#yugioh matchup
abellaheart-blog · 2 years
Hi! It's me again, and still hoping I'm doing this right!
I choose a tea reading with rose petal black tea. My favorite animal are cats, and I chose present. Next is love fortune and perfume, the blend being Bouquet of Roses.
2) 5'3, dark brown hair/red copper hair, brown eyes, and curvy build.
3) Male
4) Adult
5) I want to be with someone loyal, kind, creative, fun, and brave.
6) Roses
8) I don't mind
I'm picking Yu-Gi-Oh, naturally.
And Happy Birthday!!!!!
Fortune Teller Match Maker 🔮 Anime Matchups 💘
Hey and yes you sent in your matchup info correctly 💓 thanks for wishing me a happy birthday and I hope you like who I paired you up with. Also your patience is much appreciated.
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Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters
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You tell Abella your first request. She wasn’t expecting your choice since she’s been doing tarot card readings or palm readings all day.
“You wish for a tea reading? This won’t be what you expect but I assure you it’s a ton of fun!” Abella walks over to her round table gesturing you to follow her.
Before your eyes the fortune teller waves her hand over the table. In a puff of pink smoke the items gathered at her table disappear, leaving behind a girly heart printed white teapot. The teacup wasn’t what you expected at all. It’s pink but has peculiar designs on it. Specifically on the inside of it.
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Abella asks you what if you have a preference for the flavor of the tea. When you answer she blushes due to the meaning behind roses. She thinks it’s very cute and romantic, she looks forward to this tea reading very much. She waves her jewelry covered hand again and another pink puff of smoke appears, this time it is smaller. When it clears up you notice it’s a full leaf loose rose petal tea container.
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“Using rose petal tea will be so exciting! While I’m preparing your tea I have a question for you to think about.”
You remember what roses symbolize with a smile of your own and then concentrate on Abella. You start thinking of possibilities for your question while you’re seated on the stack of square shaped pillows at her table. The hearts on her face light up a pink neon.
“I'd like for you to think of a question. One about romance. It must be clear and concise. A romantic answer is what you seek. I can tell."
You think about your question carefully. While you're doing so Abella places the rose petal tea leaves inside the tea pot. Soon you're served your tea cup in front of you. Abella instructs you to contemplate your question while sipping your tea. The tea must be the perfect temperature while you do so. Abella made sure all goes accordingly. The hearts on her face are glowing while her eyes are closed. You finally decide on a question. She is reflecting on her intentions and begins transferring her energy into the tea leaves.
"I would like to know about my current path towards true love." Is the question you're currently thinking to yourself.
You leave a tablespoon of liquid in the cup while thinking of your question. Abella gently picks up the teacup and saucer. She uses her left hand to swirl the tea left to right three times. Slowly the fortune teller carefully inverts the cup over the pink saucer. She closes her eyes for one minute, you notice the hearts on her face are glowing so it was intentional. Once she opens her eyes she rotates the cup three times again. She turns the cup upright, positioning the handle south. 
She obverses remains of the tea leaves inside the cup. The aroma was very pleasant. She reveals an image of a cat appearing scattered around the teacup. Abella looks to be happy for you.
"This is wonderful. It means you will be lucky no matter what you choose. This image of the cat is associated with luck. Whatever it is you were questioning to yourself I can say you'll have tremendous luck in it."
You're happy to see both an image of a cat and the tea reading given to you. Abella reminds you to be careful despite your luck but she does see many good outcomes for you in the present. Upon your next request you ask her for a love fortune.
"A Love fortune? I’ll gladly detail what type of romance you’ll get with your true love. I also tell you a bit of your future with them too.” She waves her jewel covered hand, causing a puff of pink smoke to appear.
You sneeze from the cloud, but once you open your eyes the teapot and teacup are gone. The center of the round purple table is a hot pink crystal ball. Her hands rub over the crystal ball and she closes her eyes. You're being surrounded by a huge pink rose on the ground. The crystal ball starts glowing pink.
"For this fortune I'll need your hand but if you like I'll simply place my hand on top of your own."
Understanding her instructions you grab her hand. She goes back to close her eyes but now the hearts under her eyes appear to be glowing again. You feel a light pull on your body but Abella's hand is reassuring. For some reason you feel a bit frightened, almost as if you were to let go something bad would happen.
"I see... your true love. He fits all the qualities you see in a man. He is loyal, kind, creative, fun, and brave. Most of all his bravery and kindness shines in his person."
On the crystal ball an image is slowly appearing. An image of a young man with spikey purple hair. His eyes are soft matching in color with his hair. His smile reflects a kind soul.
"Your true loves name is Yugi Muto."
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You observe the gentle soul, noting how he is creating a game from the looks of it. You're happy he suits all the attractive qualities in his person you look for in a romantic interest.
"Your romance with him would be very sweet, he would treat you like a princess and would be extremely gentle with you. It would be a loving relationship from now to the future. I see clear romance with a future to someone such as him."
You take in all her words with understandable joy. Now done with your fortune she removes her hand from the hot pink crystal ball that is no longer glowing. You notice the rose symbol that was on the floor is gone.
"Now that we know who your true love is, how else may I help you?"
You ask for a perfume. She looks over to the shelf behind her full of perfumes. You ask about the one titled, 'bouquet of roses'. She grabs a hold of the perfume you asked for. It’s a small clear heart shaped bottle with several red roses painted on it, the lid if round looking as though it’s a jewel.
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“This perfume will lead to a passionate moment if you two are truly feeling love.”
“How much do I use?”
“All it requires is two sprays. Anything more will have no affect but I will warn you the perfume is a strong smell so save your nose from over doing it.” She giggles thinking back to her naïve teenage customers using the whole bottle.
