obsessedftshit · 24 days
Young Justice S3 Ep4 Part 2
Again, Daddy Roy being a full on dad, telling the kids to put on their seatbelts. Nah cause I found this scene so cute and funny.
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Not all the Harper's teaming against Dick. I live for the family team up.
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Ok so, let me just say when we first saw Zatara in S1 with 13 year old Zatanna, he looked like, what 30 years old but he might've been 40 cause he must've had Zatanna when he was 30 smth cause my dad is 47 and im 17 rn but 47-4, my dad waa 43 when i was 13. So let's presume Zatara was 40+ when Zatanna was 13. Since 5 years passed in S2 and another 2 years in S3 Zatara would be at least 47+ so would he have grey hair and a full on white beard? Cause my dad has black hair with a little white and no beard but even when the little pricks come out from my dad's face, it's a mix of black and white. So I'm just wondering, I mean Zatara could have white hair and a white beard since hed be like 47+ but idk. So men usually get white hair and a white beard at that age? I mean I think so but alhamdulillah that hasn't happened to my dad as much as it did to Zatara.
Not me doing maths to figure out how old Zatara is 😭.
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Roy telling Dick that he's gotta deal with the 2 guests he and the others saved from a mission is so real because idk wtf Dick's doing. Like I get he's no Batman and doesn't wanna be a leader anymore and shit but S1 Robin would have already dealt with this by finding a place for them and shit. I srsly don't know y Dick's being lazy and still "figuring" out what to do with them. Step up ur game boy. Your Robin self is probably cursing at u for being stupid and lazy for not doing anything.
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Roy saying "THE BOARD NEVER LIES!" Is my favourite line from now on.
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Their facial expressions r everything.
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Not Roy getting his board before jumping on the truck 😭. He really loves his clipboard.
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I actually feel so bad for Zatanna cause she probably still feels guilty for what happened since her father stopped her from being the golden guy (lmao I forgot his name 😭). It's actually torture how she can't live with her dad or even see him on a daily cause he's trapped in that stupid guys body. That guy is actually annoying.
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Gifs made by me
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bucky-rabbit · 2 years
GCPD finally found out who's been stealing my blood orders. It was some kid who went to see Zatanna's show and was very determined to become a magic user. She was caught attempting to draw magic circles with the said blood (which is most definitely unusable by now due to rot and coagulation) IN HER SCHOOL.
Apparently she wanted to sacrifice her school teachers, principal and classmates to a demon in exchange for power.
What. The actual. Fuck.
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satoshy12 · 6 months
A few moments of baby Danny having fun,
It all started when Danny learned he could change his age! Well, he took an item from Clockwork for this prank. But they are fun!!!
Red Hood lost his weapon to a toddler. Red Hood is trying to help the lost toddler talking about how he is a real hero with real Guns:" Come on, it's not a toy. It's the real deal." Danny: "No, no real!" Red Hood gets annoyed: "Fine, you don't believe it's real? Here, take it." Danny was surprised:" Ooo, real!" (holds the gun) Red Hood: "Yeah, yeah, it's real. Wait, what did I just do?" Danny teleports away: "Wheee!" Red Hood:" What the...? Oh, come on! Come  back, I'llbuy you candy for the gun!" +
John Constantine lost in a horse bet against baby Danny money; don't ask how or why he even bet with a toddler. He just lost money. John: (sighs) Bloody hell, lost again in a horse bet against you, Danny. Baby Danny: (giggles, waving a tiny hand) Horsie 2! Danny pointed at the empty wallet. John: There is no money left, mate. But, uh, how 'bout this?" John scribbles on a piece of paper and hands it to Baby Danny. JOHN (CONT'D) I owe you, alright?
Later, with the Justice League Dark, John summons a demon.
