#zack is also there
derpylittlenico · 2 months
maybe it's the brainrot...idk, but?
all I want out of a CC era fic is for sassy Trooper Cloud to meet Gen, and for his immediate reaction to the redhead quoting Loveless to be like...
"...My ma could recite that back 'n forth in old Nibel while half gone on whiskey. In case I'm supposed to, ya know, be impressed that you can read out of a book. Sir."
Zack, is, of course, at risk of dying because he won't stop laughing (but mostly bc he's within strangling distance to Genesis).
Genesis: who is this small, bitchy infant talking back to me?
Genesis: Nvm, I don't actually care, I've decided to adopt him, regardless.
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artofalassa · 3 months
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This time... ... I will never let you go
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rocketbirdie · 3 months
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i feel like i failed you.
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vforvielka · 1 month
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Shinra’s Most Wanted
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its-just-sand · 1 month
jack’s ‘chaz’ is something so personal to me
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moonilit · 2 months
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I just know if Zack was there, he would have matched her energy Instantly
Edit: now with VA
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ffa07aa · 4 months
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I know my fixation on media became serious when I draw animal crossing version of my fav characters. anyway
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drawing2cope · 2 years
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@ehlihr so uh, suite life of zack and cody au
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itsdappleagain · 3 months
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why is carmen wearing that
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click for better quality!
thank you @jackie-shitposts for sending me the post that inspired this. and both you and @emily-prentits for helping me see the light of making six different trauma shirts <3
more versions under the cut because i couldnt pick just one traumatic moment. tell me which one is your favorite
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priceofreedom · 3 months
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#Elmyra approving of Zack makes me so happy 😭 FF7 Rebirth 20 / ?
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cumulativechaos · 2 years
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i always fucking forget how funny paranatural is until shit like this has me cackling out loud for like 5 entire minutes
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artofalassa · 7 months
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Floof AU
Regarding the news today... I thought it was a good occasion to finally post these here. I kept forgetting. For years. I love my favourite boi as a giant woof floof. Happy Halloween, friends!
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jojo-the-dogg0 · 10 hours
evil twink...
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catboyidia · 9 months
this is the cutest thing i have ever fucking seen!!! ahhh!!! the cute little chocobo?! TINY ZACK DOING LITTLE SQUATS?!!!
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lookismfanfics · 7 months
𝐁𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐬
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐.
Notes: If ya’ll want part 3 it’ll probably include Goo, Vin, Daniel, Jihan, and whoever else you guys want. Just a heads up!
Warnings: Fluff, nudity (not explicit), wholesomeness, mild cursing, mentions of violence
Eugene • Gun • Zack • Johan • Jake • Lineman • Jason • Hudson
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🝮 The candles, assortments of expensive shampoos, classic piano melodies playing from the speakers, and altogether romantic atmosphere weren’t out of the normal for Eugene.
🝮 Shower time was usually like this. He was busy, and needed to unwind… but in a timely manner.
🝮 The only thing different about the bathroom today was you.
🝮 You. Crouched by the tub, pouring globs of bubble-bath solution carelessly into the foamy water. Wrapped in his a luxurious robe.
🝮 Eugene takes off his quickly-steaming glasses, wiping them gingerly against his shirt.
🝮 “What’s all this about, (Y/N)?” He asks. No doubt he’s forming an answer of his own right now. You smile coyly.
🝮 He likes that smile on you. Your casual wit and intellect never fails to charm his cooly-intelligent and egotistical self.
🝮 “It’s your shower time. Says so on the calendar,” you state. “I told you sharing our Cloud wasn’t an invitation for you to spy on my personal schedule,” he counters.
🝮 He ends up cracking a smile anyway. The type of smile he reserves specifically for your enjoyment.
🝮 “Whatever. Get in.” You gesture towards the tub, unfazed as Eugene stares at you cooly. “Sorry. You want privacy undressing or something?”
🝮 His sharp “yes” falls on deaf ears. You both end up stifling giggles and sharing looks as he piles his clothes on the floor.
🝮 The soap suds in the tub are an off-white color. Eugene hates dyed bath bombs.
🝮 After he submerges himself in the water and has a book in his hand, you take to kissing his knuckles and smoothing out his hair.
🝮 Neither of you converse very much. He smirks whenever your eyes meet, though.
🝮 It’s elegant and intimate. That’s norm for being in a relationship with Eugene.
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🝮 It started off with a workout.
🝮 Gun, the ridiculous bast*rd, trying his hardest to overwork you till your bones break. For the sake of getting stronger.
🝮 And now that that’s over, it’s your turn.
