#your English is fine dude ✌️
moemoemammon · 3 years
Sorry, my English is not good, but if it's alright can I ask for some fluff head canon for beel, belphie, asmo and mammon or just one if fine if your feeling tired and not good today :) if its just one please do Asmo, and the headcanon I want is for them just getting there hair brushed or braided,  female reader or gender neutral is fine I AM SO SORRY MY ENGLISH IS UGLY. But please can I have some hair fluff :3
Brushing the Bros' Hair!
(Feat GN!MC, and the Demon Bros)
I just went ahead and did em all lmao
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Lucifer has his softer moments when he's especially weak to you, more specifically your touch. So when you ask to brush his hair, he doesn't refuse.
It's the ultimate stress relief and he melts under your touch every time your fingers brush along his scalp. He's nearly forgotten about the brush tbh
He lets out a long sigh, clearly content. He'll have to treat you to dinner as a thanks. It's almost like you sensed how stressed he was, or maybe you saw the pile of papers on his desk when you passed his room.
Either way, you being here is much appreciated. An old man like him finds joy in the little things. But don't comment on his greys-
"Thank you, MC. I enjoy the time we spend together like this. It's odd to be the one that's tended to for once, but... I can't say that I dislike it when it comes from you."
At this point, Mammon basically makes you brush his hair.
It's become something of a routine between the two of you, where he'll get out of the shower and finish blow drying it, and lets you take care of all the brushing.
A busy man like The Great Mammon doesn't have time for such trivial things! Besides, he sorta likes the way you do it, and it's nice to feel your hands in his hair, and...
What're you staring for? Get to it! He's already taken a seat on the bed, so you should know what he wants without making him say it, right?
"..............." It's not that he doesn't have anything to say, but rather, the moment the brush touches his head he's silent. He's melting into your touch like an overgrown house cat. Is that purring you hear?
Once you get past the whole "yucky otaku" thing, and his general aversion to being cute with you, he finds that he actually likes having his hair brushed!
You can guess that his schedule doesn't allow a lot of time for self care, so it's a big help when you'll do it for him.
Did he mention how nice it feels?? It's like he's the only person in the world when you smooth his hair back, delicately brushing every strand. He might end up getting addicted to this...
It's almost become a normal thing where you'll do it while he games, so he's intently focused on the screen until you "accidentally" brush against his ear.
"H-Hey! Be careful with that, will you?? The brushing help me focus, but I can't concentrate if you mess with me! If you're teasing me, I'll get you back..!"
Surprisingly, he actually lets you brush his hair! Satan's not the cuddly type, but when it comes to little romantic things like this, he's all for it.
He'll seat himself patiently and let you brush his hair while he reads, finding it even easier to get lost in the pages. Sometimes you can sneak up on him and just brush his hair while he's not paying attention, and he won't even notice until you stop.
THEN he gets all embarrassed about it, trying to deflect and act like he wasn't just thoughtfully leaning into your hand like a cat nuzzling for affection.
He can't hide from you, though. You swear he was about to pull you even closer while you were brushing his hair, so it's obvious he liked it. Conveniently keeps placing his hairbrush out in the open from then on.
"I can't help that if feels nice, can I? It's so relaxing, I'm almost afraid I'll become addicted. If that happens, will you take responsibility?"
Asmodeus is very particular about who and what touches his hair, so you can guarantee that he practically trained you on how to do it. You're like a certified hairdresser at this rate! From curls to ombré dye jobs, you can practically do it all
And Asmo is spoiled so he'll pester you every chance he gets to have you brush his hair. He'll also whine about it should you decline, and do everything in his power to guilt you. He just manicured his nails so he can't do it himself, MC! 🥺
Asmo's especially receptive to your touch, and he tends to move around a LOT. It's because he's so excited he can barely sit still! He keeps trying to turn around to kiss you, so the process takes forever.
He makes it sound like it's a privilege to do, as if you're enjoying it more than he is, and he'll definitely thank you for your hard work~
"My hair is the silkiest you've ever felt, am I right? I'll show you all the products I use to achieve this flawless perfection! Make sure you appreciate every strand, okay~?"
Initially confused when you strolled up with a brush, but he's going to be sitting for a while since he's eating, so it’s fine.
But never did he think having his hair brushed by someone else would be so amazing.... Like, it took him a little while to get into it, but when you really start working out the little tangles, he's hooked.
Beel doesn't do anything special to keep up his appearance. He has to be reminded to get a haircut sometimes, so things like this are beyond him. But its become a ritual for him to ask you to brush his hair in the morning.
LOVES it. This big ol teddy bear rests his cheek against your thigh the whole time, and you swear you can hear some kind of rumbling sound coming from him-
"Do you mind doing this before my Fangol games? Um.... It's like a good luck charm for me, I think. It makes me think of you, and I feel like I can win no matter what."
This is all Belphie, the epitome of laziness, has ever wanted.
He loves anything you do to his hair, whether that's brushing or combing it, washing or drying it, patting it or running your fingers through...
It's like it's his weakness, and almost always has him nodding off. Is it really okay for the youngest to be spoiled so much? You're gonna make him even more rotten than he is.
Though like Mammon, he also chases you down with a hairbrush in hand, so it's not like you have much of a choice.
"My hair is soft, isn't it? It's all thanks to you brushing it everyday. I feel like I can sleep much better lately because of you. Though... that might be because that tangle in the back is gone."
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