#zayn x y/n
Teacher of my child - with Zayn Malik and special guest Harry Styles
Situação: Ficante!Daddy!Zayn Malik x Professora!Leirora
Contagem de palavras: 4863
Avisos: +18; conteúdo sexual explícito; ménage; linguagem imprópria
Sinopse: A professora de sua filha causa um desejo enorme em Zayn, e o que era para ser apenas um encontro casual uma única vez, tornou-se recorrente ao ponto de elevarem o nível do prazer.
N/A: Com base na votação de sexta, aqui está um imagine gigantesco, com muito hot, sedução, fake chat e escrita inédita de um hot a três 🫣 tá uma loucuraaaaa KKKKKKKK. Quero dizer que a inspiração desse imagine veio através de uma história da diva Lari do @1dpreferencesbr com aquela escrita incrível do ‘Professor Styles’, pra quem não leu, LEIA AGORA! E além disso usei o babado do Zayn com a menina do tinder para criar a narrativa, tendo as belíssimas fotos dele como parte da história. Espero muito que vocês curtam e me deem um feedback depois sobre essa nova construção de enredo que tô ansiosa para saber o que acharam e quem sabe trazer mais ;)
curte e reblogue o post para me ajudar 🫶
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- Droga, droga, droga! - uma mistura de raiva e desespero era o que a professora da educação infantil sentia no estacionamento da escola em que trabalhava. Tudo o que ela menos precisava as cinco da tarde de uma sexta-feira, após um longo dia trabalhando era que seu carro desse problema. Automobilismo nunca foi seu forte, e qualquer que fosse o assunto que envolvesse carro ela era a pessoa mais leiga possível. Por mais que ela esperasse o motor esquentar ou então um milagre cair do céu, quando dava partida, o automóvel fazia apenas um barulho e morria novamente. Essa situação estava deixando-a sem paciência e apavorada, visto que o carro já havia lhe dado dor de cabeça no mês passado. E nesse mês a grana estava curta.
- Precisa de ajuda? - uma voz masculina se fez presente de forma misteriosa, assustando a garota. Ela olhou para a direção de onde vinha a intenção de ajuda e percebeu a presença de um homem moreno, tatuado, próxima a porta aberto do motorista.
- Eu acho que sim. - riu com vergonha, levantando-se do banco. - Não tá ligando por nada.
- Posso abrir o capô?
- Claro! - após a confirmação o rapaz abriu o capô do carro prata metalizado e verificou algumas peças e equipamentos que S/N sequer fazia ideia do que se tratava.
- Ele faz isso com frequência? - perguntou em relação ao carro, fechando o capô.
- Não, mas ele tem dado certo trabalho ultimamente. Mês passado estava com problemas na vela de ignição. Seja lá o que isso quer dizer. - a risada fraca do moreno saiu quando escutou a sinceridade da moça, e antes que pudesse falar novamente indicou com o polegar o interior do carro, na intenção de entrar.
- Posso?
- Fica a vontade. - a professora deu um passinho para trás, liberando espaço para que o desconhecido adentrasse ao carro. Ele verificou o painel de controle antes de dar partida, mas dessa vez o carro não fez absolutamente nada, nenhum barulho e muito menos um sinal de que sairia dali.
- Chegou a reparar se apareceu alguma mensagem no painel digital?
- Acredito que não.
- Provavelmente seja a bateria que está fraca. - arriscou um palpite ao sair do automóvel. - Você arrumou somente o problema da ignição?
- Sim.
- O pessoal da mecânica deveria ter dado uma olhada na bateria do carro, até porque se deu problema na ignição, quem causou isso foi a bateria.
- Ai meu Deus! - suspirou de modo estressado, sentindo o peso de mais dinheiro sendo desembolsado para arrumar um carro usado.
- Eu tenho um cabo para bateria, podemos tentar fazer uma chupeta.
- Me ajudaria muito! - parcialmente aliviada, S/N auxiliou o rapaz a encaixar as partes do cabo nas baterias dos carros, e ele ligou o seu automóvel para fornecer energia ao dela.
- Eu vou buscar minha filha na escola, acho que é o tempo suficiente para dar uma carga.
- Tranquilo, sem pressa. - dez minutos depois o moreno voltou segurando uma mochila rosa com várias fadinhas e de mãos dadas com uma menininha conhecida pela professora, que se animou ao ver a moça.
- Profe! - exclamou com um sorriso surpresa. - Papai, essa é a professora S/A, ela que me ajuda a fazer o castelo de areia.
- Oi, Khai! - S/N sorriu simpática, acenando. - Não sabia que era pai dela. Normalmente é a Gigi quem vem buscar.
- Ela está viajando e invertemos os papeis. - a professora assentiu.
- Você vai para casa comigo? - a inocência da criança fez os adultos rirem.
- Não, eu vou para minha casa. Seu pai está me ajudando a consertar meu carro que estragou.
- Como você é legal, papai.
- Tenho que concordar. - o homem sorriu tímido.
- Que isso, só fiz o básico. - deu de ombros. - Vamos ver se deu certo? - ele retirou os cabos e pediu para S/N dar partida, e no segundo seguinte o carro ligou.
- Muitíssimo obrigada por isso!
- Imagina! Acho melhor amanhã você levar para o conserto novamente e comentar da bateria, talvez eles nem cobrem. - concordou a jovem.
- Desculpa, estava tão afoita que nem perguntei seu nome..
- Zayn. - ele sorriu. Um belo sorriso por sinal.
- Certo, Zayn. Obrigada de novo. - como forma de responder ao agradecimento ele piscou para ela antes de pegar a filha no colo e colocar na cadeirinha no banco de trás. - Tchau Khai! - S/N despediu-se de ambos e arrancou o carro indo para casa um tanto quanto pensativa sobre o pai de sua aluna. De fato ele era um homem extremamente atraente, e ela sabia que era separado da mãe de sua filha, ou seja, estava solteiro. A piscadela no final foi mais que sugestiva, contudo o fato dele ser pai de uma aluna a deixou receosa se deveria ou não investir.
Nos dias seguintes em que Zayn foi buscar Khai, sempre encontrava a professora seja na sala de aula ou nos corredores. Os sorrisos e olhares penetrantes começaram a tornar-se recorrentes. Eles estavam gostando disso, porém faltava tempo para de fato partirem para ação.
Na segunda semana de interação, na terça-feira mais precisamente, S/N estava na cantina da escola, decorando o pátio para a semana de artes. Ela estava em cima de uma escadinha colando as pinturas dos alunos do jardim de infância na parede, quando pisou em falso no momento que estava descendo. Se não fosse pelo príncipe encantado que a segurou, ela teria dado de costas para o chão.
- Opa.. te salvei de novo? - a voz familiar arrepiou seus pelos e ela sorriu sem graça quando percebeu que era Zayn, ainda nos braços tatuados dele.
- Daqui a pouco terei que te recompensar de alguma forma.
- Eu tenho algumas ideias. - sugeriu olhando para ela de cima a baixo quando a garota já tinha os pés no chão. S/N riu nervosa e mordeu o lábio debaixo depois de sentir o olhar secante dele sobre ela.
- Obrigada por me segurar. - agradeceu enquanto alinhava o guarda pó.
- Não tem de que, senhorita S/S. - novamente o rapaz encarou ela dos pés a cabeça, lançando um sorriso pequeno mas intimidador.
- Khai contou até meu sobrenome?
- Na verdade eu fui atrás. - ela ergueu as sobrancelhas, surpresa.
- Por acaso o senhor tá interessado na professora da sua filha?
- Por favor, temos a mesma idade. Acredito que seja até mais nova que eu. Não precisa me tratar como senhor.
- Normalmente é assim que eu trato os pais dos meus alunos.
- E todos eles te desejam como eu? - S/N não escondeu a risada, disfarçando o olhar para a direita.
- Dependendo do grau do desejo eu chamo pelo nome.
- O que eu tenho que fazer para você me chamar de zaddy? - a insinuação descarada despertou um interesse monstruoso nela.
- Eu sou bem exigente, querido..
- Sem problemas, eu tenho muita experiência.
- Ah é?
- Você se surpreenderia. - S/N assentiu vagarosamente e dessa vez ela quem analisou o rapaz de cima a baixo.
- Não tenho duvidas. - os olhos de luxúria dela endureceram o membro de Zayn.
- Você tá livre na sexta?
- Curiosamente sim.
- E a gente pode se encontrar?
- Me dá seu número e te mando meu endereço. - eles trocaram os telefones e as mensagens nos dias subsequentes já acalentaram a relação recém criada.
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Na sexta-feira, pontualmente oito da noite, Zayn estacionou em frente a casa térrea de S/N. A elegância em cada detalhe da residência chamou a atenção do moreno, mas foi o vestido verde de cetim, que ressaltava as curvas da professora, o que mais desviou a atenção dele durante todo o jantar.
Depois da metade da segunda garrafa de vinho, sentados no enorme sofá acinzentado que compunha a sala, o clima efervesceu.
- Então, eu não queria entrar nesse assunto, mas já que estamos parcialmente bêbados, devo dizer que a sua fama de pegador se espalhou pela escola.
- Minha? Eu sou tão discreto.
- Tá, eu andei pesquisando. - S/N soltou uma gargalhada divertida, mas cheia de desejo, instigando Zayn, que abriu um sorriso galanteador antes de bebericar o gole da bebida na taça.
- OK..
- Você teve um lance com a coordenadora?
- Jasmin?
- A própria.
- É, tivemos uma parada, mas foi muito rápido. Aconteceu logo que matriculei a Khai.
- Então basicamente todas as funcionárias que você tem um primeiro contato na escola, você leva para cama?
- Bom, nem todas. - aqueles olhos cor de mel fitaram a alma de S/N.
- Como assim?
- Você ainda eu não consegui. - respondeu enquanto analisava expressando tamanho desejo o corpo dele.
- E tá esperando o que exatamente?
- Você me dizer onde é o seu quarto. - vagarosamente Malik dedilhou a coxa desnuda da mulher, indo na direção de sua intimidade. Instantaneamente sentiu a pele dela arrepiar e como consequência seu membro enrijeceu. Os rostos estavam muito próximos um do outro, e a respiração um pouco ofegante.
- Segunda porta à direita.. - disse baixinho, fitando os lábios carnudos.
- Obrigado.. - foi tudo que ele conseguiu dizer antes de finalmente colar sua boca na dela. Um beijo caloroso iniciou, as línguas rodopiavam-se distribuindo um sabor delicioso. Às mãos de S/N subiram da nuca até o cabelo escuro dele, e um arrepio percorreu a espinha de Zayn quando as unhas pontudas arranharam a parte de trás do pescoço. Com a sala pegando fogo, S/N subiu em cima dele ainda sem desgrudarem os lábios e em sincronia com o beijo ela rebolava para frente e para trás, sentindo muito bem a ereção, principalmente quando Malik apertava a bunda dela, empurrando para baixo. E nessa brincadeira dois gemidos simultâneos saíram. Era nítido o quanto estavam sedentos. Sendo assim Zayn segurou a cintura dela com uma pegada de outro planeta e levantou-se com a moça agarrada ao seu corpo, indo a caminho do quarto. A professora imaginou que ele a jogaria na cama de um jeito selvagem, no entanto ele a deitou carinhosamente, deu continuidade ao beijo mais lento dessa vez e sem que ela notasse, desceu a mão direita para baixo do vestido e ambos se surpreenderam quando as peles se tocaram.
- Safada.. esse tempo todo estava sem calcinha? - ele passou a mão superficialmente e ela suspirou.
- Se estivesse com alguma, teria que ter trocado umas três vezes durante o jantar.
- Fica molhada comigo, bae? - Zayn massageou o clítoris lentamente com o polegar enquanto beijava a garota de forma suave.
- Uhum.. - gemeu entre o beijo, desejando mais daquele toque mágico.
- Se eu soubesse disso teria te comido antes do jantar, em cima da porra da mesa. - a fantasia da cena entrou na mente de S/N, deixando-a com mais tesão. E entre uma fala e outra ele enfiou um dedo nela e um gemido saiu mais alto. Para ela a frase teve muito mais efeito que a própria ação. Zayn tinha o super poder da sedução como sua arma principal. - Caralho, você tá tão melada..
- Então me fode para eu gozar na sua mão.
- É isso que você quer? - movimentou os dedos devagar e S/N revirou os olhos.
- Si-sim..
- Seu pedido é uma ordem, linda.. - no instante que os lábios novamente se tocaram, o rapaz iniciou a masturbação que pegou ritmo fácil. Os gemidos de S/N eram abafados pela boca de Zayn, e aquela combinação instigava tanto ele quanto ela.
- Continua.. - ele aumentou a velocidade, tocando nela em pontos específicos demais em que o corpo estremeceu, até não aguentar e enfim gozar nos dedos dele. Zayn olhou para ela com os olhos pecaminosos e simplesmente lambeu o indicador e o polegar de um jeito sexy que fez a garota desmontar.
- Seu gosto é uma delícia, professora.
- É minha hora de provar o seu. - decidida, ela o puxou pela camiseta vermelha, inverteu as posições e tirou a única peça de roupa em pé, na frente dele. Aquela cena foi demais para o moreno, soltando um respiro profundo de tesão.
- Puta que pariu..
- Tira a camiseta. - simplesmente ordenou e ele obedeceu, já se livrando do tênis e a meia no mesmo tempo. S/N se encarregou de tirar a calça preta que ele vestia e deixou a cueca azul na metade do corpo. Ela tinha certo fetiche quando a vestimenta íntima cobria metade do sexo, dando ênfase nas entradas que ele tinha para a virilha. Uma coisa linda de se ver pessoalmente, e com as tatuagens destacando o corpo deixou tudo ainda melhor. - Você é um puta de um gostoso. - comentou sensual, ajoelhando na cama, ficando entre as pernas do moreno. Naquela posição S/N apenas inclinou o tronco, despiu o pau totalmente duro mas não se livrou da cueca, e quando já estava com parte do membro na boca, ela empinou a bunda e começou a chupar o rapaz de maneira incessante e prazerosa. Zayn via estrelas a cada sugada e a vista a sua frente aumentava tanto o tesão que ele mal conseguia falar, apenas gemia palavrões e sons que eram música para o ouvido dela. Não demorou muito para que ele também gozasse e finalmente entrassem no grand finále. Depois de mais beijos pelo corpo dele, arranhando de leve desde o inicio da intimidade até o peitoral, ela finalmente chegou os lábios e beijou ele devagar. De propósito ela juntos os sexos e movimentava o corpo lentamente, roçando o pau duro na buceta molhada. Aquilo era uma tentação tão gostosa que por pouco não gozaram. O conjunto do beijo com o calor dos corpos se esfregando foi um combo delicioso que apimentou muito o momento antes da dona da casa pegar a camisinha em cima da mesa de cabeceira, rasgar de um jeito sexy e colocar em Zayn. - Eu quero gozar de novo, ouviu bem?
- Sim, professora.. - a garota posicionou o membro dele em sua entrada e sentou bem devagar, e os dois gemeram juntos. - Que delicia..
- É só o começo, docinho.. - iniciou a rebolada passando as mãos pelo tronco tatuado, vidrada naquele abdômen ao tempo que contraiu a musculatura da vagina, levando Malik ao extremo da insanidade. Quando a movimentação ficou boa ela pressionou a parte próxima ao pescoço dele, pedindo sem utilizar palavras para que ele sentasse. Agora com os corpos incrivelmente unidos, ela quicava em Zayn, e ela aproveitava para beijar e lamber a pele cheirosa dela, instigando mais e mais a performance tão bem feita e que durou rápido para os dois, que caíram para trás, ficando direções opostas recuperando o fôlego.
- Meu Deus.. eu imaginei que eu acabaria com você.
- Mas você acabou. - falou sem ar e eles riram. E quando a respiração voltou ao normal, uma nova sessão de beijos começou, dessa vez mais carinhoso mas não necessariamente menos quente do que a que participaram anteriormente, terminando a noite com mais carícias e algumas provocações na cama.
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A primeira noite juntos levou a quererem uma segunda, terceira, quarta noite juntos, e quando menos perceberam já estavam nessa há um mês, tempo suficiente para quererem elevar o nível.
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Depois de longos dois dias o sábado finalmente chegou. S/N sugeriu que a noite a três fosse em sua casa, e os dois rapazes acataram. Lá pelas 19h, Harry chegou, muito animado, especialmente depois do remember delicioso com a professora em sua banheira. Ela logo o recebeu com uma taça de vinho francês, e meia hora depois Zayn chegou.
- Harry, esse aqui é o Zayn. - embora todos ali já tivessem tido uma experiência como a que teriam daqui a pouco, a insegurança predominava de certa forma. E dava para perceber um leve constrangimento no ar, que os rapazes tentaram ignorar ao soltarem um sorrisinho quando se conhecerem. Mas só piorou.
- Muito prazer. - Styles estendeu a mão, que foi apertada logo em seguida por Malik.
- Prazer é meu.
- Precisamos de álcool para mandar embora essa sensação de vergonha misturada com tímidez. - S/N soltou sincera, indo até a cozinha a procura das garrafas de vinho na geladeira.
- Você é amigo dela? - Zayn tentou puxar assunto.
- É, mais ou menos. Nos conhecemos no trabalho.
- Ah, então também é professor.
- Sou. - respondeu com um riso envergonhado. - Sou professor de história do terceiro ao sétimo ano.
- Legal, acredito que não conheceu a minha filha.
- Acho que não, ela está no jardim de infância ainda, certo?
- Sim, tem só quatro anos. - Harry assentiu. - Você tem filhos?
- Não que eu saiba. - ambos riam, quentando um pouco a tensão e S/N chegou no mesmo momento.
- Toma, sua taça. - entregou para Zayn, que agradeceu em seguida. - Vamos precisar de algumas para gente se soltar.
- Eu já tô na segunda. - o professor levantou a taça e sorriu, sugerindo estar mais à vontade. Depois de alguns minutos eles já estavam menos tensos e curtiam o momento com conversas e bastante álcool.
- Não que isso influencie em alguma coisa, mas Zayn.. - Styles começou e o moreno olhou para ele. - Qual sua sexualidade?
- Sou hétero.
- E não se incomodou quando a S/A sugeriu meu nome? - ele negou. - Que cabeça aberta. Normalmente os homens exigem duas mulheres.
- E você pensou exatamente assim quando eu mencionei o que ia rolar. - S/N acusou rindo, tirando um riso sincero de Harry.
- É porque a gente nunca espera ser outro homem, e você sabe bem disso.
- Já fizeram isso outra vez?
- Juntos? - eles perguntaram na mesma entonação e quando Zayn concordou a risada deles confirmaram a pergunta. - OK, então sou o excluído do rolê. - comentou sem graça, rindo.
