deep into my past, looking at and experiencing painful memories in my life from early childhood until now. It been a very difficult journey so far. Very painful but also very freeing. After I sit through and remember these events, I journal about it. What happened? How did I feel at the time? How do I feel about it now? Has this experience negatively affected me and if so, how? We tend to suppress painful moments so it is important to go back and work through those things so they do not come out in other ways such as anger, depression, etc. After I journal about it, I write a letter to myself from that. I tell myself what I needed to hear at that time that no one else said to me. Things like, “Its not your fault” “this does not define you” “I’m so sorry this happened to you”. It has been very therapeutic and comforting. It’s also a way to find closure from that negative memory. Now when one of those memories come up, I remember the letter I wrote to myself about it and it eases the pain greatly. I definitely recommend this to everyone💖🌼  
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Narcissist Parent
My dad was a narcissist. I always knew there was something off about him. As I got older and started studying mental health I began to notice that in fact my father is a narcissist. 
Here are some signs that you may have been raised by or know a narcissist
Very controlling
Guilt trip you
they liked getting even with you
Lied constantly
Never apologized but instead made excuses
Had a favorite child
No empathy
Insulted you
Can’t take any kind of critisism
They felt as though they were never wrong
Liked to present your family as the perfect family to strangers
“Owned” your accomplishments
Projected their bad behavior on you
If this sounds like someone you know or a parents, then you probably know or were raised by a narcissist. You probably had a really rough time around this person. I’m truly sorry and my heart goes out to you💖
I found a great article on how to heal from a narcissist parent I hope it helps someone today
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Being an empath has been increasingly difficult during this time. The pandemic has seriously taken a toll on me and I’m sure all of you. Watching people suffer, seeing people lose their jobs, homes and lives. Seeing the way violence, mass shootings, and racial injustices have increased in the passed year. It has been a lot to deal with. Not to mention our own personal problems and the problems of those around us. So for all of my fellow empaths and sensitive people, I wanted to share some tips with you. 
You are not here to fix anyone
Mantras, affirmations and self talk {One that I often have to repeat to myself when I start to feel myself take on someone else’s energy is “these feelings are not my own, I release these feelings”}
Get a lot of time outside especially in the sun light
Take baths
Honor your sensitive nature
Make taking care of yourself and your energy a priority
Sensitivity is your strength
Don’t waste your time and energy on people who don’t want to help themselves. If you want to help someone, please make sure they want to help themselves
That last one is very important to me because I have spent a lot of my life trying to help and save people who don’t even care enough about themselves to even want help. Its unfortunate to have to witness but in the end you can save yourself a lot of pain and energy in the end. 
If anyone else has some other tips for empaths, please feel free to share them 😊🥰💕
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I am 🧘🏼‍♀️
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Be yourself
The worst thing you can do is allow other people’s judgements to stop you from being yourself. Most times, the one’s judging you don’t have a clue who they are anyway. I am judged a lot for being a very sensitive, very emotional person. For a long time in my life I was very insecure about it. I spent most of my life being silent because my emotions and opinions were always met with judgement and ridicule. But  one day I just became exhausted with being someone else and trying to fit into the mold that the world has designed for me. I started to be myself, even though I was nervous and afraid. I am very different from my family. I am very different from a lot of people I’ve met in spaces such as school and work, but then I met people who were not only different and authentic, but also accepting. When you are your true authentic self, the right people will gravitate to you. Trust me. And yes you will still deal with rejection from a lot of people and it sometimes will still hurt. And that’s okay. Being who are you truly are is more important than everyone’s approval. But before you can find your tribe, you must first accept yourself. Love yourself. Tell yourself that its okay if you are different from everyone else. You are unique. There will only be one you in this entire world. Don’t deprive the world from the gift of YOU because YOU have so much to offer💖✨
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I really love this😊🥰
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Tiny Mindfulness Meditation
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A note I wrote to myself a couple months ago
Be vigilant in protecting your peace. Meditate everyday. Control what you can and let go of what you cannot. Work hard for your goals but rest when you need to, no matter how long it take. Be grateful for what you have right now. Be encouraging. Seek advice from good people. Be kind to yourself and others. Be a light in this world. Spread love. Be your authentic self because there is only one YOU in this world. And please remember this too shall pass💖 
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I suffer from very extremely anxiety so my therapist taught me about grounding and it has been a huge life saver. Grounding, or earthing, is an activity that engages all 5 sense that help you reconnect to the “ground” and help you come back to the present. Here are some grounding techniques. I hope they help some today 😊
Acknowledge 5 things that you can see around you
Acknowledge 4 things that you can touch
Acknowledge 3 things that you can hear
Acknowledge 2 things that you can smell
Acknowledge 1 thing that you can taste 
At first this may feel awkward or strange but I guarantee you, it does the job! Let me know if you guys use this method already, if you guys start using this method after reading this, or if you know of any other types of grounding techniques. I’d love to hear from you and I’m always down to learn something new 😊❤
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In this house hold we love and respect ourselves
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all creds to owner
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Oleksii Demydenko
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One of the best things I’ve done for myself is taking the MBTI test and learning that I am an INFJ. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this test, MBTI is a self-help assessment test which helps people gain insights about how they work and learn. I was able to learn why I am the way I am and what my strengths and weaknesses are as a person. Its very enlightening and great for self discovery. Give it a try!   
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Hello there!
Hi there,
I wanted to start this blog because I want to be free enough to tell my stories and my truths. I want to discuss mental health and self love. Most importantly, I want to create a space for everyone to find comfort, advice, and understanding. So please feel free to ask questions and leave comments
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