#yukimura kaoru
amarara · 3 months
[Art Raffle]
Yukimura Kaoru for @fierce-little-mianana
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custarii · 8 months
In @queengurako's post, they mentioned that in the Hakuouki fanbook, the more pureblooded an oni is, the more horns they have(?) - does that mean that Chizuru and Kaoru aren't direct descendants to Kazuya in Toki no Kizuna? Here in the character sheet of Kazuya, he has longer horns, has markings around his body, and in transformation, grows his hair.
Or did they blend with humans too much(in two to three generations?) that they've lost this feature? Didn't think that to be the case considering they separated themselves from human civilization.
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Oh, also! Sen's ancestor, Yase Kazuha, is simply fabulous. She's so perfect (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡
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fierce-little-miana · 2 months
I really like your fic and I'm love how you do Chizuru and Kaoru relationship. I must admit I'm was very disappointed with how they handle Kaoru in the game, like no kidding he did horrible things and wanted to make his sister suffer but at the same he was a victim of abuse. I wanted a route for him - platonic of course - where he and Chizuru would make up or at least come to a understanding
Thank you so much for the kind words about my fic. It is always super nice to hear some feedback on it. If you like how it focuses on the Kaoru&Chizuru relationship you might have a nice surprise in the coming days (provided that you do not hate modern AU).
I perfectly understand your frustration with how Kaoru was treated in the game (though I am even more frustrated by how he was dispatched in the movie!).
I have only finished Okita's route (good ending only - I don't have enough time to play right now) in the Hakuoki: Stories of the Shinsengumi version, but I am super eager to receive my copy of the Switch version so I can play Sannan's route and the other one (Yamazaki? Sakamoto?) in which Kaoru plays an important role. I want more Kaoru content!
That being said, I did not find the content I got in Okita's route to be frustrating at all. I think Kaoru is a well-written and coherent character in it. He is not sane, he does horrible things, his goals are megalomaniac and very probably unachievable even if everything went as he wanted, but it all makes sense. He can't come back from what happened to him, he is stuck in a headlong rush. There is no escape. He is a well-executed tragic character.
I love tragedy so I love Kaoru. I love him even more because having him as a villain sort of anchors Okita's route as a route deeply centered on Chizuru and since she is sort of the main character you know… Well, narratively the oppositions "ChizuruVsKaoru" and "OkitaVsKaoru" are super interesting to me.
So I don’t mind that Kaoru is a tragic character who could not escape his cruel fate. Even if some days I believe that there was a short window in which he could have been brought back toward the light (I might write a fic about this idea one day). Other days I truly believe that Kaoru was too far gone the minute he decided to take control of the Nagumo clan to ever come back from the path he had decided to travel.
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(This is basically me about Kaoru)
But I totally agree with you about something super important: Kaoru is without a doubt a victim of abuse (child abuse from when he was seven, and the game is not clear on when this stopped, sometime before the beginning of the game? sometime in 1864 taking advantage of the political turmoil in Tosa han?) that might very well have a sexual and scientific experimental dimension. That abuse ended in blood when Kaoru killed every authority figure in the Nagumo clan that wasn't him. Generally speaking every important character in the game is more or less given a redemptive action (even if that one action does not rehabilitate the entire character) that sort of acknowledges a "what could have been" scenario. Kaoru is not given that grace. The thing that comes the closest to this is his conversation in the forest by the Yukimura village with Chizuru after she has regained her memory. He is calm and apparently open during it but he is still hellbent on his "evil" plan and, for Chizuru, this conversation is more a corruption offer than a redemptive gesture from her brother. Plus we discover later that he is still lying to her about things at this point (notably about her being able to "keep" Okita).
Having the poster child for horrifying child abuse being among the very few irredeemable characters is… a choice? As I said, Kaoru’s character is well-written and coherent but the optics of that are not super good.
I too would very much enjoy a sibling (platonic) route that would explore their relationship and Chizuru oni’s heritage. Also, but this is because I am fucked up stories enjoyer, Kaoru’s route bad end could be a non-platonic ending. A bit on the same tone as Shiraishi’s Adonis Ending in Collar x Malice in which he is still with Hoshino but both characters are merely nightmarish shells (or everything they feared they could become) of what they were before.