Demon: (roaring laughter)" Look who's here, the bloke who lost his soul to a toddler!" John: (bewildered)" What the bloody hell are you talking about?" Demon: (mockingly) That doodle on the paper. You handed over a piece of your soul to a baby. Now that's a first!" John: (facepalms) Bugges. I will later talk with Bat; I need money. around 10.000$" + Zatanna, while a magic show pulls toddler Danny out of her hat. Not a rabbit. Zatanna: And for my next trick... (pulls from her hat, has toddler Danny in her hand, not a rabbit) Zatanna: (confused) Wait, where did you come from? Danny: (giggling) Hat! Hat! Danny grabs her hat and suddenly disappears. Zatanna blinks in amazement, trying to make sense of the unexpected teleportation, as the audience applauds.
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spiralcass · 2 years
Stage 8 of My TaliaZee BrainRot: Along with them being the deuteragonists in me and @cosmiccanid 's vampire fic, I'm writing a one-shot set in main continuity where they get together and outlining a screenplay featuring expies of the two. 
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drop-zone-homefront · 2 years
zatanna for bingo!!!!!!
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zee!! =>.<=
character opinion bingo! <3
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stealingyourbones · 6 months
Short DPXDC Prompts #1019
Zatanna Zatarra’s new act requires an audience volunteer. Her recruit (who introduced herself as Sam) was just meant to show the crowd that the box was empty and to prove it by standing inside and knocking on the sides to show it wasn’t hollow and there was no trapdoor for anything to get through, close the door, and then stand to the side. The act was going well. All Zatanna had to do now was summon a flock of doves inside the box.  That was what was supposed to happen. Instead of doves, a blue man in overalls flew out of the box.
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ko-fi commission of Zatanna Zatarra
get you one
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forget-i-was-here · 1 year
DC X DP Prompt
Sorry for the length
Okay so like, I’ve been mulling over this idea for a couple days. But, does anyone know like, Until Dawn? Or, more specifically, Little Hope?
They’re both Dark Anthology games that Jacksepticeye played but I wanna focus on Little Hope because it’s interesting and the ending lowkey sucked.
It starts in the 70s and it focuses on this family(ish) with a kid that isn’t there’s that’s possibly being controlled by the devil, and causes the fire that kills everyone, including herself, besides one. It fast forwards to a dude driving a bus.
So, this bus with like, 5 people + the driver are driving and are rerouted into a town called little hope. Their bus driver goes missing so everyone decides to go into town to find help. They start slowly uncovering how past versions of them died (in the 70s but also during the Salem with trials times, as little hope had a similar problem) and start trying to prevent it.
Spoiler alert! It was all a schizophrenic episode of the bus driver who turned out to be the one dude who survived the house fire (his counterpart also survived the witch times but whatever).
What does this have to do with DC X DP? Well, same idea, different details.
Phantom, part of the Young Justice League, gets heated when Batman decides to send the team into a banshee infested zone. Let’s say he’s being out through classes or something to be indoctrinated as king, but he doesn’t really have a home to go to, details to work out later y’know?
Anyways, the one thing he learns about banshees is, above all else, avoid them.
He has to distinctly tell the team that his ghostly wail ≠ a banshee scream. They’re more powerful and are beings of strife or hate. Either way, not something they should try to fight or capture.
Hell, if we throw John Constantine in there, he even agrees with the brat. The problem? The bat trusts Zatanna’s/Zatarra’s word over theirs, despite them being show ponies (Constantine’s words) and not parapsychologists.
So the team is sent in and things are weird because they keep seeing a girl, teenager, running around in a white dress with long white hair, and she seems to be the only “living” thing around there, and they start to slowly uncover the truth behind Daisy’s Field and the massacres that took place there.
And, since the game is decision based, maybe a bonus one-shot/ snippet book of the differences between choices that would significantly affect the story?
So uh, does anyone want the first couple chapters?
