#dark anthologies
forget-i-was-here · 1 year
DC X DP Prompt
Sorry for the length
Okay so like, I’ve been mulling over this idea for a couple days. But, does anyone know like, Until Dawn? Or, more specifically, Little Hope?
They’re both Dark Anthology games that Jacksepticeye played but I wanna focus on Little Hope because it’s interesting and the ending lowkey sucked.
It starts in the 70s and it focuses on this family(ish) with a kid that isn’t there’s that’s possibly being controlled by the devil, and causes the fire that kills everyone, including herself, besides one. It fast forwards to a dude driving a bus.
So, this bus with like, 5 people + the driver are driving and are rerouted into a town called little hope. Their bus driver goes missing so everyone decides to go into town to find help. They start slowly uncovering how past versions of them died (in the 70s but also during the Salem with trials times, as little hope had a similar problem) and start trying to prevent it.
Spoiler alert! It was all a schizophrenic episode of the bus driver who turned out to be the one dude who survived the house fire (his counterpart also survived the witch times but whatever).
What does this have to do with DC X DP? Well, same idea, different details.
Phantom, part of the Young Justice League, gets heated when Batman decides to send the team into a banshee infested zone. Let’s say he’s being out through classes or something to be indoctrinated as king, but he doesn’t really have a home to go to, details to work out later y’know?
Anyways, the one thing he learns about banshees is, above all else, avoid them.
He has to distinctly tell the team that his ghostly wail ≠ a banshee scream. They’re more powerful and are beings of strife or hate. Either way, not something they should try to fight or capture.
Hell, if we throw John Constantine in there, he even agrees with the brat. The problem? The bat trusts Zatanna’s/Zatarra’s word over theirs, despite them being show ponies (Constantine’s words) and not parapsychologists.
So the team is sent in and things are weird because they keep seeing a girl, teenager, running around in a white dress with long white hair, and she seems to be the only “living” thing around there, and they start to slowly uncover the truth behind Daisy’s Field and the massacres that took place there.
And, since the game is decision based, maybe a bonus one-shot/ snippet book of the differences between choices that would significantly affect the story?
So uh, does anyone want the first couple chapters?
It would also be Robin x Phantom
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lev-the-leviathan · 2 years
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They had to take eyepatch Laura away from us because they knew she was too powerful
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joytri · 2 months
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running with my dress unbuttoned
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midnightsslut · 1 month
the more I listen to this album, the more impressed I get by the concept of writing an entire record about an intense romance when everyone was expecting a devastating narrative of the breakup that preceded it, except in reality, you pepper enough hints to paint a thorough, unforgiving picture of the mental state that made you believe that rebound was worth it in the first place. she tells us she would spend forever pining for him if they didn’t try to be together, that they would kill themselves if the other person ever left, but she refutes those claims herself a few songs later. she makes it clear that she’s too broken to be trusted, and then she gets mad at you for not trusting her. underneath it all, the story of what broke her in the first place simmers, and you’re ultimately left with sixteen songs about the rashest decisions she’s ever made. figuring out what got her there is up to you. it’s all in the text. she hates being analyzed, but she wants you to analyze her. she talks about being manipulated like a doll, and she does the same to you.
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hornydotsblog · 1 year
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uff, first of all, I love jalims for their comfort
i love them so much
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motziedapul · 1 month
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I realize I forgot to post the cover here on Tumblr so UM yeah watch out for this Queer Filipino-made erotic monster lover comic anthology when it launches on Kickstarter in May 🔥💓
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moskafleurart · 1 year
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“Jason came back for me... What does that tell you?”
On redbubble, twitter, instagram and Patreon
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sigmamax69 · 4 months
idk what it is lately but I’ve fallen into an Until Dawn phase and I have non stop been sketching the characters, but FINALLY drew a legit piece
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been wanting to do something of Josh wendigo for a while 🤭🤭 (added this creepy ah Code Orange song for effect)
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khtonicheskij · 3 months
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no one really knows how much Michelangelo's Pieta influenced me.
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arangora · 11 months
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Google doc with all the bungo stray dogs links :
-All the light novels
-All the mangas and spin offs (gaiden, beast, wan ect)
-beast live action
-anime s1-4
-welcome to the hot springs CD
-stage play
-official art archive
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Note : most of these are illegal websites and might have dangerous files, I do check these every once in a while but I might miss some. If you have the links to anything missing please send it my way so I can add it 💗 have fun reading / watching!!
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pidgeydraws · 9 months
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important question
для аска
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timethehobo · 22 days
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Waiting on a new supermassive game just so I can see the Curator again.
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taylorshope · 3 months
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When you just want to have a fun time with your friends but. The Horrors
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not-your-bro · 10 months
supermassive games experience is like
playthrough 1: fuck everything up
playthrough 2: do not fuck ANYTHING up
playthrough 3: fuck everything up (on purpose)
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twaecorbies · 7 months
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diientedegato · 3 months
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Erin sketches...... made my friend restart the scene every time we killed her (4 times.)
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