Nodding with understanding you spray yourself a couple times. The perfume is very luxurious it’s scent wafts into your nose making you think of a rose garden. Rose petals, a hint of vanilla, and a hint of milk chocolate is what you smell. The scent is so welcoming it makes you feel more confident and passionate for love. Abella stands beside her table and gestures you to stand as well.
You notice she’s closing her eyes and the pink rose symbol on the ground appears again. At the center a white portal for you appears. The hearts on her face are glowing the same color as the symbol on the ground. She’s smiling fondly, knowing what a wonderful evening you’ll have.
“This portal leads to your true love. Now that you know who he is and I’ve given you quite the assistance you’re sure to catch his attention. If it doesn’t work out don’t be disheartened. Love has a crazy way of finding you and there’s plenty of other opportunities for romance if you don’t happen to find it tonight.”
You tell her you appreciate her words before entering the portal. When you open your eyes you’re in downtown of Domino city. It’s starting to sunset but you notice there’s a lot of people out. There’s plenty of people dueling. Must be some sort of event. After wandering around you realize the event is for a charity. The duelist with the most points gains $100 per one-thousand points earned. The money earned goes straight to charity for homeless children. Points are earned from wins of duels.
While you’re wandering you notice the king of games isn’t far from you. He had won a duel but unfortunately he’s surrounded by three unwanted young men. They want to take his duel disk from him since it has the points listed in the duel disk itself. They want to have the glory and reputation that comes from being number one ranked duelist for the charity.
You can’t stand for this to happen, not when Yugi raised so much money for the work he did. Plus duel disks and decks are expensive he shouldn’t be robbed for doing such a selfless deed. He’s still surrounded and his collar is roughly tugged harshly as he’s lifted off the ground. You hope the luck Abella told you about is accurate. You’re about to put it to use. You put on your best act and scream as loud as you can. You point at the men.
“Help!! There’s a group of men with weapons! One of them have a gun!”
Your yells caught the attention of many passerby’s coming to your aid. The three young men immediately run away. Yugi is giving you a very thankful look. He didn’t think anyone would help him. You walk up to him and help him off the ground. He’s so thin and light you accidentally use too much strength and pull him a bit too close to you.
“Sorry.” You say as you step back.
Yugi is blushing especially because he could smell your perfume. It was nice and he’s never been so close to a pretty girl before.
“No need to apologize. It was an accident. Thank you for saving me back there. I don’t know what I would’ve done.”
“Your welcome.”
Yugi introduces himself to you, expressing more of his gratitude. You also introduce yourself and ask about the charity event. He begins to explain how he put together the event with the creator of duel monsters himself. Yugi wanted more awareness to starving children and how he wanted to help others in need. Mr. Pegasus agreed to the idea and helped arrange it.
You two eventually find yourselves talking for hours. Yugi showing you his deck, summoning your favorite duel monster for you. He even bought you a treat. While you’re both eating he’s shyly asking if you’d like to go on a date with him. He’s been dueling all day and already raised more than $500,000. You choked on your food realizing why those men wanted to rob him so bad. You agreed to it since you’re having such a good time.
Yugi enjoyed discussing games with you, a few of the projects he’s made with his own games, hobbies, and other fun topics. He feels so relaxed around you. He feels himself blush every time he smells roses from you. It made him think how you must be as beautiful as a fairy.
During the date he takes you to a park awkwardly holding your hand, it was very sweet. He’s so bashful and shy. It was so cute how he talked to you throughout the date. While you're watching the sunset you notice Yugi is smiling fondly at you. He then looks to your conjoined hands thinking about how lucky he is. You think back to many of Yugi's stories how he saved his friend Joey and how his best friend has saved his life as well. Yugi surely does show all the qualities you're looking for. You thought it was so brave of Yugi to be courageous enough to risk his own life for his friend.
You gently squeeze Yugi's hand while you're deep in thought. Yugi decides to find his unwavering courage again and express how much he enjoyed your presence and the date. He tells you how beautiful he thinks you are and how he thinks your heart is equally as beautiful.
"I think tonight has been the best day of my life. Meeting you that is." Yugi adds after all the lovely compliments he's made about you.
You look over to Yugi with a huge smile across your features. Yugi thinks you look so beautiful. You two start leaning in for a kiss before you know it. You two kiss ever so passionately. You're very fond of him since he's so very kind and selfless. He's proven how worthy he is as a date and more. Yugi thinks of you in high regard as well. The kiss became very romantic.
Afterwards Yugi must part with you but he promises you another date. You two quickly make plans for your next date before parting ways. When you hugged Yugi you accidentally hit his duel disk and his points went up by five times the amount. Luck is certainly on your side because in the future Yugi will be rewarded by Pegasus to an exclusive restaurant with anyone he'd like to join and he'll ask you to join. You decide to visit Abella to thank her. Her tent shouldn't be far away. It's dark out and dinner rush. She might not be busy.
Upon entering her tent you're greeted by her. She is holding a watering can, she's pleased to see you. You greet her and begin telling her about your interaction with Yugi. How well the date went and how you're thankful for her help.
"It's wonderful how well your afternoon went with Yugi. He sounds like a nice date I know in the future you both will continue to enjoy your dates together."
As you're talking to the fortune teller she walks toward a planter. She tells you how happy she is it worked out with Yugi. She picks a flower and offers it to you.
"This is for you my friend. This flower means wonder and enchantment, and love. I hope you have a good night. May you and your true love find happiness despite the trials that come along with relationships."
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"Thank you so much." You tell her as she hugs you.
