Kiss Me
REQUEST:  hello you lovely human! may i request a twelfth doctor x reader in which she’s upset about something and the doctor cuddles her even though he hates cuddles? with lots of soft words and kisses akfkskdjdj?? only if that’s okay!! - @love-athxna​
Hope you enoy athena, you ray of sunsine!
Summary: Touches and kisses have always been traits of the Doctor, until now. Sometimes it’s hers to tell what he’s feeling — especially when it comes to your love for him. His girlfriend.
WC: 1.1k roughly
Warnings: Slight smut??? PG stuff, like heavy make out, but that’s pretty much it.
A/N: God I love writing request fics, like for real, it gives me a lot of inspo. Before I came a fanfic writer I had all these ideas for fics that I wanted to see, but was afraid to ask. I love doing this for others. I do try my hardest to keep the chracters from becoming too OOC though. Please if anyone has a request don’t feel shy, it makes me so happy to see my inbox with you guy’s ideas. PLEASE SEND IN YOUR IDEAS! I”D BE HAPPY TO WRITE THEM!
Also, I may start up my Supernatural blog soon! Check it out at @jackzpizza​
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Kiss me out of the bearded barley
Nightly, beside the green, green grass
Swing, swing, swing the spinning step
You’ll wear those shoes and I will wear that dress
Sometimes, you wondered where the love had gone. You wondered why he stopped touching you, why the kisses drained away, and went into the abyss of nothingness. While the Doctor claimed he hadn’t changed and that this body is still adjusting, quite frankly it seemed like he wasn’t the same man after all.
He felt like a distant stranger.
Close and familiar, but also new and frightening. You never knew what would set him off, and today it was a hug. Today was a rough day as it was the morning you admitted you still had feelings for him, and it did not go as planned. He got rather upset. How could you not love him anymore? He’s the same man to you as he always has been. Just slightly different.
“ You’re just a child. You’re not thinking straight.”
However, telling The Doctor that your feelings are hurt wouldn’t be the best. Putting it lightly, this Doctor wasn’t the most empathetic or understanding of others feelings as his previous faces.
Oh, kiss me beneath the milky twilight
Lead me out on the moonlit floor
Lift your open hand
Strike up the band, and make the fireflies dance
Silvermoon’s sparkling
So kiss me
The tears rolled thickly down your cheeks as you stumbled away from the console room, down the winding corridors, and to the depths of the old girl trying to get as further away from him as possible. Lately, it wasn’t unlike of him to be upset. Or, in other words, irritated. His words were getting harsher. His tones were less love-filled and more defensive. In the distance, you heard his heavy footsteps following behind you. 
Possibly it was the old girl who essentially made him chase after you, of course, only after you slammed the door of the TARDIS in his face causing her to let out a huffed groan. She wanted the two of you to make up for the damages done to your relationship. Somewhere along the line of him regenerating now had caused a major dent of imperfection. The difficulty of the situation is pinpointing exactly when everything went up into flames. 
When had he fallen out of love with you?
Keep reading
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Oh my gosh, darling, this is sooo good!
a bed of flowers
thirteenth doctor x reader
word count- 606
tags- @startrekkingaroundasgard @queerconfusionthings @theaussietimelord @psychobitchtess @findingyouagain
gif- @samosevie
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A part of you couldn’t help but ponder when the Doctor had finally noticed your absence. How many times had she babbled into the empty space behind her before she became aware that it was just that? Was it something more instantaneous, or had she gone on for longer, not noticing how her right hand and shadow disappeared.
She knelt over a small, magnificent bed of flowers, holding one in her hands but never daring to pluck it from the stem or the ground that held it steady, and from behind an oak just a short distance away, you watched your blonde Timelord crumple in on herself, the strong mask that had seemed perpetual and ever present finally shattering to pieces. With it gone, she was glowing in a way that was hard to look at, like a sun weeping for the loss of the moon. You never thought you’d live to see the day it slipped. Though, you supposed that in the Doctor’s eyes you hadn’t.
You watched as one tear running down her face turned into two, three, four, until finally they combined. The river Acheron, commisterating her sadness and untouchable grief, tracked down her cheeks and left glossy marks in its wake, catching the light only to refract it in a million different directions. While all was bright around her, the Doctor herself was a painting of misery, eyes dull with pain.