🝮 Exasperated and breathless as you push on his bare chest, trying to force him through the doorway of the bathroom
🝮 “Just— get— in— Gun!” You huff, slapping your hand roughly against the side of his torso.
🝮 He’s such a pig sometimes.
🝮 On his own he walks backwards and sits down in the bathtub. Soapy water engulfs his frame. His normal nonchalance is wasted on you. All he ever seems to do is smirk when you’re around.
🝮 You mumble “jerk” and in response he tells you to “eat ass”
🝮 You hold his head underwater for that-
🝮 He chooses the soap. A musky, expensive brand. Something that smells like him.
🝮 While Gun scrolls boredly through his classical playlist you take off your clothes.
🝮 Hop right in beside him, let him spread his legs and lean against his back. He doesn’t mind. Actually, he prefers it that way.
🝮 “You did good today,” Gun remarks. He leans his head back against the wall. You hum in reply.
🝮 It’s not so much a bath as it is a warm soak.
🝮 Gun’s hands rub down your legs roughly. Even if he isn’t gentle, per say, it feels nice for your aching muscles.
🝮 “You weren’t so bad yourself,” you reply. He chuckles at that.
🝮 You’ll come out of that bath with Gun’s signature scent all over you. He doesn’t mind THAT at all.
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🝮 If athletic had a scent… then it would smell exactly like Zack Lee’s shampoo.
🝮 He digs his hands into the side of the bathtub and wills himself not to blush as you crouch beside him, pouring more bubble solution into the foggy water.
🝮 “Where’d you buy this anyway?” You ask, knowing Zack doesn’t like buying cheap brands. And it doesn’t smell bad, necessarily.
🝮 He swallows, eyes narrowing and a sheepish flush rising to his face. “I dunno. Do you not like it or something…?”
🝮 “No it’s fine. It smells like you.”
🝮 Zack’s hands are busted. His cracked knuckles are a clear indicator of the fight he had gotten himself into.
🝮 You grumble about it a little, but not too much. Just a simple, “I thought we talked about you getting into fights…” and then you dropped it.
🝮 You lathered your hands with shampoo, scrubbing deep into the roots of his hair.
🝮 You tenderly scrubbed across his body, knowing he was unable to with his mangled hands.
🝮 Sweet, rushed kisses followed. Zack is such a simp— almost completely unable to look you in the eye, let alone return your affection.
🝮 The signiture-athlete-soap was down the drain. Zack dried himself off.
🝮 “You weren’t planning on doing this again… were you?” He calls. When you don’t answer, his chest deflates.
🝮 “(Y/N)— ARUGH!”
🝮 The door slams
🝮 “Why are you naked?!”
🝮 “I’m getting in the shower too…!”
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🝮 Puppy eyes. That’s what he gives you.
🝮 Where did he learn this sacred guilt-tripping art from? His dogs?
🝮 Either way, you shake your head.
🝮 “Look, you can use the bathroom to shower- or whatever. But I’m not helping you.”
🝮 Johan: 🥺
🝮 Five minutes later, you’re helping him.
🝮 He’s half naked, and had reprimanded you for staring. “It’s not that big of a deal,” or whatever crap he said.
🝮 You are currently checking the water temperature.
🝮 “Look, using my bathtub is pretty straightforward. Once you get it to the temp you like you can just plug in the drain cap. Okay?”
🝮 You demonstrate. Johan nods.
🝮 “Okay. Soap is there… and-yeah. Have fun Johan.”
🝮 You rise, dodging him and beelining for the door. You have other things, after all-
🝮 “Wait,” Johan mumbles.
🝮 You look over your shoulder, met head-on with those baby brown eyes of his. Johan blinks. His brows are furrowed slightly in contemplation. Or whatever is going through his pea-brain.
🝮 “Can you get in with me?”
🝮 🫠
🝮 (I can’t tell you what to do. Hop in or leave him hanging- 💅)
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🝮 His shirt slips off a solid abdomin and exposes inked shoulders and chest. His tattooed arms flex as the shirt falls to the side.
🝮 This display is… seen by no one. Jake has no audience in the empty bathroom but himself.
🝮 He cranes his neck to catch sigh of some scrapes and bruises on his back. It not too difficult. Even through his peripherals the purple splotches are obvious.
🝮 With a sigh, Jake begins to unzip his pants and unclamp his belt—
🝮 A towel covers him in a second. (Since when has he been self-conscious??) The door opens completely to let you in.
🝮 You… with your arms full of bath and medical supplies.
🝮 You set down the things and face a nervously smiling Jake. The towel is snatched out of his grasp in a millisecond.
🝮 “Don’t bother hiding it Jake. I know you look like a wreck,” you snap.
🝮 Jake? Self-conscious? Nah. Afraid of your wrath? Maybe.
