the-merry-go-round20 · 11 years
Cloud Atlas Main Theme - Piano by Mark Fowler
I just happened to download this movie after seeing the imdb rating of nearly 8.0/10, which is quite impressive, suggesting that the movie is good (however this is not applicable for The Silver Lining Book, which I find ridiculously boring and easily predictable).
I have always ADORED movies plotted and directed by Christopher Nolan (which reminds me of Dang Trung Kien :) who have considerably broadened my movie knowledge haha), including The Prestige, The Batman trilogy, Inception, Memento. Nolan gained his reputation for his 'cerebral and non-linear storytelling' (quoted from IMDB). Watching his movies requires a substantial amount of thinking, indeed, and all of them end in a very unfulfilling way, which urged me to dig into them again and again, biting my nails to death to find the answer. Seriously, I strongly favor these kinds of movies over those crappy comedy love stories. Cloud Atlas is not a movie by Nolan, but its plot is equally incredible.
And after ages having not found any movie worth watching, Cloud Atlas came to me :) Never bothering to read any kind of description, I pressed play unconsciously with no expectation, and it just led me go from one surprise to another, and even shed tears at several scenes. 
I am absolutely no movie critic. I dont even care how this movie was criticised for its inconsistency or conveying confusing message or whatever. I feel absolutely satisfied with the emotional experience I have gone through watching Cloud Atlas. 
The movie is actually the combination of 6 different, but somehow connected, stories of different people at 6 points of history: an ocean voyage across the Pacific, the life of a young talented music composer, a thrilling detective story in the 70s, a comedy of an old grumpy publisher trapped in a nursing home, a sci-fi in Seoul several hundred years from now, and finally a story of a tribal guy even further into the future when the earthlings are facing extinction. 
My favorite parts are the sweetest-ever love letters from Robert Frobisher - the young composer - to his loved one - Rufus Sixsmith. And I didn't like them because they are gay. I swear. The second bestest part is the unfulfilled love of Sonmi-451, an artificial human-like creature (a clone to be exact) and the handsome Chang with ridiculously ugly makeup.  
"Don't worry, all is well. All is so perfectly, damnably well. I understand now, that boundaries between noise and sound are conventions... All boundaries are conventions, waiting to be transcended... One may transcend any convention, if only one can first conceive of doing so... Moments like this, I can feel your heart beating as clearly as I feel my own, and I know that separation is an illusion."
  "Finished in a frenzy that reminded me of our last night in Cambridge. Watched my final sunrise, enjoyed my last cigarette. Didn't think the view could be anymore perfect, until I saw that beat-up trilby... Honestly, Sixsmith, as ridiculous as that thing makes you look, I don't believe I've ever seen anything more beautiful... Watched you for as long as I dared. I don't believe it was a fluke that I saw you first."
  "I believe there is another world waiting for us, Sixsmith. A better world. And I'll be waiting for you there...
I believe we do not stay dead long. Find me beneath the Corsican stars where we first kissed. Yours eternally. R.F."
  "I know, Sixsmith, you groan and shake your head, but you smile too, which is why I love you."
  "To be is to be perceived. And so to know thyself is only possible through the eyes of the other. The nature of our immortal lives is in the consequences of our words and deeds, that go on and are pushing themselves throughout all time... Our lives are not our own. From womb to tomb, we're bound to others. Past and present. And by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future.
  "Would you say that you loved him?
Yes, I do.
Do you mean you are still in love with him?
I mean, that I will always be."
  "I believe death is only a door. When its closes, another opens. If I can't imagine heaven, I would imagine a door opening, and behind it, I will find him there, waiting for me."
"Truth is singular. It's 'versions' are mistruths."
  "I will not be subjugated to criminal abuse."
"The weak are meat, and the strong do eat."
"There's a natural order to this world, fabricant. And the truth is this order must be protected."