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enbiart · 9 months
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how about them Oni huh
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ptulapeehtata · 8 months
⚠️Mild nudity⚠️
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I’ve finished it 2 months ago but forgot to post it -_-
Venting down here. Feel free to skip!
The main idea is to make a contrast between the two crossdresser twins. I stripped their chest intentionally to indicate their ture identity with their contrast action to it. Kaoru wearing woman’s makeup while Chizuru wearing men’s hairstyle.
This was supposed to be colored at first, but coloring only make Kaoru looks weirdly innocent for an unknown reason. 🙄 I didn’t want to change the lineart in favor of the color so I tried every color tone possible but neither of them worked. Tbh, it’s a little disappointing after a long plan with so much hopes and effort 😭
But as long as Chizuru looks fine to me, it’s all good.
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liliththunder · 5 months
What is Kaorus real name?
Of course we know he is Chizurus twin brother, so before entering the Nagumo family he was definitely going by the name Yukimura.
But what about his first name?
Here are some arguments, why I believe it's not Kaoru by birth:
1) twin names are usually given in pairs, e.g. Kin and Gin or Nanako and Hanako or such
2) all demon heir names start with the syllable 千 (Chikage, Chizuru, O-Sen)
3) 薫 means "send forth fragrance, fragant or be scented" which by no means is associated with cranes (千鶴 "Thousand cranes")
So from this I concluded after some research his name might actually be "Chifuyu" (千冬)
To case 1:
Chizuru Chifuyu -> Chi[...]u[...]u
To case 2:
It starts with Chi as Chizuru does
To case 3:
Cranes are associated with winter
What do you think about it?
Edit: an official art book revealed that Kaoru is still a demon name as it hides the 千 radical with the Kanji, yet that doesn't really contradict my theory. Because the Nagumo family is still a demon family, so if they renamed him, they surely stick to the demon naming rules.
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dalissy · 1 month
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h20milk · 2 years
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hakuoki (+ a bonus finis !!) dump from twitter
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eleiyaumei · 9 months
LGBTQ+ and ally Hakuouki headcanons
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Anyway, headcanons are subjective. Feel free to share your own!
Aromantic asexual: Sannan, Amagiri, Kaoru
Aromantic: Yamazaki
Asexual: Okita, Saito
Pansexual/Bisexual: Harada, Souma, Sen
Gay/Lesbian: Shiranui, Kimigiku/Okiku, Itou, Takeda (let's take those 2 gay stereotypes and turn them into real characters!)
Heterosexual Pan-/Biromantic: Hijikata, Iba
Gender-non-conforming/Demi-girl/Agender/Non-binary: Chizuru
Gay asexual: Nakaoka
Cishet ally*: Nagakura, Ryouma, Miki
*Allies of the community are those that don't just tolerate LGBTQ+ people, but actively support and defend them.
Shenanigumi might be the only who's done this before...
(Sorry for not including Heisuke, I just don't think he fits anything here. I think he's a straight cis guy that would not go out of his way to support the LGBTQ+ community. He probably has other things on his mind... I don't HC him as queerphobic, just not as an ally.)
For those in the aromantic&asexual lines: I don't have a HC what their sexual/romantic identity is, I guess I'm open to any interpretation there. For the people in the pan&bi and gay&lesbian lines, I mostly HC their romantic identities to allign with their sexual ones.
(I saw someone musing about whether or not Kaoru is trans* (since identical twins usually share the same biological sex) and... I can't see how? Him "having the wrong genitals" (as in: him being AMAB) is a fact important to his backstory and he seems to have always identified as boy/man, even before the attack on his village, no matter what the Nagumo did to him. (Kaoru and Chizuru being oni is probably an excuse for how it's possible that they're identical twins with different sexes). But it's a trans* spectrum so while I can't see how he could be MTF trans*, maybe he's GNC/demi-boy/agender/enby?)