There had been times before in your life when you’d experienced longing, but none of those times could hold a flame to what you felt in the moment, watching the woman who you’d opened your heart to and who’d given you hers in return doubled over on herself, mourning over a bed of flowers that she’d used to mark your grave. What you would give to run out to her, to hold her, kiss her, to whisper in her ear one more time that you loved her. She was always too hard on herself, kind to everyone but the one person she lived with everyday. One day you’d told her as much, begged her to show herself the same love she showed you. She had only kissed your forehead in response. You wouldn’t be there anymore, wouldn’t be able to remind her that for all the world saving she did, she still had to save herself. You longed for her, if only for one more fleeting moment.
Standing there, half obscured, you watched her until her sobs turned into desperate gasp, which eventually gave way to sleep. She was so peaceful when that mind of hers slowed down for just a while, when she finally got a break from the stress of being the last of her kind. That thought almost gave way to a bitter laugh, stopped by the hand around your throat squeezing to give you a reminder as much as it was to give you a warning.
“Don’t spoil the fun for me now, pet. Wouldn’t want to ruin the Doctor’s surprise, now would we?” His beard scratched against your cheek and his breath fanned against you in a way you wished you weren’t used to.
You didn’t give a response, recognizing that he wasn’t looking for one anyways. Nothing good ever came when you spoke out of turn these days.
“Don’t worry, Y/N,” you couldn’t decide whether the way the Master spoke your name was more like a curse or a possession, “we’ll be getting to the fun bit soon.” His mouth moved up when he went on, ghosting over your ear, and you didn’t bother to struggle. “Oh, I’m just thrilled for what’s to come.”
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There's something about this moment in Sleep No More that screams "space married" to me. I mean, Clara hasn't even made a move to step out of the sleep pod, but Twelve is already offering his hand to her, and she takes it without a second thought, all while Twelve is continuing to discuss the overall situation with everyone present. Their movements just feel completely natural.
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Donna Noble: Orange
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Did I ever tell ya – best temp in Chiswick?
Doctor Who female Companipns as a colour (3/7)
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No one expects an angel to set fire to the world
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Part 1, Part 2
Summary: When the Doctor learns the truth about her life on Gallifrey, the Master kidnaps you right in front of her. Now, no matter what, she’s determined to get you back.
Warnings: Valeyard!13 with dark!reader, implied torture, hmm, this isn’t too graphic but I do want to write the Master’s torture at the Doctor’s hands, so there will be more, dark themes, angst, mentions of blood. 
Word count: 2,317
How could this happen? How could she let this happen? When she thought she couldn’t possibly lose anything else, couldn’t possibly be brought down any lower, couldn’t feel more despair and devastation as she does now, she’s proven wrong by the Master again.
She can still see your face in her minds eye, still see the panic in your eyes, the fear etched into your beautiful face as you screamed her name and fought against his grip. To get to her. But then you were gone, both of you gone, in the second it took her to blink.
Despite her warnings and pleas, you had come back for her. Of course you did, you’d never left her before and you weren’t gonna start now. The first face many of her faces saw and you were gone. Taken from her by her best friend.... enemy... acquaintance... whatever the Master was, it no longer mattered. He took you from her.
There’s a ringing in her ears that brings her back to where she is at this moment. In the ruined remnants of Gallifrey, about to be blown up. Now, though she had planned to stay, though she deserved to stay and burn with Gallifrey, she turns and runs, leaving Ko Sharmas to her fate instead. It’s not a desire to live that makes her run like hell to get out of there, it’s not fear for her life running through her veins. It’s rage, a quiet barely contained rage she’s struggling with.
How... dare...he?
He took you, the only person that’s been with her since the end of the Time War. You had been with her when she was mourning Gallifrey and all the people she thought she had killed. You were there when she lost Rose, and everyone after. You were there when she never saw you, stayed by her side when she never appreciated it and she regrets that she hadnt woken up sooner.
All the years you spent together could have been filled with more... if she’d just stopped looking for anything else and turned to look at you. Not too long ago, when she’d regenerated into an old white Scottish man, she turned to ask you question and she paused, just gazing at you. How blind she and her past regenerations had been. How absolutely dim she had been.