- Não pense assim. - a garota sentou no colo dele, com o ar sedutor que ela tinha incrustado em sua personalidade. - Pense em como vai ser legal ter duas pessoas que sabem muito bem o que estão fazendo.
- Quem me garante isso? - ele adorava contrariá-la, não porque discordava dela, mas sim porque entendeu que quando duvidava do que a professora dizia, ela sempre provava seu ponto de um jeito completamente excitante.
- Veja e tire suas próprias conclusões. - S/N praticamente sussurrou, saiu do colo de Zayn e foi em direção a Harry, sentado na poltrona da sala, muito relaxado que até se surpreendeu quando viu a garota sedenta vindo até ele.
- Tirei a sorte grande e vou ser o primeiro? - sorriu malicioso descruzando as pernas para que ela sentasse nele.
- Vamos mostrar para o senhor Malik como as coisas funcionam.
- Com prazer. - Harry pegou a garota pela cintura, sentando bem em cima do seu membro parcialmente duro, não demorando nem um minuto para que ele sentisse a pressão daquele bunda. O beijo quente surgiu logo depois, e era uma coisa de outro mundo quando aquelas duas bocas se encontravam. Eles se conheciam muito bem quando o lance era uma transa bem feita, que apenas nas preliminares o tensão se submetia a algo intenso até demais. O jeito que Harry apertava o corpo de S/N causou uma vontade enorme em Zayn assumir aquele corpo para ele. Sendo assim ele desabotoou a calça, tirando seu pênis para fora e aproveitou o filme erótico ao vivo antes de entrar em cena. O casal estava tão imergido na pegação que só perceberam que Zayn estava se masturbando quando as primeiras peças de roupa foram tiradas. Harry tirou a regata roxa e o sutiã que a garota vestia um seguido do outro, e ela desabotoou a camisa branca do professor, deixando amostrar aquele tronco tatuado e extremamente sedutor que ela tanto amava observar.
- Você sempre me deixa maluca sem camisa.
- Então eu quero te deixar louca dessa vez. - aquela voz rouca seguida do aperto bem dado na bunda e beijos molhados no pescoço arrepiou a pela dela em segundos, deixando um gemido escapar. Os olhos dela fecharam instantaneamente quando Harry chupou o bico do seio direito enquanto apertava a bunda dela, fazendo pressão pra baixo, para que ela sentisse o quão duro ele estava. Era tão perceptível já que a moça estava sem calcinha e usava uma saia jeans que agora já tinha sido levantada.
- Caralho, tô sentindo seu pau estralar.
- Viu o que você faz comigo? - ela gostava de sentir esse poder que exercia sobre Harry.
- Eu adoro te ver assim, louco de tesão por mim.
- E não sou só eu que estou assim. - Styles esboçou um sorrisinho e sinalizou com a cabeça em direção a Zayn, que tinha a cabeça apoiada na parte almofadada do sofá, olhos fechados e gemia baixo enquanto se masturbava. O tesão de S/N aumentou quando viu aquela cena.
- Me fode, aqui mesmo. - exigiu e logo o professor desafivelou o cinto e baixou a calça e cueca, tirou os sapatos e as meias rapidamente enquanto a garota beijava ele com ferocidade. Mesmo com uma dificuldade tremenda para se concentrar, Harry conseguiu colocar a camisinha em meios às provocações e chupões que a garota deixava em seu pescoço.
- Senta, gostosa. - ele pediu entre um beijo e outro quando ajustou seu membro para que entrasse do jeito perfeito nela. E assim foi, os dois gemeram alto, fechando os olhos. S/N começou a rebolar devagar enquanto beijava aquela boca deliciosa. As mãos de Harry apertavam a bunda dela de maneira gostosa, deixando toda a ação ainda melhor. Ver tudo aquilo de camarote era um presente para Zayn, que aumentou a velocidade da punheta quando o casal elevou o sexo. Os gemidos da casa subiram de tom, assim como o calor do ambiente. - Isso, S/A.. cavalga no meu pau desse jeitinho. - toda as vezes que Styles falava ela dava tudo de si. Em certo pontos estratégicos o corpo dela tremia por conta das quicadas certeiras e sua cabeça ia para trás. Com Harry acontecia a mesma coisa, fazendo ele gozar antes dela. Somente na terceira vez que ela jogou a cabeça para trás que o orgasmo veio, e a sensação incrível de um sexo bem executado relaxou todos os músculos dela, que deitou sobre o peito ofegante do professor. - Caralho..
- Eu que o diga.. - comentou rindo. - Obrigada.. - ela deixou um selinho nos lábios dele antes de se levantar e ir até Zayn, também relaxado no sofá. - Agora é a sua vez bonitinho. - S/N puxou a mão dele, que se levantou e seguiu a garota até o quarto já conhecido. A professora deitou na cama, abriu as pernas e ordenou em bom som. - Me chupa. - Zayn, desacreditado com aquela cena e tomada pelo tesão, sorriu safado e passou devagar o polegar e o indicador da mão direita nos cantos da boca, encarando o corpo da mulher que ele tanto queria usar. Antes dele obedecer S/N, o rapaz tirou a camiseta de modo sensual, pegando-a pelo parte de trás da gola e jogou sobre o corpo dela. Ela sorriu quando pegou a peça e cheirou, sentindo o aroma de um perfume incrivelmente cheiroso. A parte de baixo saiu com facilidade já que foi tirada parcialmente na sala, assim como o par de tênis e as meias. Depois do pequeno striptease que a professora teve o prazer de observar e umedecer a intimidade, Zayn deitou parte do corpo sobre a cama, tendo os pés no chão, e lambeu a entrada da buceta devagar, sem tirar os olhos penetrantes de S/N. O corpo dela arrepiou com a primeira passada.
- Você ainda está quente. - aquela informação fez a garota gemer. - Quero te sentir pegando fogo. - disse antes da lingua começar a brincadeira. Zayn chupava com vontade de um modo que fazia os olhos de S/N rolarem enquanto gemia sem parar. Harry chegou alguns minutos depois e quando viu o que estava acontecendo seu pau enrijeceu de novo.
- Tá porra, que delícia. - comentou baixo massageado o membro.
- Deixa eu te chupar também, H.. - S/N convidou Styles para se juntar ao espetáculo. Ele ficou de joelho na cama, ao lado de S/N e colocou um travesseiro atrás de sua cabeça para que ela ficasse em um posição confortável. Ela lambeu o glande de Harry no segundo que Zayn sugou seu clítoris, fazendo a garota perder a cabeça e gemer alto.
- Vai conseguir me chupar gemendo desse jeito, lindinha? - Harry indagou provocativo e ela começou a lamber as bolas dele enquanto iniciava a masturbação. - Cassete.. você consegue tudo.. - ele jogou a cabeça para trás e gemeu também quando ela engoliu o membro, até se afogar.
- Caralho, S/N.. - nem mesmo Zayn conseguiu disfarçar o tensão quando viu aquilo.
- Ela é ótima, não é?
- Muito. - confirmou antes da lingua dele lamber com vontade a buceta dela, que gemeu com o pau na boca.
- É a professora mais safada e gostosa que eu conheço. - Harry falou e logo após gemeu quando S/N apertou o membro, tirando-o da boca para que pudesse pedir o que já não estava aguentando, mas o professor interrompeu antes mesmo dela falar alguma coisa. - Chupa essa vadia mais forte, Zayn, que ela tá adorando. - ele sabia o que estava fazendo e sorriu quando viu que S/N riu fraco, repleta de libido. Zayn obedeceu Harry e tinha como objetivo fazer a garota aliviar-se em seus lábios.
- Goza na minha boca, babe. - quando S/N ouviu a voz rouca de Malik, enquanto chupava Harry e tinha a visão do corpo e sorriso pecaminoso dele, ela liberou o gozo tremendo todo o corpo.
- Boa garota. - Styles puxou o cabelo dela de um jeito que fez o tesão ressurgir.
- Quer sentir seu gosto nos meus lábios, gatinha? - o convite proposto pelo moreno que havia acabado de chupá-la foi irrecusável e já sem forças S/N apenas concordou com a cabeça. Zayn veio para cima dela cheirando a luxúria e beijou a boca com uma pegada irresistível, trocando de lugar, agora com ela em cima dele. Harry por sua vez, aproveitou para apertar e beijar a bunda empinada dela, lambendo uma vez ou outra a intimidade ao tempo que movimenta de leve o clitóris inchado. S/N estava arrepiadíssima sendo agraciada por um beijo de arrancar seu ar e uma masturbação acompanhada de um oral singelo mas que estava mexendo com ela. Mesmo beijando Zayn, a mulher procurou por Harry pela mão e ele entendeu que era para se juntar a eles. - Você não se contenta apenas com um, não é? - questionou sedutor dando um riso que a matou de excitação antes de beijá-la com vontade. Agora era Zayn quem se deliciava com o corpo da mulher, chupando e mamando seus peitos. A cada gemido ela alternava o homem que beijava, crescendo o tesão em um nível tão intenso que ela nem pensou muito quando puxou os dois para beijar e um beijo triplo muito atraente aconteceu. As três línguas se encontravam em pontos diferentes e os lábios molhados davam um toque doce e picante. As mãos passavam pelos corpos sem saber quem era quem. Zayn e Harry também brincavam um com o corpo do outro, apertando a bunda e certos músculos, causando sensações inéditas e muito boas para ambos. Aquela parte foi de fato um evento a parte daquele espetáculo.
- Preciso de você dentro de mim, Zaddy. - o apelido dito pela jovem foi proposital e Zayn gostou muito disso, sorrindo ao se afastar dos dois e pegar a camisinha em cima da cômoda.
- Eu tenho que te ouvir me chamar assim de novo, babe. - disse com a voz aveludada enquanto vestia a camisinha recém aberta pelo boca dele.
- Me come, Zaddy! - S/N deitou sobre a cama, abriu as pernas e afundou a cabeça na cama, dando espaço para Harry chupar seu pescoço.
- Porra! - Malik tomado por uma vontade fora do seu alcance deu uma investida profunda nela fazendo-a choramingar de prazer. Harry saiu do pescoço para brincar com os seios dela, beijando, apertando e mordendo. Entre um gemido e outro ela puxava Styles para um beijo, enquanto ele se masturbava. Todos estavam tendo um momento de prazer. Zayn sentia seu membro pulsar dentro da intimidade completamente molhada e apertada da garota. S/N por sua vez era presenteada por colocadas intensas e beijos deliciosos, enquanto que Harry se divertia com o corpo de S/N ao tempo que brincava com o seu próprio. Muita coisa acontecia ao mesmo tempo e o ápice de cada veio alguns minutos depois, primeiro Harry, depois Zayn e em seguida S/N. Os três estavam mortos que deitaram na cama de qualquer jeito.
- Obrigado pelo convite, foi um show e tanto.
- Tenho que admitir uma coisa. - Zayn falou controlando a respiração. - Vocês dois tem muita química. - Harry olhou para S/N sorrindo maliciosamente e ela riu.
- A gente tem um lance meio único mesmo. - completou. - Que não dá para comparar com a loucura que tenho com você. - apontou para Zayn, que esboçou um sorrisinho orgulhoso. - É difícil para mim não se apaixonar por nenhum dos dois.
- Eu não ligo de sermos um trisal. - Harry brincou fazendo eles rirem.
- Tô com o professor. O que rolou aqui não pode ser descartado.
- Eu vou pensar na proposta de vocês. - ela se levantou, dando uma pausa para dizer a próxima frase. - Enquanto eu tomo banho.
- Sozinha? - a pergunta saiu da boca dos dois rapazes, um momento cômico fazendo S/N rir. - Eu preciso respirar, gente! - respondeu entre risos e entrou no banheiro, abrindo a meia porta logo em seguida. - Vocês podem preparar algo para comer enquanto isso. Tô morrendo de fome. - soltou um sorrisinho e fechou a porta definitivamente. Harry e Zayn se entreolhando com um sorriso discreto e divertido nos lábios.
- Ela manda assim em você também? - perguntou Malik e Harry concordou.
- E temos que obedecer né, afinal ela é a professora.
Feedbacks são sempre bem-vindos e de extrema importância para quem escreve. Se possível, não esqueça de deixar um comentário sobre o conteúdo lido acima na ask! Adoraria saber o que achou :)
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violetsandfluff · 2 years
You were falling. You didn’t know how, where, or why, but you were falling. You sat straight up in bed, sweating and heart racing.
Zayn rolled over to look at you and make sure you were okay. His shaggy, messy from sleep hair covered his eyes and he wrinkled his nose adorably.
“You okay, Baby?” He opened his arms under the covers for you to crawl into.
Crawling into them, you explained the dream as he rubbed your cheeks gently.
“You’re okay now, baby doll,” Zayn whispered. “I’m here. Your safe.”
290 notes · View notes
spoongyb · 2 years
340 notes · View notes
mieluscious · 3 months
baby, warm me up. zayne
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ෆ pairings : zayne x female reader
ෆ genre : fluff, smut
ෆ word count : 3k6
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ෆ warnings : mdni. husband!zayne, bratty wife!reader, fluff, small argument, teasing, fingering, biting, a lot of kisses, unprotected sex, breeding kink, handjob, hand kink, rough sex, semi-public sex, risk of getting caught, medical office sex, zayne is really cold (you know him..) but really reallyyy soft at the same time, they are both so in love . . . ໑ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚
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"what are you doing here." zayne's office door closed behind you as you excitedly threw your shopping bags on the sofa in front of his desk.
"i went shopping and thought : why not say hello to my hubby?" you clapped your hands, smiling at zayne's cold expression. "are you not excited to see me ?" you pouted and placed your hands on your hips. "look at my new dress, isn't it cute ?" zayne pushed his glasses up his nose and turned his attention back to the documents spread out on his desk.
"i have work to do y/n. go back home." he grabbed a pen and resumed his work without giving you another glance. you sighed and threw yourself onto the sofa.
"my husband is so meannnn." you raised your arms and looked at your hands. "i even had my nails done for him. but he doesn't care about me i'm so sad." you whined loudly but zayne was totally indifferent and it was slowly beginning to frustrate you. you suddenly got up and reached into one of your bags, pulling out a cute little top you bought at the mall. "since you don't mind, i'll show you everything i've bought." zayne squeezed his pencil lightly between his fingers at your words. you took off your shoes and unbuttoned your dress, which fell to your feet, leaving you in your underwear in front of his desk. he slowly raised his eyes to you and his eyebrows furrowed at the sight of you half-naked in his workplace.
"what are you doing." it didn't sound like a question, zayne's tone was cold as usual, but this time you could hear the annoyance in his voice, which made you smile slightly. he tapped his pencil repeatedly on the wood of his desk, looking you up and down behind the lenses of his glasses.
"i told you. i'm doing a haul just for you." you winked at him. he pressed his back against his chair and crossed his arms over his chest. you put on your top and zayne's eyes fell on your breasts, a little too visible for his taste because of the little fabric covering your skin. you put your hands on your hips and gave him a few poses to show off your top, you spun around and smiled with all your teeth. you chuckled. "so ? what do you think baby." his cold gaze slid down on the skin of your bare thighs to your hips, before falling back into your eyes.
"i think you should go home, like i said." you sighed and crossed your arms over your chest, and zayne almost broke his pencil at the sight of your breasts sticking out generously.
"i don't want to go back home without you. it's saturday and i want us to have fun tonight." you bent down and reached into your bag to pull out a skirt and scarf. "look i even bought a cute outfit for you." zayne sighed and a discreet, almost invisible smile played across his lips. he rose from his chair and you pressed your clothes to your chest as the tall man approached you.
"look at me." you didn't even realize you'd lowered your gaze to your feet. you looked up at him and your teeth caught your lower lip at his serious expression. "i have a lot of work to do, and you're a distraction." you clenched your fists, you were offended and zayne could see it in your eyes. you threw your clothes against his chest which he caught before they fell to the ground.
"ok, i get it. i'm gonna go have some fun on my own then." you took off your top under zayne's piercing eyes and his fists clenched on your clothes as you also removed your bra.
"y/n. don't push me please." your eyes never left his when you wrapped your arm around your breasts, forbidding him to look. you knew what you were doing was wrong but you couldn't help feeling that childish feeling of jealousy. zayne was always busy with work and having time to spend with him was becoming more and more complicated as the days went by. you crouched down and pulled a silk dress from another bag.
"you see." you straightened up and slipped inside the dress, which gilded deliciously over the curves of your body under your husband's cold gaze. "i was supposed to wear this dress tonight at the restaurant i booked for us. but instead, i'm going to wear it now and go by myself. maybe a man will join me and give me some time ?" you grabbed your purse from the sofa. you brought your hand to your mouth and tilted your head to the side, looking at him again. "maybe rafayel? i don't think he would have forgotten our wedding anniversary." you caught your heels in your hands, wanting to put them in your car, you couldn't stand his silence any longer and you wanted to get out of here as soon as possible. you grabbed the door's wrist to open it when a hand slammed down on the wood to close it again. you turned around and leaned your back against the door, zayne's face down on you. the strands of his hair fell over his dark eyes behind his glasses, making him far too attractive. a knock was heard from the other side of the door.
"doctor zayne ? your patient is here for his appointment." his gaze wandered slowly over every pretty feature of your face before falling back into your beautiful eyes.
"make them wait in the corridor." his other hand wrapped a lock of your hair around its finger. "i'll be there soon, unfortunately, i still have something to take care of." his hand went up to your chin, which he raised towards him. zayne was much more taller than you, sometimes, to look at him you had to stand on tiptoe to keep your balance. he slipped his arm, which was against the door, around your waist, pulling you closer to him. you squealed softly as you felt his face come close to your ear, his lips gently brushing against it. "and you, you come with me." you mewled and grabbed his shirt between your hands as he lifted you by the hips, making you wrap your legs around his waist.
"i hate you." you pouted, wrapping your arms around his neck. he smiled tenderly and placed a small kiss on your cheek, making you blush. he walked to his desk and sat you down on it. his two hands settled on either side of you as he stood between your thighs.
"look at me, princess." his teeth gently caught your ear, making you flinch. "please." you sighed lightly as you removed your arms from around his neck, giving him a chance to see your rosy cheeks. you closed your eyes and his nose touched yours. "i didn't forget our wedding anniversary." he slipped a hand on the small of your back and kissed your jaw before blindly reaching behind you for a small box on his desk. you slowly opened your eyes on a beautiful diamond ring and gasped.
"w-what is this.." you grabbed the box between your trembling fingers and raised your face to zayne's, who rested his forehead against yours, smiling softly.