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monarchofwings · 1 month
I saw a the blog @fierce-little-miana talking about if Kaoru had a route and I can't help thinking how it might just go like this💀
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kurayami-no-ko · 8 months
Headcanon: Kodo, Kaoru, Sannan, Chizuru during dinner
As Sannan is the only love interest to receive parental approval (Kodo) to date Chizuru in his own route, I really want an AU in which Kodo and Kaoru remain alive (SSL perhaps?). Imagine how fun messy the family dinners will be. Imagine how absolutely hilarious awful it will be when Chizuru brings Sannan home to introduce him to her father and her brother as her boyfriend.
The atmosphere during the dinner is uncomfortable, nobody is fighting or arguing but there is this uncomfortable sense that the three men dislike the others and regularly direct snide and passive aggressive remarks towards the others. Imagine the mutual dislike Kodo and Sannan will have for each other, but they will still be fascinated by each other's research. Also imagine how Kaoru will dislike Sannan so much and keep trying to annoy him by snide personal attacks but, unfortunately for Kaoru, Sannan will remain calm throughout them all and just respond with seemingly innocuous words laced with barbs, which pisses Kaoru off every time. Then there is poor Chizuru, the only truly nice person in this family gathering, trying desperately to keep the peace but failing utterly because she is not sure how to proceed.
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custarii · 8 months
Drew a crying Yukimura
Which twin? Guess who? >:3
ibis...kind of sucks for animation, flipaclip's UI is better ᕦ⁠(⁠ò⁠_⁠ó⁠ˇ⁠)⁠ᕤ
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fierce-little-miana · 8 months
Since I am writing a story in which Kaoru and Chizuru are part of the Shieikan together I present you with this fine meme:
Who can tell the twins apart?
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(no I am not hyping my own fic, what do you mean?)
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blueneil · 9 months
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Crying over SSL Kaoru's Route
i can't stop crying over them, someone pls help me….
I finally can play Hakuouki SSL on my pc, and ofc the first route i finish is Chizuru's twin, the one and only Nagumo Kaoru.
I really craved for "Yukimura" twin sibling bonding moment or them having actual sibling relationship (not where one of them trying to kill the other one).
Whatever issues SSL's have, i just want to see my Yukimura sibling being happy :( so heres some rambles about it since i'm so happy after finishing it right now T_________T
Some cute SSL Kaoru thingy
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-> KAORU PREFER CATS THAN DOGS!!!!!!!!!! also his reaction when Chizuru choose the same animal as him (despite Chizuru was like "B-but i don't hate dogs…" its literally the "You like waffles so you hate pancakes" shits) is just so cute and on brand. He really acts and looks like cat tho, theres also part when Chizuru calls the cat "Kaoru~" and the cat "meow" at it. I'm literally on tears rn…..
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-> Yes… he has his own "Dead Note" where he put peoples names on it… thats so nerdy wtf (love him more). He also part of disciplinary comittee so he put names on students who broke the rules (or studets who getting too close to Chizuru) and give them strikes after that, well maybe its really a dead(th) note in some way.
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-> Kaoru and Okita…. no matter what timeline it is i guess they just can't get along huh. Okita without his coughing and Kaoru without sniper behind him, this scene looks like shitan Okita's route remake in some way lol. Happiest ending ver.
The only time Kaoru and Okita actually "get along" is when they confront Sannan who suddenly being a "creep" to Chizuru
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Which…. well deserved actually. Sannan you really need to sounds like it when you actually "didn't mean anything" hh….
Borderline-siscon-overprotective-brother personality really suits him lol
I mean, i think if the original timeline Kaoru have a better past with the Nagumo's or him and Chizuru isn't seperated, i think he will be like this too. His "Kawaii imoutou" phrase whenever he referred to Chizuru wouldn't sounds creepy or full of loath, but more actually loving and caring.
I mean, i think the main reason he "Hates" Chizuru is actually because he loves her so much, he thought she also have the same life as himz and he dream to someday he will make her happy together with him again just like in the past. But the feelings become cloudy when he learned his beloved sister forget him (when he always think of her), having a way better life, loves by everyone, and also she rejects him at the end. He thinks sibling should feel e/o but Chizuru didn't feel him at all, doesn't even remember her past/family, and living "her best life'". Theres black feeling right there but still he can't stop loving her so the only solution for him is to just bring her suffered like him.