Relief fills her chest when she turns the corner and sees the Tardis there. She’d set the old girl to get you and the others home, but boy, is she glad she taught you how to fly the Tardis a long ago. The doors open as she goes tumbling through, shutting behind her as she leans against them, trying to get her breath back.
Her fam, her team Tardis... are all staring at her. Yaz, brilliant Yaz of course, is the first to move. She runs to the Doctor, the need to see that her friend is safe and in front of her overwhelming her... until she realises what’s missing.
“Doctor, where’s Y/n?”
Oh, Yaz, poor Yaz, you’d liked her more than some of her other companions. You’d become fast friends as soon as you were introduced, the Doctor was always so jealous of the small carefree ways you’d touch Yaz, when you were so scared to touch her sometimes. How was she going to explain to Yaz... kind Yaz... that you were gone?
Thankfully, she’s saved from answering as the Tardis is rocked around, throwing everyone to the ground. The Doctor pulls herself up, skidding to a stop next to the controls as she navigates them out of there. She can see Ryan holding onto Graham as they brace themselves against one of the pillars, Yaz now holding tight to the Tardis controls, and the others hanging on to whatever they can.
They’re back in Sheffield now, the others from the future had all been given what they needed to survive in the 21st century and told to live the best life they could. Now it was only the Doctor and her companions left, minus you of course.
Her mind is still on you, there are still endless thoughts of you running through her head and allowing no rest for her hearts. That’s only fair though, she wouldn’t wish it otherwise. She would only be able to rest peacefully once you were in her arms again.
“What’s the plan to get her back, Doc?”
She briefly entertains the idea of just leaving without telling them anything. Did it matter what they thought of her anymore? When each second she stayed here and tried to explain, was another second he had you in his clutches.
“I’m going to find her and bring her back”
“Let’s get going then” Ryan declares, ready to run into danger at any moment if it was for his friends.
“No, Ryan, I said I’m going to find her and bring her back. You have to stay here” the Doctor sighs.
“No, no, I can’t stay here while my best friend is in danger” Yaz exclaims, her hand coming to grip the Doctor’s arm tightly.
“Let go, Yaz! If any of you come with me, I’ll have to worry about you too, I’ll have to look after you and I can’t do that! Each second I spend here, trying to explain that simple fact to you, is another second she’s suffering at his hands! Who knows what he’s doing to her now? Who knows how long she’s had to... to... I can’t be worrying about any of you when I need to save her”
“Then... then you promise me, that you’ll bring her back” Yaz commands, eyes lighting with fire.
“I promise”
He pushed her to this. Whatever she does next is on his head. If he had taken any other companion, anyone of them and she wouldn’t have to take such drastic measures with him. It would have been the same old game they’d been playing for centuries, and she would have happily played it. She would have happily played it. But he took you.
“4 days, 17 hours and 32 minutes” she declares nonchalantly, hands buried in her coat, eyes on him.
He spins around in a dramatic show of display, a carefree smirk lining his lips, hands splayed out in front of him. His crazed eyes lock onto her and his cocky grin widens, excitement creasing in his eyes.
“Doctor!” He shouts out in glee “Welcome!”
Another one of the Master’s plan to get her attention, taking over a small civilisation in one of the well known reaches of the galaxy. He’d infiltrated the military and monarchy, drawing generals and royals to his side until he held no need of them. Taking what he wanted and damning all in his way, damning those that even helped him. A small flare carrying their last message made its way to her, exactly as he wanted. But little did he realise he already had all of her attention the exact moment he even touched you.
She walks forward with deadly intent, no longer rising to the Master’s quips and taunts. The time for games is over, and she’s through playing around with him.
“That’s how long I’ve spent tracking you down, searching for your specific Tardis throughout the galaxy. I’m the Doctor, I always give second chances but I think I’ve given you too many” holding up her hand as he tries to interrupt, she continues to walk towards him.
He raises his eyebrows, a curious gleam settling into his gaze. He shrugs, deciding to go along with whatever she had planned as he seats himself in the throne, lounging about.
“You took Y/N from me”
There is silence as he waits for her to finish, but when she is no longer forthcoming, he shrugs once again.
“I’ve kidnapped plenty of your companions, Doctor, I’m surprised you even care any more. What’s this one? One in a hundred, million, thousand? They all start to blur together, honestly” he’s so carefree, as he settles into the stolen throne.