🝮 The water is turned on and soon the bathtub is filled. Eventually the soapy water cradles Jake’s large figure.
🝮 Your hands feel nice against his sore skin, he thinks. He stays still as you wash off his cuts and bruises… let’s you wet his hair and scrub soap into his scalp.
🝮 “I love you,” he smiles. Cheeky.
🝮 You sigh and press a kiss against his cheek. “I know.”
🝮 Bubbles eventually popped… the water was drained. Jake’s favorite part was being dried off anyway. He likes his hair being ruffled by you… the soft towel rubbing down his back and legs.
🝮 In the end he smells like strawberries. You can’t help but tease him about that.
🝮 Argument avoided successfully 👍
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🝮 In all honesty you had never seen Lineman without a shirt on. You’d only… heard about it.
🝮 But anyway. Here you are. Pouring soap onto a washcloth and dabbing it on his temple.
🝮 The excessive amount of bath bombs were completely necessary. You didn’t need to be flashed.
🝮 Lineman sits as still as possible, not wanting soap to get into his eyes. He mumbles about how nice the water feels and how he’s grateful that you’re taking care of him.
🝮 “Why does it smell so peachy?” He asks suddenly, cupping some of the water in his hand.
🝮 You shrug. “It’s just the scent I guess.”
🝮 Bandaids have fallen off and are thrown in the trash. You apply neosporin to the cut over his eyebrow.
🝮 You’re about to pour some water into his hair but he dodges out of the way. Something about a hair routine. Admittedly it is one of his nicest features…
🝮 “Ya don’t have to do that, (Y/N). I’m good,” he tells you sheepishly. He says that a lot actually. He’s capable of turning on the water… cleaning his banged-up body… drying off…
🝮 You do all those things for him anyway. He just complies bashfully and lets it happen.
🝮 Afterwards you ask him to take his clothes off more often (as a joke.) He takes you completely seriously- 😳
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🝮 It’s not that Jason can’t be romantic, but between the two of you, you’re typically the more… intimate one
🝮 This weekend was a bit different though. And without getting into explicit details, you’ve spend a fair share of romantic time together.
🝮 So now, to unwind, you’re grabbing your bath kit and treating the two of you to some self-care. (The bath bombs needed to be used. Lua gifted them to you two Christmas’ ago-)
🝮 You settle for a green colored… minty scented soap. With the pigmented water bubbling and steaming, you decided now was the time to hop in.
🝮 You sink into the tub 🛁
🝮 Jason comes in a few minutes later with some towels and a book for you.
🝮 “Don’t you wanna get in?” You ask. He splashes you with some water and gives some sort of embarrassed reply.
🝮 He uses a loofah to scrub your back. “Isn’t the water too hot?”
🝮 “Nope. Just you.”
🝮 *More aggressive splashing*
🝮 “You’re worse than Jake,” he mumbles, dropping the loofah and sitting against the wall. You just smile in return.
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🝮 “What kind of scents do you like?” You’d ask. He wouldn’t give you an answer.
🝮 “Hudson…! I’m for real!” You’d say. Still, nothing.
🝮 “Please just answer my question-” you grumbled. Nothing.
🝮 Hudson didn’t want you to spoil him (that’s… not exactly what you had in mind but-) and he definitely didn’t need you spending your money on HIS beauty products.
🝮 Ever since he joined the Allied…. Idiots (there’s not a nicer way to put it) he’s begun to realize that his own products and routines are pretty low-key.
🝮 He went over Jay’s penthouse once. To drop something off. The dude was basically butt naked, wearing just a skimpy robe. What was that all about? Apparently he was in the middle of some hour-long beauty ritual.
🝮 Then there’s Zack Lee. Don’t even get Zack STARTED on using hair gel… or washing your face… using an exfoliator…
🝮 Compared to them, Hudson just kinda… showered? The soap brand he used jumped from whatever was available. So when he told you he didn’t have a favorite scent, he was being completely honest.
🝮 So you took a guess. Picked out some honeysuckle bubble soap. Some matching scented shampoo. Now you dip your finger into the water to test if it’s okay.
🝮 Behind you Hudson reluctantly takes off his clothes. He takes better care of his sweater than his pants, which he just flops on the floor and toes out of the way.
🝮 You gesture for him to get in.
🝮 “I never asked you to do this…” he murmurs, slipping underneath the sudsy water.
🝮 You nod. “I know. I just felt like it.”
🝮 You kiss his knuckles and help wash his back. You also tease him about his wet, flat hair—
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So sorry for the delay everyone! Going to hustle through requests!!
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It's pride month you know what that means (this meme)
alt version and og meme this is based on under the cut
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and the original
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