"i told you to leave so that you could take the time to make yourself even more beautiful than you are now." he tucked a lock of your hair behind your ear before gently kissing the corner of your lips. "i have a lot of work to do and i wanted to get everything done so i could get back to you as soon as possible." he grabbed your hips with both hands and pulled you closer to him, making you blush even more under his cold eyes.
"i feel so stupid." you caught your face in your hands. "i'm so sorry zayne." he caught one of your fingers between his teeth, nibbling gently.
"don't be sad, my love." your hands slowly fell from your face. "i was a bit stressed and i know i can be cold sometimes." you immediately looked up and saw him smiling.
"sometimes huh ?" he chuckled softly and your heart began to race.
"yes i know. but you're not afraid of the ice, are you ?" his cold fingers slid over the bare skin of your thighs, pulling up your dress. you grabbed his shirt again, moaning softly under his piercing eyes.
"i'm not." he lightly pinched the sensitive skin of your inner thighs, making you flinch. zayne's face pressed against your neck and he took the opportunity to lick the sensitive spot under your ear, a whimper escaped from between your lips as your legs suddenly wrapped around his waist.
"so why don't you try to warm me up ?" this time you couldn't resist anymore, you needed him. one of your hands grabbed his white lab coat, bringing him closer to you causing him to catch himself with one hand on the desk behind you. your lips met the skin of his neck and a silent moan escaped from his mouth. "eager aren't we ?" your teeth sank into his flesh and his head tilted back slightly when he felt your small hands grab his belt. your hand slipped into his pants to catch his length, you bit your lip painfully, trembling. a soft moan escaped from between zayne's lips. "your hands are so warm." he lowered his head and your eyes met again, he opened his mouth slightly as you began to slowly move your hand over his cock, jerking him off as you analyzed every pretty feature of his face.
"i love you." you sighed softly and he smiled lightly between two moans. he placed his hands on either side of you, his forehead pressed to yours, making you tremble even more at this new proximity.
"why are you shaking my darling ?" a chuckle escaped him. "i'm the one who's getting touched." his eyes fell on your hand, which was gently caressing him. "by such a pretty hand." he raised his eyes back to yours and your gaze almost made him cum in your hand. you were so pretty, your cheeks were as rosy as flowers and your eyes were glassy. every time you touched zayne he had this feeling that you were taking more pleasure than he was, and seeing you like this made you even more adorable in his eyes.
your thumb slipped over his tip and zayne let out a growl that you swallowed in a tender kiss. your glossy lips caressed his gently as his tongue slipped into your mouth to meet yours. you sucked his lower lip shyly as you felt his hands grab your dress. he tried to escape your lips to talk but your grip on his cock tightened, making him moan against your mouth. you pressed your mouth harder against his and your tongue slid against his teeth, making him smile during the kiss. his breathing quickened as your hand slid up and down his length faster. a knocking sounded at his office door, but zayne paid it no mind. he moved one of his hands up to your jaw and his fingers slipped over your hairline as he deepened the kiss, making you moan inside his mouth.
"doctor zayne ? your patient is waiting." his tongue wrapped around yours before sucking on it gently. your other hand went up his muscular back, and you pulled his lab coat off his shoulders. he immediately understood what you wanted and pulled his hands away from you to remove it completely from him. your mouth never left his it was as if you needed it to breathe or you could die just under him. you pressed his cock against his stomach and rubbed it harder against your palm, making him grip the edge of the desk firmly. he was now panting against your mouth and your tongue couldn't resist licking his lips. everything was so delicious, the minty taste of his mouth was addictive.
"ah- stop. im gonna cum." he suddenly grabbed your thigh and lifted it. "i don't want to ruin the pretty dress you bought for me." your lips slipped from his mouth to his jaw, which you nibbled softly. "please. take it off." his other hand slipped under your butt to pull the fabric of your dress through. you removed your hand from his cock and grabbed the edges of your dress which you pulled over your head before bringing back your mouth to the skin of his neck.
"i missed you so much, zayne. a-ah-" you moaned prettily as you felt him tug roughly at your lace panties before tossing them behind him. you wrapped your arms around his neck as he slid his hands under your knees, positioning your feet on the edge of his desk, opening you up to him as much as possible.
"i know baby, i know. i'm sorry, i'm here now." you nodded and threw your head back, feeling the tip of his cock slide between your walls. you removed your arms from around his neck and grasped his shirt firmly in your hands, moaning loudly. zayne removed one of his hands from under your knee and slid his fingers against your lips. his piercing gaze met your glassy eyes. "shhh-" he pushed his cock further into you and he could see in your eyes that you were on the verge of climax. "you have to be quiet" you nodded, a tear fell down your cheek and zayne bit down on his bottom lip to keep himself from grunting at the sight of you in such despair. you squealed against his fingers as he placed his lips on your eye, kissing you softly. "it's gonna be fine. you want to feel good, hm ?" you nodded again and your chest heaved as he thrust his full length inside you. you pulled so hard on his shirt that buttons popped off and spread across the floor, revealing his muscular chest. you were now panting against his mouth and zayne frowned while looking deep into your teary eyes, trying to calm himself down.
"z-zayne..ahhh..." you grabbed the hair on the back of his head as he started thrusting inside you slowly, letting you get used to him. he slid both of his hands on your hips and you threw your head back as his gaze fell on your juicy, erotic lips. he wanted to eat them so bad, but he didn't want to miss your little moans under his thrusts. another tear rolled down your cheek and zayne immediately licked it off. he opened his mouth to let out small moans when he felt your legs wrap around his waist, making him thrust his cock even deeper until he reached your g-spot. you almost fell backwards when you felt his tip strike against the most sensitive spot of your body, zayne caught you by the small of your back.
"how does it feel ? good ?" you nodded and opened your mouth to speak, but a cry escaped you as he thrust a bit faster inside you, making you arch against his hand on your back . you grabbed his fingers still against your lips and slipped them into your mouth to stop you from being too loud. his cold gaze returned back to yours and you couldn't help biting his fingers, making him flinch slightly. an almost non-existent smile spread across his lips as he watched you try to apologize between your uncontrollable moans. he laid you flat on the desk and let out a deep groan when he looked down on your pussy gushing and clenching on his cock. he grabbed the back of your knees with one hand and pressed them against your chest, this new position made you turn your eyes to the back of your skull. his erection was impossibly hard and the thick veins on the underside of his cock were consistently dragging over your silken flesh.
"z-zayne....ahh....ahh....ahh...hmph!-" zayne put his knee on the desk, fucking you even more deeply as he looked straight into your eyes, his mouth hang opened and silent moans escaped from between the reddened lips you'd kissed passionately earlier. "it's.... ahhh-.. too m-much-" you tried to grab everything you could around you, the edges of his desk and the document holders lying around, everything.
"take it, please. look at you. you look so pretty with your face all red." you were now a crying and moaning mess under his powerful thrusts. zayne didn't care about you being noisy anymore, the whole hospital could hear you and probably the patient who'd been waiting for him in the corridor for thirty minutes. but all he wanted was fucking you good, fucking you the way you always deserved it. "so pretty. please, let’s make a baby." you nodded and you squirted a little against his pelvis at his words. with his free hand he was about to pull his shirt off his shoulders when you grabbed the fabric of his sleeve, letting him know that you wanted him to give it to you. zayne dropped the back of your knees and straightened up to take off his shirt, which he then handed to you.
you pressed his shirt against your face, savoring the scent of your husband as he removed his cock from your cunt and turned you over so that you were lying on your side. you bit down gently on the fabric of his shirt when you met his cold eyes again. he positioned himself back on his two legs on the floor and bent down to gently kiss the skin of your hip before straightening up again, making you whimper. he grabbed your leg and put it on his shoulder before sinking back inside and immediately start fucking you deep. "ahh.. yes princess, you like it like that ?-" he moaned and a streams of yes’s escaped from your glossy lips as lewd squelching and skin slapping against skin noises were bouncing off the office walls. he pulled your leg towards him to bring you closer, making you bounce on his cock harder with each thrust and you couldn't help but scream as you felt his tip hit your g-spot with full force. you pressed your nose deeper into his shirt and your eyes rolled back into the back of your skull as you smelled the musky scent of his cologne. zayne pressed his pelvis against your clit and the opportunity was too good for you not to rub up against him. "look at me." you looked up into his beautiful green eyes and immediately opened your mouth wide, mewling loudly as you saw zayne blush, with his glasses almost falling off his nose. one of his hand caught your sensitive ear and he pressed it between his two digits, making you arch your back. "you like my scent mh ?" you nodded, biting your lower lip under his watchful gaze. "when i'm at work, do you use my shirts to touch yourself with them ?" you squealed and pulled the fabric of his shirt up over your nose, revealing only your eyes.
"y-yes.." zayne suddenly grabbed your hips and flipped you onto your stomach, he fucked you so hard that the desk rocked back and forth. he pressed his chest against your back and you gripped the edges of the desk firmly as you felt his hand slide under your belly to massage your clit. zayne slipped his tongue into your ear and you couldn't help yourself from screaming even louder as you felt your orgasm building inside you. "z-zayne...ahhhh....ahhhhh...i-m... cuming-" he removed himself from your cunt and turned you over onto your back again, he lifted your ass before thrusting roughly into you, his balls slapping against your cheeks loudly.
"look at me, princess." he was panting against your lips and his forehead was pressed against yours as his nails dug into your skin, a sign that he was close to cumming too. you looked up into his beautiful eyes and a smile played on his lips between two moans. "are you ready to be a mom, y/n ?" you nodded repeatedly and begged him against his lips to let you cum. “then take it all.”
“y-yes…yes!-” you shouted, arching your back and pressing your breasts harder against his chest as you squirted against him. he moaned loudly as he came at the same time as you, you shook your hips in pure satisfaction, allowing zayne’s swollen cock to enjoy the pleasure of your tight, tender passageway walls as they sucked it in over and over again, prolonging your orgasm. the sound of his balls slapping against your ass echoed throughout the room and you were certain that the nurse on the other side of the door knew what you were doing. zayne slowed the pace of his hips and you squealed against his lips when he slid his hands over your breasts, pressing them together. he panted against your mouth trying to recover from his orgasm as you felt his semen flowing between your legs. “baby.. it’s leaking..” zayne kissed your cheek and slipped one of his hands between your legs, he removed his cock from your pussy and slipped two fingers between your walls pushing his cum deep inside. you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and kissed the top of his head, giggling.
“happy wedding anniversary, zaynie.”
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© 𝙢𝙞𝙚𝙡𝙪𝙨𝙘𝙞𝙤𝙪𝙨 ! 𝙢𝙙𝙣𝙞 — 𝘥𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘢𝘭, 𝘮𝘰𝘥𝘪𝘧𝘺 𝘰𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬 𝘱𝘭𝘴 𝘥𝘰���'𝘵 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘮𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘥 𝘪𝘮 𝘩𝘶𝘮𝘢𝘯 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶. ☆⌒(>。<)
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sluttsumu · 3 months
high for this - zayne
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i just can’t stop thinking about dr. zayne.
personally i love a man with a phd but something about him is so inviting. behind that stoic demeanour is a stone cold freak, a pleasure dom if you will.
zayne is the best partner really; who else would be suitable enough to turn you out, other than a man whose studied the human body his entire career.
“no moreeee—” you drag, knees buckling around the vibrator he held right on your clit.
you’d been going at this for 30 minutes, and this little experiment of his is driving you nuts.
seeing how much he can repeatedly make you cum had been on his mind, he couldn’t help but put it to the test in the most efficient way.
“another one,” he repeated for about the fifth time. “you can give me another one sweetheart.”
he watched how your body reacted, how your breath hitched, voice cracked, muscles spazz, even they way you beg for him to stop just to want more in the end. it was quite analytical for him, but that’s just what comes with the job.
“i— ah— gonna cum, fuck! ‘m gonna cum— again..”
your incoherent babbles put a small smirk on his face, not that you can see it considering he’s seated behind you, toying with your pretty pussy in his lap.
“high on all that dopamine,” a slender hand reaches to your throat squeezing just enough to make you feel a little dizzy. “let’s give you some more yea? since you’ve been so good for me.” the euphoric bliss of reduced blood flow, and lack of oxygen to the brain — or more commonly known as asphyxiation.
you could feel the tightness in your head as your eyes roll back, a single tear streaming down the side of your cheek as your hips bucked, cumming for the fifth time in his lap.
as long as zayne had you in his grasp he’d give you the best orgasms until you found your favourite way to cum for him.
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adoreddestiny · 29 days
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ೃ⁀➷ WEARING HIS CLOTHING — rafayel, zayne, xavier x gn!reader
“c’mere it’s starting to rain harder,” rafayel says, huffing as he closes the door behind you. the scent of wind and rain stains your clothing as you look around his studio. he sighs, running a hand through his wet hair. his fingers soak up the raindrops before he turns to you.
though he stumbles a bit as he spots the white shirt you're wearing growing more and more sheer from the rainy weather. rafayel feels the tips of his ears and his cheeks burn before he tears his gaze away from you. "you're probably getting cold in that," he spits out, "wait here. i'll get you a change of clothes in the meantime."
you barely have time to reject his offer before he darts towards his room. he returns hastily with new shirt and a beige and red cardigan of his. any chance of your denial is shot down with his arms crossed over his chest. "just change into it," he mutters, still avoiding your gaze.
you shrug, stepping into his bathroom to slip out of your soaked shirt. the shirt fits decently but the cardigan is much larger than you realize. the sleeves cover your hands and feel like flaps. but it smells like the bothersome painter you've grown fond of.
stepping out of the bathroom, you find rafayel sitting in front of the fireplace. it seems he's changed as well but it's difficult to tell from the large blanket he's enveloped himself in. but he pauses, looking you up and down.
"what?" you laugh, "cat got your tongue?" his cheeks burn once more but he scoffs, pulling you down into his lap under the blanket. "don't you dare say that devilish name in my home," he mutters, burying his face into the crook of your neck. you smell like him now and there's a tenderness he finds himself embracing when his hold on you tightens.
“i’m home,” zayne calls out, shuffling out of his shoes. he pauses, expecting you to come rushing out from somewhere to greet him. but when nothing arrives, he feels his chest tighten. perhaps it’s a little silly to have been looking forward to your welcoming smile.
he finds himself looking around your apartment in all of your usual spots. but he doesn’t need to look too hard when he finds you in your room. you’re curled up atop a layer of laundry in deep sleep. it’s warm to the touch and the scent of linen is fresh in the air.
zayne feels the edges of his lips tug when he spots you wrapped up in a large coat he’d worn on a date with you last week. it engulfs you as you snuggle deeper into its depths.
he reaches out for you, pulling back your hair and cupping your cheek. there’s something both ravenous and adoring in his gaze as he presses a gentle kiss to your forehead. perhaps he’ll let you wear his clothing next time you need a little nap.
your name escapes his lips for a moment and your eyes flutter open. “z-zayne..!” you stutter out, sitting up quickly, “i didn’t realize you’d be back this early.”
“i am back on time,” he murmurs, bending down on a knee to meet your height on the bed. “i believe you are the one that lost track of time. doing the laundry, i see. did that coat give you a hard time?” the look on your face warms his heart as his arms reach under the coat to wrap around you.
"you're cold, aren't you?" xavier murmurs. a silvery autumnal breeze whirls past the two of you and another curious shiver curls down your back. xavier chuckles fondly, hand still enveloped in yours. it's likely the only thing providing you warmth save for the thin jacket you thought would do its job more properly.
"i'll be fine," you said quickly, "the apartment's just another block." your words don't exactly convince xavier. he pauses, dragging your hand back a bit to pull you into his chest. "i don't really have a use for my jacket right now anyways. how about you take it for now?" he says with a smile.
you avoid his gaze, unwilling to admit he might have been right earlier about the chilly weather. but you don't reject his offer when he slides his jacket off and wraps it around your shoulders. "there," he chuckles, "feel a little better?" you decide not to indulge a reply.
back at the apartment, you immediately float to the heater. xavier's sweater is still lovingly draped over your shoulders. his warmth remains despite everything. from the kitchen, xavier watches you wrap the sweater even tighter around you. it suits you.
a lingering smile tugs at his lips before you slide back over to him. "you can have it back now. i can grab one of my thicker jackets now," you say, though not exactly stripping it off yet. he shakes his head, tugging the sleeve slightly to pull you closer to him.
"i prefer if you keep it for now," he says with a gentle expression, "i had heard from someone that offering someone your jacket was a pleasant sign of affection." he pauses, admiring the way you're bundled tightly in his clothing. "i just wasn't sure how to bring it up..." then, he smiles knowingly. "i figured a nice walk out give me an idea."
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archonsabyss · 2 months
╰─..✶. [ Love Consumed ]
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❒ Featuring: Zayne; Sephiroth; Madara Uchiha x Fem!Reader [individually]
❒ Genre: smut [nsfw 18+]
❒ Warnings: choking in zayne's! penetrative sex! unprotected sex! nudity! fingering! mention of blood! boob sucking! spit/saliva! oral (f)
❒ WC: zayne 1.3k | sephiroth 1k | madara 788
─❒ Authors Note: i was thinking so hard about their back muscles, biceps, and shoulders that I decided to put these three into the same post?? like the brain rot is real, so real!! And no it's not favouritsm with the word counts, they ended perfectly just where it was meant to 🤍
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The silence that dwindles within the apartment is oddly comforting, enough to have the tension leave your shoulders as you stare through the windows watching the flickering lights and the ongoing traffic. While you immerse yourself in the tranquillity, a subtle presence embraces you from behind. Zayne's quiet steps draw near and then he envelops you in a back hug, his bare chest meeting your exposed back.
"Does my bed not meet your comfort standards?" He inquires, the playful tone barely evident in his voice. You promptly shake your head dismissing the notion.
"It's alright"
"Alright?" He chuckles, the sound resonating like a warm melody. Zayne's arms tighten around your waist, "I see you're a tough critic when it comes to beds,"
You playfully nudge him with your elbow, "It's not about the bed, it's about the company"
His grasp subtly tightens, and he lowers his chin onto your shoulder. His hands gradually wander lower, leaving you breathless. "Well then, I'm glad I have your approval as company," He murmurs, the heat of his breath gently caressing your ear and you incline your head to grant him further access. The closeness between you elicits pleasant shivers down your spine, a sensation both comforting and exhilarating in its intensity. A gentle breeze stirs through the open window, bringing the fragrance of his cologne to envelop your senses. The air crackles with tension, each moment escalating. His warm mouth plants wet kisses on your shoulders and his fingers playfully tease your sensitive entrance before a single digit slips into your drenched core, causing your knees to instantly weaken, already fatigued from the many previous rounds. His strong arms serve as the only support, moulding your body against his, turning you into pliant putty in his grasp.