A bark of laughter escapes her then, leaving her bending slightly at the knees as she tries to get her laughter together. Only then does the Master start to look worried, his face furrowing in confusion as he stares at her. He expected self-righteous anger, for her to come running up to him with a plan already underway, certain she’d save her companion and the day too. What he didn’t expect was laughter.
“You’ve crossed so many lines over the centuries we’ve known each other. Each and every time I let it go, each and every time I let you go. But you took her from me, you took Y/N from me” she whispers the last part, still bent down with her hands on her knees before she stands up.
“I assure you, Doctor, I’ve done plenty worse” he laughs, brushing aside the small confusion and fear he had felt when she didn’t behave the way he thought she would.
“I’m bored now, are you going to do anything Doctor-like or not?” He stands up, rolling his eyes.
Before he can take much more than a few steps ahead, she barges into him, tying the vortex manipulator around his wrist and they’re gone, landing on the cold ground of a damp and dark cellar.
He pulls away from her as she pushes him, causing the Master to tumble to the floor and hit the wall behind him. Chains whip around his arms, wrists, knees, ankles and throat, pinning him there.
“No, not anything Doctor-like, I’m afraid” she muses, pulling the sonic out of her coat pocket and disabling both vortex manipulators.
“Now, now, Doctor, we don’t want to do anything you may regret” the Master chuckles, lazily looking up at her, still so smug.
She wants to punch that stupid look off his face so badly. So, she does. The satisfying way his head snaps back and the blood pooling on his bottom lip ease a fraction of the rage boiling inside of her. But does that fraction count when there is so much rage buried deep, finally coming out.
It’s not enough. Despite his taunts and jeers that turn into pleas and begging, it’s... not... enough!
She gives in to the dark whispers inside her head, gives in to the horrible unquenchable fury boiling in her veins. By the time she’s even remotely done, they’re both equally covered in blood, his blood. It coats her hands, arms, burying itself in her clothes to stain, a stark reminder of her actions today.
The only thing that makes her stop is the thought of you, oh, it’s not the thought of you being disgusted with her actions or the surprise that flits through your eyes at what’s she done. No, it’s the thought of being with you that stops her, that makes her think later. After she got you back, after you were safe in her Tardis. Only then would she return.
“How fitting that you’ve wanted me for so long. But now I... have... you” she whispers, eyes dark, but a small smile lining her lips.
The Master’s Tardis is right there, still an old cottage house, she’d never forget it. There’s a encompassing hope in her chest that she’s unable to ignore. You’re in there... you are in there, only separated from her by the doors of a Tardis. And even that wouldn’t keep her away. Not when you’re no longer so far away, now so near to her. She’s so close to being with you again that her hearts stutter, aching for you.
Bursting through the doors of his Tardis, she sees you look up at the commotion. You’re seated at a small chair in the console room, which still looks like a cozy living room. There’s a book in your hands, and she can tell you’d been absorbed in it, the pages fraying slightly from the hold you had on them.
You were dressed in a simple pair of jeans and a singlet top, but you’d never looked more beautiful to her than you did right then. Your gorgeous hair looked longer, reaching past the middle of your back. That and the collar fastened around your neck has her frowning, despite the desperate relief in her chest at finding you. How long had it been for you?
Before she’s pulled into thoughts that might very well drown her, you lock eyes and her breath stutters in her chest. Her hearts beating wildly out of control. She grins, breathing out your name.
You stand up in shock, the book falling from your hands as you whisper her name and stare at her... so lost. It’s not real, it can’t be, the Doctor can’t possibly be here. It’s a dirty rotten trick by the Master, ever so cruel. Oh how have you misbehaved this time? You hadn’t done anything wrong!
So lost in your spiralling thoughts, you don’t notice the Doctor move towards you until she takes you in her arms. Her arms wrap around you tightly, and pull you into her embrace. Your breath catches in your throat, a choked sob in your chest as a part of you starts to believe what’s in front of you.
She pulls back only to tug you close again as her lips find yours. Your eyes flutter shut, a small moan slipping past as you move against her. Your hands come up to pull her closer, tightening their hold on her shoulders as you finally allow yourself to believe she’s really in front of you. The Doctor’s here to rescue you. Why had you ever doubted her?
“Doctor, you’re here” you murmur in a daze against her lips.
“I found you, I found you, I found you” it’s all she can say as she draws you into kiss after kiss after kiss.