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the-merry-go-round20 · 11 years
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Food @JustAcia again ^___^ this time i had dory fish ramen in tomato soup + ice cream + hot chocolate + peach tea ^____^
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the-merry-go-round20 · 11 years
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Delifrance again ~
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the-merry-go-round20 · 11 years
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So, I made flan for the first time ^__________^
Using 250ml milk, 1 egg, sugar and microwave. Next time def gonna put more egg cos the thing is not firm enough >< 
But tastes good anyway ^______^
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the-merry-go-round20 · 11 years
Fooddddddd addiction
1. Random mee at Bugis. (went to town for photography ^__^)
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2. Cake cake cake cake (first time went out w NP ^___^)
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3. Hot pot buffet at Bugis (same day). $20 and full to the maxxxxx
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4. Stingray at Chomp chomp (a huge hawker center at Serangoon). With YMCA besties!!! We had enormous fun!!
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5. Usual breakfast at Ecanteen PGP. Stayed up for the whole night and enjoyed super early freshly made milk coffee.
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6. Haagen Dazs' Fondue at Plaza Singapura. With my dearest juniors. ^___^
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7. Truffle Xiao Long Bao at Din Tai Fung Raffles City. Absolutely overrated -_-
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8. Milk Coffee with egg at Giảng Bờ Hồ. A foggy and horribly freezing morning :) sweet memory with a long time no see friend :)
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9. Good food at Wrap and Roll @Star Vista. Good friend also ^__^ Been a while.
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10. Feast at Kungfu Paradise @Jcube. Lovely gathering ^___^
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11. Watami The Casual Japanese Restaurant @Jcube. But selling Korean food and brownies... Awesomely tasty at reasonable price
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12. Honeymoon Dessert @VivoCity. After Sheares' super fun concert at Sentosa. Went hyper for a while haha.
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13. Ice Cream Waffles @Creamz (Pasir Panjang). After Esta Noche. With my feet screaming from pain.
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14. Brunchie with FBFF (Forever Best Friend Forever haha) at EspresSOUP Jurong Point ^___^ Yummy Chick-a-Leek and Chily crab soups in bread bows. After Trang's debate. Good old time.
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15. Rice balls in Ginger soup. HOTSTUFFFFF. VivoCity Hong Kong restaurant (?). Heat up both outside and inside!!
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16. Twelve Cupcake @VivoCity. Red Velvet and Chocolate cupcakes!!!!!!!! Never get enough of theseeeeee
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17. Had a break at Wrap and Roll again ^___^ Their bánh cuốn is just out of this world! And the stir fried Pho TASTED LIKE HOME XD 
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18. Hong Kong Sheng Kee Dessert @Clementi Mall. OUR FAV!!! Rice balls and all iced desserts!!!
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19. JustAcia @Med School. ^___^ cheapo + free flow of ice cream and beverages!!!! Quite tasty prawn spaghetti!
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20. DELIFRANCE's blueberry and Oreo cheesecakes!!!!! @NUH Kopitiam. Self-treat after a tiring day studying. 
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the-merry-go-round20 · 11 years
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Energy and Emotion boost!
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the-merry-go-round20 · 11 years
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Mugging = eating all expensive stuff :-<
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the-merry-go-round20 · 11 years
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Little indulgence ^_________^ The joy of life comes from just normal little stuff
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the-merry-go-round20 · 11 years
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My little little treasure. Used to be addicted to the excitement of unboxing newly bought albums ^___^
From bottom right, clockwise: EXO-K's MAMA, EXO-M's MAMA, NU'EST's  Face, SHINee's Sherlock, JJProject's Bounce
All young lively boys ^____^
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the-merry-go-round20 · 11 years
A NEW COVER ^________^
I was enormously delighted seeing this appearing on my utube news feed. And my eagerness just couldnt wait no more to burst out. 
1. His accent is damn annoying and it SERIOUSLY helps ruin my mood.
2. The first notes just MISERABLY failed to impress me. Cracking voice? 
3. His FREAKING high pitch worried me at first. I actually expected this cover to be a disastrous one.
4. I LOVE THE WAY HE SINGS ^_________^ I ALWAYS DO! I personally feel the struggles and emotions expressed in the song.
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the-merry-go-round20 · 11 years
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I didn't expect any surprise would come at the end of the day. Just realized how he treasured me and that i have always been 'handled with care'. 
Happy one month, Dear!
PS: my friend said I actually BLUSHED a lot. OHMAHGOSH.