The whimpers that escape your lips are like the melodic notes produced by strumming a guitar and the hands that orchestrate you are as adept and efficient as the music they craft.
"Not enough yet?" Zayne remarks with a rather smug tone as his hand smoothly wraps around your waist and guides them to press against his growing erection while his fingers plunge deep inside you. You find yourself unable to respond; the sensation is euphoric but overwhelming and there's a fear you won't be able to keep up. Your head spins as his unrelenting pace continues to escalate.
"You ought to be resting; there are only four hours of night left," He says as if he's not the one who instigated this, as though he's not the one who has kept you awake the entire time. A choked noise slips from you as his free hand gradually glides up your stomach to encircle your neck, his fingers flexing, and veins delineating a course from his hands to his forearms. He starts with a tender squeeze causing your eyes to roll back. This time, your knees weaken completely, leading you to stumble forward but he swiftly withdraws both hands from your neck and core to catch you. Zayne lifts you into his arms and carries you to his bed a mere five feet away. As he places you on the bed, a subtle, almost elusive smile appears on his lips, and without uttering a word, he hovers above you and reconnects his mouth with yours. The kiss intensifies instantly, deepening as he moves his body against yours. The rhythmic motion of his hips creates friction, stirring desire, and causing his arousal to heighten even more.
Your hands wander across the expanse of Zayne's chest, his lips parting, and breath mingling with yours. Amidst the pleasure, you can't help but be captivated by the sight of his flexing muscles, tousled hair, and a delicate sheen of sweat, casting a radiant glow upon his skin. As you withdraw gasping for air, you meet his gaze and notice the furrowing of his brows, a clear manifestation of his lust. The intensity in his eyes could be daunting for someone unfamiliar, yet your trust in him allows you to perceive the struggle. His expression reveals a man torn between restraint and a desperate desire to succumb to his yearnings.
"Perhaps taking a rest would be wise," he suggests, though in reality, it's merely a courtesy, as the choice isn't truly yours tonight. Not when you've stirred him to the point of endless arousal, plunging him into a state of complete obsession and addiction.
Smiling at him with a vacant gaze, you extend your hand between you, caressing his swollen cock, causing him to flinch and emit a hiss.
"Perhaps satisfying me would be wiser"
Zayne chuckles, shaking his head, as he reaches down to intercept your hand still in motion, compelling it to release its grip before pinning it above your head.
"I suppose you're right"
"I'm always right"
"That you are, my love" He never refuses and never denies, in his eyes you are right and you are wrong, everything good and everything sinful. His senses get lost, and his rationality and sensibility grow legs and walk out the door. When he's with you, he only sees you. Taking a slow steady breath, he aligns his cock at your soaked entrance and without warning thrusts into you, stuffing you to your breaking point. You squirm within his grasp, your voice resonating like a collapsing skyscraper as you gasp and moan his name.
"Shhh, deep breathes" Zayne's features align in a determined gaze with furrowed brows and a fixed, intent expression, embodying a clear sense of focus as he watched the way he penetrated you, your slick seeping and coating his cock. The scene is mesmerizing, pushing him closer to the edge of release. He lifts his hand and slides his thumb between your parted lips, pressing against your tongue, causing your eyes to nearly roll back in pleasure. Your body moves in rhythm with his, the bed shifting beneath you as drool escapes from your mouth. You're thoroughly fucked and it hasn't even been that long.
You murmured his name in a hushed chant as his thumb tantalizingly danced over your tongue. Zayne adjusts his hips, and his cock finds its mark, causing you to erupt in a series of gasps and chokes.
"There?" He asks, but you're holding back tears. He chuckles, saying, "Perhaps a little higher then?"
His hands grasp your hips firmly, leaving the promise of lingering marks. Pulling you back with each commanding snap of his hips, he relentlessly pounds into you, affirming his enjoyment in tandem with yours. A forceful movement sends his cock even deeper, targeting that sensitive spot within which forces your back to arch and your core to tighten around him. With a high-pitched whine, you're hurtled into an intense orgasm. Zayne isn't far from climaxing, his hips moving erratically as he pursues his release. With a few more thrusts, his movements become unsteady and he buries his cum deep inside you, filling your core with his warm essence.
He stays in place as your cum mixes and your breaths regulate, his member gradually softening as he awkwardly withdraws from you. You instinctively tighten, attempting to prolong the connection for as long as you can physically manage and he finds amusement in your actions but doesn't resist. Instead, he scoops you up into his embrace and holds you close for a fleeting, perfect moment, fulfilling every desire you've ever harboured. You think this is how the night─ morning concludes but suddenly you find yourself lying on your stomach with his chest pressed against your back and his nipples teasingly grazing your skin.
His lips linger by your ears, "Rub yourself against me"
You turn your head to look back at him, although it's hard you're able to catch his gaze, marvelling at his endurance. With genuine curiosity, a sudden realization dawning on how you've ever managed to walk after such an extended and vigorous encounter, you ask, "Do you ever get tired?"
His fingertips glide across your shoulder blades as he plants a kiss on your shoulder, his erection growing harder as it presses against your ass.
"You have a way of making it all worth it. Tired? Perhaps a little. Regretful? Never."
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Rarely, if ever, did Sephiroth flinch when a blade breached his skin, nor did he flinch when a dagger meticulously etched countless cuts across his body. With blood trickling from the wound, a slight tilt of his head and a small smirk were all he offered in acknowledgment of the attack, but when it boiled down to revealing such intense and immersive emotions there was no one else but you who could draw them out of him.
A haze of lust and desire looms over you, the room growing warmer with each movement. Sweat accumulates and all rational thoughts elude you, your mind blanking when his hips adjust and he thrusts into you with relentless intensity. Your nails dig into his shoulder as your back lifts off the bed in response. He seems no more tired than he was when he came home and took you to bed; his strength and stamina show no sign of waning, evident in the powerful thrusts he delivers repeatedly. Your moans ascend from the depths of your throat and reverberate off the walls of the room as Sephiroth lifts one of your thighs over his shoulder, driving his cock deeper. No barriers are remaining between you; clothes lie scattered across the floor and the sheets are in disarray, half off the bed.
Sephiroth's hair cascades down in silver strands, sleek and flowing like a cascade of liquid moonlight. His eyes gleam with the untamed animalistic instinct, driven to madness by pleasure.
"Sephiroth," You gasp, pulling on his hair and he responds with a passionate and demanding kiss, his warm lips pressing fervently against yours. His cock twitches and his rhythm falters upon hearing his name escape your lips. The sight of tears streaming from your eyes etched itself into his memory and pushed him closer to the edge. And when your pussy tightens around him he yields, fully immersing himself.
Your arms encircle his neck as you throw your head back onto the pillow heaving for air because damn, he was so ravenous that his hunger permeated the intensity of his movements. Your willpower is reduced to nothing, overridden by the pleasure coursing through your body, igniting an intense passion that erases any hint of the dignity you present to the outside world. Your lips seek his and he chuckles at your neediness, sliding his hand beneath your back to lift your body from the bed and press against him. Sephiroth adjusts your position, ensuring your head falls back onto the pillow more comfortably. His hand then trails down to where your bodies are entwined and his fingers tease your clit, causing you to clench the sheets, but when you can't grasp them your nails dig into your palm.
Sephiroth locks eyes with you as he brings his fingers to his lips and licks them clean, "You taste like the sweetest sin," He murmurs, his voice a low seductive timbre.
"Well, aren't you the poetic one in the throes of passion?"
"Only for you." He smirks, his lips tracing a path down your neck until he reaches your nipple. He licks all around the nub before taking it into his mouth, sucking gently and eliciting a high-pitched whine from you. Upon withdrawing, a string of saliva links his mouth to your nipple, and he gives it one more gentle peck. Desperate for more, with tension coiling in the depths of your stomach and sensing Sephiroth's unwillingness to move, relishing in watching you squirm for release, you take matters into your own hands. With all your strength, you wrap your legs around his waist and pull him down, his cock burying a little deeper. Despite your strength typically being unable to keep up with his, Sephiroth had foreseen the move and felt obliged to allow it. A light chuckle escapes him as he supports his weight with one forearm resting on the bed beside your head, while his other hand grips your waist, his hair draping to the side.
"Let me take control."
"Why not?"
"Because, my love," He whispers against your lips. "I want to watch you unravel beneath me"
You can't help but smile at his response, the intensity of his gaze stirring a delightful anticipation. "Fair enough," You concede, surrendering to the allure of the moment but just when he least expects it, you deftly shift positions, pushing him onto his back as you hover above him, and the training you've undergone finally proves its worth in this unexpected moment of vulnerability. Your hands find purchase on his shoulders, your gaze admiring the sight of his sculpted body; broad shoulders lead to well-defined arms, each muscle carved with precision; collarbones, subtly tracing delicate lines that add an elegant touch to the powerful physique, imparting a visual symphony of strength and grace. Without warning, you roll your hips against him. Sephiroth's eyes widen ever so slightly as your mouth descends upon his in a swift, blurry motion. He reacts on instinct. Your lips smack, saliva exchanging and you rub yourself against him.
The feeling of your body above him and your focused expression with furrowed brows and pursed lips distracts him to the point that he doesn't notice how his groans gradually shift into moans. His grip on your hip tightens and with his permission, you've assumed control, and your relentless consistency is anything but gentle. The way you continuously bounce on him in search of release, yet denying both of you the satisfaction, drives him to insanity.
As you feel his cock reach its deepest point within you, it's not you who moans and flinches, but Sephiroth. The frown of his brows and the tight closure of his eyes catch you off guard. The temptation to tease him lingers, but the moment evades you as he seizes you and forcefully returns you to the position he adores the most – on your back beneath him. Grasping your wrists with one hand, he pins them above your head and you witness the breathless state you've induced in him and you're thrilled, raising your head to plant an innocent kiss on his neck.
"You've had your fun," He says unamused.
"Not nearly enough, but yes"
"You'll have to wait your turn, little one"
You gently tuck strands of his hair behind his ear. "I'm not known for my patience, Sephiroth."
"Well, consider it a test of your endurance."
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Your hands frantically seek something to grasp onto amidst the overwhelming surge of emotions that race up your spine and cloud your thoughts. Every fibre of your being ignites with heat as his skilled fingers withdraw and playfully trace over your pussy, gathering your cum on his fingertips and tracing it sensually across your folds, crafting an intimate tableau of his desire. The gleam in his eyes becomes more pronounced as he witnesses your reaction, fueling a desire within him to elicit more of such responses from you.
"Please, I can't" You moan, your body pleading for a moment of respite, silently urging him to ease the pace but Madara remains merciless and unyielding as his finger traces circles around your entrance before plunging back in, knuckle-deep with unwavering determination. The explicit wet squelching noises intensify as his fingers penetrate and withdraw, incessantly pushing you to the brink. Your quivering lip finds solace against his shoulder, your palms pressing against the expanse of his back muscles as your toes curl in search of an anchor amidst the overwhelming sensations. Madara deeply absorbs the vision of your blissful countenance – your perfect lips parting for him, echoing his name, accompanied by gentle pants and erratic heartbeats. Your back arches into his touch, further fueling the intensity of the moment. As your clit is captured between his thumb and index finger, the applied pressure intensifies and you reach your climax. Your voice ascends to new heights, echoing his name as you reach the peak of pleasure for the third time.
Madara withdraws his fingers as your cum releases. He gazes in amazement, wordlessly guiding his fingers to your lips and gently yet assertively urging them inside. His thumb presses against your tongue and he buries his head into your chest, his mouth attaching to your breasts. His heated tongue teases your erect nipple, playfully flicking against it. Your fingers weave into his dishevelled black locks, gripping his skull firmly as your head tilts back against the solid ground. He then withdraws his fingers from your mouth and showers the nipple untouched by his mouth in attention. The pleasure sails through your veins like a speed boat across an ocean, leaving you unable to articulate the sensations he evokes.
With a soft 'pop', his mouth disengages, signalling a pause, yet it's far from the conclusion as you catch sight of his head descending to where a new ache has emerged through blurry eyes. His tongue plunges deeply into your core, and you gasp, struggling for breath as his hand secures your waist, anchoring you in place. The knot of your impending orgasm tightens in anticipation.
"Madara" You implore, needing him to pause, to grant you a moment to catch your breath. But the intensity of his desire knows no bounds, and he continues his sensual exploration, driven by a hunger that matches his unrivalled pride as an Uchiha.
"Please, just a moment"
"You ask too much of me, my dear" He groans, pulling back just enough to utter the words, completely intoxicated by the flavour of you. He lifts your leg over his shoulder and feels as it shakes when his mouth moulds around your clit and he sucks hard.
That alone is enough to make your orgasm reach its peak. And you cum, faster than you've ever done before.
Madara's head emerges from between your legs, his mouth coated in your release. His lids briefly shut, as if collecting himself. Despite the proximity where no air manages to breathe its way between your chests, you cradle Madara's face, drawing him up to meet your lips. You savour the taste of yourself on him but focus more on the love you long to exchange with him.
Lying beneath the night sky embraced by a celestial canopy of stars, You fixate your gaze solely on him, captivated by the affection in his eyes as he gazes down at you. The back of his hand gently brushes against your flushed cheeks, evoking a sense of warmth as you strive to steady your breath.
"You have the most captivating eyes,"
"Thank you," You reply but your voice is barely audible and soon the resonance of his hearty chuckle fills your ears, reverberating as his chest rises and falls, and his eyes crinkle with amusement. In one seamless motion, he effortlessly lifts you into his arms and swaps positions, settling on his back with you nestled against his chest. His warmth replaces the firmness of the ground beneath you and he reaches out for his discarded kimono to drape over your naked body.
"Rest, my dear. The night stretches on, and we will continue once you've caught your breath,"
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queen-quintonz · 3 months
So Zayne betrayed a god for me and received eternal punishment and had to watch me die in every lifetime…. And became a doctor to find a cure for me and now he’s a cardiac surgeon. HE KNOWS THE OUTCOME BUT FIGHTS FOR ME BECAUSE HE LOVES ME OH I FEEL SICK😭😭😭
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atsuwumus · 3 months
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𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 going home with Zayne after the hospital's annual gala. He's been touchy all night, always letting his hands linger on places they shouldn't be when the lights are dim enough and he's sure no one's looking.
Just thinking about how eager he is to get you past the doorway, his hands on your hips and venturing lower, unable to give you even an inch of space — he needs to feel your body against his. His lips are messy, eager, hot and wanting against yours, everywhere at once as he stumbles you backwards, somehow finds the light switch with one hand.
Just thinking about how the two of you don't even make it further than the couch before you're tugging him closer by his thigh and he's already pulling the straps of your dress down your shoulders, his lips tracing bare skin with heated breaths as he whispers between each kiss, "Been wanting to get you out this dress all goddamn night."
It's rare to see his resolve this weak but who were you to complain when he looks this good? Shirt half unbuttoned, giving you glimpses of taut, firm muscle, dark strands of hair falling across hooded, hugry eyes, thick and long digits that trace every sensitive spot, rough palms that knead at your ass, encouraging you forward on his lap.
"Ride me," he grunts, a low sound that vibrates in his chest with a pleasant timbre that you can feel all the way in your core. He's tugging at your dress, dragging it up with a feverish motion, bucking his hips up, seeking skin, friction, anything. The pretty red panties you bought specially for this occasion only get roughly tugged aside, his thumb finding your clit, pressing down hard until you're squirming.
"Ride me like I'm yours, baby." You whimper at his words, they're dripping with sin and his hold around your waist only tightens. Zayne's hands are so large that he could easily hold onto your one hip, digits spanning across your skin, squeezing the plush skin, digging his hold into you until you didn't have anywhere else to escape to.
He rasps," Atta girl, c'mon. Give me those hips, there you go... I'm going to fuck you all goddamn night so don't you dare stop."
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teamatsumu · 3 months
omg i rlly liked the soft dom hcs for xavier and raf,,,,could you write some for zayne too?
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warnings: fem!reader, smut, nsfw, swearing
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He is the ultimate brat tamer, but he is careful in how he does it.
He knows what you need better than even yourself, which means that oftentimes he will catch you off guard.
Zayne absolutely takes charge in bed, but he isn’t mean about it. His personality screams soft dom.
When you are indirectly dropping hints about being horny or needing him, he is having none of that shit. You directly tell him what you need, or you don’t get anything at all.
He will halt you in your tracks, gentle but firm fingers holding your jaw in place, eyes piercing into you as he whispers, “Tell me what you need.”
Your breath catches, body freezing, and you want to look away, but Zayne is not having it. He keeps his grip tight on you, forcing your eyes to bore into his own.
“Look at me, darling. What do you need?”
He gets close enough that he can inhale your tiny gasps, one strong thigh wedging itself between your legs until you are grinding down on him. He teases you just right, builds the desire in you until he knows you will give in and start talking, words tumbling out of your mouth on how bad you want his mouth on you and his cock in you and that you want to feel all of him.
He doesn’t forget a single word, and best believe he will give you everything you ask for, in the order you ask for it, and will not stop until your whole body is arching in satisfaction and moaning unencumbered for him.
And if it ever gets too much, he will gently coax you to keep taking it. “I know you can, darling. You’re so good for me. Come on, take it.”
And you want to please him so badly, so you do. You cum around him just like he wants you to, and you take his cum just as well, reveling in the tiniest moans he releases into the shell of your ear.
Aftercare with Dr Zayne? You are set. Just turn your mind off and let him take care of everything. When you wake up in the morning, there is next to no soreness, because that’s how good he is at taking care of you.
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imagines-1directioner · 6 months
Same Mistake - with Zayn Malik - Parte III
Contagem de palavras: 1169
N/A: como toda história é composta por um começo, meio e fim, trago pra vocês a parte final de mais uma trilogia do blog. espero que gostem e obrigada por acompanharem e curtirem a história 🤍 conto com o feedback de vocês!
curte e reblogue o post para me ajudar 🫶
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Três semanas depois..
Em todos esses anos de vida nunca imaginei que uma criaturinha tão pequena poderia me causar tanto, mais tanto enjoo. A sensação de mal estar se dava em setenta por cento do meu dia, enquanto os outros vinte por cento passava de joelhos no chão, com a cabeça enfiada na privada vomitando tudo que eu comia. E fazia apenas dois meses de gestação.
- Ai meu bebê, deixa a mamãe respirar só um pouquinho. - disse passando água pelo meu rosto pela oitava vez na última hora. No momento que molho a face novamente escuto a campainha tocar. - Ótimo.. - resmungo ao fechar a torneira e pegar a toalhinha que carrego comigo pela casa. Ultimamente meu humor não estava dos melhores por conta das quedas e picos hormonais. No entanto, quando abri a porta e me deparei com ele em casa um sorriso se abriu em meu rosto. - Você!