A/N: Oooof, there we go, sorry it’s a bit late, darlings! Oh my gosh, I actually struggled a little bit in the middle of this but I hope the scene between the Master and Doctor is good, I wanted to really do it well as an intro to everything the Doctor does next. Let me know how I did?
I’ve honestly gotten so inspired for this series and I can’t wait to write more. However, though I was hoping to get this finished in the next few days, I may have to wait until next week as, guess what, your girl and her mates got their new place so now she’s moving houses, yay! I plan to have the next update done in the next couple days though so no need to worry, darlings.
Tag list: @thatsonezesty13
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Omg, I just had an anonymous ask, asking me about my Valeyard!13 fic. And saying something along the lines of “I hope you continue this”. But I accidentally deleted it, gosh, I’m a little silly sometimes. My response though is
Hey, darling! Thank you for taking the time to reach out about my writing. And you’ll be happy to know that I really only have a little bit of editing to do. So, it’ll definitely be posted tonight (in my timezone that is lol).
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Oh my gosh, I love this au so much but now I’m reminded of my everlasting love for Jemma Redgrave!
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jodie whittaker as bernie wolfe and jenna coleman as serena campbell ♡
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Warnings: angst
It was a mistake. You knew it as soon as the words left your mouth. But that didn’t stop you, oh no, you kept running your mouth. You’d only really realised what you’d said when you saw the frozen deer in headlights look she was wearing. Then you backtracked as fast as you could.
“Clara, please, don’t leave, please, please don’t leave me!” you plead, holding tight to her hands, tears falling freely down your face.
She’s silent as she stands in front of you, her light brown hair gleaming as the sun shines down on the both of you and her dark wide eyes are gazing into yours. She looks sad, but determined. You know that look well, you fell in love with that look.
For the only time ever, you wish you were the Doctor, if only to freeze this moment forever. Your eyes take her in as if this is the last you’ll ever see of her. And of course, it is the last time you’ll ever see Clara Oswald.
“Y/n, I —“ she doesn’t finish that sentence because is there really anything left to say?
You should never have asked, you know that now. But the knowledge of what you know now would never have stopped you. You’re much too proud to be second best to someone who wasn’t even her lover. You won’t allow yourself to be someone she has to settle for.
Maybe this is for the best. She’s free now, she doesn’t have to stay on Earth just because of some obligation she thinks she has to you. She can be free to travel with the Doctor to so many different worlds and planets and people. Clara Oswald and the Doctor, just how it always should be.
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No one expects an angel to set the world on fire
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Part 1, Part 2
Summary: When the Doctor learns the truth about her life on Gallifrey, the Master escapes like always. Only this time, he’s taken you with him, and away from her. 
Warnings: Valeyard!13 with dark!reader, torture, I've tried not to go into graphic detail but there is torture so be warned, dark themes, angst, like lots of it, mention of blood. 
Word count: 1,036
It feels like years have passed since you’ve been in the Master’s clutches, ripped away from your friends. Away from your Doctor at the worst moment possible.
She had just found out her planet was destroyed by the Master and her entire life had been a lie. You weren’t there to comfort her, you weren’t there to hold her and it left an ugly guilty sick feeling inside of you. This wasn’t fair, to you or her.
It’s not like you hadn’t tried to escape too, oh how you tried. All those years spent travelling with the Doctor and you were bound to learn a thing or two. You’d been with them for a long time, through regeneration after regeneration. Companion after companion. It can’t possibly end like this, can it?
At first, he wouldn’t let you leave the Tardis, knowing you’d try to escape as soon as you could. And you did, for as long as he held you captive, even when you pretended and he let you out of the Tardis, you were always trying to escape. It was only after the last attempt that you stopped trying. You can remember every detail of what happened the last time, can feel it even.
“Stop! Please! Stop it!” You screamed yourself hoarse as pain raced through your body, deriving from the collar decorating your neck.
You were collapsed onto your hands and knees in the console room of his Tardis, your breath coming in pants and huffs. You yelped as he kicked your side to get you onto your back, staring up at him.
His eyes were cold and unforgiving, tension held in the lining of his broad shoulders and fingers clenched into fists. He was quiet, it was never good when he was quiet. It meant he was done playing around and a shiver went through you at the implications of that. His foot on your stomach made you wince but you kept still and quiet, like he wanted.