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the-merry-go-round20 · 11 years
Mỗi ngày tôi chọn 1 niềm vui + Cooking
1. Niềm vui lớn nhất của ngày hôm nay là đòi được 2 đô ngu phí =)) 
Xem phim đến sáng và tự cười như điên 1 mình xong đi ngủ đến 3pm mới dậy. Vội vội vàng vàng đi giặt đồ xong vì không có xu nên xài máy ez link. Máy hỏng, đúng hơn là cái máy giặt hỏng nên tap thẻ 2 lần, trừ mất 2 đô vẫn trơ trơ k xài đc. Thế là phí mất 10p đợi cái máy bên cạnh xong. Quá ức chế nên phải đi lại lên phòng lấy điện thoại và quay lại phòng giặt gọi điện cho cái số đt đó và xả tức (giọng mình có vẻ khá aggressive). Và sau hơn 1 tiếng chúng nó check camera đủ kiểu rồi cũng chịu trả cho mình 2 đô :)
Bài học rút ra: Never give up! =))
2. Niềm vui thứ 2 là suýt nữa cả ngày phải nhịn đói, cuối cùng lại được ăn no và là do chính mình nấu ^__________^
Gà rán coke. Nhìn ảnh + tên khá tởm nhưng mà thực ra rất ngon xD xD xD. Cho dù mất gấp đôi thời gian :-< 
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Bài học rút ra: cái mẹ gì cũng ăn đươc hết!
3. Tung tẩy đi Nanyang supermarket và tiêu hết 40đô =)) Kiểu như là phải stock up rất nhiều thứ!
Weeeeeeeee ~
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Lovely stuff ^__________^
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the-merry-go-round20 · 11 years
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Happy mugging!!!
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the-merry-go-round20 · 11 years
So I went shopping again, right after hearing about the huge mid-season sale of Topshop. ^___________^ total damage is huge also but I got some really cute pieces to fill up my wardrobe. 
1. Sleeveless top from Topshop. $36 discounted to $19
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I love the fact that it is super loose, as i bought size UK10 (my size is UK4-6!) cos i didnt wanna miss such a good deal. The color and the print are just so basic and the tee is damn long (taking into consideration my. However, the arm holes are HUGE and hence help reveal A LOT of skin. Thinking of just wearing a black bra inside (actually doesnt look slutty at all cos the colors are quite matchy) or with my white lace bralet top. 
2. Sweat skirt from Topshop. $39 discounted to $29
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The pattern is interesting, however what I love most about this piece is how it shapes your lower part of the body. Taking into account its length, which is more than any other bottom of mine (haha my legs are short plz), it fitted me so unexpectedly well that I actually decided to buy it without checking the price. (The price is pretty good tho)
3. Basic polo crop-top from Topshop. $23 (not sure whether it came with the 3-for-$33 deal)
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I have always been obsessed with high collar tops/dresses. Seen this piece for many times but always too lazy to try on. As expected, it looks quite good on me, and I have never got anything like this before, so yah, why not?
4. High waisted denim shorts from Topshop. $66. 66-FREAKING-BUCKS!!
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This is just the dream denim shorts for me. High waisted, super short, the material is super comfy and i love the buttons which would help make the front part straight. I KNOW ITS RIDICULOUSLY EXPENSIVE, and that i immediately regretted when i walked out, and especially WHEN I SAW THOSE SIMILAR DENIM SHORTS IN OTHER SHOPS WITH LIKE HALF THE PRICE (even Zara's was priced at $50 only). Still trying to convince myself this is a worthy purchase. 
5. Blouse from G2000. $59 (before 45% discount)
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The light purple color looks so elegantly gorgeous. Plus I am entitled to $30 off (from my membership account). However I chose not to use the e-voucher because they are having the lucky draw promo. Still got 45% off anyway. 
6. Sandals from Cotton On. $16
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Just a pair of cheapo and classic sandals for a hot hot summer ^___^ 
Sidenotes: Just realized that I wear size 37 for all the toes-covering types of footwear and size 36 for the rest :o
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These are parts of the Mix and Match series in which they sell the bikini top and bottom separately and you can freely choose pieces of different patterns. I purposely chose the top not to be the regular cuppy-lingerie-feel cos im miserably flat so Im gonna go for the cute image. And the bottom is FREAKING HIGH WAISTED!! (Trend of this summer + less revealing + help compliment the body shape).