- Oie! - respondeu sorridente e impossibilitado para ser abraçado, já que carregava inúmeras sacolas e um pacote grande em seu colo. - Atrapalho?
- Não, imagina. Pode entrar!
- Com licença. - seu modo tímido e educado nunca mudava.
- Deixa eu te ajudar com isso. - falei enquanto pegava o pacote grande que ele tentava segurar e então fechei a porta.
- Desculpa vir sem avisar.. mas eu estava de passagem pelo bairro e resolvi passar aqui para ver como você está, e como nosso nenenzinho está. - Malik soltou um sorriso ao sentar no sofá e observar minha barriga ainda pequena.
- Estamos bem! - respondi enquanto me sentava ao lado dele no sofá. - Apesar dos enjoos e vômitos recorrentes estamos bem.
- O remédio não está funcionando?
- Mais ou menos. - fiz uma careta. - Tem dias que funciona, outros nem tanto.
- Que droga.. podemos tentar outra coisa, talvez um chá. - sugeriu preocupado. - Estive lendo e alguns alimentos são bons pra esse tipo de mal estar. - um sorrisinho involuntário surgiu em meus lábios. Eu estava amando ter a preocupação dele voltada a mim de novo.
- Podemos tentar sim.
- Bem, aproveitando que estava aqui perto eu fiz algumas comprinhas. - nós rimos.
- A criança ainda nem nasceu e já tem um monte de coisa.
- Eu não me contenho quando vejo qualquer coisa que remete a bebê. - ri enquanto ele abre a primeira sacola revelando um mini vans preto, a coisinha mais fofa do mundo.
- Anw, meu Deus!!
- Me diz se não é uma gracinha!
- Demais!
- Não vejo a hora de vestir nela… ou nele.
- Você tem tanta certeza que vai ser uma menina? - questionei rindo depois que admirei o mini tênis, devolvendo-o para caixa.
- Eu já sonhei tantas vezes com uma menina que tô achando que é real.
- Tenho consulta na próxima quinta-feira, onze da manhã. Se estiver livre.
- Vou sim, com toda certeza. - sorrio entusiasmada. Nos minutos seguintes nós continuamos abrindo os presente que o papai babão comprou e cada sacola revelada mais apaixonada e ansiosa eu ficava pela vinda da criança mais amada do planeta.
- Acho que essa sacolinha é a última. - comentei enquanto pegava a embalagem de uma loja de jóias.
- Então, essa daí é pra você. - ergui as sobrancelhas em sinal de supresa e sorri. Quando abri me deparei com uma caixinha quadrada e preta.
- Um anel? - embora o anel com uma pedrinha vermelha brilhante fosse lindíssimo, questionei entre risadas, sem entender muita coisa.
- Tem uma surpresinha dentro da pedra. - Zayn apontou para o acessório. - Fecha um dos olhos e veja o que tem dentro. - franzi a testa, curiosa e receosa ao mesmo tempo mas fiz o que ele mandou. Ao aproximar o brilho avermelhado do meu olho direito pude ver uma foto, e quando totalmente perto do meu foco visual consegui reconhecer a fotografia dentro daquela pedrinha. Era a foto do dia mais feliz da minha vida, quando nós dissemos sim um para o outro. E como duas crianças entusiasmadas posamos para a melhor foto daquele dia em meio a tantas tiradas no casamento: ambos rindo para os ares e mostrando que realmente casamos quando apontamos para a aliança no dedo anelar, com a frente da mão virada para a câmera. Um turbilhão de sentimentos invadiu-me naquele segundo, e eu nem pude segurar a vontade de chorar já que a emoção foi mais forte de qualquer outro sentimento. Eu parecia reviver aquele momento de euforia e espontaneidade. A mais pura alegria fazia parte do meu ser naquele dia, e aquela foto em especial conseguiu capturar exatamente o que eu sentia.
- Que coisa mais linda.. - falei com a voz chorosa. - Eu amo essa foto. - ri observando novamente aquela obra de arte.
- Eu também. - pude vê-lo sorrir. - A felicidade que senti nesse momento foi a mais genuína possível. - assenti, fazendo das palavras dele as minhas. - Essa foto é a minha tela de bloqueio do notebook. - meus olhos marejados foram ao encontro de Zayn. - Fazia alguns meses que eu não abri meu notebook e na semana passada eu precisei ligá-lo. Quando acendeu a tela, eu vi essa foto. - apontou para o anel. - Fiquei observando a imagem por uns quinze minutos e um filme passou pela minha cabeça. Eu me teletransportei para o exato momento em que tiramos a foto. Consegui até escutar você dizendo ‘Vamos tirar aquela foto brega apontando para as alianças e rindo à toa?’ - soltei uma risada ao relembrar minha fala. - E nós nem precisamos rir à toa porque o momento era tão alegre que nem fizemos esforços para fingir. - concordei limpando as lágrimas que caiam com mais rapidez agora. - Foi naquele momento, encarando essa foto que descobri que o amor que sinto por você é leve, é alegre, é feliz. - fez uma pausa e buscou minhas mãos, acariciando-as. - Foi observando o nosso sorriso que percebi que o medo de te ter longe é muito menor do que o amor que sinto por você, S/N. Eu sou e sempre serei apaixonado por cada pedacinho seu. E quando eu digo cada pedacinho, incluo também o fruto do nosso amor dentro de você. A vinda dessa criança me fez refletir que a minha vida perderá um pouco de cor se eu não puder ver vocês rindo juntos, porque a sua risada me contagia, e misturada com a desse bebê eu tenho certeza que vai colorir o meu dia. Então, S/A, eu estou te dando este anel como se estivéssemos nos casando de novo, recuperando a nossa felicidade genuína como a desta foto, te pedindo para me aceitar novamente como seu esposo, pois eu prometo que eu vou te amar, te respeitar, na alegria e na tristeza, na saúde e na doença, até que a morte nos separe. - a essa altura meu choro controlado já havia se descontrolado por completo. Meu coração parecia sair pela boca. A emoção me trazia um milhão de sentimentos bons, levando-me a abraçar fortemente o meu amor depois de semanas longe.
- Isso não se faz com uma grávida. - ele riu enquanto limpava minhas lágrimas com os dedões.
- E então? Você aceita se casar comigo de novo?
- Aceito, meu amor! Um milhão de vezes, eu aceito!
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fathomlessgaze · 26 days
bring your child to work day: zayne and his daughter spend a day at the hospital
fluff, dad!zayne/reader (a little bit), ~2.2k
warnings: reader only makes a small appearance it's mostly about zayne + his daughter spending quality time together tbh, allusions to zayne + mc's lore (no specific memory idt just the overarching theme of their story), zayne is a devoted girl dad bc i believe in girldad!zayne...
a/n: mc/reader + zaynes daughter is named zenith here bc i liked the idea of them sharing an initial 😭 meaning the highest point/the point right above you in the sky bc i think thats what she would be for zayne+mc like one of the best moments of their lifetimes :( anyway it's mentioned in the fic but shes the spitting image of zayne thats his mini-me fr
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“good morning,” zayne says, passing by the nurses’ station without much fuss. it’s an ordinary wednesday, after all.  
“morning,” greyson echoes with a curt nod, his eyes still focused on the files he’s reviewing from an overnight patient. 
“mornin’!” a third voice calls happily. 
greyson freezes, his papers falling unceremoniously on the floor. “huh!?” he exclaims, a little too loud for a hospital corridor. 
however the chief pays his outburst no mind, and he suddenly sees why, greyson’s gaze finding the little girl perched on his boss’ hip. of course, he remembers, it’s “bring your child to work” day. but for some reason, he never thought that zayne would actually bring his child to work. perhaps that explains why he’d made sure no surgeries were scheduled for this day weeks ago. 
zayne strokes her dark hair, brushing a loose strand from her pigtails behind her ear. “this is dr. greyson,” he speaks softly, pointing in his direction. “dr. greyson, meet zenith.” 
“nice to meet you!” she exclaims, waving a chubby hand in the air, paying no mind to his wide eyes and slack jaw. 
she can’t be over four judging from her height, and, of course, greyson knew zayne had a daughter, but he didn’t really know. he remembers you mentioning her at your appointments, the photos on his desk and, of course, zayne’s paid time off actually being used at personal all time highs (which had already been on the incline after you moved in and then got married) since a few years ago, but it still feels surreal to actually see him with his child. 
if she has any opinion on greyson’s lack of response besides the cartoon birds that would appear around his head if they were in an animated tv show, she gives no hint. instead, she smiles brightly, her green eyes sparkling as she takes zayne’s glasses off his face and fists the lenses, trying to rotate them in her tiny hands and fit them on her own face. 
somehow, with the much too large frames perched on her nose, she looks even more like her father. everything, from her dark hair tied with ribbons to her hazel eyes, the curve of her brow and little nose, she is her father’s daughter to a t. perhaps the only un-zayne-like thing about her is the permanent cheeriness in her gaze and her gummy smile. that she must’ve gotten from you. while greyson has definitely noticed how his boss has become a little less taciturn and stern over the years, he would be lying to himself if he said he ever thought zayne would become even a miniscule fraction as bubbly as the daughter he holds close right now.
“i didn’t know you were bringing your daughter in today!” greyson exclaims, the realizations of today finally settling and coming together in his mind.
there’s a fondness in his eyes as he glances to zenith, his lips quirking the slightest bit upwards. “she’s been asking for weeks to come with me; i figured now would be the best time with the other kids here. i know you’ve seen the schedule for today, but—”
“oh my god!” yvonne gasps, speeding towards the trio gathered. “you brought your daughter, dr. zayne!” she extends her hand to the girl, which she happily takes. “i’m yvonne, i work with your dad.” 
“i’m zenif,” she babbles, her syllables getting caught on her missing tooth. 
simultaneously both greyson and yvonne coo at the little girl. 
“aren’t you the cutest thing? i’ve seen so many pictures of you but you’re just the dearest little one, hm?” 
and word of mouth travels fast, because, soon enough, a whole crowd has come to fuss over the most adorable little girl who looks exactly like the aloof department chair and has the sweetest smile. she graciously accepts their compliments with quiet ‘thank you's' and hides her face in her father’s neck and shoulder, causing even more ‘aww’s to fall from his colleagues’ lips. when the attention dies down, zayne finally gets to his office, nearly an hour later than he usually would have by now, but he can’t even be annoyed. his little girl is the most precious; of course, he would react in the same way. 
he shuts the door behind them and puts his bag down by his desk, moving zenith so she has a place on his lap when he sits down. “what would you like to do today, hm?” he asks, booting up his computer and finding a pile of files from the depths of a drawer. 
“what do you do?” she asks.
he hums. “well sometimes i see patients who don’t feel well, sometimes i do surgeries on them so they feel better, and sometimes i have to do paperwork. i don’t have any patients or surgeries scheduled today, so we can do whatever you want; how does that sound?”
“what about paperwork?” she exclaims. “you said that’s what you do?” 
“would you like to do paperwork with me?” 
she nods firmly. “i wanna spend time with daddy!” 
his heart softens, his already abnormally warm (at least for work standards) gaze growing even more endeared by his precious, favorite little girl. “you want to spend time with me?” 
her head bobs and she wraps her arms around his neck, resting her cheek on his shoulder. “of course! i love you, daddy.”
pressing a kiss to her cheek, he can’t help a smile. of course he knows she loves him, loves spending time with him. when he’s home she’s practically glued to his hip. and he tries his best to make sure she knows the same. but sometimes it’s just nice to hear it from someone you love. “and i love you, princess.” 
it used to be a foreign expression on his tongue many, many years ago, before you’d returned to his life, and especially before she came into his life. but as time flew by, thanks to you and your help, he’d grown familiar, comfortable, fond with it. while he knew you didn’t mind him not saying that as much as other boyfriends and husbands might from all your conversations, knowing he expressed how much he loved you and then some through other ways, he knew she might not have understood just how her father expressed his feelings and fondness at her young age. 
so beyond his quiet actions, he makes sure to tell her. whether it’s a post-it note in her lunchbox, right next to the heart-shaped sandwich with the crusts cut off, just how she likes it, whenever it’s his turn to make her lunch, or a birthday card she’ll know how to read one day, he tries to tell her through words too. ‘i love you’ went from an expression he seldom said or heard, to one he couldn’t get enough of, whether it be from your lips or hers, and one he always wanted you both to know. 
“let’s see what kind of paperwork we can find for you, then.” coincidentally a knock sounds from the other side of the door. “come in.” 
“they brought some donuts and coloring pages out in the lobby,” yvonne says, popping her head in. “i figured you’d both be interested.” 
“thank you, yvonne.” when the door shuts, zayne leans back to look at his daughter, brushing her hair. “what do you think about that? do you want to take a look?” with her eager nods, zayne stands.
“i wanna walk,” she pouts, tugging on his once crisp button-up, and he puts her down accordingly, taking her small fingers in his. 
they make their way hand in hand down the corridor, drawing even more endeared coos from the staff until they reach the table. kneeling down to her height, he points at a smaller kids table in the corner.
“how about you get some coloring sheets and crayons? i can get you a donut and we can head back and do some paperwork,” he explains.  
she happily obliges, skipping over and inspecting the books with a familiar seriousness (which also makes the other staff coddle her just as much as her bright smiles. “aren’t you so precious!?” “she’s just like her father!” zayne can’t help the small quirk of his lips when he hears how cute they find his daughter, because she is, speaking from his personal experience.). meanwhile he grabs a strawberry donut with sprinkles and a chocolate one, both her favorites, placing them on a napkin and grabbing a few extra knowing how she takes after you in terms of her messiness. 
meeting her in the corner, he bends down, taking a quick look at the drawings she’s taken. “find anything you like?” he asks.
raising her pages to his eyes, she beams. “they have the bears!” 
he smiles softly, tucking her loose hair away. “yes, they do,” he hums. “who knew?” 
it totally wasn’t like he’d ordered specific character coloring books when it was time for the cardiology department to refill their kids’ activity section. it totally wasn’t like he’d looked for some ones he knew his daughter would love. it wasn’t like that at all; zayne maintains he’s as impassive and serious at work as ever…he’s lying to himself.
when she gathers her crayons, the duo make their way back to his office. the day flies quickly by, her babbles and light, curious questions bringing a new level of comfort and joy zayne never thought he’d get from his job. he loves what he does, of course, but everything just seems more enjoyable and memorable with his daughter by his side. or rather, with her on his lap, in her own little world of just her and her beloved dad, oblivious to the seriousness of the paperwork her father is dealing with as she busies herself with her own “paperwork” and scribbles vibrant colors all over the once black and white image.
and zayne thinks he would be perfectly content if it were to stay like this forever. even with all his prizes and awards, nothing could compare to the reward and title of being your husband and zenith’s father. 
he lowers his pen to the desk from his fingers, using his free hand to rest his head as he admires the precious life before him. “i love you, princess,” he murmurs, pinching her cheek. 
“i love you too, daddy!” she turns to face him, crumbs of donut glaze still around her lips. 
he takes a napkin and dabs at her face before checking his watch. you’d said you’d meet them around now… “how about we get lunch soon?” 
right on time, a knock sounds from the door, which opens to reveal you. “how are my favorite doctors doing?” you exclaim. 
“mama!” she cheers, hopping off zayne’s knee and running into your waiting embrace. 
kissing her head, you give her a squeeze. “how’s work with dada going?” 
“i love it here! daddy colors and eats dessert all day,” she cheers. 
glancing to your husband, you chuckle. “is that so?” 
he makes his way towards you both, giving you a peck as you stand, your daughter now on your hip. “something like that,” he mumbles. 
“then maybe i should become a doctor too,” you tease. “is now a good time for lunch?” 
he nods, opening the office door once more and allowing you to pass first. 
“i wanna become a doc-tor, too,” zenith ponders, suddenly serious with her small fingers tapping at her chin as she thinks, a habit no doubt from her father. “then daddy and i can color and eat snacks together forever!” 
“is that so?” you ask, but you can’t help the smile you shoot at your husband. 
she bobs her head, a determined furrow in her brow. “i wanna be with mama and daddy forever.” 
zayne has a warm fondness in his gaze as his eyes find his daughter. she looks up to him with wide eyes and her gummy grin, reaching her small hand out for his own, which he happily obliges. her tiny fist wraps around two of fingers, and he briefly wishes that she could stay his little girl for eternity. she doesn’t need to know how hard her dad’s job actually is, how much work he had to put in to get to where they are now, the sorrows of her parents’ past. she is a precious gem, the shining peak of all your shared lifetimes. 
this one existence, finally at peace, a happy ending for you and him, domestic bliss with the two, now three, of you, he thinks it’s worth every tear that’s been shed before. and maybe in another universe and lifetime, the you’ll get another happy ending. he thinks that even if it’s a simple life, as long as it’s with the two of you, it’d be one he cherishes and treasures close to every fiber of his existence, one he would fight all there may be to remember, for no god could tear his devotion. maybe he’d even bet every splintering past life that led to this one was worth the years he’s gotten to spend with you in this one, and the years still to come. so he hopes she stays as optimistic and bright as ever, that you stay by his side in this heavenly life he could only once dream of. after all, ice is made of crystals.
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glitter-epoch · 2 months
-ˋˏ [ nerve endings ] ˎˊ
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≪ zayne x afab!reader ≫ - smut under the cut, 18+ ONLY mdni!!! do NOT!!! - part two of this drabble, but all you really need to know is zayne gave you stitches and neither of you are being normal about it. - warnings: smut at the end, afab reader no gender assigned pet names or references, a couple y/n's, reader got stitches in the first part, no explicit description of wound, slight pain from the wound at one point, fingering, zayne is mean and also anxious, he's real for that, zayne's scars mention
again, 18+ under the cut! mdni!
you’re unscrewing the cap on the ointment zayne ordered for you when your phone rings. the two gigantic strides you take to cross to the kitchen are ridiculous, but you’ve been waiting for him to call since his shift ended.
zayne. his name flashes on the screen, right under the time, 8:08 PM. you fumble to get the phone in your hands and put it up to your ear, cap still balanced between your fingers. 
“hi,” you breathe out. 
zayne is quiet for a moment. something whirrs in the background, mechanical and smooth. 
“hello,” he replies, in that somehow monotonous and matter-of-fact tone. “why are you out of breath?” 
“nothing,” you swallow. “just...trying to get the cap off the ointment you got me.” 
another moment passes. the soft drone of machinery in the background clicks in your mind, finally-  
“are you driving?” you ask. surely he’s not- 
“not anymore,” zayne says, and the whirring dies. “i’m in your parking lot. i have extra bandages and dinner for you. i’ll leave them outside if you’re not in the mood for company.” 
the feelings that pass through you are like a molotov cocktail; fear and excitement and relief all at once. it all burns in your chest. zayne had said he was going to call, but once it got to be past seven o’clock, you wondered if he’d forgotten. and you didn’t really think he would come see you, but...you had maybe thought he might. 