It would also be Robin x Phantom
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 months
The Magic Within
by NightwingAngeloftheMorning04 Mandrake the Magician and Amy O' Connor are enlisted by Zatanna Zatarra to get some help with a threat with a connection to seizures and supernatural forces happening worldwide, even to those close to them. Words: 2802, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English Fandoms: Justice League - All Media Types, Justice League Dark (Comics), Justice League Dark (2017), Defenders of the Earth (Cartoon), Highlander: The Series, Batman - All Media Types, Batman: The Animated Series Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: F/M, Gen Characters: Duncan MacLeod, Richie Ryan, Original Highlander Immortal Character(s), Original Female Character(s), Zatanna Zatara, John Constantine, Boston Brand, Swamp Thing (DCU), Joe Dawson, Bruce Wayne, Barbara Gordon, Dick Grayson, Jason Blood, Jason Todd, Etrigan (DCU), Methos (Highlander), Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Duke Thomas, Kate Kane (DCU) Relationships: Duncan MacLeod & Richie Ryan, Richie Ryan/Original Character, Original Character & Mandrake the Magician, Lothar (Defenders of the Earth) & Mandrake the Magician, Lothar (Defenders of the Earth) & Mandrake the Magician & Original Character, Rick Gordon/Jedda Walker, Mandrake the Magician & Zatanna Zatara, John Constantine & Bruce Wayne, John Constantine/Zatanna Zatara Additional Tags: Justice League Dark (2017) mash up via https://ift.tt/ka4BP8X
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cypherscript · 1 year
Lord of InBetween writing prompt.
I’ve been loving all the dpxdc posts on here and I dunno if this has been done yet but I’ll toss my 2cents in. my knowledge of DC is like... barebones, only learned from this website. What if instead of Constantine or Zatanna/zatarra being the point of knowledge for Ghost King, what if it was Dr. Fate/Kent? Simply because Dr. Fate was a Lord of Order, there’s the Lords of Chaos and then there’s the Ghost King/Lord of InBetween (cause the GZ is inbetween all realms); it can be either/neither based on who holds the title. Pariah probably sided on the Chaos more often than Order. Danny on the other hand tries to stay true neutral unless something affects the GZ. He is still a hero, he probably doesn’t like helping Dr. Fate based on his methods of doing his job.
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huli-jinx · 10 months
A Pokémon Team for Each Young Justice Character:
Kaldur’ahm (Aqualad/Aquaman):
Dick Grayson (Robin/Nightwing):
Wally West (Kid Flash):
Artemis Crock (Artemis/Tigress):
M’gann M’orzz (Miss Martian):
Meowstic (Female)
Meowstic (Male)
Mr. Mime
Conner Kent (Superboy):
Roy Harper (Red Arrow):
Zatanna Zatarra (Zatanna):
Raquel Evans (Rocket):
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obsessedftshit · 2 months
Young Justice S1 Ep19
No cause this is my favourite episode so far along with episode 16
I kinda had a feeling there was a multiverse or smth going on cause it would be so cool if there was one dimension where the adults disappeared and another where the children disappeared.
When Billy said "Shazam" and became an adult and the Amber girl (she was driving the plane with Billy inside) was falling, I was so confused on how she was still here since she should've disappeared cause she just turned 18. Then he went to HQ and saw the adults. That's when he realized the others that there r 2 dimensions. 2 worlds that need to become one. 2 worlds that he can travel back and forth to.
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His power was actually so important in this episode cause without it no one would've realized there were 2 dimensions.
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I got tears when I realized Zatarra would give himself up for his daughter.
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And the fact he gave his word to Dr Fate. I cried. Cried cause I knew he would put the helmet on.
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The worst part is Zatanna would feel so guilty cause she chose to wear the helmet but now her father is sacrificing himself to prevent his daughter from being entrapped in Dr Fate's form. Nah cause I hate Dr Fate. IDC if Young Justice or Justice League use the helmet for help cause thats the point. I mean I feel bad for Dr Fate being isolated but then he should make his own body so he can stop taking other people's.
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"Remember I love you."
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At this point I was balling my eyes out. Look at how guilty she feels. She's literally blaming herself.
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I feel so bad for her 😭
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aboutzatanna · 1 year
I find it funny that in Zach’s concept art (which involved him dressed as Zatanna, fishnets and all) in 52 his character model is named Zatarra.
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Me too.
Although that's not concept art, that is actual artwork for the issue. Keith Giffen drew Zachary in fishnets as a joke when he did the break downs for that 52 issue. The actual artist for the issue, Joe Bennet, did not recognize that it was a joking reference to Zatanna so he pencilled Zachary with fishnets and corset. Sadly, despite Giffen's best efforts, they changed the art before it got to print.