You wave goodbye before leaving her tent. You look forward to your next date with Yugi. You're smelling the rose while you're thinking about him. It reminds you of his lovely eyes and hair. Abella is smiling knowing the future you'll have with Yugi will be wonderful. The lavender rose representing so much since its hue is associated with love at first sight. For you and Yugi the rose represents the special love that caught both of your attention.
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divine-swag-summit · 1 year
Losers Bracket Round 1: Match 9
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(cropping is weird, click to see the full image of Dianite)
Zorc Necrophades(Yu-Gi-Oh!) vs Dianite(Mianite)
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ygobattleroyale · 1 year
YGO Autism Qualifiers:
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Mai Kujaku/Valentine v.s. Astral
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xx-lemon-drop-xx · 1 year
~Character Matchups~
Since I have a sprained ankle and have nothing better to do, I wanna do some character matchups to pass the time because I think they'll be fun. If you're interested, please do the following and send it to me via ask:
Include a preferred name you'd like to be called, gender, personality, likes, dislikes, hobbies, sexuality, what you like in a person, what you don't like in a person etc.
Please include if you have certain characters you absolutely hate/dislike so I won't pair you up with them.
Include some characters you like if you want to, no 100% chance you'll get paired with that character though.
Please include which fandom you would like (Fandom's listed below)
You may submit for more than one fandom because that's what makes things fun.
Twisted Wonderland
Record of Ragnarok
Tmnt (Because why not 🤷‍♀️)
Yugioh (Only the og)
Ikemen Vampire
Please don't be angry if you don't get the character you think you should be matched up with. I'm only doing this for fun, nothing should be taken seriously. Though I think that's obvious. For tmnt please include which kind you want. I know Bayverse, rise, 2003 and 2012.
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011tsukishima · 2 years
Appearance matchup for...
Thank you for requesting 💛
Yu GI oh I match you with.... Joey!
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I hope you like it 🖤
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nascentwaves · 1 year
@prettyboywarrior said:
she just like me fr fr
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"MD is a lot more fun when your deck choices are more flexible! When you get stuck running the same deck over and over against...the same exact deck over and over, well, that's when it gets frustrating--"
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hello there.
are you a simple person, simply running your simple bracket slash showdown slash contest slash competition account? do you want to make some mortal enemies? perhaps... a lover?
you'll find one of those things here in the
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now... in the words of YuGiOh guy... LET'S DUEL
MATCHUPS OUT **NOW**!!!! POLLS START 03/01/23 at 1:00 AM MST
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 9 months
The Autistic Anime Girls Tournament Bracket!
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Here are the matchups. The winners of each group will compete in a three-way finale. Full matchups below the cut! I typed all of this by hand, so if you spot an error PLEASE let me know. My brain was simply Not There after a certain point.
I have the poll visuals for the first half of group one done, I just need to make posts for them. I'll try to finish them up by the end of tonight. I'll be releasing halves a day or two apart, but wait for one group to finish up before releasing matches for the next group. Without further ado...
(Side A)
Tome Kurata (Mob Psycho 100) VS Emu Ootori (Project Sekai)
Yuki Nagato (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) VS Haruhi Fujioka (Ouran High School Host Club)
Maria Ushiromiya (Umineko When They Cry) VS Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury (Sailor Moon)
Tomoko Kuroki (WataMote) VS Homura Akemi (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
Shouko Komi (Komi Can’t Communicate) VS Mayaya (Princess Jellyfish)
Manami Okuda (Assassination Classroom) VS Athena Cykes (Ace Attorney)
Rina Tennouji (Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club) VS Mizuki Date (AI: The Somnium Files)
Rei Ayanami (Neon Genesis Evangelion) VS Rin Shima (Laid-Back Camp)
Futaba Sakura (Persona 5) VS Kaoruko Moeta/Kaos (Comic Girls)
Constanze Amalie von Braunschbank-Albrechtsberger (Little Witch Academia) VS Tomoyo Daidouji (Cardcaptor Sakura)
Suletta Mercury (Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury) VS Nezuko Kamado (Demon Slayer)
Falin Touden (Dungeon Meshi) VS Mashiro Shiina (The Pet Girl of Sakurasou)
Anthy Himemiya (Revolutionary Girl Utena) VS Kanade Yoisaki (Project Sekai)
Sakaki (Azumanga Daioh) VS Penny Polendina (RWBY)
Tae Yamada (Zombie Land Saga) VS Tomori Takamatsu (BanG Dream: It's MyGO!!!!!)
Midori Asakusa (Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!) VS Jiji (Princess Jellyfish)
(Side B)
Asa Mitaka (Chainsaw Man) VS Shijima Tsukishima (Shimeji Simulation)
Patty Thompson (Soul Eater) VS Minori Ichinose/Cure Papaya (Tropical-Rouge! Pretty Cure)
Mako Mankanshoku (Kill la Kill) VS Nami (One Piece)
Ayumu Kasuga/Osaka (Azumanga Daioh) VS Rena Ryuugu (Higurashi When They Cry)
Mitsumi Iwakura (Skip and Loafer) VS Hina Hikawa (BanG Dream! Girls Band Party)
Sawako Kuronuma/Sadako (Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You) VS Maomao (The Apothecary Diaries)
Hikaru Hoshina/Cure Star (Star Twinkle Pretty Cure) VS Winry Rockbell (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Lain Iwakura (Serials Experiments Lain) VS Banba (Princess Jellyfish)
Himari Arisugawa/Cure Custard (KiraKira☆Pretty Cure A La Mode) VS Maki Aikawa (Air Master)
Honoka Yukishiro/Cure White (Futari wa Pretty Cure) VS Milly Thompson (Trigun)
Atsuko Kagari/Akko (Little Witch Academia) VS Chiaki Nanami (Danganronpa)
Hitori Gotoh/Bocchi (Bocchi the Rock!) VS Ryou Yamada (Bocchi the Rock!)