“you got me dinner?” you start, nervously. “that’s too much. thank you.” 
you’re in your pajamas, gauze pad ungracefully peeking out over the waistband of your fuzzy blue shorts.  
“i’m not dressed,” you murmur, unsure of what exactly your goal is in saying so. you do want him to come up- 
“i don’t care about that,” he replies. “but if you need time to put something else on, i can wait. i didn’t call you until eight.” 
“yeah,” you huff, “what were you doing?” 
zayne sighs. “buying you bandages.” 
“quit paying for things!” 
you look around your apartment. it’s clean, thankfully, uncluttered and dusted; countertops gleaming to the usual degree once they’ve been wiped down. he says he doesn’t care about your outfit, and you believe him. 
you can see him in your mind’s eye- buttoning your trousers, zipping them up like it was nothing. 
“i’m glad you came,” you say, chest buzzing with nerves. “i’ll come let you in. do you remember which building i’m in?” 
“i’m already outside.” 
you scamper all the way downstairs, gliding over the complex’s steps so fast it’s a miracle you don’t slip and fall. by the time you get to the bottom, you're out of breath again; the cut over your hip sore. 
zayne’s hair is blown over his forehead by a cold breeze that curls in through the open door of the apartment building, quickly sucking all of the warm air out of the lobby. you step aside, ushering him in. 
“oh, it’s cold,” you complain, narrowing your eyes out the glass door as you shut it behind him. “are you cold? no. you have that massive coat.” 
zayne looks down at his black overcoat; the sharp triangles of the lapels framing his jaw, which is just as sharp. he takes one pale hand out of his pocket to brush the hair out of his eyes. you’re smart enough not to ogle this time, but your eyes do snag on something- 
scars. little ones, all over the back of his hand; one deeper, longer one down the center. 
if he notices your gaze falter, he doesn’t say. 
“it is cold,” zayne chides. “you shouldn’t have come down here in shorts.” 
“i was barely outside,” you retort. 
“why are you wearing them in the first place?” is zayne’s reply.  
“they have cows on them,” you mumble, pointing at the wide nose of one on your shorts. “here, come upstairs. is that soup?” 
“yes,” zayne replies simply.  
his tone is a little icier than it had been at akso, but his porcelain cheeks are red, and his lips are wet with cold, too. there’s a small black thermal bag on his other arm, and mug in that hand (also scarred, you see, and his fingers move around aimlessly). he’s nervous.  
he’s nervous. 
you’d grin if you weren’t about to throw up. 
. . .  
he’s so tall. his shadow seems to stretch out across your living room as he sits down next to you on the sofa; half-a-cushion away. it seems intentional. 
“you didn’t have to heat it up for me,” you scold. 
zayne nearly ignores this, but provides you with a small mm and shake of his head. “you shouldn’t be reaching up that high, at the microwave; your stitches could tear.” 
you inhale, trying to settle in as he clearly does the same beside you. the back of your couch barely meets his shoulder blades. the lights are low, the overheads in the kitchen a distant glow. the resting screen of the television, the far-off lights of linkon, and one small lamp on the side table remain.  
zayne’s taken his jacket off, and his usual white button-down is gone. the charcoal-grey slacks remain (they’re tailored. they have to be. nobody’s legs look that good in department store slacks).  
his shirt is black, and thermal; with subtle waffling. it looks soft, but it’s tight around his biceps. at this waist, the shirt leaves a tiny bit of room- he's strong, his shoulders are wide, but he’s lean, you think. 
things you’d never have noticed in his usual uniform, and also, things you do not need to and should not be noticing. 
you avert your eyes only to find him rolling up his sleeves.  
Lord. zayne fluffs the rice inside a small plastic box with a fork and stirs a couple of glazed chicken strips into the container, a healthy amount of steamed broccoli also placed in the side tin. instead of handing it to you, he slides it across the coffee table as a small curl of steam rises from the rice. 
the vein that starts in center of his palm and disappears through his inner-wrist flexes as he pokes the fork into one of the broccoli florets. 
“you don’t eat enough vegetables,” zayne remarks.  
he has his glasses on. you’re too busy noticing this to offer a snide reply to his comment. when you do, it’s too late. he’s noticed your staring. 
“you don’t eat with me enough to know what i eat,” is your pathetic retort. “and you’re a cardiologist, not a dietician. get another degree and then we’ll talk.” 
zayne’s smile is small but victorious. he reaches for the mug on the table and shifts until he’s facing you, knees pointed at yours. 
then he starts unscrewing it. 
“your heart health is more dependent on your diet than almost anything else,” he says, voice low, almost teasing. “other than the aether core, of course.” 
the choice to unscrew the cap right at you, his knuckles moving deftly to twist off the lodged lid, that same center-vein and a few new ones appearing on his forearm. it’s so blatant you’re glaring incredulously at him by the time he offers it to you. 
zayne blinks a little after a moment of you ignoring him, hazel eyes looking a little concerned at your coldness. “it’s soup,” he offers. “not as warm as the rice, so you can hold it.” 
you lower your chin at him, brows low: “what are you doing?” 
it’s more of a statement than a question. and zayne (who’s been weaving this game all day, but now seems to be anxious), says- 
“i’m giving you this soup i made.” 
he sets it down on the table. 
“it’s just broth and some vegetables. protein would have been too much, you already have your chicken.” 
for a moment, you think you’ve gained the upper hand. but your eyes trail after his wrists as he sets the thermos down on the table and plucks the fork out of the rice, chicken still attached. 
one corner of his lip curls when he notices.  
zayne presents the fork to you. when you don’t accept, he cocks his head. 
“i came here to make sure you eat dinner and change your bandage,” zayne says. you’re not sure if it’s pure dishonesty; his voice is too difficult to read, as always. “i’m not sure why you’d refuse the food.” 
at that, you take the fork, and eat the bite off the end.  
“i’m not refusing the food,” you swallow. “and thank you. this was very kind of you. i’m...i’m really surprised, actually.” 
the mirth fades from his features. “surprised?” 
“i just assumed you weren’t going to call,” you add quickly, almost guilty over how suddenly his demeanor shifts. “it was getting late. i didn’t want to bother you.” 
“i told you i’d call,” zayne replies softly. “if i say i’ll do something for you, i will.” 
“you do have a good track record of that,” you reply. 
he nods. “i know i do.” 
gulp. you eat more of the rice, trying to occupy yourself. “this is very good. thank you.” 
“you don’t have to say it again. why were you so worried about me calling?” 
you peer at him, a ball of rice in your cheek. “i-” you murmur over the rice, and swallow quickly. “i wasn’t worried. well, i worried something might have happened to you, but it would have been fine if you didn’t call. you already gave me stitches for free.” 
“i’m your doctor,” is his reply. 
“you’re my cardiologist.” 
“primary care doctor,” zayne counters. and he leans forward, puts his elbows on his knees. he’s still a head taller than you. “are you averse to me caring about all the other parts of you?” 
you inhale sharply to try and hide the flush that bursts in your cheeks. the next time you swallow, he follows it; watches your throat bob.  
“no, i’m not averse,” is your stupid reply.  
he blinks slowly, like a cat. the smirk returns. “mm.” 
“mm,” you bite out, dropping the fork into the box of rice and pressing on the lid. “that was very g...you know i think it was good, but i’m not super hungry right now. i’ll put it away for later, unless you want some?” 
you busy yourself with gathering up the box and the mug, so by the time you steal another nervous glance at zayne, it’s the first time you’re seeing him tilt his head forward at you. the pools of his eyes see everything; it’s like he’s looking straight into your skull. 
“y/n,” he murmurs, slow.  
your own name shocks you. there’s no doubt in your mind that he’s not going to say anything else. it’s not just your name, it’s a question. 
he’s asking you what you want.  
and he’s ridiculously patient as you sit there, box of rice and thermos in hand, blinking like a dear in headlights. you think of chickening out. 
“can you help me change the bandage, please?” you nearly whisper. 
. . .  
“this cut is technically over your lumbar plexus. there’s a nerve here,” zayne continues. he drags the pad of his finger over the flesh between your hip and the curve of your waist, examining and admiring, like you’re a specimen. “obturator.” 
you’re practically ignoring him at this point; your head is swimming, your face is hot as an iron. “obfuscator.” 
he actually laughs, albeit softly. “obturator. with a ‘t’.” 
“yeah, that’s what i said.” 
you’re standing in front of the sofa, holding up the heavy bottom edge of your crewneck. zayne sits on the coffee table in front of you. his left hand traces over the right side of your belly, dances around the stitches he put in earlier. his right hand holds the waistband of your pajama shorts down; pins them to what’s nearly the middle of your thigh.  
you’re looking up at the ceiling, trying not to think about how much of the skin over your pelvic bone is exposed. you’re also trying to steal glances at zayne, who you’re certain isn’t really here, and must be a dream.  
even looking at him is too much, though. 
“you looked that up,” you whisper. “you’re a heart doctor, not a hipbone doctor. you looked up what those nerves were called in the parking lot before i came and got you, cuz’ you knew you were gonna do this.” 
“do what?” zayne wastes no time. 
well. you give up, not wanting to accuse him of seducing you out loud. 
he pulls your shorts up for a moment and grabs the ointment beside him. “this shouldn’t hurt,” he says softly. “i’m only putting it around the sutures, not on the cut. then i’ll put a new bandage on.” 
“okay,” you breathe. 
he pauses. looks up at you. “okay?” 
as in, are you okay? 
you muster up the courage to look down at him, not actually wanting to alienate him. if he left now, you’d absolutely start sobbing. 
“yeah, i’m okay. sorry.” 
“don’t apologize. hold still.” 
he spreads the ointment onto his fingers. like vaseline, it appears iridescent against the low-light of the television and the distant scape of linkon. you’re trying not to drool over the two fingers he’s placing over your hiphone when you remember. 
“your scars,” you say, softly, a little nervous. “were they accidents?” 
zayne stiffens. weighs his words. “essentially.” 
you nod, not wanting to press any further. “not that it matters-” 
you gasp as he starts to spread the ointment around the sutures; a barely-stinging, mostly-cold sensation fluttering like soft wings across your skin. his fingers are cold, not as cold as usual. he’s trying to keep them warm for you. 
“yes?” zayne murmurs.  
“not that it matters,” you continue, trying to steady your breathing. “but i think they’re beautiful. like tree roots.” 
zayne stops for a moment. inhales. you watch the breadth of his shoulders rise and fall until he continues working, circling the cut over your hip with glossy fingers. 
“do you?” he asks. almost a whisper.  
you furrow your brows at him, surprised to hear a hint of insecurity in his tone. once he secures a new bandage over the wound, you know you’ve waited too long to respond.  
“of course,” you manage.  
he looks up at you, then; narrow jaw angled expectantly, his jaw shut tight.  
“you like them?” he asks again, and his voice is darker than usual. 
you nod, unsure of how else to say it. “i like them,” you start. “i like...i like you, yes.” 
zayne watches you with such intensity you wonder if he’s trying to melt you down like iron. his fingers tighten on your waistband where he holds down the right corner of your sleep shorts; then he pulls that side down further, other hand coming down over the slope of your waist.  
he grips you. his palm ignites with ice; suddenly, extremely cold. you gasp. 
“you like me.” zayne challenges. 
“i like your scars,” you argue, but you can’t take it back. you’ve already said it.  
“you like both,” he replies. his palm smooths down your waist, then snakes around to your front. he places both hands flat to your belly. 
you let go of your crewneck, surprised, as he runs his hands up your front and then wraps them around your ribs, caging you in on either side.  
“there are nerves here, too,” he mumurs. he doesn’t have to lift his arms up much to reach you like this; he’s barely reaching up to begin with. “an intercostal.” again, his hands dip lower, equally soft and calloused. his thumb presses down right under your ribs. “subcostal.” 
“you’re making these up,” you huff, trying not to squirm, not to look too enraptured.  
“you were confident enough in my medical expertise to let me put stitches in you.” 
“well,” you breathe, “i trust you.” 
“you do?” zayne remarks, like he knows exactly how much you trust him; but maybe it astonishes him. “you do...” 
“this is your sacral plexus,” he says next, pressing two thumbs in just to the right of your navel. he goes lower, spreads his hands out; they fan like wings as they travel, colder and colder as he nears your pelvic bone. “obturator, again. this is lower, on your thigh; femoral.” 
“i’ve heard of the femur.” 
he stops to laugh. “you, are...” 
you laugh with him, because if you don’t, you’ll scare off; truthfully, you’re deeply afraid of him looking at you underneath your clothes. 
he senses this. 
“you don’t want me to look at you?” zayne asks, with genuine confusion. 
you look down at him. “no, it’s not that.” 
“it is. you’re afraid.” 
“not of you.” 
“of me looking at you,” zayne replies. he considers this, brows knit together in discontent. “you have no idea how many times i’ve thought about seeing you like this.” 
his voice is sanguine. this is new for him, too; you’ve both never been here.  
zayne looks up at you. he wants to see you, wants to touch you, wants you. 
his fingers curl over your waistband, but he stops. “yes or no?” 
you watch him, trembling under his gaze, under his grip. 
you can’t say it, but you nod. yes. 
he looks down instantly, propelled forward, but as he pulls down your shorts, revealing your panties; he seems more interested in your navel. zayne lifts your crewneck with one hand and lets your shorts fall, adjusting as you step out of them. one hand comes flat to your navel, the other runs across the thin fabric covering your heat.  
you inhale. the hand on your stomach flexes; small jolts of cold prick your skin.  
zayne watches goosebumps rise there. his mouth is open, you notice- just barely, like he doesn’t even know.  
“i don’t want to make you uncomfortable,” he says, almost slurred. “the cold.” 
“no, no, it’s fine. i like it.” 
he flashes you what’s almost a glare, like it can’t be true. “another thing you like.” 
“if it’s you, i like-” 
he brushes the pad of his thumb over your clothed cunt; catches the hood of your clit. maybe he doesn’t notice at first, but when you jolt, he hums.  
“mmm,” he says. “what were you going to say?” 
“if it’s you i like all of it,” you ramble off, “anything. what are you doing?” 
“taking my time.” 
he presses his thumb to that same spot, now that he’s found it, and rubs circles. meanwhile, you bend backwards; he grabs your waist, steadies you upright, and drags his frozen palms up and down your hips. 
“you have to stand up straight, or you’ll tug on the stitches. that will hurt.” 
“i don’t...care.” 
“that’s only because you haven’t done it yet. hold still.” 
you look down at him, gasping as he presses a kiss to the flesh above your panties, next to your cut. his lips are soft, warm, unlike his hands; sheen from his own biting. he does it again, and when you jolt, his grip is firmer. 
“i won’t do anything to you if you’re going to tear your stitches,” zayne murmurs. 
he loops his fingers through the legs of your panties, pulls them down. you nearly shriek. 
he hasn’t looked down yet, yet; he’s looking into your eyes. “that would be malpractice. also, i can’t stand to hurt you. i won’t, actually- so please, hold still.” 
“it’s your fault i can’t be still.” 
“try harder.” 
when zayne’s gaze lands on your bottom half, naked, the goosebumps on your belly traveling to your cunt; you can tell that he’d been looking at you in the eyes not just to knock you off balance. he’d been preparing himself.  
you’d be naive to think he doesn’t know what to do next, but for a moment, you think he might not- his pupils are big as moons.  
“hold still,” he says again. this time, with fervor. “please, hold still.” 
he touches you like he’s going to work; like he’s been studying for this his whole life. he keeps one hand on your ribs (clearly obsessed with physically feeling your breath hitch) and runs his fingers up the inside of your thigh, opposite of the wound on your hip. 
zayne looks up at you once before dragging his finger through the center of your core. 
you gasp. 
he cocks his head, and grinds his jaw, icy fingers tightening around your ribs. “fuck.” 
he keeps exploring, but you’re so stunned to hear him curse, practically drunk just hearing him talk, that you’re too busy examining his stoic but somehow awestruck expression when he finds your clit with his thumb. 
“zayne,” you lean forward. 
his brows knit together a bit when you say his name, almost confusion, almost disbelief. “say it again, please-” 
he doesn’t have to ask, really; you gulp it out. “zayne...” 
he lurches forward and presses a kiss to your navel, almost harsh. it stops you from leaning forward too far, but you feel the tug on your stitches.  
“ouch,” you hiss. 
it’s too loud. zayne hears you; drops you immediately. you’re colder than you were with his hands on you. 
“did i hurt you?” he demands. 
you grab him, actually; take his hands back, put them where they were. 
“no, no- keep going, please, don't...” 
you don’t finish. he hears you; rubbing circles with his thumb into the bundle of nerves at the peak of your core. it’s the only finger he can use, technically, from where you’re standing, but something about it is insane.  
you’re so worked up about him touching you, breathing in and out like you’ve just come up from underwater; you forget how good it feels, how it will feel, once he finds- 
“hm,” you swallow, choking over a gasp. 
zayne doesn’t press harder; doesn’t speed up. “like this?” 
you nod. his sigh is audible, ragged. 
“you can say it, though, can’t you?” 
you blink down at him, cheeks burning. “y-yes, like this.” 
zayne growls, almost; softly, and digs his opposite fingers into your ribs. you’re not certain, but he may be feeling around for the best spot to feel your heartbeat. 
“there’s too many nerves here,” he rasps. “to name. but you’re not really thinking about that right now, are you?” 
“i like listening to you,” you choke out. 
zayne smirks. it’s a little broken, with how enraptured he is. “i thought you liked my hands.” 
“scars,” you retort. 
“that was a terrible deflection.” zayne removes his hand from your ribs, too fast, moves down and presses one finger to your heat, inside your folds; he tests it. “can i...” 
you lurch forward. he catches you, lets you drape over his shoulders. it was cruel of him to pretend you could stand the whole time, in the first place. 
“alright,” he rasps, one big hand rubbing the small of your back. “come here.” 
you half-stand, he half-pulls you to the sofa. a red streetlight beneath your apartment blears like a star through the window with the moisture gathering in your eyes. 
zayne helps you lay down, slowly; has you put your head on the armest, and your body in his lap.  
“this will be easier,” he says, smoothing his palm down your front. “try to lay flat.” 
you grind your hips into him, a little humiliated. zayne bucks up; drags a hand over his mouth, either equally humiliated or furious with you. 
he snakes his left hand underneath your crewneck and finds your nipple. he squeezes it, experimentally; you arch and he nods. 
“see? you have more room to move.” 
your nipples pebble under him as he moves about, letting his fingers crawl up to dip into the divot between your collarbones. he presses down there, leans into the ragged breath you take.  