*PLZ i swear this is the last time*
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the-merry-go-round20 · 11 years
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Came across some wise words when mugging for MNO2007.
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the-merry-go-round20 · 11 years
MBTI Personality test results
ENFJ - Extraverted iNtuitive Feeling Judging
As an ENFJ, you’re primary mode of living is focused externally, where you deal with things according to how you feel about them. Your secondary mode is internal, where you take things in primarily via your intuition.
ENFJs are people-focused individuals. They have excellent people skills. They understand and care about people, and have a special talent for bringing out the best in others. ENFJ’s main interest in life is giving love, support, and a good time to other people. They are focused on understanding, supporting, and encouraging others. They make things happen for people, and get their best personal satisfaction from this.
They have the ability to make people do exactly what they want them to do. They get under people’s skins and get the reactions that they are seeking. ENFJ’s motives are usually unselfish, but ENFJs who have developed less than ideally have been known to use their power over people to manipulate them.
ENFJ’s are so externally focused that it’s especially important for them to spend time alone. This can be difficult for some ENFJs, because they have the tendency to be hard on themselves andturn to dark thoughts when alone. Consequently, ENFJs might avoid being alone, and fill their lives with activities involving other people. ENFJs tend to define their life’s direction and priorities according to other people’s needs, and may not be aware of their own needs. It’s natural that they will tend to place other people’s needs above their own, but they need to stay aware of their own needs so that they don’t sacrifice themselves in their drive to help others.
ENFJ’s tend to be more reserved about exposing themselves than other extraverted types. Although they may have strongly-felt beliefs, they’re likely to refrain from expressing them if doing so would interfere with bringing out the best in others. Because their strongest interest lies in being a catalyst of change in other people, they’re likely to interact with others on their own level, in a chameleon-like manner, rather than as individuals.
ENFJs have definite values and opinions which they’re able to express clearly and succinctly. These beliefs will be expressed as long as they’re not too personal. ENFJ is in many ways expressive and open, but is more focused on being responsive and supportive of others. When faced with a conflict between a strongly-held value and serving another person’s need, they are highly likely to value the other person’s needs.
The ENFJ may feel quite lonely even when surrounded by people. This feeling of aloneness may be exacerbated by the tendency to not reveal their true selves.
People love ENFJs. They are typically very straight-forward and honest. Usually ENFJs exude a lot of self-confidence, and have a great amount of ability to do many different things. They aregenerally bright, full of potential, energetic and fast-paced.
ENFJs like things to be well-organized, and will work hard at maintaining structure and resolving ambiguity. They have a tendency to be fussy, especially with their home environments.
In the work place, ENFJs do well in positions where they deal with people. They are naturals for the social committee. Their uncanny ability to understand people makes them natural for counseling. They enjoy being the center of attention, and do very well in situations where they can inspire and lead others, such as teaching.
Living in the world of people possibilities, they enjoy their plans more than their achievements. Theyget excited about possibilities for the future, but may become easily bored and restless with the present.
They get their best satisfaction from serving others. Their genuine interest in Humankind and their exceptional intuitive awareness of people makes them able to draw out even the most reserved individuals.
ENFJs have a strong need for close, intimate relationships, and will put forth a lot of effort in creating and maintaining these relationships. They’re very loyal and trustworthy once involved in a relationship.
If they have not developed their Intuition, they may judge things too quickly based on established value systems or social rules, without really understanding the current situation. An ENFJ who has not found their place in the world is likely to be extremely sensitive to criticism, and to have thetendency to worry excessively and feel guilty. They are also likely to be very manipulative with others.
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the-merry-go-round20 · 11 years
Cooking for a healthy stomach - 190413
I have been so obsessed with cooking that today I even skipped class to stay home to cook ^_________^ I extremely enjoy the peace and the sense of independence while cooking. My dishes may not look good, even taste good, but I cook for me what???? Whatever I cook I can happily finish all!
My most recent masterpieces (I know they LOOKED horrible so I had to instagram to add some glamour hahahahaha)
1. Chân giò hầm cà rốt khoai tây (favfavfav)
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2. Mì trứng xào, sốt thịt bò cà chua khoai tây cà rốt (literally look like a mess haha)
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