Tsukimi Kurashita (Princess Jellyfish) VS Victorique de Blois (Gosick)
Clara Valac (Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun) VS Nagi Usui (NEO: The World Ends With You)
Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV (Cowboy Bebop) VS Nene Kusanagi (Project Sekai)
Tsuyu Asui (My Hero Academia) VS Chieko (Princess Jellyfish)
(Side A)
Nico Niiyama (Kiznaiver) VS Ajimi Kiki (PriPara)
Nagisa Furukawa (Clannad) VS Fuuko Ibuki (Clannad)
Kushina Uzumaki (Naruto) VS Nagisa Momoe (Madoka Magica: Rebellion)
Hinata Hyuuga (Naruto) VS Yellow (Pokémon Adventures)
Cibo (Blame!) VS Kuriko Saiki (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.)
Vanilla H (Galaxy Angel) VS Himiko Yumeno (Danganronpa)
Nejire Hadou (My Hero Academia) VS Yuuko Aioi (Nichijou)
Tsubomi Takane (Mob Psycho 100) VS Fischl von Luftschloss Narfidort (Genshin Impact)
Maya Fey (Ace Attorney) VS Reina Aharen (Aharen is Indecipherable)
Usagi Tsukino (Sailor Moon) VS Orihime Inoue (Bleach)
Don Quixote (Limbus Company) VS Chizuru Hishiro (ReLIFE)
Io Nitta (Devil Survivor 2) VS Miho Nosaka (Yugioh)
Ringo Andou (Puyo Puyo) VS Aoi Akane (Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun)
Mei Hatsume (My Hero Academia) VS Alluka Zoldyck (Hunter x Hunter)
Gin Akutagawa (Bungou Stray Dog) VS Izutsumi (Dungeon Meshi)
Sorawo Kamikoshi (Otherside Picnic) VS Three (Drakengard 3)
(Side B)
Satsuki Minazuki (Liar Satsuki Can See Death) VS Yuki Shirakaba (Catulus Syndrome)
Anri Sonohara (Durarara!!) VS Kotomi Ichinose (Clannad)
Nico Yazawa (Love Live!) VS Bocchi Hitori (Hitori Bocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu)
Ahiru Arima/Duck (Princess Tutu) VS Kanao Tsuyuri (Demon Slayer)
Miriel (Fire Emblem Awakening) VS Anzu (Ensemble Stars!)
Rinku Aimoto (Dig Delight Direct Drive DJ) VS Yuri (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Mako Wakamiya (Do Chokkyuu Kareshi x Kanojo) VS Biscuit Krueger/Bisky (Hunter x Hunter)
Erza Scarlet (Fairy Tail) VS Maria Inomata (School Babysitters)
Akane Kurashiki (Zero Escape) VS Sayo Yasuda (Umineko When They Cry)
Sonia Nevermind (Danganronpa) VS Mai Minakami (Nichijou)
Miki Naoki (School-Live!) VS Ai Mie (The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses)
Nausicaä (Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind) VS Lynne (Ghost Trick)
Sumireko Usami (Touhou Project) VS Lucina (Fire Emblem Awakening)
Shouko Sano (Colorful) VS Shizuku Murasaki (Hunter x Hunter)
Kon Ishimori (Kemono Jihen) VS Marcille Donato (Dungeon Meshi)
Anisphia Wynn Palletia (The Magical Revolution Of The Reincarnated Princess and The Genius Young Lady) VS Hayate Tendo (Dig Delight Direct Drive DJ)
(Side A)
Ai Enma (Hell Girl) VS Kaoru Seta (BanG Dream! Girls Band Party!)
Jun Naruse (Anthem of the Heart) VS Kanna Makino (Tamako Market)
Eve Wakamiya (BanG Dream!) VS Chouko Shizuhata (Oddman 11)
Hikari Kagura (Revue Starlight) VS Croix Meridies (Little Witch Academia)
Miko Iino (Kaguya-sama: Love is War) VS Nafra Ampsey (Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun)
Sana Futaba (Magia Record) VS Momoko Hanasaki (Wedding Peach)
Mei Misaki (Another) VS Valerie (Pokémon)
Kanade Tachibana/Angel (Angel Beats!) VS Akashi (The Tatami Galaxy)
Miku Hatsune (Vocaloid) VS Manatsu Natsuumi/Cure Summer (Tropical-Rouge! Pretty Cure)
Katarina Claes (My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom!) VS Sayaka Kanamori (Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!)
Hana Tabata (A Bouquet for an Ugly Girl) VS Richeh (Witch Hat Atelier)
Saki Hanajima (Fruits Basket) VS Myne (Ascendance of a Bookworm)
Tohru Honda (Fruits Basket) VS Konata Izumi (Lucky Star)
Shizuku Mizutani (My Little Monster) VS Ran-Mao (Black Butler)
Miyuki Hoshizora/Cure Happy (Smiley Pretty Cure!) VS Tsubame Mizusaki (Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!)