“your hoodie,” he hums. “do you want to leave it on?” 
for a split second, you’re nervous to take it off. but when you lock eyes with him, and see how much he’s blinking, how desperate he is (despite pretending not to be) almost all of your insecurities vanish.  
you sit up, pressing into his lap to shrug off the crewneck. he’s hard underneath you- big. 
“oh, my god,” you whisper. 
“y/n,” he groans.  
zayne exhales sharply and gently cups the space between your shoulder and throat to push you back down. it dawns on you how strong he is, how easily he could throw you around. that, you think, is not in his nature. 
he presses his palm flat to the space between your breasts. you watch his eyes dart around, taking in every inch of your torso, of your now naked body on top of him.  
abruptly, he takes your clit with the pad of his finger again; but only for a moment, as he tests his middle finger at your center again.  
“there are nerves here, too,” he says darkly. “you don’t care about that anymore. can i?” 
you nod, practically shimmying down his lap to bring him closer. “yes, please, yes.” 
he dips one finger into your cunt, experimentally- but it’s easy. he slides the one finger in, and when you gasp, he takes his chance to slide in a second. you almost sit straight up. 
he starts pumping, excruciatingly slow. “do you have any idea how guilty i’ve felt?” 
you squirm, whining; he says nothing about it.  
“how many times you’ve come in to the office and not known i wanted to touch you like this? you come in for stitches on your hips, here,” he says, dragging his free hand down to ghost over the bandage. “i couldn’t believe it. and you had no idea i wanted you like this; it’s been agony.” 
“i did know,” you lie. 
“not entirely,” zayne presses, pumping faster in and out of you, “or you wouldn’t be so worked up.” 
his hands are so big, his fingers are so long; you can’t imagine being fuller than this. 
“zayne,” you whimper. it’s astonishing to you that you’ve ended up like this, but you can’t be bothered to care how you sound. 
he breathes deeply, like it’s sex for him every time you say his name.  
“you’ve wanted this,” zayne drawls. “how long?” 
“always,” you gasp. “a-always.” 
“fuck, y/n.” 
he picks up the pace one more time and you know this is it- he's determined, needs to see you cum. you squirm and writhe around in his lap, and his free hand follows every inch of it; smoothing up and down your body, but you’re almost certain he’s trying to rile you up more than he’s trying to soothe you. 
the coil in your stomach is tightens, taught like a string; you’re close.  
zayne leans down and presses a kiss to the shell of your ear.  
“i know everything about you,” he murmurs. “about your body. i know how your heartbeat feels; i’ve stitched you together. but this...is better than anything i could have imagined.” 
you cry out as you come undone, clenching around zayne’s fingers. he pulls you up into him, careful to keep your hips flat as he holds you to his chest. you bury your face in his neck, riding it out, his fingers still inside you.  
“do your stitches feel alright?” he hums.  
“shut u-up.” 
if you know medicine and the nerves are wonky i'm begging you. remain quiet. thanks to ⚡ anon for requesting the first part of this!!! love u all!!
@lost-in-time-wanderer ur tag &lt;3
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mieluscious · 2 months
keep touching. zayne
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ෆ pairings : zayne x female reader
ෆ genre : smut, pwp
ෆ word count : 2k6
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ෆ warnings : mdni. switch!zayne, switch!reader, fluff, teasing, fingering, biting, mark kink, unprotected sex, handjob, rough sex, slight spanking, oral sex (m. received), wall sex, squirting, zayne is full of surprises (hihihi), they are both so whipped for each other . . . ໑ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚
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you were showering, humming under the hot water, when you felt two hands slide over your hips behind you. you smiled as you felt zayne rest his forehead against your shoulder. 
"you're up early today." he nodded and kissed the skin below your ear, making you blush.
"i have to go to the hospital i've been called to pick up some files." he yawned against your neck and you ran a hand through his hair, gently stroking his head. 
"you're doing a great job, baby." you tilted your head to the side when you felt his breath against your ear. his hands went up to your belly, which he rubbed with the soap that was on your body. "you're a good doctor." he smiled lightly against your ear and you turned around to face him.
"i'm still a bit sleepy." you placed your hand on his cheek and he leaned his face towards yours, zayne was so much taller than you if anyone witnessed the scene they wouldn't even be able to guess that you were hidden against his chest. 
"yeah, i can see that in your pretty eyes." you flushed when you felt the tip of his nose touch yours, his eyes never letting you out of his sight. zayne loved seeing you blush it made you look so cute and there was nothing that could make him happier. both of his hands gently grasped your face and you squealed softly as you felt his thumbs caress your rosy cheeks.
"cute." zayne's face was hardly expressive to most of the people, but you knew exactly what he was thinking behind that wall of ice. his fingers slid to your red ears, which he pinched, making you mewl.
"d-don't tease." his eyes fell back into yours, which were slightly glassy. "you have to go to work." you placed your hand on his chest and grabbed a bottle of shower gel with the other, pouring a small amount in your palm as he continued to play with your sensitive ears without saying anything. you slid your soap-filled palms against his stomach and rubbed gently.
"are you trying to get rid of me?" you mewled louder, catching his waist as you felt the tips of his thumbnails dig into the skin of your ears. you pressed your breasts against his chest and opened your mouth to try to speak when he took the opportunity to lick your lips, looking straight into your eyes.
you pouted and an idea crossed your mind, wanting revenge you slid your hands up his chest and pinched his nipples. you smiled when you noticed a sparkle in his cold eyes, his lips spread and an evil little chuckle escaped your pretty lips.
"i saw you flinch." you lifted your chin proudly under his watchful gaze and pinched his buds again, but this time you were the one who gasped when he suddenly pressed you against the cold shower wall.
"z-zay-" you watched him place his forearms on either side of your head against the wall while his forehead rested against yours, his cold eyes met your glassy ones once again. 
"keep touching them." your lips parted to let out a moan as you felt something hard against your belly, but you didn't look down, knowing full well what it was. zayne's gaze was almost pleading, and the desire to please him slowly overcame you. your pretty hands suddenly grasped his pecs, making him gasp softly as your thumbs squeezed his buds in a rotating motion. 
“does it feel good ?” a groan escaped his lips as you brought two of your fingers to your lips, sucking them under his burning gaze. a stream of drool connected between your lips and fingers as you removed them from your mouth and pressed them back on his swollen nipple before grinding your belly against his, giving his cock a rub. zayne suddenly  thrust against you making himself moan louder above your ear.
“fucking good.” you smiled as you leaned your head back against the wall, zayne was definitely not the type to swear and it was when naughty words came out from between his pretty lips that you could tell he was really enjoying what you were doing to him. 
you pinched his swollen nipples harder and he pressed his forehead to yours again, panting loudly against your glossy lips. a little "fuck" echoed against the damp bathroom walls and his veiny hand grabbed the underside of one of your thighs pulling it up against his hip, you groaned and caught his bottom lip between your teeth as you felt the tip of his cock slap against your clit. his other hand slid down your back and grabbed your ass before slapping it. zayne looked down on you with a smirk.
“don’t get too naughty.” zayne was so excited he could barely keep his eyes open and his half open mouth made you want to bite it until it bled. he was so fucking hot it was driving you crazy. 
you felt the tip of his cock slide into your entrance and you slapped his chest rubbing his bud reddened and swollen by your caresses. zayne threw his head back and a guttural groan escaped his lips, which he bit down on in embarrassment. your eyes slowly widened in disbelief, you'd never seen zayne in such a state, and it was the first time you'd heard him moan like that. your wetness ran down his cock, seeing him so submissive turned you on so much that you didn't want him to go to work anymore, you wanted to push him over the edge even more. you wanted to see more.
“i’m sorry.” his voice was just a poor sigh, you could feel that he was about to explode even though you hadn't done anything yet. he bent his head into your neck and rested his forehead against your shoulder. “i don't know what's happening to me.” you slid your hand up his neck and gently caressed his skin with your thumb. you brought your lips to his ear, which flushed as your warm breath fell on it.
“don’t be sorry, baby.” you slid your tongue against his ear and he suddenly pushed his hips against yours, thrusting his tip a little further into you, making you both moan. “let me take care of you. what do you want ?” zayne grunted louder as he felt your other hand slide down his torso until it reached his cock, which you grasped firmly. “you wanna fuck ?” he straightened his face and pushed you further against the wall, his hands grabbing your ass which he clasped tightly between his veiny hands. his nose touched yours, and his lips caressed yours.
“i want you to ruin me.” his words were so naughty and yet his gaze was so serious and cold. zayne was definitely a man full of surprises. “make me scream.” an evil smile played on your lips. “mark me, make sure everyone knows i belong to you.” you started jerking his cock gently under his envious eyes, the tip still inside you. he was panting against your lips, moving his hips in time with your hand. the tip of his tongue caressed your upper lip and you just couldn't take your eyes off each other. seeing him take so much pleasure for so little made you obsess over his every reaction. and it's when you start jerking him off harder that a growl comes out from deep in his throat. he threw back his head and his cold eyes met yours again. his lips spread wider at the pressure of your hand on his length. he was a panting mess. “fuuuck. yes faster- blow me away.” 
it was too much to handle, you couldn’t contain the urge to ruin him. you suddenly let go of his cock and pushed him making him back off, a deep moan escaping from between his lips as he felt his back slam heavily against the cold wall opposite you. you fell to your knees in front of him and grabbed his cock again before slapping the tip several times on your tongue, a growl escaped his lips and his teeth caught his bottom lip at sight of you being so wild for him.
you gobbled one of his balls and began to lick up its length before spitting on the tip of his cock. letting your drool run down to his balls. zayne slid his hand through your wet hair and you slapped the tip of his cock on your tongue again just to hear him moan even louder under your dark gaze. you caught his tip between your lips and sucked hard, sliding your hands over his lower stomach. you almost smiled as you felt him tremble under your fingers, one of your hands slipped over his hip while the other went up to his right nipple, which you pinched hard, making him hiss and thrust his cock deeper into your mouth, almost choking you on it. zayne grabbed your wrist to hold it in place against his chest as he rocked his hips forward watching your pretty lips close around him with each thrust. 
“so good. so fucking good. take it please.” zayne became more and more vulgar each time he was close to cumming. you pushed his hip against the wall and suddenly engulfed his cock deep in your throat, your nose touching his pelvis. zayne threw his head back against the wall and pushed harder into your mouth as you choked on his cock. he was a moaning mess, the wet sucking noises bouncing against the walls turned him on even more, and hearing him scream his pleasure drove you just as crazy. you massaged his nipple harder and his grip on your hair tightened. “fuck. stop i’m gonna-” you grabbed his hip firmly and started bobbing your head along his veiny fat cock. he was so close and his groans that echoed in your ear changed into whines of desperation. 
you were sucking loudly on his tip when you raised your face to his, his cock slid from between your lips and your chin. you began to kiss his length under his feverish gaze and slapped his sensitive member against his stomach staining his skin with his own cum. your hand slipped from his hip to grab his length which you stroke slowly before licking his own cum off his abs. his cold eyes fell on your cum-covered tongue.
“does it feel good zayne ? wanna cum in my mouth ?” a grunt escaped him as his eyes then fell on your throat, which swallowed his juice. you were literally drooling over his cock, a mixture of saliva and his precum running down your chin. you were so dirty to him, just to him, and it drove him crazy. 
“stop looking at me like that. you'll be the death of me.” zayne suddenly grabbed the back of your neck and pulled you upright in front of him, bringing your face close to his and catching your mouth with his own, tasting himself on your lips. you wrapped your arms around his neck as his lips sucked at your tongue before you sloppily twirled it around against his. you moaned into his mouth as you felt him grab your ass before lifting you up so you could wrap your legs around his hips. zayne sucked your bottom lip before letting go in a loud "pop". “i’m gonna cum in this wet fucking pussy.” you mewled louder as you heard him swear, coming from him it excited you so much, he was usually so serious and calm and seeing him lose control made you wetter than you already were. he suddenly pinned you against the wall and shoved his cock inside you without warning causing you to throw your head back with loud moans. the pornographic sound of heated flesh echoed upon the bathroom, and you closed your eyes in bliss savoring the warmth of his length as he was rocking inside you like an animal. 
“f-fuck…zayne..so good-” you let out a high pitched whine as you felt yourself already on edge. your pussy clenching as it gushed around is cock, coating his thighs in your wetness. one of his hands left your ass to grab your throat and your hands grabbed his hair hard as you shook like a leaf against him. “y-you’re too fucking good with your d-dick fuck-” zayne's cold gaze locked with yours and you could feel that his energy was different from before, he'd had enough of being submissive, he'd taken back control and was going to show you how it's done. his thumb slipped into your mouth and the sensation of your wet tongue on his thumb made him grunt louder. his thumb slipped over one of your canines and you smiled arrogantly as his mouth parted wider. a sparkle flickered in his eyes at the sight of your smile and his grip on your throat tightened.
“i married such a naughty woman.” you tightened your walls around his cock making him thrust harder inside you. his pelvis pressed against yours, pushing you more against the wall, he grabbed the underside of your thigh and lifted it against your chest, opening you up a little more for him. his forehead pressed against yours and his sharp eyes never left your glassy ones. “such a wicked little woman who likes to torture me.” you let out a cracked moan as his thrusts became sloppy, his balls slapping loudly against your ass. your mouth opened wider as he brought his face close to yours, his tongue licked your lips and you mewled lewdly as his hand left your throat to grab your sensitive ear.
“n-no…not my-” you startled when he pinched it hard, making you cry out against his lips. zayne's cold eyes roamed over your face, savoring your facial expression. little tears rolled down your pretty cheeks as his cock were bullying your tight pussy and he couldn't stop himself from fucking you harder when he saw your desperate look and your pretty lips begging him to kiss them. “m-mean-” your stomach tightening as his cock kept hitting your sensitive spot. “c-cumming..z-zayne so good-” a stream of yes’s escaped from your glossy lips  as he suddenly lifted your ass with both hands before thrusting roughly into you, his balls slapping against your cheeks louder than before. zayne was panting so fucking loudly against your lips and you couldn't hold on any longer you screamed as you came around his cock, squirting all over him and on the floor. 
“yes just like that, cum for me. fuck-” he threw his head back as you plunged your face against his neck before sinking your sharp teeth into his tender skin, marking him as yours. “argh yes keep biting me. let me breed this pussy-” he thrust hard one last time before moaning almost desperately as he spilled thick ropes of cum inside you painting your gummy walls like you love. 
only your loud breathing could be heard in the room, and you smiled as you slid your hands up his torso, pressing your back against the wall, admiring the marks of your teeth on his neck. zayne remained silent, still trying to catch his breath after his orgasm, his eyes still locked in yours. you tilted your head to one side, biting your lower lip. 
“you're so pretty with my mark on you. can’t wait for your coworkers to see it.” a smile played on his lips. 
you were such a little demon.
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© 𝙢𝙞𝙚𝙡𝙪𝙨𝙘𝙞𝙤𝙪𝙨 ! 𝙢𝙙𝙣𝙞 — 𝘥𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘢𝘭, 𝘮𝘰𝘥𝘪𝘧𝘺 𝘰𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬 𝘱𝘭𝘴 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘮𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘥 𝘪𝘮 𝘩𝘶𝘮𝘢𝘯 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶. ☆⌒(>。<)
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adoreddestiny · 2 months
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ೃ⁀➷ FLUSTERING HIM — zayne, xavier, rafayel x gn!reader
it tends to be difficult to flustered the impenetrable dr. zayne. the crispy sizzle of bacon hits hot iron and the thick scent of popping fat flies into the air. you eye the tall doctor from your spot at the counter. a apron uncharacteristic of him is tied nicely around his waist. he cracks an egg with his empty hand, plopping the slimy yolk into a bowl only to whisk it into a frothy yellow mixture.
mornings with zayne have always been comforting. you watch him carefully, scurrying over to watch his cooking skills from behind. "do you want me to teach you?" he glances briefly down at you, a touch of affection in his green eyes. "no, i just wanna watch for now." he raises an eyebrow but says nothing.
a sleepy affection fills your heart and your arms slide around his waist from behind. pressing your face against his back, you take a chance to inhale the refreshing scent of his shampoo. zayne stiffens, taking a moment to pause his cooking as he feels your hands glide across his waist. heat floods into his cheeks and the tips of his ears.
"why'd you stop?" you murmur into the fabric of your shirt. "i couldn't remember what else i needed," he says, his calm tone wavering just for a second. his adam's apple bobs as he tries to ignore the way your touch elicits tingles up his spine.
xavier’s arm reaches over, pulling you closer as streaks of colorful light flash across the tv screen. you find your eyes growing heavy as you lean into his chest. the soft rising and falling from his breathing rocks you gently. you couldn’t remember by now who had suggested a movie, but neither of you seemed to mind much.
you don’t think it capable of flustering someone as calm and lackadaisical as xavier. but his own emotions are seen when the lights of the movie begins to fade and he strokes your arm with languid fingers.
you lean closer, intaking his scent as your eyes flutter close. sleep descends on you as the credits begin to roll. xavier skims over the varying list of names before turning to you. he nudges you gently, unsure if you’re awake or not. he calls your name but garners no response.
instead, you bury yourself deeper into his embrace, murmuring his name through parted lips. he pauses, staring you with a soft amazement and adoration. a tinge of pink colors his cheeks as he glances away from your endearing position. he wants to ask you not to catch him off guard like that, but lets out a sigh, covering his warming expression with the back of his hand.
it’s easy as breathing oxygen to fluster the stubborn rafayel. you snack on the stick-shaped chocolate biscuits, watching as he rambles on about one of his latest clients. you wonder if there was an easier way to get him to stop talking at the speed of light.
a final bite of your pocky sparks an idea and it seems rafayel has recognized it as well. he juts out his lower lip, pouting as he realizes you’ve dropped paying attention to his very important words. “are you listening?” he chirps, “this is very important, you know?”
you nod your head vaguely before placing the pocky stick against his lips. “first one to pull away loses.” you grin and you can already see the tips of his ears turning a lovely shade of red. he stares at you before delicately biting down on the biscuit. “fine, but i won’t lose,” he mumbles.
you already know you have this in the bag the moment you bite down, inching closer to rafayel little by little. your eyes lock with his for a moment before a mischievous gleam strikes in your eyes and you’re tilting your head to the side as if ready to kiss him. immediately as his lips brush against yours, he bites down and pulls away. his eyes dart away as he tries to cover up his neck and face turning into a burning cherry. he mumbles something about letting you win.
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archonsabyss · 3 months
╰─..✶. [ Constellation of love ]
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❒ pairing : zayne x fem!reader
❒ genre : romance! established relationship! hint of spice! minor angst w comfort!