“There are rules in place for a reason, pet. I’m struggling to understand how this hasn’t made it through your small... human... mind yet” his words are clipped and short.
You’ve grown to know the Master quite well now, after having to spend all your waking hours with him. Sometimes, he even sat beside you as you slept and you would wake to his frightening presence, to the real nightmare. You’d never be able to escape him, is what he says with his actions, not his words.
Knowing him for so long, and it feels like such a long time, you know which side of him you’d prefer. You know which part of him is the lesser evil. You’d prefer him playful and loud and even violent rather than this cold isolating detachment. It never ended well for you.
“I think I’ll send you to your room, pet, and you’re not to leave until I say so” his words are thoughtful and questioning.
You whimper as he pulls you to your feet harshly, stumbling as he tugs you along the Tardis corridors. The walls blur around you and you don’t bother to remember where you’re going, his Tardis has never liked you the minute you were thrown into it. His Tardis does not like you.
“Pl...please don’t... don’t leave me” you sniffle.
You’ve been through this before, you know what’s coming next. This particular brand of torture is the one that broke you, it’s the one that makes you give up and surrender to him. This is the kind of torture that will haunt you for the rest of your life.
“Now, then, pet, I don’t think you’re in a place to be asking anything of me” a silver of amusement has entered his voice.
Now that you can guess what’s going to happen next, the harsh grip he has on your arms makes you wish he would never let go. You start to panic then, eyes wide with fright and lips trembling. With shaky hands, you hold onto him.
“Please, Master, ple, please don’t leave me, not again!” Your voice is laced with desperation and despair.
“I’ll see you soon, pet” his voice whispers in your ear before he’s suddenly and shockingly no longer there.
The panic starts rising in your chest then, as you hear the howls, snarls in the distance, see the lights in the room flickering, feel the temperature lowering. You run.
He left you in the endless world of his Tardis for little over a week. He smiled when he found you, beaten, bloody, bruising, broken in one of the Tardis corridors. You were weak, dizzy, drying heaving in a corner. Your clothes were damp and ripped, sticking to the gashes made in your skin. You hadn’t eaten in that week, hardly drank.
He loved you broken because that meant he could fix you. It meant you had to rely on him and rely on him, you did. You wouldn’t stop touching him for the week after, you needed to hold onto someone for fear of being alone again and if that someone happened to be the one holding you prisoner, well that no longer mattered.
From then on, of your own free will, you always stayed in the Tardis console room. If you left it, the Master had to be by your side, or your panic attacks would overwhelm your ability to move and you would be reduced to the shell you had become when he found you. His Tardis was the stuff made of nightmares and no matter how long you stayed here, there would always be a deep dark fear lingering in the corner of your heart.
There was one thing you were thankful of though, which was the fact that he kept his Tardis as a small cottage house. It meant you could relax in the Tardis console room, well as much as you could relax considering the circumstances. You’ve given up now, resigned to your fate at the Master’s side. So, it’s beyond belief when one day the Tardis doors fly open and the Doctor comes crashing through them.
“Y/n” she breathes, a grin lighting her face as she stares, drinking you in.
A/N: Hey, darlings, so I’ve read a few fics of Valeyard!13 and I’m so obsessed, I wanted to put my own spin on it. Except, I also wanted to see what would happen if the reader (you!) went dark as well. Hence, your torture and imprisonment at the hands of the Master. Let me know what you think, darlings!
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day five: favorite color // clara oswald
“don’t give up. not ever. not for one single day. be safe, if you can be. but always be amazing.”
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Martha Jones: Red
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I spent a lot of time with you thinking I was second best, but you know what? I am good.
Doctor Who female Companions as a colour (2/7)
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Honestly, Mandip is just gorgeous!
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Yaz + leather jacket
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Oof, these look so good and definitely give off Valeyard!13 vibes.
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Some images that give me Valeyard!13 vibes, for the lovely @becauseseaotters - go read their Fic, you won’t regret it!
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Honestly, same, I want more Ruth!Doctor.
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Rose Tyler: Pink
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Is there any other way to go, daddy-o?
Doctor Who female Companions as a colour (1/7)
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Omg, yes, I have so many smutty ideas just from looking at these gifs. And I am definitely going to write them!
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Shall we?
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