Kyouka Izumi (Bungou Stray Dogs) VS Franziska von Karma (Ace Attorney)
(Side B)
Nico Robin (One Piece) VS Tsubasa Katsuki (Comic Girls)
Penny (Pokémon Scarlet and Violet) VS Alice Carroll (Aria)
Sora Kajiwara (Sketchbook: Full Color’s) VS A.K.I. (Street Fighter 6)
Maya Yamato (BanG Dream!: Girls Band Party) VS Sucy Manbavaran (Little Witch Academia)
Kiyoko Shimizu (Haikyuu!!) VS Sen (Hakumei and Mikochi)
Arle Nadja (Puyo Puyo) VS Mai Mishou/Cure Egret/Cure Windy (Futari wa Pretty Cure Splash Star)
Omoharu Nakanaka (Komi Can’t Communicate) VS Sora Naegino (Kaleido Star)
Yor Forger (Spy x Family) VS Li Tianxi (Link Click)
Maho Hiyajo (Steins;Gate 0) VS Kirie Motoba (Himouto! Umaru-chan)
Riza Hawkeye (Fullmetal Alchemist) VS Eula Lawrence (Genshin Impact)
Miae Hwang (After School Lessons For Unripe Apples) VS Ruby Rose (RWBY)
Nanami Hiromachi (BanG Dream!: Girls Band Party) VS Lotte Jansson (Little Witch Academia)
Himiko Toga (My Hero Academia) VS Bulma (Dragon Ball)
Witch (Puyo Puyo) VS Power (Chainsaw Man)
Kanna Kamui (Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid) VS Tooru Taki (Natsume's Book of Friends)
Suzuno Kamazuki/Crestia Bell (The Devil is a Part-Timer!) VS Yoo Iseol (Return of the Mount Hua Sect/Return of the Blossoming Blade)
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uncrownedjules · 7 months
One of the struggles of editing Yugioh videos for people is that sometimes the meta is just really boring. I've had to really strain the reaches of my sanity to find ways to keep viewer engagement up during a Kashtira matchup.
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I saw we were at the G section and as an insane person who memorized some of the submission from the initial post, I got excited bc I thought a blorbo I loved was going to appear (before realizing a) I apparently forgot how the alphabet worked (he's Ge and we're on Gi) and b) that it was actually his bandmate that went through which is funnier so I accept) and while looking for said blorbo I found an EVEN FUNNIER thing
Due to the fact that someone used the dub name for a certain Yugioh character, there is literally a Yugioh vs Yugioh match up. As a person familiar with like. Every single Yugioh character, I'm patiently awaiting the Rs so I can see this war zone, XD
(It's also super funny bc there's only THREE Yugioh characters submitted and two are going against each other so one is guaranteed to move on. Love wins)
Holy Banhanagahoos! Your right! Lots of funny matchups made by pure coincidence.
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abellaheart-blog · 2 years
Hi this is the one that answered all the match up questions but didn’t say what I wanted lol sorry about that I guess I forgot but happy birthday day hope it’s good and the things I wanted are a jewelry piece and I wanted a ding for that lets also do a potion the green one I believe and a perfume called garden of love . Thank you for being patient lol have a good day 💚🦋
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Fortune Teller Match Maker 🔮 Anime Matchups 💘
Lol it’s okay! It was a mistake and I wanted to be able to write your matchup for you 😌 thanks for wishing me a happy birthday. You have a good day as well 💓 So I will say I didn't know how to pinpoint someone older than you nor did I know what your definition of "beautiful eyes", I think everyone's opinion varies. I paired you with someone who is seventeen, hope you like your matchup.
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Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters
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The fortune tellers eyes widen at your request. It's been a while since someone last asked for a good luck charm. She becomes excited and asks you to follow her. She leads you to another part of her tent. It's on the right side of the tent where you find more shelves.
"A goodluck charm is what you're seeking, you say?" She grabs a couple boxes, asking what kind of good luck charm you seek.
When you answer that you'd want jewelry she allows you to choose three bright red wooden boxes then leads you back to her round table. Abella cleans off her table with a flick of her ringed finger. The bangles on her wrist jingles and she is seated on her plush orange stool. After the pink puff of smoke is gone you see her table is cleared except her hot pink crystal ball.
"Before I have you choose between the three boxes here, I'll need to figure out who your true love is. I'll need assistance from my crystal ball to do so."
Abella focuses on the crystal ball in front of her. Her hands touch the ball and she’s closes her eyes, causing the pink hearts beneath them to glow pink across her cheeks. A huge symbol of a pink rose appears on the ground surrounding you both. She looks over to you.
Abella focuses on the crystal ball in front of her. Her hands touch the ball and she’s closes her eyes, causing the pink hearts beneath them to glow pink across her cheeks. A huge symbol of a pink rose appears on the ground surrounding you both. She looks over to you.
“I must be focused but I also need to hold your hand. Is that alright with you?”
You nod lending her your hand. You’re surprised to feel a slight force on your soul. It startled you a bit at first but now you’re feeling at ease while Abella begins looking into your romance. She quickly figures out who it is you’re meant to be with. An image begins appearing on the now glowing pink crystal ball.
"It appears your true love is a motorcycle riding duelist. He is not what I would expect for your true love... he is filled with darkness but I also see loneliness.. sadness.. and a longing for companionship. Yes, he longs for love and you're most compatible."
Upon looking at the pink crystal ball it reveals an image of a brunette with spikey hair. He's slightly tanned with ocean colored blue eyes, though a nice shade they're filled with a melancholy expression on a stoic look of a young biker boy.
"Your true love is named Valon." Abella tells you as you stare at the crystal ball surprised.
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"Now that we know who your true love is I can properly help you. I've seen enough from my crystal ball. It has told me plenty." She waves her hand over the sphere causing it to revert back to its original state of hot pink.
Abella's hand then waves over all three of the boxes, the hearts under her eyes are still glowing pink and the boxes glow, turning into a purple color.
"Choose from these boxes. Be sure to pick one that feels right to you. Once you're done I can tell you how it will help you in getting true love."