Sadly, most of the sites that referenced this are down but here is a quote from Giffen:
""As a goof, in the breakdowns, I drew that new [Zatara] kid in Zatanna’s fishnets-and-corset getup. The penciler actually drew him that way. My pleas to let it go through like that went unheeded"."
There is an alternate universe out there where we got to see Zachary in his full fishnet glory.
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satoshy12 · 5 months
WonderSpirit: "Here is the Bride!"
The Young Justice team huddled together, brainstorming the only strategy they could conceive to defeat the summoned being. The Heir of Pariah, who defeated that plant ghost once! Cassie exclaimed, "Wait, you're summoning the Heir of Pariah?!" Zatanna responded nonchalantly, "Yeah, what's wrong with that?" Cassie grinned. "Wait, I need to prepare myself!"
Without hesitation, Cassie sprinted as fast as she could, well-prepared for this awaited moment! This time, she will seduce him! She played this game so many times already, and this time it will be greek.
Upon her return, Zatanna had completed the ritual, and before them stood a young boy named Danny Phantom.
As Danny saw Cassie, in her wedding dress, blushed in various shades, transitioning from red to green, ultimately settling into a brown hue. (When you mix both, it's brown.).
Cassie, with a mischievous smile, asked, "Are you here to Persephone me, or should I Hades you?" In a shy tone, Danny stammered, "Y- yeah... you did summon me." He couldn't look away from her wedding dress; he had no idea why she had one! But it looked beautiful on her.
Cassie replied, "Oh, then I'll Hades you. I know a great wedding hall for us to tie the knot."
Zatanna:" You seem to have forgotten the problem!" Danny looked out: "Ah Undergrowth, you need an ice user, and you should win. Fire works too. Just kill the plants around him I do the rest."
And as Danny helped them defeat Undergrowth, the first thing Cassie did was fly with Danny to the wedding hall. She will get her wedding now!
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faeriekit · 2 years
I was thinking more along the lines of Dr. Fate. Someone who is a combination of knowledgeable enough, holier-than-though, and reckless & has access to the cave/watch tower without ringing alarm bells.
As someone said earlier, feel like Batman would start with one flower in a carefully controlled environment/capsule like he would kryptonite & I don't think he'd test it on Conner first. Constantine seems like he only takes action against active threats & everything else is 'if it's not bothering me, leave it alone' kind of deal. Superman doesn't seem knowledgeable enough for this & even if he was willing to risk making people even more mad at him, to me it seems like he'd try for a technological solution over a botanical/mystical one.
Part of me also considers Zatanna/Zatarra as the culprit, but as a misguided action rather than a cruel one.
Great guesses!
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Submission I was debating but chose not to: John Constantine/Nick Necro/Zatanna Zatarra from DC. They're...mostly canon (all three in love, bound their souls together) but the break up leans a bit too much on the jealousy ("you stole Z from me") for me to really view it as full canon, because that first issue really doesn't have much, even if they add in a bunch later.
It's entirely a retcon/backstory pairing, although what we see in that issue is very fun, with the three of them being a badass coven of black magic users together, fighting crime and being punk af, but most of Nick's canon appearances are post breakup (he went crazy and they sent him to hell) where he's a supervillain, and spends his time avoiding the plot to try and torture them to becoming evil with him, because he's handling the breakup Very Well. That's the other reason I shied away from it, because like, even compared to the Blumentrio from Critical Role, they're dark af, and I feel this leans fluffy (which, I do also like fluffy ships, we deserve happy poly love)
New 52's Constantine is not my favorite, and I don't like how it left Zatanna stuck as his love interest, but damn do I still like the idea of these three. John Constantine has never had a relationship that ended well in his life, only fitting 1/3 of his soul is now in hell. At least he got to steal his boyfriend's coat.
idk if tragedy itself would be enough for me to not choose a throuple but the jealousy thing thats make me upset :/ but now that its happened and one of them turned evil i think it would be neat if they somehow helped nick (was that his name?) dtop being a villain and then we could have a poly friends to enemies to lovers which is a beautiful trope imo and this time nobody would be jealous
dc hire me as a writer
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