*cough* so SSL is here to bring the pain away from them.
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This is one of the funniest Kaoru overprotective mode, he really act as if he is also not a "16 year old" kid. AND I'M WITH CHIZURU, WHO IS WHO?!?!?!?!JSDHSBHS The only obvious one is "Idiotic student council president"??? T_______T Loose cannons is Okita i guess????? Happy-go-lucky is Heisuke??????
Tsundere big bro and bold lil sis
Even though yes Kaoru is really siscon like here, its actually still in the sibling border. Like the way he loves Chizuru is not disgusting at all, he just so protective and genuinely want to "fulfill" his role as big brother to Chizuru, but didn't know how to handle his feelings well lol so he really ends up being a tsundere mess.
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I mean look at this one example, at first Chizuru is hurt, Kaoru then laughing at her, but when he realize Chizuru is actually hurt, he become worried and piggybacked her?! AND THEN LOOK AT THE PHONE MESSAGE SCREENSHOT, HE LITERALLY MAIL THAT TO CHIZURU AFTER THE EVENT. Thats so sibling thing,,,
Different from Kaoru who become "tsundere" when he expressed his actual feelings, Chizuru is actually so much bolder. She talks back to Kaoru, take initiative firts, and just "meh" it a way when Kaoru say bad things to her. It's like the gap of how different someone can be with their sibling vs with other people.
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Heres some example lmao, Chizuru holding Kaoru's hand first so casually and Kaoru said he hates it but didn't trying to get away at all. (he loves it ofc he is). Then the bottom picture, its Kaoru mailing shits to Chizuru when he actually watching Chizuru from the crowd, and well Chizuru responds to his mail is sure come from heart <3
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I need to put this because its funny seeing Kaoru dumbfound face while Chizuru saying the same thing 3 times cause his stupid brother apparently can't grasp the fact that his sister give him chocolate on valentine day WHEN HE ACTUALLY FORBID EVERYONE TO BRING CHOCOLATE AND DOING INSPECTION OF IT SINCE HE DIDN'T WANT CHIZURU TO GIVE CHOCOLATE TO ANYONE. What a cute irony.
Oh, and of course if we have bickered moments we also have the sibling wholesome moments
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Also, when Kaoru calm like this, their face really looks like a copypaste (maybe because iT IS a copypaste) somehow i giggle at this.
So thats it i guess… i'll go back crying alone for now, no i'm still not done making a river of tears on my bedroom
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hatsumishinogu · 7 months
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Alpha no Hanayome Kyomei Renjo Vol.4
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hiraethum · 8 months
Thinking of a scenario about Kaoru being adopted(mistakenly abducted) by Kodō, where he mistook him for Chizuru while they were escaping. It is mentioned in the game that Kodō had the opportunity to take both of them, but Kaoru left to take Chizuru's place; whereas in this idea, the Nagumo were quicker to take Chizuru when they've heard of some commotion in the eastern lands.
Kodō is a mixed bag, as he seems to be implied to be not a pureblood, a hanyō of sorts, he might treat Kaoru's capabilities a mirror of his own. Is Kaoru weak due to his upbringing, or was it simply innate that he had been weaker than other male oni in comparison?
Considering that his characterization is inconsistent alike to Kazama's, his demeanor to Kaoru could be subjective. Would he be as nice as he was to Chizuru, caring for him and teaching him about the mundane life of men?
Or would he be opportunistic to use Kaoru on his experimentations which leads to abuse, similar to how the Nagumo had treated him?
He is assumably easy to convince by authorities as long as it serves his interests, for as seen when he had easily betrayed the Yukimura Clan when the shogunate prompted him to, he did unto the shogunate for Nagumo's support. Why had he been alturistic, albeit passively manipulating Chizuru through sparse information, when he could have had been much forward and aggressive on his intentions? Was it guilt and pity that empowered those actions? Or his desire have his existence validated by a pureblood by caring for one - a messed up father-daughter relationship?
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