You feel a wave over come you when your hand is hovering over each box. You feel a sense of vulnerability and warmth when you touch one of the boxes. You choose this box and Abella gestures you to open it. She waves her hand and the other boxes disappear in a puff of smoke.
"It's in a ring box?" You question, observing the red velvet box.
"Yes open it." Abella reassures you.
The ring is very meaningful. Abella's smile looks so warm she knows why it is you received such a ring. Emeralds have so many meanings. She watches as you try the ring on, it's a perfect fit.
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"This ring will be incredibly helpful to you. It's said to bring friendship, peace, harmony, and domestic bliss by enabling the wearer to both give and receive unconditional love. Emeralds are also a symbol of romance, hope and rebirth. I'm sure you understand what it symbolizes for you." She then looks back at you. “What else can I help you with?"
You look to her and ask of your next request. She is pleased with your next request. She hopes you will as well.
"A potion? Which color?"
You tell her you desire the green one out of the various ones you see from the shelf behind her. Abella stands up to reach for the green colored potion.
"This potion is called, 'Amore Para Mi'. Meaning, Love for you. Don't mistake it for some type of love potion. My potions are designed to assist my customers and nothing more."
"What does it do?" You understood her, observing the tiny green bottle.
The bottle is small, enough for one serving. It's a lime green color similar to pickle juice. Unlike pickles it has a nice aroma. Smelling of flowers and sweetness.
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"Your true love will have the desire to spend time with you and something romantic is bound to happen. Remember this only happens if you both form some sort of feelings for one another." She looks back at the bottle then back to your brown eyes. "You must drink the entire bottle."
Understanding, you follow her directions. When you open the bottle, small green smoke leaves the opening. The potion tasted a bit minty with a hint of sweet cucumber. It wasn't a over powering taste. You didn't feel any different. When you look back at Abella she smiles knowing the outcome of the potion should your true love act on his feelings.
"Valon still needs time to recover from the horrid experiences he’s had. If it doesn't work out remember he might need more time and a little help. I wouldn't want you to be disheartened should it not work out the first time."
You give her a look of understanding but there's sadness crossing your brown eyes.
"Was there anything else I could help you with?" The curly haired woman asks.
You tell Abella you're interested in perfume as well. She looks to another shelf of hers and has you pick out a perfume. You point one out to her and she grabs it. The perfume has a mint colored heart shaped lid, meanwhile the bottle is decorated with flowers and stems. The color is lavender and a pearl pink, very nice shades.
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"This perfume is called, “Garden of Love”. The flowery scent will help your lover realize they want to be with you. It’s sure to end romantically for the both of you but be warned. If your lover doesn’t yet reciprocate your feelings it will have no affect.”
“How does it work?”
“All you need is two sprays. I promise it smells amazing.”
You spray yourself with the perfume a couple times and get a whiff of flowers. It smells of daisys, chamomile’s, roses, and fresh air. It’s very relaxing and makes you feel ready to take on the world. You’re seeking passionate love.
“This is amazing.” You praise.
“I’m glad you enjoy it.” Abella stands up and gestures you to follow.
You two stand beside her table and she closes her eyes causing the hearts on her face to light up again. You notice the pink magical rose symbol on the ground again.
“This portal will lead to your true love. I think I’ve given you plenty of assistance. I hope this goes well for you and remember my precious words. Valon needs to realize he’s ready for love!” She says as you’re looking over to the white portal at the center of the magical symbol on the ground.
“Thank you!” You said before heading into the portal.
When you open your brown eyes you see you're by a gas station. Doesn't seem very busy since you notice no cars. You decide to explore. The gas station isn't abandoned but you do notice a single motorcycle. You observe it but think nothing much of it until you notice Valon walking by. You're unsure how to speak to him at first. What could you possibly say? Your surprised by a sudden noise and yell. You look back to Valon and notice he's in pain gripping his hand. You decide to help him.
"You okay? Do you need medical help?"
He's surprised by your concern but gives you a yes. You head inside and ask to barrow a first aid kit. The worker hands it to you, understanding the medical situation. When you go back to Valon he notices the first aid kit. As you're treating his injured hand for him he decides to make small talk with you. He is thankful for your help. He thinks people don't go out of their way for others. You tell him you couldn't allow him to bandage himself when it looks so injured.
"Well ain't you a sweet heart?" Valon gives you his trademark smile.
You simply smile back at him but he did notice your eyes widen at the nick name. He's eyeing you with a smile the rest of the time you're bandaging him. After you're done he stays to chat with you a bit. Valon decides to ask you out on a date.
"Ya know I thought it was cute how worried you were about me. What would you say to a date?"
"I wouldn't mind a date with you." You blush, not realizing he was interested in you. Perhaps Abella might be right about him but there's much to learn about Valon.
"I'd be honored if you rode on my humble motorcycle and myself. I know some good sights." He says, directing you to his bike.
You get onto his bike and he hands you his helmet after he removes the goggles from them. After you're both settled he rides off on his motorcycle. You two pass several sceneries and take plenty of stops to observe the views and chat. Your flowery scent from the perfume reminded him of a place he used to go to with the nun that raised him at the orphanage.
Eventually you two end up at a garden. It's a hidden one he knew about. Valon said he knew about it because a nun used to take him there growing up. You thought it was nice and told him so. You two are seated on the grass surrounded by flowers. It was comfortable silence. Valon thinks the garden smells like you. He could smell your flowery scent while he was driving his motorcycle. It was pleasant as your presence is to him. He thought back to how focused you were on his injury. It was what prompted him to ask you out, he thought it was attractive to be so nurturing. He stares at your beautiful features and nice long brunette hair.