❒ warnings : sexually suggestive! zayne is not the most expressive when it comes to sharing thoughts or feelings about himself (this does not apply to displays of physical affection, affirmation, your relationship on the whole)
❒ word count : 4.1k
─❒ authors note : ironic how caleb was my inspiration and driving force to write for Love and Deepspace, only for my first fic to be about zayne. this was inspired by the song "I'm Yours" -the script
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His shift had ended over an hour ago, yet he remained ensconced within the unadorned walls of his mundane enclosure as the hands of the wall clock kept pace with his thudding heart. Apart from that, there was a serene stillness.
It fascinated him to an extent how this silence created room for such intense thoughts that he could almost hear his anxiety of longing; that he could almost see the reflective daze of enamorment flickering in his eyes as he looked through the expansive window, not perceiving a city nor the alignment of lights stretching across the earth, but envisioning your face and that incredibly bewitching smile.
Carved into his recollections were the smallest of details of your features— the asymmetrical dance of your smile where one lip ascended slightly higher; the delicate lines adorning your nose with its subtle scrunch; and the way your eyes neither exaggeratedly rounded nor formed tiny creases.
It was a sight he so dearly missed, but even with that profound sense of longing he still could not find the courage to retrieve his phone, dial your number, and confess the sentiment aloud. The mere contemplation of it brought about a dainty blush to the apples of his cheeks, a sensation almost bordering on embarrassment and so he closed his eyes and tried to vividly recreate your portrait from memory, only he soon realised the futility as it could never truly rival the sight of you in person. Still, he persisted because he wished nothing more than to see your broad smile with his own eyes and revel in the melody of your joyous laughter.
It takes him a lot longer than he would have preferred but eventually a blurred image manages to take shape and although it's somewhat hazy and not immediately discernable, he can well enough capture the essence of what's unfolding.
He sees the dance of your fingers sliding across his palm and intertwining with his, just before you pull him through the crowds with energy he can't quite relate to. You cast him a few glances now and then to ensure he remains right behind you, even though your firm grip on his hand already keeps him close.
The scene seamlessly morphs into a setting that feels strangely familiar to him. It reveals itself to be his bedroom, with those unmistakably moody grey walls you've suggested he decorate with portraits or perhaps a contemporary strand of fairy lights. A suggestion you eventually gave up figuring it might not suit his style. Little did you know his search history was brimming with room decorating ideas and his online cart packed with items you've recommended, hoping you'd approve the next time you visit. And so he sees you both standing in the middle of his room with your hand cradling his face and your thumb gently tracing circles on his cheeks.
It's sweet. A modest gesture that has him reminiscing of the times it actually happened, and he believes this may be where his daydream concludes. But in a sudden turn of events, the scene shifts abruptly and he's still standing at the centre of his room, only there's no longer any distance between you and him as his lips are fervently connected to yours in a flurry of provoked passion.
Behind his closed eyelids, his pupils are shaking as he witnesses the screenplay of your hands clutching his collar while your shirt drapes just below your shoulders. The expanse of skin from your earlobe to your breasts, and the distinct outline of your bra straps captivate him to an extent where his mouth salvates as he watches the version of himself in his dreams, move you backwards until the back of your knees meet the edge of his bed and you topple down, bringing him along with you.
Zayne managed to catch his weight before it crushed you by extending a hand out to connect with the mattress all while keeping the kiss intact and it is the course of moans emanating from your throat after he does that forces him to snap back into reality and confront the repercussions of his wandering mind.
The pounding of his heart stirs up a droning noise in his ears that is so unmistakably audible, that they practically sing in delight as his embarrassment draws out a shaky breath from his lips.
Zayne blinked his widened eyes at the provocative thoughts and placed a hand over his mouth in sheer disbelief, feeling the seething heat emanating from his face beyond his control while the tips of his ears burned with a blend of warmth and self-awareness.
"Pull yourself together," He monotones to himself as several minutes pass him where his senses traverse along the plains of questioning his dignity.
He grapples with the shame of his desperation for you that he remains unaware of the door to his office opening and closing, as well as the rhythmic clicking of footsteps approaching him just as your voice emerges with a murmured greeting, and your arms envelop his waist, prompting him to startle and turn on his feet ready to have a word with whoever dared to initiate such intimacy. But his apprehension quickly dissipates upon realizing it's you.
As if anyone else would ever have the guts to initiate physical touch with him, of all people.
"Missed me" You grinned up at him and there's that breathtaking smile of yours that has haunted his every thought for the entire day.
He hums in response to your question knowing his feelings better conveyed themselves through actions, and so he reaches out to delicately grasp your chin between his thumb and index finger and descends upon your lips with his own in a kiss that feels like a reenactment of the inception of his less-than-innocent daydream.
It's a kiss with a superiority that far surpasses the one shared in his thoughts by such a considerable margin and he indulges himself with utmost care in the way his mouth moves against yours.
His lips are soft as they nibble and tenderly envelop your lower one. The kiss is far from being only intricate with the amount of exploring tongues that delve into every crevice of each other's mouths. The saliva mingles and coats your lips at an exceptionally slow and gentle pace, creating a faint blend of moisture as the kisses smack with the occasional muted suctioning.
You're so lost in each other, that you lose track of time until the necessity to pull back for air arises. You take note that your lungs were not as adept at holding prolonged breaths at a time, as his were.
As you retreat, the realization settles upon you that you were only moments away from taking it somewhere else. Your cheeks flush with a heat under the intense gaze emanating from his eyes that peer at you through the glass of his spectacles.
"What are you doing here?" He asked, the resonance of his deep, husky voice echoing in your ears and inciting the butterflies within your stomach to run a mock.
Had you been anyone else you likely would have recoiled beneath the icy and distant timbre of his voice, misinterpreting the straightforward tone and failing to notice the underlying concern that hinted in his eyes.
"We haven't seen each other for afew days. Didn't you miss me orworry about me?" You teased.
"The weather was nice and judging by your flood of messages you must have been fine without me. Though I'd like to know why you arrived without texting me in advance."
"I missed you"
He tilts his head, denying the way his heart leapt at the confession. "What if I had already gone home?"
He steps back to create a bit of distance without raising your suspicion as he quite honestly needs a moment to quell his tumultuous heart before he takes you into his arms, which inevitably he will do again but only after he gets himself under control. Zayne casts a brief glance in your direction as he rounds his desk and begins to collect the scattered sheets of paper and neatly stack them, feigning busyness.
"I took my chances and would you look at that, I walked into your office to find you exactly where I had hoped you'd be" You remarked, watching as he perused through documents
"That was reckless of you," He chimed with a small disapproving shake of his head. "What if I wasn't here? All the money you spent on transportation would have been a waste. Not to mention it is quite late and you're out alone at night."
"Oh you're such a worrywart" You dismissed with a roll of your eyes, "Give me a break will you, Love? It's enough dealing with Caleb and Grandma as is and now you too. Besides, I was on my way to your apartment when I remembered to call you, but of course, you didn't answer and so I contacted the hospital and they mentioned Dr Zayne was still in despite his shift ending─" You looked down at your wrist-watch, "Almost four hours ago"
"Either way─"
You interrupt him by reaching over the desk and placing a finger on his lips to silence him. "If you're going to pretend you're not happy to see me I can always leave, and then both the money and coming here would be an actual waste"
It was hard to get his final say when you inadvertently threatened him with the possibility of leaving, knowing it was his weakness as of right now. That alone was enough to have him seal his mouth shut and accept the situation.
You practically radiate with approval as he simply gives in without a further fight.
Zayne let out a deep sigh as he settled into his seat and pushed aside whatever papers remained in the middle. He observed you from across the desk and gave a small tilting gesture with his head, hoping you'd read between the unspoken lines and figure out what he wanted without him having to explicitly state it. Fortunately for him, you did.
You left your bag behind on the opposite end of his desk as you circled it to reach him.
He slid back and swivelled to the side, his legs parting in invitation.
Your gaze falls to his lap as you halt in your steps, a flush creeping across your face upon noticing the bulge that presses against the fabric of his pants and Zayne's unfazed expression. He simply raises a brow and boldly takes your hand, leading you to perch on his lap.
An unusual shyness takes over you even though it's not the first time you've sat on his lap. Perhaps it's the solitude of being alone in his work environment with the romantic view of a thousand stars and the glow of man-made lights illuminating the world beyond the window.
"Why exactly haven't you gone home yet?" You whisper tenderly as your fingers trace over the noticeable dark circles beneath his eyes framed by the metallic obsidian of his glasses. "You look exhausted"
You touched these tired eyes of mine
And mapped my face out line by line
And somehow growing old feels fine
He worries if he should succumb to his vulnerability and confess the truth, or retort with something dismissive. But he decides to rid himself of questioning everything and leans into your touch, his eyes fluttering closed as you cradle his face.
"What's on your mind, Zayne"
Listen close for I'm not smart
He feels your hands leave his face, and he's about to voice a complaint when he senses his spectacles sliding off his face, followed by a brief pause and then the unmistakable feeling of your lips leisurely planting kisses on the bridge of his nose, his forehead, and the dark circles beneath his eyes.
You wrap your thoughts in works of art
And they're hanging on the walls of my heart
Despite their roughness, his hands display the utmost gentleness when he holds your sides and the feeling your touch evokes makes his fingers press with a reassuring weight into your hips to anchor himself in the moment.
I may not have the softest touch
I may not say the words as such
And though I may not look like much
"Talk to me" You encourage. Your voice, like the delicate touch of flower petals falling. His ears are attuned and he blinks his eyes open, directly locking gazes with you. Ever so slightly they soften and his eyebrows unfurrow, the side of his lips raising with subtle visibility and he's sure as the dawn, understanding like never before with a knowledge he's never embraced prior.
I'm yours
He's yours
Zayne smiles at the thought, and even though you've been fortunate enough to witness it more than anyone else it will never cease to be a welcomed delight. You can't quite pinpoint why his aura appears more at ease now but you have no intention of complaining. He leans his face closer to yours, his eyes demanding a reaction while his hand places on the side of your head causing you to direct your gaze to his tie.
"Have you gotten into any trouble lately" His voice, dripping with honey, lowers as he speaks to you.
You shake your head with furrowed brows in response to his inquiry.
"I'm not always out looking for trouble!" You retort.
"No, but it seems drawn to you, and hence, it finds you"
"My trouble magnet must not be that strong considering it seems ineffective against a certain kind of trouble."
He arches a single, incredibly attractive brow. "Are you implying I'm trouble?"
"Am I?"
"I wouldn't grasp the meaning even if you did Love. I'm far too occupied with work to find myself in any sort of trouble, and it would seem my hands are tied dealing with a little troublemaker of my own. Besides, I don't reckon two troublemakers would make a balanced couple, would they now"
"So you're implying I'm the trouble one between us?"
"Not at all" He fails to hide the amusement from peaking out through the smirk that tilts his lips. "I just believe you're quite the allure to things not entirely safe."
"Oh, is this some kind of insinuation as well?" You scrunch your nose. "Not entirely safe as in...?"
A pregnant pause hangs in the air as silence cuts through. Suddenly, it hits you, and you snap your head at him with wide eyes, your jaw dropping in disbelief. "Oh."
He chuckles, poking your forehead. "You talk too much."
"You talk too little!"
"Do you want me to talk more?"
"Yes. No... Yes..." You groan, covering your eyes with your hand. "Don't ask me questions like that."
"Want to hear my voice that much?" The smug tone in his voice accompanies that breath-stealing smirk as he pries your hand from your eyes and kisses your knuckles.
"This is exactly what getting into trouble feels like," You mutter under your breath. "You're fucking trouble. I think I need my heart checked. As a doctor, you're causing more damage than healing"
For dramatic effect, you accelerate your breathing and pretend to heave for air while clutching your heart.
"Your condition is incurable," Zayne slips his arm around your waist and draws you flush against him until your noses touch. "You can't get rid of me so easily."
"Seems you're doing that on your own though" He becomes more attentive upon hearing the sigh you exert afterwards, and the air tenses ever so slightly.
"What does that mean, Angel?"
"Don't think I forgot how you evaded my questions earlier."
"It is nothing"
"Mhm, nothing as in something?"
"It is nothing to concern yourself with" He withdraws.
"I won't pry for now, but perhaps you should head home and get some sleep. You looked more exhausted than usual."
"I'm fine."
"You should still go home."
"I'd rather not."
"You're prying."
"I'm concern-ing"
"That's not how the word is meant to be used," He corrects, and you're on the verge of exploding when you muster a fake smile, relenting with exaggerated sarcasm, "I'm expressing concern. Happy now?"
"Thrilled," He deadpans, and you pinch his cheek causing him to glare at you.
"So you don't want to go home"
"I did not say that"
"You're unusually stubborn, especially when it involves something you don't want to disclose. So why the reluctance to go home?" You pointed it out knowingly.
Zayne remains silent in response to your questions, his lips tightly sealed as his thoughts delve into the depths of contemplation. It has neared an hour and a half since your arrival that dispelled the loneliness that took hold of him, and he hesitates to provide any reason for you to leave. He knows that sharing his worries will give you every reason to stay and never leave his side, but he grapples with the discomfort that opening up about his internal struggles could bring. The prospect of delving into his emotions and sharing them with you raises uncertainties about the potential outcomes, creating a hesitant barrier in his mind.
For him, it's something seemingly insignificant yet deeply personal. For someone who has dedicated their entire life to saving others and dealing with countless individuals and their distinct reactions, this internal struggle appears unusually challenging.
In that moment, it's you, nestled on his lap offering him the world through just your touch and your unconditional love for him. A soul poised between a state of simple and unadorned equilibrium. Someone who admitted a thousand times over how much they missed him, how much they loved him, how insatiable the longing for his presence was, they were all woven together by a thread of love and your shyness and nervous anticipation.
His long slender fingers touch your cheeks, his mind teetering towards admittance.
"I've somehow lost touch with the experience of solitude" He states, though he appears entirely lost in a world of his own. "I've missed you"
His hand drifts lower, parting your lips with his thumb. "Going to a place without you there seemed pointless. Calling it home when your presence is absent makes it feel empty. And so I chose to stay back and wait until my exhaustion reached a point where returning to my apartment wouldn't leave me yearning for you constantly"
And though my edges may be rough
"I must admit this is a foreign feeling to me, and while it is not as awkward as I anticipated, it does cause a bit of embarrassment. I feel as though I come across as excessively reliant on you, as if I lack emotional independence"
I never feel I'm quite enough
I may not seem like very much
But I'm yours
"This feels like the most you've ever talked to me despite knowing each other for almost our entire lives" You smiled, holding back a sob as tears welled up in your eyes and he found your reaction puzzling, wondering about the reason behind it.
He is unaware of the significance this holds for you and your relationship. His confession carries substantial weight, revealing feelings he has guarded closely all this time. These emotions kept hidden for so long are something you've gently encouraged him to share, trying not to press too hard or pry them out of him but aiming to help him unburden himself. It feels as though the red string of fate has finally begun to extend a bit further, as if the stars now align and connect, finally crossing the barriers they once held, bringing the ends together at long last.
Your love is deeply passionate and intertwined, much like those red strings, and your love is written in the constellations of those stars that run far across the galaxy.
"Why are you crying, Angel"
Your quivering smile reveals the acknowledgment in your heart. You nod as if agreeing to his every word, freeing yourself from restraint and allowing the tears to flow as he gently brushes them away with the pads of his thumbs.
You healed these scars over time
Embraced my soul, you loved my mind
"You do know you just indirectly asked me to move in with you, don't you?" You chuckled breathlessly, joy accompanying the sentimental realization.
Zayne's mouth forms an 'oh'... "I didn't consider it from that perspective, but I suppose it amounts to the same thing."
Your grin spreads so wide that it's uncontrollable your cheeks ache from the happiness. Zayne carefully wipes away the remainder of your tears and seals the moment with a tender kiss that erases its every trace. He then pats your thigh which signals you to rise from his lap so he can stand up.
He leans down to your height with his left hand resting on his desk and the other cupping your face once again.
"It's entirely up to you." His whispered exhale caresses your lips, his eyes boring into yours. "I desire you more than anything. Should you decide to agree, you'll have me more frequently than my work permits."
"You'd divorce your work for me?"
He dismisses your teasing with a slight shake of his head and a hint of a smile, "Unbelievable. But if that's what you would like to think of it..."
"The idea sounds quite domestic," You giggle, wrapping your arms around his neck. "I'd love to have you all to myself every second you're at home, to the point where you might even get annoyed with me. But─ I wouldn't want to entirely pull you away from your work – work that helps people and has been one of the reasons I fell in love with you. I'll be content enough just to have you return home to me afterwards every night"
His heart rate undeniably quickens, evident in the pulsing of his neck and the shallowness of his breathing. You release your arms from around his neck and tend to the details of his appearance, straightening his collar and adjusting his tie.
"Besides," You add, "I love seeing you in your lab coat; it's insanely attractive"
Zayne presses a kiss to your cheek before trailing down to the sensitive area beneath your ear, a sense of excitement coursing through his veins as he envisions the promising future. In an instant, the prospect of returning to his apartment becomes highly anticipated, and the allure of his bed grows even more irresistible.
He swiftly gathers his phone and essentials as you pick up your bag and wait for him near the door. As he finishes, he approaches, noticing your outstretched hand and arching an eyebrow.
"What's with that expression?" You wrinkle your nose at the way he's eyeing your hand. "You worried your colleagues will see us holding hands?"
"On the contrary, I'd prefer if they saw it," he responds, taking your hand and interlocking your fingers.
He adorably tilts his head glasses once again perched on the bridge of his nose as you open the door, and he follows, "This is- quite a twist to how I imagined my day would unfold."
"It's only the beginning. You're in for a weekend of sprucing up your apartment with me," You playfully announce. "While I appreciate the modern aesthetic, I think you need something that feels more like a home."
"What have I gotten myself into" He muses, shaking his head, but deep down he harbours no regret, no wish for anything different – he'd have it no other way because the minute he heard your words, 'feel more like a home', it's like you knew him and what resided at his core, and a home with you is everything he longed for. Now, hand in hand, it's finally within reach.
"Hey, Zayne..."
He emits a soft hum as you cast a glance over your shoulder while he observes the illuminated numbers above the elevator descending.
"Let's go home"
He grins with a radiance unseen before, his eyes aglow with newfound brilliance. Nodding in agreement, he echoes the warmth of the sentiment. "Home is where the heart is," knowing his heart rests in your delicate hands.
You're the only angel in my life
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☣ copyright @archonsabyss all rights reserved // do not copy; steal; plagiarize; reword or repost my works to any other platform! No translations!! All credits to original owners of characters/anime/pictures that are not my own!
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