"Ya know, love you're quite the catch."
He's hoping to make you blush, which it did but your response made his eyes widen. He thinks you're adorable.
"You're not bad yourself, this is such a nice place. It's romantic."
"Why don't we pick ya some flowers, beautiful?"
So you two decide to make a bouquet for you. You choose some of your favorites while Valon chose daisy's and a variety of colorful ones. You look forward to putting them in a vase later. Valon wrapped an arm around your shoulders to look at your bouquet with you. Since you’re petite he had to lower his arm a bit which wasn’t a problem but he’s secretly thinking how cute it is. He’d love to spin you in his arms on another one of your dates. A thought which made him smile twice as more. He’s never felt this way, not even with Mai. He decided to tell you his thoughts of your beauty.
“It’s as beautiful as you, love.”
You smile at the sweet nick name and his cute smile. Valon smells your flowery scent again and thinks about how wonderful this date is. About how lucky he is to get a date with you. Seems to be one of the few positive outcomes in his life so far. He hopes his life will continue to be peaceful as it is now. It looks to be getting closer to sunset so he suggests to take you back into the city. You agree to it. He ties your bouquet for you and he helps you onto the motorcycle.
The ride back was very nice since the sky looked so beautiful transitioning to various colors before the sun begins to set. At the city Valon is on his bike bidding you a farewell. He kisses your cheek. It was a cute scene since he had to lean down to reach your petite self.
“When will I get to see you again?” He asks with soft eyes.
“How about in down town at the water fountain near Kaiba Corp?”
“Sure. I’ll meet you there in the afternoon?”
“I’d like that Valon. Have a goodnight and take care.”
“Why thanks, love. You too.”
He drives off leaving you with your bouquet and thoughts with a fond smile. You decide to head back to Abella to thank her. You remember the location of her tent. You’re unsure if she has a costumer until you step inside her tent. Thankfully she doesn’t seem busy. She is organizing her shelf of perfumes. She quickly notices you.
“Good evening! Cute assortment of flowers.” She directs to your bouquet.
You mention the date with Valon and thank her for it. She gives you a knowing look. A smile grazes her face and she sets down a perfume bottle.
“I’m so happy for you. The emerald ring and the perfume were sure to be a wonderful combo. A date at a garden is so lovely.”
You mention how lovely the date was. How it was such a romantic setting. Abella giggles and agrees with you. She heads over to a large planter in her tent and picks a flower. She holds it out to you. You couldn’t believe she has a Camellia Japonica in her hand. It’s a vivid pink. You accept it with a smile in thanks.
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“Valon and yourself have a longing for love. It’s a love I think will be as true as can be. Remember even though there might be some darkness in him there is still adoration and the need for love in his heart. Help him find it. I give you the flower as a gift, to remind you of the love and romance awaiting you.”
“Thank you so much. For everything.”
“Your very welcome. You have a goodnight!” The fortune teller waves goodbye.
Abella knows your love with Valon is meant to be. The Camellia Japonica, the pink flower given to you represents gentle, unreserved love. Valon will be so loving towards you when he realizes how precious your love for him is.
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divine-swag-summit · 1 year
Lower Bracket Round 1-A: Match 16
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Zorc Necrophades(Yu-Gi-Oh!) vs The Prophets(Star Trek: Deep Space 9)
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Meet the Contestants for the Multicolor Hair Swag Tournament!
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64 characters will fight to see who is the best at having hair that is more than one color at the same time! (WHOA!)
There were not many repeat submissions overall, so almost half the characters here qualified with only 2 submissions.
I will post 4 polls at a time, so round 1 will have 8 parts in total. Don't forget to vote for your fave multicolored blorbos!
bracket template by @mad-scientist-showdown
Round 1 Matchup List
Part 1
Yugi Muto & Yami Yugi (YuGiOh) VS Michiru Kagemori (BNA) - Yugi Muto & Yami Yugi
Sigma VS Yumeno Kyusaku (Bungo Stray Dogs) - Sigma
Akutagawa Ryunosuke (Bungo Stray Dogs VS Lucy/Wyldstyle (The LEGO Movie) - Lucy/Wyldstyle
Draculaura (Monster High) VS Glimmer (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power) - Draculaura
Part 2
Yamato (One Piece) VS Aoyagi Toya (Project SEKAI) - Yamato
Gwen (Total Drama) VS Creepella "Creepie" Creecher (Growing Up Creepie) - Gwen
Cure Summer (Tropical-Rouge! Precure) VS Alice Yabusame (Your Turn to Die) - Cure Summer
Mitsuri Kanroji (Demon Slayer) VS Yuu Nishinoya (Haikyuu!!) - Mitsuri Kanroji
Part 3
Shoto Todoroki (My Hero Academia) VS Cruella de Vil (101 Dalmatians) - Cruella de Vil
PAREO/Nyubara Reona (BanG Dream!) VS Cure Sky (Hirogaru Sky! Precure) - Cure Sky
Kamishiro Rui (Project SEKAI) VS Amanita Caplan (Sense8) - Amanita Caplan
Stocking Anarchy (Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt) VS Madeline Hatter (Ever After High) - Madeline Hatter
Part 4
Harley Quinn (DCU) VS Peri (Fire Emblem) - Harley Quinn
Enid Sinclair (Wednesday) VS Tenma Saki (Project SEKAI) - Saki Tenma
Natsume Sakasaki (Ensemble Stars) VS Alear (Fire Emblem) - Natsume Sakasaki
Penny (Pokémon) VS Diana Cavendish (Little Witch Academia) - Diana Cavendish
Part 5
Rainbow Dash (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) VS Lemmy Koopa (Super Mario Bros.) - Rainbow Dash
Jason Todd (DC comics) VS Ryuko Matoi (Kill la Kill) - Ryuko Matoi
Princess Celestia VS Princess Cadance (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) - Princess Celestia
Jolyne Cujoh (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure) VS Marina Ida (Splatoon) - Marina Ida
Part 6
Kozume Kenma (Haikyuu!) VS Sadie Kane (The Kane Chronicles) - Sadie Kane
Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way (My Immortal) VS Ruby Rose (RWBY) - Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way
Nendo (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.) VS Gyorik "York" Rogdul (Drawtectives) - Gyorik "York" Rogdul
Cure La Mer (Tropical-Rouge! Precure) VS Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) - Cure La Mer
Part 7
Ibuki Mioda (Danganronpa) VS Eridan Ampora (Homestuck) - Ibuki Mioda
Death the Kid (Soul Eater) VS Rem (Death Note) - Death the Kid
Lucy Kushinada (Cyberpunk: Edgerunners) VS Hibiki Morishima (Healer Girl) - Lucy Kushinada
Amanda O'Neill (Little Witch Academia) VS Kayla Knowles (Percy Jackson) - Amanda O'Neill
Part 8
Iono (Pokémon) VS MAYU ( VOCALOID) - Iono
Yuusuke Makishima (Yowamushi Pedal) VS Senkuu Ishigami (Dr. Stone) - Yuusuke Makishima
Frankie Stein (Monster High) VS Saki Nikaido (Zombieland Saga) - Frankie Stein
Piers (Pokémon) VS Simon Blackquill (Ace Attorney) - technically Simon won but we teamed them up because they were so close. This is my bracket I do what I want LOL
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hannahlovesluca · 7 months
So i heard about u doing nijisanji matchups so why not :DD
Nijisanji male matchup pretty plz w cherry on top
Gender:Gender is nothing but a social conCepttTttt(jk cis female but there were times ppl mistook me as a guy once LMAO)
Pronouns:I don't have any in particular,i don't mind any of them as long as its not they/them
Sexuality:....i..don't know actually.Like.Women.But Men.But women.i'll just say bisexual..
Appearance:Shoulder length black hair,i'm kiiinda tall?Im taller than most of my friends.Black fox-like(i think thats what they call them??) Eyes,and i wear literally anything.Like imagine someone in a black turtleneck and some random ass floral button up shirt with the most obnoxious pants ever(for clarification this isnt my attempt at getting in r/builtdifferentfromothergirls i just get cold easily).Oh and im as blind as a bat without my glasses,i only put them on when i wanna put myself in the attractiveness scale for shits and giggles sometimes i wear random jackets i find in my room like that one hot pink jacket i covered in the bee movie stickers for some reason
Idk my ennagram sorry :((
Personality:im pretty laid-back but based on sources(aka my mutuals) i am the embodiment of a living cockroach because of me almost dying like 5 times(vibe checked by god 5 times and he did NOT approve of me...like mf be frfr) i procastinate until like a day before the deadline cause i only work with pressure cause my brains just built like that(rushing calculus my beloved) I LOVE MATHS SO MUCH U CANT IMAGINE(and the cries of my discord besties cause the moment they go back on vc they see the discord whiteboard filled with god knows what) and im preeeeetty confident in myself unless someone genuinely compliments me,if that happens im just gonna disintegrate into dust
Likes:that one meme where the green guy from avengers goes "why is galora",yugioh,jumping into my friends random vc comedically 4 shits and giggles,resident evil,taking care of everyone(and not taking care of myself cause im a self aware hypocrite),DEBATES I LOVE THEM SM THEY GIVE ME SO MUCH ADRENALINE
Dislikes:when someone gets into my persona space toooooo much.oh and the fact that u can divide 91 by 7.literally unreal.and thunder??dunno it sets uncomfy in me i probably offended zeus in my past life or smth
Love language:
I dont know what that is....i mean like,id send whoever i get random memes i found at 3 am,shower thoughts??and hugs??and cuddles??and giving them reassuring words??does that count?
Extra:im bilingual(swedish,russian,korean,german) so i can make ppl say what seems like romantic words when its a deez nuts joke this is a flex btw.i pace around tasks pretty fast,sometimes im too lazy to get up sometimes i go around doing literally everything at once
Im sorry if this is confusing to u this is my first time doing this :((
i pair you with…
Ver Vermillion!
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hear me out…
• you guys will absolutely nerd out over yugioh and will probably end up playfully arguing and malding over the other (i dont know much ab yugioh im sorry 💔💔)
• if you let him nerd out to you and rant to you about the most random things he will immediately fall in love
•likewise if you nerd out/rant to him he will fall in love bc the fact that you confide in him???
• similar to shu yaminerd, he is a huge nerd but hes better at hiding it
• call him a dork. he says he hates it but he loves it.
• youll sit in discord vc, no sound except the little giggles erupting out while you read each others memes and random messages that you just keep on sending
• will randomly whip out the “why is galora” meme to make you laugh out loud in vc with others, on stream, etc even in public
• god, he loves your hair
• your cuddles up in his arms, half-asleep, and hes running his hands thru your hair AHHH
• will also send you hot-takes out of nowhere so you guys can debate on it solely because he knows how much you love it
• “banana pizza is good.”
• “soggy socks feel nice.”
• will also throw you random compliments because he knows its the only thing that will get you
• “are you a hot mom because damn mama you hot.”
• will assist you in sending deez nuts jokes to your friends in korean
• “내 불알을 빨아.”
RUNNERS UP: Shu Yamino, Doppio Dropscythe
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